Author Topic: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'  (Read 1046012 times)

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2800 on: March 13, 2009, 09:31:12 pm »
Got back some mock results today, one month after I finished. I've looked at two papers in detail so far and noticed fucking three BASIC correction mistakes. Fucking stupid inept twats.

Just stay quiet until you get out of there, by which time you'll hopefully realise that people aren't perfect.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2801 on: March 15, 2009, 08:03:22 pm »
When a Stroke Strikes - Act FAST.

Fuck off, stop telling me what to do, for your fucking information my reaction is determined by which person is having a stroke. If I happen to be in the company of that mamouth fucking c-unt Mat Dawson and I spot his face drooping I'll make a coffee and have a ciggie first then maybe dance a sea shanty in front of him as he's gasping for breath and reaching for help before I decide to, or not dial 999 , ok with you ?

Slurred speech , can't raise their arms , difficulty smiling ? Hang on , that sounds like everyone in fucking Wigan. The emergency services will be stretched to breaking point if every fucker calls for an ambulance in these instances. I know fucking loads of people that fit a " stroke " profile and it's me off to a tee after 9 pints of Stella. I'm no doctor but would it not be less confusing for you to just mention their forehead being on fire as a sign you thick fucking bastards.

Shove your awareness adverts up yer fucking ringpiece. Don't do this , don't do that , fucking next you'll be telling me I can't have a wank on the bus or cover every square inch of my walls with pictures of my neighbour sunbathing with WHORE daubed in red paint over them.

Dear Lurpak.

On the advice of my dear old gran I decided to try your product after using margerine happily for many years on my sandwiches , scones and toast.

With the benefit of hindsight and the same consequence , also saving the sum of £1.96 would it not have been easier if I grasped my butter knife and just stabbed and skewered fucking big holes in my slice of bread. Maybe painting a housebrick yellow and keeping it on a saucer in my fridge for an everlasting supply of Lurpak is an option ? If you would be interested I'd wager the housebrick is easier to fucking spread on a teacake than your product.

After falling unconscious in the kitchen due to the fatigue and weariness in fucking trying to scrape a bonsai knob from your commodity to spread on my crumpet I awoke lying naked (apart from an Easter bonnet on my head ? ) on the kitchen floor in the foetus postion shedding tears and stabbing myself in the leg with a fork despairing that I would never ever concoct a method to melt your fucking butter. At this wretched time I felt alone and desolate, to give you c-unts at Lurpak an idea of how low I was I would have gladly taken at this moment while lying parralel with the skirting boards that my Lurpak would thaw slightly to the consistency of fucking granite.

You fucking shower are as bad , if not worse than the c-unts at Pringles who have also been on the recieving end of a size 10 up the arse strongly worded letter of complaint. " Once you pop you just cant stop " Well why the fuck do they have resealable lids ? Contrary to all precedent in this case I found " stopping after popping " in colloquial terms a piece of fucking piss if you wish to know , so less fabricated statements from you Pringle bunch of tit wanks would not go amiss thus also not delivering the bogus message to gormless fat c*nts who feel it is not possible simply sample a few Pringles but have to consume the whole fucking tube because the dense, portly, pot bellied gorging twats take your slogan too literaly , good work from your marketing dept though. While I am on the subject , Select Pringles. " Ohh look they come in bags ! " or " WOW.. fantastic , crisps in a bag " Bags ? who would have thought hey ! Well the fucking Normans did in 1057, they used " bags " to carry currency and other items as archeologists will confirm and as I am aware people have taken advantage of bags ever since you cluster of fucking slow minded , moronic , dense , cock brained cunting gobshites.

Your competitor I Can't Believe It's Not Butter can fuck right off an'all. What gargantuan wank stain decided to go with this brand name. Was it the same c-unt that persuaded weatherman Micheal Fish to christan his daughter Courtney ? Frankly I can't believe you're not a bunch of fucking scamming , shite dairy product producing , saggy arsed bellends. Shove your low in cholestrol , low carbohydrates , rich in trace minerals , no saturated fats butter up your stinky shitty rinpiece you fucking epic bastards.

I don't ask for much in my submissive life . My wife often requests that I venture south on her . Even though she has a tuppence like a yetti's welly that reeks of skipjack tuna I ascend up her ladder to ring her bell without protest and frequently my grid is on the recieving end of a belching fanny fart so squally it parts my fringe , nevertheless I soldier on licking. Therefore is it too much to fucking ask you degrading masochistic Danish buttery bastards for a measely knob of butter that gives me at the very least a fighting chance to disperse a slender layer of butter on my morning toast. Failing this plea how about a gesture of goodwill from your good self by installing a fucking furnace in my kitchen so I can attempt to defrost your fucking quartz like butter you insufferable manky horde of c-unt flaps.

Back to you Lurpak. If in future when I sit at my dining table and your little butter man Douglas is sat on my toast rack playing his trombone I will cave his fucking head in with my pudding spoon , mind you , if Dougie is made from Lurpak the fucking spoon will bend first.

If I kill again , it will be your fault.

Fucking Women / Activia.

LUV....the house is on fire , the Four Hoursemen of the Apocalypse are riding up the street and we're going to burn in a lake of fire and sulphur soon..ok ?

" Ohh dear...I'll just have a wee first "

LUV...Satan and God are having a battle in the garden shed , probably be the second coming of Jesus soon, then Armageddon and the final judgment knowing our luck , hurry up.

" Right..mmm..I'll just see if I can have a number two then "

For fucks sake , everything you fuckers do is organised around you being able to have a piss or recconnaissance for a later slash yer incontinent, fucked fridge fannied bastards..Yes we'll do that because there's a toilet in there and I can have a wee...just have a wee first I won't be a minute , can I have a wee before we go , I can't go two hours without a wee , be ok to have a wee in there won't it etc..etc.

What the fuck is up with you shower of piss stained , constipated , perma slashing bints.

Fucking different story having a shite though isn't it.

Fucking Activia yoghurt advert is to blame. Women sat around all fucking day on their fat wrinkly arses, more than likely have been farting into the same cushion for twelve months , watching Loose Women all afternoon with their similar ocean going arsed bone idle mates slagging off men , the same men who are out grafting all day enabling you lot to fester at home in harmony while you scoff Viscount biscuits and pour litres of latte down your cavenous fucking cake holes only pausing to scratch your clinker ridden ring piece or Sky + How To Look Good Naked or Ten Years Younger, ohh and a new set of porcelain veneers and a botoxed forehead doesn't make you look ten years younger , it makes you look like Bingo from the Banana Splits you fucking bubble arsed , boss eyed, fucking demented, corpulent , fishy minged , bottom feeding , fucking fat tart.

" Ohhh..I feel a bit bloated and sluggish "


Fuck me.. What next an advert from Anadin. Do you get a headache when you repeatedly hit yourself on the head with a lump hammer ? Then try Anadin for instant relief.

How do you fucking gormless slothful twats expect to feel when the only exercise you get all day is bending down in the morning to pull your magic knickers up past your flabby bulbous pale love handles. Well I fucking swig coffee all day and park my tubby carcass on the sofa watching shite on the box , I'd expect to feel like having the urge to compete in a triathlon , what is wrong ? Daft bastards.

Eight out of ten women experience digestive discomfort. Ohh go and get fucked , them coal miners don't know they're born do they. Nearly every fucking day I touch cloth or end up walking like John Inman looking to find a bog and I'm not fucking complaining. Go and have a shite and wind yer neck in for fucks sake because I couldn't give a crabs c-unt about your discomfort.

Better still, try the Activia 14 day challenge , money back guarantee. What on fucking gods earth is that about ? Are you supposed to go to customer services in Asda with one of your stools in a shoe box and approach the lady at the counter , here you go love , thats all I've done since a week last Wednesday, receipt is in the box.

Also a big thank you to Activia for spoiling my Nell McAndrew wank yer c*nts. I'm nearly we fucking go...there you go Nell...come on...phwoarrr....Ah h fuck it.. I've now got a vision in my head of Nell gurning with " digestive discomfort " trying to drop anchor with her knickers around her ankles thus ruining my dream that pretty women dump butterflies and glitter not shite.Couldn't you have used Joe Brand or Mark Ronson's sister instead ? Fuck me not a pretty thought but I can imagine Joe crimping one off no bother so in future Activia don't even think of using Kelly Brook either or any birds of that ilk please. Infact I reckon Joe Brand's logs are that big they have breather rings on them where she's had to pause a few times mid shite to take stock and her sphincter has contracted slightly , shaping her turd like the handle of a coppers truncheon. , probably just pulls her draws up too without wiping the minty twat.

" Do you ever feel bluuurted or feel tired beccause your bluuurted " Its fucking bloated you thick Yorkshire spunk bucket.

Please also will you women stop fucking announcing in that forlorn tone like your fucking Captain Oats that your going for a shite only to appear five minutes later with a face like a kid at New Brighton that has just had his ice cream nicked by a seagull only to mumble " nothing ? " or " Felt like I wanted to but nothing came out " or " I'll try again later " Fucks sake you've been on the bog not Afghanistan, get a fucking grip. I'm not boasting but as soon as I squat and I tuck my bellend in the pan touching the cold porcelain and goose pimples appear on my thighs my hoop is gaping like a hungry carps gob. Rusty water, teddy bears arms and legs , fizzy gravy , Coco Pop milk , baked whincers , sticky scuds and the fuckers that take half your arse hair with them...No problem , fucking bigger and stickier the better.

By the way , it is no coincidence women are targeted by Activia , in a word gullible. Blokes wouldn't fall for this shite. If I a mate in work said to me do you want a coffee and I replied..Nah you're alright , got a bit of digestive discomfort I'll have a probiotic yoghurt drink thanks...I would get fucking lamped deservedly or he'd think I was a Perry Como. Again no coincidence that it is almost entirely women that visit mediums or phycics , especialy that conning yankee c*nt Edwards on Sky.

C-unt - I'm getting the name Dave...Dave..yes I can see Dave, do you know a Dave.

Bird - No.

C-unt - Dave's gone now. I'm loosing him..he's back now...Derek..Darren ..Denzil.

Bird - Errr I know a Darren.

C-unt - Darren is no longer with us , he left us recently didn't he ?

Bird - Yes , he went with First Direct to Gran Canaria last Thursday.

C-unt - Darren wants you to know that he is ok on the other side.

Bird - I know he texted me earlier on.

C-unt - Darren.err..err.he's fading..he is a short man isn't he.

Bird - Mmmm not really..his nickname is Lurch.

C-unt - Would he be tall if he stood on a box.

Bird - ( Filling up ) Oh my do you do it ?

Thick bints. It is is fucking sour fruity milk not a magic shitting potion. If Activia sold feather boas and told you that if you waved it above you head and jumped of a bridge you would fly..would you ? No don't answer. I bet you women believe the ingredients too. Contains digetivum tumtum , polynonplussed sodium milfates , no added cocofizzilogical pesticide , microflange toromolinos , nitroelement 05 , megawaffleions , nutrient dildol x 70% , vitagamma radon. Always read the label. No I fucking wont. Fuck off , shove yer label up yer fucking arse you probiotic c*nts. I'm not reading it because it is a load of made up bollocks you swizzing c-unts.

Best thing for a shite believe it or not is a ciggie , ask a smoker. Like my gran used to say...Have a ciggie before the morning turtles head. Same time every fucking day , my arse even self adjusts when the clocks change. All this without fucking Activia the hoaxing c*nts. The Activia scientists have developed a formula....have they fuck. Probably a load of aging hippies in Activia's lab all licking hallucinagenic toads and pissing themselves watching milk go off before bottling it and flogging it to you naive constpated simpletons. " It may aid your digestive transit " Ohh fuck off.


Women, try exercising as much control with your sphincter muscles as you do with your purse clasp and you'll soon be Olympian dumpers like me yer grumbling whinging , mingebag , bunged up gobshites.

Bruce cuntin Springsteen.

I get up in the evening, and I aint got nothing to say  ( good, yer dull gobshite )
I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way ( terminal I hope )
I aint nothing but tired, man Im just tired and bored with myself ( we're all bored by you )
Hey there baby, I could use just a little help ( Anti-freeze in your khorma ? )

You cant start a fire, you cant start a fire without a spark
( Never heard of a magnifying glass you dense fucking c-unt )



Grayson Perry is a talentless attention seeking gobshite. Wolfgang Tillmans is a bell-end. Cy Twombly is a nob-ead.

Offline nutmeg94

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2802 on: March 15, 2009, 08:07:22 pm »

Offline lfcss

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2803 on: March 15, 2009, 09:00:29 pm »
Beat Madrid, the Mancs and Grifter returns all in the space of a week.
Truly this is a week to remember 

and for this bit

I don't ask for much in my submissive life . My wife often requests that I venture south on her . Even though she has a tuppence like a yetti's welly that reeks of skipjack tuna I ascend up her ladder to ring her bell without protest and frequently my grid is on the recieving end of a belching fanny fart so squally it parts my fringe , nevertheless I soldier on licking.

all i can say is.....................Fuckin Genius  :wellin :wellin
If there's a Mrs Skrtel she probably has to wear shinpads to bed.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2804 on: March 15, 2009, 09:43:24 pm »
I'm in pain.

Offline GinKop

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2805 on: March 15, 2009, 09:51:41 pm »
grifter I missed you

Back with a bang :D

Offline Chivasino

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2806 on: March 15, 2009, 10:05:46 pm »

all i can say is.....................Fuckin Genius  :wellin :wellin

Was going to quote the same bit.

A great way to end a brilliant week.

Cheers, Grifter.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2807 on: March 15, 2009, 10:17:52 pm »
Awesome!! :D
Why do people quote other people for the sigs?  What' the point?

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2808 on: March 15, 2009, 10:46:24 pm »
ohh and a new set of porcelain veneers and a botoxed forehead doesn't make you look ten years younger , it makes you look like Bingo from the Banana Splits

" Do you ever feel bluuurted or feel tired beccause your bluuurted " Its fucking bloated you thick Yorkshire spunk bucket.

Please also will you women stop fucking announcing in that forlorn tone like your fucking Captain Oats that your going for a shite only to appear five minutes later with a face like a kid at New Brighton that has just had his ice cream nicked by a seagul


Offline LFCGeezer

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2809 on: March 15, 2009, 11:30:39 pm »
Dear People of Sweden,

What crime have we committed towards your country? What unspeakable things have we perpetrated on you? Have we offended you beyond the tolerance of man? Did we ever attempt to destroy your country? Did we infest your land with a plague beyond biblical proportions? Did we raise the EU against your meatballs? Did we ever attempt to block you from winning Eurovision? Did we not adopt many words of your language into our own?

So why, oh why, did you send us your "famous furniture store"? Have you no understanding of what it does to this country, to its people, its families? Do you truly want to destroy the environment by the huge traffic queues that build up, and the repeated visits to every store in the country to track down that vital missing shelf? And why have you not studied they housing of the UK? Do you not know that straight, or flat, or perpendicular are so alien to UK housing as to virtually illegal? Can you not realise that this means your flat pack furniture never fits? And have you never realised the love-hatred the UK has with Europe? Has no-one even hinted to you that this means normal European sizes just don't fit over here?

Do you really think the people of the UK are rats? Is it really fair to disguise a human scale lab rat maze as a shop? Is it not even conceivable to you that the experience of wandering round an endless, windowless maze of stupid fucking displays might violate the EU and UN human rights? And if you must make us self collect, why do you first attempt to hide the location of the items, and then make sure there are never the right fucking trolleys? And is the insistence of having empty stock shelves, but with the desired products available, wrapped in plastic, out of our reach with no assistants available, some attempt to make us all go mad? Are you in the pay of the UK Psychiatrists' Association? Or is it, perhaps, the pharmacies that produce drugs to lower blood pressure?

Please, for the sake of continued decent relations, and our national survival, please take back all your furniture stores. Or do you want us to send you Morris Dancers, Cricket and the Alcopop Happy Hour?

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2810 on: March 16, 2009, 07:26:56 am »
Glorious even if it's made me late for work. ;D

Grifter I mean, obviously.
Balotelli, Falcao, Cavani...

I'll be shocked if it's anyone other Etoo. Etoo or no-one. Simples.

In fact, I'll do you all a favor and ban myself from the January transfer window forum if we get anyone other than Etoo.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2811 on: March 16, 2009, 08:03:27 am »
Glorious even if it's made me late for work. ;D

Grifter I mean, obviously.
Love: a temporary insanity, cured by marriage.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2812 on: March 16, 2009, 09:34:08 am »
Best thing for a shite believe it or not is a ciggie , ask a smoker. Like my gran used to say...Have a ciggie before the morning turtles head.

Macca resplendent!
A colossus bestriding the
moral high ground as ever.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2813 on: March 16, 2009, 09:40:52 am »
I had to stop reading for fear of breaking down crying with laughter in the office. Quality stuff.
If you're lying, I'll chop your head off.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2814 on: March 16, 2009, 09:48:30 am »
You're obsession with pooing is strange but very funny at the same time. I was hoping your rant on Edwards would be longer. The guy is a complete cock. I hope the gap between the next one isn't as long as the previous wait.

Long live grifter and his hatred of the world!
My mate is Sarah Harding's cousin from girls aloud, he looks a fair but like her which is a bit weird when i'm cracking one off over MTV like

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2815 on: March 16, 2009, 09:56:56 am »
"Back to you Lurpak. If in future when I sit at my dining table and your little butter man Douglas is sat on my toast rack playing his trombone I will cave his fucking head in with my pudding spoon , mind you , if Dougie is made from Lurpak the fucking spoon will bend first"

He never shows mercy, he would put 6 past your sons school team.

Offline Garstonite

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2816 on: March 16, 2009, 10:17:27 am »
my grid is on the recieving end of a belching fanny fart so squally it parts my fringe

Tears. :lmao

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2817 on: March 16, 2009, 11:29:10 am »
"Teddy bears arms and legs" had me giggling like a child  ;D
The sky does not know of east or of west;
it is in the minds of men where such distinctions are made, and then they believe them to be true.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2818 on: March 16, 2009, 11:43:06 am »
"Back to you Lurpak. If in future when I sit at my dining table and your little butter man Douglas is sat on my toast rack playing his trombone I will cave his fucking head in with my pudding spoon , mind you , if Dougie is made from Lurpak the fucking spoon will bend first"


Best bit :lmao
From custard slices to menstrual waste in 4 posts. That's impressive, even for RAWK.

Offline Finn Solomon

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2819 on: March 16, 2009, 02:01:12 pm »
Slurred speech , can't raise their arms , difficulty smiling ? Hang on , that sounds like everyone in fucking Wigan. The emergency services will be stretched to breaking point if every fucker calls for an ambulance in these instances.

After falling unconscious in the kitchen due to the fatigue and weariness in fucking trying to scrape a bonsai knob from your commodity to spread on my crumpet I awoke lying naked (apart from an Easter bonnet on my head ? ) on the kitchen floor in the foetus postion shedding tears and stabbing myself in the leg with a fork despairing that I would never ever concoct a method to melt your fucking butter. At this wretched time I felt alone and desolate, to give you c-unts at Lurpak an idea of how low I was I would have gladly taken at this moment while lying parralel with the skirting boards that my Lurpak would thaw slightly to the consistency of fucking granite.I don't ask for much in my submissive life . My wife often requests that I venture south on her . Even though she has a tuppence like a yetti's welly that reeks of skipjack tuna I ascend up her ladder to ring her bell without protest and frequently my grid is on the recieving end of a belching fanny fart so squally it parts my fringe , nevertheless I soldier on licking.

Back to you Lurpak. If in future when I sit at my dining table and your little butter man Douglas is sat on my toast rack playing his trombone I will cave his fucking head in with my pudding spoon , mind you , if Dougie is made from Lurpak the fucking spoon will bend first.

LUV....the house is on fire , the Four Hoursemen of the Apocalypse are riding up the street and we're going to burn in a lake of fire and sulphur soon..ok ?

" Ohh dear...I'll just have a wee first "

LUV...Satan and God are having a battle in the garden shed , probably be the second coming of Jesus soon, then Armageddon and the final judgment knowing our luck , hurry up.

" Right..mmm..I'll just see if I can have a number two then "

Better still, try the Activia 14 day challenge , money back guarantee. What on fucking gods earth is that about ? Are you supposed to go to customer services in Asda with one of your stools in a shoe box and approach the lady at the counter , here you go love , thats all I've done since a week last Wednesday, receipt is in the box.

Infact I reckon Joe Brand's logs are that big they have breather rings on them where she's had to pause a few times mid shite to take stock and her sphincter has contracted slightly , shaping her turd like the handle of a coppers truncheon. , probably just pulls her draws up too without wiping the minty twat.

By C-unt - Darren wants you to know that he is ok on the other side.

Bird - I know he texted me earlier on.

I bet you women believe the ingredients too. Contains digetivum tumtum , polynonplussed sodium milfates , no added cocofizzilogical pesticide , microflange toromolinos , nitroelement 05 , megawaffleions , nutrient dildol x 70% , vitagamma radon. Always read the label. No I fucking wont. Fuck off , shove yer label up yer fucking arse you probiotic charlie uniform november tangos. I'm not reading it because it is a load of made up bollocks you swizzing c-unts.

Best thing for a shite believe it or not is a ciggie , ask a smoker. Like my gran used to say...Have a ciggie before the morning turtles head.


I hereby petition the mods to allow grifter to use the word c-unt in its full glory. No one deserves it more.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2009, 02:08:35 pm by Finn Solomon »
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Rafa made it so that you didn't give a shit which fucking ball emerged from Platini's jar.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2820 on: March 16, 2009, 09:29:28 pm »
Dear People of Sweden,


First of all, I'm suprised you didn't mention the absolute frustration that will no doubt arise in you as you, tearing your hair from its roots, walk the fine line between anger and insanity that is the process of assembling IKEA furniture.

And secondly, we have them here two. In fact, we have 17 of them, one of them being the biggest in the world. And I've shopped in that store.

Last but not least: Germany have got over 50 IKEA stores. You are in luck.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2821 on: March 18, 2009, 12:57:55 am »
Fuckin penguin accusin me of cheatin in Mario DS!!!
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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2822 on: March 18, 2009, 05:49:30 pm »
A fysio who almost popped out my shoulder.. Jeez, it's already broken, don't want it popped out also, you, idiotic chicken!
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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2823 on: April 7, 2009, 03:16:59 pm »
 :no :no :no

Got relatives coming down for a few days so I've been meaning to tidy the place up.  thankfully the missus doesn't need to sit and think about this kind of thing for weeks before getting off her arse and doing it.  She's only left me the bathroom to do, so at about half ten I'm on my way up to clean it, enter postman to fuck my day up!

Fucking forms you have to fill out to prove your fucked!

Do you need help having a shit?
How often                           ............... Per day
How long does it take          ................ minutes
How wide is it                        ................... Centimetres
How long is it                      .................... Metres

Would you describe the aroma as:  Vile / Surprisingly fragrant and uplifting / New car / Break-Your-Own-Nose-Shock-And-Awe-Territory (delete as appropriate).

Describe how your mental illness affects you on a day to basis:

I've written the remaining form in said faecal matter to see if that qualifies me as mental enough for them.

I know I'm no Grifter, and I know these forms have to be filled in, but this fucker's just stole 4 hours of my life and probably ruined the rest of my day.  And the bathroom still looks like an army of hobbits have been dancing round it with shit matted in their hairy fucking clod-hoppers!

 :no :no :no

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2824 on: April 7, 2009, 03:38:58 pm »
Fucking hell, I don't think I've laughed that hard at a post before.


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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2825 on: April 7, 2009, 04:09:36 pm »
Grifter for a RAWK Knighthood!
PSN ID = JimmyGrunt

Yea mate just put your sky box on top of the fridge, put an egg in the microwave then wave your satalite dish around on the roof worked for me lad.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2826 on: April 7, 2009, 07:21:02 pm »
fucking fucking Tiscali, talk about a shite service. Taking me a good 10 minutes or more to load one website! One fucking website. So you call them up an try to find out what the hells going on and they pick the phone and immediately disconnect you. Then you call up any random department to see if they will tell you anything but of course they cant because its the wrong department and they have no idea what's going on in the other department. So your stuck with fuck all. If its not the very slow internet at times is the constantly slow internet connection the other times. Seeing as my dad hardly uses a computer he knows nothing about this stuff and its taken him about 4 months to realise he's being fucked around. It feels better knowing i wont be paying them anything soon but i feel like going an bricking their head office or something.   :no :no :no

Its great getting stuff off your chest..


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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2827 on: April 7, 2009, 07:25:56 pm »
fucking fucking Tiscali, talk about a shite service. Taking me a good 10 minutes or more to load one website! One fucking website. So you call them up an try to find out what the hells going on and they pick the phone and immediately disconnect you. Then you call up any random department to see if they will tell you anything but of course they cant because its the wrong department and they have no idea what's going on in the other department. So your stuck with fuck all. If its not the very slow internet at times is the constantly slow internet connection the other times. Seeing as my dad hardly uses a computer he knows nothing about this stuff and its taken him about 4 months to realise he's being fucked around. It feels better knowing i wont be paying them anything soon but i feel like going an bricking their head office or something.   :no :no :no

Its great getting stuff off your chest..

They were on Watchdog recently... for being shite!!!

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2828 on: April 7, 2009, 08:18:08 pm »

that last Grifter post was GENIUS!

OMG, I'm an  Internet Terrorist Level V !! LMFAO

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2829 on: April 7, 2009, 10:04:16 pm »
When a Stroke Strikes - Act FAST.........................
;D Only just seen this. Brilliant Grifter, brilliant.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2830 on: April 7, 2009, 10:23:33 pm »
I bet you women believe the ingredients too. Contains digetivum tumtum , polynonplussed sodium milfates , no added cocofizzilogical pesticide , microflange toromolinos , nitroelement 05 , megawaffleions , nutrient dildol x 70% , vitagamma radon. Always read the label. No I fucking wont. Fuck off , shove yer label up yer fucking arse you probiotic charlie uniform november tangos. I'm not reading it because it is a load of made up bollocks you swizzing c-unts.

All brilliant but pissed meself at this bit.
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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2831 on: April 7, 2009, 10:59:42 pm »
people who think 'away goals count double' in european football (including commentators!)

Re: You have to take your hat off to Arsene Wenger...
The only way id take my hat off to him, is if i was odd job, then id throw it at the c*nt!

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2832 on: April 7, 2009, 11:16:24 pm »
Twats on my parents estate who move there and then start trying to get the council to cut down all the lovely trees.
Makes me fucking sick.

some stupid arl bag today had the council out complaining that he leaves from the tree falls in her garden! i mean for fucks sake! If you didnt want trees why move in the area, move into a shoebox characterless new estate and mop your fucking driveway every day without the annoying leaves.
Utter utter wankers.

Also the BNP pinning leaflets to railings, sad spineless c*nts. Lucky they have me coming straight after them ripping them all down again :wave


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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2833 on: April 8, 2009, 03:52:20 pm »
Twats who order shit loads of stuff off the internet that need signing for. No problem with that... the problem is they moan like fuck when you knock for ages and get them out of bed (11.30 am) then moan at you for getting them up.
Well tell you what fuck face you have 2 options.
1. Stay in your bed in that flea infested fucking house that stinks of shit and I will leave a form. You can then drag your arse down to the sorting office 4 miles away which should be a nice trip seeing as you cannot fucking drive! Join the big queue waiting to be served, moaning with the other pricks who like yourself couldn't be arsed getting out of bed when you had the chance.
2. Don't fucking order online!!


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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2834 on: April 8, 2009, 04:03:45 pm »
Twats who order shit loads of stuff off the internet that need signing for. No problem with that... the problem is they moan like fuck when you knock for ages and get them out of bed (11.30 am) then moan at you for getting them up.
Well tell you what fuck face you have 2 options.
1. Stay in your bed in that flea infested fucking house that stinks of shit and I will leave a form. You can then drag your arse down to the sorting office 4 miles away which should be a nice trip seeing as you cannot fucking drive! Join the big queue waiting to be served, moaning with the other pricks who like yourself couldn't be arsed getting out of bed when you had the chance.
2. Don't fucking order online!!


You a postie yeah?

When you have a parcel that needs signing for, do you lot knock on the door with a sponge? the amount of parcels that have 'tried' to be delivered to our place and taken back to the depot recently is silly.

Either that or i'm one of the above twats  :D
PSN ID = JimmyGrunt

Yea mate just put your sky box on top of the fridge, put an egg in the microwave then wave your satalite dish around on the roof worked for me lad.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2835 on: April 8, 2009, 04:13:31 pm »
I know therewill be a better thread to post this in but couldnt bothered searching.


this morning when arriving at work there were 2 coppers walking along the car park right next to a big puddle. The temptation to go through with a bit of speed to splas them was emense. but i decided against the idea just incase they tried to arrest me for some weird shitty law.
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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2836 on: April 8, 2009, 04:33:58 pm »
I know therewill be a better thread to post this in but couldnt bothered searching.


this morning when arriving at work there were 2 coppers walking along the car park right next to a big puddle. The temptation to go through with a bit of speed to splas them was emense. but i decided against the idea just incase they tried to arrest me for some weird shitty law.

You fucked up big time. Missed out on a great chance there, what could you get nicked for, Wetting a policeman?
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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2837 on: April 8, 2009, 04:35:31 pm »
You a postie yeah?

When you have a parcel that needs signing for, do you lot knock on the door with a sponge? the amount of parcels that have 'tried' to be delivered to our place and taken back to the depot recently is silly.

Either that or i'm one of the above twats  :D

Yeah I'm a postie. Almost put my fist through one guys door last yr, had my ipod on, didn't realise how loud I knocked  ;D

You probably had lazy arsed drivers who pretend they have knocked.. really they have already pre filled that form in and slipped it through the door. Had one prick do that to my house not realising I worked with him.....

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2838 on: April 8, 2009, 04:35:39 pm »
You fucked up big time. Missed out on a great chance there, what could you get nicked for, Wetting a policeman?

Driving without due care and attention. There was an actual case about it here, although the wetted one was a civilian.

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Re: The 'vent your anger' thread. AKA 'The Grifter Thread'
« Reply #2839 on: April 8, 2009, 04:48:41 pm »
Driving without due care and attention. There was an actual case about it here, although the wetted one was a civilian.

i do remember that 1.
also know that i would of called them a bunch of murdering bastards.
illegitimus non carborundum