Author Topic: Typhoid Trump: the not-smart, corrupt, coward, loser, thread  (Read 4622386 times)

Offline ShakaHislop

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49840 on: December 10, 2018, 05:26:55 pm »
Supreme Court turns away Planned Parenthood defunding cases

The Supreme Court on Monday declined to review whether states can block Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from their Medicaid programs, passing on a pair of cases that would have served as the first major abortion test for the court’s new conservative majority.

Chief Justice John Roberts and the newest justice, Brett Kavanaugh, joined the court's four liberal jurists in turning away a pair of petitions from Kansas and Louisiana seeking the ban on abortion providers.

Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, dissented. It takes four justices to agree to accept a case.

Thomas, suggesting the court was wary of taking a case with "Planned Parenthood" in the title, asserted the cases weren't about abortion rights but whether individuals have a right to challenge a state’s decision to eliminate a Medicaid provider.

“Some tenuous connection to a politically fraught issue does not justify abdicating our judicial duty," Thomas wrote. "If anything, neutrally applying the law is all the more important when political issues are in the background."

One appeals court has previously ruled that states could block funding to Planned Parenthood. Monday's action by the Supreme Court doesn't affect that decision.

States have tried to defund Planned Parenthood since a series of undercover videos in 2015 purported to show the women's health organization profiting off the sale of tissue from abortions. A series of investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood, which has forcefully denied the claims made by anti-abortion activists behind the videos.

Justices had twice earlier this year declined to act on petitions in Andersen v. Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri and Gee v. Planned Parenthood of Gulf Cost. The decision to refuse the cases came after Kavanaugh was confirmed as the ninth justice.

“We are pleased that lower court rulings protecting patients remain in place," said Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Leana Wen in a statement. "Every person has a fundamental right to health care, no matter who they are, where they live, or how much they earn."

For decades, no federal dollars have gone to fund abortions, but there have been many legal battles over whether providers like Planned Parenthood that offer a wide range of health services in addition to abortion are entitled to some amount of public health care funding.

Defunding Planned Parenthood has been a priority of the GOP base, and anti-abortion groups have been frustrated that a Republican-controlled Congress and administration has so far been unable to do so. Kavanaugh's elevation to the Supreme Court in October following the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, a crucial swing vote on abortion cases, was thought to have delivered the five votes needed to back the states.

The cases in Kansas and Louisiana, filed earlier this year, ask whether patients can sue states for excluding Planned Parenthood from state Medicaid funding.

In February, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that Kansas was wrong to to end Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid funding, writing that states can’t cut off funding for reasons “unrelated to the provider’s competence and the quality of the healthcare it provides.” Four other appeals courts have ruled that Medicaid patients have the right to access the provider of their choice.

But the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has held that states do have the right to terminate a provider’s Medicaid contract and that residents have no right to challenge that decision.

The Supreme Court's action Monday allows the split decisions to stand in different federal circuits. Thomas, in his dissent, wrote that the Supreme Court should have taken the cases to resolve conflicting findings from lower courts.

"Because of this Court’s inaction, patients in different States — even patients with the same providers — have different rights to challenge their State’s provider decisions," Thomas wrote.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49841 on: December 10, 2018, 05:39:50 pm »
It's Trump.

Jr. will soon be known as "The Spawn That Individual 1 Threw In Front Of The Train To Save His Own Skin"  ;D

Offline jambutty

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49842 on: December 10, 2018, 05:42:05 pm »

Jr. will soon be known as "The Spawn That Individual 1 Threw In Front Of The Train To Save His Own Skin"  ;D

"Jail will make a real man outta him"
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Offline soxfan

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49843 on: December 10, 2018, 05:49:52 pm »
"Jail will make a real man outta him"

"He brought me coffee once right after he had his umbilical cord cut. Haven't seen him since. SAD."

Offline ShakaHislop

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49844 on: December 10, 2018, 05:51:17 pm »
Individual 1 with another childish tweet. Blames the media for mentioning Ayers, when in reality Ayers had enough brain cells to say no and jump ship.

 I am in the process of interviewing some really great people for the position of White House Chief of Staff. Fake News has been saying with certainty it was Nick Ayers, a spectacular person who will always be with our #MAGA agenda. I will be making a decision soon!

Ayers' decision not to take the job came as a surprise since he had been lobbying for the position, the sources said. There was resistance to him being appointed from first lady Melania Trump and some senior staff, the sources said.

Offline ShakaHislop

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49845 on: December 10, 2018, 05:57:19 pm »
Conspiracy theorist sues Mueller alleging illegal leaks and surveillance

An author and conspiracy theorist who says he’s being threatened with indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team in the Trump-Russia probe filed a federal lawsuit Sunday night accusing Mueller of constitutional violations and leaking grand jury secrets.

Jerome Corsi’s new suit against Mueller also accuses the special prosecutor of trying to badger Corsi into giving false testimony that he served as a conduit between Wikileaks found Julian Assange and Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump.

“Defendant Mueller and his prosecutorial staff have demanded that Plaintiff Corsi falsely testify that he acted as a liaison between Roger Stone and WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange concerning the public release of emails downloaded from the DNC’s servers,” the complaint says.

Corsi is demanding $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in punitive damages for injury to his reputation.

Corsi’s suit also levels harsh invective at the special counsel’s team, at one point referring to “Defendant Mueller and his leftist and Democrat partisan prosecutorial and ethically and legally conflicted staff.”

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49846 on: December 10, 2018, 06:14:16 pm »
Conspiracy theorist sues Mueller alleging illegal leaks and surveillance

"Corsi is demanding $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in punitive damages for injury to his reputation."

What reputation?

Dinosaurs didn't make oil:

"Corsi has also promoted the theory of abiogenic petroleum origin (as opposed to the scientifically accepted theory for the formation of petroleum from biological matter).[78][79] In his book Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil, Corsi disputes the academic consensus that oil is fossil fuel and says that dinosaurs cannot turn into oil."

Democrats working with Mullahs to nuke Israel"

"In the book he claims Democratic politicians are corrupted by Iranian money and are helping the mullahs, who seek nuclear weapons, in Tehran.[37] Corsi accused an aide for John Kerry of helping the mullahs, who strongly rejected the claim."


"Corsi wrote Where's the Birth Certificate?, a book that questions Obama's American citizenship. Prior to its May 2011 release, the book enjoyed a buzz-building teaser article in the heavily trafficked Drudge Report website, but Obama released his long-form birth certificate three weeks before the book was published. Shortly after the book's publication, Esquire issued a satirical report that the book had been recalled, which prompted Corsi to sue Esquire for damages of over $285 million. The lawsuit was dismissed in a United States district court in a decision stating that satire is protected by the First Amendment and noting, "Having become such well-known proponents of one position on the issue, plaintiffs cannot complain that the very intensity of their advocacy also became part of the public debate. Those who speak with loud voices cannot be surprised if they become part of the story."

The North American Union and the Amero:

"Corsi claimed that "President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union", a theoretical continental union of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, that will supplant the United States.[91] In 2007, he predicted a new unit of currency, called the Amero, which would replace the Dollar for this union within ten years.[92] The "Union" is a theme in two of his books The Late Great U.S.A.: The Coming Merger With Mexico and Canada[41][93] (2007) and Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America's Borders (2006) as he explained on The Conservative Caucus's TV show.[38] On December 15, 2006 Corsi reported for the first time he "had found a major intellectual leader behind the push to integrate North America suggesting that a crisis of 9-11 proportions might be just what was needed to advance the process toward establishing a North American Union and the Amero."


According to Corsi, "A video clip widely circulated on the Internet shows a test that pulverized an F-4 fighter on impact with a hardened target, providing evidence to answer members of the 9/11 Truth movement who question why so little identifiable airplane debris remained after the hijacked American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon."[103] Audio and a YouTube video were circulated, especially among those questioning Corsi's credibility of Corsi's January 29, 2008 interview on Alex Jones's radio show.[104][105][106] In the interview Corsi discusses "the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the 9/11 Truth movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks".[104] Corsi cites Jones's findings of microscopic forensic evidence that seemingly negates the U.S. government hypothesis that the aircraft's jet fuel-fed heat alone was sufficiently hot to collapse the steel superstructure of the buildings.


"On January 2, 2014, Corsi released his book Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Nazi Germany. According to the publisher's description, the book explores claims made in 2009 by three U.S. professors who believe that Adolf Hitler did not die in 1945 and instead escaped Berlin.[107] In an interview with Newsmax TV on January 20, 2014, Corsi said of the Nazi leader's alleged escape discussed in the book: "Hitler was removed from the bunker by a helicopter, flown from Austria to Spain, and put on a submarine, the U-530, and brought across the ocean to Argentina."

The man is a fucking loon...
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09/03/2011 08:04
Give a man a mask and he will tell the truth, Give a man a user name and he will act like a total twat.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49847 on: December 10, 2018, 06:27:15 pm »
"Corsi is demanding $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in punitive damages for injury to his reputation."

What reputation?

Yet another aging lunatic publicity hound.

What are Some Legal Penalties for Filing a Frivolous Lawsuit?

Some legal consequences of filing a frivolous lawsuit usually involve some sort of monetary fine. The amount of the fine may vary depending on the claim involved and the geographic location of the case. Also, some judges might issue a contempt order if the claim is seriously wasteful of judicial resources.
In some cases, criminal consequences can result, especially if the person is harassing the other through the filing of multiple lawsuits. The result for most frivolous lawsuits is that they will be dismissed very shortly without any further examination of the matters.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49848 on: December 10, 2018, 07:22:53 pm »
When this is all over the White House and related offices of government need to be closed for a week and sterilised, sanitised, jet-washed, fumigated. Under Trump the amount of morons, charlatans, grifters, c*nts that have passed through places they shouldn't even have gotten within 10 feet of...eugh.

Offline soxfan

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49849 on: December 10, 2018, 07:53:21 pm »
When this is all over the White House and related offices of government need to be closed for a week and sterilised, sanitised, jet-washed, fumigated. Under Trump the amount of morons, charlatans, grifters, c*nts that have passed through places they shouldn't even have gotten within 10 feet of...eugh.
You know how Trump had migrant camps built near the Mexican border? We should build a fucking tent camp right on the front lawn of the White House where all of the people you mentioned can get tossed. Let young Barron wave to his brothers and sister and father from the other side of the barbed wire.

Offline jambutty

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49850 on: December 10, 2018, 08:33:47 pm »
When this is all over the White House and related offices of government need to be closed for a week and sterilised, sanitised, jet-washed, fumigated. Under Trump the amount of morons, charlatans, grifters, c*nts that have passed through places they shouldn't even have gotten within 10 feet of...eugh.

Tillerson, Mnuchin, even Sessions, brought veritas to the table.

The Fox TV clowns are all hat and no cattle.

No one will work for this schmuck.

The Lizard doesn't hire good, he hires schlock.

Let Eric be Chief of Staff. :lmao
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Offline jambutty

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49851 on: December 10, 2018, 08:38:45 pm »
Let young Barron wave to his brothers and sister and father from the other side of the barbed wire.

Can you imagine what a monstrous little prick he probably is?  Can we put him in touch with the Menendez brothers?

Look at that cast of characters! Makes the fucking Munsters look normal.

I'd bet they all hate each other.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49852 on: December 10, 2018, 08:51:55 pm »
In the end, Fungus will be hoist by his own petard and convicted by his own Tweetimony.

He will say they were all ghostwritten, but only Barron could have such an immature grasp of speling.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49853 on: December 10, 2018, 08:56:42 pm »

(If a techie wizard knows how to embed feel free, I don’t).
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49854 on: December 10, 2018, 09:00:48 pm »
Did they even have helicopters in 1945?
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49855 on: December 10, 2018, 09:04:12 pm »
Did they even have helicopters in 1945?

Yeah, they had been playing about with them since the 30s. Not many about though - think you could count on two hands how many were actually built over the entire war.
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49856 on: December 10, 2018, 09:43:03 pm »
Yeah, they had been playing about with them since the 30s. Not many about though - think you could count on two hands how many were actually built over the entire war.

Doubt they'd have any going spare in Berlin then!
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49857 on: December 10, 2018, 09:46:12 pm »
2018-12-10, 1:58 PM
Nick Ayers doesn’t need more money, doesn’t need to return to Georgia, and hasn’t suddenly developed moral scruples about associating with Trump. There’s only one reason he avoids taking WH chief of staff and suddenly leaves as VP chief of staff: He’s fleeing the Trump ship.

A rat in a coal mine?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 10:12:38 pm by A_lonely_Xmas_Without_Ewe! »
"I am a great believer in luck and the harder I work the more of it I have." Stephen Leacock

Offline jambutty

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49858 on: December 10, 2018, 09:49:05 pm »
First place and good holiday times have inspired much merriment to my current state.

However, being affluenced by  incohol and othe digestibles, I may have sussed an empirical chronology of a story too impossible not to believe.

Ladies and germs, I present to you the Jambutty Theory of Devolution.

Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy and Nixon bumchums Roy Cohn (worst human who ever lived) and Roger Stone had a love child:  Paul Manaforte

He became Propaganda Inc. and was solely responsible for the Russian Internet character assassination of HRC, resulting in the election of whichever his Useful Idiots showed best in the polls.

That's all for now.

Up the Tricky Reds!

Libpool, Libpool, top of the league!  :scarf
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 10:57:34 pm by jambutty »
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Offline soxfan

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49859 on: December 10, 2018, 10:10:16 pm »
Can you imagine what a monstrous little prick he probably is?
I actually feel quite bad for Barron. Imagine being an innocent little baby brought up by someone like Trump and a gold digger like Melania. My only hope for him is that his mother at least seems to genuinely care for his welfare. But still, he's had nannies do half of the duties that she should do, and he's been raised in an absolutely unnatural circus. And can you imagine how his young schoolmates must torture him with all the memes and stories about his family? We've never seen him hanging out with a friend. He looks like a completely broken kid, and his life has hardly started.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49860 on: December 10, 2018, 10:12:57 pm »
TEA Pain on twitter is usually reliable for a laugh about Trump. Today he is on fire:

This mornin’, if you sit real still and hold your cellphone up to your ear, you can hear the Obstruction.

BREAKING: Nick Ayers turns Trump down for Chief of Staff position, sayin' he's leavin' the administration for a much safer, less stressful job: Taste-tester for Paul Manafort.

Trump can’t find a Chief-of-Staff for the same reason you can’t find a pilot that wants to fly a plane into a mountain.

The only thing that wants to come aboard the Trumptanic is the iceberg.

When Trump said that NONE of his campaign were in contact with the Russians, he was close.  He only missed it by 14.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49861 on: December 10, 2018, 10:25:29 pm »
2018-12-10, 1:58 PM
Nick Ayers doesn’t need more money, doesn’t need to return to Georgia, and hasn’t suddenly developed moral scruples about associating with Trump. There’s only one reason he avoids taking WH chief of staff and suddenly leaves as VP chief of staff: He’s fleeing the Trump ship.

A rat in a coal mine?

Imagine being a young man (he's 36) and having the chance to be Chief of Staff to the President of the United States and LEAVING is the better career choice.
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49862 on: December 10, 2018, 10:41:24 pm »

Ed Krassenstein

Following Following @EdKrassen
I have been working on a piece with @Krassenstein for @HillReporter that will help show an ominous link between Michael Cohen, Donald Trump, Carter Page, Qatar, Vladimir Putin and Trump's insistence on lifting Russian sanctions.

Stay tuned.....


8:25 PM - 10 Dec 2018

There is probably an amount of popcorn where it becomes medically bad for me. I can't help it though... the hits just keep coming.
My first article on Anfield Index on Shaqiri. Enjoy.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49863 on: December 10, 2018, 10:59:07 pm »


There was no collision!
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49864 on: December 10, 2018, 11:02:42 pm »
Really hope this is the (continuation of) the beginning of the end for the preening c*nt. I've been burned before, though. Think it'll take almost cast iron proof of his wrongdoing for the Senate to convict, as long as he has a stranglehold on the twisted little hearts of the GOP's base. Hopefully such proof exists, and hopefully it's more than just a few campaign finance violations.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49865 on: December 10, 2018, 11:08:35 pm »

(If a techie wizard knows how to embed feel free, I don’t).


There are some proper mentalists over there.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49866 on: December 10, 2018, 11:12:49 pm »

Ex-Trump campaign staffer ordered to pay $25K for violating NDA when she sued for discrimination

A former Trump campaign official was ordered to pay $25,000 for violating her nondisclosure agreement — which the campaign claims happened when she sued for discrimination.

BuzzFeed News reported that Jessica Denson, who served as a national phone bank administrator and Hispanic outreach director, was served the order in October but that it was only made public when the outlet obtained her non-electronically filed rebuttal.

In November 2017, Denson sued the Trump campaign for $25 million, claiming she was discriminated against, cyberbullied and treated in a hostile manner by campaign officials.

In response, the campaign’s lawyers said she violated her nondisclosure agreement by filing the suit because it contained claims that could be “disparaging” and disclosing confidential information.

The Trump campaign originally sought $1.5 million for the alleged NDA violation but that the number went down as the case went through arbitration, the report noted.

“According to the final arbitration award order, the campaign had asked for $84,571, arguing that amount represented the cost of having to litigate Denson’s lawsuits in state and federal court,” BuzzFeed reported. “The arbitrator, Paul Kehoe, ultimately awarded a smaller amount, $24,808, which he concluded was what the campaign “reasonably expended” to defend against one of Denson’s cases.”

The former staffer is now fighting the nearly $25,000 arbitrator’s fee by claiming that “it ran afoul of a court order published over the summer that held that Denson’s allegations against the campaign — that she was the victim of discrimination and harassment — weren’t covered under her NDA,” the report added.

He really is a lowlife scumbag.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49867 on: December 10, 2018, 11:23:47 pm »
Really hope this is the (continuation of) the beginning of the end for the preening c*nt. I've been burned before, though. Think it'll take almost cast iron proof of his wrongdoing for the Senate to convict, as long as he has a stranglehold on the twisted little hearts of the GOP's base. Hopefully such proof exists, and hopefully it's more than just a few campaign finance violations.
Here's the thing though. Trump may very well be able to survive to 2020 as President, but Mueller and the SDNY are digging into EVERYTHING now. And that's not even mentioning any of the individual US state Attorneys General that might want a piece of him. He and his clan (Klan?) have been orchestrating shady business deals for decades. It's all becoming public now.

I was not very confident a couple of months ago, but to steal from the cartoon posted earlier, the 'Trumptanic' has now hit the iceberg and water is pouring in. And there are sharks circling it and subs firing torpedoes at it. It might take 5 months or 5 years, but the ship is headed down.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 11:26:16 pm by soxfan »

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49868 on: December 10, 2018, 11:26:41 pm »
Butina has reached a plea deal with the feds.

Fredo will be soiling himself again, and even more deliciously, most of the hierarchy of the NRA are about to be done for treason.
Be humble, for you are made of earth. Be noble, for you are made of stars.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49869 on: December 10, 2018, 11:37:36 pm »
Butina has reached a plea deal with the feds.

Fredo will be soiling himself again, and even more deliciously, most of the hierarchy of the NRA are about to be done for treason.
Can you get a smocking gun from the NRA? Or a smock with guns on it? ???

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49870 on: December 10, 2018, 11:40:40 pm »
I think GOP senators are already moving from 'he's not guilty' to 'it doesn't really matter'.

Senator Hatch via CNN's Manu Raju:

Hatch dismisses allegations of Trump crimes over hush money. Asked if he had any concerns, Hatch said: “The Democrats will do anything to hurt this president.” Told it was alleged by SDNY, Hatch told me: “Okay but I don’t care; all I can say is he’s doing a good job as President”

Hatch added this when asked if he was concerned about allegations.“No because I don’t think he was involved in crimes but even then, you know, you can make anything a crime under the current laws; if you want to you can blow it way out of proportion you can do a lot of things.”

Hatch also told me: “President Trump before he became president that’s another world. Since he’s become president this economy has charged ahead. ... And I think we ought to judge him on that basis other than trying to drum up things from the past that may or may not be true.”

Grassley, the Senate Judiciary chairman, similarly dismisses the federal prosecutors’ argument: “They based it on what a liar says, so it hurts the credibility of it.”
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49871 on: December 11, 2018, 12:45:34 am »
When this is all over the White House and related offices of government need to be closed for a week and sterilised, sanitised, jet-washed, fumigated. Under Trump the amount of morons, charlatans, grifters, c*nts that have passed through places they shouldn't even have gotten within 10 feet of...eugh.

Slowly but surely the GOP and his allies will slowly start distancing themselves from Trump when the noose really tightens. Unfortunately they will only start turning once they see their positions threatened. They all should be charged for the damage they've participated in, but will claim innocence.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 12:48:03 am by Machae »

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49872 on: December 11, 2018, 01:25:02 am »
From CNN’s @Acosta
A source close to President Trump says he has expressed concern that he could be impeached by the House after Democrats take control. Trump sees it as a “real possibility,” the source said.

Wait til he figures out that even if he wins in 2020 he could still end up facing prison time as soon as he's out of office, just for the shit already in the public domain.
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49873 on: December 11, 2018, 02:25:24 am »
Associated Press
Thousands of mailed ballots in Florida were not counted
1 hr ago

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida officials say thousands of mailed ballots were not counted because they were delivered too late to state election offices.

The Department of State late last week informed a federal judge that 6,670 ballots were mailed ahead of the Nov. 6 election but were not counted because they were not received by Election Day. The tally prepared by state officials includes totals from 65 of Florida's 67 counties. The two counties yet to report their totals are Palm Beach, a Democratic stronghold in south Florida, and Polk in central Florida.

Three statewide Florida races, including the contest for governor, went to state-mandated recounts because the margins were so close.

In the battle for agriculture commissioner, Democrat Nikki Fried won her election by 6,753 votes. Republican Gov. Rick Scott ousted incumbent Democrat U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson by slightly more than 10,000 votes.

Under Florida law, ballots mailed inside the United States must reach election offices by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Overseas ballots are counted if they are received up to 10 days after the election.

A group called VoteVets Action Fund along with two Democratic organizations filed a lawsuit a few days after the 2017 election that argued the ballots should count if they were mailed before Election Day.

But U.S. District Judge Mark Walker said the restriction was reasonable and that Florida election officials have a right to establish deadlines. He turned down an emergency request that all properly postmarked ballots received up to 10 days after the election be counted.

The lawsuit, however, is still pending and Walker asked that state election officials report how many ballots were mailed before Election Day but ultimately were not counted.

Walker was the judge involved in a half-dozen lawsuits that were filed following the razor-thin elections in Florida.

In a separate lawsuit filed last month, Walker gave voters extra time to fix their mail-in ballots if they were not counted because their signature on their ballot envelope did not match the one on file with local election officials.

State officials testified in court that nearly 4,000 mailed-in ballots were set aside because local officials decided the signatures on did not match. The Department of State last week informed Walker that his ruling resulted in 637 votes being counted in the final totals.
Kill the humourless

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49874 on: December 11, 2018, 03:18:42 am »
Democracy at work. The US is fucked up place.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49875 on: December 11, 2018, 03:57:59 am »

Crazy. I don't think he is a model citizen himself, but it is beneath him? Or he wants to get out in an escape pod...
"I am a great believer in luck and the harder I work the more of it I have." Stephen Leacock

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49876 on: December 11, 2018, 03:59:11 am »
44 ex-senators warn U.S. is 'entering a dangerous period'
By Quint Forgey 
1 hr ago

A bipartisan group of nearly four dozen former senators warned current and future members of the Senate on Monday that the United States was “entering a dangerous period,” and urged them to defend America’s democracy by serving national interests rather than political ideologies.

“We are on the eve of the conclusion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation and the House’s commencement of investigations of the president and his administration,” the 44 ex-lawmakers wrote in an op-ed published by The Washington Post. “The likely convergence of these two events will occur at a time when simmering regional conflicts and global power confrontations continue to threaten our security, economy and geopolitical stability.”

The senators continued: “It is a time, like other critical junctures in our history, when our nation must engage at every level with strategic precision and the hand of both the president and the Senate. We are at an inflection point in which the foundational principles of our democracy and our national security interests are at stake, and the rule of law and the ability of our institutions to function freely and independently must be upheld.”

The senators — 32 Democrats, 10 Republicans and two independents — also stressed the importance of casting aside party differences in confronting impending challenges, noting that during their time in Congress, “we were allies and at other times opponents, but never enemies.”

“At other critical moments in our history, when constitutional crises have threatened our foundations, it has been the Senate that has stood in defense of our democracy,” the senators wrote. “Today is once again such a time.”

Though the op-ed did not refer to President Donald Trump by name, its ominous tone and solemn appeals were reminiscent of another opinion piece that recently riled up Washington — the anonymous letter published by The New York Times in September alleging that a “quiet resistance” within Trump’s executive branch had banded together to “frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.”
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49877 on: December 11, 2018, 04:00:48 am »
Butina has reached a plea deal with the feds.

Fredo will be soiling himself again, and even more deliciously, most of the hierarchy of the NRA are about to be done for treason.

The NRA getting taken away in cuffs...thoughts and prayers would be answered!
"I am a great believer in luck and the harder I work the more of it I have." Stephen Leacock

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49878 on: December 11, 2018, 08:59:45 am »
I think GOP senators are already moving from 'he's not guilty' to 'it doesn't really matter'.

Senator Hatch via CNN's Manu Raju:

Hatch, is retiring, but he`s in it up to his neck with the NRA. He`s gonna back the whole Trump-shitshow to his grave for personal reasons.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49879 on: December 11, 2018, 09:02:22 am »
So according to Rachel Maddow, the NRA spent $33m in 2016, triple what they spent on Romney.  And the money came from a section of the group that, apparently, doesn't have to declare its donor sources.  Yet now they're apparently on the edge of bankruptcy, with NRA TV on the verge of folding.

And the guy who was Butina's "handler" in Russia has apparently suddenly retired.  Funny that.

On the Last Word it's been said that it is vitally important and also perfectly acceptable for Trump to be indicted before he leaves office, even if he does not stand trial immediately.  It makes it politically impossible, or at least highly damaging, for Pence to then pardon him, a la Ford to Nixon (who was not indicted).
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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