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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4880 on: October 5, 2023, 10:19:16 am »
from what I've seen the reactions to this episode and the series in general have been all over the place.

unsurprising really.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4881 on: October 5, 2023, 01:52:26 pm »
Episode 5 was pretty good. Anyone calling this the best or worst anything is not to be trusted, it's completely serviceable and mediocre and fits with the prequel trilogy nicely.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4882 on: October 5, 2023, 02:30:41 pm »
Episode 5 was pretty good. Anyone calling this the best or worst anything is not to be trusted, it's completely serviceable and mediocre and fits with the prequel trilogy nicely.

To be fair, if you're heavily invested in the previous Filoni shows I can see why Ahsoka might be considered a favourite, regardless of quality.

Andor is still far and away the best, and I don't buy the argument that it's not really Star Wars or could be set elsewhere. It's knitted into the universe really well, it just doesn't happen to have lightsabers and cameos every episode.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4883 on: October 6, 2023, 10:17:22 am »
Some random points:

The final episode was a little underwhelming, but overall I like the season a lot.

Leaving it with Thrawn in the main galaxy and most of our heroes stranded means they can focus on Thrawn having some wins in Season 2 without making our heroes look useless. Having said that I am not sure I am very interested in what goes on in the far galaxy to be honest. Wondering what they do with Baylan, clearly he still has a part to play so they will need to recast. But those are big shows to fill, I really liked Stevenson in this. I also hope they continue to lean into the Anakin stuff more in S2.

Andor is without question a better TV show but Ashoka has more of a SW feel to it. I put it just behind Mandalorian S1 and S2, and better than Bobba Fett, Obi-Wan and Mandalorian S3.

I don't understand all the talk about magic and its place in SW, history etc, surely magic & The Force are the same thing?

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4884 on: October 6, 2023, 02:18:00 pm »

My overview / inane ramblings for Ahsoka (as I'm not sure it deserves any more effort than that)...

8 episodes of Ahsoka so "Ezra and Thrawn swap places with Ahsoka and Sabine". Much anticipated conversations and questions between these characters throughout the series simply don't occur or are brushed off through lazy writing, or unwilling ness to address the issues. Even retconning the Rebels epilogue so we get to see Ahsoka The White in this live-action series was ultimately... lacking. The cosmetic change of Ahsoka 'going Gandalf' just to learn that forgiving is good / the need to be less stoic / you don't need to pause between sentences and stare into the distance with arms folded. Even in her own series this felt like Rebels season 5; yet even so... the most intriguing characters in this were Baylan and Shin.

Sabine managed to finally use the force at a critical moment of the finale. Such is the writing. From not being able to move a cup of coffee to airbending and saber-calling that would make Luke blush. All in a few short episodes without being shown the training or groundwork as to why she is able to now master these skills so abruptly; "show - don't tell". A pity, as the concept of a non-Force using Jedi would have made for some interesting material and a welcome new take, especially given her fusion of Mandalorian/Jedi skill-sets.

Why does Ezra disembark the stolen Imperial shuttle on the New Republic ship in Stormtrooper armour and helmet? That may work in animation, in live-action it comes off as lazy writing, existing simply for effect or to give the viewer some sort of emotional resonance that these three characters are finally reunited again; yet it was executed so disappointingly. In the 10 years Ezra was stuck on the planet... Ezra was simply chilling and knows nothing of Thrawn and his motivations which is weird, as the Jedi can sense much even across the galaxy. Still, at least we didn't get a reason why the night sisters could triangulate and pinpoint Ahsoka in seconds, but couldn't do the same for Ezra in 10 years or so [cough].

Thrawn was unfortunately written like in the Rebels cartoon, where all of his plans and tactics were basically foiled just so he can have the victory in escaping in the last second? This is the strategic genius everyone is fearing? A shame we aren't getting the Thrawn written in the EU books of old; now that would be a threat to be deeply concerned about. Still, Lars Mikkelsen does a good job portraying him given the limited material to work with.

Taken from elsewhere: 'They didn’t really have a way to write Thrawn as a 'tactical genius'. The main gimmick appears to be commenting on acceptable losses:-

Mercenaries die; Ah, an acceptable loss.
Baylan quits; Ah, an acceptable loss.
Stormtroopers die; Ah, an acceptable loss.
TIE fighters run into the enemy ship for no reason; Ah, an acceptable loss.
Morgan dies; Ah, an acceptable loss.
The kitchen staff quits; Ah, an acceptable loss.'

Balyan and Shin; the most intriguing characters in the show throughout. They have some history with the Night Witches and Thrawn - through Morgan; knowing they out to Morgan and wanted to escape the galaxy where they are... and yet Thrawn and the Night Witches do not make mention of this, nor their trials and tribulations during those 10 years; 'A good question, for another time', perhaps?. So, now they are just back on Dathomir with their zombie army. Whilst Shin is off to live with some Marauders on that desolate wasteland of planet Peridea, and Baylan is there too, but happy to have found God, or rather the statues of Mortice Gods. (and likely the shimmering mountain top in the distance... is a gateway to the World Beyond Worlds - or perhaps an opening to reach Abeloth?). I hope they both finally get the payoff their performances deserve, as the last episode did neither of them any service, even if Baylan does likely have to be recast.

RIP Ray Stevenson.

Hayden got some nice scenes with the fan service episode - yet unfortunately had no real effect on the story, and the young actress playing Ahsoka seemingly did a better and more engaging job than the talented Rosario Dawson, who is stifled by the plot of her own show. Simply showing Anakin onscreen may get some fans giddy, but unless it has meaning or adds to the story there is no real point, and seems a wasted opportunity. Ahsoka may idolise and revere the man who was her master, 'he stood by me when no-one else would' etc... yet for many of us... he is the whining, creepy, village killing, fascist-loving, wife-abusing, power-seeking, POW-executing, war criminal and betrayer of the Jedi - who turned to the dark side on a sixpence. All to erm... somehow learn the power of how to save lives from someone who completely fucked him over on that score in the awful Prequel films - and still did his bidding for him for 20+ years and killing millions... until he found out he had a son... and didn't want to see him die. 20 years of cartoons and associated stories simply doesn't negate his actions (or portrayal in the Prequel films). Repeating that 'he was a good man' - or showing him in one-eyed POV montages or in 'force ghost' mode etc, really doesn't negate that either.

While there are some nice looking shots and visuals, most of the fighting has little to no impact and kind of just 'happens' - with no weight, emotion, or consequence to the story. Like the writing, editing, direction and certain characters. Droids announce their self-destruction giving enough time for the protagonist to run away, and if they do kill the protagonist... then the MacGuffin map to Peridea... the device they are actually searching for... is lost forever. Along with any chance of finding Thrawn, which is their ultimate aim, yes? A feeling that the action scenes also lacked energy. Much like poor editing in the show. Much like the show itself. When you strip away the legacy that these characters have from previous shows and all the fan service and references... there is nothing much actually here. A mystery-box type of approach at the start that... has no real payoff other than to move characters from points A to B... and that's it. No explanations, and some basic foreshadowing for some future setup for a 2nd season, other Mandoverse shows, or the coming Filoni film?

I feel that Filoni is a good visionary - an ideas man (often other peoples', and who remain uncredited, but still an 'ideas man'), a very good showrunner for various animated series. But on evidence of this series... he struggles to write live-action scenes at all - and misses Favreau's input and collaboration for this. The way the New Republic has been ineptly written and handled in the Mandoverse so far, but especially here, is baffling to the point of disdain (the nonsensical and awfully written Mon Mothma / Hera scene followed by that 'court-martial' scene, standing out). Please give this man a writing room - with other talented creatives who specialise in dialogue (and whilst we're here... exposition and moving a scene and story forward - a 2 minute video demonstrating this:

Obligatory ongoing rant about the use of The Volume: get someone in who truly understands the thing; Greig Fraser excels at it - he developed and worked on it with ILM for years (which is why Mandalorian season 1 looks so much better than... seasons 2 and 3, Kenobi, BoBF, and this series). He understood where and when it was needed, when and where it is not, and how it succeeds - and doesn't. Get someone in at his level of proficiency, his 'eye', and actually listen to him - even it costs the $$$. Because since that first season of Mando... the quality of The Volume is diminishing - and not improving over time through experience and development... which is a surprise, to be sure (an unwelcome one, at that).

If you liked and enjoyed the series, great. If you thought it was 'alright'; mixed with some good and bad... then cool. To me, the visuals and sound were on point - credit and kudos to the creatives involved on that score. Yet I simply wanted more, After Andor, the bar was raised. After Ahsoka, the bar has been lowered once more. Not every show has to be an 'Andor' - but the quality of it should be emulated, or at least strived for. Be it intelligent story, compelling characters, strong - yet nuanced acting, stunning world-building, gripping tension-building, satisfying pay-offs, character arcs, intriguing villains and ancillary characters with clear motivations and logic, finesse of moving the plot forward effortlessly and with intelligence, absorbing cinematography, immersive set design, and even an overall message in the series itself.

Instead, we got a continuation of the formulaic Mandoverse series number 3. One which would have likely been better quality-wise if it has been an animated series, and not live-action. An uninspiring, if solid, yet underwhelming 5 out of 10. Star Wars should be better than this. Much better.

Edit: 'AHSOKA Finale: Review and Theories! - What's Next For Ezra and Baylan?' - a 28 minute overview (the positives, disappointments; and in-between) from ScreenCrush:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

^ or click here to watch -

« Last Edit: October 6, 2023, 04:50:47 pm by oojason »
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4885 on: October 6, 2023, 04:45:15 pm »
I don't understand all the talk about magic and its place in SW, history etc, surely magic & The Force are the same thing?

Personally, I consider Star Wars and by extension the force to be Sci-fi in origin and magic more associated with fantasy. There's crossover of course, but for me it felt a little out of place in relation to the OT. But like I said before, I've not read any expanded universe novels or watched the cartoons. A friend of mine who adores Rebels/Clone Wars, was delighted to see the Nightsisters in Ahsoka. I don't begrudge anyone else enjoying it.

It's funny, for me I'd say that Andor felt more Star Wars than Ahsoka. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Ahsoka. They still got a lot right for me. I thought Ray Stevenson was fantastic - one of the most compelling villains I've seen in a long time, I was almost rooting for him - and it's a tragedy that we'll never get to see where his portrayal would have led. I'm sure they'll recast, but it's going to be very hard to top that performance. I loved seeing Anakin finally being written well. It shows that Hayden was never the issue in the prequels. My criticism is mainly with the final episode feeling underdeveloped/rushed, which is a feature of so many Disney shows. 
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4886 on: October 6, 2023, 05:28:39 pm »
As long as they do recast Ray, I’m sure there have been discussions of CGI’ing him.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4887 on: October 6, 2023, 06:14:00 pm »
Get the feeling Anakin is going to feature a bit in both season 2 and the upcoming Filoni-verse movie designed to tie all his series' together.

Filoni's basically turned into George Lucas at this point. He's created his own universe with his own characters and he'll do whatever the hell Kathleen Kennedy wants with them, regardless of what the fans think.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4888 on: October 6, 2023, 06:19:13 pm »

Disagree with that.  I think Filoni has a free hand at this point. Too easy to put it all on Kennedy.

He deliberately ended Ashoka on an anti climax to prep for season 2
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4889 on: October 6, 2023, 06:21:29 pm »
.........and that's house!

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4890 on: October 6, 2023, 07:08:03 pm »

Good summary, I agree with pretty much all that, except I think Baylan and Shin will become a lot less interesting if we are eventually told their motivations.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4891 on: October 6, 2023, 07:49:37 pm »

I honestly don’t understand why someone would bother watching anything to do with Star Wars if they think the Prequels are awful.

fairly common opinion among people of a certain age. or, was at the time anyway.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4892 on: October 6, 2023, 08:03:48 pm »
I don’t mind people thinking they’re awful, but given they’re integral to everything else, I don’t see why you’d continue with the franchise if you don’t like them.

Because they like other things about it? When you've got 11 live action films, numerous animated and live action tv shows and all the other stuff there's quite a lot of of out there now.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4893 on: October 6, 2023, 08:41:43 pm »

I honestly don’t understand why someone would bother watching anything to do with Star Wars if they think the Prequels are awful.

Wait, there are people out there who don't think they're awful! I jest. I've noticed there's divide in the Star Wars fanbase more recently of a younger generation, possibly even those not even born when they came out, who got into Star Wars via Clone Wars/Rebels and then watched the prequels afterwards. Giving them an entirely different perspective to the OT fans or those who grew up with the Prequels.

Anyway, I think they're awful, but I also think there were some interesting elements of world building and redeeming features in there. It was just executed appalingly. So with shows like Ahsoka to me it's about them building on the good and expanding that universe, rather than replicating it, which is something that interests me as both a fan of Star Wars and a sci-fi fanatic.
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4894 on: October 6, 2023, 08:47:57 pm »
The vast majority of it depends fully on the context and character backgrounds established in the Prequels, so if you dislike them I can’t believe you’d be overly interested in any it, particularly the entirety of the animated stuff for which this series was always going to depend, given Ahsoka is the foremost animated character.

As said above, you can like aspects of things without necessarily liking the thing itself.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4895 on: October 6, 2023, 08:49:58 pm »
The best episode of Ahsoka was the one in The Mandalorian
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4896 on: October 6, 2023, 08:55:10 pm »
The likes of The Clone Wars, Rebels, Mandalorian and Ashoka has, I think for many, softened the blow of how awful the Prequels were, and highlighted how badly George Lucas handled them. Hayden seems much more comfortable in the role of Anakin Skywalker now (ironic, as he's now about the same age Vader was in A New Hope).

But compared to the Sequels, the Prequels are high art. I know that opinion rankles, but nothing will change my mind on it. Both have top grade actors labouring with poor material, but the prequels at least had a more coherent story. (It was still painfully convoluted, mind.)
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4897 on: October 6, 2023, 10:15:06 pm »
That would be my point though. These days, more than ever, everyone’s a critic. People need to chill out,  and just take the things you can from these series. If you can’t take anything from series after series in a franchise, and aren’t enjoying them, then stop watching. By focusing on the world building and just taking series as they come, rather than looking at things in a judgemental manner, I’ve found viewing far more rewarding. Perhaps it wouldn’t work for everyone, but it’s certainly seems a healthy way to approach things.

It's possible to enjoy the bits you enjoy while being critical of the bits you don't, I don't see why people insist on it being all or nothing.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4898 on: October 6, 2023, 11:20:05 pm »

I honestly don’t understand why someone would bother watching anything to do with Star Wars if they think the Prequels are awful.

Thankfully, Star Wars is far, far more than just the Prequel Trilogy. I'd have thought that much is obvious, no?

The vast majority of it depends fully on the context and character backgrounds established in the Prequels, so if you dislike them I can’t believe you’d be overly interested in any it, particularly the entirety of the animated stuff for which this series was always going to depend, given Ahsoka is the foremost animated character.

I'd disagree with that - this is a show designed to set up more groundwork for / repair the Sequels - set in the post-Original Trilogy era; with a heavy sprinkling of EU/Legends material throughout. Prequel-era characters, sure, along with new and older characters - but not many just from the Prequel films themselves, yes? (as if that matters).

Besides, I adore 2003 Clone Wars, and much of Rebels. Some of The Clone Wars (not so much early seasons & the 2008 film). Enjoyed much of The Bad Batch (disappointed season 3 will be the last), think Andor is the best piece of Star Wars since the OT, and loved Rogue One. Solo is very and unfairly underrated, and the Sequels mixed; TLJ being a welcome refreshing chance to move the GFFA forward (if divisive) and the ST ultimately being undermined by an appalling finale in TROS. ToTJ is an enjoyable series too (though should encompass characters other than Ahsoka - who has been well established by now), Visions is a quality fun watch - and hope there is more to come of that particular series for many years.

I'm looking forward to Skeleton Crew, The Acolyte, the three new recently announced theatrical films, am hoping Rogue Squadron gets made, Tahiti's film too, the Lando series...

Send me a PM and we'll continue this - thoughts on the EU, including the novels and comics before the EU, Legends, changes to canon since, how Lucas let authors and other creatives shape the universe in the 70's and 80's, the Sith, the shoddy treatment of Veitch, in preference to a more amiable Zahn. The rewriting of that history, as well as rewriting the official history of the GFFA - and many creatives not getting the credit they deserve, some being omitted from the history, along with Lucas' own contributions to the EU (contrary to the more recent Filoni and Lucasfilm claims).

That would be my point though. These days, more than ever, everyone’s a critic. People need to chill out,  and just take the things you can from these series. If you can’t take anything from series after series in a franchise, and aren’t enjoying them, then stop watching. By focusing on the world building and just taking series as they come, rather than looking at things in a judgemental manner, I’ve found viewing far more rewarding. Perhaps it wouldn’t work for everyone, but it’s certainly seems a healthy way to approach things.

No, not really, Everyone was a 'critic' back in the days of early Star Wars too. It is myth and revisionism to suggest otherwise. I hold the GFFA in high regard and when something is amiss, lacking, or found wanting I'll comment on it, query it, and compare and contrast - much like fans of any long running 'franchise' would (which I believe has been my only comment on the Ahsoka series so far).

Lucasfilm and Disney won't give two shites what I think, or other fans, and honestly... nor should they.

As for "If you can’t take anything from series after series in a franchise, and aren’t enjoying them, then stop watching"? What on earth? Re-red my initial post and you'll also see praise, the positives, suggestions, not that this matters. "Stop watching"?...

I've watched near-on everything, the Holiday Special more times than I care to remember, Droids, Ewoks, Caravan of Courage, Battle For Endor, countless preservations and fan edits from all across the GFFA - including animated comic series and adaptions, game adaptions, fan fics, fan-made docs and specials, lego SW content, and all sorts of other SW-related content.

If I want to give my opinion... I'll give it. Whether positive, negative, or mixed, or anything else. Because I didn't enjoy the Prequels and thought they were awful I shouldn't give my opinion on this because YOU believe it to be based on the Prequel era? That I should stop watching? "Chill out, and just take the things you can" Wow. Seems you've done quite a bit of judging there yourself.

That takes me back to the days of early internet fandom - where fans of the theatrical cuts of the OT were thrown out of many online SW sites - not for explicit language - but for simply wishing to discuss the theatrical cuts, or others having discourse on why the Prequel films felt lacking and had a dissonance with the OT, other discussing the changes via the Special Editions. Such blanket bans and censorship didn't work then - and I'll be fucked if a "stop watching" / a sort of "don't be critical of things I like" attitude will work now.

I thought the people who sent us death threats, attempted to blackmail us and others, phone up and shout abuse down the line, throw slurs and accusations on the internet... took the biscuit (all George and Prequel fans / zealots, by the way). How wrong can you be, eh?

It is worth remembering people actually want to enjoy Star Wars - never forget that. They've likely enjoyed other aspects of it over the years - and just because they didn't enjoy a small amount of it somewhere along the line... doesn't mean they shouldn't be watching... or wanting to enjoy other content from the GFFA too. Nor does it mean they shouldn't discuss what they found wanting or lacking, what could be improved, or compare and contrast with other series. That kind of narrow-minded thinking didn't work 20 years ago - it certainly doesn't work now.

As said above, you can like aspects of things without necessarily liking the thing itself.
It's possible to enjoy the bits you enjoy while being critical of the bits you don't, I don't see why people insist on it being all or nothing.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 12:08:10 pm by oojason »
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4899 on: October 6, 2023, 11:32:52 pm »
My cup, it runneth over, I'll never get my fill

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4900 on: October 6, 2023, 11:37:51 pm »

No, not the chains!!! ;D

Ooh, Princess Aura vibes and bore-worms there...

Dun dun dun dun dun....

'Obi Wan reacts to Thrawn's return' - for episodes 6 & 7 of Ahsoka; from 'Not Obi-Wan Kenobi':-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

^ or click here to watch -

^ thanks for the heads-up on that, mate. A few like-minded Star Wars friends are now enjoying it, and working their way through his other content, too  :thumbup

Looking forward to their episode 8 take (and more sketches in general).

Edit: And as if by magic...

'Obi Wan reacts to the Ahsoka finale' - for episodes 8 of Ahsoka; from 'Not Obi-Wan Kenobi':-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

^ or click here to watch -

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4901 on: October 7, 2023, 12:18:19 am »
Saying that if you think the prequels are awful means you should not bother anymore is cock and balls, honestly.  Even if you just focus on Ahsoka, the only character from the PT that has any significance is Anakin.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4902 on: October 7, 2023, 12:36:43 am »
All roads lead to the chains Padawan.

All of his stuff is great Jason, you wouldn't want to leave a drink unattended when Obi is around.
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4903 on: October 7, 2023, 01:10:33 am »
Discussing Star Wars in 2023, a play in 1 part. And haiku.


You know what I like?

Star Wars. But not that Star Wars.

I won't compromise.


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~ Kenneth Williams, with whom I'm noddingly acquainted. Socially impressed?

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4904 on: October 7, 2023, 03:51:49 am »
Shawna Trpcic, the Emmy-nominated costume designer who worked on the Star Wars series The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka, has died. She was 56.

Trpcic died suddenly of an unknown cause in Palm Desert on Wednesday, her daughter, Sarah, told The Hollywood Reporter.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4905 on: October 7, 2023, 09:20:56 am »
Speaking of re-casting Baylan I saw a couple of good shouts on reddit:

Graham McTavish
Liev Schrieber

I think either could do a good job, but Liev Schrieber is a great actor and would get the nod from me.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4906 on: October 7, 2023, 09:39:24 am »
Disney need to find themselves a writer that cares as much about Star Wars, and it's reception, as Mikey_LFC (I am not being sarcy here!), to replace whichever AI program they appear to use to churn stuff out

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4907 on: October 7, 2023, 09:41:15 am »
Disney need to find themselves a writer that cares as much about Star Wars, and it's reception, as Mikey_LFC (I am not being sarcy here!), to replace whichever AI program they appear to use to churn stuff out

The thing is mate, they do hire quality writers... from back on Page 100:- ( ;)

'They had a quality writer for Kenobi in Hossein Amini (for a more character-driven study) - and replaced him early 2020 with Joby Harold as they wanted a more "hopeful, uplifting story"... They do attract the better writers, then jettison them at times for a more 'safer' pair of hands, which in turn likely puts off other quality writers from signing up to do Star Wars series...'

.. and the cycle continues.

As said in one of the posts above: 'I feel that Filoni is a good visionary - an ideas man (often other peoples', and who remain uncredited, but still an 'ideas man'), a very good showrunner for various animated series. But on evidence of this series... he struggles to write live-action scenes at all - and misses Favreau's input and collaboration for this.' and... 'Please give this man a writing room - with other talented creatives who specialise in dialogue (and whilst we're here... exposition and moving a scene and story forward - a 2 minute video demonstrating this:'

He can certainly write for animation - yet going on this and some of the other recent Mandoverse content, he likely needs some assistance with the writing for live-action.

The Acolyte should be intriguing for this a different take on writing style and delivery. Like Andor, early reports are that the writing is particularly strong. Some good whispers about Skeleton Crew too on that front.

Honestly, the vast majority of what you’ve responded to there wasn’t directed at you but more generally to people jumping online to talk about how bad they felt something was. It’s pointless and does nothing to improve your life. Dwelling in negativity is also just an easy way out. It’s much harder but far more rewarding to put that to one side and find the light in everything, through understanding and appreciating the creator’s choices. After all, if someone, somewhere likes something, then it’s possible to view that thing through a certain perspective to enjoy it. Try to find that perspective and you’ll find a more rounded outlook on life.

I see that outlook on this forum but all see people in every thread filled with it’s fair share of people too eager to jump straight into a negative outlook that’s neither healthy or productive.

It’s the part you’ve clearly missed when watching all the Star Wars content that you have, that shines through in your analysis of Darth Vader/Anakin. It was never about dismissing his war crimes or saying he’s a good person, it was about leaving the judgement to one side to understand the person’s motivations, to understand their potential for good and to know even in someone who has become so incredibly lost, angry and isolated, to the extent that they’re a threat to everyone around them, there is a chance for rehabilitation, and pursuing that path is worthwhile as they can help combat the greater forces of tyranny in the world.

At the end of the day, you can do what you want. I’m just offering some advice as I can’t imagine watching something that sees you needing to write an angry essay afterwards is particularly good for you, or really how you’d want to be spending your Friday night.

Well, you quoted me so, and I caught up with your resulting conversation with Voodoo ray and others - and then replied.

It obviously wasn't "an angry essay" - and certainly not "Dwelling in negativity" - but you know that, already.

It seems you missed the points made - or misinterpreted what I said about Anakin / Vader (even though it "shined through"). If he merely appears as mere fan service and cameos it is a wasted opportunity not to add or bring something new to the table. A pay-off, a different POV, or addition, in contrast to the negativity of the character portrayed in the Prequel films themselves - and how many casual fans or viewers remember him (which is different to the Prequel era; with the ancillary material since)

And no... you weren't 'just offering advice' - you were attempting to shut down an opinion of the content you found to be critical / obviously didn't like:-

"I honestly don’t understand why someone would bother watching anything to do with Star Wars if they think the Prequels are awful."

"they are integral to everything else, I don’t see why you’d continue with the franchise if you don’t like them."

"To cynically dismiss the series by defining..."

"People need to chill out,  and just take the things you can from these series. If you can’t take anything from series after series in a franchise, and aren’t enjoying them, then stop watching."

^ And yet you missed the positive, the mixed, and some suggestions in regards for improvements for some aspects I found lacking, or poorly executed.

Again, and as others here have also illustrated to you... Star Wars is a massive universe with a long and varied library of content...

It is also worth remembering people actually want to enjoy Star Wars - never forget that. They've likely enjoyed other aspects of it over the years - and just because they didn't enjoy a small amount of it somewhere along the line... doesn't mean they shouldn't be watching... or wanting to enjoy other content from the GFFA too. Nor does it mean they shouldn't discuss what they found wanting or lacking, what could be improved, or compare and contrast with other series. That kind of narrow-minded thinking didn't work 20 years ago (or even 40+ years ago) - hasn't worked since - and it certainly doesn't work now.

Try not to worry about how I spend my Friday nights - it only took a few minutes - and find highlighting narrow mindedness, ignorant gatekeeping, and attempts to shutdown or negate valid and reasoned opinion to be quite rewarding, on any day or time :wave.

But, by all means, please continue...

Saying that if you think the prequels are awful means you should not bother anymore is cock and balls, honestly.  Even if you just focus on Ahsoka, the only character from the PT that has any significance is Anakin.

Yeah, pretty much. On both points.
Shawna Trpcic, the Emmy-nominated costume designer who worked on the Star Wars series The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka, has died. She was 56.

Trpcic died suddenly of an unknown cause in Palm Desert on Wednesday, her daughter, Sarah, told The Hollywood Reporter.

Sad to hear. RIP Shawna Trpcic.

« Last Edit: October 7, 2023, 10:29:29 am by oojason »
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4908 on: October 7, 2023, 10:30:46 am »

Calm down mate, you'll break your keyboard at this rate.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4909 on: October 7, 2023, 10:45:12 am »
Calm down mate, you'll break your keyboard at this rate.

Perfectly calm, mate. I'm simply highlighting a few issues some people believe that if you don't like a tiny amount of Star Wars... then you shouldn't watch further connected content to it. ;D  If it helps, try and read my posts in the voice of Lars Mikkelsen as Thrawn ;)

« Last Edit: October 7, 2023, 10:48:58 am by oojason »
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4910 on: October 7, 2023, 10:56:46 am »
It's not just star wars that suffers from this. Its movies in general, there just seems to be a lack of effort. They are churned out as soon as they can for the money.

It why the original marvel films did so well as there was a general direction and high level to their production as a whole.

Some of the recent decisions just seems spin a tombola and pic out whatever scene comes out regardless of whether it makes sense.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4911 on: October 7, 2023, 11:39:43 am »
At the same time it's like supporting Liverpool, when we play shit you don't just stop watching :D

We've grown up with star wars so obviously many will watch whether it's shit or not

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4912 on: October 7, 2023, 01:11:28 pm »
Perfectly calm, mate. I'm simply highlighting a few issues some people believe that if you don't like a tiny amount of Star Wars... then you shouldn't watch further connected content to it. ;D  If it helps, try and read my posts in the voice of Lars Mikkelsen as Thrawn ;)

I know, I'm just fucking around after some of the weird takes about criticism in here!

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4913 on: October 7, 2023, 02:48:07 pm »
At the same time it's like supporting Liverpool, when we play shit you don't just stop watching :D

We've grown up with star wars so obviously many will watch whether it's shit or not

Aye, very much this. Plus, you have to actually watch a series for yourself to find out if you rate it or not - and how much so.

I think you may be misunderstanding the sentiment behind what I’m saying, probably due to the obviously toxic experiences you’ve had in the past with sections of the Star Wars fanbase, which doesn’t surprise me as it seems to draw in it’s fair share of nutters.

I’ve never said what you should or shouldn’t do. I merely don’t understand why and suggested it might not be the healthiest thing to continue with.

I get that you love Star Wars as a space for storytelling and as you’ve said you want to enjoy Star Wars, but it just doesn’t sound like you are for the most part. Now, perhaps the fan in you can’t let go and feels you need to stay committed to it, any football fan will understand that, and perhaps you feel like watching everything just in case you enjoy it, but it also sounds like you’ve got a fairly clear idea of which bits you will and won’t enjoy.

There’s plenty of content produced nowadays across all the streaming services and channels, enough for people to only need to watch things they think they’ll enjoy and find rewarding, which I’m just not sure was the case for you going into this, though I may be wrong. Basically, it’s a shame for you, that you couldn’t have spent your time watching something that you found more interesting than a 5/10.

Yet, you have - you actually said "stop watching" - and I'd written "an angry essay" and "Dwelling in negativity".

This, despite I've already stated I enjoy much of Star Wars - you obviously overlooked the long list of content that I posted I did enjoy.

Plus, you have to actually watch a series for yourself to find out if you rate it or not - and how much so.

Please, enough with the gatekeeping and backtracking / revisionism - it is enough to even make George blush.

I guess the issue comes that you’re devoted to the franchise to the extent that you’re not going to miss a single second of anything produced so therefore if you’re not enjoying it the only changeable factor is the writing. I don’t see these franchises as the same as a sports team though, and so if I stopped enjoying the majority of what was being produced, I’d move on. So perhaps that’s where we differ in our outlook.

I see I'm having to repeat myself - the long list of content I do enjoy; the one you sort of acknowledge as "you’re devoted to the franchise to the extent that you’re not going to miss a single second of anything produced" - so why would anyone move on when they do actually enjoy much of that said content.

You're really not making much sense, and seemingly trying to reach, or deflect away from your initial posts, along the lines of "I honestly don’t understand why someone would bother watching anything to do with Star Wars if they think the Prequels are awful."

Also, as silly as it sounds I don’t look on these interconnected series as something where the storylines are changeable, even though they are, because my interpretation of these types of series has always been that they’re capturing what happened at some point in the worlds history, more like a depiction / translation of historical events than a creative choice. Obviously that’s not the case, but when the series are put together as they are with an wide ranging story and endgame in mind, to some extent, then it’s more in sync with that than a more traditional series.

In an 8 episode series - why not watch the whole thing? To see if it improves, to see if they stick the landing, to what becomes of Baylan and Shin etc. And, as you say, these interconnected stories will likely require the viewer to be up-to-date on the various future instalments, so why not watch and be kept abreast of the situation going into the next series.

Anyway, I’ll leave it there between us as you’re obviously not particularly interested or appreciative of my input, and it’s clearly brought back some bad memories for you for whatever reason. As I said, people can do, say and think whatever they want. I’d always defend that. But that doesn’t mean every action is advisable. It’s your life though so I’ll knock the unsolicited therapy on the head.

Again, you said "stop watching" - among posting your own narrowminded outlook and preconceptions - whilst ignoring the positives and the mixed aspects posted ;D

If you didn’t like it, you didn’t like it. Maybe you can give the next Dave Filoni live-action series a miss for something you will enjoy more  and maybe you won’t. Just maybe don’t be surprised if you don’t like it, or if you do, who knows perhaps you’ll see Ahsoka in a better light because of it.

I'll continue to keep an open mind, thanks.

It has served me well for many years. After all, if anyone followed your advice... they'd stop watching Liverpool when going through a bad patch, stopped watching Star Wars after the '78 Holiday Special, would not have watched Star Trek TNG as the first couple of seasons underwhelmed, and missed out on any other content that actually improved over time. Even content such as Rebels or The Clone Wars that had 'testing' or 'slow' starts. Or people would have missed out on Andor - if they didn't like Rogue One.

Or, as others have commented, "It's possible to enjoy the bits you enjoy while being critical of the bits you don't, I don't see why people insist on it being all or nothing."

As you posted above "I'll leave it there" - that is probably for the best, mate. You've had a bit of a 'mare in here. Maybe leave the gatekeeping behind, and develop a more open mind yourself in the future. :wave

Moving on.

I know, I'm just fucking around after some of the weird takes about criticism in here!

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4914 on: October 7, 2023, 03:07:34 pm »

'Star Wars: Heir to the Empire | Fan Trailer (Anime/Animated)' - a 1 minute showcase / what could be...

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

^ or click here to watch -

A different style of animation for Heir To The Empire...

'Star Wars: Heir to the Empire - Part One (fixed!)' - by DarthAngelus:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

^ or click here to watch - - and more quality videos and chapters at

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4915 on: October 7, 2023, 07:41:14 pm »
Resorting to passive aggression, being overly defensive towards constructive advice, ignoring large sections of posts whilst cherry-picking out particular phrases to deliberately and repeatedly quote out of context in order to misrepresent my intentions and attack my character, continuously misreading well-intended posts as attempts to restrict opinion and using phrases only uttered by people used to being locked in tedious social media battlegrounds; not going to lie, you come across as someone who’s about as close-minded, bitter and entrenched in their beliefs as anyone I’ve ever talked to on here.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume I just caught you having a bad week or something, but please can you in future discuss what is a relatively unimportant subject in a more human way because at the moment it’s coming off as downright unpleasant.

It appears you've actually just highlighted yourself there. Reading through the thread, from your initial response post to me onwards, confirms that.

If you're not happy at your gatekeeping and narrowminded approach to Star Wars being called out... or consider that an "attack on my character"... then that's your problem. No "benefit of the doubt" is required. If you truly believe I've overstepped the mark then the 'report to mod' button is right there.

And unlike yourself, I'll continue to keep an open mind, thanks. It seems many others on here will continue to do just that, too.

I will leave it there.
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4916 on: October 7, 2023, 07:51:32 pm »
Bloody hell, people. Stop losing your shit. It's only Star Wars.  :D
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4917 on: October 7, 2023, 07:58:02 pm »
Haven't absorbed most of the to and fro, but do agree with oojason that solo was decent .
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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4918 on: October 7, 2023, 07:58:03 pm »
Moving on (yet again)...

Trailers shown at Star Wars Celebration back in April (captured by fans on their phones - so audio/video quality is understandably poor):-

Andor: season 2 trailer:

Acolyte trailer:

Skeleton Crew trailer: (a few seconds missing from the end).

but do agree with oojason that solo was decent .

Thanks mate. I hope the Lando film (or series) follows on from that - maybe using some of the stories and characters from Solo and the two planned sequels. It seemed a good set-up - a pity the timing went all astray. And I'm also kind of intrigued to see what Donald Glover (and brother) comes up with story-wise.

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Re: Star Wars Universe lastest news
« Reply #4919 on: October 8, 2023, 09:52:24 am »
I think oojason has summed up Ahsoka for me with more keyboard clicks than I’d be bothered to waste on it.

From start to finish, it was like an old video game with hammy live-action cutscenes there to break up the action. And the action… I could write a thesis on it, but it boils down to ‘force convenience’ which is the most video gamey thing of the lot.

Another swing and a miss from Disney, but people are watching so who cares.

Edit: Recently rewatched Solo. It has missteps but it’s really not bad at all.
« Last Edit: October 8, 2023, 09:55:13 am by thejbs »