I've highlighted that part of your post because if that was the 'exam' question then I think he certainly achieved that judging by the comments below that video. The comments pretty much unanimously praise him and condemn her for such a piss poor attempt at baiting him, even from some of her 'fans'. I don't think I came across a single negative comment against him and there were a few posts of recognition about the political agenda at play here.
Overall I think the public are behind these workers, probably identifying with the cost of living issues they are facing. I do agree that he could have explained the purpose of picketing better in terms of informing line crossers etc. about the purpose of the strike. However he has had to respond to the most ridiculous attempt at baiting you'll ever see and given this was only a 2 minute 'click bait' interview slot he did really well and certainly hasn't done himself or his members any harm. I've watched the rest of those videos that have been posted and think he's handled those press interviews really well when given the opportunity to provide more detailed answers in the face of some pretty personal attacks.
That's the reason I gave the exam analogy a mark of 5, he could of explained the purpose of picketing better, we're encouraging people who want to work not to work isn't a good way to describe the purpose of picketing.
I think the vast majority of people understand people have the right to strike and I hope the majority don't fall for the shit that will be thrown at the Strikers and by the Torys trying to turn Labour into some s.. stirrers who support militant strikers.
That can only be countered by good arguments to justify the strike and the picketing.
I don't actually think the Torys will try and ferry in agency workers to walk past the pickets, the purpose of this was to create a image which will make people wonder if things will turn nasty when the agency workers try to cross the picket lines, that seemed obvious to me straight away, people would automatically think of the 80s and the Miners strike so this question shouldn't have come as a surprise, it wasn't some unfair baiting question by Burley. to mock her and claim she doesn't understand the purpose of picketing wasn't a good way of handling things, better points could have been made which would have helped the strikers while making the Torys look bad.
So few pickets meant the pickets had no intention of turning things nasty.
The fact you've asked me this question shows just how low this government are going to go with their Propaganda to attack people who are only trying to protect their family's from high inflation. you can see this picket is nothing like a 80s picket so I ask the public not to fall for the Torys propaganda to try and link us to those days by creating this confrontation scenario in peoples mind.
I really wouldn't be influenced by any of the comments, it's the people sat at home who either have no opinion or a ignorant opinion who your trying to reach.