Author Topic: The Anfield Wrap  (Read 3339884 times)

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22160 on: October 22, 2019, 10:41:22 pm »
None of it. It's absolutely rank
Isn’t Klopp from the Black Forest?  Show a bit of respect for the man’s culture, please.

That said I wouldn’t mind seeing them redo the Torres ad with German stuff.  Local lasses squeezing into the Oktoberfest outfits.  Lads coming out the chippy face first in a Black Forest Gateau.  Bit of orchestrated chanting on the Kop.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22161 on: October 23, 2019, 09:16:07 am »
Isn’t Klopp from the Black Forest?  Show a bit of respect for the man’s culture, please.

That said I wouldn’t mind seeing them redo the Torres ad with German stuff.  Local lasses squeezing into the Oktoberfest outfits.  Lads coming out the chippy face first in a Black Forest Gateau.  Bit of orchestrated chanting on the Kop.

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Offline Wembley74

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22162 on: October 23, 2019, 05:12:41 pm »
Hello lads and lasses,

I rarely post on here but was pointed this way by a mate who'd told me there were a few dubious and quite hurtful comments about me (nothing new, it's the internet FFS) a few pages back.

Having read a few of those lines now, I feel I've got to respond.

Firstly, this business about me being AMF. Loads of things in the game were better "in my day". Like not getting kicked off the ACS scheme because your card fails. We'd just turn up, pay in (when the arl moaners sat at home leaving the Kemlyn empty) to watch the Dynamo Tblisis and Dresdens. No ladders to scale, just loyalty rewarded by a space on the Kop for living near the ground. To the people who say I hate "wools", most of my mates who I go with are from out of town, fantastic fans. And my definition of wool extends to people from Liverpool who wouldn't know a good look or the right mentality if it smacked them in the face.

Equally, the modern game is great and I still go the match with my mates local and from afar, and dad, son and sister, so I can't hate it that much. I don't.

Also saw a few comments about me referring to the Peter Moore fan visit in Napoli as smacking of a PR exercise. Perhaps his intentions were honourable but that was triggered by mates I knew out there who had their own suspicions. I might have got that wrong, and in light of the abuse I got over it on twitter, probably should have kept my own counsel. But, if anyone really thinks FSG and Moore are a philanthropic Godsend, that's your opinion to which you're entitled. But, it goes both ways.

With regard to me not being on TAW these days, I'm busy. I've got a new-ish full time job - I have to earn a living like we all do and am not in the media as such - and TAW is recorded in working hours. I spoke briefly to Andy H at the Norwich game in August about trying to work round that, but haven't heard anything since. Nor have I seen or heard anything from the other TAW lads since last season, besides swapping the odd text with my mate Rob G. I'm also writing a book on the Reds and my daughter has gone to Oxford to do Law (so I have limited hours at weekends) therefore my time is at a premium. Family comes before football, always has, always will.

I still listen occasionally, and in the main it's younger contributors (bar Rob) so I'm not sure where my ideas fit in with the echo chamber. Sometimes you feel your age.

On top of everything I've a had a few MH issues caused by stress, principally started by my involvement with Redsbet/Fansbet which was a very pressurised position, especially so given some of the awful feedback I/we got for promoting betting (despite the core socialist message). It made me feel very uncomfortable and through all manner of things it hurts. Thankfully, that episode is behind me although I'm too decent to say what I really think about that whole thing.

As for the imbecile who said on here I wasn't in control of my faculties - thank you. I can assure you that I am.

Oh, and as for the initial time when people said I was off my rocker for suggesting letting Coutinho go was a bad move; we might have 7 European Cups now (in Kiev Firmino was goosed and Salah injured) and most recently at OT I thought we lacked a bit of guile to break down their massed rearguard.

Bottom line is I miss being on TAW. I've seen quite a few posts on the Facebook TAW subscribers page asking about me and my whereabouts and the same on twitter. No-one from the wrap has replied to any of those posts or tweets so amid that radio silence, I'm not sure where I stand.

Up the Reds,

Mike Nev

PS - You'll see I've refrained from using foul language, which is all too common these days. And if I sound a bit vexed, it's because I'm upset at utter rubbish I've read about me on here today. Pathetic.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 05:41:21 pm by Wembley74 »

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22163 on: October 23, 2019, 05:29:51 pm »
Hi Mike, I wouldn’t worry about negative comments on here (easy for me to say). It’s just opinions and no one can really judge someone from a few tweets or throwaway comments on a podcast. Always enjoyed your contributions on TAW, I’m normally quite good at recalling old games and results but you’re in a different league!

Hope to hear you back on there some day, and hope the Redsbet aggro is all in the past now.

Offline Wembley74

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22164 on: October 23, 2019, 05:44:02 pm »
Hi Mike, I wouldn’t worry about negative comments on here (easy for me to say). It’s just opinions and no one can really judge someone from a few tweets or throwaway comments on a podcast. Always enjoyed your contributions on TAW, I’m normally quite good at recalling old games and results but you’re in a different league!

Hope to hear you back on there some day, and hope the Redsbet aggro is all in the past now.

Thanks mate. Just fighting back. And there's a lot more in my post if you read between the lines. Appreciate very much you responding.

Cheers la.

Offline DangerScouse

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22165 on: October 23, 2019, 05:49:01 pm »
Mike chatted to you at a game recently. One of the best contributors on TAW, hope to see you back soon.

Most of the people spouting shite, wouldn't say it face to face,  I bet. Speaks volumes.

Offline Wembley74

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22166 on: October 23, 2019, 06:05:12 pm »
Thanks mate. Appreciate that. Loads.

Offline Iska

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22167 on: October 23, 2019, 06:17:16 pm »
Best wishes Mike.  Always enjoyed you on the WWCHs, above pretty much everything else TAW have ever done.  Hope you get a crack at another one this season!

Offline Wembley74

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22168 on: October 23, 2019, 06:21:45 pm »
Best wishes Mike.  Always enjoyed you on the WWCHs, above pretty much everything else TAW have ever done.  Hope you get a crack at another one this season!

Thank you mate

Offline royhendo

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22169 on: October 23, 2019, 07:18:19 pm »
Mike - I’m mostly off all social media so wasn’t aware of any of that (or this stuff - just had a look in the thread). Hope you’re enjoying the new job and your daughter’s flying at Oxford, that’s brilliant.

I personally haven’t listened to much of it over the last while but I do miss yourself, Nick and Mike Girling as regular contributors. Always enjoyed you lads being on the shows.

People are always losing the run of themselves on here so I wouldn’t give them a second thought. You’re a gent in my book. I met you just the once and thought you went out of your way to make me feel comfortable (it’s nerve wracking meeting a roomful of you). It was much appreciated.
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Re: The Anfield Wrapsorrt to
« Reply #22170 on: October 23, 2019, 07:27:40 pm »

Sorry to see it come to this Mike, it’s a shame you haven’t been invited back to TAW, always one of the top contributors back when I started listening 5-6 years ago, superb recall of LFC past and enjoyed your insight. It seemed dissenting and alternate opinions aren’t for everyone and fair play not always going along with the happy clappy, uber-positivity all the time.

Found it strange you got stick for Redsbet and people thinking it somehow unethical to advertise when TAW have happily plugged gins and craft ale distributors for years and reference their boozing habits numerous times (nothing wrong with this btw, they aren’t our mothers).

Best wishes anyway and ignore the snidey fuckers giving you grief.

Offline John C

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22171 on: October 23, 2019, 08:00:02 pm »
Thanks for posting that Mike, I don't do twitter so I can't put in context what was written on here, but your comments on RAWK are always welcome mate.

I loved the early wwch shows, your recollection of seasons in particular make them thoroughly interesting. I think I may have swerved a few of them though because I really do suffer with 'if only' syndrome :)

For what it's worth I hardly ever go on any other forum  but when I did about 6 months ago someone had posted they can't stand me and yorkykopite - hahaha no fucking idea why!

Good luck Mike.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22172 on: October 23, 2019, 08:51:36 pm »
Mikes swearing is always a highlight for me ;D

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22173 on: October 23, 2019, 10:35:46 pm »
Great show on managers. I always enjoy hearing Neil stepping away from hosting duties and contributing to discussion. I have to agree that if we were forced to choose I would pick one of Pochettino/Simeone.

I disagreed on Conte. Not that he would be my choice,  but he could turn Inter into something special in the next few years. Thus fitting the categories/criteria they put others into.

OF COURSE! This is all in the context of their discussion. Klopp forever please!

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Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22175 on: October 24, 2019, 08:09:36 am »
I think he's in complete possession of his faculties, loves Liverpool and he's been immersed in the fan culture for decades, which is great. Must have seen great things as a Red.

It's just that he seems to find all manor of issues with football modernity to the extent that he's finding fault where there is none. Football as a whole may well have been better in the olden days (he obviously thinks so), but right now this is all we've got and being ungenerous at every turn is more about him than the footy. Strewth, our best team in decades, wonderful footballers all over the pitch and he's hammering the CEO on Twitter about visiting an injured fan in a Napoli hospital.

This tone and 'attitude' all seemed to emerge after we sold Coutinho. He really lost his rag with the club and, by extension, the manager; suggesting that we'd be fine if Klopp left because Alonso or Gerrard would take over. Mad stuff.

Not sure he's even a TAW contributor anymore, which is a shame because he was an excellent voice on history shows but also contemporary stuff. Bring back that guy.
I believe Mike will have read my post above (amongst others) about him.

Firstly, I thank Mike for a response - very civilised and measured.

While my points are critical, I hope they're not hurtful; they're not overtly personal as I intended to couch them in 'reason' rather than vitriol.

I also stand by the points raised in terms of the online 'tone' adopted by Mike across Twitter. This may be an exaggeration of his character but I think it inclines towards the cynical too often for my tastes. That said, I do not know him and I am sure he is delightful in real life.

The Countinho shout remains a mad one for me - even bringing in United on Sunday is a stretch given we'd won the previous 17 games in all manner of ways, including against defensive teams. We literally thumped a Barca side without the front 3 against a side with Countinho in it. But that's fine - we disagree.

That said, I will reflect on my own approach to this issue and similar. I don't want to cause personal upset for people I have never met. That's no fun.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22176 on: October 24, 2019, 10:47:55 am »
I still listen occasionally, and in the main it's younger contributors (bar Rob) so I'm not sure where my ideas fit in with the echo chamber. Sometimes you feel your age.

Thank you for taking the time to respond, Mike, although I'm not sure it should have been necessary.

I just wanted to highlight this part of your post though, in that, whilst I do (full disclosure!) quite often find myself disagreeing with your point of view on certain topics, I simultaneously enjoy hearing it, not least because it challenges my own and makes me think. If anything becomes an echo chamber without any real debate then it very quickly becomes pretty boring, IMO.

Be good to see you back involved as and when it's possible anyway.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22177 on: October 24, 2019, 11:13:25 am »
Bring back What We Call History!  I’m sure they started one over the summer or earlier this season that was never finished.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22178 on: October 24, 2019, 11:42:45 am »
Bring back What We Call History!  I’m sure they started one over the summer or earlier this season that was never finished.
Yep. I think Wembley74's post may explain why it hasn't been completed.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22179 on: October 24, 2019, 02:29:00 pm »
Yep. I think Wembley74's post may explain why it hasn't been completed.
Yeah, I know and that’s what reminded me that they hadn’t finished the latest one they started.

Hopefully it comes back with Mike still involved.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22180 on: October 24, 2019, 03:43:39 pm »
I wish Sean Rogers would stop saying 'the Brexit midfield'. It's a complete insult to three players who helped us win the Champions League and got us to 97 points. Not to mention two of them- Fabinho and Wijnaldum- are nominated for the Ballon D'Or, and the other is one of only a handful of Liverpool captains who have lifted the European Cup.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 03:45:25 pm by nellpatel »
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22181 on: October 24, 2019, 03:49:04 pm »
I wish Sean Rogers would stop saying 'the Brexit midfield'. It's a complete insult to three players who helped us win the Champions League and got us to 97 points. Not to mention two of them- Fabinho and Wijnaldum- are nominated for the Ballon D'Or, and the other is one of only a handful of Liverpool captains who have lifted the European Cup.

Not even sure what he means by it. It's awful name for them three.

Actually prefer the reviews that don't include Sean now, which is a shame. But when you spend so long listening to the same manager etc etc...

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22182 on: October 24, 2019, 04:10:22 pm »
"Word of the day is 'philodox' (17th century): one who is in love with their own opinion, and who consequently believes that everyone else should share it."  @susie_dent on twitter -

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22183 on: October 24, 2019, 04:11:43 pm »
the post match pint after Genk is a wonderful listen. Don't miss it. all they needed was to light up a cigar in tribute to Ox's second goal. A performance so good it turned the lads into philosophers about life on the Anfield Wrap
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22184 on: October 24, 2019, 10:37:19 pm »
Not even sure what he means by it. It's awful name for them three.

Actually prefer the reviews that don't include Sean now, which is a shame. But when you spend so long listening to the same manager etc etc...

I think some people used it to describe the Gini/Milner/Henderson midfield in 17/18 But Sean Rogers keeps using it still and there is no need. There is nothing 'Brexit' (whatever the hell that means at the moment) about a European Cup final winning midfield.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22185 on: October 24, 2019, 11:50:10 pm »
Hello lads and lasses...

Thanks for checking in, Mike.  Sincerely hope you're in a good place and great to hear about your daughter smashing it in Oxford. :)

It's always difficult when you slowly discover that your face/voice no longer fits the bland scope of your former home, but plenty of people miss your contributions greatly.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22186 on: October 25, 2019, 01:35:19 am »
Whilst I didn't always completely agree with Mike on some points, I did value his insight into bygone eras. I'm probably only about ten years younger, but that's a huge chunk of LFC History he and the likes of John Mackin can bring to the table. And their contributions are very much missed IMO. And, it's not just about their recollections of the 70s and 80s - they are an important link to the past, and a bridge to some of the current younger contributors who don't know anything about Berger and Smicer, for example.

I still subscribe at £5 but very rarely listen now. I accept; however, that is solely down to an age thing. I have little appetite for the opinions of quite a few contributors introduced over the past twelve months or so, solely because they offer no insight, or anything that interests me. Again, probably an age thing - from my perspective.

There's clearly still something for everyone, but much less than there used to be - for me.

I'd probably make more of an effort if there was an appetite to get the likes of Nevin / Mackin involved more.

As you were.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22187 on: October 25, 2019, 05:50:23 am »
So it's a sport propped up by working class mechanics, while the men at the top earn millions in their tax havens?

Doesn't sound like the greatest argument for it not being Tory.

Exactly. That definition would make fox hunting a working class pastime.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22188 on: October 25, 2019, 06:36:05 am »
Whilst I didn't always completely agree with Mike on some points, I did value his insight into bygone eras. I'm probably only about ten years younger, but that's a huge chunk of LFC History he and the likes of John Mackin can bring to the table. And their contributions are very much missed IMO. And, it's not just about their recollections of the 70s and 80s - they are an important link to the past, and a bridge to some of the current younger contributors who don't know anything about Berger and Smicer, for example.

I still subscribe at £5 but very rarely listen now. I accept; however, that is solely down to an age thing. I have little appetite for the opinions of quite a few contributors introduced over the past twelve months or so, solely because they offer no insight, or anything that interests me. Again, probably an age thing - from my perspective.

There's clearly still something for everyone, but much less than there used to be - for me.

I'd probably make more of an effort if there was an appetite to get the likes of Nevin / Mackin involved more.

As you were.

Agree with much of this. One of the most memorable podcasts I listened to had Rob G, Mike, Tony B on. It was probably two years ago at this stage but was a fascinating listen due to the range of insight and regaling of memories, whilst also showing a great understanding of modern football. It's a shame the focus seems to have almost completely shifted away from those types of contributors, Rob aside.

For clarity,  I'm not referencing WWCH, I'm speaking generally about the podcasts, which could do with a broader age diversification to give a different perspective and probably a more valued one at that, imo.

Damian Kavanagh another contributor I really enjoy listening to.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22189 on: October 25, 2019, 08:10:03 am »
Personally, I think the “too many young’uns” shout is overblown a tad. Firstly, the core group of hosts for podcasts and videos remain pretty consistent: Neil A, John G, Rob G, Gareth R, Andy H with the likes of Josh, Mo S, Paul S, Emilia B and Dam M doing other bits. When you break it down like that I don’t think you can accuse them of moving too far away from the initial tone and output. Secondly, as the operation has grown considerably, there will be a certain dilution of your favourite people all on the same show – but that’s more of an adjustment you make as a listener than a considerable shift in quality, in my opinion.

In terms of ‘older’ (40+) contributors, regular voices still include Johnny M, Damian K, Ian S, Phil B (in his late 60s I think) and Gareth Roberts. Plus, the likes of Adam M, Jay M, Neil D, Ben J and Steve G are excellent value although not always around.

When it comes to the younger voices, there has to be space for these guys. You get your training wheels and then you start to grow and develop both as a broadcaster but also in terms of your ability to critically analyse events. Of course some ‘younger’ analysis can be a little too ‘on the nose’ and obvious, but it’s not a dominant feature. Plus, they definitely do improve – Josh, Craig, Fuad and Lizzy are all miles ahead of where they were when they started in every aspect. Plus, Dan A is already a very accomplished host and contributor.

Obviously it’s not perfect and some shows fall flat or don’t quite hit the mark but I do take issue with the idea that it’s considerable dropped off, as some are suggesting. It’s actually very high-quality in the main. Personally, I think Liverpool fans are lucky to have it.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22190 on: October 25, 2019, 08:32:40 am »
Just on a pedantic point, Neil talked about Fabinho having a week and a half off if he gets a yellow this weekend so misses the Villa game. Surely he would only 'miss' the Arsenal game in midweek. ???

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22191 on: October 25, 2019, 09:10:14 am »
I’m 32 ffs. But yes, I’m not one of the younger ones.

Just on a pedantic point, Neil talked about Fabinho having a week and a half off if he gets a yellow this weekend so misses the Villa game. Surely he would only 'miss' the Arsenal game in midweek. ???

They changed the rules a couple of years ago so bookings aren’t cross competition any longer. Reds are, yellows not.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 09:12:09 am by Hightown Phil »

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22192 on: October 25, 2019, 09:19:21 am »
I don't think we need to say anyone's making accusations Fitzy - it's a discussion isn't it?

The tone and output is going to naturally change on any outlet, including this one. I dot in and out of it now. I'm only interested in football, and I'm increasingly selective over what I absorb on the subject. I like a bit of thought and insight and I like hearing people who really know the game talk about the game - there are various facets of that. Mike above is one of those types; Ben Johnson is another. I mean no disrespect to anyone else here, but I relate more to Ben's and, say, Dan Morgan's views on the game than most of those with analytical and coaching backgrounds. It's the same feel as you get from Yorkykopite on here, who'll always be my favourite writer on the game, bar none. People who have played the game to a decent level, who understand it from their own perspective, and who know how to express that understanding clearly in a distinctive way.

I find myself gravitating to that kind of thing more and more these days, and the distinctiveness of the voice is key to that. I'll go and read Barney Ronay's stuff on the Guardian site, and I'll listen to United We Stand end to end. I used to read Zonal Marking's stuff. I don't bother any more. That kind of thing.

TAW is growing, and when a media company grows it will tend to try and impose a house style, and a house editorial approach across its various channels - that's natural when you get a young staff in that's responsible for these things. You also get an explosion of content, and that's natural too... but the by product if you're not careful is that the voices start to sound homogenous, and older people start to talk about party lines and echo chambers, and people whose views depart from those lines start to disappear from the platform.

We're regularly accused of she same thing on here too - Al did it on the Edwards thread last weekend. It's natural. But yeah - I think it's important to accommodate contrarian voices and styles where you can. (That goes for Al on here too.) It's a tricky line to tread commercially, but that's my view. It's what sets a great platform aside from a good platform. The BBC is mostly Eastenders, The One Show, and Celebrity Antiques Road Trip, but a sprinkling of Adam Curtis and Jonathan Meades sets it aside. I wrote an email to the TAW guys on roughly this subject when I stopped writing for the site a few months ago - I'm not sure if anyone actually read it. But let's just say it's good that Ben Johnson still gets to write his player ratings 'uncut'. I miss Martin Fitzgerald's stuff on the site. That kind of thing.

I do feel proud of what the site has achieved though - we're lucky to have them. The stuff with the Origi banner this week is another example of the good they do for the broader definition of the club.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22193 on: October 25, 2019, 09:34:07 am »
I’m 32 ffs. But yes, I’m not one of the younger ones.


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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22194 on: October 25, 2019, 09:34:34 am »
Whilst I didn't always completely agree with Mike on some points, I did value his insight into bygone eras. I'm probably only about ten years younger, but that's a huge chunk of LFC History he and the likes of John Mackin can bring to the table. And their contributions are very much missed IMO. And, it's not just about their recollections of the 70s and 80s - they are an important link to the past, and a bridge to some of the current younger contributors who don't know anything about Berger and Smicer, for example.

I still subscribe at £5 but very rarely listen now. I accept; however, that is solely down to an age thing. I have little appetite for the opinions of quite a few contributors introduced over the past twelve months or so, solely because they offer no insight, or anything that interests me. Again, probably an age thing - from my perspective.

There's clearly still something for everyone, but much less than there used to be - for me.

I'd probably make more of an effort if there was an appetite to get the likes of Nevin / Mackin involved more.

As you were.

I'm 27 and I'd agree with this by and large.

The bold amazes me. I obviously don't remember Smicer and Berger's strengths/weaknesses etc as intricately and vividly as Benayoun's and Luis Garcia's, for example (my Dad didn't get Sky until around 2005, so was often reliant on your highlight reels  ;D), but most of the younger ones seem to have only started watching football in 2009. It's a shame Dan Austin isn't on as much these days as he really knows his stuff.

It's not really an age thing so much as a knowledge thing IMO. Mike brought a lot of that to the table.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 09:40:37 am by LallanaInPyjamas »

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22195 on: October 25, 2019, 09:42:47 am »
I'm 27 and I'd agree with this by and large.

The bold amazes me. I obviously don't remember Smicer and Berger's strengths/weaknesses etc as intricately and vividly as Benayoun's and Luis Garcia's, for example, but most of the younger ones seem to have only started watching football in 2009. It's a shame Dan Austin isn't on as much these days as he really knows his stuff.

It's not really an age thing so much as a knowledge thing IMO.

Dan left for a rival. He's TAW Sterling.

I'm joking clearly.  We are all (TAW core and occasional contributors included) guilty of living in out own bubble.

I'm approaching 40 and know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. But for the most there's rarely a TAW show I listen to that I feel I have to turn off.

Over the years I've even mellowed on Rebecca Knight (except when she speaks about Mourinho).

Given the scale and size and sheer number of shows it's nigh on impossible you're going to like everyone all the time.

Copey is fantastic though.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22196 on: October 25, 2019, 09:48:26 am »
I think there’s still a decent balance of ages on most shows I listen too. Was actually thinking the other day that I don’t think I’d heard much of the younger lads in a while. Do they do more of the video side as I’m audio only these days.

Enjoying having Gareth back on a lot of the pods, probably because I think he’s a similar age to me so those early match going reference points are about the same. Might have been him or maybe Neil who’s first game was a Gary Gillespie hat trick inspired 5-0 in the Double year that was my first win.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22197 on: October 25, 2019, 10:36:28 am »
I don't think we need to say anyone's making accusations Fitzy - it's a discussion isn't it?

I hope I was just adding to the discussion - apologies if I suggested that accusations were being made, it wasn't my intention.

TAW is growing, and when a media company grows it will tend to try and impose a house style, and a house editorial approach across its various channels - that's natural when you get a young staff in that's responsible for these things. You also get an explosion of content, and that's natural too... but the by product if you're not careful is that the voices start to sound homogenous, and older people start to talk about party lines and echo chambers, and people whose views depart from those lines start to disappear from the platform.

This is a very tricky one for me. There are two opposite ends to contend with on this issue; has a party line developed that irritates 'older' listeners as they require more nuanced and discerning views that come from different perspectives? Or do older listeners begin to change the way they absorb and perceive such content resulting in lower tolerance levels for the apparent homogenised output that's probably always been present?

My point is that there is a decent argument to be made that the heart and soul of what TAW produce is very much the same as it has always been but the listenership that has grown up with it has matured, changed and potentially become weary with some of the voices, especially if these voices are distinctly younger.

I’m not trying to give TAW a free pass here, I just think we (as listeners) need to consider how our world view may have altered over time and how that can impact how we tolerate something we’ve previously enjoyed / loved. For instance, I cannot bare panel shows and nearly all TV comedy but about 15 years ago I’d be recording and watching all sorts of stuff. That’s not because TV is less funny these days, it’s because my views and tastes have altered significantly.

In short, the ‘better in my day’ viewpoint is possibly just a part of human nature.

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22198 on: October 25, 2019, 10:37:12 am »
I’m 32 ffs. But yes, I’m not one of the younger ones.
My apologies - happy birthday by the way.

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Re: The Anfield Wrap
« Reply #22199 on: October 25, 2019, 11:22:50 am »
Few random thoughts on this:

1. I probably agree that there probably aren’t significantly fewer ‘old guard’ episodes, but there are definitely more ‘new blood’ ones around.  It’s just human nature to perceive a smaller percentage as a reduction.  Worth having a think about whether that’s what’s happened - when I realised that that’s what was causing my feeling that something was wrong, it was a weight off my mind.

2. I don’t think it’s necessarily a quality thing, so much as that people like listening to folk their own age.  Different generations talk and think about things slightly differently and at different speeds and with different layers of irony, it’s harder work to hear significantly older or younger people talk about anything even when the content is fine.  I do reckon TAW are missing a gap by not having regular shows with only 50+ers going at it.  Don’t know whether that’s a big enough market though.

Or it might just be that older voices become like old friends, you can’t just drop a new guy in and carry on the same way.

3. Speaking on which, where *did* Dan Austin go?  He was superb, any time he wasn’t saying the word ‘fingering’.