Author Topic: Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann  (Read 167850 times)

Offline Finn Solomon

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #160 on: April 13, 2010, 06:37:13 pm »
The fact that this woman has people listening to her is a universal injustice.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #161 on: April 13, 2010, 06:50:35 pm »
My boss took tomorrow off to go see her, Finn. A sign reading "Palinator" is rumoured to be making an appearance in his absence.

Offline Finn Solomon

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #162 on: April 13, 2010, 06:51:39 pm »
Lock a dead fish in his filing cabinet.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #163 on: April 13, 2010, 07:09:30 pm »
She's made an estimated $12 million since resigning last July


You must be lying, jh.

She did it for the people of Alaska so she wouldn't be a lame duck after 18 months of a 4 year term. And to serve them better. And for the troops.

How very dare you sir. Only dead fish go with the flow.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #164 on: April 13, 2010, 08:20:21 pm »
Lock a live fish in his filing cabinet.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

Offline Corkboy

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #165 on: April 13, 2010, 10:40:04 pm »
She's made an estimated $12 million since resigning last July


And his dad. They all helped.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #166 on: April 13, 2010, 10:41:38 pm »
I'd love to knock her back doors in.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #167 on: April 14, 2010, 01:39:25 pm »

EDIT: original link unavailable.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 11:37:13 pm by tubby »
Sit down, shock is better taken with bent knees.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #168 on: April 14, 2010, 01:43:52 pm »

Offline Corkboy

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #169 on: June 15, 2010, 02:40:09 pm »
This story should go down well on here....

Sarah Palin and Margaret Thatcher: a perfect match

Rightwing living legends are thin on the ground, and their shared gender makes the Palin-Thatcher meeting a marketing dream

          o Martin Kettle
          o, Tuesday 15 June 2010 13.00 BST

How many living politicians retain such iconic status that younger generations of politicos crave the chance to be photographed in their company, hoping that a little of the magic dust will somehow rub off on the visitor? Nelson Mandela, of course, irresistible to politicians of every colour and creed. Barack Obama, probably, though here the iconic status is perhaps losing a little of its sheen, if not irretrievably. The pope and the Dalai Lama are in their own categories for political pilgrims of particular persuasions. On the left, a pose with Fidel Castro may still cut it for some. In some places, Mikhail Gorbachev retains a sort of allure.

The late Ted Kennedy certainly had it too, especially for Irish visitors – I remember visiting Father Edward Daly, of Bloody Sunday fame, in his home in the Bogside many years ago and seeing that he kept photos of himself with Paul VI and with Senator Ted on his desk.

But on the right? With Ronald Reagan dead, there's only one living legend – and that's Margaret Thatcher.

If it's true that Sarah Palin is trying to arrange an audience with Mrs T, then it is not exactly hard to see why. Rightwing female icons don't grow on trees, so a Palin-Thatcher meeting has a sort of marketing inevitability – although the ignorance of the one and the infirmity of the other mean that two public figures with a shakier grip on what is going on the world would be hard to find.

It's a reminder, too, that while Thatcher is world-famous, she is no longer politically a global brand. Americans have always revered her far more than Europeans or Africans, for example – or Irish, or Scots. And many Americans (like Russians of a certain era) are blissfully unaware of how unpopular she always was, and still is, with many British people.

Personally, I have my doubts as to whether Palin is busting to meet Thatcher, or vice versa. Palin doesn't do abroad, and Thatcher is in fragile old age. I suspect that much of this story, like so much that we read in this country about Palin, has been given a hefty boot from the wish-fulfilling minds of desk editors based in London whose interest in Palin is more sexual than political. But there's no disputing that politicians, particularly in this country, still feel a need to be framed with Thatcher occasionally.

David Cameron has done it. Gordon Brown did it too. It helps, of course, that Thatcher is now no longer able to subvert the photo op by saying something off message.

So let Palin take her chance. We shouldn't take her so seriously. But we should still take Thatcher seriously. She is a historic figure, as a woman as a prime minister and as an economic liberal. Just because she is controversial, it doesn't mean she isn't important.

If you want to work yourself up, and if the thought isn't in bad taste, which in a way it obviously is, then ask yourself this. What sort of funeral should Thatcher have when the moment comes? Don't imagine it won't be a big one.

And it won't just be Sarah Palin who will want to be seen there.


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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #170 on: June 15, 2010, 03:12:08 pm »
This story should go down well on here....

Sarah Palin and Margaret Thatcher: a perfect match

Anyone got any semtex?
get thee to the library before the c*nts close it down

we are a bunch of twats commenting on a website.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #171 on: June 15, 2010, 05:09:23 pm »
This story should go down well on here....

Sarah Palin and Margaret Thatcher: a perfect match

You could be arrested for instigating a riot.

Offline Corkboy

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #172 on: July 13, 2010, 12:23:26 pm »

Sarah Palin's war chest points to 2012 presidential bid

Republican, beloved by Tea Party activists but distrusted by party establishment, raises nearly $1m in three months

    * Ewen MacAskill in Washington
    *, Monday 12 July 2010 19.18 BST

Newly published election spending figures show Sarah Palin ended the last quarter with a war chest of more than $1m, suggesting gathering momentum for a run at the White House in 2012.

Her political action committee, a body for raising and distributing election cash, raised $866,000 in the three months from April 1, the most since it was formed in January 2009. She spent about $742,000 over the quarter, most of it on building up her political profile and base support.

Palin, who enjoys the support of the Tea Party and other grassroots activists but is distrusted by the Republican party establishment, has not yet said whether she will stand as a candidate. She and other potential rivals for the Republican nomination would normally begin to make their intentions clear early next year, in the wake of November's Congressional mid-term elections.

But a breakdown of money raised and spent by Palin suggests she is putting in place the political framework for a bid. She spent almost twice as much as in any previous quarter, much of it on speechwriters, private jets for public appearances, and hiring consultants to advise her on domestic and foreign policy, which were embarrassing weaknesses during her vice-presidential run in 2008.

She is also taking on more staff, including for the first time someone to keep control of her schedule. Until now, her organisation has tended to be chaotic.

John Ellis, a conservative political analyst, predicted she would be the de facto Republican frontrunner by December and that, by then, it may be too late for the party to do anything about it. Ellis wrote on his blogsite: "'She's too stupid' is what the Establishment GOP really thinks about Sarah Palin. 'Good-looking,' but a 'ditz'. This is unfertile ground, since Palin can turn the argument on a dime and say: 'They drive the country into bankruptcy, they underwrite Fannie and Freddie, they bail out Goldman Sachs, they fight wars they don't want to win, they say enforcing the immigration laws is silly and they call me stupid! I'll give you a choice: you can have their smarts or my stupidity, which one do you want?' A large number of GOP presidential primary voters will take Palin's "stupidity" in a heartbeat."

Palin's potential Republican rivals, who have also set up PACs, include Mitt Romney, the multi-millionaire and former governor of Massachusetts who was John McCain's closest competitor for the Republican nomination in 2008, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who has a strong following among evangelical Christians, and Tim Pawlenty, governor of Minnesota.

Small donors have contributed substantially to Palin's funds, reflecting her grassroots support. Tim Crawford, the PAC treasurer, told the Politico website that 8,000 new donors have been added in the last quarter, bringing the total of contributors to 25,000.

"Essentially when we started last January, we started from scratch," Crawford said. "We didn't have a big base of people coming out of the presidential campaign. Everybody knew that there was this massive amount of support, but she didn't have it, because all that stuff was property of the McCain campaign. But now, I think we've got a pretty formidable thing going on, and it grows every day."

As well as spending on building her own support, Palin distributed $87,500 in the last quarter to Republican candidates she is backing in the elections for Congress and governorships in November.


Offline Finn Solomon

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #173 on: July 13, 2010, 01:16:47 pm »
I say let her run. If she loses, as she must, it will be extremely entertaining. If she wins, which will be horrific, well America deserves whatever happens to them then.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #174 on: July 13, 2010, 02:20:19 pm »
I say let her run. If she loses, as she must, it will be extremely entertaining. If she wins, which will be horrific, well America deserves whatever happens to them then.

Trouble is America sneezes and the world catches a cold.

Or in this instance, America makes the Dumb Witch president and the entire planet will be careering towards the sun in a ball of flame within days.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #175 on: July 13, 2010, 02:23:01 pm »
.......and hiring consultants to advise her on domestic and foreign policy, which were embarrassing weaknesses during her vice-presidential run in 2008.

Which leaves what as her non-embarrassing weaknesses?
Hunt Bromley got Ringo


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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #176 on: July 13, 2010, 02:25:31 pm »
Which leaves what as her non-embarrassing weaknesses?

She has a well known weakness for freedom and "real" Americans.

Offline El Campeador

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #177 on: July 13, 2010, 06:49:10 pm »
I say let her run. If she loses, as she must, it will be extremely entertaining. If she wins, which will be horrific, well America deserves whatever happens to them then.

While the November midterms are shaping up beautifully for Republican short-sightedness, the Presidential election of 2014 is a different affair entirely. The Republicans are trying to cover too many ideological bases that are at odds with each other, and I fully expect the Republican challengers to cannibalize each other in the primaries.

Palin will be out to shred her primary opponents to pieces. They will have to react by attacking back. That would be a marked difference from now, where everyone is trying their best to stay onside with Palin.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #178 on: July 13, 2010, 10:34:16 pm »
Raising three quarters of a million bucks for a PAC in a quarter is sort of impressive, but nothing all that unusual. Not an apples to apples comparison, but Marco Rubio raised $4.5 mil for his Senate race this quarter. Romney's totals aren't out this quarter, but he raised $1.4 million in the first quarter for his PAC.

The idea from that conservative political analyst that Palin will set herself up as an unstoppable juggernaut in the primaries by the end of the year is ridiculous. She'll be a frontrunner like Joe Lieberman was the frontrunner at this point for the 2004 Dem nomination (if Gore didn't run), polling high with strong name id, but high unfavorables. If she runs, she'll raise lots of money and attract crowds, but that doesn't translate into winning the nomination. She's a lot of people's first choice, but not all that many's second choice, so in a field of 8 she has a good chance to win a primary, but when it is down to 2 or 3, she's going to have to expand the group she appeals to if she's going to win. I don't know that she'll be successful at doing that.

I'm probably either going to support Tim Pawlenty or Mitch Daniels, depending on who gets in. By the time New Jersey gets to vote, I might be casting my ballot based on who is best positioned to win the nomination instead of Palin rather than supporting my first choice. Anyway, we've got miles to go before the field takes shape.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 10:36:02 pm by jerseyhoya »

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #179 on: July 19, 2010, 08:07:30 pm »
There's an article in the globe today about Palin and her invention of the word "Refudiate". Interview clip included.

Click here.
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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #180 on: July 19, 2010, 10:28:05 pm »
She just says things for the sake of making noise, which is why she makes mistakes.

She vaguely represents a particular demographic, although it's hard to say since she's only been in one election. Rural and religious. Religious, in the sense that she has that version of religion where it tells you what to think about things so it's nice and easy. There are thoughtful religious people everywhere but Sarah ain't one of em. And rural in the sense of small town America that almost certainly doesn't exist but which is constantly invoked by Sarah as the very best of America.

The thing with Sarah, though, is that there's a mean streak in her. Her religiosity and appeal to rural America come across as cynical and manipulative. She scorns people who disagree with her but doesn't bother with actual discussion. When's the last time you heard a policy statement from her? In fact, when's the last time she submitted to an interview in the national media? And no, Fox doesn't count.

Mind you, some people think she has skills....

Is Palin Lucky, Good, Or ...

Jul 19 2010, 3:59 PM ET | Comment
When she writes on her palm and uses words like refudiate, Sarah Palin is lucky. That is, all her success, all the adulation, her approval rating with Republican voters -- all of these pieces of evidence suggest that she needs more seasoning and is resonating because she happens to be in the right place at the right time.

But it's funny how all the outrages she unintentionally generates are similar to how conservative authors often use the outrage generated by the New York Times and other media outlets to propel themselves onto bestseller lists

It's a similar dynamic that's interesting to see play out. The more Sarah Palin does things that make the media tease her, the luckier she seems to be.

Here's where Palin is getting quite savvy as a politician: when she makes a mistake, or appears to do something dumb, she is quick to exploit her own misfortune ... not in a way that excuses her original mistake, but that alludes to the improbable fact that there is some in-joke, some secret code that the rest of us aren't getting. As much as the verb "humanize" is overused, Palin knows how to humanize herself. That's a rare talent for a politician to cultivate, and one that she's getting better at every day. What's more, she humanizes herself by somehow ascribing her misfortune to the establishment that's trying to tear her down. Her audience loves it.

The Atlantic

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #181 on: July 19, 2010, 10:36:45 pm »
Another good piece from Salon about how Romney has faced female opposition three times and every won ugly. He seems to have the knack of pissing off women voters, so Palin might be a bit of a job.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #182 on: July 20, 2010, 04:09:56 pm »
Raising three quarters of a million bucks for a PAC in a quarter is sort of impressive, but nothing all that unusual. Not an apples to apples comparison, but Marco Rubio raised $4.5 mil for his Senate race this quarter. Romney's totals aren't out this quarter, but he raised $1.4 million in the first quarter for his PAC.

The idea from that conservative political analyst that Palin will set herself up as an unstoppable juggernaut in the primaries by the end of the year is ridiculous. She'll be a frontrunner like Joe Lieberman was the frontrunner at this point for the 2004 Dem nomination (if Gore didn't run), polling high with strong name id, but high unfavorables. If she runs, she'll raise lots of money and attract crowds, but that doesn't translate into winning the nomination. She's a lot of people's first choice, but not all that many's second choice, so in a field of 8 she has a good chance to win a primary, but when it is down to 2 or 3, she's going to have to expand the group she appeals to if she's going to win. I don't know that she'll be successful at doing that.

I'm probably either going to support Tim Pawlenty or Mitch Daniels, depending on who gets in. By the time New Jersey gets to vote, I might be casting my ballot based on who is best positioned to win the nomination instead of Palin rather than supporting my first choice. Anyway, we've got miles to go before the field takes shape.

call me cynical but I think shes doing it for all the adulation and riding the wave of the opportinity she has

I cant see her actually running for anything at all

the first televised debate of any nature and she will get absolutely creamed

if she does more than one I think she will be total toast

I think she will pull out of any races saying she is putting family first

I think she knows she cant hack it

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #183 on: August 10, 2010, 04:45:53 pm »
Momma grizzly lipsticked pig hockey mom abstinence education advocate with a knocked up teen daughter strikes again.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #184 on: August 10, 2010, 05:26:48 pm »
Momma grizzly lipsticked pig hockey mom abstinence education advocate with a knocked up teen daughter strikes again.

What a patronizing twat.  I love how she talks down to people who are much more educated (most people) and intelligent (damn near everyone) than her.  I'd have her daughter though.  I'm not proud.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #185 on: August 10, 2010, 05:30:10 pm »
I'd have her daughter though.  I'm not proud.

Well, she's single. Again.

Bristol Palin breaks engagement with Levi Johnston again over video and 'baby'

Sarah Palin's teenage daughter has broken off her engagement to Levi Johnston for a second time, saying his decision to star in a music video mocking her family was the last straw.

By Alex Spillius in Washington
Published: 6:14PM BST 04 Aug 2010

Bristol Palin, 19, told the celebrity magazine People that her relationship with the father of her toddler son Tripp turned sour on the very day last month that the pair announced their engagement for the second time, when he told her it was possible he had fathered a child with an ex-girlfriend.

Both Mr Johnston and the mother of that child have denied the rumour.

But the "final straw" for the daughter of the former Republican vice-presidential candidate was when Mr Johnston made a "music video mocking my family" during a recent trip to Los Angeles. To make matters worse, he lied to her, Miss Palin told the magazine, claiming he was flying to California "for some hunting show".

In the video recorded by a minor pop artist, Mr Johnston plays the role of a lover whose romance is thwarted by his girlfriend's disapproving mother.

"He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played," Miss Palin told the magazine.

A high school dropout who has yet to hold down a job, Mr Johnston was introduced to the American public as a bewildered 18-year-old at the Republican convention in 2008, where Mrs Palin made a dazzling entrance on to the political stage.

He and Mrs Palin have clashed several times via the media.

Mr Johnston criticised her for being power-crazed, money-obsessed and a phony moose-hunter.

Mrs Palin fired back, saying anyone who posed for Playgirl would "say and do anything for even more attention", and telling Oprah Winfrey that the young man's "aspiring porn" career was "hearth breaking".

Mrs Palin, who is said to be considering a bid for the Republican nomination in 2012, issued a statement on Wednesday, saying: "Bristol is strong, she is independent, and she knows what is right for her son. Henceforth she'll know to trust but verify."


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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #186 on: August 10, 2010, 05:35:09 pm »
Yeah I read about that corky.  Its just a shame, I really thought those two small town, hard working kids, would make it, and have a beautiful all american family.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #187 on: August 10, 2010, 05:40:38 pm »
Yeah I read about that corky.  Its just a shame, I really thought those two small town, hard working kids, would make it, and have a beautiful all american family.

Yup. Real Americans.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #188 on: August 10, 2010, 05:50:44 pm »
Every time I read about the Palin's I always think of this.

Offline jerseyhoya

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #189 on: August 10, 2010, 06:39:31 pm »
Ted Stevens died in a plane crash today. Seems that happens to lots of Alaska politicians. Just saying.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #190 on: August 10, 2010, 07:16:59 pm »
Ted Stevens died in a plane crash today. Seems that happens to lots of Alaska politicians. Just saying.

Did they finally confirm it?  Last I saw they didn't know if he was one of the dead or not.  Not my favorite guy but I feel for his family and friends if true.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #191 on: August 10, 2010, 07:51:30 pm »
Did they finally confirm it?  Last I saw they didn't know if he was one of the dead or not.  Not my favorite guy but I feel for his family and friends if true.

Former Sen. Ted Stevens dead in Alaska plane crash, family spokesman confirms.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #192 on: August 10, 2010, 08:04:57 pm »

Just caught it on the news.  Thanks El C.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #193 on: August 13, 2010, 11:09:48 am »
Kill the humourless

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #194 on: August 13, 2010, 11:16:33 am »
Levi Johnston preparing to follow in Palin footsteps

(AFP) – 3 days ago

LOS ANGELES — Levi Johnston is set to follow in the footsteps of his ex-fiancee's mother-- Sarah Palin -- by attempting to become mayor of the Alaskan town of Wasilla, it was reported.

Johnston, who was last week dumped by Palin's daughter Bristol, is planning to run for the job which launched the political career of the 2008 Republican vice-presidential pick.

"Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor's Office," a TV reality show, is to center on Johnston's fame as the father of Sarah Palin's grandson Tripp, Variety reported.

Johnston will use his notoriety to run for the Wasilla City Hall, while simultaneously trying to pursue a career in Hollywood.

Johnston admitted he was skeptical about launching his mayoral campaign.

"But the more I think about it and look into it, I think there's a possibility we can make it happen," Johnston said of the mayoral campaign, which will not take place until 2012. "It's something that I want to do."

Johnston -- who described himself as "half red-neck, half Hollywood" -- told Variety he hoped the show would clear up misconceptions about him.

"It's hard to figure me out," he said. "You've got to follow me around. I'm very different. I lead a crazy life. But it will basically be both worlds, my life in Hollywood and back home, the real country boy that I am."


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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #195 on: August 24, 2010, 03:29:26 pm »

Levi Johnston paves way to run for office in Sarah Palin's hometown

Father of Sarah Palin's grandchild files papers to run for job in Wasilla, Alaska, with nudge from reality TV producers

    * Adam Gabbatt and agencies
    *, Tuesday 24 August 2010 10.46 BST
"Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them," wrote William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night.

Levi Johnston, twice the son-in-law-to-be of modern-day wordsmith Sarah Palin, could well be one of those upon whom greatness is thrust – in this case the greatness being the mayorship of Wasilla, Alaska, and the thrusters two reality TV producers.

Johnston, 20, who last month proposed to Bristol Palin for the second time, before this month splitting up with her for the second time, has filed his papers to run for office in his hometown next year.

The father of Sarah Palin's grandchild submitted a letter of intent with the Alaska Public Offices Commission on Friday – the first step needed to begin campaigning.

While Johnston is yet to specify which position he will be running for, his manager Tank Jones said the ambitious young man was keen to run for either mayor or a place on the city council.

US website the Hollywood Reporter said Johnston had admitted the sudden political aspirations – first reported at the start of the month – came about after producers Scott Stone and David Weintraub suggested the reality television show pilot they are filming with him would be more saleable if he were to run for office.

Wasilla is where Sarah Palin – who recently compared her penchant for coining new words to Shakespeare's – achieved her political breakthrough, first as a council member then as mayor, before being chosen by John McCain's team to be his running mate in the 2008 election.

It was that campaign that thrust Levi Johnston into the limelight, as it was revealed Bristol was pregnant and the couple became engaged, before splitting up a year after the birth of their son Tripp.

The pair announced that they had re-engaged in July, but three weeks later Bristol, 19, split up with the potential mayoral candidate after discovering he had appeared in a music video mocking the Palin family.


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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #196 on: August 24, 2010, 03:38:50 pm »
Well it's good that he's doing it for the right reasons.

Offline jerseyhoya

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #197 on: August 24, 2010, 06:51:15 pm »
Primary elections today in Alaska. Joe Miller, the Sarah Palin/Tea Party backed insurgent, is expected to have his clock cleaned by incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski.

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #198 on: August 25, 2010, 06:28:17 am »
Oh god Miller is winning by a little

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Re: Sarah Palin resigns
« Reply #199 on: August 25, 2010, 08:10:56 am »
It looks like Miller might actually win. This doesn't have huge real world applications, but if it could make the third base ump from tonight's Phillies game die in a fire, that would be huge.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 08:33:27 am by jerseyhoya »