Author Topic: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)  (Read 52653 times)

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« on: September 2, 2021, 01:11:33 pm »
When Oscar Wilde said “Give a man a mask and he’ll tell you the truth” he was unquestionably on to something. When we have even a degree of anonymity we become braver, harsher and often cuttingly ‘on point’. We’re liberated by the absence of identification and we can, therefore, shoot from the hip with both barrels and then some. Truthiness isn’t just offered, it becomes our absolute entitlement and we rarely miss an opportunity.

This brings us to the internet era where Wilde’s insight appears increasingly problematic given the fact we now have a few billion folk who have the opportunity to tell the truth given their online anonymity…yet truth, honesty and authenticity are not always easy to come by. Furthermore, once a falsehood has swept across the web, the truth is still putting its underpants on.

Over the past few days the cranks have been cranking it up. As the transfer window came to an end, internet users will have become increasingly aware that a cohort of Liverpool fans were dissatisfied with the fiscal prudence showcased by the club’s American owners. ‘#PleaseBanMeForALongTime’ was proffered by hundreds/thousands/millions of apparent Liverpool fans with some resorting to bile and insults directed at the club and even the manager and players. As tone deaf as some of the remarks appeared, it did not stop hordes of these individuals to tweet endlessly about the perceived state of the club – often contrasting Liverpool with other top sides who, we were being told, we leaving Liverpool in their wake.

These people would up the ante. More would pile on. It was a free-for-all and nothing was off limits. The natural instinct many have always had to defend the club is obviously not shared by these special individuals as they jump all over the heritage of a club that has been through more than most and got the bruises to show for it. They lean into prejudice, give players a good kicking and call genuinely fanatical supporters horrible names. The worst gang of lads you’ll ever know.

Whatever your views are of the transfer window, I think there will be a sense of shock and disgust at the tone of how some fans go about their business. Wild accusations, horrific insults, childish arguments and terrible whoppery laid it bare. Liverpool is a giant of a club and there are lots and lots of folk who support them. While this fact helps to swell the coffers and gives the club a global standing, it also means there are myriad ‘takes’ that can often make your eyes bleed.

But…so what?

Does it matter?

Does this stuff have traction?

How many people are actually reading it?

Does the club get worked up by it?

Is this stuff just bouncing round the echo chamber?

Who are these people anyway?

It isn’t even actual noise, is it? It’s not actually real life, is it? It’s not being published in books or magazines, is it? Where is it?

It’s everywhere but it’s also nowhere. It’s present but also totally absent.

It doesn’t actually matter because it doesn’t actually change anything. It has no traction. It’s built on an illusion that it has genuine agency to change and alter the views and behaviour of people who run the football club.

It’s a fallacy.

Unquestionably it is silent noise.

An unqualified army marching together towards infinite nothingness.

Their vileness encourages others to join this soulless group of weirdos who will never understand anything worth knowing.

Ignore it. Bin it. It’s bad for you.

Offline Charlie Adams fried egg

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #1 on: September 2, 2021, 01:40:29 pm »
I agree with your sentiment, but the problem is that the worlds of the internet fans and the mainstream media become ever more intertwined.

Media, and I include fan media in this increasingly use social media comment to drive their own content. Mainstream pundits also pick up on some of this stuff, add their names to it and then find their comments carried by media. Just read The Echo's LFC homepage to see what I mean. There's something today quoting Neville saying that somethings not right at Liverpool.

I ignore virtually all of it, this is may main LFC news source, but it becomes increasingly difficult when ever growing numbers of posters treat this place like Twitter.
« Last Edit: September 2, 2021, 02:08:18 pm by Charlie Adams fried egg »

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #2 on: September 2, 2021, 01:49:49 pm »
Do what I do and don't read any of the twats.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #3 on: September 2, 2021, 02:00:55 pm »
The entire industry has become generally horrendous. We have pundits and sports media who can't be arsed being professional and instead showcase their bias and ignorance. It's a race to the bottom for clicks and attention as detailed analysis is left well behind. Why discuss tactics and poor refereeing performances when we can do 'bantz' instead?

The Internet gives a voice and has unfortunately given carte blanche to trolls and general imbeciles to give their 'opinion' as fact. As far as LFC is concerned, we have to compete with oil cheats who can spend what they like. Too many fans expect us to challenge consistently under these circumstances. We realistically should be around the champions league spots but beating financially doped monsters to the top across a 9 month season is a tall order. We did it once thanks to our genius of a manager and a wonderful group of players. Whether we can get it again is another matter.

Honestly, I think the main reason for the cryarsing is not due to the team faring poorly, but because of the 'bantz' these fans have to endure from other fans who are also tools.

Do what I do and don't read any of the twats.
Also, this :D

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #4 on: September 2, 2021, 02:07:08 pm »
The media are so happy with Twitter et al as it gives them free 'stories' to fill their content, the more ridiculous the better. Sadly the Echo is as guilty as any of them when it comes to spewing out this stuff masquerading as jounalism. There was the recent widespread idea trending that supporters were going to hold an anti-FSG protest at Anfield, nothing happened as it was just social media hype but the image of supporter disatisfaction was sewn. The problem is anybody with a keyboard can spread the most ill informed and scurrilous lies or propaganda and it will be picked up by people around the globe who have no real reference point and simply believe it. Nowadays the lone voice in the pub who used to get short shrift can be now as powerful as the internet. Luckily the reference point that sustains the Club is the crowd at the match and that is what Jurgen, the players and FSG seem to recognise amid the froth of social media and crappy journalism.

Offline meady1981

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #5 on: September 2, 2021, 03:06:05 pm »
Bar 90 minutes of the game, I fucking hate football and everything that goes with it these days. It all started with people doing fantasy football. Fucking idiots. A part of me hoped the Super league went ahead so I could fully detach myself from it. But standing on a terrace and losing your shit after a goal remains the greatest feeling I’ve ever had.
« Last Edit: September 2, 2021, 03:07:54 pm by meady1981 »

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #6 on: September 2, 2021, 03:09:06 pm »
It's a really weird phenomenon that isn't necessarily confined to Liverpool and their owners. It permeates other sports teams, politics, health etc.. People go from 0 to 10 in their reaction to a given event or situation. There's no real nuance. Since reactions are always at 10, there's always going to be push back from others. What you then get is entrenched opinions. There's no more middle ground or debate. Just the need to be correct.

For Liverpool Twitter it seems you are FSGOUT at one end of the spectrum or some spineless, Top Red who'll defend anything the club says and does. The reality is that the majority of the supporter base are probably somewhere in between these 2 extremes. Most supporters can probably see where FSG have been good things and where they have made mistakes. Where our weaknesses may be in ownership and what strengths they've brought. Whether you are more pro-FSG or anti-FSG I think vast majority of people can see both sides of the argument.

The problem with Twitter is that the majority of middle ground supporters are either not interacting with the extreme elements or just get worn down by them. It leaves a smallish but vocal section of fans which can seem like a majority. A majority that online seem like they are having traction.

What I would say is that most match going and clued up fans know the score. That doesn't mean they are pro-FSG or anti-FSG, it means they can have some balance in their criticism. They know that calling for the owners to resign or for there to be protests over not buying more than 1 player in a transfer window is not commensurate with the situation. As a supporter base I think we realise more than most the need to choose carefully when we do and don't protest, otherwise it loses effect. The ticket price being a good reason, not buying a 5th choice forward isn't.

I'm not sure how things change. There's a lot of our fans who don't really have a clue about the club. Whether young, old, OOO or local. Lot of the people spouting off on Twitter and other social media platforms don't really seem to have a grasp of the history and culture of the club. If they did it would be inconceivable that they would be asking for something as drastic as ownership change and protests based on the current situation.

Personal opinion on what I see on social media is that a lot of the FSGOUT crew are either youngsters or from accounts from outside the UK. Maybe folks who are less in touch with the wider supporter base due to age and/or location. It's not really a criticism at parts of the supporter base or me saying I'm a better/worse supporter than anyone else, I just think some fans will view football and supporting Liverpool different than someone like myself because our comparative experiences of following and watching the game are probably so different (even if the actual football isn't).
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #7 on: September 2, 2021, 03:53:12 pm »
Over the past few days the cranks have been cranking it up. As the transfer window came to an end, internet users will have become increasingly aware that a cohort of Liverpool fans were dissatisfied with the fiscal prudence showcased by the club’s American owners. ‘#PleaseBanMeForALongTime’ was proffered by hundreds/thousands/millions of apparent Liverpool fans with some resorting to bile and insults directed at the club and even the manager and players. As tone deaf as some of the remarks appeared, it did not stop hordes of these individuals to tweet endlessly about the perceived state of the club – often contrasting Liverpool with other top sides who, we were being told, we leaving Liverpool in their wake.

These people would up the ante. More would pile on. It was a free-for-all and nothing was off limits. The natural instinct many have always had to defend the club is obviously not shared by these special individuals as they jump all over the heritage of a club that has been through more than most and got the bruises to show for it. They lean into prejudice, give players a good kicking and call genuinely fanatical supporters horrible names. The worst gang of lads you’ll ever know.

Their vileness encourages others to join this soulless group of weirdos who will never understand anything worth knowing.

Ignore it. Bin it. It’s bad for you.
I'm growing more and more convinced that these people are not real fans but an army of bots who either support other clubs, or they are employed by external organisations to stoke up discontent and antagonise Liverpool players, fans and the club in general. These are the same types who wait around for a player to post something ... anything at all... so that they can be the first to bombard him with a humiliating meme or a statement like 'X is better'. And somehow they are almost always the first to post. These are committed antagonists. It surprised me when Wijnaldum complained about the hate he was getting on social media from some Liverpool fans because I thought someone in his position would know better. But I suppose the absence of fans in stadiums over the last 2 seasons only made the voices of the online mob a little louder. These people  are toxic as fuck, and it wouldn't surprise me if some of them aren't being paid handsomely to spout their bile.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #8 on: September 2, 2021, 03:54:10 pm »
All I'll say is having campaigned over a decade ago now with many of you wonderful people on here and with other groups we'd bickered with in the past (like TAW over Rafa) to try and raise awareness of and help undermine the H&G regime's attempts to refinance when we were on the brink, even if FSG were in a difficult financial position (which they're not), it's impossible to get traction for anything like this with an antagonistic attitude to those who disagree with your point of view.

I've had very limited exposure to it, but the little exposure I've had or seen tells you most of what you need to know. They're absolute lunatics, with no real credibility in the eyes of match-going fans, or for a significant chunk of the more fleeting global fanbase (the kind who are influenced are the kind who shift their instagram allegiance when Ronaldo or Messi change clubs - yes they help raise more money in sponsorship, but they don't really hold any direct sway).

I think if they started being canny and swaying the likes of Neil Atkinson, then they'll have influence. I can't see that ever happening though while they're accusing people who made a difference a decade ago and helped found the likes of SOS of being on the payroll somehow. It always makes me laugh when I see the likes of Gareth Roberts accused of that, when he published fanzines off his own back to get the whole thing moving against H&G. Same for The Redmen - they really were a massive help back then.   
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #9 on: September 2, 2021, 03:54:19 pm »
Bar 90 minutes of the game, I fucking hate football and everything that goes with it these days. It all started with people doing fantasy football. Fucking idiots. A part of me hoped the Super league went ahead so I could fully detach myself from it. But standing on a terrace and losing your shit after a goal remains the greatest feeling I’ve ever had.

Agreed meady. I knew I wasn't the only one who felt that way during the super league stuff. It would have been the easiest 'out' ever from this mad fucking game. I'll probably never be able to let go of it voluntarily, but I'm getting less and less from it all the time.

To me it always used to feel that 99% of football was played on the field, and you'd wait impatiently for the next game, not losing focus of that being the most important thing there was. Nowadays it feels to me like so much of the experience is away from the 90 minutes. Maybe it's the way football is rammed down your throats, seemingly played every day in some capacity, non stop coverage from shite like Sky Sports. Whereas you mention fantasy football, I certainly think transfer windows have ruined so much of it, it does my fucking head in. I always feel even worse about it all during the international breaks, especially after a summer tournament and the transfer window just gone. It's just endless shite.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #10 on: September 2, 2021, 04:29:44 pm »
it's easy to blame it all on Twitter kids but there are plenty of whoppers on the more serious forums and at the match too, we just laugh them off.

the internet culture is part of football now. a lot of this also echos with younger matchgoing fans too if you speak to them.

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #11 on: September 2, 2021, 04:44:07 pm »
it's easy to blame it all on Twitter kids but there are plenty of whoppers on the more serious forums and at the match too, we just laugh them off.

the internet culture is part of football now. a lot of this also echos with younger matchgoing fans too if you speak to them.
Agree. However, I think Twitter gives heightened prominence to opinions that are potentially quite remote...but because they get some retweet action you get a sense that loads of people think the same. That's probably misleading.

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #12 on: September 2, 2021, 04:47:17 pm »
All I'll say is having campaigned over a decade ago now with many of you wonderful people on here and with other groups we'd bickered with in the past (like TAW over Rafa) to try and raise awareness of and help undermine the H&G regime's attempts to refinance when we were on the brink, even if FSG were in a difficult financial position (which they're not), it's impossible to get traction for anything like this with an antagonistic attitude to those who disagree with your point of view.

I've had very limited exposure to it, but the little exposure I've had or seen tells you most of what you need to know. They're absolute lunatics, with no real credibility in the eyes of match-going fans, or for a significant chunk of the more fleeting global fanbase (the kind who are influenced are the kind who shift their instagram allegiance when Ronaldo or Messi change clubs - yes they help raise more money in sponsorship, but they don't really hold any direct sway).

I think if they started being canny and swaying the likes of Neil Atkinson, then they'll have influence. I can't see that ever happening though while they're accusing people who made a difference a decade ago and helped found the likes of SOS of being on the payroll somehow. It always makes me laugh when I see the likes of Gareth Roberts accused of that, when he published fanzines off his own back to get the whole thing moving against H&G. Same for The Redmen - they really were a massive help back then.   
Agree about some of the 'big players' in the fanbase helping to keep the wolf from the door on a lot of this.

The charlatans on social media are those that give 'considered' criticism that is just well-dressed whoppery in another form.

By contrast, I really did enjoy your thread yesterday, Roy. Very nuanced in its analysis. More of that and less of the daft lads please. :)

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #13 on: September 2, 2021, 05:06:25 pm »
Agree about some of the 'big players' in the fanbase helping to keep the wolf from the door on a lot of this.

The charlatans on social media are those that give 'considered' criticism that is just well-dressed whoppery in another form.

By contrast, I really did enjoy your thread yesterday, Roy. Very nuanced in its analysis. More of that and less of the daft lads please. :)

This is partly why it would have been better for the club just to get a forward in (without breaking the bank). Obviously not just for the sake of it, but the club have enough in the database to sign a good player. It would have got rid of all the shite and bad feeling, while also giving us a player we need.

We've seen United resorting to going mad in the market this summer to placate the fans who were rioting at the end of last season wanting more signings essentially. It's seeing United make the big signings (as well as City and Chelsea spending big as usual) that has sent many over the edge.

In terms of social media I wouldn't put it past Abu Dhabi or one of our rivals to have some kind of black ops operation with tons of bots to amplify shit a lot more, like with abusing players and stuff, the way the tweets are worded etc. Look at the Russian bots that are wheeled out at election time.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #14 on: September 2, 2021, 05:09:32 pm »
Agree. However, I think Twitter gives heightened prominence to opinions that are potentially quite remote...but because they get some retweet action you get a sense that loads of people think the same. That's probably misleading.

oh yeah, of course. people that probably wouldn't have had a platform for people to see their opinions now do and they can easily get amplified. it's not a bad thing necessarily although some definitely take it too far.

it also probably brings together various factions of our fans that probably wouldn't have been connected before, and from all angles people can be just a bit weird about hearing contrasting opinions or dissenting voices.

saying outlandish things to get a reception isn't really a social media phenomenon, some very prominent ex-players seem to have gained a career out of it  ;D.

think people just need perspective that the likelihood is some of these people are probably 15 years old and trolling to some extent.

do think there'll be a time when FSG look to sell and there's a split of fans that want fan ownership versus big oil money. i think it'll swing far heavily towards oil money in truth but people don't like saying the quiet bit out loud and all that. will no doubt be a pretty grim time online.
« Last Edit: September 2, 2021, 05:12:23 pm by RainbowFlick »

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #15 on: September 2, 2021, 05:18:08 pm »
This is partly why it would have been better for the club just to get a forward in (without breaking the bank). Obviously not just for the sake of it, but the club have enough in the database to sign a good player. It would have got rid of all the shite and bad feeling, while also giving us a player we need.

We've seen United resorting to going mad in the market this summer to placate the fans who were rioting at the end of last season wanting more signings essentially. It's seeing United make the big signings (as well as City and Chelsea spending big as usual) that has sent many over the edge.

In terms of social media I wouldn't put it past Abu Dhabi or one of our rivals to have some kind of black ops operation with tons of bots to amplify shit a lot more, like with abusing players and stuff, the way the tweets are worded etc. Look at the Russian bots that are wheeled out at election time.

I don't think FSG or Klopp give one hoot about placating fans. Their approach has been so incredibly successful they'll just see social media as a hobby for bellends. By the same token, United aren't a model to follow - their fan disgruntlement is a different universe to LFC's.

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #16 on: September 2, 2021, 05:20:14 pm »
Also, of course this isn't just a Liverpool problem.

#InsertOwnerDirectorNameOut is a common phenomena across lots of fanbases. It's so odd.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #17 on: September 2, 2021, 05:27:42 pm »
I don't think FSG or Klopp give one hoot about placating fans. Their approach has been so incredibly successful they'll just see social media as a hobby for bellends. By the same token, United aren't a model to follow - their fan disgruntlement is a different universe to LFC's.

If Klopp wanted a forward who was available,we'd have gone for him. There really is no point paying £30 million for a player, then between £2million and £4million a season in wages, plus agents fees, for a player we don't really want to to appease some loons on twatter. That's just madness.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #18 on: September 2, 2021, 05:28:44 pm »
I don't think FSG or Klopp give one hoot about placating fans. Their approach has been so incredibly successful they'll just see social media as a hobby for bellends. By the same token, United aren't a model to follow - their fan disgruntlement is a different universe to LFC's.

Would that be the FSG ran by JW Henry who wrote an open letter to the fans after Carroll was sold and no one brought in. Did a U-turn over ticket prices after the walkout over £77 tickets. Did a U-turn over furloughing staff and then did a video apologising over the ESL.

Offline Fitzy.

  • I before E, except in Dalglish. Thumbs down for thumbs up! Premature ejaculator in the post-match whopper circle jerk. Might be the Rupert Pupkin to Neil Atkinson's Jerry Langford. Wants to know who did this, but may never find out.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #19 on: September 2, 2021, 05:33:30 pm »
Would that be the FSG ran by JW Henry who wrote an open letter to the fans after Carroll was sold and no one brought in. Did a U-turn over ticket prices after the walkout over £77 tickets. Did a U-turn over furloughing staff and then did a video apologising over the ESL.
I'm not sure any of those examples contradict the notion of signing a player to placate fans.

I think you're conflating this with 'fan PR' which is a very different area and something FSG have got wrong at times as per your examples.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #20 on: September 2, 2021, 05:43:32 pm »
Twitter isn't real life, thankfully. It gets as much attention, traction and legitimacy as you want it to or willingly choose to.
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #21 on: September 2, 2021, 05:45:00 pm »
I'm not sure any of those examples contradict the notion of signing a player to placate fans.

I think you're conflating this with 'fan PR' which is a very different area and something FSG have got wrong at times as per your examples.

I think the first one showed FSG making signings to placate the fans. We very rarely sign players in January but after the Carroll debacle we lined up deals for both Sturridge and Coutinho. There was a huge amount of animosity towards FSG when they sold Carroll without bringing anyone in and that was turned around by bringing in Sturridge and Coutinho.

I would say bringing in Ben Davies also had an element of placating the fan base.
« Last Edit: September 2, 2021, 05:48:57 pm by Al 666 »

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #22 on: September 2, 2021, 05:48:22 pm »
I think the first one showed FSG making signings to placate the fans. We very rarely sign players in January but after the Carroll debacle we lined up deals for both Sturridge and Coutinho. There was a huge amount of animosity towards FSG when they sold Carroll without bringing anyone in and that was turned around by bringing in Sturridge and Coutinho.
That example is the best part of a decade old and is still based on supposition in terms of placating fans. I’m not sure why it belongs in this thread given its lack of recency and relevance.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #23 on: September 2, 2021, 05:49:28 pm »
That example is the best part of a decade old and is still based on supposition in terms of placating fans. I’m not sure why it belongs in this thread given its lack of recency and relevance.

How about Ben Davies then ?

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #24 on: September 2, 2021, 05:57:52 pm »
How about Ben Davies then ?

Who at Anfield is seeing Ben Davies as placating fans’ wishes. If that’s the example then it’s a very shallow pool.

Given how top clubs use players as investment opportunities, I’d say that they see Davies as being someone worth having on the books as he’s not going to lose money.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #25 on: September 2, 2021, 05:57:58 pm »
Well this wasn’t predictable :D
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #26 on: September 2, 2021, 06:11:56 pm »
Who at Anfield is seeing Ben Davies as placating fans’ wishes. If that’s the example then it’s a very shallow pool.

Given how top clubs use players as investment opportunities, I’d say that they see Davies as being someone worth having on the books as he’s not going to lose money.

The fans were demanding that a centre back was brought in. We signed Davies who is highly unlikely to play a single competitive minute for us. He is now back in the Championship and will be 27 by the time his loan spell ends. We had absolutely no interest in Davies until the end of the window so I think it is highly unlikely he was bought as a money making exercise.

I think it is far more likely that he was bought to placate the fans and possibly Klopp who was very vocal about bringing in a centre back.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #27 on: September 2, 2021, 06:13:34 pm »
The fans were demanding that a centre back was brought in. We signed Davies who is highly unlikely to play a single competitive minute for us. He is now back in the Championship and will be 27 by the time his loan spell ends. We had absolutely no interest in Davies until the end of the window so I think it is highly unlikely he was bought as a money making exercise.

I think it is far more likely that he was bought to placate the fans and possibly Klopp who was very vocal about bringing in a centre back.
Ok. Go with that.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #28 on: September 2, 2021, 06:20:36 pm »
Would that be the FSG ran by JW Henry who wrote an open letter to the fans after Carroll was sold and no one brought in. Did a U-turn over ticket prices after the walkout over £77 tickets. Did a U-turn over furloughing staff and then did a video apologising over the ESL.

I think FSG and The Glazer ownership (who are both quite friendly in the boardrooms) are both terrified by the force of fan power when it really manifests. Yes, social media noise can be written off but when it manifests itself beyond just Twitter noise (i.e. Sunderland walkout, Super League furore) it does genuinely put the shits up them. No doubt the Glazers have re-evaluated their whole fan engagement after the riots there last season, as well as transfer policy to try and stop a repeat.

Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #29 on: September 2, 2021, 06:23:34 pm »
The fans were demanding that a centre back was brought in. We signed Davies who is highly unlikely to play a single competitive minute for us. He is now back in the Championship and will be 27 by the time his loan spell ends. We had absolutely no interest in Davies until the end of the window so I think it is highly unlikely he was bought as a money making exercise.

I think it is far more likely that he was bought to placate the fans and possibly Klopp who was very vocal about bringing in a centre back.

They ignored Klopp and the noise around getting in a CB all January. After Matip got injured for the rest of the season towards the end of Jan and the CL was under threat, they managed to stretch themselves to a loan deal for Kabak and Davies (although balanced by the Minamino loan).

The fans haven't influenced their transfer strategy. The owners have been here long enough to see Liverpool fans aren't the type to kick off (offline) over not signing a player.

FSG's stock was at its highest through 19/20 season, blitzing the league title as European Champions. That's been chipped away at by the PR disaster of furlough, the CB fiasco in January, the Super League omnishambles and another calendar year with a positive net spend while our rivals spend like drunken sailors. Thus, some discontent is inevitable. They've still got enough credit in the bank for now, at least off Twitter.

Twitter is its own sphere.

« Last Edit: September 2, 2021, 06:40:06 pm by Fromola »
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #30 on: September 2, 2021, 06:39:12 pm »
Brilliant OP Fitzy. Shame it's turned into another FSG thread.
We have to change from doubter to believer. Now.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #31 on: September 2, 2021, 06:40:08 pm »
They ignored Klopp and the noise around getting in a CB all January. After Matip got injured for the rest of the season towards the end of Jan and the CL was under threat, they managed to stretch themselves to a loan deal for Kabak and Davies (although balanced by the Minamino loan).

The fans haven't influenced their transfer strategy.

Not just picking on your post Fromola, but I never understand who the "they" is in all this?

Do FSG micromanage LFC, or is it the senior execs (Gordon, Edwards, Hogan, Klopp) who decide strategy? It just feels everyone starts from their preconceived idea and fits the narrative to that

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #32 on: September 2, 2021, 06:44:25 pm »
Log off Twitter as it is awash with idiots who think that they can say whatever they want. The platform is unmoderated and attracts the worst of society.

I stick to moderated forums like this where assholes get banned and where you can have a decent debate without being shouted down by trolls.

Give Twitter a wide berth as it is a cesspool.

Offline Fitzy.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #33 on: September 2, 2021, 06:49:16 pm »
Brilliant OP Fitzy. Shame it's turned into another FSG thread.

Online Fromola

  • For the love of god please shut the fuck up. Lomola... “The sky is falling and I’m off to tell the King!...” Places stock in the wrong opinions. Miserable F*cker! Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #34 on: September 2, 2021, 07:04:48 pm »
Not just picking on your post Fromola, but I never understand who the "they" is in all this?

Do FSG micromanage LFC, or is it the senior execs (Gordon, Edwards, Hogan, Klopp) who decide strategy? It just feels everyone starts from their preconceived idea and fits the narrative to that

Whoever sets the budget/signs off on transfer strategy and signings in the boardroom. Edwards and Klopp have to work within the parameters they're set. Henry/Werner will delegate to some extent to Hogan/Gordon who are entrusted to run the business side of things.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #35 on: September 2, 2021, 07:35:04 pm »
Come on folks, jib the FSG stuff please. Stick the the theme of Fitzy's thread.

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #36 on: September 2, 2021, 08:42:27 pm »

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #37 on: September 2, 2021, 08:44:26 pm »

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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #38 on: September 2, 2021, 09:35:13 pm »

It isn’t even actual noise, is it? It’s not actually real life, is it? It’s not being published in books or magazines, is it? Where is it?

It’s everywhere but it’s also nowhere. It’s present but also totally absent.

This might be the best summation of social media I've read. Bravo, the whole post couldn't have nailed it better.
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Re: The creeping silent army of the ether (Twitter-Whoppery)
« Reply #39 on: September 2, 2021, 09:45:11 pm »
Bar 90 minutes of the game, I fucking hate football and everything that goes with it these days. It all started with people doing fantasy football. Fucking idiots. A part of me hoped the Super league went ahead so I could fully detach myself from it. But standing on a terrace and losing your shit after a goal remains the greatest feeling I’ve ever had.

The concept of 90 plus minutes of two teams playing football is lost amongst all the punditry, transfer fury, banter, post match analysis and all the other crap.

I put the bins out or wash the dishes or some other mundane tasks and turn the telly on just in time for kick off. Turn it off at half time, back on again for the second half and off at full time.