Author Topic: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool  (Read 84769 times)

Offline blert596

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1320 on: April 15, 2009, 02:13:11 pm »
All the badge kissing in the world don't make up for the fact that they are, frankly, not Liverpool Football Club. It's not their fault. Its just how it is.

What a beautiful way to sum up how things are.

I'm having that as my sig btw.
All the badge kissing in the world don't make up for the fact that they are, frankly, not Liverpool Football Club. It's not their fault. Its just how it is.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1321 on: April 15, 2009, 02:15:10 pm »
really ?   its out of our hands isnt it, mancu have to throw it away.

2 draws ;) and we win our 6 ;)


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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1322 on: April 15, 2009, 02:18:17 pm »
my bloods still boiling over drogba last night - what a foul, disgusting, horrible, cheating kunt he is.

Offline dbroms

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1323 on: April 15, 2009, 02:18:32 pm »
2 draws ;) and we win our 6 ;)

i really hope so mate, but id prefer man city to beat them and a couple of draws aswell.

Offline E2K

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1324 on: April 15, 2009, 02:33:22 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Drogba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Drogba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 02:38:27 pm by E2K »
Twitter: @e2klassic

Offline canuckkopite

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1325 on: April 15, 2009, 02:36:18 pm »
I'm pretty certain I'll get slated for this note, but I'll say what I have to say anyway. 

I saw nothing in yesterdays performance that told me that we were mentally capable of achieving anything more in the Champions League than we did this year. 

There is absolutely no question that the officiating was awful from start to finish.  Even the most die hard anti-Red would acknowledge that.  And yes, competition is made that much more difficult when you have to contend with SOB professional actor/divers like Didier Drogba, rolling around on the floor all day long.  Not to mention Steven Gerrard or the lack there of.  But these things shouldn't be our sole argument for losing a match that we were well capable of taking home.  We had every opportunity to be at least three up at the half, on the backs of Chelseas forgettable performance.  But we squandered it by playing far less than than we were capable of ourselves.  Many many mistakes were made by both clubs.  Unfortunately Chelsea knew how to capitalize on ours.  I didn't think it was a thriller at all like many have said, and if it was, it certainly wasn't for the right reasons.  To be completely honest I hate f*cking games like that.  These nail bitter losses kill me inside.  I want to see some serious heart in these boys.  Stop floating on the clubs history, for Christ sakes make some of your own.

I'm talking to you Lucas.  I know the argument at this point is done, but this guys performances do not merit the support he receives from members of this forum.  I realize he's young, and I realize some of you feel we should wait, because he might just be the next Stevie G.  I realize all of that sh*te.  But the simple fact of the matter is that he is not suited right now, or perhaps ever to be an engine in our central midfield.  His pace is appalling, once again proven yesterday, and his distribution while perhaps okay, certainly isn't up to the standard a team looking to win the league or any other competitions.

All this griping aside.  I am extremely pleased with what we've been able to accomplish this season in the league, and regardless where we end up, that will remain the same.  I love this club with everything I've got.  But I try to be a little objective as well.  If certain aspects of our system are broken or simply aren't working as well as they might.  Things need to be changed. 

Sorry for the rant.  I've run out of steam a little bit.  Yesterday just pissed me off to no end.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1326 on: April 15, 2009, 02:41:48 pm »
Just watched the goals again, the freekick given for Aurelio to score was a abit flimsy, but then again so was the one that was given for the Alex goal. But on that standard why was a freekick not awarded for the push in the back by Drogba, leading to the throw in for there 4th goal?

Offline Virginia Plain

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1327 on: April 15, 2009, 02:57:35 pm »
I'm pretty certain I'll get slated for this note, but I'll say what I have to say anyway. 
I saw nothing in yesterdays performance that told me that we were mentally capable of achieving anything more in the Champions League than we did this year. 
Sorry for the rant.  I've run out of steam a little bit.  Yesterday just pissed me off to no end.

You're well entitled to your opinion, and I'm not going to slate you for it, man. But if all you've taken away from the game is "We should have won that, Chelsea were awful in the first half, why didn't we do better, " I really don't know what to say. (Asides, perhaps, from "Will everybody just shut up about Lucas for one bloody second. It's obvious that nothing he could do will ever be enough. He could score hat tricks from now until the end of the season while never misplacing a pass and running for 90 minutes solid and people would still say he wasn't good enough." OK, maybe that was a bit of slating, sorry. )

Fact is, I think this would be an extremely valid post if you'd made it after the first leg of the tie. Frankly we're going to win games we should've lost and lose games we should've won any and every season. That's just how it is. Spurs "shouldn't" have beaten us, and we "shouldn't" have beaten Man City. I'm not saying that there aren't any flaws and that nothing should change, but...

I mean: "I want to see some serious heart in these boys. Stop floating on the clubs history, for Christ sakes make some of your own"? I honestly don't know how you can say that, unless you mean "Win more trophies" which is a legitimate claim. The team's heart is what kept them in this match.

In any case this team has already made history, more than once this season, and all the silverware in the world wouldn't mean much to me if I couldn't be proud of the way we earned it.

J. Walter Weatherman: And that's why you don't teach lessons to your son.

Get a fucking life, all of you. You're all arguing amongst yourselves in here and all the time you're completely oblivious to the fact that Krull is on on channel 5.

Offline JenTheRed

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1328 on: April 15, 2009, 03:17:53 pm »
= win

you contradict yourself in the same sentence

Your point is useless. I'm saying yes we lost, but losing doesn't mean you have let yourself down (the orginal point i was trying to make).
"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." Bill Shankly

Offline Andrew2007

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1329 on: April 15, 2009, 03:22:46 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.

Great post, simply great!

Offline gollne

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1330 on: April 15, 2009, 03:33:30 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.

That my friend, is pure brilliance
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Crowd: Spaniard, Spaniard, Spaniard...

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1331 on: April 15, 2009, 03:33:37 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.
This post deserves a thread of its own. One of the best things I've ever read on here.

Offline Cribertinokes

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1332 on: April 15, 2009, 03:34:05 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.

One of the best posts I have ever read on RAWK. Thank you.

Justice for the 96
These are the days when I hate the world, hate the rich, hate the happy, hate the complacent, the TV watchers, beer drinkers, the satisfied ones. Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things and then I hate myself for realising that.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1333 on: April 15, 2009, 03:54:37 pm »
I'm pretty certain I'll get slated for this note, but I'll say what I have to say anyway. 

I saw nothing in yesterdays performance that told me that we were mentally capable of achieving anything more in the Champions League than we did this year. 

There is absolutely no question that the officiating was awful from start to finish.  Even the most die hard anti-Red would acknowledge that.  And yes, competition is made that much more difficult when you have to contend with SOB professional actor/divers like Didier Dropba, rolling around on the floor all day long.  Not to mention Steven Gerrard or the lack there of.  But these things shouldn't be our sole argument for losing a match that we were well capable of taking home.  We had every opportunity to be at least three up at the half, on the backs of Chelseas forgettable performance.  But we squandered it by playing far less than than we were capable of ourselves.  Many many mistakes were made by both clubs.  Unfortunately Chelsea knew how to capitalize on ours.  I didn't think it was a thriller at all like many have said, and if it was, it certainly wasn't for the right reasons.  To be completely honest I hate f*cking games like that.  These nail bitter losses kill me inside.  I want to see some serious heart in these boys.  Stop floating on the clubs history, for Christ sakes make some of your own.

I'm talking to you Lucas.  I know the argument at this point is done, but this guys performances do not merit the support he receives from members of this forum.  I realize he's young, and I realize some of you feel we should wait, because he might just be the next Stevie G.  I realize all of that sh*te.  But the simple fact of the matter is that he is not suited right now, or perhaps ever to be an engine in our central midfield.  His pace is appalling, once again proven yesterday, and his distribution while perhaps okay, certainly isn't up to the standard a team looking to win the league or any other competitions.

All this griping aside.  I am extremely pleased with what we've been able to accomplish this season in the league, and regardless where we end up, that will remain the same.  I love this club with everything I've got.  But I try to be a little objective as well.  If certain aspects of our system are broken or simply aren't working as well as they might.  Things need to be changed. 

Sorry for the rant.  I've run out of steam a little bit.  Yesterday just pissed me off to no end.

dont care what anyone thinks.
lucas is gonna have a bright future AND WITH US.

if you dont like it support another team.
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1334 on: April 15, 2009, 04:00:07 pm »
That's fair Virginia Plain.  I understand everything you're saying.  In the end picking apart a games details accomplishes nothing, it's true.  It certainly doesn't change the result.  It's probably an emotional response from my perspective more than anything.

I just think it's a little too easy to say the team played with heart because they fought for the last two goals in the late stages.  You and I both know there was an ocean of time between number two and number three to do exactly what we did in the last ten minutes.  They obviously showed they were capable of scoring, and I'll repeat Chelsea were flat for a large portion of that period.  I just wondered why there wasn't the same urgency or desire to drive that hard at the outset of the second, or even halfway through, knowing that Chelsea were likely to pick up at some point.

I'm all for taking anything away from a game that I can.  But when you condemn me for stating the obvious.  Stop and think for a second about how some of these guys who might not have another shot at this are going to feel when they sit on their sofas at home trying to fill the void left by another very realistic chance at glory gone astray.  This match for them was there for the taking, and they'll no it.  A pat on the back from a supporter might not always do the trick.

For us it's easy to watch from year to year because we love the club unconditionally.  But make no mistake there are players on this team that want nothing more than to get a trophy or league with Liverpool before they are either too old to do so, or are moved on to another club.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 04:07:39 pm by canuckkopite »

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1335 on: April 15, 2009, 04:04:07 pm »
dont care what anyone thinks.
lucas is gonna have a bright future AND WITH US.

if you dont like it support another team.

Give me a break.  I support the club wholeheartedly.  We'll see where Lucas ends up.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1336 on: April 15, 2009, 04:07:09 pm »
Give me a break.  I support the club wholeheartedly.  We'll see where Lucas ends up.

if you support the club support the players - especially when they have had good games

why mention his fucking name when hes scored a goal?
Two bulls, one old and one young, standing at the top of a field watching a herd of cows. The young one says, "hey let's run down and fuck one of them", and the older one says, "patience, let's walk down and fuck them all".

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1337 on: April 15, 2009, 04:09:47 pm »
Give me a break.  I support the club wholeheartedly.  We'll see where Lucas ends up.

out of interest who would you like lucas to play like?
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1338 on: April 15, 2009, 06:30:29 pm »
I like most was proud that we put such effort and a very good performance in last night... but... defensively we were very poor, carra didnt win shit against dropba all night and yes he is a fouling cheating arse but we had to deal with him better than we did. Skrtel should have been making most of the challenges aerialy with carra dropping behing... if not then Agger should have played. The first goal was poor defending from aurelio(letting the cross come in(quite a weakness)) and skrtel not blocking the front post, if drogba gets a touch its only ever going in front post, he should have blocked... pepe was a touch dodgy but wasnt expecting a flick. The ref was a bit fussy but our players did not take that into consideration... foul after foul after foul on the edge, it was only a matter of time until they scored one. torres/kuyt werent good enough when we needed them to be leaving Xabi too much to do. I actually thought lucas was quite good tonight, he is not a DM, nor is he pacey...hes quick minded and intelligent and i think he put in a lot of work last night and played with passion, getting outpaced by fat lampard is a touch embarrassing mind!! overall we played well in attack but very poor in defence and we didnt deserve to get through regardless of how much chelsea are a bunch of cheating gloating wankers. Lets get the defence working on being a bit tighter and stopping crosses as le arse may well try this with adebayor(although not as much of a cheat as dropba)... plenty to fight for still... win all our games and as rafa would say... we will see!!! :-)

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1339 on: April 15, 2009, 06:45:38 pm »
we lost the tie in the first game at anfield

so last night we always did have a lot of work to do

i was expecting a draw maybe 1-1 or 0-0
if liverpool were to win i think 2-1

so for it to be 4-4 it was a truly amazing game

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1340 on: April 15, 2009, 06:46:36 pm »
Give me a break.  I support the club wholeheartedly.  We'll see where Lucas ends up.
How well do you understand the game? Lucas is a quality player. maybe not the dancing, tricking, step-over doer type, but every aspect of his game has quality in it (except his tackling, but that can be learned).
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1341 on: April 15, 2009, 07:02:31 pm »
How well do you understand the game? Lucas is a quality player. maybe not the dancing, tricking, step-over doer type, but every aspect of his game has quality in it (except his tackling, but that can be learned).

Im not going to slate Lucas or any of our players as long as they give it their all and behave in a manner that is befitting our great club, but Lucas is certainly not a quality player. Hes very average, and you mention his tackling as being his weak point, but id also point to his lack of strength and how easily he is eased of the ball. Thats quite a weakness when you play in the middle of the pitch.
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1342 on: April 15, 2009, 07:08:53 pm »
Im not going to slate Lucas or any of our players as long as they give it their all and behave in a manner that is befitting our great club

Really? Why bother with the rest of your post then?

but Lucas is certainly not a quality player. Hes very average,

It's true to say that if Shankly had told us to invade Poland we'd be queuing up 10 deep all the way from Anfield to the Pier Head.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1343 on: April 15, 2009, 07:09:09 pm »
I'm pretty certain I'll get slated for this note, but I'll say what I have to say anyway. 

I saw nothing in yesterdays performance that told me that we were mentally capable of achieving anything more in the Champions League than we did this year. 

There is absolutely no question that the officiating was awful from start to finish.  Even the most die hard anti-Red would acknowledge that.  And yes, competition is made that much more difficult when you have to contend with SOB professional actor/divers like Didier Dropba, rolling around on the floor all day long.  Not to mention Steven Gerrard or the lack there of.  But these things shouldn't be our sole argument for losing a match that we were well capable of taking home.  We had every opportunity to be at least three up at the half, on the backs of Chelseas forgettable performance.  But we squandered it by playing far less than than we were capable of ourselves.  Many many mistakes were made by both clubs.  Unfortunately Chelsea knew how to capitalize on ours.  I didn't think it was a thriller at all like many have said, and if it was, it certainly wasn't for the right reasons.  To be completely honest I hate f*cking games like that.  These nail bitter losses kill me inside.  I want to see some serious heart in these boys.  Stop floating on the clubs history, for Christ sakes make some of your own.

I'm talking to you Lucas.  I know the argument at this point is done, but this guys performances do not merit the support he receives from members of this forum.  I realize he's young, and I realize some of you feel we should wait, because he might just be the next Stevie G.  I realize all of that sh*te.  But the simple fact of the matter is that he is not suited right now, or perhaps ever to be an engine in our central midfield.  His pace is appalling, once again proven yesterday, and his distribution while perhaps okay, certainly isn't up to the standard a team looking to win the league or any other competitions.

All this griping aside.  I am extremely pleased with what we've been able to accomplish this season in the league, and regardless where we end up, that will remain the same.  I love this club with everything I've got.  But I try to be a little objective as well.  If certain aspects of our system are broken or simply aren't working as well as they might.  Things need to be changed. 

Sorry for the rant.  I've run out of steam a little bit.  Yesterday just pissed me off to no end.
Lucas WILL be a good player, at the moment he is competing with gerrard mascherano and alonso, all three vastly more experienced than him. he is always going to be the weak link.
there is nothing at all fundamentally wrong with his game. its unfair for you to single him out.
it wasnt his fault we lost the tie. far from it. yes his tackling isnt that good, and he gives the ball away, but he tries hard, and as long as we see him putting the effort in and working at his game, thats good enough for me and most other liverpool fans. alonso was at fault for their fourth, why not single him out? reina could have done better with their first and conceded seven overall, why not single him out?
its unfair that you scapegoat him, he wasnt our worst player over the two games.
he was never going to have your support, because as soon as the teamsheet came out, you probably groaned and thought its all over cos he has taken gerrards place. there is only one steven gerrard. he wears the red shirt, he plays for liverpool, he has our support.
i am so proud of this side, the team and the manager. we were always chasing the game, always, we scored two in the first half and looked like we could win it. before the game i wanted us to have a go. we did. even at 4-3 i thought we cud win. what epitomized the night for me? DIRK KUYT, the celebration after his goal, his reaction at the final whistle, true professional and a top top bloke. we had a go, we needed to chase and were always going to be susceptible to being hit on the break. as we did for 3 of their goals, alex's free kick was just a screamer and all you can do is admire it. scored 4 at the bridge, involved in one of the best games of football i've ever seen and at the end of the day, i can hold my head high, and walk on with a hope in my heart, because it was a brilliant effort from our boys. we arent going to win the european cup this season, so lets have a good dig at the league now, and if we dont win that...try again next year, this is liverpool football club and i'm still proud.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1344 on: April 15, 2009, 07:12:14 pm »
E2K - that was prophetic mate - a truely inspirational post
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1345 on: April 15, 2009, 07:23:03 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.

Brilliant post. It shouldn't be in here though, but a post in its own right. Maybe if there's a mod around they could turn it into it's own thread?

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1346 on: April 15, 2009, 07:23:04 pm »
we were great last night -in truth the damage was done in the first leg.

proud to be a red today, in every respect - now to win our 6 'cup finals'

JFT 96
Re: You have to take your hat off to Arsene Wenger...
The only way id take my hat off to him, is if i was odd job, then id throw it at the c*nt!

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1347 on: April 15, 2009, 07:24:42 pm »
Well we certainly had a massive mountain to climb last night after last weeks result.  Proper gutsy performance and like most fans can say I am so proud of our team on the eve of the 20th Anniversary of Hillsborough.  Without giving a postmortem of events because it has been more than covered we gave our all until the end despite a certain somebody rolling around the floor like there was a sniper in the stands and a ref who gave some some what bizarre decisions.  Whilst it is gutting to go out of the CL we can now concentrate entirely on the league of course, yesterday  is history but without doubt our lads did is proud, onwards and upwards.
Try to sit on the fence and you're quickly exposed as a fraud, hiding your true feelings but fooling no one.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1348 on: April 15, 2009, 07:43:41 pm »
Felt as proud of the Reds last night as I can remember since Istanbul. A truly fantastic performance. This team is on the brink of greatness and number 19 is not far away.
Seen more titles than he can remember...

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1349 on: April 15, 2009, 07:46:25 pm »
E2K that is one sublime post. Well in mate

Offline aggerdid

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1350 on: April 15, 2009, 07:47:28 pm »
sorry if anyones picked up on this already but this has been going through my mind.

Before the game at OT the champions league was looking like the trophy we were going to win and anybody in the right mind would have said the league was over for this season for us. Then on the 14th March we beat man u at OT and our league chances increased considerably in the following month. Then we lost to chelsea at anfield last week and I went into the blackburn game having the opposite feeling to every other season for the past 5 years: I was glad to play a league game instead of a champions league game and it sort of felt like the tables had turned. Then on the 14th April we went out to chelsea and its eggs in the league basket time instead of the eggs in the champions league basket time we have experienced so many times since rafa came. what a difference a month makes
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1351 on: April 15, 2009, 07:47:52 pm »
(E2K - that was a superb post earlier)

Xabi rushing to take the corner in the 90th minute when we still needed two
just said it all really.

Not often you want to remember a loss of any kind and it must be remembered
that although we lost the tie, we did not lose the match and we certainly lost
nothing in defeat.

Like all of us Steven Gerrard must have been immensely proud looking on,
it came down to the wire which really was never expected, I can't imagine us
winning a first leg away and then conceding four at home when
with the tie still in the balance. Unthinkable really, so to go there and put in the effort
and score the goals that we did, pushing right to the final whistle without our inspirational
skipper and facing what we were told was an impossible task, well it was incredible.

Rome wasn't to be this year but today that is far from anyone's minds.
We put on a show for the world and most importantly for the 96 and for that
I am extremely grateful to everyone at the club. Very very proud and
all the other sentiments I wish to express have already been posted by others
both here and in ctr's thread.

Walk on.
It's true to say that if Shankly had told us to invade Poland we'd be queuing up 10 deep all the way from Anfield to the Pier Head.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1352 on: April 15, 2009, 07:50:48 pm »
Really? Why bother with the rest of your post then?

Saying a player is average is not slating him, saying hes shit, booing him etc etc, thats wrong.

The likes of Alonso are quality players, and Lucas is not in that bracket.
Thinking is overrated.
The mind is a tool, it's not meant to be used that much.
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1353 on: April 15, 2009, 08:06:04 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.

Mate I wish you would post more.
Fantastic stuff time and again.
A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1354 on: April 15, 2009, 08:09:50 pm »
All I feel after last night is gratitude and pride. Not for the first time as a Liverpool supporter.

They say you are what you eat. We football supporters, regardless of our colours, are fed in several different ways. We are fed by the organisations which govern the game: the F.A., UEFA, FIFA, and so on. We are fed by the referees and match officials appointed by these governing bodies. We are fed by the media: newspapers, magazines, books, radio and television shows. This is our basic diet, and it is shared by supporters of every club.

It isn’t always nutritious, that’s for sure. Sometimes it seems downright poisonous. Most of the time, however, it leads to simple malnourishment. We get just enough sustenance to survive and keep coming back for more, but it’s unhealthy and very few among us can ever claim to be truly sustained by it. Most times, the pollution of our food chain is then further compounded by the greed of agents and their players, the widespread cheating of said players and their managers, and the hypocrisy and corruption endemic in the game at both boardroom and managerial level.

Let’s be honest, no supporter wants diving in the game. Whatever club we support, every single one of us would rid football of this cancer across the board if given the choice, and along with it the feigning of injuries, the intimidation of referees and all of the other blights too. These are elements that wouldn’t even occur to us when we first pick up a football and have a kick around with our friends after school. It’s not the game as we know it and love it, so why would any of us want cheating like that to infect football? We wouldn’t. That’s something we all have in common.

The problem comes when a member of the team you support specialises in such acts. Unfortunately, most football supporters tend to look away when that happens. Didier Dropba, for example, is beloved by Chelsea fans. Yet no right-thinking individual who love football could ever possibly condone what this man does on a game-to-game basis. Not one person who truly has any affection for this sport could have looked on in the opening moments of last night’s game as he feigned injury off the pitch and then rolled back on to get the game stopped, and not be disgusted. Yet the supporters of his club exalt him.

Why is that? Are we to assume that Chelsea supporters see diving, cheating, feigning of injury as part of the fabric of the game? And is it only Chelsea supporters? Did Man. United fans not defend Ronaldo through the worst years of his cheating (he’s way behind Dropba on that score nowadays)? Didn’t everyone laugh when Jurgen Klinsmann arrived in England and joked about his years of blatant cheating? Arsenal supporters didn’t really care when Pires would dive, did they? And us, well, we take a dodgy penalty when we get it (Gerrard in Marseille in 2007 immediately springs to mind).

I think the crucial thing with us as a support is that we take such things when they occur, but we do not condone it. I think if we’re being honest, we would prefer Stevie and Nando never to go down when they can stay on their feet. We tend to appreciate honesty, in my experience, and if the attitudes on this site towards cheats like Dropba and Ronaldo are anything to go by, then we despise gamesmanship with a passion.

Yet we very rarely get that with Liverpool, do we? Outside of the occasional lapse by Luis Garcia or Stevie over the years (and, very occasionally, Nando), we have had honest teams going right back to Shankly and beyond. And though the game has changed immeasurably in recent years, and respect for the rules has sadly slipped, we have remained a clean team, routinely near the top of the fair play league and without one serial cheat in our team. Occasionally, one of our players might feel contact and go down. We don’t condone that. But there has never been, and I hope there never will be, any institutionalised acceptance of cheating at our club as there has been at others (our opponents last night a prime example).

So what is it? Why is it accepted by some and not by others?

Because we are what we eat.

Football supporters support. We support our teams, that’s what we do. Chelsea fans have been fed a steady stream of cheats for a long while, certainly since Mourinho took over. They didn’t bat an eyelid when Robben got Reina sent off in 2006, when Gudjohnsen got Xabi booked out of the semi-final second leg in 2005, or at the antics of Didier Dropba since his arrival. They’ve been fed trash, so they’ve become trash.

Arsenal supporters have been fed glorious attacking football for a good few years. Hence they shout “hoof” every time the ball leaves the ground from an opposing player’s boot. Once upon a time, they won league titles playing some of the ugliest football you’ll ever see. They don’t like that type of football anymore because their team don’t play it. If they did, they’d defend it to the hilt. Man. United supporters deride our past victories as meaningless, because they’ve been going through the most successful period in their history. Yet they bleated on about their past for 26 barren years.

Everton supporters are bitter, because they were once (not so long ago) regular contenders for the top trophies. Yet they’ve only won one in the last 21seasons and were almost relegated twice in the nineties. Their diet has been bitter. They’ve become bitter. Newcastle United supporters are desperate. Desperation has been their diet. How else do you explain them welcoming a man with no managerial experience whatsoever as their saviour? It’s desperation.

And so on. But what are we?

We’re dreamers. We’re realists too. We appreciate honesty and hard work. We appreciate good football as well, but the minimum requirement has always been effort. We embrace our past with a passion. We never forget. No other club’s supporters would have carried on fighting for justice for the 96 like ours have, I truly believe that. We are proud. We are fighters. We are creative, good-humoured. We talk the talk, that’s true, because we are rightly proud of our past and don’t impress easily (Chelsea F.C.). Yet we are also humble.

We are all of these things because that’s what we’ve been fed forever. From Shankly and Paisley, onto Dalglish, Evans and Houllier, and now Rafa. Humble men, proud men, honest men. Good hearts, fighters, inspirers. Good-humoured too. Then there’s the players, from Keegan to Gerrard, Torres to Toshack, Barnes, Beardsley, Smith, Souness, and so on. Men. Real men. Fighters, winners. They make you proud. They inspire you. And you can’t help, as a supporter, to have their character rub off on you just a little bit.

That’s why we are who we are. Our diet has been nothing but fillet steak and fine wine our whole lives, win, lose or draw.

Chelsea supporters are to be pitied. They’ll always be trash, because they’ll always be fed trash. They’ll never know what it’s like to be moved to tears by a team who lost the battle and the war, yet whose effort and honesty was truly humbling. They’ll never know what it’s like to feel like a fucking ant as you look at 96 names and feel nothing but empathy and strength, inspired by the struggle of great people for justice, and the courage and dignity they display every single day of their lives. They’ll never know what it’s like to have men – MEN – like this playing for them. Never.

All they’ll ever have is mercenary cheats like Dropba, diving and feigning injury, motioning to the crowd to turn up the volume. They’ll have their badge-kisser Lampard. They’ll have their captain John Terry, a man who’s admitted to cheating on his wife on multiple occasions. They’ll have Ashley Cole. You can’t even call these people men.

Last night was the most beautiful defeat I have ever experienced, and if there is a Heaven, I know there were 96 souls smiling down. A performance befitting the sombre occasion that today brings. We could have asked no more. I will always love this club, and unlike Chelsea, I believe that we will always have humble, hard-working, inspirational men like these to make us dream.

After all, that’s who we are. And last night proved that.
great post. one thing i'd add is that the odd cheat has come to the club like diouf but the difference with our club is that the fans dont take to them and they move on soon after. really great post though. that's why we have kuyt on the right and the shite from down the lancs have a tanned up homo who wear golden boots and has earrings. i love this club
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1355 on: April 15, 2009, 08:11:46 pm »
Saying a player is average is not slating him, saying hes shit, booing him etc etc, thats wrong.

The likes of Alonso are quality players, and Lucas is not in that bracket.

He's far from average, he's only turned 22 and held his own against one of the strongest
midfields in Europe last night. He was singled out for praise by his manager for the work
and display he put in.
It's true to say that if Shankly had told us to invade Poland we'd be queuing up 10 deep all the way from Anfield to the Pier Head.

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1356 on: April 15, 2009, 08:35:56 pm »
He's far from average, he's only turned 22 and held his own against one of the strongest
midfields in Europe last night. He was singled out for praise by his manager for the work
and display he put in.
Most people forget or choose to ignore that, Phil. Lucas is not a finished article yet, and he's showing all the right signs of progress (unlike Babel, who can't be arsed at times).
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1357 on: April 15, 2009, 08:35:58 pm »
Saying a player is average is not slating him, saying hes shit, booing him etc etc, thats wrong.

The likes of Alonso are quality players, and Lucas is not in that bracket.

At present Nemeth, Ngog, Insua and Pacheco aren't to Alonso, torres, gerrard, Carra's or Skrtels level. Alonso is 5 years older than Lucas and vastly more experienced.
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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1358 on: April 15, 2009, 08:52:43 pm »
thought i'll get my thoughts about the match out. Theres alot being said about the match. I have my thought but so much happened it really was one of those days which we seem to have more often than others.

What i have to get of my chest is how much i really dispise chelsea. E2K discribed the differances superbly but i just can't stand them. From the plastic fans booing their team at half time instead of getting behind them who then had the audacity to sing 'your not singing anymore'!! At least our players have never had to ask for the crowd to make more noise!!

Then to the team. Hiddink was hailed as a mastermind after the 3-1 win. Today we saw the masterplan. Wack the ball long go down as soon as we breath on them and whack the free kick towards goal/ towards the box. I'm sure abramovich always dreamed of having a rich mans bolton.i'm sure he considers that hunderts of millions of pounds well spent.......

I also can't loath the players. from terry to cole to bosingwa to lampard to cole to malouda (thank god we didn't buy him) to drogba  and dispise them. drogba is one of the few players where it would make me geniune happy to see him brake a leg. i really hope he pisses off to italy. hopefully some nazis will beat him up there as well.

There have been comparisons made between the dives of our players and theres. I personally don't want our players to stand up until they can't get up anymore. If theres a push it's a foul.if a players leaves his leg in the running path of our players its not up to him to get out of the way. there is for me a major differance between this and searching for the leg, even if it's half a metre a away, falling wihtout no contact, backing in to the defender and falling down, hooking in to the defender and falling down.

What pissed me really off about our performance was that we're far too clean. Now i don't want to fall to chelseas level but after the defenders saw drogba was getting freekicks after backing in to them then i'd personally hope we'd fall down faster than him to win the free kick for what was a foul.

Oh and for the first time since i can remember i went away from a liverpool match. once lampard scored i couldn't watch anymore. not cause i was pissed off that we blew it rather i couldn't watch those arrogant ego maniacs celebrate so i went to wash my teeth by then we had scored 2 again. after seeing him score a second time i had to control myself that the controller didn't fly some where it shouldn't.

Thank god our players have some humility. give me aurellio, carra, gerrard, torres over cole, terry lampard, drogba any day

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Re: Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool
« Reply #1359 on: April 15, 2009, 08:59:21 pm »
we were great last night -in truth the damage was done in the first leg.

proud to be a red today, in every respect - now to win our 6 'cup finals'

JFT 96

Spot on. Great performance last night, we couldn't have asked for more. Two mistakes from corners in the first leg cost us. Simple.
There's only one Sergio Torres