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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #120 on: May 5, 2009, 12:11:46 pm »
Best ever Star Trek episode.
<a href=";hl=nl&amp;fs=1];hl=nl&amp;fs=1[/url]&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowscriptaccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src=&quot;[url=;hl=nl&amp;fs=1];hl=nl&amp;fs=1[/url]&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; allowscriptaccess=&quot;always&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;true&quot; width=&quot;425&quot; height=&quot;344&quot;&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt;[/font]" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;hl=nl&amp;fs=1];hl=nl&amp;fs=1[/url]&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowFullScreen&quot; value=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;param name=&quot;allowscriptaccess&quot; value=&quot;always&quot;&gt;&lt;/param&gt;&lt;embed src=&quot;[url=;hl=nl&amp;fs=1];hl=nl&amp;fs=1[/url]&quot; type=&quot;application/x-shockwave-flash&quot; allowscriptaccess=&quot;always&quot; allowfullscreen=&quot;true&quot; width=&quot;425&quot; height=&quot;344&quot;&gt;&lt;/embed&gt;&lt;/object&gt;[/font]</a>
« Last Edit: May 5, 2009, 12:14:39 pm by Pheeny »

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #121 on: May 5, 2009, 01:47:13 pm »
Im going to see this. Sadly none of my mates are as sad as me so looks like i am going it alone - unless i can pursuade my girlfriend to come (she's not keen!). Yes thats right, im considering going to see Star Trek and i have a girlfriend!

What's less surprising is that you'll be going to a Star Trek film alone :P
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Manila Kop

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #122 on: May 7, 2009, 04:41:18 pm »
I got to watch it in a special IMAX premier screening tonight.

I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn't bring myself to like the movie.

It's a slicked-up, whizbang Hollywood summer blockbuster with all the nifty special effects and little jokes to punctuate the story.  And for that reason I'm sure a lot of people who've never liked Star Trek (and who've turned their noses down on it) will like this flick.  You know, killer_heels types.

I spent the whole car ride home going over it in my head.  Forget the glaring plot holes, the convenient time travel plot device, the sometimes cheesy dialogue.  My main complaint is that it just didn't feel like Star Trek.  It's a Hollywood marketing device that just happens to feature Star Trek characters in the Star Trek universe.  Just to be clear, it's not a bad movie at all, it's just a movie that 14 year olds addicted to Playstations and Jerry Bruckheimer movies will adore.  Which is what's needed to resuscitate the franchise, it will get new people in to pack cinemas.  I just expected something better from the reboot, or at least something more faithful to the...I'm struggling for the right word...identity? vibe? character? of Star Trek.
The infallible wank stain
Lolzies. More chance of a wank off the pope than beating United, I'm afraid. It is beyond Benitez, apart from when they were at their lowest ebb, when we knocked them out of the FA Cup. They certainly aren't anywhere near there now.

Offline Slick_Beef

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #123 on: May 7, 2009, 05:40:28 pm »
Going to see this tonight.. Havent looked forward to a new star trek film for a long time but I have high hopes for this

Offline Scratchy

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #124 on: May 7, 2009, 06:45:50 pm »
I'll let that pass, from one point of view all religions do sound like that. I think this new Star Trek looks...promising.
Though I'm worried about the sex scene, it's just wrong to be aroused during Star Trek, isn't it?

Not quite! ;)

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #125 on: May 7, 2009, 07:17:54 pm »
Oh dear, a robot with big tits.
Follow me on twatter: @JDMessias

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #126 on: May 7, 2009, 07:18:20 pm »
I got to watch it in a special IMAX premier screening tonight.

I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn't bring myself to like the movie.

It's a slicked-up, whizbang Hollywood summer blockbuster with all the nifty special effects and little jokes to punctuate the story.  And for that reason I'm sure a lot of people who've never liked Star Trek (and who've turned their noses down on it) will like this flick.  You know, killer_heels types.

I spent the whole car ride home going over it in my head.  Forget the glaring plot holes, the convenient time travel plot device, the sometimes cheesy dialogue.  My main complaint is that it just didn't feel like Star Trek.  It's a Hollywood marketing device that just happens to feature Star Trek characters in the Star Trek universe.  Just to be clear, it's not a bad movie at all, it's just a movie that 14 year olds addicted to Playstations and Jerry Bruckheimer movies will adore.  Which is what's needed to resuscitate the franchise, it will get new people in to pack cinemas.  I just expected something better from the reboot, or at least something more faithful to the...I'm struggling for the right word...identity? vibe? character? of Star Trek.

I totally resent that remark.

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #127 on: May 7, 2009, 07:49:02 pm »
I totally resent that remark.

I always suspected you were a trekkie.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Okkervil

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #128 on: May 7, 2009, 08:23:56 pm »
Well i saw this today, and as some of you know on 'ere I am undoubtedly a Trekkie. I love all the series enough to own every Trek episode on DVD (all 700+ of them), from Original to Enterprise, and there is not one of the first 10 films I don't enjoy (even if The Final Frontier and Nemesis are shite) and I even dont mind a quite a few of the better written DS9 novels.

Given this, this film has a lot to live up to for me personally and I could bang on about continuity issues and things that shouldn't be in the film because is Episode 12 of the 3rd series Kirk does blah blah blah... and all that other Trekkie moaning. But i wont. I care about what happens to Star Trek, and what the future of the franchise is and where it goes. Unlike many Trek fans i was all for Abrams when he was announced as director. Not because I'm a big fan of Lost, I'm not. But because the whole franchise desperately needed an injection of new life and ideas and to be taken out of the hands of those who had run the franchise so successfully during the 1990's, but had found themselves out of ideas come the new millennium (Rick Berman stand up!). People are often surprised to found out I'm such a Trekkie. They point out the dodgy acting and the cheesy geekyness of it and assume I wouldn't really be into it. And without going into it too much, Trek has always been much more than just sci-fi. More of a declaration of what People could achieve. And this is why its so important for the franchise to be given a good kick up the arse.

I'll say it now. I pretty much loved the whole film. Ive heard several moan about it not "feeling like Star Trek", and to a degree i can sympathise. But that's exactly the point, this film could not just feel like Star Trek. It had to be new and fresh or the franchise is doomed. Worst case scenario would have been a personality-less film. Buts it's far from that, even if some of the old Trek charm has gone.
For me personally the opening sequence was perfect and I was sold. It was enough like Trek to be Trek from then on!! Chris Pine and Zachery Quinto steal the show. Pine is enough like Shattner's Kirk to still be Kirk, without coming across as an actor trying to play an actor, and Qunito is a perfect young Spock. Then when Nimoy turned up it did feel like Trek of old just for a little bit.

The visuals are great, and Trek has never looked so good. I particularly enjoyed the phaser fire, which for the first time ever in Trek seemed dangerous, rather than just a light show. I have to say it is a very pretty film. However what I was worried about mostly was plot and writing in the film. As it is written buy the chaps that penned Transformers, i had every reason to worry! Thankfully the writting is adequate enough for the cast to pull it off. It by no means perfect and never reaches the height of the of some of the best written Trek episodes. But the scipt is good enough not to be unspeakable Trek babble to newcomers, and still be technical enough for fans like me. It was a delicate and perhaps impossible balance to get, but the script takes a decent stab at it.

The plot is Abrams ace in up his sleeve. Yes there are some holes, (but Trek thrives on plot holes. Plot holes in one Trek film/episode are often to be filled in by another film/episode.) but they are not serious enough to detract from the flow of the film or even noticeable to some who wont be Trekkie's. There also some parts of the plot that are rushed through just too quickly and others that are dwelt on to long, which leaves the film uneven slightly, and if im being very picky Nero is under-developed as a villain just a little. There is also the use of time travel as a plot devise. But this is Star Trek, and we'll have time travel as much as we bloody like in Trek please! Abrams genius is that he knew that for this to be successful, it would not matter how many new fans it attracts, it needs to keep the old faithful like me happy too. Therefore the plot could not just rewrite Trek canon and lore. And thank God it doesn't!...
Spoiler pretty much the whole film is an alternative timeline  :) . (For Trekkies like me the alternative timeline that this is set in could be either a blessing or a curse to normal Trek canon. The only thing that is added to the usual Trek universe is the Romulan Sun going nova and the disapearance of Old Spock from that universe. Its vital, if this film is to become part of Trek canon and or lore that a sequel sets right the correct timeline.)
As a prequel, the ending leaves the Star Trek universe in a very diffrent state of play from the Universe that is recognised in all the series and films before it. That said Abrams has left it open perfectly for a sequel to put this right and put the Star Trek Universe back to its status quo, which any sequel would have to do, otherwise all the films and series would be fundementally floored
This is because by the end of the film Vulcan is completly destroyed and the Vulcan race almost annihilated

Finally despite the continuity issues for Trekkie's like me and despite the slightly dodgy script, this is fun, action packed one of the best sci-fi films of recent years. It may not have the essance and feel of Trek of old, but it gives the franshise room to breathe and expand again. My missus went with me and she cant stand Star Trek. We both left happy. Job done Abrams!
« Last Edit: May 8, 2009, 05:27:55 pm by Okkervil »
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Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #129 on: May 7, 2009, 08:36:25 pm »
But does Uhura get her knockers out?

Thanks for the review, O. I'm not a Trekkie, more of a Trekker, but I was quite worried about this. Now I can't wait until tomorrow night.

Was the cinema busy? I really want this to be a big so so we do get a sequel.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Okkervil

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #130 on: May 7, 2009, 08:49:10 pm »
But does Uhura get her knockers out?
No, but fingers crossed for the sequel  ;D

Was the cinema busy? I really want this to be a big so so we do get a sequel.
Was about half full. But it was a preview screening during school/work hours.
« Last Edit: May 7, 2009, 08:54:22 pm by Okkervil »
To make men Socialists is nothing, but to make Socialism human is a great thing. - Oscar Wilde

Offline safhossain03

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #131 on: May 7, 2009, 11:38:02 pm »
I am in no way a trekkie, but that is how you make a fucking movie.

Offline Slick_Beef

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #132 on: May 8, 2009, 12:28:03 am »
Just back from seeing this..

Well i saw this today, and as some of you know on 'ere I am undoubtedly a Trekkie. I love all the series enough to own every Trek episode on DVD (all 700+ of them), from Original to Enterprise, and there is not one of the first 10 films I don't enjoy (even if The Final Frontier and Nemesis are shite) and I even dont mind a quite a few of the better written DS9 novels.

Given this this film has a lot to live up to for me personally and I could bang on about continuity issues and things that shouldn't be in the film because is Episode 12 of the 3rd series Kirk does blah blah blah... and all that other Trekkie moaning. But i wont. I care about what happens to Star Trek, and what the future of the franchise is and where it goes. Unlike many Trek fans i was all for Abrams when he was announced as director. Not because I'm a big fan of Lost, I'm not. But because the whole franchise desperately needed an injection of new life and ideas and to be taken out of the hands of those who had run the franchise so successfully during the 1990's, but had found themselves out of ideas come the new millennium (Rick Berman stand up!). People are often surprised to found out I'm such a Trekkie. They point out the dodgy acting and the cheesy geekyness of it and assume I wouldn't really be into it. And without going into it too much, Trek has always been much more than just sci-fi. More of a declaration of what People could achieve. And this is why its so important for the franchise to be given a good kick up the arse.

I'll say it now. I pretty much loved the whole film. Ive heard several moan about it not "feeling like Star Trek", and to a degree i can sympathise. But that's exactly the point, this film could not just feel like Star Trek. It had to be new and fresh or the franchise is doomed. Worst case scenario would have been a personality-less film. Buts it far from that, even if some of the old Trek charm has gone.
For me personally the opening sequence was perfect and I was sold. It was enough like Trek to be Trek from then on!! Chris Pine and Zachery Quinto steal the show. Pine is enough like Shattner's Kirk to still be Kirk, without coming across as an actor trying to play an actor, and Qunito is a perfect young Spock. Then when Nimoy turned up it did feel like Trek of old just for a little bit.

The visuals are great, and Trek has never looked so good. I particularly enjoyed the phaser fire, which for the first time ever in Trek seemed dangerous, rather than just a light show. I have to say it is a very pretty film. However what I was worried about mostly was plot and writing in the film. As it is written buy the chaps that penned Transformers, i had every reason to worry! Thankfully the writting is adequate enough for the cast to pull it off. It by no means perfect and never reaches the height of the of some of the best written Trek episodes. But the scipt is good enough not to be unspeakable Trek babble to newcomers, and still be technical enough for fans like me. It was a delicate and perhaps impossible balance to get, but the script takes a decent stab at it.

The plot is Abrams ace in up his sleeve. Yes there are some holes, (but Trek thrives on plot holes. Plot holes in one Trek film/episode are often to be filled in by another film/episode.) but they are not serious enough to detract from the flow of the film or even noticeable to some who wont be Trekkie's. There also some parts of the plot that are rushed through just too quickly and others that are dwelt on to long, which leaves the film uneven slightly, and if im being very picky Nero is under-developed as a villain just a little. There is also the use of time travel as a plot devise. But this is Star Trek, and we'll have time travel as much as we bloody like in Trek please! Abrams genius is that he knew that for this to be successful, it would not matter how many new fans it attracts, it needs to keep the old faithful like me happy too. Therefore the plot could not just rewrite Trek canon and lore. And thank God it doesn't!...
Spoiler pretty much the whole film is an alternative timeline  :) . (For Trekkies like me the alternative timeline that this is set in could be either a blessing or a curse to normal Trek canon. The only thing that is added to the usual Trek universe is the Romulan Sun going nova and the disapearance of Old Spock from that universe. Its vital, if this film is to become part of Trek canon and or lore that a sequel sets right the correct timeline.)
As a prequel the ending leaves the Star Trek universe in a very diffrent state of play from the Universe that is recognised in all the series and films before it. That said Abrams has left it open perfectly for a sequel to put this right and put the Star Trek Universe back to its status quo, which any sequel would have to do, otherwise all the films and series would be fundementally floored
This is because by the end of the film Vulcan is completly destroyed and the Vulcan race almost annihilated

Finally despite the contunuity issues for Trekkie's like me and despite the slightly dodgy script, this is fun, action packed one of the best sci-fi films of recent years. It may not have the essance and feel of Trek of old, but it gives the franshise room to breathe and expand again. My missus went with me and she cant stand Star Trek. We both left happy. Job done Abrams!

Good post mate! That summed it up for me. I thought they perfectly hit the balance between making something that worked for trekkies without boring the masses, which as you say, is exactly what star trek needed.

I thought it was fucking ace and I'll probably watch it again... and make the missus watch it with me this time.

Special mention to whoever did the casting... perfect

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #133 on: May 8, 2009, 12:41:44 am »

Just cut the does it compare to Wrath of Khan?

"My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in."

Offline Okkervil

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #134 on: May 8, 2009, 12:43:52 am »
Just cut the does it compare to Wrath of Khan?

Nothing compares to Wrath of Khan!


Special mention to whoever did the casting... perfect
Definitely one of the films major strengths
« Last Edit: May 8, 2009, 12:48:38 am by Okkervil »
To make men Socialists is nothing, but to make Socialism human is a great thing. - Oscar Wilde

Offline Manila Kop

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #135 on: May 8, 2009, 04:22:11 am »
I totally resent that remark.

You've been asking for it for awhile.  ;)

Okkervil, totally understand that review.  Like I told my girlfriend after the movie, I'm sure I'd be in a minority on this one.  :)   I'd still watch the next Abrams Trek movie anyway (if only to see what they do in this continuity).
« Last Edit: May 8, 2009, 04:28:00 am by Manila Kop »
The infallible wank stain
Lolzies. More chance of a wank off the pope than beating United, I'm afraid. It is beyond Benitez, apart from when they were at their lowest ebb, when we knocked them out of the FA Cup. They certainly aren't anywhere near there now.

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #136 on: May 8, 2009, 03:27:45 pm »
Hey, okkervil, was Nero a character in the original series? His name rings a bell, but I'm no where near familiar enough to say for sure.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

Offline Okkervil

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #137 on: May 8, 2009, 05:21:52 pm »
Hey, okkervil, was Nero a character in the original series? His name rings a bell, but I'm no where near familiar enough to say for sure.
Nah, hes a new character mate.
To make men Socialists is nothing, but to make Socialism human is a great thing. - Oscar Wilde

Offline Brian Blessed

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #138 on: May 8, 2009, 05:30:18 pm »
Nah, hes a new character mate.

Shit. Who the hell am I thinking of.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #139 on: May 8, 2009, 06:28:01 pm »
Shit. Who the hell am I thinking of.

The Roman Emperor?

The Software?

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #141 on: May 8, 2009, 07:13:19 pm »

Haha, I love the Onion 'Bree Lindsay - The Biz Dish' ;D

This is also great

Anyway, how Zachary Qunito in this? He scarred me for life with his 'acting' in Heroes and is putting me off going to see this

"'Do it?' Dan, I'm not a Republic serial villain. Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago."

Offline Slick_Beef

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #142 on: May 8, 2009, 09:42:39 pm »

Anyway, how Zachary Qunito in this? He scarred me for life with his 'acting' in Heroes and is putting me off going to see this

He's superb in it mate. I think it must have been a hard thing to do.. you have to live up to the expectations of the fans without coming off like a spoof of the original. As I said above, I thought all the casting was excellent. I think I was most impressed with Bones. I came to this conclusion when I heard "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a physicist!" ;D perfect

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #143 on: May 8, 2009, 10:14:34 pm »
Well i saw this today, and as some of you know on 'ere I am undoubtedly a Trekkie. I love all the series enough to own every Trek episode on DVD (all 700+ of them), from Original to Enterprise, and there is not one of the first 10 films I don't enjoy (even if The Final Frontier and Nemesis are shite) and I even dont mind a quite a few of the better written DS9 novels.

Given this, this film has a lot to live up to for me personally and I could bang on about continuity issues and things that shouldn't be in the film because is Episode 12 of the 3rd series Kirk does blah blah blah... and all that other Trekkie moaning. But i wont. I care about what happens to Star Trek, and what the future of the franchise is and where it goes. Unlike many Trek fans i was all for Abrams when he was announced as director. Not because I'm a big fan of Lost, I'm not. But because the whole franchise desperately needed an injection of new life and ideas and to be taken out of the hands of those who had run the franchise so successfully during the 1990's, but had found themselves out of ideas come the new millennium (Rick Berman stand up!). People are often surprised to found out I'm such a Trekkie. They point out the dodgy acting and the cheesy geekyness of it and assume I wouldn't really be into it. And without going into it too much, Trek has always been much more than just sci-fi. More of a declaration of what People could achieve. And this is why its so important for the franchise to be given a good kick up the arse.

I'll say it now. I pretty much loved the whole film. Ive heard several moan about it not "feeling like Star Trek", and to a degree i can sympathise. But that's exactly the point, this film could not just feel like Star Trek. It had to be new and fresh or the franchise is doomed. Worst case scenario would have been a personality-less film. Buts it's far from that, even if some of the old Trek charm has gone.
For me personally the opening sequence was perfect and I was sold. It was enough like Trek to be Trek from then on!! Chris Pine and Zachery Quinto steal the show. Pine is enough like Shattner's Kirk to still be Kirk, without coming across as an actor trying to play an actor, and Qunito is a perfect young Spock. Then when Nimoy turned up it did feel like Trek of old just for a little bit.

The visuals are great, and Trek has never looked so good. I particularly enjoyed the phaser fire, which for the first time ever in Trek seemed dangerous, rather than just a light show. I have to say it is a very pretty film. However what I was worried about mostly was plot and writing in the film. As it is written buy the chaps that penned Transformers, i had every reason to worry! Thankfully the writting is adequate enough for the cast to pull it off. It by no means perfect and never reaches the height of the of some of the best written Trek episodes. But the scipt is good enough not to be unspeakable Trek babble to newcomers, and still be technical enough for fans like me. It was a delicate and perhaps impossible balance to get, but the script takes a decent stab at it.

The plot is Abrams ace in up his sleeve. Yes there are some holes, (but Trek thrives on plot holes. Plot holes in one Trek film/episode are often to be filled in by another film/episode.) but they are not serious enough to detract from the flow of the film or even noticeable to some who wont be Trekkie's. There also some parts of the plot that are rushed through just too quickly and others that are dwelt on to long, which leaves the film uneven slightly, and if im being very picky Nero is under-developed as a villain just a little. There is also the use of time travel as a plot devise. But this is Star Trek, and we'll have time travel as much as we bloody like in Trek please! Abrams genius is that he knew that for this to be successful, it would not matter how many new fans it attracts, it needs to keep the old faithful like me happy too. Therefore the plot could not just rewrite Trek canon and lore. And thank God it doesn't!...
Spoiler pretty much the whole film is an alternative timeline  :) . (For Trekkies like me the alternative timeline that this is set in could be either a blessing or a curse to normal Trek canon. The only thing that is added to the usual Trek universe is the Romulan Sun going nova and the disapearance of Old Spock from that universe. Its vital, if this film is to become part of Trek canon and or lore that a sequel sets right the correct timeline.)
As a prequel, the ending leaves the Star Trek universe in a very diffrent state of play from the Universe that is recognised in all the series and films before it. That said Abrams has left it open perfectly for a sequel to put this right and put the Star Trek Universe back to its status quo, which any sequel would have to do, otherwise all the films and series would be fundementally floored
This is because by the end of the film Vulcan is completly destroyed and the Vulcan race almost annihilated

Finally despite the continuity issues for Trekkie's like me and despite the slightly dodgy script, this is fun, action packed one of the best sci-fi films of recent years. It may not have the essance and feel of Trek of old, but it gives the franshise room to breathe and expand again. My missus went with me and she cant stand Star Trek. We both left happy. Job done Abrams!
Thanks for that read mate. I saw the trailer and i've been dubious about watching it. But i'll give it a go now
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #144 on: May 9, 2009, 12:09:31 am »
I've never been a massive fan, though I liked Next Generation back in the early 90's........but that was a really fucking good film.

Thought the characters were all well played, it nodded just enough to the originals to provide a few laughs and smiles without quite swaying into piss take.

I quite like the 'alternate timeline' thing as means they can reboot it without pissing all over the original films saying 'yeah that all never happened, it's shit, forget it.
« Last Edit: May 9, 2009, 12:11:19 am by voodoo ray »

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #146 on: May 9, 2009, 03:38:33 pm »
Thought it was great. The casting was spot on, the plot interesting, and enough nods to the original series without being over the top.

There was almost too much action.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #147 on: May 9, 2009, 07:07:45 pm »
I liked it a hell of a lot. I never watched a single episode of Trek before this, what I knew I absorbed by osmosis from other geek sources. I thought Chris Pine in particular did really well, portrayed a proud, hot headed Kirk without going over the top when it could have been so easy to do (Apart from the part at the beginning when he was an utter asshole for throwing the car off the cliff, but then again all kids are assholes). Sylar did an amazing Spock, I thought he looked spot-on and I liked what he brought to the character. As for complaints of cheesy time travel plots and too-powerful weapons, hey, it's Star Trek. What did you expect? The cheese itself is a homage.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #148 on: May 10, 2009, 04:02:03 pm »
Watched it last night and it was awesome! I've watched a lot of Star Trek without being a really big fan. I like it but I've never LOVED it. That last night I LOVED!

One thing was Zac Quinto as Spock, even though he was brilliant I couldn't get past Syler, but that's my problem. Still perfect for the role.

Another thing that bugged me was Simon Pegg, personally although I'm a huge Spaced fan I still don't like him. He was a great Scotty though, gotta give him credit, he suprised me. But the thing that bugged me, he seemed different somehow. Isn't he blue eyed? Was he wearing brown contacts?

Gotta say Chris Pine as Kirk and Kim from Home And Away as his father, fantastic bit of casting. They are so much alike it's spooky!

This was just what Trek needed. Big thumbs up JJ Abrams!!!!

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #149 on: May 10, 2009, 04:12:15 pm »
Best ever Star Trek episode.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #150 on: May 10, 2009, 10:17:23 pm »

Saw it, LOVED it.

It had me from the beginning but it really had me when they put the Beastie Boys on the soundtrack.

Spock really is the beating heart and soul of the Star Trek universe. The whole cast were brilliant.

So glad they made this new version, very good entertainment.

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #151 on: May 10, 2009, 10:36:33 pm »
This movie was absolutely brilliant. 9/10
JJ Abrams knows how to make a film

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #152 on: May 10, 2009, 10:38:35 pm »
This movie was absolutely brilliant. 9/10
JJ Abrams knows how to make a film

His only other film which he directed was Mission Impossible 3

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #153 on: May 10, 2009, 10:47:28 pm »
His only other film which he directed was Mission Impossible 3
and that was shite in comparison
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #154 on: May 10, 2009, 10:49:26 pm »
and that was shite in comparison

Indeed, so he doesnt really know how to make a film now does he

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #155 on: May 10, 2009, 10:52:33 pm »
Saw the film and thought it was great, but I'm going to go against the popular opinion here: Zachary Quinto was not Spock for me. He makes a great Vulcan, no doubt, even a great half Vulcan-half Human. As Spock, however, he's missing something. Hope that makes sense.

Chris Pine, on the other hand, was a perfect Kirk.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #156 on: May 10, 2009, 10:54:40 pm »
Indeed, so he doesnt really know how to make a film now does he
well, he knew what he was doing with this film. he's one of those nostalgic directors.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #157 on: May 10, 2009, 10:58:39 pm »
Ill probably give this a go if anyone I know is off to watch it.

Its just when I hear JJ Abrams name, I think of Lost, Cloverfield etc and I think, "...he is shit"

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #158 on: May 10, 2009, 10:59:26 pm »
Indeed, so he doesnt really know how to make a film now does he

Thankfully, in the Universe outside the Killer_Heels parallel universe, humble men and women are allowed to try again, and redeem themselves if they have ever faltered.

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #159 on: May 10, 2009, 11:04:18 pm »
Saw the film and thought it was great, but I'm going to go against the popular opinion here: Zachary Quinto was not Spock for me. He makes a great Vulcan, no doubt, even a great half Vulcan-half Human. As Spock, however, he's missing something. Hope that makes sense.

Chris Pine, on the other hand, was a perfect Kirk.

I thought Chris Pine was OK, but just the opposite regarding Quinto as Spock. I think he embodied him as a young Spock perfectly. With the sequels I'm sure they will grow into the roles.

However, you have hit on one thing about Quinto .... the voice. Nimoy's voice had this gravelly, deep presence. Maybe that is what you thought was missing about his version of Spock. But for me personally, he was excellent.

"My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in."