Scally Wars. (or Chav Wars if you are anywhere other than Liverpool)
Its based upon gladiators.
Every part of the country (by council) is REQUIRED by law to put a team of 25 of the towns "best" scallys together for the tournament. All entrats are required to sign a collision and death waiver - we intend to have them sign these in exchange for new burberry, kappa, certain lacoste kit and "lowie" hats.
Teams are drawn in a "round robin" and they are basically put into a big disused building and given loads of "toys". They then have to fight to the death or until one team is killed. There are subs allowed, but only when one of your own men has been killed.
This round robin continues until one council or town is crowned champions and all other Chelsea / scallys are dead, and we have managed to cull the population or Chelsea and c*nts in general.