Author Topic: The Ceefax Fan  (Read 7923 times)


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The Ceefax Fan
« on: February 8, 2002, 03:18:18 pm »
This will soon be appearing as a feature article on the front, but I wanted to post it here to draw out the experiences of our overseas fans who may not have a clue what I am going on about but who will no doubt have some gems to add.  For those in that category please read the last paragraph.

The Ceefax Fan

Draped majestically over the TV, or sadly, depending on your point of view, and the wife’s POV is definitely ‘very sadly’, is an old worn-but-well-loved Liverpool scarf. Strategically placed in the middle of the kitchen table is the crucial thermo frosted plastic Liverpool beer tankard that appeared at Christmas two years ago.  And in the fridge, four bottles of Theakston’s Black Sheep Bitter – two for each half - all essential elements for a Ceefax win.

It is approaching three o’clock on a Saturday afternoon. No national or local radio station is providing live commentary on the match.  My only link with the Mighty Reds is this clapped out Toshiba with a 14” screen, a dodgy cracked remote control with iffy batteries and Ceefax.

I start watching at a quarter to three because that’s the time when the team selection is still running on page 303 and just before it switches to become the page of latest scores.  Five to three and that switch is made.  I know the teams are emerging from the tunnel.  I know the Kop is in full voice trying to keep up with, overtake and eventually drown out Gerry Marsden and the Pacemaker’s YNWA.

And as I watch the page remain exactly the same for a full five minutes I play out all the build up action taking place at Anfield in my mind.  Ceefax fails to report any of this – but we each know our parts in this ritual.  Mine is to imagine and Ceefax is to confirm.  There is no conflict of interests.  Neither can stray into each other’s territory.  Ceefax can’t add colour and I have no facts to add to the mix.  We are ideal partners.

Apart from the radio, tuned into some London match, I need complete silence when I am watching Liverpool on Ceefax.  I have the radio on for the score flashes on Five Live. But then it’s a race between them and Ceefax to find out what’s happened.

Ceefax is clear, honest and unambiguous.  Within seconds it’s there Liverpool 1 v Some Other Team 0.  The radio is all that Ceefax isn’t. It is confusing, teasing, and bloody annoying.

Alan Green pipes up, “There’s been a goal at Anfield” or “The deadlock has been broken at Anfield” - why the hell can’t he just give the score!  And when they go to Anfield they pick up on the final five seconds of commentary before the goal!  Ceefax gets straight to the point, it is us or them.  But Five Live!!  They have to ham it up into some sort of theatrical spectacle which means that the radio commentary starts with either, “and it’s a corner to Liverpool” or “Liverpool are being forced to defend deep”.

And in those two or three seconds of torture your hearts twists and contorts and you gasp for breath and dig your nails deep into the kitchen table.  No such fannying around with Ceefax.  Straight in there!  Liverpool are one up.  Sorted!  The scarf is snatched from the top of the set, held aloft for five seconds and then placed carefully back where it belongs and out comes the second bottle of Black Sheep.

Five Live returns to West Ham v Charlton or some other totally irrelevant fixture and I am left with Ceefax.  And for long periods of time nothing changes apart from the minute hand on the kitchen clock and the time at the top of the Ceefax page. They are not in sync; the kitchen clock is four minutes slow.  But that is handy because I use the clock to imagine the true time allowing for injuries and stoppages.  Even when it should be full time on Ceefax the kitchen clock tells me how long is actually left.

So even though there is nothing much going on as far as this 14” black screen with white, blue and green pixelated dots is concerned, I know what is going on.  I can see wave after wave of Might Reds attack-attack attacking down towards the Anny Road goal.  They never lose the toss on Ceefax and always kick into the Kop in the second half.  They are never under pressure.  All passes go directly to feet and the volleys, downward headers, in swinging corners and precision tackles are pure, total and utter world class.

Today we are on page one of two.  And for some reason my tele seems to dwell much longer on two of two, but that’s not a total disaster.  Part of the Ceefax match tension is watching whether the other scores are going in our favour and working out on bits of old shopping list with a stubby blue crayon the kids left on the floor where we stand in the league at this particular moment in time.

The final five minutes are the worst.  It is a nail-bighting, breath-holding, hair-tugging time when every sense is alert to clues and the Ceefax experience changes very slightly.

I fumble for a button on the remote control that brings up BBC One beneath the Ceefax text.  My old mate Ray Stubbs is there in the studio with the latest score flashes and lining up commentators to give their final whistle verdicts.

So now the experience is Ray, Ceefax, the BBC teleprinter and the final bottle of Theakston’s Black Sheep Bitter.  And the senses, far from being dulled by the cheeky 4.7% number from the Yorkshire village of Masham, are fully alert flicking from one information source to the other.

And then the final whistle is blown.  The little green title at the top of the page turns from ‘Latest Scores’ to ‘Results’.  Three small green letters appear at the end of the score ‘RES’ and it is quickly over to page 324 for the updated league standings.

Sometimes I am too fast for the journalists compiling that page.  It is important, at this stage to check the line at the bottom.  The words, ‘up to and including’, need to have been replaced by today’s date at the top of the page to give an accurate update.  And while all this is going on you still have to have Ceefax superimposed on top of the TV in case they go over to Anfield to talk to a hat-trick hero or the manager.

Sometimes it takes ages for the league update but that is one small complaint.  Well perhaps there are two.  I don’t like the Ceefax journalist’s use of the term ‘missed penalty’ when it could have been a fantastic save.  Whether the player misses or it is saved is still termed ‘missed penalty’ and I don’t like ‘OG’ for own goal because it never tells the full story either.

But I am never going to slag off my beloved Ceefax.  We have become close pals, even through the bad time Ceefax has done what Ceefax is meant to do – deliver unbiased accurate facts in the fastest possible time. You can keep your Sky digital and Sky Sport Extra with moronic has-beens waffling on with out any passion.

Their offering is not a patch on Ceefax, my love for Liverpool and my imagination.
This will make absolutely no sense to our overseas fans, many of whom will have never experienced the BBC’s form of TV text, but you will have your own match day rituals.  It might be sitting on a beach listening to the BBC world service, or getting text messages from a mate at Anfield.

I’d love to know how you keep up to date with the Mighty Reds on match days, about the tensions you go through and what a match day experience is like for those living in the far corners of the globe.  Please share them with us.  I would like to imagine you lot going through your rituals the next time I sit down for my Ceefax experience.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #1 on: February 8, 2002, 03:37:21 pm »
What an absolutely excellent piece!  CEEFAX is the most under-appreciated institution of the football-supporting experience.  Everyone sees bias everywhere - Hansen to us, Gray to Everton and so on, but there is CEEFAX - a paradigm of dignity and honesty.

Sky's Soccer Saturday with Rodney Marsh et al is, in any obvous way, better.  The updates are quicker and so on, and you get more detail about the game.  but, like you homesick, i would always opt for dear old ceefax.  When I lived out of the region, CEEFAX was often my first port of call.  God bless it.  Those completely pointless reports that appear at about 5 pm in place of "Premiership Reports will appear here".  Oh I'm rambling again, but I just love it, and it's about time someone gave CEEFAX the credit it deserves.

Homesick, your article is almost poetry when it mentions that moment at about 4.40 when FinalScore comes on.  The panic - youve got Radio Five beckoning you in the next room with commentary from a different game, CEEFAX, and then the BBC's results service.  We're 1-0 up.  Who will bring news quickest?  The panic.  The desparation.

I'll tell you something i used to hate.  I hated being upstairs listening to Radio 5 and then me dad would shout up "Liverpool have scored" cos he'd have CEEFAX on.  bastard.  I want to know FIRST.  And that's what that 5-10 minute scramble is all about at 4.40-4.50.

I live in Manchester now; tomorrow, for Ipswich, I was going to listen to the local Century commentary with Alan Kennedy, but no.  Now I've read that I'm going to sit down with some beers and watch CEEFAX.  First class stuff.

Two last things :
1.If you put CEEFAX page on 'Hold', do the scores still change.  I'm too nervous to try it in case, while i have it on 'Hold' Liverpool concede 5 goals.
2.Homesick, my Dad drinks BlackSheep.  Are you an old fart too?
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #2 on: February 8, 2002, 03:54:57 pm »
i have been through many many ceefax hells
it's just that moment as the numbers go all crazy before they get to the page or waiting for the page to turn.
and willing for the game to end about 4:45 as there is only 1 goal in it and you know that the fans at the game are just being put through hell.
i must be the only lfc fan who didn't see the first 4-3 newcy game live.
a family membeer was in hospital and we were visiting and i found a room with a tv and watched it unfold on ceefax.
what a fucking rollercoaster of emotions that was.
now i'm feeling guilty cause i just realised i probably ignored the person i went to see,apart from informing them of the score.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #3 on: February 8, 2002, 03:56:50 pm »
Ceefax is King. Sky sports didgery ferkings updates on Saturday normally starts to get me in the spirit. Watching the mighty reds coming onto the pitch, scarf and voice in full flow, then Ceefax comes into it's own (especially when Alan Mullary is watching our beloved reds, we either lose or according to him are boring).

Then theres' the superstitions. Shit, we're 0-1 down, better change which side of the sofa I'm on, coz that's whats causing this ridiculous scoreline. There, top banana, we've equalised. 20 mins more and still the same scoreline. Right, time to don the comedy slippers, pair of bulls heads on me feet and in no time at all the Ceefax flickers and bugger me M.Owen scores a blinder from the 30 yards with his back to goal!

So to the question of does the ceefax update whilst on hold? I too am afraid to try this, but I have however found out this - If the screen is on 1 of 2 and then switches to 2 and staight back to 1, it means that a scoreline has changed on page 2 and is currently being updated. Ok, pint pot carefully placed on the coffee table, don't want to spill any during my goal celebration, right anytime now.....Yes 3-1 another 15 yard diving header from Emile.

Ceefax without your godly presence on a ticketless match day, life would be dull 8)
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »
That's nice, that's McDermott and that's a goal!!!


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #4 on: February 8, 2002, 04:29:45 pm »
2.Homesick, my Dad drinks BlackSheep.  Are you an old fart too?

BenC, yep I am and proud of it as I am sure your dad is too.
Thanks for your comments too.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

Offline Sam_Nyrie

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #5 on: February 8, 2002, 04:34:29 pm »
Smashing posts fellas!

But isn't it awful when there's only one goal in it and you've got this terrible feeling that we're gonna concede an equaliser.

I broke the habit last week when 'She who Must Be Obeyed' was watching my telly [you know, the widescreen with teletext!] so I listened to the commentary on the Official website ... just the basic one, mind, no crowd noise, totally devoid of atmosphere even when Emile scored ... but it was better than not knowing, just!

So when Saturday comes it'll be back to the telly for another instalment of trial by Ceefax.

By the way, if you put the page on hold it won't update until you take it off hold.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »
I said to my mate in the pub, "your round" ..... He said, "so are you, ya fat git!"

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #6 on: February 8, 2002, 04:37:22 pm »
Ceefax - cos you "see facts"
Ceefax - the information super B-road.
Oracle RIP.

« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

Offline Phuket Red

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #7 on: February 8, 2002, 07:02:26 pm »
Know what you mean about Ceefax I remember what that was like.  

If you want to know about overseas fans matchday habits this is mine.

For the last game at Man Utd, I had to go to bed at 8.oopm (that 1.00pm GMT).  This is difficult for me cause I'm a nighthawk, who usually stays up to the early hours.  I set the alarm on my mobile, and wave goodbye to me chick and go off to the spare room.

BrinG,, BRing   BRING!!!  BRING!!!

The time is now 2.50am.  It's time to get up.  This is a very dangerous time.  With one closed eyelid you have to will yourself to think about the game.....and straight away the adrenalin and excitment kick in.  Throw on the shirt.  wash me face.  Brush me teeth (they're bloody orrible at that time in the morning).

So now is the gamble.  What Thai Satelite channnel will it be on?  You checked the guide earlier. It said Female Pool from Hungary, or alternatively The Ten Pin Bowling Championships from Taiwan.  So you surf.....and after some searching you've found it.  Settle in, get comfy.  Everybody else is asleep........Fast forward.

When Spud scored it was 4.40am in the morning here.  I was running and jumpin, and bangin the fist in the air.  Brilliant.

What next.  Get on the web.  Get on that Net meeting and speak to my best mate who has just watched the game on sky.  Shoot the shit, have a laugh.  Remember the good times of the past.

Then its 5.45am.  Go for a jog running around the track, as the sun rises.  Every turn round the quad sees the sun get a little higher.  My team has won and the sun is rising.  I am a lucky man.

Get back to the house.  My beautiful girl is getting out of the shower.  She aready knows the score because I left a note for her on the shower curtain.  I explain the high points of the game, even at some points, visually demonstrating them with the spomge.  

Leave to go to work at 7.00am.  

Boy am I in a  good mood.  
No booze.  No drugs.  No coffe.  No nicotine.  
Just a buzz because my team won. and I'm feeling good.

I teach.  Nobody got shouted at that day.  But I had a brilliant time taking the mick out of the Thai Manc fans, who's allegience changes like the wind.  It's really funny to watch.

I'll miss it in some ways.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #8 on: February 8, 2002, 07:05:56 pm »
As most of you know I live in Belgium and luckly have BBC1&2 on cable.Last season for the Worthy cup I was at a family gathering so there was no internet and had to follow the Pens on Ceefax,got some real strange looks from the family when the page got updated but by the end the entire room kids adults even the cat was around the Tele looking at Ceefax ;D
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #9 on: February 8, 2002, 07:08:05 pm »
Good one Pheeny, your moggie has got class.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #10 on: February 9, 2002, 01:49:03 am »
Great Piece, I really enjoyed it.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »
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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #11 on: February 9, 2002, 04:02:26 pm »
Superb article, Homesick - I didn't have the faintest idea what Ceefax was until now.

And Pheeny, love that bit about your cat!  ;D
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #12 on: February 9, 2002, 10:06:27 pm »
By the way its the father-in-laws cat I've got a Hamster(little Murphy)
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #13 on: February 9, 2002, 10:15:30 pm »
Bet 'Little Murphy' is going manic in his hamster wheel after that 0-6 win.


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2002, 09:02:20 pm »
Bet 'Little Murphy' is going manic in his hamster wheel after that 0-6 win.
I know I was ;D
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2002, 02:42:22 am »
I finally got round to reading the article (accompanied by a bottle of "Bishop's Finger"  - another great beer!) and, as they say here, the article is a CRACKER!

I would just add a totally immature thing I used to do when we just got Ceefax and coverage on the radio wasn't so good.

When a score changed (as you could tell it had by the page scrolling), I would sometimes tilt the remote control or a newspaper/book or something betwen the line of my eye and the TV and slowly edge it away so that I would only slowly see if our score had changed.

A bit like getting exam results through the post and teasing the envelope open.

Childish or masochistic?

I'm not really sure.

But one thing .... others among you WILL have done this, too!

Again, cheers for a great article, Homesick!            
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2002, 07:23:48 pm »
Excellent image there BelfastGav, you with the remote control tilted to limit the score...wonderful.  Should we start a Ceefax supporters club?  Could be called 'Very Sad but Very Proud'.
« Last Edit: January 1, 1970, 01:00:00 am by 1017961200 »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2012, 10:52:53 am »
R.I.P Ceefax switched off today.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2012, 10:58:44 am »
What a brilliantly written piece that OP is! That brought back a lot of memories, especially when he mentions the scores being on two pages. Whenever the page popped back to the one with our game there was a split second when you realize that something has been updated and that brief moment of panic before you register which way the goal has gone.

The amount of cricket games I’ve followed on Ceefax too, painfully waiting for news of a wicket or a late flurry of runs.

Farewell old friend!

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2012, 11:05:49 am »
It's been turned

The older brother of the internet, great OP, many similar memories.

Page 302 in the BBC I seem to remember.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2012, 11:05:51 am »
it be 17.30 before you knew for definite the game was over

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2012, 11:07:39 am »
What a brilliantly written piece that OP is! That brought back a lot of memories, especially when he mentions the scores being on two pages. Whenever the page popped back to the one with our game there was a split second when you realize that something has been updated and that brief moment of panic before you register which way the goal has gone.

The amount of cricket games I’ve followed on Ceefax too, painfully waiting for news of a wicket or a late flurry of runs.

Farewell old friend!

Absolutely agree, I loved reading that. How times have changed.
i admireyour optimism but if you honestly believe we will finish even in the top 6 this year , then you my friend (im at pains to say this ) are deluded.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2012, 11:13:07 am »
Used to remember my dad wouldn't watch the news or get the paper, he'd just go on Ceefax instead.

Another part of my childhood is gone.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2012, 11:14:33 am »
We had a TV that was so old that it beeped every time you typed in a number (no fasttext option back then). Used to drive my mum crazy as I ploughed through the results from every leage, then onto the tables!

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2012, 11:18:25 am »
Over a 10 year bump. Amazing isn't it? Things that happend in that time.


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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2012, 11:19:17 am »
Halcyon days.
Well, this piece is called "Lick My Love Pump".

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2012, 11:20:36 am »
My parents always thought I was weird because I stared at a TV screen containing only text on a Saturday afternoon.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2012, 11:23:53 am »
Ahhh, good old Ceefax, spent many Saturday afternoons around at my mate's house cos our telly didn't have Ceefax, just staring at the telly watching the screens go around waiting for our score to come up. It was always a nightmare at the end of the game as you knew the match was over but had to wait ages for them to put the final score up.

Kids these days don't know they're born. ;D
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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2012, 11:29:32 am »
The Transfer Window Forum has nothing on Ceefax/Teletext
What I love about this, and several other of Kenny's press conferences, is that he manages to say something to the effect of  'Shut the fuck up, you fucking helmets and don't fuck with me or my football club or I'll make you eat your own balls', without actually using th

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2012, 11:30:18 am »
I'm sure we all had our own different techniques to 'will' a goal out of nowhere, Whether that was a case of leaving it open the entire game, only checking it every 5 minutes, only keeping one eye open when looking...all things I tried over the years. :D

That adrenaline buzz as you watched the numbers tick round to 302 or whatever the lastest scores were on...sometimes stalling and then the rush to process all the info at once.

I always imagined every goal we scored to be a screamer too.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2012, 11:31:29 am »
My parents always thought I was weird because I stared at a TV screen containing only text on a Saturday afternoon.

ha ha yep i used to have that as well.

"Why are you sat looking at that why don't you just listen to the radio" was what i used to get to, which for some reason i always used to "shush them" as if the ceefax was talking to me ha ha

I used to love ceefax. Legging it home from school to get onto ceefax and see the footy news of the day and going on for regular checks through out the night for more and more news as it came in.

Jesus maybe I'm older than i realise
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 11:36:12 am by red_til_i_die »
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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2012, 11:33:04 am »
That adrenaline buzz as you watched the numbers tick round to 302 or whatever the lastest scores were on...sometimes stalling and then the rush to process all the info at once.

Yeah, trying to quickly find the HOLD button on the remote so you could take it all in before the page moved on. Otherwise it always seemed to move dead slow when you were waiting but then really quick on the page you were trying to read!
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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2012, 11:34:34 am »
Cracking OP.   So, so many times, I've waited in anticipation of a ceefax update.

On another note, four or five of the family, all gathered together on a dark damp Tuesday night, sat in a 25'x25' kitchen, huddled around a small 9inch transistor radio, (sat in the corner of the room, near the kettle) hanging off the every word of Clive Tyldsley or another Radio City (194 Radio City  :P) commentator, as we listened intently to a Liverpool in Europe match, from somewhere on the continent - or the far side of the moon!

Eyes closed, head bowed, propped on your hands, leaning on the kitchen table.  Half warm cup of tea on table, as me dad lit up yet another ciggy, in the smoke fiilled opium den of a kitchen.
Intense stares at my sister - and she at me -, as yet another chance came and went,  Kennedy or Neal kicking one off the line.  And all the time, Clive screaming into his microphone, intensely relaying that Liverpool are streaming forward, and attacking in force, or being penned back and frustrating the opposition.

Then . . . . .  GOAL!

........and the kitchen went wild.   :wave

Ahh.  The memories.  The days when you could only follow a Liverpool  European game on the radio. The days before wall to wall, TV football, in full technicolour, wrap around, sterio surround sound, red buttoned, consumer choice TV.

Just a small transitor radio, sat in the corner, crackling the voice of a man, far, far away. As we conquered Europe and swept all before us.

Edit: Just found this. I bet you this will take a few of you locals, back.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 11:38:56 am by Big Red Richie »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #33 on: April 18, 2012, 11:39:03 am »
it be 17.30 before you knew for definite the game was over

Haha, there was always the rational part of you that knew it had ended, but there was that little voice at the back of your head saying something bizarre could have happened and they'd played 30 minutes stoppage time, you just never knew until the immortal green "RES" appeared

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #34 on: April 18, 2012, 11:39:47 am »
Ahh memories! great read.

Sad in a way.
The hours i used to sit in front of Ceefax waiting for us to score!

The world is a darker place today.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 11:47:40 am by se9R.F.L »

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2012, 12:18:06 pm »
Great read. Ceefax went with the analogue switch-off round here, I think. I see that London has finally caught on to the digital age.

While not as single-minded as the OP, I definitely remember being glued to that screen waiting for a goal to come in, or the near-eternal wait for the table to update. These days the matches are so intensely covered it seems quite shocking that there were games that didn't even have radio commentary, never mind live full 90 minute internet streams.

But I was watching one of those streams round at a friend's house the other day, and it occured to me that the picture quality we were getting, while not exactly HD, was still far better than the picture you used to be able to get on a colour TV. The chance to talk after the match, not just to a few mates down the pub, but with fellow reds from across the world. All of this that we enjoy and to some extent take for granted, it all goes back to that blocky green text compiled on a BBC Micro.
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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2012, 12:21:53 pm »
What a brilliantly written piece that OP is! That brought back a lot of memories, especially when he mentions the scores being on two pages. Whenever the page popped back to the one with our game there was a split second when you realize that something has been updated and that brief moment of panic before you register which way the goal has gone.

The amount of cricket games I’ve followed on Ceefax too, painfully waiting for news of a wicket or a late flurry of runs.

Farewell old friend!

Agree. Remember those days well. At my nans on a Sat and having Ceefax on, or a midweek fixture. As you said, that split second when it was two pages and your waiting for it to change.

RIP old friend.
We may sign Salah, but I'll show my arse in the middle of town if we sign one of VVD or Keita. Not gonna happen.

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2012, 12:31:19 pm »
Not one to be picky, but wasn't 302 just the Football page, 303 was where the scored updated for the Prem and 314 (???) was their version of the VidePrinter.....that was rubbish! (of course i could be wrong on the numbers....but 303 seems warmly familiar)

While being dragged out shopping on a saturday afternoon, popping into Curry's or Dixons and asking the sales assistant to whack Ceefax on to check the scores.....great days :)

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2012, 12:32:14 pm »
Agree. Remember those days well. At my nans on a Sat and having Ceefax on, or a midweek fixture. As you said, that split second when it was two pages and your waiting for it to change.

RIP old friend.

Of course when the 2 pages turned into 3 pages part way through the knew something had happened and wished it was us

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Re: The Ceefax Fan
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2012, 12:34:20 pm »
Agree. Remember those days well. At my nans on a Sat and having Ceefax on, or a midweek fixture. As you said, that split second when it was two pages and your waiting for it to change.

RIP old friend.
Spot on. Especially when my mum wouldn't let us have it on the radio because we were seeing my nan and she's a bluenose.