Author Topic: Paris  (Read 189461 times)

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Re: Paris
« Reply #80 on: May 30, 2022, 11:43:46 am »
rugby world cup and Olympics there next 2 years, you couldn't pay me to go to either now

They’ll treat spectators at both completely differently though, and that’s a big part of the problem.

Can’t imagine they’ll roll out the riot police at one end for a New Zealand v Scotland rugby match for example. Football fans treated like shit as usual.

Offline Kitch83

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Re: Paris
« Reply #81 on: May 30, 2022, 11:44:00 am »
Im literally shaking reading this as it’s exactly the same for me.

I have been trying to process what I saw, but I can’t. Part of me is thinking “am I making it up? Am I embellishing it”? But I’m not. I can’t believe that I was actually not bothered at all about a Champions League final result and more interested in myself and everyone else getting home safely.

I’m 51 and never have I been so scared… but like you, the massive plus was the awes, respect and love I have for everyone around me on Saturday and the utter dignity and restraint shown in disgusting circumstances. After all that’s gone on, there is absolutely no doubt at all that this club and it’s fans are without equal.

Will ever go to that place again. Had plans to go to the Rugby World Cup next year, but they can fuck off. I’m not setting foot in the place. I have to go there for work, but will only go when I have to. Am part of the Paris ‘24 Olympic team for my company as well, but even that can fuck off as well - I’ll only do the minimum needed. From a work perspective there is a further irony that I won’t reveal, but it is very related to what happened and that shithole of a stadium and locale. Make no bones about it, I will be very vocal when the time comes for this particular project about what went on. Shambolic

You're not embellishing it mate, I thought the same thing, I think it's natural. I only went in as I felt safer than outside, I literally didn't care if we won or lost 10-0 and I too can't believe I am writing that or was thinking it.

Offline redmark

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Re: Paris
« Reply #82 on: May 30, 2022, 11:44:29 am »
For some reason can only translate the first tweet
You have to select each individually, then translate again. Bit of a pain.

It's very detailed; the Madrid fans don't seem to have experienced the same degree of access problems or aggressive policing as Liverpool fans did, but some on approaching the ground. Lots of stuff about locals jumping gates, pickpocketing, etc. A lot of detail about being ambushed after the game.

There's also clearly a racial/political slant to that thread (repeated use of the word 'Moors' to describe local black youths getting into the game and attacking fans afterwards), ending with this being a warning to Spain to avoid the immigration that France has had. There's a fine line here, as Yorky said earlier. Clearly accurately describing what has happened is vital (and on some of the videos, the obvious sign of locals is the concentrations of young black men in non-football gear). But some of those who will be 'supporting' Liverpool fans testimonies will do so for their own political reasons.

Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #83 on: May 30, 2022, 11:44:50 am »
Some of the stuff I'm seeing and hearing is absolutely sickening.

Offline lucas leivas #1 fan

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Re: Paris
« Reply #84 on: May 30, 2022, 11:46:25 am »
I was very fortunate in that I made my way to the stadium incredibly early and accidentally went to the Madrid station (which seems slightly better) and avoided it all myself (except a little tear gas when leaving) a few mates got caught up, I'm astonished and relieved no-one was seriously injured.

Make no mistake we would have all been tarred and told it was our fault had it not been for prominent journos and others getting caught in it too - UEFA quickly backpeddling but French politicians immediately tried to blame us and seem to be sticking with it.

fuck me what a horrible city, it has fallen so far from grace I couldn't believe it, I didn't feel safe anywhere. Dirty, full of scumbags and of course dick head police - will happy to never step foot there again - I have felt significantly safer in actual "second world" countries that I have been to
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Re: Paris
« Reply #85 on: May 30, 2022, 11:46:48 am »
You're not embellishing it mate, I thought the same thing, I think it's natural. I only went in as I felt safer than outside, I literally didn't care if we won or lost 10-0 and I too can't believe I am writing that or was thinking it.

From reading your words on this you can't have been far from where I was and what you have said there echoes my feelings entirely.

By the time I was in I just wanted it to be over and done with, fuck whether we won or not, almost willing it to finish in the 90 whether we won or lost just to get back out of there.

I have always been the most blue sky of blue sky people with football, always certain we will find a way to win, but by the time I was in the ground I couldn't have cared less.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #86 on: May 30, 2022, 11:47:06 am »
Phil Scraton has started a second thread asking those present to send eye-witness evidence - really important to support him in his continual search for justice for ordinary football supporters.

Please send me factual statements regarding approach to the stadium, the policing outside including being held by the police and tear gassing, policing inside and on leaving. My objective is to gather a mass of evidence to present to the authorities and any subsequent inquiry. Thanks

Offline emitime

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Re: Paris
« Reply #87 on: May 30, 2022, 11:49:32 am »
I don't think my experience was particularly terrible or different in comparison from anyone elses, but would like to get it down while it's sort of fresh in the mind.

I took a photo in Parc du Temps des Cerises at 6:30pm, which is a 600m walk away from the stadium according to Google, and went straight towards the stadium after that, we thought we arrived plenty early enough.

We were guided to go through the underpass with everybody else and joined the incredibly long and packed queue. Very slow moving but everyone was very calm. I think there was a fair bit of singing as we arrived to the queue which pretty much turned to silence as everyone got increasingly worried.

Clearly they were checking for genuine tickets further up along the ramp, it seemed they were sending people straight back down the queue if they weren't happy with the tickets, we saw a few coming back, but really not that many, and the majority of those who were did not look like Liverpool fans.

We were going down the right-hand side along side the police vans, but could see towards the front left that people were gesturing to stop moving forwards so we tried to repeat that message to people around us. People were climbing out of that are and were also helping others out as well, a very worrying sight.

There were a few people pleading with the last police officer down that right hand side to help, and that the situation was dangerous. She just laughed at us.

Fortunately not long after that something did change and they appeared to give up checking tickets on this particular ramp and let everyone through. The crowd started moving forwards and up the ramp which felt like a massive relief.

By this point we were quite close towards the front, so by the time we got to our gate (X in the neutral section) there was barely anyone there so got in straight away with no problem, but could see the massive queues now starting at the Liverpool end.

Got in the stadium at almost exactly 8pm.

Got out very quickly after the final whistle and so fortunately didn't see any trouble on the way out.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 12:58:56 pm by emitime »

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Re: Paris
« Reply #88 on: May 30, 2022, 11:50:30 am »
By now a lot of testimony from Madrid end that there were pushes to get in, tickets stolen, and fans gassed.

L'Equipe demanding Uefa "admit it"

There's a huge meeting about the final ongoing now.
"We have to change from doubters to believers"

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Re: Paris
« Reply #89 on: May 30, 2022, 11:51:36 am »
I just got back, what is being reported is maybe 20% of what went on.

The crushing side of things... it is a miracle that nobody died, an absolute miracle. I got caught up in the crush at Gate Y, luckily a security guard for the media area pretty much dragged me through a gap in the fence. From there I was on the safety of the LFC TV studio/gantry - let me just say EVERYONE in that are was superb. Hillsborough survivors were in there with me (they were in fits of tears), 6 year old kids, old people, and they calmed everyone down and looked after everyone including sprays to remove tear gas, water etc.

The policing aspect of Saturday - credit where credit's due - is being reported fairly accurately by our media, for once. They have avoided a massive disaster on a huge scale, purely by luck. I saw countless people, myself included, climbing over a wall maybe 6ft tall to get out of the crunch, if that wall was 3/4 feet higher there is no way that masses of people don't die. I have a video stood on the LFC TV studio, behind the metal fence, and a cop walks up and pepper sprays a journalist in the face who was doing nothing other than watching the events going on. He was on his own (not sure if its relevant, but he was black), and they calmly walked up to him (he was wearing his press credentials) and sprayed him full in the face. When we were asking them why the gates were closed? Why are they tear gassing kids? They all just laughed.

One question that remains unanswered is if they were so worried about the amount of people in there with fake tickets/climbed the fence, then why let us all in? If there was 'thousands' inside the stadium that shouldn't have been, then why let the rest of us in? It is all a load of bullshit.

However, what is being massively underreported is the 'locals'. There was 100's of 'Locals', let's be honest though. African gangs. They were more organised than the police. What I saw from my position makes it very hard to avoid the thought that this was somehow pre-planned with the police. I saw people slashed with knives 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw people mugged 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw one guy knocked unconscious (the sound of his head hitting the concrete will stay with me forever), they laughed. Every now and then they would 'charge' at the 'Locals', charge is barely a word I would use, slowly walk towards them is more accurate. They would then disperse, the cops would then leave the area, and the 'locals' would return. I saw around 5 people knocked unconscious, 2 slashed and countless robbed, literally nothing was done. Nothing.

All of this was happening whilst we could hear the opening ceremony taking place inside.

Around 10pm the police then formed a cordon outside from Gate Y down to the corner of the stadium and people were getting in easier. Then the 'locals' returned. LFC TV said they would escort me and a few others to the Gate to get get in. At that point there was no police outside the stadium and 100s of 'Locals'. The media area was only protected by a thin metal fence so at that point it felt safer to be in the stadium.

We were frogmarched by security to the gate and pretty much dragged in by the stewards, I am covered in grazes from being dragged through a group of 'Locals' at the gate. A 6 year old girl and her dad was with me and I have never in my life seen fear in someones eyes like that kid. It was genuinely terrifying.

Once inside I didn't care about the game, I didn't sing, I didn't shout, I wanted to be out of there, a lot felt like that and the atmosphere was flat at best, it 100% contributed. Approaching full time we got a huge group of riot please stand in front of us. Real Madrid end, not one. Literally, not one.

After the game, it was just as bad. ALL sent down one dark underpass where police vans were parked forcing everyone down a maybe 10ft wide space towards the metro. Once past that space, all hell broke loose. 'Locals' were ready. Without exaggerating I maybe saw 10 people slashed and robbed, 20 people smashed in the face, saw one elderly woman screaming because her husband who looked about 80 was pinned down and was having his watch ripped off. If anyone tried to intervene you were met with a blade(s). All of this while the police were watching.

In one incident, I saw 4 'Locals' attack a Red with a knife, took his bag, took his watch and bottled him 3 feet away from police, when a fellow fan punched one of the 'locals' doing it, he got arrested.

What felt like maybe a 15 minute walk of dodging attacks, we got to the Metro station where the police were laughing and saying 'Bye, Bye... Nice to meet you'. I am 38 and have never witnessed distain for human life as much as Saturday. They literally didn't care about any of us.

Earlier in the day, we arrived at the fan park maybe 1pm and stayed until it finished (5pm?), I have never seen that amount of people in one place before, lots of people were drunk, some way to drunk yet there was literally zero issues. No scuffles, no fights, no nothing. I wasn't there at night so I cannot comment on why they were tear gassed, but if it was anything like the stadium, then it was all pre planned and it felt like the police 'had' to do it. As if they were under instruction 'no matter what, use tear gas'.

Personally, I am still dealing with what happened and what I saw. I will never in my life return to France, and would seriously doubt any game outside of England again.

With regards to our 'fans', I have absolutely nothing but good words. I tear up thinking how proud I am of us and how we handled that situation. You can count on one hand the amount of incidents we caused - and that is more than understandable after being treated that way. We are one huge family, there is nothing like us, and there never will be. When we come together we are fucking amazing and an immovable force of nature. They all want what we have. 

A lot of rambling, I know, I am sorry, but that without doubt was a huge scale disaster avoided by pure luck, and how nobody was killed by the 'locals', I have no idea. Now, clearly I have an amount of respect for Hillsborough victims, the families, the survivors and anyone associated with that day on levels that I do not have words to express, but after being in that mini crush, fora. small amount of time, I have no idea how the survivors have battled the establishment for all that time to uncover the truth. It is truly awe inspiring and they are the very, very, very best of humanity.

Absolutely harrowing reading this - I'm so sorry you and so many others had to experience this.

I hope you're okay and to everyone else that was there.

My two cousins, brother in law and two nieces were there. I was meant to go with them but had to work on Friday evening. So glad I didn't go now but absolutely gutted that you've all had to endure this.

Offline Andy @ Allerton!

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Re: Paris
« Reply #90 on: May 30, 2022, 11:55:11 am »
I just got back, what is being reported is maybe 20% of what went on.

The crushing side of things... it is a miracle that nobody died, an absolute miracle. I got caught up in the crush at Gate Y, luckily a security guard for the media area pretty much dragged me through a gap in the fence. From there I was on the safety of the LFC TV studio/gantry - let me just say EVERYONE in that are was superb. Hillsborough survivors were in there with me (they were in fits of tears), 6 year old kids, old people, and they calmed everyone down and looked after everyone including sprays to remove tear gas, water etc.

The policing aspect of Saturday - credit where credit's due - is being reported fairly accurately by our media, for once. They have avoided a massive disaster on a huge scale, purely by luck. I saw countless people, myself included, climbing over a wall maybe 6ft tall to get out of the crunch, if that wall was 3/4 feet higher there is no way that masses of people don't die. I have a video stood on the LFC TV studio, behind the metal fence, and a cop walks up and pepper sprays a journalist in the face who was doing nothing other than watching the events going on. He was on his own (not sure if its relevant, but he was black), and they calmly walked up to him (he was wearing his press credentials) and sprayed him full in the face. When we were asking them why the gates were closed? Why are they tear gassing kids? They all just laughed.

One question that remains unanswered is if they were so worried about the amount of people in there with fake tickets/climbed the fence, then why let us all in? If there was 'thousands' inside the stadium that shouldn't have been, then why let the rest of us in? It is all a load of bullshit.

However, what is being massively underreported is the 'locals'. There was 100's of 'Locals', let's be honest though. African gangs. They were more organised than the police. What I saw from my position makes it very hard to avoid the thought that this was somehow pre-planned with the police. I saw people slashed with knives 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw people mugged 6 feet in front of cops, they laughed. I saw one guy knocked unconscious (the sound of his head hitting the concrete will stay with me forever), they laughed. Every now and then they would 'charge' at the 'Locals', charge is barely a word I would use, slowly walk towards them is more accurate. They would then disperse, the cops would then leave the area, and the 'locals' would return. I saw around 5 people knocked unconscious, 2 slashed and countless robbed, literally nothing was done. Nothing.

All of this was happening whilst we could hear the opening ceremony taking place inside.

Around 10pm the police then formed a cordon outside from Gate Y down to the corner of the stadium and people were getting in easier. Then the 'locals' returned. LFC TV said they would escort me and a few others to the Gate to get get in. At that point there was no police outside the stadium and 100s of 'Locals'. The media area was only protected by a thin metal fence so at that point it felt safer to be in the stadium.

We were frogmarched by security to the gate and pretty much dragged in by the stewards, I am covered in grazes from being dragged through a group of 'Locals' at the gate. A 6 year old girl and her dad was with me and I have never in my life seen fear in someones eyes like that kid. It was genuinely terrifying.

Once inside I didn't care about the game, I didn't sing, I didn't shout, I wanted to be out of there, a lot felt like that and the atmosphere was flat at best, it 100% contributed. Approaching full time we got a huge group of riot please stand in front of us. Real Madrid end, not one. Literally, not one.

After the game, it was just as bad. ALL sent down one dark underpass where police vans were parked forcing everyone down a maybe 10ft wide space towards the metro. Once past that space, all hell broke loose. 'Locals' were ready. Without exaggerating I maybe saw 10 people slashed and robbed, 20 people smashed in the face, saw one elderly woman screaming because her husband who looked about 80 was pinned down and was having his watch ripped off. If anyone tried to intervene you were met with a blade(s). All of this while the police were watching.

In one incident, I saw 4 'Locals' attack a Red with a knife, took his bag, took his watch and bottled him 3 feet away from police, when a fellow fan punched one of the 'locals' doing it, he got arrested.

What felt like maybe a 15 minute walk of dodging attacks, we got to the Metro station where the police were laughing and saying 'Bye, Bye... Nice to meet you'. I am 38 and have never witnessed distain for human life as much as Saturday. They literally didn't care about any of us.

Earlier in the day, we arrived at the fan park maybe 1pm and stayed until it finished (5pm?), I have never seen that amount of people in one place before, lots of people were drunk, some way to drunk yet there was literally zero issues. No scuffles, no fights, no nothing. I wasn't there at night so I cannot comment on why they were tear gassed, but if it was anything like the stadium, then it was all pre planned and it felt like the police 'had' to do it. As if they were under instruction 'no matter what, use tear gas'.

Personally, I am still dealing with what happened and what I saw. I will never in my life return to France, and would seriously doubt any game outside of England again.

With regards to our 'fans', I have absolutely nothing but good words. I tear up thinking how proud I am of us and how we handled that situation. You can count on one hand the amount of incidents we caused - and that is more than understandable after being treated that way. We are one huge family, there is nothing like us, and there never will be. When we come together we are fucking amazing and an immovable force of nature. They all want what we have. 

A lot of rambling, I know, I am sorry, but that without doubt was a huge scale disaster avoided by pure luck, and how nobody was killed by the 'locals', I have no idea. Now, clearly I have an amount of respect for Hillsborough victims, the families, the survivors and anyone associated with that day on levels that I do not have words to express, but after being in that mini crush, fora. small amount of time, I have no idea how the survivors have battled the establishment for all that time to uncover the truth. It is truly awe inspiring and they are the very, very, very best of humanity.

Really sorry to hear you went through all that, but I'm glad you got home safe

Hearing horrific things from some of my friends that went

I will never go to a game in France and I will never go to a game in Italy again.

Fucking horrible
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Paris
« Reply #91 on: May 30, 2022, 11:56:34 am »
Just been chatting with a music promoter who has the upcoming Ed Sheeran show in there and they had a crisis meet with SDF this morning
Things he found out where the French Football Federations and UEFA took the organisation off the SDF to what SDF believe save money on the event
He told me the stewards were in the main volunteers which blows my mind. Why would you put up with that for no pay

Taraq Panja was musing about this yesterday with the suggestion that increasingly at these events local organisers routinely cheap out and will go with low paid, under resourced staff to save money. See also the Euro 2020 final for similar staffing issues. Profit over safety.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #92 on: May 30, 2022, 11:57:38 am »
French Sports Minister on Twitter: Bravo @realmadrid for this 14th title in #LigueDesChampions ! The attempts of intrusion and fraud by thousands of English fans have complicated the work of stewards and police forces but will not tarnish this victory. Violence has no place in the stadiums.
Shameful. She's obviously been fed this info by the police, who are using 'English' fans reputation for trouble as a get-out for their own incompetence. Same old shit.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #93 on: May 30, 2022, 11:58:11 am »
They’ll treat spectators at both completely differently though, and that’s a big part of the problem.

Can’t imagine they’ll roll out the riot police at one end for a New Zealand v Scotland rugby match for example. Football fans treated like shit as usual.
yeah I agree but you still have to run the gauntlet of locals before and after the game, it's a horrible area and I would be worrying about getting home to much to enjoy any event there

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Re: Paris
« Reply #94 on: May 30, 2022, 12:00:13 pm »
I was very fortunate in that I made my way to the stadium incredibly early and accidentally went to the Madrid station (which seems slightly better) and avoided it all myself (except a little tear gas when leaving) a few mates got caught up, I'm astonished and relieved no-one was seriously injured.

Make no mistake we would have all been tarred and told it was our fault had it not been for prominent journos and others getting caught in it too - UEFA quickly backpeddling but French politicians immediately tried to blame us and seem to be sticking with it.

fuck me what a horrible city, it has fallen so far from grace I couldn't believe it, I didn't feel safe anywhere. Dirty, full of scumbags and of course dick head police - will happy to never step foot there again - I have felt significantly safer in actual "second world" countries that I have been to

Been to Paris many times. It is lovely in the center, but get to the suburbs and it is a shithole. We have an office in St Denis, and last time I went there there was a row of burnt out cars outside it

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Re: Paris
« Reply #95 on: May 30, 2022, 12:05:21 pm »
French Sports Minister on Twitter: Bravo @realmadrid for this 14th title in #LigueDesChampions ! The attempts of intrusion and fraud by thousands of English fans have complicated the work of stewards and police forces but will not tarnish this victory. Violence has no place in the stadiums.

Absolutely disgusting. Liverpool should refuse to play matches in France going forward. The only violence witnessed on Saturday was from French police and locals.
Soccer - let's face it, its not really about a game of ball anymore is it?

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Re: Paris
« Reply #96 on: May 30, 2022, 12:07:44 pm »
Absolutely disgusting. Liverpool should refuse to play matches in France going forward. The only violence witnessed on Saturday was from French police and locals.
We're now collateral damage in French domestic politics and culture wars.
Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #97 on: May 30, 2022, 12:10:29 pm »
We're now collateral damage in French domestic politics and culture wars.
yeah some very prominent right wingers in France will have a field day with this

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Re: Paris
« Reply #98 on: May 30, 2022, 12:11:18 pm »
Lots of things need to be rectified before the upcoming enormous events that are the Olympics and Rugby World Cup, that goes without saying, but the thing that really concerns me here is the local gangs targeting fans because this can trigger a panic - like the use of tear gas can also - and a crush can very easily happen on the back of either of those things, especially in such confined and well-populated spaces like they were. It sounds like the gangs are pretty feral and have freedom to roam around the area so they need to do all they can to make sure they are kept as far away as possible to avoid a potential disaster. Good luck to them trying to sort out this mess.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #99 on: May 30, 2022, 12:11:36 pm »
I've already had the usual "turned up without tickets shite" from Manc c*nts.

There was a Liverpool fan on BBC news this morning who was at the game & he articulated himself very well regarding the events outside the stadium. He also made a very good point about the fact that tribalism by opposition supporters at times like this ensures the establishment & those in charge will continue to get away with it when supporters continue to try & point score when in fact we should be all working together. Besides, didn't United have a bad experience a few years back when they played a European match over in France ? A lot of people saying it could have been another Hillsborough.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 12:20:47 pm by Oldmanmick »

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Re: Paris
« Reply #100 on: May 30, 2022, 12:13:03 pm »
We're now collateral damage in French domestic politics and culture wars.
Yep. I'm getting that impression too. French people on twitter arguing about whether these local yobs are English or French. Absolute madness.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #101 on: May 30, 2022, 12:14:01 pm »
I'd never blocked anyone on twitter. You see some deranged and nasty stuff, but I always sort of wanted to see what was out there, as it seeped into my bubble. Blocked loads yesterday.

I removed my football twitter profile yesterday; enough.

I'm sick to death of what the man in the street thinks.
Where's this Yakimoto fella?

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Re: Paris
« Reply #102 on: May 30, 2022, 12:14:52 pm »
Yep. I'm getting that impression too. French people on twitter arguing about whether these local yobs are English or French. Absolute madness.
I have been to enough football matches to know what a football fan looks like and this is not the conduct or attire of football fans

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Re: Paris
« Reply #103 on: May 30, 2022, 12:15:20 pm »
I removed my football twitter profile yesterday; enough.

I'm sick to death of what the man in the street thinks.
don't blame you one bit

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Re: Paris
« Reply #104 on: May 30, 2022, 12:16:57 pm »
don't blame you one bit
Got some grief from a "friend" who supports Millwall and goes to every game.  Would have thought he would know better in terms of fans being stereotyped...
Look up "Odious" in the dictionary and Martin Samuel is the given definition.  Call me Klopphooey please.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #105 on: May 30, 2022, 12:20:06 pm »
BBC still leading with 'Fake tickets triggered Paris final chaos - France'

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Re: Paris
« Reply #106 on: May 30, 2022, 12:21:38 pm »
I removed my football twitter profile yesterday; enough.

I'm sick to death of what the man in the street thinks.

Far too many English people are pig ignorant. They're kept that way so they'll keep voting Tory and for self-destructive things like Brexit.

However, much of the English media are at least going to bat for us this time. Other football fans will believe what they want to believe though. City fans won't care that they were a late collapse away in Madrid from going through the same ordeal on Saturday.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

Offline stewy17

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Re: Paris
« Reply #107 on: May 30, 2022, 12:23:21 pm »
BBC still leading with 'Fake tickets triggered Paris final chaos - France'

Almost all news outlets that are running the story are reporting with similar headlines, mostly despite their own journalists who were on the ground reporting differently. We all know why.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #108 on: May 30, 2022, 12:23:51 pm »
Far too many English people are pig ignorant. They're kept that way so they'll keep voting Tory and for self-destructive things like Brexit.

However, much of the English media are at least going to bat for us this time. Other football fans will believe what they want to believe though. City fans won't care that they were a late collapse away in Madrid from going through the same ordeal on Saturday.
Being brutal, there would only have been about 15k of them though...
Look up "Odious" in the dictionary and Martin Samuel is the given definition.  Call me Klopphooey please.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #109 on: May 30, 2022, 12:24:29 pm »
Being discussed on Radio 2 phone in now if anyone wants to listen.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #110 on: May 30, 2022, 12:25:56 pm »
There was a Liverpool fan on BBC news this morning who was at the game & he articulated himself very well regarding the events outside the stadium. He also made a very good point about the fact that tribalism by opposition supporters at times like this ensures the establishment & those in charge will continue to get away with it when supporters continue to try & point score when in fact we should be all working together. Besides, didn't United have a bad experience a few years back when they played a European match over in France ? A lot of people saying it could have been another Hillsborough.


That was in Lille wasn’t it?

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Re: Paris
« Reply #111 on: May 30, 2022, 12:26:17 pm »
BBC still leading with 'Fake tickets triggered Paris final chaos - France'

That's what the French are saying. We need to understand that. It's called news reporting.

Click on the interview directly below the headline and you'll see a BBC reporter who was in the crush give a detailed rebuttal.

"If you want the world to love you don't discuss Middle Eastern politics" Saul Bellow.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #112 on: May 30, 2022, 12:26:57 pm »
That was in Lille wasn’t it?
got the bus through there on Friday, looked like an absolute dump

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Re: Paris
« Reply #113 on: May 30, 2022, 12:28:32 pm »
Far too many English people are pig ignorant. They're kept that way so they'll keep voting Tory and for self-destructive things like Brexit.

However, much of the English media are at least going to bat for us this time. Other football fans will believe what they want to believe though. City fans won't care that they were a late collapse away in Madrid from going through the same ordeal on Saturday.

Genuinely Fromola, its just staggering considering the circumstances and parallels that you'd still use it as an opportunity to have a go at 'English people' whilst simultaneously bigging up the English media. Your lack of self awareness is mind blowing.
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

Offline stewy17

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Re: Paris
« Reply #114 on: May 30, 2022, 12:29:55 pm »
That's what the French are saying. We need to understand that. It's called news reporting.

Click on the interview directly below the headline and you'll see a BBC reporter who was in the crush give a detailed rebuttal.

So why aren't the headlines "French Minister blames fans despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary" or something along those lines? Guardian, Times, BBC, 'all front page' and all leading with "fans fault, says french minister".

It's the same fucking playbook and it's a fucking disgrace.

You can't explain it away as "that's news reporting".

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Re: Paris
« Reply #115 on: May 30, 2022, 12:33:03 pm »
Genuinely Fromola, its just staggering considering the circumstances and parallels that you'd still use it as an opportunity to have a go at 'English people' whilst simultaneously bigging up the English media. Your lack of self awareness is mind blowing.
majority of us were traveling on British passports, government and media have a duty to highlight the miss treatment of citizens in a foreign country, doesn't matter what domestic politics they have

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Re: Paris
« Reply #116 on: May 30, 2022, 12:34:10 pm »
That's what the French are saying. We need to understand that. It's called news reporting.

Click on the interview directly below the headline and you'll see a BBC reporter who was in the crush give a detailed rebuttal.

The problem is that these inbred English dickheads are just reading as far as the headline.

Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #117 on: May 30, 2022, 12:38:37 pm »
It's a sad state of affairs when the first thought you have when getting into a football ground and getting to seats with your mates is where is somebody else in the group? Are they ok etc?

Me and another one of our group got to the front of turnstile D at about 8:45pm, there was then a massive surge from the locals trying to storm the turnstile causing us to get crushed up against them, only option was to duck underneath/jump over the actual turnstile to avoid being trampled on. Stewards had no clue what to do and where using the metal barriers to push people back into the locals rushing forward, scary experience and lucky to not get injured.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #118 on: May 30, 2022, 12:39:13 pm »
That's what the French are saying. We need to understand that. It's called news reporting.

Click on the interview directly below the headline and you'll see a BBC reporter who was in the crush give a detailed rebuttal.

It's called lazy reporting. It's not good enough. Click-bait headlines to encourage 'engagement'.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #119 on: May 30, 2022, 12:41:12 pm »
Fuck me this press conference like 89 all over again