Author Topic: Typhoid Trump: the not-smart, corrupt, coward, loser, thread  (Read 4613741 times)

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54760 on: June 13, 2019, 01:31:30 am »
Well of course hes brazen about it, hes practically untouchable.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54761 on: June 13, 2019, 02:01:14 am »
Reasons to be less than cheerful is that the market is awash with Ar-15s for the bargain price of $400

Small steps, mate.  Small steps.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54762 on: June 13, 2019, 08:40:47 am »
I've just got the Mueller Report off Audible,it's free and I think Apple have it as well.

I believe the podcast "Mueller, She Wrote" have been reading it in segments.

According to Trumpcast the Abu Dhabi emerati weren`t too pleased about the amount of mentions they get in it.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54763 on: June 13, 2019, 08:52:09 am »
Small steps, mate.  Small steps.

Thats what Kellyanne Conway said to the reporters about why Trump was late to the briefing?

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54764 on: June 13, 2019, 10:30:05 am »
The Washington Post
Trump just invited Congress to begin impeachment proceedings
 George T. Conway III, Neal Katyal 
10 hrs ago

George T. Conway III is a lawyer in New York. Neal Katyal, a law professor at Georgetown University, previously served as the acting solicitor general of the United States.

Much ink has been spilled about whether President Trump committed a criminal and impeachable offense by obstructing justice. That question deserves extensive debate, but another critical question — the ultimate question, really — is not whether he committed a crime, but whether he is even fit for office in the first place. And that question — the heart of an impeachment inquiry — turns upon whether the president abuses his power and demonstrates an unfitness to serve under the defining principles of our Constitution.

On Tuesday, Trump gave us direct evidence of his contempt toward the most foundational precept of our democracy — that no person, not even the president, is above the law. He filed a brief in the nation’s second-most-important court that takes the position that Congress cannot investigate the president, except possibly in impeachment proceedings. It’s a spectacularly anti-constitutional brief, and anyone who harbors such attitudes toward our Constitution’s architecture is not fit for office. Trump’s brief is nothing if not an invitation to commencing impeachment proceedings that, for reasons set out in the Mueller report, should have already commenced.

The case involves a House committee’s efforts to follow up on the testimony of Trump’s now-incarcerated former attorney, Michael Cohen, that Trump had allegedly committed financial and tax fraud, and allegedly paid off paramours in violation of campaign finance laws. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform subpoenaed Trump’s accountants in mid-April for relevant documents, and Trump tried to block the move, only to be sternly rebuked in mid-May by a federal judge in Washington.

The appeals brief filed Monday by Trump attacks that decision. But to describe Trump’s brief is to refute it. He argues that Congress is “trying to prove that the President broke the law” and that that’s something Congress can’t do, because it’s “an exercise of law enforcement authority that the Constitution reserves to the executive branch.”

But in fact, Congress investigates lawbreaking, and potential lawbreaking, all the time. Mobsters, fraudsters, government employees, small companies, big companies — like it or not, all types of people and businesses get subpoenaed from time to time, so that Congress can figure out whether current laws are effective, whether new laws are needed, whether sufficient governmental resources are being devoted to the task, whether more disclosure to the government or the public is required, or greater penalties, and so on.

To this, Trump’s brief complains that “Congress could always make this (non-falsifiable) argument” to justify any investigation. But that’s simply the result of the fact that, as the district court explained, Congress’s “power to investigate is deeply rooted in the nation’s history.” Congress, relying on English parliamentary tradition, has performed this function since the founding.

To accept Trump’s argument to the contrary — to say Congress can’t look into matters that might involve crimes — would in many cases gut Congress’s ability to gain information it needs to legislate. And perversely, in Trump’s case, it makes a virtue of the fact that he has been accused of committing crimes.

Which brings us to the main point: England’s King George III was above the law, but the founders of our republic wanted a system that would divide power and have the branches check each other. The idea that only the president can investigate the president is an argument for autocrats, not Americans.

Trump says “trust me,” but that was exactly the argument the founders rebelled against. They knew that public officials would not always be angels, and that power had to be checked and dispersed. As James Madison put it in Federalist No. 51, “It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.”

The only redeeming quality of Trump’s legal brief is its seeming, grudging acknowledgment that Congress’s powers might be greater in an impeachment proceeding. That has things only half-right. Yes, Congress could investigate Trump’s finances in an impeachment proceeding, but it can do so without launching the formal process of impeachment.

That said, Trump’s brief can be construed as an invitation to commence impeachment proceedings. In those proceedings, Trump’s attitudes toward our Constitution’s checks and balances, in addition to evidence of obstruction of justice, must play a key role. Indeed, the third of the articles of impeachment against President Richard M. Nixon, adopted by the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, charged him with defying lawful subpoenas issued by the House Judiciary Committee.

Not only has Trump done that, but he has also demonized judges who disagree with him and insulted the press (despite its constitutional status) for calling him to account. Other leaders around the world may behave this way, but these are not proper actions of a president of the United States. What makes the United States exceptional is its commitment to its constitutional architecture, particularly divided powers.

For the past three decades, many constitutional law classes have begun with Nixon’s breathtaking statement to David Frost in May 1977: “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” Generations of students have gasped, shocked that a former president could say such a thing. This time, it’s not a former president, but a sitting one. Every principle behind the rule of law requires the commencement of a process now to make this president a former one.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54765 on: June 13, 2019, 12:17:15 pm »
The likes of Bolton will be made up the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin Oman deflects from Trump's latest blunder

Offline ShakaHislop

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54766 on: June 13, 2019, 12:30:27 pm »
Was this ever followed up by Congress/Democrats/whoever?

Just going to leave this here,it's from his lawn meltdown.

"[Don Jr] had a meeting and he called me and then he had the meeting after" -- did Trump just admit that @DonaldJTrumpJr called him *before* the Trump Tower meeting?

Yes,yes he fucking did. :lmao

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54767 on: June 13, 2019, 12:37:57 pm »

“No, it’s not what I meant,” Trump began. “It’s what I said. I think it’s different than, maybe, your interpretation. I think we’re going to do very well with North Korea over a period of time. I’m in no rush, the sanctions are on, we got our hostages back, our remains are coming back, you saw the beautiful ceremony in Hawaii with Mike Pence, we’re getting our remains back.”

US suspends effort to retrieve war dead from North Korea

The US has halted efforts to retrieve the remains of its troops killed during the Korean War amid a breakdown in communication with North Korea.

North Korea last year handed over the remains of more than 50 US servicemen killed in the 1950-1953 conflict.

It was a sign of improved relations between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

But the Pentagon on Wednesday said the programme had been halted following a failed summit between the two leaders.

Some 36,000 American soldiers died during the Korean War and the US says more than 7,700 remain unaccounted for.

Around 5,300 of these soldiers were lost in North Korea.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54768 on: June 13, 2019, 12:49:37 pm »
Was this ever followed up by Congress/Democrats/whoever?

Yes,yes he fucking did. :lmao

No one cares because no one does anything about it

state of America :/

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54769 on: June 13, 2019, 12:51:16 pm »
He's gone and done it now. Basically admitting that he's fine with collusion and that he'd collude again.

Of course he would, also the american people don't give a shit either.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54770 on: June 13, 2019, 12:55:37 pm »
The Washington Post
Trump just invited Congress to begin impeachment proceedings
 George T. Conway III, Neal Katyal 
10 hrs ago

George T. Conway III is a lawyer in New York. Neal Katyal, a law professor at Georgetown University, previously served as the acting solicitor general of the United States.

Much ink has been spilled about whether President Trump committed a criminal and impeachable offense by obstructing justice. That question deserves extensive debate, but another critical question — the ultimate question, really — is not whether he committed a crime, but whether he is even fit for office in the first place. And that question — the heart of an impeachment inquiry — turns upon whether the president abuses his power and demonstrates an unfitness to serve under the defining principles of our Constitution.

On Tuesday, Trump gave us direct evidence of his contempt toward the most foundational precept of our democracy — that no person, not even the president, is above the law. He filed a brief in the nation’s second-most-important court that takes the position that Congress cannot investigate the president, except possibly in impeachment proceedings. It’s a spectacularly anti-constitutional brief, and anyone who harbors such attitudes toward our Constitution’s architecture is not fit for office. Trump’s brief is nothing if not an invitation to commencing impeachment proceedings that, for reasons set out in the Mueller report, should have already commenced.

The case involves a House committee’s efforts to follow up on the testimony of Trump’s now-incarcerated former attorney, Michael Cohen, that Trump had allegedly committed financial and tax fraud, and allegedly paid off paramours in violation of campaign finance laws. The House Committee on Oversight and Reform subpoenaed Trump’s accountants in mid-April for relevant documents, and Trump tried to block the move, only to be sternly rebuked in mid-May by a federal judge in Washington.

The appeals brief filed Monday by Trump attacks that decision. But to describe Trump’s brief is to refute it. He argues that Congress is “trying to prove that the President broke the law” and that that’s something Congress can’t do, because it’s “an exercise of law enforcement authority that the Constitution reserves to the executive branch.”

But in fact, Congress investigates lawbreaking, and potential lawbreaking, all the time. Mobsters, fraudsters, government employees, small companies, big companies — like it or not, all types of people and businesses get subpoenaed from time to time, so that Congress can figure out whether current laws are effective, whether new laws are needed, whether sufficient governmental resources are being devoted to the task, whether more disclosure to the government or the public is required, or greater penalties, and so on.

To this, Trump’s brief complains that “Congress could always make this (non-falsifiable) argument” to justify any investigation. But that’s simply the result of the fact that, as the district court explained, Congress’s “power to investigate is deeply rooted in the nation’s history.” Congress, relying on English parliamentary tradition, has performed this function since the founding.

To accept Trump’s argument to the contrary — to say Congress can’t look into matters that might involve crimes — would in many cases gut Congress’s ability to gain information it needs to legislate. And perversely, in Trump’s case, it makes a virtue of the fact that he has been accused of committing crimes.

Which brings us to the main point: England’s King George III was above the law, but the founders of our republic wanted a system that would divide power and have the branches check each other. The idea that only the president can investigate the president is an argument for autocrats, not Americans.

Trump says “trust me,” but that was exactly the argument the founders rebelled against. They knew that public officials would not always be angels, and that power had to be checked and dispersed. As James Madison put it in Federalist No. 51, “It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government.”

The only redeeming quality of Trump’s legal brief is its seeming, grudging acknowledgment that Congress’s powers might be greater in an impeachment proceeding. That has things only half-right. Yes, Congress could investigate Trump’s finances in an impeachment proceeding, but it can do so without launching the formal process of impeachment.

That said, Trump’s brief can be construed as an invitation to commence impeachment proceedings. In those proceedings, Trump’s attitudes toward our Constitution’s checks and balances, in addition to evidence of obstruction of justice, must play a key role. Indeed, the third of the articles of impeachment against President Richard M. Nixon, adopted by the House Judiciary Committee in 1974, charged him with defying lawful subpoenas issued by the House Judiciary Committee.

Not only has Trump done that, but he has also demonized judges who disagree with him and insulted the press (despite its constitutional status) for calling him to account. Other leaders around the world may behave this way, but these are not proper actions of a president of the United States. What makes the United States exceptional is its commitment to its constitutional architecture, particularly divided powers.

For the past three decades, many constitutional law classes have begun with Nixon’s breathtaking statement to David Frost in May 1977: “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” Generations of students have gasped, shocked that a former president could say such a thing. This time, it’s not a former president, but a sitting one. Every principle behind the rule of law requires the commencement of a process now to make this president a former one.

Neal Katyal is the dude that wrote the DOJ policy that restricts the DOJ from indicting a president.  He effectively is Trump's saviour...

Lots of highminded legal experts want Pelosi to start proceedings because it is the idealistic thing to do. They've been on TV confident thst their man Mueller and the legal conventions they believe in are going to catch this slime. And there he still is...
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 01:03:35 pm by Giono »
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54771 on: June 13, 2019, 01:26:39 pm »
ABC News
Trump causing ‘more lasting damage’ than Nixon did, says columnist George Will
 13 hrs ago

Don’t look for the name "Trump" in George Will’s new book, "The Conservative Sensibility." The renowned columnist says that's because Trump doesn't “have much to do with American conservatism.”

On the “Powerhouse Politics” podcast on Wednesday, Will said the departure from traditional conservatism predates Trump, but the impact Trump has had on the Republican party and the country will create significant lasting damage beyond his term in office.

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl asked Will why Trump got elected and why he now enjoys such strong support from Republican officeholders and voters alike.

"It helped that the Republicans had what 17 people on stage at the beginning of the nominating process and the most lurid stood out. But beyond that, Mr. Trump's manner appeals to people," Will responded.

Will explained that what many criticize about Trump -- his blunt language and manner -- are what got him to the Oval Office.

“A lot of people say, 'Well, we ought to impeach him for being a boor,'" said Will. “He promised to be a boor. This is promise keeping that he was going to overturn the norms.”

In Will’s judgment, however, this shift in discourse that Trump has started in the nation will do “more lasting damage to the country than Nixon's surreptitious burglaries did.”

“You can't unring the bell. You can't unsay what he has now said is acceptable discourse in the United States,” said Will.

When ABC News Political Director Rick Klein asked about the 2020 election and whether Democrats should be afraid of going too far left, Will took out a small card from his wallet. Written on it are ideas such as “end private health insurance,” “Green New Deal,” and “abolish the Electoral College.”

Will said Democrats should be afraid of embracing such ideas and making it easier for the country to elect Trump once again.

“That's a way to start a campaign, let’s offend a 180 million Americans right out of the bat,” Will said of the aforementioned Democratic proposals. “Everyone knows the Electoral College is not going to be abolished because 13 small states can and will stop a constitutional amendment,” he added.

Klein asked Will whether Trump can beat that platform. “Yes,” responded Will. “Right now, the Democrats seem determined to make it easy to vote for him.”

Will expressed not only his concern about the state of the conservative movement. He also worried about the nation's pastime -- and his favorite as well: baseball.

“They’re both in perilous condition,” he joked. “In 2018, you had more strikeouts than hits, when there's about four minutes now between the ball being put in play, when the average TV viewer of a baseball game watches for 15 minutes and goes away. Something must be done about the pace of play,” said Will.

With July Fourth approaching, Karl asked Will what he makes of Trump’s plans to turn the traditionally non-partisan American holiday into something of a “Trump celebration” with the president’s plan to give a big speech.

“I don't have the feeling that there's insufficient attention being paid to the president,” said Will. “Maybe, just maybe, it'd be nice to have a Fourth of July where we thought about John Adams and those folks,” he said.

A Grumpy Old Party icon with much meaningful insight.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 01:28:38 pm by jambutty »
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54772 on: June 13, 2019, 02:08:21 pm »
Fungals latest Tweet...I meet and talk to “foreign governments” every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about “Everything!” Should I immediately.....

Chuck, Prince of Whales ???

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54773 on: June 13, 2019, 05:01:10 pm »
I think 'the Queen of England (U.K.)' is just as nuts as Prince of 'Whales'.

Prince Charlie did spend an hour with him talking about climate change, but World's Dumbest Boy kept on saying it wasn't an issue as their climate was 'cleaner' than ever.  Dumb fuck doesn't know the difference between air pollution and climate.

First time I've ever felt bad for Charlie.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54774 on: June 13, 2019, 05:33:57 pm »
would rather have a wank wearing a barb wire glove
If you're chasing thrills, try a bit of auto-asphyxiation with a poppers-soaked orange in your gob.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54775 on: June 13, 2019, 06:49:20 pm »
Nixon tried to rebrand 4th July too.  Didn't work for him either.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54776 on: June 13, 2019, 07:04:46 pm »
And people in Labour have been suspended for saying things like this is going on also in the UK.

Seth Abramson
‏Verified account @SethAbramson
35m35 minutes ago

1/ The evidence is clear that Trump Jr. knew he was speaking to agents of three foreign governments: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel. George Birnbaum, Netanyahu's former chief of staff, had sent the Israeli to the Trumps, first using Gates as his intermediary.

Seth Abramson
‏Verified account @SethAbramson
34m34 minutes ago

2/ The Israeli, sent to the Trumps by one of Netanyahu's top advisers, was offering the Trumps an illegal domestic disinformation campaign to use on American citizens pre-election that was identical to what the Russians were doing. He wanted the Saudis and Emiratis to pay for it.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 07:06:33 pm by Big Jezza’s Jizza »
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54777 on: June 13, 2019, 07:19:58 pm »
Listening to Pompeo live at the mo. I get the feeling it won't be long until the USA is at war with Iran and the UK will be dragged into as well by BJ.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54778 on: June 13, 2019, 07:41:38 pm »
And people in Labour have been suspended for saying things like this is going on also in the UK.

Seth Abramson
‏Verified account @SethAbramson
35m35 minutes ago

1/ The evidence is clear that Trump Jr. knew he was speaking to agents of three foreign governments: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Israel. George Birnbaum, Netanyahu's former chief of staff, had sent the Israeli to the Trumps, first using Gates as his intermediary.

Seth Abramson
‏Verified account @SethAbramson
34m34 minutes ago

2/ The Israeli, sent to the Trumps by one of Netanyahu's top advisers, was offering the Trumps an illegal domestic disinformation campaign to use on American citizens pre-election that was identical to what the Russians were doing. He wanted the Saudis and Emiratis to pay for it.

When will people understand that the american public don't give a shit.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54779 on: June 13, 2019, 07:50:18 pm »
When will people understand that the american public don't give a shit.

...if it isn't on TV.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54780 on: June 13, 2019, 07:52:15 pm »
...if it isn't on TV.

Even if it is, people still don't care though. Everyone knows Russia interfered with the election.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54781 on: June 13, 2019, 07:54:19 pm »
The more depressing thing is that they're tampering everywhere and the public dont seem to care. Brexit, trying to do it in Canada at the moment with our elections coming up, helped Bolsonaro in Brazil. The world is fuckin thick on the whole and doesn't give a shit as it's easier to be angry that try to understand the intricacies of politics and its decisions

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54782 on: June 13, 2019, 08:12:26 pm »
Even if it is, people still don't care though. Everyone knows Russia interfered with the election.

It will come down to the people who do care voting. There will be 20 million new voters on the rolls since 2016.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54783 on: June 13, 2019, 08:14:46 pm »
The more depressing thing is that they're tampering everywhere and the public dont seem to care. Brexit, trying to do it in Canada at the moment with our elections coming up, helped Bolsonaro in Brazil. The world is fuckin thick on the whole and doesn't give a shit as it's easier to be angry that try to understand the intricacies of politics and its decisions

I was in Canada briefly this month. Was stunned by the attack ads running during the Raptors game. And the election is 5 months away?
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54784 on: June 13, 2019, 08:28:57 pm »
Everyone should watch this! Speaks about the government being held to account and seems not many do that anymore

Expected comedy. It wasn't, but it's worth seeing. Stewart knows how to be serious as well. I sure hope the people get what they deserve.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54785 on: June 13, 2019, 08:35:50 pm »
I was in Canada briefly this month. Was stunned by the attack ads running during the Raptors game. And the election is 5 months away?

Yep, the attach ads are a fucking disgrace from all sides.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54786 on: June 13, 2019, 08:45:22 pm »
It will come down to the people who do care voting. There will be 20 million new voters on the rolls since 2016.

Nah a few might care, but on the whole I don't think the average american gives one jot about it.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54787 on: June 13, 2019, 08:49:05 pm »
Nah a few might care, but on the whole I don't think the average american gives one jot about it.

Lots of them care.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54788 on: June 13, 2019, 09:29:34 pm »
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fucking off back to whichever shithole in Arkansas she came from to torture some poor unfortunates there.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54789 on: June 13, 2019, 09:37:13 pm »
Lots of them care.

Agree to disagree, if trump has shown us anything it's that if it doesn't affect the citizens directly they don't care.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54790 on: June 13, 2019, 09:53:29 pm »
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fucking off back to whichever shithole in Arkansas she came from to torture some poor unfortunates there.

Thought Spicer was bad, but I always felt he had some sense of what was going on. He knew if he told a lie or not. Sanders is terrible. She's more of a Bagdad Bob. Will be interesting to see who replaces her.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54791 on: June 13, 2019, 10:04:09 pm »
Also the Office of the Special Counsel recommends Kellyanne Conway be removed from her position for repeated violations of the Hatch Act:

Posted this in the Trump video thread, but worth posting again here:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

He just keeps coming up with new ways to show us what a moron he is. I mean these were his actual words when talking about the 'secret' part of his deal with Mexico: "This will go into effect - and it's my option, it's not Mexico's - but it will go into effect when Mexico tells me it's OK to release it." So not your option then?

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54792 on: June 13, 2019, 10:06:59 pm »
Agree to disagree, if trump has shown us anything it's that if it doesn't affect the citizens directly they don't care.

Way too simplistic - nearly 66 million people voted against Trump in 2016, and the huge gains for the Democrats in the mid-term elections last November were clearly a massive anti-Trump vote. Plenty of people care.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54793 on: June 13, 2019, 10:19:36 pm »
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fucking off back to whichever shithole in Arkansas she came from to torture some poor unfortunates there.
Perfect timing. Now she can join FOX News and push Trump’s agenda during the 2020 campaign.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54794 on: June 13, 2019, 10:38:38 pm »
Thought Spicer was bad, but I always felt he had some sense of what was going on. He knew if he told a lie or not. Sanders is terrible. She's more of a Bagdad Bob. Will be interesting to see who replaces her.

Yeah I always thought Spicer looked uncomfortable doing that job, but Sanders seemed entirely cynical and happy to twist reality.

They should get Giuliani to do it...mind you they never do press conferences anymore so it probably doesn't matter who gets the job.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54795 on: June 13, 2019, 10:40:26 pm »
Thought Spicer was bad, but I always felt he had some sense of what was going on. He knew if he told a lie or not. Sanders is terrible. She's more of a Bagdad Bob. Will be interesting to see who replaces her.

Spicer WAS bad.  He was just a buffoon into the bargain.  If he'd been any "good" at his job he'd still be there, but he couldn't say the lies with a straight face.  Sanders conveyed just the right amount of indignation when somebody dared challenge her bullshit.  Disgusting human being.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54796 on: June 13, 2019, 10:51:07 pm »
The U.S. system is so fucked

Manu Raju@mkraju
Mark Warner tries to quickly pass bill to require campaigns to go to the FBI if they are offered assistance by foreign powers. Marsha Blackburn objects

Manu Raju@mkraju
On the floor moments ago, Blackburn said that the Warner legislation's reporting requirements are "overbroad." She says that it would apply to campaign workers on "so many different levels" -- from vendors to door knockers to phone bankers.

The more depressing thing is that they're tampering everywhere and the public dont seem to care. Brexit, trying to do it in Canada at the moment with our elections coming up, helped Bolsonaro in Brazil. The world is fuckin thick on the whole and doesn't give a shit as it's easier to be angry that try to understand the intricacies of politics and its decisions

Yep. We have so much information at our disposal and yet there are millions who are too thick to go beyond the simple "solutions" offered to them. It's how you end up with people backing the likes of Trrump, Doug Ford, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54797 on: June 13, 2019, 10:55:07 pm »
Yeah I always thought Spicer looked uncomfortable doing that job, but Sanders seemed entirely cynical and happy to twist reality.

They should get Giuliani to do it...mind you they never do press conferences anymore so it probably doesn't matter who gets the job.

She also has the look of an animal abuser.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54798 on: June 13, 2019, 11:15:35 pm »
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is fucking off back to whichever shithole in Arkansas she came from to torture some poor unfortunates there.

Mrs Sanders' time in the post was not without controversy, and she was accused of lying to journalists.

After Mr Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017, she said she had "heard from countless members of the FBI that are grateful and thankful for the president's decision".

But she told special counsel Robert Mueller, during his investigation into whether the Trump election campaign had colluded with Russia, that this claim was "a slip of the tongue" that was "not founded on anything".

Yeah I always thought Spicer looked uncomfortable doing that job, but Sanders seemed entirely cynical and happy to twist reality.

They should get Giuliani to do it...mind you they never do press conferences anymore so it probably doesn't matter who gets the job.

Her last media briefing was on 11 March - 94 days ago.

Mrs Sanders hosted fewer news conferences than any of the preceding 13 press secretaries, according to the American Presidency Project.

Offline jambutty

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #54799 on: June 14, 2019, 12:20:36 am »
The Hill
Fox's Napolitano warns Trump: 'A felony' to accept foreign help for reelection
 Justin Wise 
1 hr ago

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano warned Thursday that President Trump would be committing a felony if he accepted damaging information from a foreign power for an election.

Napolitano weighed in a day after Trump refused to commit in an ABC News interview to calling the FBI if he received political dirt from a foreign government on a political opponent, remarks that sparked a political firestorm on Thursday.

Asked for his reaction to Trump's comments, Napolitano said on Fox News' "Shepard Smith Reporting" that Trump's remarks showed the president is "prepared to commit a felony to get reelected."

"That was my reaction and it was not a happy one," Napolitano. "I was not happy to hear it. I thought he shot himself in the foot politically. I wish he hadn't said it, but he did."

Asked by Fox's Shepard Smith if Trump had any "wiggle room" when it came to listening to a foreign entity offering information on a political opponent, Napolitano said no.

"There's no wiggle room with respect to dirt, with respect to opposition research because the Federal Election Commission has already decided in other cases that that is a thing of value," he said, adding that it "comes from a statute which prohibits receipt of money or a thing of value from a foreign national. Whether the person is working for a foreign government or not."

"So what the president said he would do to [ABC News's] George Stephanopoulos would be felonious," Smith responded.

"Correct," Napolitano replied. "He would be committing a felony and the person giving it to him, if that person was ever here and subject to our jurisdiction, would be committing a felony as well."

Trump said in the ABC interview on Wednesday that he'd be open to listening to a foreign government that had damaging information on a political opponent. Asked whether he would call the FBI or listen if Russia, China or another foreign government if they reached out, Trump said he might do both.

"I think you might want to listen. There's nothing wrong with listening," he said. "It's not an interference. They have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI."

Stephanopoulos pointed out that FBI Director Christopher Wray has said campaigns should reach out to the bureau if they are contacted by a foreign entity.

"The FBI director is wrong," Trump responded.

Trump defended his remarks early Thursday morning, equating accepting information from a foreign government to his various diplomatic communications with foreign leaders as part of his role in the White House.

"I meet and talk to 'foreign governments' every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales [sic], the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about 'Everything!'" Trump tweeted.

"Should I immediately call the FBI about these calls and meetings? How ridiculous! I would never be trusted again."

The remarks from Trump come after special counsel Robert Mueller's report catalogued several instances of Russia trying to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including detailing numerous instances of Trump associates having contact with Russian figures.

He's probably on the phone begging Dershowitz for a public statement of exoneration.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 12:22:14 am by jambutty »
Kill the humourless