Author Topic: The Racist Russian Fanciers Party  (Read 293135 times)

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #280 on: May 23, 2014, 10:22:01 am »

Yes, spurious as is any statement made without a link.
They've won 30% of the vote in Sunderland and taken 10 seats in Rotherham (real true-blue Tory heartlands both, eh?) They've also surged in Essex, denying Miliband's party control of the council that was No 2 on its target list.

I would offer that the 30% in Sunderland could be from Tory bastards who normally spend election day in their Anderson Shelter, with UKIP they've someone to vote for...........or do you imagine that Sunderland is 100% Labour? Do you know Rotherham? Homeland of William Hague and a greatly changed area since the Miners' Strike.

If you're still clinging on to this idea that they're not winning support from Labour then, I'm sorry, but you really are deluding yourself.
They might take a small amount of Labour but their bulk comes from Tory and Lib Dems.............if you can't see that correlation I'm afraid you're the deluded one. Though you're probably of the opinion that the simple message from UKIP is specifically designed for the "simple Labour folk".

Labour are making gains too, granted. But considering they're the official Opposition to a hated Tory- led coalition that's responsible for continuing austerity measures for the masses while the rich get even richer, they should be doing miles better. The fact that they've allowed themselves to be damaged by a one-man-band party shows how weak and ineffective they are right now.

Miliband is useless as a communicator, too. As the Labour MP Graham Stringer said last night, his campaign has been "unforgivably unprofessional". While Frottage has been delivering a populist and easy-to-understand message (control immigration, quit the EU), Miliband has been banging on about something called a "cost of living contract".
Have you listened to Milliband? Or are you simply being led by the nose by the Murdoch-dominated media? Have you spoken to people, I mean real people on the streets ?

FFS, indeed.

Labour really needs to wake up to the UKIP threat, or they're screwed. The Euro election results aren't even in yet, and they're likely to be even worse.
  At last you've got one thing right, UKIP is a threat to Labour, currently a media-inflated threat. UKIP are a stalking horse for the more unpleasant and more right wing of the Conservative and Unionist Party and therefore no threat , simply future partners. ffs
You made me forget myself, I thought I was someone else, someone good.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #281 on: May 23, 2014, 10:42:26 am »

Worked completely the opposite for the BNP....they were shut down everywhere, shouted down, laughed at...Griffin appeared on Question Time and was ripped to pieces, and where are the BNP now?
Almost nowhere....completely off the radar.
So it can work both ways.

It's strange because you'd think if you give UKIP enough rope they'd hang themselves....But the amount of airtime and publicity they've been getting is obscene.
They don't have a single MP - unlike the Green Party - and yet they're treated like the 3rd party and have someone from their party on tv in every discussion.

And it seems no matter how many from their party are shown to be racist, homophobic,xenophobic or misogynistic... support for the party remains.

I think they should get airtime proportional to their political representation.

The thing is though, the BNP's policy itself was racist. I may be mistaken but I'm sure their policy last time around was to stop all "non-white" immigration. They wouldn't accept non white members until they were compelled to by a court. As I said before, whilst they've got shedloads of dodgy characters UKIP's official policy is not racist.

The other thing is that Nigel Frottage is a far, far superior politician to Nick Griffin. Every time the media reports that another of his candidates has made a fool of themselves with their bigoted views he seems to be able to successfully spin that into another attack on his truthful everyman party by the liberal elite. By going after his party on the basis that they're a gang of bigots is almost playing into Frottage's hands. Like it or not there are a large swathe of people who believe that "Political Correctness has gone too far" and I would bet you that a large number of those people would be receptive to UKIP.

I suppose it's a bit chicken and egg, but if they're going to get the biggest share of the votes in the euro elections then I think they're probably getting a reasonable proportion of coverage. I'm sure there are strict rules governing how much airtime broadcasters give to political parties at election time.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #282 on: May 23, 2014, 10:51:17 am »
I've got to be careful here because I'm not defending them, I think they're a big gang of bigots as I've posted earlier in this thread, but I think people who vote for them can separate the policy (which while not my cup of tea isn't racist or homophobic as far as I can see) from the people (who seem to prove they are both time and time again). Perhaps they just don't care.

In a funny way I think one of the worst things you can do is to oppose UKIP by screaming racism and shutting down the debate at every point. It plays into their hands and lets them use the old "The politically correct elite don't want to hear what we have to say" card. I think it would be better to attack them on their policies, which are paper thin and well to the right of the Tories.

All I'm saying is that the way the press and politics have basically refused to engage UKIP on the basis that they're a gang of racists hasn't really worked. Next time I think the way to stop them is to really lay into their policies.

You give the people voting for them way too much credit. They have no policies; they are just playing to the latent bigotry inside every Little Englander and getting a ridiculous amount of coverage for it. They are racist. They are homophobic. They are misogynistic. They are scum.

But don’t worry lad, you're not defending them.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #283 on: May 23, 2014, 10:52:51 am »
You have plenty of issues
Serious question - Do you know him ? Or is this amateur hour on the psychoanalysis front, using what people post on an anonymous Internet forum to abuse them, nice, really nice.

Whether the folk on here like it or not UKIP have hit a nerve with plenty of people and I am sure the main parties will respond, so maybe voting UKIP is a wasted vote, maybe not if the major parties look at the issues that concern people, whether real or imagined. As has been said previously beat them on their policies and not with petty name calling.
I voted for the Greens and think of it as a wasted vote, in my area anyway but where is the debate ? All I see is slagging off of people who dare question the validity of anything UKIP says because UKIP said it, that's not debating.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #284 on: May 23, 2014, 10:59:49 am »
You give the people voting for them way too much credit. They have no policies; they are just playing to the latent bigotry inside every Little Englander and getting a ridiculous amount of coverage for it. They are racist. They are homophobic. They are misogynistic. They are scum.

But don’t worry lad, you're not defending them.

For fucks sake.

You're right. Lets just shout abuse at them and I'm sure they'll go away of their own accord, because that's been working so well up until now.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #285 on: May 23, 2014, 11:04:29 am »
Serious question - Do you know him ? Or is this amateur hour on the psychoanalysis front, using what people post on an anonymous Internet forum to abuse them, nice, really nice.

Whether the folk on here like it or not UKIP have hit a nerve with plenty of people and I am sure the main parties will respond, so maybe voting UKIP is a wasted vote, maybe not if the major parties look at the issues that concern people, whether real or imagined. As has been said previously beat them on their policies and not with petty name calling.
I voted for the Greens and think of it as a wasted vote, in my area anyway but where is the debate ? All I see is slagging off of people who dare question the validity of anything UKIP says because UKIP said it, that's not debating.

There is nothing to debate. They are scum and are peddling bigotry dressed up as serious politics and a lot of idiots have been taken in.

What is worthy of debate is the shithouse media and the stupid fucking gobshites in this country who vote UKIP because they love a bit of justification to vent their bile!
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #286 on: May 23, 2014, 11:07:57 am »

I would offer that the 30% in Sunderland could be from Tory bastards who normally spend election day in their Anderson Shelter, with UKIP they've someone to vote for...........or do you imagine that Sunderland is 100% Labour? Do you know Rotherham? Homeland of William Hague and a greatly changed area since the Miners' Strike.


And I would offer that you're desperately clutching at straws.

Sunderland may not be 100% Labour, but it's definitely not 30% Tory.

As for Rotherham being the "homeland of William Hague"? You might as well characterise Liverpool as being the home of Edwina Currie, Esther McVey and Nadine Dorries.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #287 on: May 23, 2014, 11:08:47 am »
For fucks sake.

You're right. Lets just shout abuse at them and I'm sure they'll go away of their own accord, because that's been working so well up until now.

I’m not shouting abuse at anybody, I’m stating facts. Until you stop being offended by facts, we won’t get anywhere on this.
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #288 on: May 23, 2014, 11:10:07 am »
There is nothing to debate. They are scum and are peddling bigotry dressed up as serious politics and a lot of idiots have been taken in.

What is worthy of debate is the shithouse media and the stupid fucking gobshites in this country who vote UKIP because they love a bit of justification to vent their bile!

I would have thought that staying in/pulling out of Europe is worthy of a debate.

But that might just be me.

Offline The Fletcher Memorial

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #289 on: May 23, 2014, 11:22:03 am »
I would have thought that staying in/pulling out of Europe is worthy of a debate.

But that might just be me.

Of course it is, but that’s not what they are actually peddling, is it. Scratch the surface and anyone with half a brain cell should see them for what they are. 

This talk of them being a protest vote is bullshit, they are playing to the lowest of the low in people and some idiots have taken them up on it. The fact that you get an utter cretin like Jacob Rees-Mogg fawning over UKIP as some sort of jilted lover of the Conservative party and desperately pleading for them to come back home and make things better makes me want to fuck off from from this country for good.

Am I angry with Labour? Too fucking right I am, but let’s call things for what they really are and cut the bullshit. UKIP are fucking scum and anyone who votes for them, for whatever reason, are either pig shit stupid or scum.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 11:23:54 am by The Fletcher Memorial »
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #290 on: May 23, 2014, 11:22:30 am »
There is nothing to debate. They are scum and are peddling bigotry dressed up as serious politics and a lot of idiots have been taken in.

What is worthy of debate is the shithouse media and the stupid fucking gobshites in this country who vote UKIP because they love a bit of justification to vent their bile!

You're right that their policy is paper thin, but if that's the case then shouldn't we rip it to fucking shreds?

Its all well and good saying they're a gang of racist gobshites but you're preaching to the choir here lad. If you want to change the minds of those who vote for them you've got to beat UKIP on their policies.

You're probably right that most people who vote UKIP are daft little Englanders, but the thing about democracy is that everybody gets a vote, including the monumentally stupid. If you want to beat UKIP then you have to come up with arguments that will convince those who are voting UKIP, not those who already think they're a gang of scumbags.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #291 on: May 23, 2014, 11:27:02 am »
Scary thing is they will have elected MPs after the next general election.

They have a lot of support unfortunately. You hear the odd ripple of applause whenever one of them are on Question Time but when Frottage was on the other week the audience was like 50/50.

These bastards will have MPs after next May now won't they?

Labour need to sort their fucking shite out over the next few months.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #292 on: May 23, 2014, 11:27:57 am »
I’m not shouting abuse at anybody, I’m stating facts. Until you stop being offended by facts, we won’t get anywhere on this.

You're missing my point massively. I'm not being offended by your facts. I'm not even disputing them. I'm saying that just repeating that UKIP are a bunch of racist wankers hasn't succeeded thus far, and is unlikely to succeed in the future.

Let me state this for the record, because I don't think you understand. I WANT UKIP TO FAIL MISERABLY. I just don't think hurling abuse at their voters is likely to achieve that aim.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 11:29:59 am by scared_person »

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #293 on: May 23, 2014, 11:36:07 am »
There is nothing to debate.
That quote is why they have done so well, you cannot shut down debate because it hurts your sensitivities - only on here you can, not in the real world, which is where I happen to live.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #294 on: May 23, 2014, 11:37:47 am »
Serious question - Do you know him ? Or is this amateur hour on the psychoanalysis front, using what people post on an anonymous Internet forum to abuse them, nice, really nice.

Whether the folk on here like it or not UKIP have hit a nerve with plenty of people and I am sure the main parties will respond, so maybe voting UKIP is a wasted vote, maybe not if the major parties look at the issues that concern people, whether real or imagined. As has been said previously beat them on their policies and not with petty name calling.
I voted for the Greens and think of it as a wasted vote, in my area anyway but where is the debate ? All I see is slagging off of people who dare question the validity of anything UKIP says because UKIP said it, that's not debating.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #295 on: May 23, 2014, 11:38:26 am »
The thing is though, the BNP's policy itself was racist. I may be mistaken but I'm sure their policy last time around was to stop all "non-white" immigration. They wouldn't accept non white members until they were compelled to by a court. As I said before, whilst they've got shedloads of dodgy characters UKIP's official policy is not racist.

The other thing is that Nigel Frottage is a far, far superior politician to Nick Griffin. Every time the media reports that another of his candidates has made a fool of themselves with their bigoted views he seems to be able to successfully spin that into another attack on his truthful everyman party by the liberal elite. By going after his party on the basis that they're a gang of bigots is almost playing into Frottage's hands. Like it or not there are a large swathe of people who believe that "Political Correctness has gone too far" and I would bet you that a large number of those people would be receptive to UKIP.

I suppose it's a bit chicken and egg, but if they're going to get the biggest share of the votes in the euro elections then I think they're probably getting a reasonable proportion of coverage. I'm sure there are strict rules governing how much airtime broadcasters give to political parties at election time.

He's a bit Schrodinger's cat when it comes to his abilities as a politician in that he is at the same time a really bad and a really good politician. Watch him being ripped to pieces on LBC and you'll notice it's partly due to him answering almost every question head on. There's no avoidance of difficult questions until his press guy steps in, just Frottage giving an embellished "yes" or "no" answer which when facing an opponent who can (and most certainly did) embarrass him and his party with evidence and concise counter-arguments at every turn is pretty poor, whether you're a politician or in any sort of business when being grilled on your shortcomings.

HOWEVER, simultaneously this shows a marked difference to the typical politician you see on telly and perhaps this plays to the electorate better and as said, if he is able to meet difficult questions head on and turn them into so-called attacks by the political elite or whatever he looks very comfortable. Frightening stuff...

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #296 on: May 23, 2014, 11:43:56 am »
And I would offer that you're desperately clutching at straws.

Sunderland may not be 100% Labour, but it's definitely not 30% Tory.

As for Rotherham being the "homeland of William Hague"? You might as well characterise Liverpool as being the home of Edwina Currie, Esther McVey and Nadine Dorries.

We can continue with this if you promise to recognise the difference between voter numbers in a constituency, voter turnout at an election and percentages.

Oh, and if you refrain from throwing in dubious and spurious "facts and figures".

And of course I must be too young to remember any non-Labour MPs from Merseyside eh?

You made me forget myself, I thought I was someone else, someone good.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #297 on: May 23, 2014, 11:44:41 am »
You're right that their policy is paper thin, but if that's the case then shouldn't we rip it to fucking shreds?

Its all well and good saying they're a gang of racist gobshites but you're preaching to the choir here lad. If you want to change the minds of those who vote for them you've got to beat UKIP on their policies.

You're probably right that most people who vote UKIP are daft little Englanders, but the thing about democracy is that everybody gets a vote, including the monumentally stupid. If you want to beat UKIP then you have to come up with arguments that will convince those who are voting UKIP, not those who already think they're a gang of scumbags.

How do you rip something to shreds when it doesn't really exist.

Obviously policies will be in play for the General Election in a year's time, but for local elections people simply don't care as much, they do use them as an opportunity to vent on occasion.

Sadly if you're voting UKIP for council or Euro elections, you probably don't care what their tax policy is, after all its not as if they'll be in position to implement it as a result of these elections anyway, that should be a different story to an extent for the general election.

Also when they finally put out policies, it will be a lot more difficult to continue to show the breadth of their appeal, its hard to put policies together on issues beyond immigration that appeal to those to the right of the current Tories and the disaffected northern working classes.

I wouldn't expect the UKIP share of the vote for the next election to be as low as in the last one, but equally it won't be anything like we will see in the Euro election results at the weekend.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #298 on: May 23, 2014, 11:45:54 am »
You're right that their policy is paper thin, but if that's the case then shouldn't we rip it to fucking shreds?

Its all well and good saying they're a gang of racist gobshites but you're preaching to the choir here lad. If you want to change the minds of those who vote for them you've got to beat UKIP on their policies.

You're probably right that most people who vote UKIP are daft little Englanders, but the thing about democracy is that everybody gets a vote, including the monumentally stupid. If you want to beat UKIP then you have to come up with arguments that will convince those who are voting UKIP, not those who already think they're a gang of scumbags.

It has been ripped to shreds, time and again.

I’m sorry but those people voting UKIP? I couldn’t give a fucking toss about them. Daily Mail and Sun reading knuckle dragging scum who couldn’t be educated about the actual facts because they don’t give a fuck; they just want to wallow in their own tiny minded bigotry because it makes them feel important. They don’t like facts and the real world and all its complexities because they are terrified by it. To them, making the world as black and white as possible allows them to function, it’s how they cope. Well fuck them I say.

What we need in this country is a proper Labour party and if anything at all can be taken from the rise of UKIP it is that we, ordinary people, need to demand more and do more. Because too often the voice of the “black and white” is heard and left unchallenged.
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #299 on: May 23, 2014, 11:51:02 am »
That quote is why they have done so well, you cannot shut down debate because it hurts your sensitivities - only on here you can, not in the real world, which is where I happen to live.

Who has shut down debate? They have been shown up for what they are time and again, they have no substance. What they have proved to be is a vehicle for people to vent their bile all dressed up as a serious political statement.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #300 on: May 23, 2014, 11:59:46 am »
Who has shut down debate? They have been shown up for what they are time and again, they have no substance. What they have proved to be is a vehicle for people to vent their bile all dressed up as a serious political statement.

Well OK, I think we know you hate them but that is the debate you want not the debate the country needs. You know what the debatable issues are but are a single issue obsessive, not alone on here.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 12:08:48 pm by WhoHe »

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #301 on: May 23, 2014, 12:06:43 pm »
Well OK, I think we know you hate them but that is the debate you want now the debate the country needs. You know what the issues are but are a single issue obsessive.

I didn't understand that, sorry.
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #302 on: May 23, 2014, 12:12:21 pm »
We can continue with this if you promise to recognise the difference between voter numbers in a constituency, voter turnout at an election and percentages.

Oh, and if you refrain from throwing in dubious and spurious "facts and figures".

And of course I must be too young to remember any non-Labour MPs from Merseyside eh?

No, we can continue it if you decide to shake off your comfortable delusions and wake up to the reality that UKIP is drawing support from all sides, not just ultra-right wing former Tories. You want me to post links "proving" that that's the case? Do a quick Google search of today's news sources and you'll find them everywhere. Or maybe it's easier to close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and shout "not listening, not listening".
Seriously, you're beginning to resemble the Black Knight in Monty Python & The Holy Grail; the one that wants to keep fighting even after all his arms and legs have been chopped off.

Here's something I will post for you....from the very clever, and very left-wing John Harris, writing in today's Guardian. He's woken up to the reality. If only others could, too:

Ukip's success is no false dawn – it's time to stop sneering
John Harris

Friday 23 May 2014 09.59 BST

Over the past week or so – in the wake of Nigel Frottage's supposedly disastrous LBC interview and as politicians and pundits queued up to accuse his party of being racist – something interesting began to emerge. It was almost as unpleasant as some of the views of the Ukip leader and the out-there candidates who were crash-landing in the news – a collective outbreak of sneering, which started to transcend the party itself and blur into a generalised mockery of anyone minded to support it. You could see it most clearly in the rash of satirical(ish) #WhyImVotingUkip tweets that are piling up even now (eg "Because our true British maypoles are set to be completely replaced by foreign gay Poles within 5 years" or "Because I'm uneducated,uncultured, white and old") and it's not pretty: an apparent belief that to vote UKIP is to be an idiot of some description, either bigoted or duped, and worthy of little more than contempt.

If you remain of that opinion, you should stop reading and go somewhere else. As the local election results come in and Ukip's numbers continue to look remarkable, the rest of us should maybe pause for thought and realise that something rather sobering is afoot, as happened in the 2012 county council elections, only more so. If a party is averaging 47% of the vote in a Labour stronghold such as Rotherham, toppling Tories from their perches in crucial Conservative territory and apparently heading towards first place in the European contest, something important is obviously afoot. Moreover, if people are supporting Ukip in such large numbers – even after the media's massed guns have been rattling at it for weeks – it is probably time to drop all the sneering and think about why.

So far, neither side of politics has even the beginnings of an adequate response. Listening to senior Conservatives this morning (Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove on BBC Breakfast was a good example), you would think they simply need to further turn the screw on welfare and immigration and everything will be OK. Equally, when the left pipes up about Ukip voters' worries being reducible to either the "cost of living crisis" or a tangle of concerns around job markets and public services, they get nowhere near the whole story.

The truth is that the Ukip surge is built around a multitude of factors that wrong-foot both left and right. And on my side of politics, the most difficult stuff to process is about things from which the left tends to avert its eyes: notions of identity and belonging, anxiety about accelerated change and the fact that that leftie hooray-word "community" can actually have chewy connotations. Crudely put, when you meet a Labour-Ukip switcher who expresses worries about immigration, you can't simply reduce what they say to falling wages and the lack of social housing.

Immigration and people's responses to it are complex beyond words: they test just about every article of faith across the political spectrum.

I am writing this piece in Great Yarmouth, where the borough council count has yet to start, but a few hours spent talking to people outside polling stations underlined all those themes, and more. What was most telling, though, was the fact that so many people were engaged with what was happening and under precious few illusions. Given that Ukip is a non-story in London, the metropolitan media will presumably continue to misunderstand it and patronise its voters, but one misapprehension needs to be corrected, and fast: Ukip voters do not form some blind personality cult and neither are they unaware of the often unpleasant views of the party's people. Mention Frottage and you hear things such as, "I don't trust him either". Yet again, "complicated" doesn't even begin to describe it.

This is not some bolt from the blue. The two – no, three – party system is in deep crisis. It looks like there is no way back to the world where either Labour or the Tories compete to break through the magic 40% barrier and all is largely well. The Liberal Democrats look to have had it. Meanwhile, Scotland is threatening to pull away from the UK and the result of next year's general election, let alone what will happen in its aftermath, is anyone's guess.

In my hotel room – at a ring-road Travelodge, in case anyone was wondering – a succession of Westminster faces are blathering on the television and I have just received a text message from an activist friend in response to one I sent which read, "I love the smell of toast in the morning". He wrote: "We can all smell the coffee. Ed, Cameron et al refuse to act because it's all about them. How long can it last?"


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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #303 on: May 23, 2014, 12:14:13 pm »
It has been ripped to shreds, time and again.

I’m sorry but those people voting UKIP? I couldn’t give a fucking toss about them. Daily Mail and Sun reading knuckle dragging scum who couldn’t be educated about the actual facts because they don’t give a fuck; they just want to wallow in their own tiny minded bigotry because it makes them feel important. They don’t like facts and the real world and all its complexities because they are terrified by it. To them, making the world as black and white as possible allows them to function, it’s how they cope. Well fuck them I say.

What we need in this country is a proper Labour party and if anything at all can be taken from the rise of UKIP it is that we, ordinary people, need to demand more and do more. Because too often the voice of the “black and white” is heard and left unchallenged.

Spot on mate.

UKIP have been shown up time and time again (FFS it was only the other day Frottage was shown as not knowing what was in his own manifesto) but your average idiot doesn't care and is still voting for them. They just hear the buzz words like 'EU' and 'immigration' and their tiny little minds love it.

As has been said by a few people, these lot are just a slightly more 'socially acceptable' BNP and that's why they're getting the votes. Racists, homophobes, general bigots can vote for a racist. homophobic, bigotted party without the stigma that came attached with the BNP.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #304 on: May 23, 2014, 12:14:29 pm »
How do you rip something to shreds when it doesn't really exist.

Obviously policies will be in play for the General Election in a year's time, but for local elections people simply don't care as much, they do use them as an opportunity to vent on occasion.

Sadly if you're voting UKIP for council or Euro elections, you probably don't care what their tax policy is, after all its not as if they'll be in position to implement it as a result of these elections anyway, that should be a different story to an extent for the general election.

Also when they finally put out policies, it will be a lot more difficult to continue to show the breadth of their appeal, its hard to put policies together on issues beyond immigration that appeal to those to the right of the current Tories and the disaffected northern working classes.

I wouldn't expect the UKIP share of the vote for the next election to be as low as in the last one, but equally it won't be anything like we will see in the Euro election results at the weekend.

I suppose it's a fair point that many of the people voting UKIP are making a point about a single issue, but is your conclusion to ignore them because they'll probably be an irrelevance at the general election next year? I agree with you in some ways, but I just think that it's not really working just carrying on calling them out on bigotry.

Also, you appear to be missing a star on your avatar :)

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #305 on: May 23, 2014, 12:24:15 pm »
If you're on here talking defensive nonsense about UKIP you had better have an articulate case to defend your position at the ready, that's all I'm saying, because otherwise you are saying you stand for what the rest of the party and it's spokesmen stand for, much of which is ban-worthy on this site (most notably racist and homophobic views).

People are, in my view, only right in taking UKIP supporters to task, because it's hard to find any kind of sympathy for the points of view they represent.

So kindly pipe down with the outrage, and be prepared to be articulate, because on my part at least, there's a strong presumption that you might be a dangerous idiot.

Well said fella ,

Back on topic though and I am surprised by how quietly the main stream media have embraced what's happened and have not seen enough challenges to UKIP .
What  with labour being the opposite of the Tories it should have been them taking the dissenting votes and they haven't taken enough .
It's not looking good and I feel UKIP will keep some of these local voters into the general election which will transfer over to MPs .
This Labour Party has a lot to answer for .

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #306 on: May 23, 2014, 12:33:44 pm »
I didn't understand that, sorry.
Think there is a lot you don't understand, edited on shitty phone.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #307 on: May 23, 2014, 12:35:33 pm »
Could somebody educate me and tell me why they are viewed as racist and homophobic please? There seems to be a bit of outrage against them and I know nothing of them, or politics to be honest so just interested

 Frottage has specifically targeted homophobic pensioners, Roger Helmer said it's okay to disapprove of homosexuality, a councillor said we should shoot gay people and see if the rest decide to turn straight. They oppose gay marriage as well (obviously).

 As for the racism, it's just everywhere. Frottage says there's a "culture of criminality" amongst Romanians, a UKIP peer said "Muslims are breeding ten times faster than us", Godfrey Bloom sees African nations as little more than frauds stealing British money but who otherwise just play the bongos. Have a look at some right-wing blogs and papers across the net - all their supporters are xenophobic cockends.

 They're scum to put it simply.
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #308 on: May 23, 2014, 12:39:09 pm »

Ukip's success is no false dawn – it's time to stop sneering
John Harris

Bit of a nothing article, what is he saying?  I for one am not sneering at anyone, I’m calling them out for who they are and what they stand for. And to anyone who votes for them, I’m not sneering, I’m calling you out too.

But he’s right on one thing, the political landscape is in tatters.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #309 on: May 23, 2014, 12:40:53 pm »
I suppose it's a fair point that many of the people voting UKIP are making a point about a single issue, but is your conclusion to ignore them because they'll probably be an irrelevance at the general election next year? I agree with you in some ways, but I just think that it's not really working just carrying on calling them out on bigotry.

Also, you appear to be missing a star on your avatar :)

It's a very old school avatar alright!

With regards to UKIP, from a Labour point of view, they will I would imagine be looking into reasons why some of their traditional vote might flip to UKIP, and if there is anything they can do to address some of those issues where it doesn't conflict with their core platform, and be seen to be listening, which is always useful.

Apart from that they will have to be patient I suspect, as UKIP grows their record at local level will start to become an issue, and you suspect internal division will become a much bigger issue with a few of the headcases they have on board, ultimately though you don't want to be too aggressive in some of the language used about them at this stage for fear of alienating some of their voters who you will be hoping return in the general election.

Ultimately though policy is likely to be their undoing at the General Election (and the fact that people think that vote actually matters, as opposed to their view of Local and Euro elections).

The fear in the long term I suppose is that they invent themselves in the mould of much of the Republican party in the US, where they get people to vote for them on socially conservative policies and ignore the fact that they are cutting their own throats with right wing economic policies, I'm not sure enough people really care that strongly about social issues here though, unlike in the US.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #310 on: May 23, 2014, 12:41:44 pm »
No, we can continue it if you decide to shake off your comfortable delusions and wake up to the reality that UKIP is drawing support from all sides, not just ultra-right wing former Tories. You want me to post links "proving" that that's the case? Do a quick Google search of today's news sources and you'll find them everywhere. Or maybe it's easier to close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and shout "not listening, not listening".
Seriously, you're beginning to resemble the Black Knight in Monty Python & The Holy Grail; the one that wants to keep fighting even after all his arms and legs have been chopped off.

Here's something I will post for you....from the very clever, and very left-wing John Harris, writing in today's Guardian. He's woken up to the reality. If only others could, too

Early poll evidence suggesting that much of UKIP's progress is due to former Labour supporters voting for them.

Compare what you've said today, easy copy of media spin on where UKIP support comes from and then allowing that UKIP support comes from all sides....................................perhaps you can see where your posts piss me off?

I don't need to wake up to reality, I was pounding the streets and speaking with voters this week including yesterday evening, that allowed me some insight into who was voting UKIP in my area without having to rely on any "it makes good TV" spin. Yes there are working class who are right-wing, there are working class who agree with UKIP on EU & Immigration but don't pretend to me that "much of UKIP's progress is due to former Labour supporters voting for them". I realise that UKIP grasped a unique opportunity to break the political mould which has been fractured by the expenses , and other, scandals.

Sadly Bushmills, you revert to type and throw in personal jibes which do nothing for your argument, now who does that remind me of?
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #311 on: May 23, 2014, 12:54:47 pm »
Compare what you've said today, easy copy of media spin on where UKIP support comes from and then allowing that UKIP support comes from all sides....................................perhaps you can see where your posts piss me off?

I don't need to wake up to reality, I was pounding the streets and speaking with voters this week including yesterday evening, that allowed me some insight into who was voting UKIP in my area without having to rely on any "it makes good TV" spin. Yes there are working class who are right-wing, there are working class who agree with UKIP on EU & Immigration but don't pretend to me that "much of UKIP's progress is due to former Labour supporters voting for them". I realise that UKIP grasped a unique opportunity to break the political mould which has been fractured by the expenses , and other, scandals.

Sadly Bushmills, you revert to type and throw in personal jibes which do nothing for your argument, now who does that remind me of?

A few pages ago you told me you were "insulted" at the suggestion that any Labour voters would turn to UKIP. Now you're saying you accept that some "working class" people (careful not to say "Labour" I notice, even though Ed Miliband himself has accepted the fact this morning) actually are.  You can see why YOUR posts piss me off.

Nice personal jibe at the end there, btw.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #312 on: May 23, 2014, 12:59:28 pm »
Yeah, and with Boko Haram storming it in Nigeria, we're both happy, aren't we?  :wanker

You'd love that wouldn't you - angry brown Muslims, stealing off schoolgirls - the stuff of wet dreams for rightwingers like you  :-*

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #313 on: May 23, 2014, 01:00:07 pm »
A few pages ago you told me you were "insulted" at the suggestion that any Labour voters would turn to UKIP. Now you're saying you accept that some "working class" people (careful not to say "Labour" I notice, even though Ed Miliband himself has accepted the fact this morning) actually are.  You can see why YOUR posts piss me off.

Nice personal jibe at the end there, btw.

Any Labour to UKIP votes will be purely protest votes and a one off – a fucking stupid thing to do if you ask me, but anyway - that can’t be said of Tory to UKIP votes, and that says a lot.
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #314 on: May 23, 2014, 01:11:59 pm »
Well said fella ,

Back on topic though and I am surprised by how quietly the main stream media have embraced what's happened and have not seen enough challenges to UKIP .
What  with labour being the opposite of the Tories it should have been them taking the dissenting votes and they haven't taken enough .
It's not looking good and I feel UKIP will keep some of these local voters into the general election which will transfer over to MPs .
This Labour Party has a lot to answer for .

I think Labour are terrified of saying anything at all directly about UKIP.
Gordon Brown calling that woman a bigot a few years ago essentially ruined him and any chance Labour had of winning (not that they really had a chance)

I think now becsuse of the support UKIP are getting and  the fact that all 3 major parties are openly discussing immigration - something that was a huge no-no but a few years ago - Labour know that they need to do something but they don't know what.

I've said before but people just dont seem  to respond to Ed Milliband at all....he's just not a big draw for voters, which is a shame because he's a good guy and is very switched on.
Just a shame our politics is more American now, where it's looks and appearance and soundbites over policy.
Labour should have changed leader  a year or so ago, its not working and we're going to have another hung parliament and I bet the Tories will be involved again....should be Labour ahead though, going to be interesting next year.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 01:20:18 pm by johnsmithlfc »
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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #315 on: May 23, 2014, 01:21:58 pm »
You'd love that wouldn't you - angry brown Muslims, stealing off schoolgirls - the stuff of wet dreams for rightwingers like you  :-*

You're not even good for comedy value, are you?  :wanker

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #316 on: May 23, 2014, 01:22:26 pm »
UKIP spokesman says: "We don't tend to do well in London because it's cultural, educated and young". Made me laugh even UKIP know its voters are full of fucking idiots. Must be nice knowing thats how the party you voted for think of you.

Old white and thick as pig shit. Well done

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #317 on: May 23, 2014, 01:26:22 pm »
You're not even good for comedy value, are you?  :wanker

You are - as a right wing caricature, you're rather amusing

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #318 on: May 23, 2014, 01:27:17 pm »
A few pages ago you told me you were "insulted" at the suggestion that any Labour voters would turn to UKIP. Now you're saying you accept that some "working class" people (careful not to say "Labour" I notice, even though Ed Miliband himself has accepted the fact this morning) actually are.  You can see why YOUR posts piss me off.

Nice personal jibe at the end there, btw.

Wow, Bushmills, it seems that what you're saying is that the working class are all Labour voters.            Quite a statement that.

Maybe you'll consider that's why I differentiate between "working class" and "Labour voter" when required, not for semantics but for truth.

These last weeks the only alternative that has been mentioned to me by disenchanted Labour voters has been the Greens. Some working class people have told me that they would vote UKIP.

BTW, I had lists of previous Labour voters and identified the working class from talking with them on their doorsteps. Before you ask  :)

Maybe we can both see why we both piss each other off.

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Re: UKIP councillor blames storms and floods on gay marriage
« Reply #319 on: May 23, 2014, 01:29:34 pm »
Ed Balls has been saying that they need to look at EU reform and immigration control, all major parties have been shook up and you know what - I for one think it was needed. Let's face it UKIP have no chance in the general election but if they can encourage addressing the issues that matter to people then Labour could be returned with a majority, we will see.
Now, David Milliband, he will never win an election he is so out of touch it is untrue, he is an academic who simply does not connect with voters and whether we like it or not, appearances matter (remember Michael Foot) and he is very underwhelming. Get shut and appoint Chuka Umunna or Andy Burnham otherwise write off the next election and get the other Milliband in, which I occasionally think was the plan all along once Ed got elected. This is the least impressive opposition front bench I have ever seen so not exactly spoilt for choice.