Author Topic: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S  (Read 5320 times)

Offline Elmo!

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #40 on: September 1, 2023, 08:55:29 am »
I bought the upgrade but got stuff on today so will be starting it tomorrow.

Having said that, I fired up my Xbox whilst working just in case there were any patches to install for it (installed it 2 weeks ago and haven't had Xbox on since) and I can't sign into Xbox Live so it won't launch. Must be under heavy load...

Offline ScottScott

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #41 on: September 1, 2023, 09:03:09 am »
Pretty mediocre reviews across the board.

88 on Metacritic, 94% recommended which is the better metric. It's getting great reviews across the board and seems to actually have very few bugs

Will be on it tonight, couldn't be bothered staying up until 1am to start it last night

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #42 on: September 1, 2023, 09:39:53 am »
I'm struggling to see how 7s and 8s are considered mediocre.

Offline ToneLa

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #43 on: September 1, 2023, 09:50:44 am »
What's shocking to me is the number of mods already available that already seem like must haves (DLSS, FOV tweaks). By the time of the full release I'm expecting inventory management mods.

The FOV is meant to be like 70 or something by default which is disgusting

DLSS swapping is a common thing to me when I play PC games. Vastly prefer it to AMD's FSR

OK, so it's a Bethesda game

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #44 on: September 1, 2023, 09:56:20 am »
Hi All - anyone who has it able to provide some feedback?

Not got an XBOX but just curious to see how this turned out.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #45 on: September 1, 2023, 09:58:22 am »
From what I've seen, a lot of the criticism seems to be about things that just don't really fit the overblown expectations people had. It seems to be a Bethesda game (minus the avalanche of bugs for release) with all the usual Bethesda things like a not too elaborate main story, loads of side stuff, loads of stuff to explore and a more or less open world. It's not the gamechanger a lot of people seem to have expected. The criticism I've seen in the reviews I've watched (from some bigger outlets and from some smaller ones I trust) is mainly that space travel is not seamless and that exploring is not as interesting as expected. Neither of those things seem a big deal to me. What I did find funny though was IGN saying that landing on planets in Starfield is bad and it's not as good as it is in No Man's Sky. I have not been playing the latter recently after all those big patches, but to say that their spacetravel is in any way special is just laughable unless they've changed the "auto-land" stuff they had in it at the beginning.

I don't really care that much about reviews anyway. I use them to get a look at the game and get an idea whether I might like it. Whether a game is for you always depends on how much fun you have while playing it, no matter what the reviews said. Stuff like Elden Ring or that Hideo Kojima thing where you're a postman got great reviews, but I hated both of them, because they're just not the kind of games I enjoy. Cyberpunk was blasted by reviewers at release, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and actually made it to the end (which was helped by not running into any real issue with bugs or technical issues). No review can beat playing a game yourself.

Offline stoa

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #46 on: September 2, 2023, 06:05:35 pm »
Hi All - anyone who has it able to provide some feedback?

Not got an XBOX but just curious to see how this turned out.

Playing on PC and I think I've done the main quest to the point where the game opens up and you're basically free to do what you want (at least that's what people in some guides I've watched have suggested). What I can say so far is that it's your typical Bethesda game. Inventory and UI are quite clunky and the game just throws a shitload of stuff at you. You really can't do anything without picking up some side-quest whether it's because you hear some people talk or because you actively start talking to people. It's a bit overwhelming so far as it's not like you're in some small village you just have so many potential places you can go to. Liking it so far, but will have to see where it goes...

Offline Draex

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #47 on: September 3, 2023, 09:07:03 am »
Spent over an hour building my character.. start the game properly tonight, the normal fpv and combat looks really nice so far.

Offline ScottScott

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #48 on: September 4, 2023, 11:16:21 am »
It's amazing. I could never get into the Elder Scrolls games as I'm not big into my fantasy genre stuff so I always preferred Fallout but this has grabbed me and pulled me right into it

Done the 1st few main story missions and I'm now out on my own starting some of the other stuff I've been given or overheard. About to start myself a job as well

Combat feels really good which is a nice surprise. Game looks so good on the Series X and plays really well. It's the only game I've been thinking about since I started it and I have that need to get back to it at every opportunity so I can tell it's really got me hooked. Can't wait to see more

During the mission to go and find the next bit of the artifact, you go find some fella on a station orbiting the Moon. You get a dialogue option of going down to the surface of the Moon before going on to find the person you're after. So I took it obviously and landed on the moon. Discover an abandoned weapons factory so go and explore and end up in a firefight with some Spacers who had taken it over. Just intense and a great thing to stumble upon on a whim. Here's to finding more on my journeys

Offline stoa

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #49 on: September 4, 2023, 12:26:07 pm »
One thing that I think is really disappointing is how they've implemented space travel and your own spaceship. I had no real expectations of what it would look like, because I basically didn't follow the development of Starfield. However, after playing for a few hours both space travel and your own ship just feel so unnecessary and clunky at times. You need your ship to get around (as you would expect) and can use it as your mobile base, but other than that it serves no real purpose (at least as far as I can tell). Yes, you can have a space battle from time to time and use it for role playing purposes, but they're just not using the full potential for it. I get it that you can't make people travel around in their ship like in Elite Dangerous or No Man's Sky, but why didn't they implement some kind of "mini-game" that actually makes you dock at space stations or other ships and that makes you actually land on a planet? You can fly around, but if you don't want to be a pirate and attack other ships the whole space travel is just pointless except for a few scripted fights/events during quests. There's also absolutely no need to do any actual space travelling, because it just makes the process that much more tedious compared to fast travelling. All it does is add a few more cut scenes of your ship and pushing some more buttons and looking at one or two more screens.

You can also do missinos with your shipt, but they seem rather pointless as well. They make you haul cargo from one place to another. You don't need to do anything, just make sure your ship has enough free storage space (if you don't, the game won't let you accept the mission anyway) and then fly to the place you're supposed to go. Upon arrival in that system the money goes to your accoun. Done. Haven't done any of the other missions, but not sure I can be arsed with them either, as they seem to be about going to a planet and scan everything, which is boring as fuck.

I like the game so far, but space travel/your ship is definitely something that could be improved either through patches or even in a bigger way through DLC in the future. Should be one of the first things they look at in that respect in my view.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #50 on: September 4, 2023, 09:09:48 pm »

Not proper shite but my early impressions are it feels like a fast travel simulator, ruins all immersion, to be honest it would've been better if they'd made a single solar system with a few planets and a bunch of moons and given you full freedom to explore

Textures look bland as fuck as well, guess that's down to them using an old engine

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #51 on: September 5, 2023, 12:21:42 pm »
From what I've seen, a lot of the criticism seems to be about things that just don't really fit the overblown expectations people had. It seems to be a Bethesda game (minus the avalanche of bugs for release) with all the usual Bethesda things like a not too elaborate main story, loads of side stuff, loads of stuff to explore and a more or less open world. It's not the gamechanger a lot of people seem to have expected. The criticism I've seen in the reviews I've watched (from some bigger outlets and from some smaller ones I trust) is mainly that space travel is not seamless and that exploring is not as interesting as expected. Neither of those things seem a big deal to me. What I did find funny though was IGN saying that landing on planets in Starfield is bad and it's not as good as it is in No Man's Sky. I have not been playing the latter recently after all those big patches, but to say that their spacetravel is in any way special is just laughable unless they've changed the "auto-land" stuff they had in it at the beginning.

I don't really care that much about reviews anyway. I use them to get a look at the game and get an idea whether I might like it. Whether a game is for you always depends on how much fun you have while playing it, no matter what the reviews said. Stuff like Elden Ring or that Hideo Kojima thing where you're a postman got great reviews, but I hated both of them, because they're just not the kind of games I enjoy. Cyberpunk was blasted by reviewers at release, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing it and actually made it to the end (which was helped by not running into any real issue with bugs or technical issues). No review can beat playing a game yourself.

It might not be great in NMS, but at least it is not completely non-existent.  The "planets" in Starfield are basically small areas, with fast travel hubs.  You can not fly around, or land on, any of them.  There is some physics implemented to make them "move", but they are in effect a flat image in space.  Initially it was thought you couldn't even fly *to* a planet, and that it was all just faked - this has at least been proven incorrect by Alannah Pearce, who left her XBox on to see how long it would take (and if it was possible) to fly from a point in orbit *with* Pluto to Pluto.  The distance she had to cover was c. 2250km - and it took her 7.5 hours.  So the ship travels at around 300km/h - basically much slower than most super cars, let alone any plane from the past 100 years.  So the calls by many about "realism" are just not true - space ships do *not* travel that slowly.  Apollo 11, in 1969, averaged 25,000 mph in space - or around 130 times quicker than the space "ship" in starfield - yet we are led to believe that it not only goes slower than trains and cars on earth in free flight, but somehow possesses FTL capabilities?  How does that make any sense *at all*

Offline ScottScott

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #52 on: September 5, 2023, 02:49:54 pm »
I've seen this brought up so many times about the lack of travel in space between planets and systems and just need to ask why anybody would want that? It was never sold as some space sim and would you want to spend a majority of your game time flying about in an empty space? Take the above post, travelling from Mars to Venus is 74.4m miles so at the above speed would take 124 days, even if you shortened that to be able to travel by lightspeed, you'd just get an animation and you'd pull up short of the planet like you do now

There is so much to do in this game and yet all I've seen are people crying that they wanted a NMS clone

Offline Elmo!

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #53 on: September 5, 2023, 03:31:58 pm »
I'm loving it so far. The load screens are a little annoying but not a deal breaker. There are the usual little graphical bugs you associate with Bethesda games but they're as often amusing as they are annoying, and not game breaking.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #54 on: September 5, 2023, 05:50:35 pm »
Fallout in space.
I'm loving it.
Needs a hefty rig to run it at 60fps though and prefers AMD cards (just like me!)

Offline stoa

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #55 on: September 5, 2023, 10:34:53 pm »
I've seen this brought up so many times about the lack of travel in space between planets and systems and just need to ask why anybody would want that? It was never sold as some space sim and would you want to spend a majority of your game time flying about in an empty space? Take the above post, travelling from Mars to Venus is 74.4m miles so at the above speed would take 124 days, even if you shortened that to be able to travel by lightspeed, you'd just get an animation and you'd pull up short of the planet like you do now

There is so much to do in this game and yet all I've seen are people crying that they wanted a NMS clone

The thing that irks me most about it (not that it's gamebreaking for me as I'm having fun with the other stuff) is that the mechanics turn "space" into nothing more than an additional  screen you have to pass when you're travelling somewhere. If you want to go from Sol to a galaxy you've not been, you use the map screen to fast travel to that galaxy. Then you arrive there and all you have to do is go to the map or point your ship into the direction of the station/planet/landing pad you want to go to and press another button. It serves no other purpose. I've played roughly 20 hours now and I've had two (or maybe three) space battles. One was some scripted event where there was already a big fight going on and another one was a simulation of space fights to finish a quest. That's it. As a result of that, your ship basically turns into nothing more than a big stash you can carry from galaxy to galaxy. It might well be that there's more space fighting later in the game, but so far I don't really see the point of having all those spaceship mechanics in there, when they're basically useless.

As I've said earlier, why not just give the ship a bigger role by implementing stuff like having to manually land on planets if you want or dock at stations. Make it  a bit Elite Dangerous or even X4 like where you actually have to find you docking/landing spot or whatever. The way it is now, all the space travel does is add unnecessary click-work to go from place A to place B. And it gives Bethesda this whole marketing thing about having 1000 procedurally generated planets which is as pointless as it is in No Man's Sky. Why not have a smaller universe and make people do something in space. Hell, I'd even take a simple trading mechanic for stuff instead of the boring missions where you need x amount of cargo space and then just fly to the right place to complete them.

For me, it feels a bit like the "vast" open world in The Witcher 3 that was talked about like it was this great new thing, when basically it was just a vast landscape with the same random shite spread around to make people think there's a lot do to. I just find that boring as fuck. Having said that, just like in Witcher 3 I really enjoy the core stuff of the game (the quests, the main mechanics), but I just don't see the point of all the filler stuff that doesn't really serve a purpose other than being able to point to it for marketing purposes.

I'm loving it so far. The load screens are a little annoying but not a deal breaker. There are the usual little graphical bugs you associate with Bethesda games but they're as often amusing as they are annoying, and not game breaking.

Haven't really found the loading screens really annoying so far, because load times are basically instantly. Then again, that might depend on the rig you're using (or if you're on Xbox). Didn't have any real bugs except one that stood out so far. Did a quest where an NPC was standing behind a desk and she needed to get me something, that was outside her office (and a floor below). So, she told me to follow here and proceeded to leave her office. I think another NPC who was patrolling her room might have messed with her pathfinding, because she went right into a corner of the room, kicked a bin and kept walking right into the wall. :D Was easy enough to solve though. Went to the ground floor of the building by elevator and went right back up. When everything had loaded back in the NPC was at the destination she needed to be to give me the thing she was supposed to give me.
« Last Edit: September 5, 2023, 10:39:30 pm by stoa »

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #56 on: September 6, 2023, 08:51:30 am »
I'm only about 10 hours or so in and I've had several encounters upon travelling to a planet and being in orbit. I've also read on the Starfield subreddit that there are loads of random encounters and even missions when doing so and not to just fast travel to the surface

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #57 on: September 6, 2023, 03:27:01 pm »
Already a crap ton of mods for this making things even better :)

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #58 on: September 6, 2023, 08:59:58 pm »
My initial impressions are mixed. Firstly this game has suffered from Xbox's lacklustre first party output in recent years so it's kind of never going to live up to the expectations. I've avoided pretty much everything about the game, aside from knowing it's Bethesda behind it.

The 30fps is disorientating at first with it being first person. 3rd person actually feels more grounded than Skyrim though so maybe that's a viable alternative at times.
Character customisation-just the human race, it's fine but I struggled to find a hair style, I either looked like Jack Nicholson from the shining or steph curry!

I did like the background options, I went for cyber runner as I do like stealth focused gameplay though there's enough options for plenty more play throughs with different styles. Went with Alien DNA, Introvert and Neon Street Rat for my traits. I'm not sure how much impact this will have till I'm later in the game but I like how choosing some conflicts with others.

I know UI is never Bethesda's strong point but bringing up the menu, navigating the inventory is just so dated visually, big text and rectangular backgrounds.

First time you step out into the world, and the music starts but then visually it's so meh. I took a screenshot and it just feels so flat, it should be atmospheric and like a curiosity should hit you like what you are gonna embark on. The same way when you first got out of the sewers on oblivion or the cave in Skyrim.

In terms of travelling round the galaxy I kinda don't mind not being able to fly from planet to planet like in elite dangerous and nms but I'd just rather they cut the whole ship bit out, like just fast travel from planet to planet and show an animation. Currently it's neither here nor there. I don't think you need the ship floating about in the sky and it's not like you can land or take off fully anyway
They're just initial impressions anyway, I feel like this game might of felt more impressive if it released a few years back.
The combat is pretty decent from the little I've experienced, and I enjoy as always looting every little thing I come across and just having a roam and that's still there.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #59 on: September 7, 2023, 07:50:22 am »
Some parts of the game are brilliant, others are slow, just very slow..

I constantly keep getting arrested and subsequently killed with a bounty on my head in the UC :D

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #60 on: September 7, 2023, 08:06:43 am »
How do you to that? I only got arrested once for doing fuck all. But it was worth it. Should get arrested once anyway for questing purposes... ;)
I'm just glad NPCs are pretty relaxed if you pull a gun in front of them in a city, town or other settlement. Have probably brought out my gun dozens of times accidentally... ;D

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #61 on: September 7, 2023, 09:57:21 am »
How do you to that? I only got arrested once for doing fuck all. But it was worth it. Should get arrested once anyway for questing purposes... ;)
I'm just glad NPCs are pretty relaxed if you pull a gun in front of them in a city, town or other settlement. Have probably brought out my gun dozens of times accidentally... ;D

Pickpocketing, if you fail you'll hear someone shout stop thief or something, they then try and arrest you and one option is fight.. It always ends up with big fuck off robots coming to waste you :D

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #62 on: September 7, 2023, 10:20:06 am »
It’s downloaded and ready to go, but I’m very reluctant to pick it up when I’m having so much fun with Baldur’s Gate, and some of the stuff I’m reading about Starfield is pretty off-putting. Maybe once I’m done with BG3.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #63 on: September 7, 2023, 04:51:08 pm »
I think it’s great, typical Bethesda ‘charm’, it’s essentially Skyrim in space.  I think the map system needs work and until you’ve upgraded your ship space combat can be a ballache.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #64 on: September 8, 2023, 02:03:16 pm »
Gah I cannot decide whether to get this, BG3 or Armored Core. Lots of people are saying this is basically an Xbox 360 era RPG in 2023 - outdated, lots of weird design choices, fetch quests etc. Skyrim in space with a lick of paint. But then I fucking loved Skyrim so...

What kinda frames are people on PC getting with this? I see it's locked at 30 FPS on consoles which just seems wild to me in 2023...
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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #65 on: September 8, 2023, 02:16:37 pm »
Slightly off topic but...

Isn't Armoured Core like 15 hours to complete? 40 with all the achievements?

The kinda game you can monster in a weekend. Not sure it's an either or with Starfield

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #66 on: September 8, 2023, 02:26:08 pm »
Slightly off topic but...

Isn't Armoured Core like 15 hours to complete? 40 with all the achievements?

The kinda game you can monster in a weekend. Not sure it's an either or with Starfield

kin hell it seems you're right. Maybe I'm spoiled but I'm not shelling out £50 for 15 hours of playtime!

But back on topic. How are people finding the exploration and travel in this? Exploring that huge world was one of the great appeals of Skyrim to me.
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Online Hedley Lamarr

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #67 on: September 8, 2023, 03:18:43 pm »
Gah I cannot decide whether to get this, BG3 or Armored Core. Lots of people are saying this is basically an Xbox 360 era RPG in 2023 - outdated, lots of weird design choices, fetch quests etc. Skyrim in space with a lick of paint. But then I fucking loved Skyrim so...

What kinda frames are people on PC getting with this? I see it's locked at 30 FPS on consoles which just seems wild to me in 2023...

It’s not, it’s definitely next gen  It’s miles away from PS4/Xbox 4/1, there’s a reason it doesn’t run on last gen consoles.  I love it, but also acknowledge it’s not a massive step forward.  The graphics are much better and the story is pretty cool. But it is Skyrim in space, next gen with much better combat.  I’ll sink 100 hours into this easily.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #68 on: September 8, 2023, 04:45:17 pm »
A word of warning, don't loot strong boxes near the security, get caught then fight..

Currently got a bounty and if I go anywhere in the UC they open fire :D including rank 32 ships which 1 shot me.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #69 on: September 8, 2023, 04:46:09 pm »
Gah I cannot decide whether to get this, BG3 or Armored Core. Lots of people are saying this is basically an Xbox 360 era RPG in 2023 - outdated, lots of weird design choices, fetch quests etc. Skyrim in space with a lick of paint. But then I fucking loved Skyrim so...

What kinda frames are people on PC getting with this? I see it's locked at 30 FPS on consoles which just seems wild to me in 2023...

BG3 is by far a higher quality game in almost every aspect. But I'd say Starfield is more accessible.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #70 on: September 8, 2023, 05:08:59 pm »
BG3 is by far a higher quality game in almost every aspect. But I'd say Starfield is more accessible.

This is fair.  I think Starfield is great, in the old fashioned Fallout/Skyrim kinda way, but if you step away and look at it objectively you'll see lots of faults.  It's nowhere near as buggy as those games, but technically it should be better, but they're the only people who can just give you Fallout 4/Skyrim in space.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #71 on: September 8, 2023, 05:34:12 pm »
I've seen this brought up so many times about the lack of travel in space between planets and systems and just need to ask why anybody would want that? It was never sold as some space sim and would you want to spend a majority of your game time flying about in an empty space? Take the above post, travelling from Mars to Venus is 74.4m miles so at the above speed would take 124 days, even if you shortened that to be able to travel by lightspeed, you'd just get an animation and you'd pull up short of the planet like you do now

There is so much to do in this game and yet all I've seen are people crying that they wanted a NMS clone

No?  The issue *isn't* just with the lack of flight between systems and planets, but *within planets*.  Look at how NMS (and many, many other games) implements a "planet" - it allows you to get in a ship, take off, see something interesing and fly towards it.  You don't even need to travel outside the atmosphere. 

You can do that with a ship that isn't that much faster than the ship in Starfield (which as I said, is about 10 times as slow as tech that exists *today*), and it makes it seem like a more immersive environment, as opposed to a series of different maps which you fast travel between by using menus.  The ship is basically completely redundant, and seems to be there just to remind you that the setting is space, and not earth (like Fallout) or Tamriel (the ES games). 

This game has been in development for so long, cost so much, had multiple teasers showing the ship and space off - to get a game which is basically a series of self contained maps, with no connection between them, zero immersion about travelling between them, zero *ability* to even travel between areas on the same planet (bringing up the question whether they are even *on* the same planet) -  when other games with significantly less development resources were able to implement basic flying etc easily is discouraging. 

As someone who thinks the best Fallout game is New Vegas, which was nothing to do with Bethesda; and who thinks Skyrim was very good fun, but hardly GOTY material (and doesn't understand how it won the awards it did ahead of much better  games in Portal 2, Uncharted 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, et name but 3) - I just don't trust Bethesda to make a world and story line I care about (or combat which is even approaching decent).

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #72 on: September 8, 2023, 05:36:26 pm »
Uncharted 3 better than Skyrim ? Not for you then.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #73 on: September 8, 2023, 05:39:22 pm »
It’s not, it’s definitely next gen  It’s miles away from PS4/Xbox 4/1, there’s a reason it doesn’t run on last gen consoles.  I love it, but also acknowledge it’s not a massive step forward.  The graphics are much better and the story is pretty cool. But it is Skyrim in space, next gen with much better combat.  I’ll sink 100 hours into this easily.

Really?  From what I have seen on streams, which will have some compression by being streamed, and it being not even able to do a full 30fps - I don't think it is significantly better looking (on Console) than Horizon: Zero Dawm, Last of Us 2, God of War or Ghost of Tsushima from the PS4 era to say it is looking like "a next gen game" - and it is significantly less impressive looking IMO than Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Forbidden West or Demon's Souls on my PS5.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #74 on: September 8, 2023, 05:41:32 pm »
Really?  From what I have seen on streams, which will have some compression by being streamed, and it being not even able to do a full 30fps - I don't think it is significantly better looking (on Console) than Horizon: Zero Dawm, Last of Us 2, God of War or Ghost of Tsushima from the PS4 era to say it is looking like "a next gen game" - and it is significantly less impressive looking IMO than Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Forbidden West or Demon's Souls on my PS5.

Shut up and don't play it then ?  I don't get why you're so involved in a game you clearly won't play.  Move on.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #75 on: September 8, 2023, 05:43:26 pm »
Uncharted 3 better than Skyrim ? Not for you then.

I just found too much that stopped me from absolutely *loving* skyrim - I still played it for like 75+ hours, and had a very good fun time - but that was on PC, with about 30+ mods (some quality of life, some performance/graphics, some mini-expansions, etc), but it was a 8.5/10 and Uncharteds 2 and 3 were 9s for me  (I think Portal 2 and Deus Ex: HR were truly phenomenal games, and to be honest Uncharted 3 I probably like mainly *because* of the second one).  And if I am having to mod the heck out of a game to truly enjoy the game, then I am going to dock it a little and not give full praise to the developers.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #76 on: September 8, 2023, 05:52:08 pm »
Shut up and don't play it then ?  I don't get why you're so involved in a game you clearly won't play.  Move on.

Because this is a discussion topic?  ESO is probably the only MMO I truly have liked playing; Skyrim despite it's faults I still played (as I put in my other post) for 75+ hours; I liked Fallout 3 a lot (but just happened to prefer New Vegas).  I love the idea of a big open world RPG in space, where you can actually travel between place - and am trying to say I am just disappointed that one of the things I was most interested in (being able to have larger maps on a planet than something like Skyrim, and travelling over the planets, and land somewhere to explore -  instead of having to walk everywhere) is non-existent.

Apologies if you thought I was trying to be too down on the game, or shitting on it - I realise it's limitations, but given the budget etc am just trying to say I am disappointed that that feature isn't there - as well as point out that claims like "it could only exist on current gen technology as it is so pretty" are a little short sighted, at least IMO  (you could make an argument around things like the AI  systems, more story complexity, etc as being current gen - but I just don't think the visuals on their own stands up to that argument)

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #77 on: September 8, 2023, 06:26:18 pm »
kin hell it seems you're right. Maybe I'm spoiled but I'm not shelling out £50 for 15 hours of playtime!

But back on topic. How are people finding the exploration and travel in this? Exploring that huge world was one of the great appeals of Skyrim to me.

For me, it is Skyrim in terms of how big the world is and how much you have to do. The big difference is that you could play Skyrim without fast travelling once (if you're crazy enough). In Starfield fast travel is an essential part of the game and you will do a lot of it. Even if you don't "fast travel" in the classical sense of teleporting to a location you have already been to (like in Skyrim), you will still do a lot of going to menus (or picking a location in your spaceship) and teleport to another planet/moon or system, which includes a short cutscene (which is essentially a loading screen) and a teleport to your desired location. The exploring is not done in a "Oh, I can see a star twinkle in the distance, I want to go there"-way. The exploring is done on the planets that are either procedurally generated and include random events and locations (not sure how much there is to find there in terms of side-quests or even lore-things like books or audio filed) or which are have been designed by the developers.

For me, it's not that big an issue, because I played Skyrim for the handcrafted main- and side-quests. I couldn't be arsed running through the world to basically find nothing of note at all. If that's the same for you and you want tons of content in the form of quests, then the game is for you. If you want to run around and enjoy the world, you can still do that, but be prepared to be interrupted by having to space-travel from location to location. You can't even explore whole planets in one go as the areas are restricted in size. Again, I don't really have an issue with that and I've never even hit one of those invisible borders. If you're expecting to run into a direction on the planet and then after multiple hours arrive at the same spot you started out at, then it's not for you, as that is not possible. The question for me is, why you would want to do that in the first place, but that's just me.

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #78 on: September 8, 2023, 06:35:59 pm »
Because this is a discussion topic?  ESO is probably the only MMO I truly have liked playing; Skyrim despite it's faults I still played (as I put in my other post) for 75+ hours; I liked Fallout 3 a lot (but just happened to prefer New Vegas).  I love the idea of a big open world RPG in space, where you can actually travel between place - and am trying to say I am just disappointed that one of the things I was most interested in (being able to have larger maps on a planet than something like Skyrim, and travelling over the planets, and land somewhere to explore -  instead of having to walk everywhere) is non-existent.

Apologies if you thought I was trying to be too down on the game, or shitting on it - I realise it's limitations, but given the budget etc am just trying to say I am disappointed that that feature isn't there - as well as point out that claims like "it could only exist on current gen technology as it is so pretty" are a little short sighted, at least IMO  (you could make an argument around things like the AI  systems, more story complexity, etc as being current gen - but I just don't think the visuals on their own stands up to that argument)

You haven't played it, you have nothing of worth to say about it. It has its faults, it's not a flawless Elden Ring like launch.  But you have zero frame of reference.  I don't get it.  I have issues with it, there are some glaring issues, but it's fun and you have fuck all experience of that.  Come back and moan when you've played it. I haven't played played The Last Of Us 2 should I hammer that ?

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Re: Starfield: PC & Xbox Series X|S
« Reply #79 on: September 8, 2023, 06:58:10 pm »
There are no doubts there are some big flaws with the game, that have been highlighted, it's far from perfect. I have a very low attention span when it comes to games.... most games I play I drop within a few hours. Been off work this week and racked up over 30 hours so far on Starfield.  ;D

Agree with Stoa that it really depends what you are looking for in a game on whether you are going to like this or not. I've never been arsed about the best graphics or frame rate so that doesn't bother me in the slightest.