Author Topic: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager. It's all right Bébé's coming back  (Read 542961 times)

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Anyone posted this yet?

Offline Macphisto80

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Jesus Christ ... they're now calling him JoMo over on the Caf.

Fuck me, am I getting old or are all fans on the internet fucking 12 years old these days?
It's a common theme now, what with players having their own brand, and people calling dickheads like Ronaldo "R7".

Offline soxfan

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Anyone posted this yet?

And there, ladies and gentlemen, is the hypocritical/Cro-Magnon/deluded/entitled 67% of the Manchester United fanbase.  :lmao

Offline soxfan

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This is SPOT ON. :wellin
Matthew Norman, Independent

While the next Premier League season promises to be unusually riveting for followers of football, it may be even more so for students of psychoanalysis.

Jose Mourinho is back, nominally to manage Manchester United, but also and more intriguingly to address a time honoured conundrum about the human experience: are we truly capable of fundamental change, or are we inescapably shackled to patterns of behaviour that will inevitably repeat themselves?

The pattern that has defined the Portuguese’s remarkable career is wearyingly familiar. Early success in a new job goes hand in hand with a simulated warmth and twinkly eyed mischievousness which encourages a slavish media. But by his third season at a club, the players appear to be exhausted and sick to their eye teeth of his ravings. As the results deteriorate and the pressure intensifies, the cocky charmer facade evaporates to reveal a hissing puff adder, randomly spraying his venom at any perceived opponent who wanders into his range.

Such targets have included referees, like the Swede Anders Frisk, who retired after allegations of collusion with Barcelona that elicited death threats from Chelsea’s notoriously good-natured fan base, Tito Vilanova, when assistant coach of Barca – behind whom with typical grace in defeat – Mourinho snuck up and poked in the eye while at Real Madrid in 2011, and most recently the Chelsea doctor Eva Carneiro, whom last season Mourinho publicly criticised for her eccentric decision to attend to a player in accord with rules mandating urgent medical treatment for players with possible head injuries.

As his situation deteriorates and the sack heaves into view, Mourinho unleashes ritualistic mutterings about betrayal – by the chairman, his players, the Mossad, the people who faked the moon landings, David Icke’s giant lizards, etc. Finally, in lieu of a straitjacket, he is handed a multimillion pound pay-off cheque and departs for a disappointingly brief spell of wound-licking, before re-emerging to reprise the psychodrama at another club.

The one cause for optimism about the coming reinstatement at Old Trafford is that it may be his last. At the very highest level of European club football, this could be his final chance. The aggression may remain undimmed, but his astounding talent seems to be waning. Genius – and however soporific the football with which he achieved it, he has shown a genius for winning – seldom endures for long. His recent form (two league titles in six years) compares dismally with the six titles and two Champions League triumphs in the previous eight.

In stylistic terms, Mourinho and Manchester United are such a mismatch that the hiring looks more desperate than inspired. A club with such vaunting self-regard for its flamboyant traditions that it styles its home ground (yeuch) “the Theatre of Dreams” has hired a grandmaster of mechanical, formulaic counter-attacking play, who offloads his most creative talent and abandons rare forays into progressive football at the first sign of defensive frailty.

His renewal of hostilities with Pep Guardiola, the new coach of Manchester City, lends a cheaply Manichean air to the melodrama. Once, Guardiola was hired by Barcelona in preference to Mourinho, who had lobbied almost as long and hard for it as he did for the United job. He was outraged to be overlooked, and more so when the inexperienced Guardiola swiftly created arguably the greatest and most thrilling club side the world has seen.

Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader is one analogy this rivalry brings to mind, and Jesus vs Satan another, though one writer more accurately compares it with Sherlock Homles and Professor Moriarty. If these two are destined to go to the Reichenbach Falls, please God the Spaniard in the deerstalker is the survivor come next May when they’re handing out the Premier League trophy.

Yet such a reference flatters Mourinho. Hatred, envy and implacable resentment are grandiose flaws which add texture to any conflict. You would not wish every coach to be as saintly and adorable as Claudio Ranieri, whom Mourinho replaced at Chelsea in 2004 and routinely ridiculed thereafter (though not so much this season, curiously, when Leicester’s 1-0 win over Chelsea preceded his firing by three days). Every drama, sporting and otherwise, needs its anti-hero.

Yet peevishness, petulance and footling paranoid delusions are niggly failings that serve only to demean football. If Mourinho regards himself as a coaching rottweiler, the endless yapping casts him more as one of those toy dogs he keeps as pets. Nothing wrong with those, of course, especially in a bap with a squirt of mustard and ketchup. But the noise does tend to grate on the nerves.

Of all the complaints about Mourinho, the gravest is not the accusation that he is a nasty, egomaniacal hysteric of the kind you would do anything – possibly short of taking hemlock, and quite possibly not – to avoid sitting beside on the top deck of a bus.

It is that, with the unceasing whining about treachery and conspiracy, and consequent creation of the siege mentality which binds a squad together for a short while before the battle fatigue sets in, he is an even more crashing bore than the football he produces.

Offline Macphisto80

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In fairness to those tweets, I dare say that a good few of ours a couple of years back would have said similar things in regard to Mourinho, had he wanted to come here. Football supporters can be a fickle bunch.

Offline soxfan

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In fairness to those tweets, I dare say that a good few of ours a couple of years back would have said similar things in regard to Mourinho, had he wanted to come here.
No! We're better than them! :missus (stay on point please :P ;)

In fairness (to us), so many younger United fans knew nothing but success under Sir Bacon Face. They are the ultimate crybaby bandwagon hoppers. They have a sense of deluded entitlement that is unmatched in English football. They are so incredibly fucking desperate right now seeing that they have become Just Another Club, that they are now latching on to the ultimate shitstain of a man to lead them, someone who might even be more of an a-hole than the one who managed them for 20 years. It's hilarious to watch. ;D
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 02:20:44 am by soxfan »

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In fairness to those tweets, I dare say that a good few of ours a couple of years back would have said similar things in regard to Mourinho, had he wanted to come here. Football supporters can be a fickle bunch.

Yeah, you see a lot of that stuff in this day and age. If I said to my mate in the pub 2 years ago I hated Klopp and then when he joined I was ecstatic nobody would know apart from my mate. But put it on your social media account and if someone has got a bit of spare time on their hands they can make you look very stupid and foolish.

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Yeah, you see a lot of that stuff in this day and age. If I said to my mate in the pub 2 years ago I hated Klopp and then when he joined I was ecstatic nobody would know apart from my mate. But put it on your social media account and if someone has got a bit of spare time on their hands they can make you look very stupid and foolish.

You don't even need spare time. Man United, their manager and fans are a gang of twats. Easy, no research whatsoever needed.
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I'll answer that mate - NO I am not and you're right he is poison. Why? Because he's a just a latter-day tramp -a highly-paid tramp of course but then again, aren't they all these days one way or another? It's just a question of degree.

Tramps have worked out pretty well for you in the past, though.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager.
« Reply #529 on: May 25, 2016, 04:49:12 am »
Anyone posted this yet?

Dear me - oh dearie dearie me. Is this really the kind of "fan" United attracts today?

Like I said the other week in another thread now locked off, I am done with following United from the moment Shitface takes the seat - so I imagine it's  matter of just days now.

On the upside, at least I won't be bracketed with dickheads that can write shite like that above.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Dear me - oh dearie dearie me. Is this really the kind of "fan" United attracts today?

Like I said the other week in another thread now locked off, I am done with following United from the moment Shitface takes the seat - so I imagine it's  matter of just days now.

On the upside, at least I won't be bracketed with dickheads that can write shite like that above.

 Redcafe are convinced you aren't a Utd fan anyway Johnno.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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The end of all things thread
« Reply #531 on: May 25, 2016, 06:15:33 am »
My heart bleeds Sol - and although it's a standard throw-away line, I honestly mean that.

That place just has to be 95% populated by rabid fucking morons. Dear God, I think I'll lose around about 30 milliseconds sleep over that startling revelation mate.  :'( :o
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Redcafe are convinced you aren't a Utd fan anyway Johnno.

The irony is that the fact Johnno doesn't want Mourinho there shows he actually cares about his club. 
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Offline jillcwhomever

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Re: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager.
« Reply #533 on: May 25, 2016, 07:52:13 am »
Dear me - oh dearie dearie me. Is this really the kind of "fan" United attracts today?

Like I said the other week in another thread now locked off, I am done with following United from the moment Shitface takes the seat - so I imagine it's  matter of just days now.

On the upside, at least I won't be bracketed with dickheads that can write shite like that above.

Well it's not been announced yet so who knows? Out of interest who would you be happy with?
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Redcafe are convinced you aren't a Utd fan anyway Johnno.
It's mainly because he speaks common sense and comes across as a genuine fan of the game while also holding his club's traditions dear. That sets him apart from the vast majority of the shower than support United these days.

When Shitcoat does get appointed Johnno, I hope you still stick around; I enjoy reading your posts.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager.
« Reply #535 on: May 25, 2016, 08:53:05 am »
It's mainly because he speaks common sense and comes across as a genuine fan of the game while also holding his club's traditions dear. That sets him apart from the vast majority of the shower than support United these days.

When Shitcoat does get appointed Johnno, I hope you still stick around; I enjoy reading your posts.

You can put money on that mate I assure you - in spite of you-know-who's imminent arrival!  :-\ :-\

This is a solid place to be talking about the game we all love. I honestly think that the overwhelming majority of the folks in here genuinely recognise there are times from time to time, when we all of us can set traditional club rivalries aside in the best interests of a good number of important factors. Maintenance of our self-respect, seeing the far bigger picture and the pursuit of honest and sensible debate. That happens a fair old lot in here and long may it continue.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Offline Kop 81

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JohnnoWhite you seem like a nice bloke considering you support that lot.

Who did you want as manager may I ask?

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Peter Schmeichel seems to be a big arsehole doesn't he?

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Can this still fall through? Considering the media announced him three days ago and have now backtracked to 'holding negotiations' Don't think i would be able to stop laughing. ;D
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Offline Kop 81

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Can this still fall through? Considering the media announced him three days ago and have now backtracked to 'holding negotiations' Don't think i would be able to stop laughing. ;D

Of course it can, this isn't completed.  Hopefully they will have to give it to Giggs for 10 years instead  :D

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager.
« Reply #540 on: May 25, 2016, 09:17:31 am »

Well it's not been announced yet so who knows? Out of interest who would you be happy with?

Well some months ago, I threw in a total newby Eddie Howe. I said this because from what I have seen of his players none of whom are household names by the way, I think he actually does believe - like many of us here believe - in trying to hold fast to the style and the attraction of how this daft game needs to be played.

It would never happen again at United (as once it did under the good counsel of Sir Matt) whilst the club is under the control of the money-grabbing Glazer arsehole owners of course! Their goal is success and the tills chinging relentlessly NOW and FOREVER!
They won't entertain anyone who passionately wants to take the time to invest in and create a culture that centres on in-house excellence by building from within.  The youth who are the future of ALL clubs - are for the longevity of their clubs as equally important as any migrant superstars who pass through temporarily, dipping their collective butties in a very rich gravy!
I would always want someone who is committed to establish such an ethos from the bottom up running the show at the club I follow.

My second punt at a name would have been Pochettino. I think he's conducted himself with a great deal of dignity and common sense, and had a very good but not a great season (Spurs are a work in progress for me).

That said, the fella has quietly gone about assembling a side and a squad that is the process of gelling and becoming once again a major force in the EPL. They may need to smarten up on the nouse front as to how they set out their stall and go about their business in Europe next season - based on a naivety shown this season - but I think they ought to be capable of doing that under the guidance of the Argentinian.

Anyway here endeth my 2pennorth!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 09:20:58 am by JohnnoWhite »
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Well some months ago, I threw in a total newby Eddie Howe. I said this because from what I have seen of his players none of whom are household names by the way, I think he actually does believe - like many of us here believe - in trying to hold fast to the style and the attraction of how this daft game needs to be played.

It would never happen again at United (as once it did under the good counsel of Sir Matt) whilst the club is under the control of the money-grabbing Glazer arsehole owners of course! Their goal is success and the tills chinging relentlessly NOW and FOREVER!
They won't entertain anyone who passionately wants to take the time to invest in and create a culture that centres on in-house excellence by building from within.  The youth who are the future of ALL clubs - are for the longevity of their clubs as equally important as any migrant superstars who pass through temporarily, dipping their collective butties in a very rich gravy!
I would always want someone who is committed to establish such an ethos from the bottom up running the show at the club I follow.

My second punt at a name would have been Pochettino. I think he's conducted himself with a great deal of dignity and common sense, and had a very good but not a great season (Spurs are a work in progress for me).

That said, the fella has quietly gone about assembling a side and a squad that is the process of gelling and becoming once again a major force in the EPL. They may need to smarten up on the nouse front as to how they set out their stall and go about their business in Europe next season - based on a naivety shown this season - but I think they ought to be capable of doing that under the guidance of the Argentinian.

Anyway here endeth my 2pennorth!

You should have gone all in for Pochettino in my opinion. He'd be a very good fit. Possibly one for 3 years time.

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Sounds like the Galzers are keying up to sell.

1. Get manager with résumé of winning titles within first 2 seasons
2. Qualify for CL
3. Throw 150m+ at new players so as to achieve point 1 & 2
4. Hit all sponsorship targets.
5. Sell club

Why on earth would they sell?
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"Still in talks". Would be funny as fuck if he turned them down.

Has to be announced to the New York Stock Exchange, so 1pm UK time, wasn't quite ready yesterday (or wanted to avoid coinciding with the fallout of the manner of Aloysius Paulus Maria "Louis" van Gaal's departure). So in all likelihood, the talks are done (and may have been done months ago, for all we know) and it's just a delaying tactic to allow announcement in New York.

Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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JohnnoWhite you seem like a nice bloke considering you support that lot.

Who did you want as manager may I ask?

I went initially for one for the future as I like the way he has his limited squad performing. He is Eddie Howe but that really was my one for the future and it would never happen under the yanks.

My second and more likely name was Pochettino. He's been about getting Spurs back on track and doing a pretty decent job of finding young talent to graft into his nucleus of "names". Maybe he's gonna make waves in this game in 3 or 4 years time - good luck to the lad.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Still apathetic about this. We can't control what they do- he may well sweep everything clean, but there are no guarantees in football, no matter how good his CV.

Just confident in Klopp getting some of his own players in and having a full pre season and hopeful that after two cup finals we're ready to kick on. You can say we were fortunate in our League Cup draw, but we didn't get to the Europa Final by any fluke.

If anything I'm just annoyed I've got to see Jose's fucking face and bullshit that spews out of his mouth all the time again - was saying to an Arsenal mate, it was a fairly decent end to the season as there wasn't really any particular manager I hated.
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I'm not that fussed about his antics, persona or mind games as a manager, though they do seem to illustrate some psychological issues that usually result in an implosion and falling out with owners and/or players.

My real 'lack of fear' in Mourinho as United manager is that he seems to be at the wrong end of his career performance curve and being/been overtaken by a generation of fresher, hungrier, more modern and tactically astute managers. I'd have been worried if he'd gone straight from Chelsea first stint to United, but not really now; even if he were inheriting a top class squad, which he is not.

Challenging for top four this season, possibly or possibly not achieving it. A title challenge and 2nd/3rd finish next season. Meltdown season three.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 10:41:09 am by redmark »
Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

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I went initially for one for the future as I like the way he has his limited squad performing. He is Eddie Howe but that really was my one for the future and it would never happen under the yanks.

My second and more likely name was Pochettino. He's been about getting Spurs back on track and doing a pretty decent job of finding young talent to graft into his nucleus of "names". Maybe he's gonna make waves in this game in 3 or 4 years time - good luck to the lad.

Mourinho's never one to stick around at a club.

As history shows he's got that 3 year maximum stay, if even that.

I'm sure Pochettino was probably sized up for the job, but perhaps he felt he wasn't quite ready for it?  Seems a smart bloke when it comes to his career decisions.

So by the time Mourinho inevitably self implodes, if Pochettino is still progressing as he constantly has done, he'll probably feel he's ready for that job if its still available to him.

Would hate to see him go there to be honest.  He does seem a good fit.

Offline redmark

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Mourinho's never one to stick around at a club.

As history shows he's got that 3 year maximum stay, if even that.

I'm sure Pochettino was probably sized up for the job, but perhaps he felt he wasn't quite ready for it?  Seems a smart bloke when it comes to his career decisions.

So by the time Mourinho inevitably self implodes, if Pochettino is still progressing as he constantly has done, he'll probably feel he's ready for that job if its still available to him.

Would hate to see him go there to be honest.  He does seem a good fit.

Pochettino must look at the squad of each and believe he has a better chance of winning a title in the next two years at Spurs than at United. It also still doesn't feel that realism has quite set in at United as to what 'sort' of managerial job is needed, and the squad remains with an age balance suggesting it should be challenging now, but lacking the quality. If they still believe they're just underachieving, Mourinho or someone like him makes sense. Pochettino may see it as a medium term rebuild (with lots of cash, to be sure) that his profile wouldn't necessarily guarantee him the supporters patience for.
Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: José Mourinho - New Manchester Unted Manager.
« Reply #549 on: May 25, 2016, 10:49:12 am »

Challenging for top four this season, possibly or possibly not achieving it. A title challenge and 2nd/3rd finish next season. Meltdown season three.

The Glazers might be happy to settle for that outcome for a couple of seasons - for me, it's all about HOW the squad plays. Couldn't stand this Porto-raised get when he had his first stint at Chelsea. The bastard had the Kings Road Swells doing exactly what Porto had been doing under him - committing disruptive minor fouls throughout the game - particularly in midfield - which was designed to and DID break up any fluency of play the opponents were creating.  Shit way to set your stall out that!

Hated him ever since - don't give a shit what he's won as his wins are as a result all tarnished as far as I'm concerned.

I know someone will come and tell me the table never lies etc. But my reply to that is that whenever the finish is close, the table never reflects the whole truth either. Hate the get and completely the wrong choice for me.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 11:01:13 am by JohnnoWhite »
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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The Glazers might be happy to settle for that outcome for a couple of seasons - for me, it's all about HOW the squad plays. Couldn't stand this Port-raised get when he had his first stint at Chelsea. The bastard had the Kings Road Swells doing exactly what Porto had been doing under him - committing disruptive minor fouls particularly in midfield - that broke up any fluency of play the opponents were creating.  Shit way to set your stall out that! Hated him ever since - don't give a shit what he's won as his wins are all of them tarnished.

I know someone will come and tell me the table never lies etc. But my reply to that is that whenever the finish is close, the table never reflects the whole truth either. Hate the get and completely the wrong choice for me.

One of the incidents I'll never forget is Drogba feigning injury against us, realising he was off the pitch and rolling back onto it to get the game stopped for a few minutes.
Stop whining : : :
The focus now should not be on who the owners are, but limits on what owners can do without formal supporter agreement. At all clubs.

Offline JohnnoWhite

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One of the incidents I'll never forget is Drogba feigning injury against us, realising he was off the pitch and rolling back onto it to get the game stopped for a few minutes.

There you go - 100% shit behaviour and under his gaffer's orders to do it. Bollux to him and the Glazers.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Online Coolie High

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Still a great manager, don't see how anyone can downplay a manager with two Cls and then turn around and defend the idiots who try to act as if Benitez isn't a top class manager in the same token, he is a c*nt and obnoxious and probably in my eyes coming out of his prime, also don't feel the Premier League is the same one he came into more than a decade ago, so really not at all worried, feel in Klopp we've ot the best manager to possibly get suited to our club and philosophy, but Mourinho and United? Seems a odd fit in a way, would have been much more worried if the got an upcoming manager with hunger in his belly like Pochettino.

Online Coolie High

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The irony is that the fact Johnno doesn't want Mourinho there shows he actually cares about his club.

Not sure Eddie Howe is a good shout though ;)

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Not sure Eddie Howe is a good shout though ;)

Keep your eye on Eddie - definitely one for the future. No big budget and whilst Bournemouth get tonked from time to time - he will not abandon his footballing principles. Needs big balls that and that approach always gets big kudos from me.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Offline Mighty Zeus

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Jose Mourinho is a despicable c*nt.

Nothing whatsoever has changed in this regard in the last 24 hours.

He is (although some may disagree) a bigger and more despicable c*nt than Alex Ferguson.

But Mourinho's cuntitude does not change the depth and breadth of Alex Ferguson's cuntitude.

Just a very simple breakdown there for any guests reading this thread from any other Internet forum, taking quotes for any one of the dozen fucking lame Scouse-obsessed threads of their own.

Mourinho is a dick. He plays dickish football. The league is worse off with him in it.

You are welcome to him. We have to fucking endure him.

Now fuck off.

Socialist Ignoramus Since 2500 BCE

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Jose Mourinho is a despicable c*nt.

Nothing whatsoever has changed in this regard in the last 24 hours.

He is (although some may disagree) a bigger and more despicable c*nt than Alex Ferguson.

But Mourinho's cuntitude does not change the depth and breadth of Alex Ferguson's cuntitude.

Just a very simple breakdown there for any guests reading this thread from any other Internet forum, taking quotes for any one of the dozen fucking lame Scouse-obsessed threads of their own.

Mourinho is a dick. He plays dickish football. The league is worse off with him in it.

You are welcome to him. We have to fucking endure him.

Now fuck off.

Have a good day. It'll all come out in the wash.
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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One of the incidents I'll never forget is Drogba feigning injury against us, realising he was off the pitch and rolling back onto it to get the game stopped for a few minutes.

Think that was the 2008 semi when Grant was in charge but Drogba has been fully immersed I'm his ways by then, you're absolutely right about how cynical he is.

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Yeah, you see a lot of that stuff in this day and age. If I said to my mate in the pub 2 years ago I hated Klopp and then when he joined I was ecstatic nobody would know apart from my mate. But put it on your social media account and if someone has got a bit of spare time on their hands they can make you look very stupid and foolish.
Aye, have a gander at the Uruguay-Ghana match thread from 2010 and I'd say you'd see some stuff people regret about Suarez. That lad is a tit though for the flip flopping opinions if anything.
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Has to be announced to the New York Stock Exchange, so 1pm UK time, wasn't quite ready yesterday (or wanted to avoid coinciding with the fallout of the manner of Aloysius Paulus Maria "Louis" van Gaal's departure). So in all likelihood, the talks are done (and may have been done months ago, for all we know) and it's just a delaying tactic to allow announcement in New York.
He isn't an officer of the company so no such announcement is required, as I understand it.
Not that it matters, it's a done deal, they are just arguing about what percentage of signings need to be Mendes clients.