Author Topic: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake (with added Rebirth)  (Read 28831 times)

Offline ThePeetmix

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #40 on: December 7, 2015, 01:32:14 pm »
Yeah, I can understand their reasoning behind it, & if this is what it takes in order to stop anything being cut then so be it.

I'm more curious how it would work.. would such an open world game work with an episodic format?

That is the big concern. If they can link each part together to allow the player to backtrack, then that'll be great. For example when Part 2 comes out, it'll be like an add-on to part 1 so you'll be able to go back to previous areas while playing part 2.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #41 on: December 7, 2015, 02:32:50 pm »
Cutting it into chunks and selling it episode-by-episode? Today's industry in a nutshell right there. Don't be fooled that this is a forced design choice either by them saying that it's because of technical reasons. That's complete bullshit. The original released in 1997 when CD-ROMs were the only viable medium to store a game on. As I recall, it was one of the biggest games ever made, data wise, and it had to be shipped on 3 discs, which was unheard of at the time, and is still relatively unheard of today. They could do the same thing, but they'd rather do a botch job and fleece people.

Offline ThePeetmix

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #42 on: December 7, 2015, 02:35:07 pm »
Cutting it into chunks and selling it episode-by-episode? Today's industry in a nutshell right there. Don't be fooled that this is a forced design choice either by them saying that it's because of technical reasons. That's complete bullshit. The original released in 1997 when CD-ROMs were the only viable medium to store a game on. As I recall, it was one of the biggest games ever made, data wise, and it had to be shipped on 3 discs, which was unheard of at the time, and is still relatively unheard of today. They could do the same thing, but they'd rather do a botch job and fleece people.

But when would we actually get the game if they waited until they complete the whole thing?

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #43 on: December 7, 2015, 03:01:20 pm »
But when would we actually get the game if they waited until they complete the whole thing?
That would depend on what kind of resources they are willing to pump into making it in the first place. It looks the part of a AAA game, but it's obviously not being produced like one. If it were, they'd hold off until it was completed for release. Obviously the more money you throw at it, the faster it gets done. It's not exactly as if they are working with the same technology they had back in '96/'97 either. Engines like UE4 have amazingly powerful tools that can block in huge landscapes in minutes. The tools allow you to literally paint in huge swaths of landscape, or cityscape, that are editable so that you can just drag and drop assets around into the scene in as many instances as you wish. If you've all your assets in place, and you follow a design, one person could build the city of Midgar (a rudimentary version of course) in days, and it would be free to explore, hardware permitting that is. It's just a matter of building everything, design, then optimising it all so that it runs on a PS4 at acceptable performance. Those are the time consuming parts. When you look at some of the open world games already out there, the size isn't a barrier for developers now because of these modern game engines. There's a new Assassin's Creed or Far Cry game now almost on a biennial basis because they're being built with similar technology. For something like a remake for this, from top to bottom, we'd more than likely be waiting at least that long, but at least you'd get a fully fledged game. Just look at the HL2 episode 2 fiasco. Development could halt between each installment. You wouldn't want that again.
« Last Edit: December 7, 2015, 03:03:54 pm by Macphisto80 »

Offline ThePeetmix

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #44 on: December 7, 2015, 03:31:30 pm »
That would depend on what kind of resources they are willing to pump into making it in the first place. It looks the part of a AAA game, but it's obviously not being produced like one. If it were, they'd hold off until it was completed for release. Obviously the more money you throw at it, the faster it gets done. It's not exactly as if they are working with the same technology they had back in '96/'97 either. Engines like UE4 have amazingly powerful tools that can block in huge landscapes in minutes. The tools allow you to literally paint in huge swaths of landscape, or cityscape, that are editable so that you can just drag and drop assets around into the scene in as many instances as you wish. If you've all your assets in place, and you follow a design, one person could build the city of Midgar in days, and it would be free to explore, hardware permitting that is. It's just a matter of building everything, design, then optimising it all so that it runs on a PS4 at acceptable performance. Those are the time consuming parts. When you look at some of the open world games already out there, the size isn't a barrier for developers now because of these modern game engines. There's a new Assassin's Creed or Far Cry game now almost on a biennial basis because they're being built with similar technology. For something like a remake for this, from top to bottom, we'd more than likely be waiting at least that long, but at least you'd get a fully fledged game. Just look at the HL2 episode 2 fiasco. Development could halt between each installment. You wouldn't want that again.

It's one of those things where we can't jump to conclusions on whether or not if this move is best for the game or whether it simply is a cash grab. It is a strange move but to give credit to SE, they didn't waste time in explaining their reasoning behind choosing this path. It's at least consistent with what they've always said in the past, that they don't think they could ever remake FF7 as a full game because of it's scale.

I think the difference between Assassin's Creed and Far Cry games is that their content is designed from scratch to work in a large scale open world, similar mission types, repeatable enemies etc. It means they have a much more streamlined process in to designing and programming their game. When it comes to FF7, the scope of game design is humongous, nothing compared to any game out there now. The amount of narrative if the story above anything else. They've got to model each character, design a large amount of animations, real-time cutscenes. So I believe the issue why they're doing multiple parts is simply because budget wise and financial wise they can't really afford to develop it for a long time and then release it as one release. This may be the only way for this to be possible as Nomura did say that if they made the game as one whole game, they'd have to cut a lot more than they wanted to.

Is it a bad thing? It really depends on many things for me.

- The amount of content in each part. Will there be enough at bare minimum, to be worth paying the price of whatever part it will be. I full expect there to be more content within each part of the game but will it be enough to be worthwhile?

- Can they get the story to fit around separate parts? Will I come to the end of part 1, feel perfectly satisfied that I've enjoyed a full-fledged adventure within that part.

- Will it affect the design of the game? Will the game become more linear as a result or will they tie each part together to allow the player to go back between games.

The actual changing of the combat system doesn't really bother me all that much. The turn-based ATB system was great for the time, but they're wanting to give older players and newer player a fresh experience. If it's good, then that's all I'm actually bothered about. That all remains to be seen.

I think overall, we need to see more info as to whether it was REALLY necessary.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #45 on: December 7, 2015, 04:19:14 pm »
I'm not so sure that the scope of the game is any reasoning behind why they are chopping this up. I've always found FF7's scale to be a bit of a fallacy, especially when compared to modern titles today. Sure, the world might have seemed massive back then, but when you dissect it to it's individual parts, it's really just a handful of places scattered around a large explorable 3d map that gave the impression that the world was huge. It wasn't unique to Final Fantasy to do this. Secret of Mana on the SNES used the same technique, but it too wasn't as large as what you were lead to believe once you opened up the map. I remember the first time getting my hands on FF7 and thinking it would take me months to complete because it was on three discs and the world seemed massive when I got outside of Midgar. I borrowed it off of someone and they were yet to complete it, and he'd the same impression. A couple of days later, I'd the game completed. Maybe not getting all the stuff that the hardcore enthusiasts seem to only care about, but I'd seen all the areas of the game. When you break them all down, they're really areas that aren't all that large by modern standards, and they are partitions. They're just scenes on a story board. If you were to break the game down and add all of those parts up, and were only able to explore them as they were in the original, then the game wouldn't actually be as large as you'd think. The likes of GTA V's open world would probably be a lot larger if you go by the sections that are actually playable. The reason why it were on 3 discs to begin with, is because it was packed with FMV. A storage killer back then.

The locations are unique to look at, though. That in itself means that building all the unique assets for those areas would be terribly time consuming, and more important than that, it would mean it would be a nightmare data wise. The only logical reasoning behind them splitting it up is because the entire sum of replicating the original would likely take up hundreds of gigs of data, too much to install in one go for most people's hardware. Data storage has always been a barrier in the industry, and it's going to continue to be so.
« Last Edit: December 7, 2015, 04:21:25 pm by Macphisto80 »

Offline ThePeetmix

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #46 on: December 7, 2015, 04:30:53 pm »

The locations are unique to look at, though. That in itself means that building all the unique assets for those areas would be terribly time consuming, and more important than that, it would mean it would be a nightmare data wise. The only logical reasoning behind them splitting it up is because the entire sum of replicating the original would likely take up hundreds of gigs of data, too much to install in one go for most people's hardware. Data storage has always been a barrier in the industry, and it's going to continue to be so.

That's what is what I meant.

"Taking the No.8 street shown in the video this time, even just this is already highly dense. If we are to remake the content of the original version at that quality, it would have been impossible to do with a single release."

Each area in the original FF7 by todays standard wouldn't be enough, so they want to add more to each area and make it a lot more interesting to explore. So the challenge is they're designing each area almost completely new. I don't think they're half-assing it because if they wanted, they could have just modelled  the game around exactly the same design, instead they're looking to do a full upgrade on the games design.

"We are not going to remake a game so you only play for nostalgia. We want to make the hearts of the original fans pump. We are adjusting the storyline with this idea in mind."

If they remain true to what they're saying, it's a full-fledged remake rather than modernised copy of the original game.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #47 on: December 7, 2015, 04:45:49 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?
No time for caution.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #48 on: December 7, 2015, 04:55:37 pm »
I suppose we'll have to wait and see how much content there is with each game, or more importantly, how much they are selling them for. I wouldn't exactly say that it's impossible to release the full game like they are making out, using the amount of detail as an excuse is a bit lame.  It's true, it would be a gargantuan install size. It wouldn't fit on a single blu ray; but then again, what's stopping them in releasing it on 3, 4 or even 5 blu rays? Nothing. I suspect they're thinking about digital releases, and they're obviously thinking about making as much money from each installment as possible. It's just common practice now in the industry to chop a game up that could be sold all at once, and sell it to the consumer under the impression that it's extra content. Then there's the added bonus of milking it even further with the said 4-disc special edition when all the installments are out, sold for the price of a full game.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #49 on: December 7, 2015, 04:56:10 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?
No, that'll cost you a tenner, DLC.

Offline PhilV

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #50 on: December 7, 2015, 04:57:29 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?

Asking the real questions

Offline Garlicbread

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #51 on: December 7, 2015, 05:00:40 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?


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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #52 on: December 7, 2015, 05:11:47 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?
Hahaha, a proper post in amongst the dissertations!
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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #53 on: December 7, 2015, 05:38:38 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?

Oh shit I wish I could remember what I called the characters :D

Barrett was Leon I think, Red XIII was Leo.... the pure imagination of an 11 year old.
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

Offline Kashinoda

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #54 on: December 7, 2015, 06:04:42 pm »
On the original i named cloud after myself, Tifa after the girl at school i fancied and Red 13 after the Cat (Scamper).

Can i do this on the new one?

This is exactly what I did, my entire crew was my mates and I.

Final Fantasy 10 was the last one you could do this on. Looks like they're saying 'Cloud' on this so no chance.

Offline JustDan

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #55 on: December 7, 2015, 08:28:20 pm »
This is exactly what I did, my entire crew was my mates and I.

Final Fantasy 10 was the last one you could do this on. Looks like they're saying 'Cloud' on this so no chance.
Ah the nostaliga. Me & my mates did the same for some of the early Final Fantasys too.

Offline ThePeetmix

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #56 on: December 7, 2015, 08:44:21 pm »
Ah the nostaliga. Me & my mates did the same for some of the early Final Fantasys too.

It was really a big part of the old school JRPGs. You actually felt like you and whoever else you wanted could be the hero. No idea why it was a trend that stopped.

Offline Garlicbread

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #57 on: December 7, 2015, 08:44:48 pm »
Final Fantasy VIII( 8 ) spoilers:

In FF8 you could name the pendant Rinoa gives you, which also names the final boss. So my mate named it "pussy" so was quite amusing(at the age of 12) to fight the final boss.

Offline Kashinoda

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #58 on: December 8, 2015, 02:03:48 am »
It was really a big part of the old school JRPGs. You actually felt like you and whoever else you wanted could be the hero. No idea why it was a trend that stopped.

They did it because of voice acting, I guess that's fair enough.

However they should have continued what they did with Final Fantasy 10... where everyone had a name except Tidus, they worked the dialog around that very well.

Offline carling

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #59 on: December 8, 2015, 12:11:48 pm »
I don't get a great feeling about the game being released as episodes.  I want to give Square the benefit of the doubt (still weird calling them SE), but what they are saying about exploring more of Midgar, among other things, just doesn't sit right with me.  I can't imagine how more Midgar can add anything to the game.  What is there to see besides more reactors / slums or a few more levels of the tower.  I worry it's going to be padding to justify more games.

A linear start through Midgar followed by the world opening up was executed perfectly in the original.  A big concern is that there won't be an open world, and you just select which areas you go to.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #60 on: December 8, 2015, 12:34:13 pm »
I remember when they announced FFXIII and FFXIII Versus in 2006. "Versus" was eventually reworked into FFXV and has still not been released almost a decade later.

So don't hold your breath.
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Offline JustDan

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #61 on: December 8, 2015, 02:34:56 pm »
It was really a big part of the old school JRPGs. You actually felt like you and whoever else you wanted could be the hero. No idea why it was a trend that stopped.
Yeah, it's a bit of a shame it's no longer really a thing, an unfortunate casualty of the rise of voice acting.

Offline carling

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #62 on: December 8, 2015, 05:09:02 pm »
Yeah, it's a bit of a shame it's no longer really a thing, an unfortunate casualty of the rise of voice acting.

They should just record a load of names, or use text-to-speech, and then do like the old FIFA games did.  So have a sentence being spoken, have a gap, and then play the name in a hilariously different tone of voice ... before then carrying on with the sentence normally.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #63 on: December 9, 2015, 01:04:36 am »

May I just say, I hate Square Enix.

Why not just do the decent thing and give people what they want? An HD remake of the original game that they loved, with the same story and gameplay?

People have literally been asking for this for two console generations now.

But no, even for a bloody remake, they have to use the annoying 3rd person action system that endemic in RPGs right now. And why release it in one game, when you can charge people 5 times for the same game?

Everything that's wrong with the games industry summed up in one game. I thought about getting a PS4 just for this. Not anymore.
« Last Edit: December 9, 2015, 01:57:57 am by Redcap »

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #64 on: December 9, 2015, 01:20:26 am »
Won't be as good as this:

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>
Fuck the Daily Mail.
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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #65 on: December 9, 2015, 10:44:14 am »
That would depend on what kind of resources they are willing to pump into making it in the first place. It looks the part of a AAA game, but it's obviously not being produced like one. If it were, they'd hold off until it was completed for release. Obviously the more money you throw at it, the faster it gets done. It's not exactly as if they are working with the same technology they had back in '96/'97 either. Engines like UE4 have amazingly powerful tools that can block in huge landscapes in minutes. The tools allow you to literally paint in huge swaths of landscape, or cityscape, that are editable so that you can just drag and drop assets around into the scene in as many instances as you wish. If you've all your assets in place, and you follow a design, one person could build the city of Midgar (a rudimentary version of course) in days, and it would be free to explore, hardware permitting that is. It's just a matter of building everything, design, then optimising it all so that it runs on a PS4 at acceptable performance. Those are the time consuming parts. When you look at some of the open world games already out there, the size isn't a barrier for developers now because of these modern game engines. There's a new Assassin's Creed or Far Cry game now almost on a biennial basis because they're being built with similar technology. For something like a remake for this, from top to bottom, we'd more than likely be waiting at least that long, but at least you'd get a fully fledged game. Just look at the HL2 episode 2 fiasco. Development could halt between each installment. You wouldn't want that again.

Not true at all, it'd take a lot of work to even block out all of the individual areas, code the transitions between areas and interiors/exteriors, get all of the cameras set up and moving in the correct ways and write all of the movement and controls. Even then, what you're talking about is a tiny fraction of the work involved in such a game, there's so much required to get a generic engine working with a big game like FF7 and to get all of the content produced that it's a massive project however you look at it.

While most FF7 fans have been wanting this for a long time, I doubt they'd undertake such a big project simply for fans of the original as they wouldn't make their money back. They need to target the mass markets, and with no guarantee that players new to the series will buy it I'd guess they're going episodic to gauge the reaction and get the fans to promote their game for them, as that's the only way the next part will be released. I'm not sure that's a great approach as games are very easy to drop if you have to stop and wait a year between parts, so they might get decent sales for part 1 but then dwindling interest in later releases, but if they're not confident in a full remake selling well then it's better than nothing.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #66 on: December 9, 2015, 03:04:34 pm »
Not true at all, it'd take a lot of work to even block out all of the individual areas, code the transitions between areas and interiors/exteriors, get all of the cameras set up and moving in the correct ways and write all of the movement and controls. Even then, what you're talking about is a tiny fraction of the work involved in such a game, there's so much required to get a generic engine working with a big game like FF7 and to get all of the content produced that it's a massive project however you look at it.

While most FF7 fans have been wanting this for a long time, I doubt they'd undertake such a big project simply for fans of the original as they wouldn't make their money back. They need to target the mass markets, and with no guarantee that players new to the series will buy it I'd guess they're going episodic to gauge the reaction and get the fans to promote their game for them, as that's the only way the next part will be released. I'm not sure that's a great approach as games are very easy to drop if you have to stop and wait a year between parts, so they might get decent sales for part 1 but then dwindling interest in later releases, but if they're not confident in a full remake selling well then it's better than nothing.
In fact it is true. It doesn't take a team of people to block out an area at all. Like I said, if you've all the assets already built and stored, UE4 allows you to build a large and detailed area very, very quickly.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

It's as true inside UE as it would be inside of a dedicated 3d app like Maya or Max. If you know what you're doing, you can literally block out an entire cityscape in minutes using iterations or instances. The difference between something like Maya is that you don't have to apply solvers or collisions to every single object you create in UE. It's automatically applied for you. Plus all the effects and shaders, lighting are represented in the viewport as you would see them in the actual game.
« Last Edit: December 9, 2015, 03:22:10 pm by Macphisto80 »

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #67 on: December 9, 2015, 04:16:46 pm »
In fact it is true. It doesn't take a team of people to block out an area at all. Like I said, if you've all the assets already built and stored, UE4 allows you to build a large and detailed area very, very quickly.

It's as true inside UE as it would be inside of a dedicated 3d app like Maya or Max. If you know what you're doing, you can literally block out an entire cityscape in minutes using iterations or instances. The difference between something like Maya is that you don't have to apply solvers or collisions to every single object you create in UE. It's automatically applied for you. Plus all the effects and shaders, lighting are represented in the viewport as you would see them in the actual game.

That video took 3 hours and didn't have to match an existing level/concept, so the artist could use whatever assets they had available (the map theme was also clearly determined by the assets available), and on top of that it's really a very small area that would potentially just be one 'screen' in Midgar. To do the entirety of that city, with all of the bits blocked out, the areas explorable, and all of the transitions working correctly would take much, much longer than a few days, and as I said it'd really only be a tiny fraction of the work required anyway. If they intend to make every area and building unique like it more or less was in the original game then getting to the point where you have a complete Midgar would be a huge undertaking.

UE4 is definitely a great engine and offers a big jump-start for any new project, particularly for content devs, but the original Midgar was made up of so many mini-levels, especially when you consider areas like the Mako reactor, Shinra building, the highway, slums, trains, etc, that it would require a lot of work to block out all of it even if you're just using simple boxes and spheres.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2015, 07:13:35 pm »
So yeah......I liked the swirly sword thing Cloud does
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #69 on: December 11, 2015, 01:51:28 pm »
So yeah......I liked the swirly sword thing Cloud does

Haha, yeah it's pretty sharp. A few of those moves look like limit breaks, Cloud's Braver is definitely there, Cross Slash too I think, and Barrett does something resembling his Big Shot.

Here's a blog post about the decision to split it up I found pretty interesting:

The more I think about it, the more onboard I am with them mixing up the gameplay and expanding the world/story. It's easy to look past the graphics of the original and enjoy the gameplay still, and with it being on PS3, PS4 and PC already there isn't a huge need for an exact HD remake.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #70 on: December 11, 2015, 02:01:00 pm »
Haha, yeah it's pretty sharp. A few of those moves look like limit breaks, Cloud's Braver is definitely there, Cross Slash too I think, and Barrett does something resembling his Big Shot.

Here's a blog post about the decision to split it up I found pretty interesting:

The more I think about it, the more onboard I am with them mixing up the gameplay and expanding the world/story. It's easy to look past the graphics of the original and enjoy the gameplay still, and with it being on PS3, PS4 and PC already there isn't a huge need for an exact HD remake.

Fuck I'm really excited for this now actually, I remember the absolute buzz on a massive boss battle where you've got two dead partners, very little HP left and then get a limit break and smash the boss with a big Braver or Big Shot!
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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2015, 03:29:04 am »
It's easy to look past the graphics of the original and enjoy the gameplay still, and with it being on PS3, PS4 and PC already there isn't a huge need for an exact HD remake.

It really isn't. The original's graphics are painfully bad. If the graphics were say around, FFVIII level, you could just about look past the graphics.

But as a pioneer of 3D games, FFVII was made in a period where its only real redeeming visual feature is that it's 3D. Big deal at the time, but looking back is actually uglier than probably every FF game going back to 1-3/Mystic Quest.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2015, 09:50:51 am »
It really isn't. The original's graphics are painfully bad. If the graphics were say around, FFVIII level, you could just about look past the graphics.

But as a pioneer of 3D games, FFVII was made in a period where its only real redeeming visual feature is that it's 3D. Big deal at the time, but looking back is actually uglier than probably every FF game going back to 1-3/Mystic Quest.

I just finished VII again this weekend, I enjoyed playing it, the graphics are junk but did not stop my enjoyment whatsoever, fantastic game, even today!

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #73 on: December 14, 2015, 11:15:05 am »
It really isn't. The original's graphics are painfully bad. If the graphics were say around, FFVIII level, you could just about look past the graphics.

But as a pioneer of 3D games, FFVII was made in a period where its only real redeeming visual feature is that it's 3D. Big deal at the time, but looking back is actually uglier than probably every FF game going back to 1-3/Mystic Quest.

Well I spent about 10 hours playing it this weekend after getting excited about the remake, so we'll have to disagree on this one! I've struggled with the movement on certain screens being a bit awkward, and the mini-games haven't really stood the test of time, but the rest of the game is still great fun.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #74 on: December 14, 2015, 01:18:41 pm »
The 3x speed mode helps with the original on the PS4.  How you can easily flip it on and off makes it a lot more enjoyable.  And unlike the same thing on emulators the music / sound effects stay at the normal tempo :)

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #75 on: December 14, 2015, 02:03:25 pm »
The 3x speed mode helps with the original on the PS4.  How you can easily flip it on and off makes it a lot more enjoyable.  And unlike the same thing on emulators the music / sound effects stay at the normal tempo :)

Still annoys me that I have to pay an extra 8 quid when I've already paid for the PS3/Vita version

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #76 on: December 14, 2015, 02:04:38 pm »
Still annoys me that I have to pay an extra 8 quid when I've already paid for the PS3/Vita version

They're different versions so I imagine Square Enix won't let them do cross buy.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #77 on: December 14, 2015, 02:37:59 pm »
Still annoys me that I have to pay an extra 8 quid when I've already paid for the PS3/Vita version

It annoys me after paying £40 for the PS1 version back in 1998 :P

But yes I can see where you are coming from that is poor form.  I am a little concerned about how the remake will be priced.

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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #78 on: December 14, 2015, 04:13:35 pm »
It annoys me after paying £40 for the PS1 version back in 1998 :P

But yes I can see where you are coming from that is poor form.  I am a little concerned about how the remake will be priced.

You can at least still play the ps1 version on new consoles if you have the disks.
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Re: Final Fantasy 7 - Remake
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2015, 04:50:26 am »
The 3x speed mode helps with the original on the PS4.  How you can easily flip it on and off makes it a lot more enjoyable.  And unlike the same thing on emulators the music / sound effects stay at the normal tempo :)

That's actually brilliant. I don't have a PS4, but if I did I think it would help for sure. In fact I'm pretty sure it helped a bunch with SNES games I played as a kid.

I'd still love an HD remake though.

I also probably wouldn't mind a FFXII system, or just any system where you actually enter into a battle screen and use skills. Something that vaguely resembles old school FF games.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 04:57:22 am by Redcap »