Author Topic: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva  (Read 39971 times)

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In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« on: July 5, 2015, 07:14:45 am »
Having read through numerous posts in the transfer forum about Benteke this summer and how wrong it is that we’re supposedly interested in him, it struck me how much we as fans are negative and how much worry about things - who we’re signing, who we’re not signing but should do, who we think the manager should be signing because we know what he wants better than he does - so much so sometimes that we don’t look at what we have and the things we should be happy about. With Steven Gerrard leaving the club officially this week, it means that Lucas Leiva is our longest serving player and whilst to some, it’s symptomatic of our decline (the reality is much more complex than that of course), to me it’s a testament to him as a player and a person that he’s been here for that long, managed to turn around a significant number of opinions about him and become a genuine part of this club.

Arriving in 2007 from Gremio for £5m as a 20 year old, into the best midfield in the worldTM, Lucas perhaps suffered from not having any standout/eye-catching qualities as well as being unsurisingly unable to live up to the midfielders we already had at the club - he didn’t have the dynamism of Gerrard or the nimbleness and passing of Alonso or the tenacity of Mascherano or the, uh, boss-ness of Momo.

Of course, he was none of those players. What he was was his own player and he had his own style, heck I don’t think we had a steering wheel in the squad when he arrived and it was and still is a pretty apt metaphor for him. For some, that wasn’t enough unfortunately and it’s still a shame that he had to endure such a disproportionate amount of criticism during his early years here.

But it tells you something about him that he’s still here eight years later, during which he’s become one of the elder statesmen in the squad, captained the side and all four managers he’s played under seem unable to shake him off. I think they all recognise his ability - to me, that’s never been in question - but more than that, his attitude and personality. He’s really easy to manage, never causing a problem when he doesn’t play (which has been the case increasingly under Rodgers) and generally always performing to a high a standard when he does. He’s like an extra lock on the door -

- knowing he’s there makes everything that little bit better.

For someone who doesn’t score too many (I think scoring against Havant & Waterlooville was a cruel jape lulling us into a false sense of what might be in the coming years), he does have a habit of scoring in every competition he plays in. So naturally I’m hoping for a couple in the Community Shield and European Super Cup at some point to take his tally for us up to nine. Of course I’m still counting the winner in the Merseyside Derby as well, even if the record books say it was taken away from him by that awful player/pundit/coach Phil Neville.

And aside from what he delivers on the pitch, he’s really easy to take to - be it through interviews, social media, helping new signings settle in or things like the video with him and Henderson recently, he’s always been complimentary during his time here even though, with some justification, he doesn’t have to be. And that’s a big part of what means so much to supporters. As well as his performances on the pitch, he’s taken to the club more than most players do and it’s the the kind of thing that ingratiates players to the supporters.

With the current discussions about Rodgers and defensive midfielders, Lucas’ position at the club is heavily referenced but it’d be a real shame to lose him, not just as a very good footballer but also as a person, someone who’s now become entwined with the fabric of the club and someone who gives real heart to the game. I’m hoping that’s not any time soon though, I still want to see Benteke setting him up for the winner in the Club World Cup. That would make everyone happy wouldn’t it? Plus I don’t think he’s scored in that competition yet either.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #1 on: July 7, 2015, 12:29:06 pm »
It's hard for an old school fan to understand the scapegoating that Lucas first attracted when he broke through. I'm no superfan and I'm not pretending it didn't happen in the past, but not on that scale, it just was not pleasant when there was a sizeable minority of the ground that seemed to relish every mistake the lad made.  The cry 'Oh Lucassss!' usually accompanied by a role of the eyes and a look around to show everyone that you were in the know, Lucas is shit isn't he, was worn like badge of honour amongst a section of our fan base and I hated it it summed up everything I hated about the modern fan and the arl arse perpetual moaners in the ground. I'd get in narks about it every week, it was like a red rag to a bull and cards on the table, the lad could have been totally shit and I'd still been disgusted by it and defended him but here was the rub he wasn't shit, if you watched him properly he could play abit this lad.

His introduction and maybe the reason for people concentrating on his mistakes was at the expense of Gerrard in the Derby. Gerrard wasn't happy, stormed off the field shaking his head and who can blame him he had passion and no one wants subbing in a derby but what was overlooked was Benitez's controversial substitution was a success, it changed the dynamics of the game we got the result but his introduction and Gerrard's shaking of the head was seen by some fans and every pundit as evidence that Rafa was losing the plot, despite Rick Parry explaining recently that with the civil war going on in the club it was amazing we weren't relegation candidates, Lucas' introduction was seen as a mistake that showed Benitez at his obstinate worst, it was open season on Lucas and he'd done nothing wrong.

The lad was young playing on another continent that spoke a different language, didn't have the trust of some of the senior players, was constantly groaned at everytime he made a mistake and still he showed heart. He could have gone missing and who'd have blamed him but he didn't. In fact the opposite he 'showed' for every player he was always an out ball even if he was ignored or surrounded in the heart of midfield he was always open for the pass, no matter how difficult his personal situation was he was always happy to receive it and did his best and never hid. Was he an infallible superplayer, fully developed with a Alonso touch, no, but he read the game well, moved intelligently, broke up play by anticipating moves, found space in the most crowded part of the pitch and would always be open to taking the ball irrespective of how difficult it was for him, he was a selfless team player yet some only saw the passes that went astray and would go into the stage groaning routine without recognising his qualities and the effect their actions would have on a young player, the experience would have destroyed many a career but Lucas never let his head go down he just shrugged and got on with his game, people talk about character, Lucas has character in abundance.

Because of the stick he got and his reaction to it he became my favourite player, I loved it when the lads presented him with the Golden Samba, it showed there were still loads of us who still got it despite the groaners sounding louder at the match. Slowly he won around the doubters who changed their mantra to, he's good now but we were right to give him stick when he was shit; in fact some took it to extremes, groaning at him as he was developing was hard love, by groaning at him they had improved him. Of course they did, they won't accept mediocrity like the rest of us.....

Lucas is a good player he always has been but that doesn't concern me, what does is the lads heart, no moaning, no outbursts in the press, he gets on with it and shows a side of him that all footballers could learn from. He's been a great servant to the club and I hope he stays with us because in a midfield that will be very offensive there will always be times in the season for his specialist defensive skills and distribution qualities will be needed and like a lot of Scousers I've always loved an underdog even though he never deserved to be one in the first place. Yeah Lucas is still a favourite of mine.
« Last Edit: July 7, 2015, 01:21:59 pm by The 92A »
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #2 on: July 7, 2015, 12:57:05 pm »
How can you not like Lucas? He came over here as a young kid with no connection to the place, yet 8 years later has stuck around to be our longest serving player. Seeming universally loved by all within the club he has seen plenty of central midfielders come and go since he signed (admittedly not the greatest list!)...Aquilani, Poulsen, Adam, all signed to offer something different yet all failing to achieve a fraction of what Lucas brings to the table.

I really think he's have had such an easier ride at the beginning had his Derby effort not been saved on the line by Phil Neville. Instead of the brave/strange substitution debate every Red would have been singing the praises of an instant cult hero, scoring a Derby winner on his debut. Could it have got better than that?! As it was I think he suffered by comparison at the beginning by not being one of Mascherano, Gerrard or Alonso whenever he was given a start in his first year or two. Yet whenever he was called upon he never let us down. Cast your minds back to some of our best results and performances at that time and he was involved:

United away - easy to forget (isn't it Jamie Redknapp?) that Lucas started that game instead of Alonso
Inter away - Lucas again played, alongside Mascherano
Newcastle away - in that 5-1 stuffing it was Lucas orchestrating things from deep and combining beautifully with Gerrard

He was also unfairly blamed for giving away cheap free kicks that ended up costing us a few points back then, leaving aside the fact that it was his willingness to put his foot in and nick the ball away that made him so important to us. To cement his 'unluckeeee' status he then picked up that terrible knee injury when in the form of his life under Kenny, an injury that really sent our season spiralling downwards.

Even now, when not always first choice he seems a great character, a real leader and one who clearly enjoys his 'elder statesman' role and who plays an important part in helping our South American contingent feel at home.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #3 on: July 7, 2015, 01:16:52 pm »
Always been a big fan and one of the main reasons for me setting up a twitter account was to show him support, at a time when he was getting some awful abuse by bellends that consider themselves Liverpool fans. Loved him squaring up to up to that Stoke player to defend Coutinho last season, sums up the man for me. Really hope he stays, has a considerable amount to offer when fit and vastly experienced in comparison to the majority of the squad.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #4 on: July 7, 2015, 01:17:29 pm »
Fuck yeah Lucas!!  :hally I'm really glad at the prospects of him being with us for another season. He's valuable.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #5 on: July 7, 2015, 01:26:14 pm »
I love Lucas and after Sami, Carra, Agger and Gerrard left us, he is by far my favourite person in the team. 
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #6 on: July 7, 2015, 01:34:27 pm »
Hopefully will have another strong season, one of our more important players and first names on the team sheet.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #7 on: July 7, 2015, 01:38:06 pm »
Some excellent posts already, I shall echo their views. He's not flashy, he's not going to score you goals, but he gives everything.. This is the guy that when he ruptured his knee we fell appart, he was for a time the best midfielder in the Premiership, only an injury robbed him of remaining at such lofty heights.

He is as the late PoP would say a "Multiplier" he does the dirty work that goes un noticed for your grab the headlines chaps to steal the thunder.

We'd be crazy to sell him, his injury worries seem to be behind him, yes he's lost a bit of pace but a lot of his game wasn't based on that.. An intelligent and worthy wearer of the shirt, certainly a leader we need when so many have recently left.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #8 on: July 7, 2015, 01:48:40 pm »
I couldn't see what Rafa saw in him when he started playing for us - frustrated the hell out out me. Now he is my favourite player. Amazing football brain and resilience. He is also the example I use in my head to stop myself from judging new players before they've had some time to bed themselves in.

The type of player every footballer wants on the field with them.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #9 on: July 7, 2015, 01:53:00 pm »
Big fan of Lucas. When he arrived I remember he worked hard to tackle players standing up, and was great at zipping his passes around and supporting the team. His stamina meant that he couldn't keep it up for long but I was certain he'd become a player for us and used to tell my Dad off whenever he had a go at him (and my uncle, and my brother, and a few taxi drivers).

I can't say for sure with the taxi drivers, but the rest have all since come around and admitted he's awesome.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #10 on: July 7, 2015, 02:16:50 pm »
I like Lucas. Always have. He does the simple things well. Early on it was extremely difficult for any midfielder to make our starting eleven. Mascherano, Alonso and Gerrard, all close to their prime. And that's when people had most of their complaints about Lucas. Looking back, it was a great mix.

A big reason I like Lucas is his mentality. He came through the critisism and showed his worth. After him Henderson is the one that has gone through something similar. We should put great value on those things. When things go against, we will look to these players to get us back on track.

Hope to see a lot of Lucas this season. I reckon it would be good for the team if he was a regular.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #11 on: July 7, 2015, 02:38:01 pm »
I celebrate you Lucas. Big fan since it was announced you were coming to us from Gremio. Having followed the Libertadores cup for some reason that year, I was well aware of who you were and what you meant for your team. I remember watching a LIbertadores game and an argie commentator said about him "he's the spirit of Gremio'.

I honestly don't think I'm in a minority - the opposite side was just much LOUDER and vocal- but I am proud to say I never doubted him.

I remember an interview he did a few years ago while in preseason in Switzerland I think. It broke my heart. Being asked questions about the fans having a go at him at times, etc. And he was still there and we NEVER, not once heard anything from him. Nothing.
It was sad  how myopic and ignorant so many fans were towards him. Never quite understood how it was possible for 'so many' to not see his dedication and commitment to the club. Consumate professional. And I honestly believe he absolutely loves the club and the city.

This lad has nothing else to prove. He is a class player and person, and will always be one of my faves.

To Lucas!

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #12 on: July 7, 2015, 02:54:02 pm »
Great thread; love Lucas.  I will always wonder what could have been had he not had that first knee injury.  I really think he was on the cusp of making the jump up to an elite player that year.  That injury really set him back several years as it led to other injuries and loss of playing time.  The stories of his pre-season workouts have me very encouraged that he could finally be back to the 100% Lucas we saw in the past.  I really think he could be an important piece of the puzzle for our midfield this year.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #13 on: July 7, 2015, 03:27:38 pm »
When I saw a the title of this thread I thought we had just sold him, as I clicked I started welling up at the prospect. Says it all really. That night at Stamford Bridge he was out of this world.  Football can be a right c*nt sometimes.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #14 on: July 7, 2015, 03:33:47 pm »

Had to log in just to say well done on the OP!

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #15 on: July 7, 2015, 03:50:11 pm »
Hear hear.

Always loved the lad,  never understood the vitriol and have bought a Lucas shirt every season since he arrived,  to much derision for the first 3 seasons!!  Hope he stays and gets the testimonial he deserves.  Easily my favourite ever Liverpool player :)
Rossiter absolutely bossed it tonight. Really believe he'll end up playing more games this season than Lucas.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #16 on: July 7, 2015, 04:36:10 pm »
He's still got years left in him as well, assuming he can keep away from too many injuries.  Hopefully they are all with us.  Loves the club and we love him.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #17 on: July 7, 2015, 05:19:59 pm »
Lucas is the kind of more defensive midfielder I like - not an out and out stopper in the Mascherano mould, but intelligent positionally more like Alonso.  He has neither the aggression and tenacity of Masch nor the passing range and vision of Alonso, but he will get stuck in and is very good on the ball from a possession point of view.  He's also massively underrated in the air, a great header of the ball. 

I'm not sure the high 'pressing' game Rodgers wants to play totally suits Lucas' game, but he offers us abilities that no one else at Anfield possess, and I'd like to see them utilised when required - perhaps against stronger opposition or opponents that counteract our A-game.  Fitness seems to dictate he's no longer a 40-game a season man anyway, but I hope he stays, even if it's for a plan B because there really aren't many better midfielders around.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #18 on: July 7, 2015, 05:32:01 pm »
I believe the grief that Lucas got in his first few seasons was as a result of over expectation. When Rafa Benitez used to talk about him, he referred to him as a box to box attacking 'a Brazilian Steven Gerrard'. I have to admit I was a bit miffed that the player who was on the pitch was not the one described in the briefing.

There is always going to be a lot of expectation on players anywhere in the Liverpool first team - it gets a bit worse when you get hyped and everyone believes you have super human powers on account of you nationality. It took me a while to suss out what his real game was but once I had it made it a lot easier to appreciate his qualities, he's always been an excellent reader of the game and in many ways he epitomised the Benitez model midfielder ie tidy, disciplined and adaptable. Milner would have done well in a Benitez team - but that's for a different thread.

Personally I think Lucas has had some storming games without ever being anywhere near grabbing the credit he deserves, he is a great enabler and long may that continue.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #19 on: July 7, 2015, 06:26:19 pm »
That game against Fulham. His petrified face reduced me to tears. A grown man crying over a football match. I switched off football for some time after that to spare myself the heartache of those black times.  And then the King came in and it all clicked. Reborn as a Defensive midfielder, he had no parallel in the league, dominating every opponent we faced. I cried metaphorical tears of joy through each game of that joyous half season. We never won anything that year but that is the happiest I've ever felt as a Liverpool supporter, more than Istanbul, more than the Gerrard final, more than the Houllier treble.

The cruciate ligament tear with its year long rehabilitation phase is a cruel injury but the timing couldn't have been more cruel. But I knew Lucas would be back and so it proved. His return to fitness coincided with us salvaging (if you can call 8th place that) what could've genuinely been a relegation threatened season. And he was influential too in our title tilt, don't let the Gerrard eulogies of the 2nd half of the season convince you otherwise.

Lucas embodies the club as much as any player that came up through the youth and more than some to boot. It doesn't matter where he was born, he is liverpool through and through just as Daniel Agger was. It doesn't matter that Carra and Stevie are now gone, the identity of the team remains with Lucas.  The sentimentality is well and good but he also happens to be one of our best players. The best player last season IMO. Forget about selling him Brendan, just go home and look at win loss stats for liverpool when Lucas plays and when he doesn't. Nothing against Henderson but this terrier right here should be the one leading the team out next season instead of being unceremoniously shoved out.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #20 on: July 7, 2015, 06:31:02 pm »
He gets it.

I didn't get him at first, I do now.
« Last Edit: July 7, 2015, 06:34:33 pm by a burger and chips »

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #21 on: July 7, 2015, 06:33:08 pm »
He's also massively underrated in the air, a great header of the ball. 
Yep, always has been excellent in the air, hardly ever loses a header even against taller opponents.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #22 on: July 7, 2015, 06:41:15 pm »
I really like him and for me he is what a dm should be... Not trying to be fancy or to rash but playing with intelligence...

I hope he will stay with us for a few years and hope he'll play an important part for us on and off the field

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #23 on: July 7, 2015, 06:55:41 pm »
That grin. Can you imagine how many pranks he must have instigated as a boy? ;D


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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #24 on: July 7, 2015, 07:11:15 pm »
But it's a disservice to him to say his strengths are off the pitch. One criticism you can NEVER throw at him is a lack of effort. Even when he was struggling for fitness and form post-injury, he'd go out there and give 110%, and put his body on the line. He's the one who's always in the ref's ear when his team-mate gets a sly off-the-ball nudge. And when he's on his game, there's not many that are better than him at protecting the back four. He may not have the dynamism of some, but he's got the footballing brain to make up for it. Plus. THAT TACKLE that you've got in the OP... sublime.

It didn't mean to come across that way in the OP that his biggest strengths are off the pitch - I absolutely adore him as a footballer and enjoy seeing him play for us, like you say, he's got a terrific football brain and I love watching him. I felt at the time he was getting so much stick that it was immensely harsh and I thought it'd be good to highlight far he's come from that. But yeah, I think he's a great player as well, hopefully at least some of that came across in the OP.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #25 on: July 7, 2015, 07:23:55 pm »
A lovely opening post summing up what most Liverpool fans (hopefully) believe.

What I liked about the famous tackle on Yaya Toure was his quick despatch of the ball to a teammate with the outside of his boot, even as he was falling to the ground. I liked it because it's what Lucas is about - getting the ball moving and doing it quickly with as few touches a possible. Nothing should interrupt that process - not even the tackle-of-the-season. When Lucas plays there's an extra quota of pace in our game. You can always tell who the ignorant ones are, because they believe that Lucas slows us down. Ha! Poor creatures.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #26 on: July 7, 2015, 07:28:45 pm »
I've always liked him but the way the modern game is developing players of his ilk are getting pushed to the side. This is no slight on him as a player, it happened to pep after all.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #27 on: July 7, 2015, 08:12:14 pm »
Fantastic read OP.

I fucking love him.

Up there with the likes of Hyypia, Rafa, Kuyt etc. for me. Players outside Liverpool who all just got it.

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« Last Edit: July 7, 2015, 08:17:36 pm by Kashinoda »

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #28 on: July 7, 2015, 08:21:42 pm »
I don't think a week goes by without me saying "Unluckeeee" to someone.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #29 on: July 7, 2015, 08:26:22 pm »
I love the little man and I always have.

I don't really buy that the derby is why he had such a hard time at Liverpool though. I fully believe that the problem is the way he was used and the way he is playing. He's not a midfielder you have in your typical highlight-reel. He's not tackling like a maniac like Mascherano. He's not pinging balls around like Alonso. He is much more subtle than that and it takes effort to appreciate those qualities. There is not much glamour in being there for the defenders to receive a pass. And there is no glamour in playing a simple pass to the likes of Coutinho so they can do their thing and shine. That stuff rarely gets shown in post-game analysis except for the one time where Carra and Neville pointed out what an important job Lucas was doing. And to me that was and still kind of is Lucas' problem. What he does isn't as noticeable as the things other players do, but it is an equally important job. A lot of people won't appreciate that.

What made it even worse is that a lot of the media were guilty of talking shite about Lucas and supporters picked up on that stuff. Just like with the debate about Skrtel always holding his opponents in the box. That was something a commentator brought up and everybody ran with it - even people on RAWK. I'm still not convinced though that Skrtel is any worse in terms of grabbing players by the shirt than any other defender in the world. The same goes for Lucas in my view. People accused him of always making stupid fouls based on one mistake he made against Bolton (I think). After that people were going on and on about it, no matter if they were proven wrong. And I've looked at a lot of chalkboards and stats at that time and not a single one showed that Lucas gave away significantly more fouls in dangerous positions than Mascherano. Yet, one was seen as some demi-good from Argentina and the other was that clumsy fat kid from Brazil. A lot of that was down to reputation as well, in my view. Some of the fouls that were given against 21-year-old Lucas wouldn't be given against the current Lucas. Just in the same way as the likes of Terry, Gerrard or Carra got away with more than the likes of Spearing or other no-names.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #30 on: July 7, 2015, 09:06:52 pm »
What can I say but I love the guy and so does me dad. Managed to keep cool and shake his hand in a restaurant. Thinking my dad wouldn't do anything daft either as he's been around the block enough .....nope, was kissing his head and like a love struck teenager. Lucas just smiled and said thanks.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #31 on: July 7, 2015, 09:42:56 pm »
First name on the teamsheet, when fit, for me. Should be captain too.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #32 on: July 7, 2015, 10:14:25 pm »
He was never my favourite player I admit, but he's been a vital part of the squad ironically - he became core to the little semblance of the old Liverpool Way during tough times for him & the club. He contributed enormously to Suarez settling which isn't really appreciated due to the manner of his departure eventually.

I'd be gutted if we contemplated selling him this summer unless it was for something ridiculous like £20m.

Great OP.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #33 on: July 7, 2015, 11:03:53 pm »
First name on the teamsheet, when fit, for me. Should be captain too.

I second that. But it makes me wonder, how does he fit in tactically if Can is moved to midfield?
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #34 on: July 7, 2015, 11:31:14 pm »
I'm starting to think we should visit Brazil more often, one thing about Houllier and Rafa is that signed good men as well as players.


All good characters

I think you will probably be able to add Ings, Can, Ibe, Coutinho and Milner to that as well, possibly Clyne as well, at the moment it is Lucas that is most special, partly because of loyalty and most have some time before they catch him on that one.
aarf, aarf, aarf.

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #35 on: July 8, 2015, 12:21:14 am »
Hope he sticks around
* * * * * *

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #36 on: July 8, 2015, 12:28:16 am »
I don't think any fan can hold their hands up and say there was massive positives about Lucas, me being one of them.

Difficult to come to a different and ultra competitive league at 20 yrs of age and suddenly perform when we had Masch, Stevie, Xabi and Momo all bossing their respective positions.

He knuckled down, unfairly got stick from the fans, but his mental strength made him the player he is today. A leader without doubt. He does the dirty work, breaks up the play and lays it off. The likes of Dunga and Deschamps did before him. I'm not saying he is in their class, but he plays that position.

I would be gutted if he left this season, as it it is clear to see he stabilises the midfield, enabling others to play with a certain amount of freedom while he protects the defence.

As always YNWA Lucas.
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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #37 on: July 8, 2015, 01:13:29 am »
My favourite current player - he's a top player but more so, he's a fantastic human being, a real role model. The way he fought through all the negativity to get to where he is as the longest serving Liverpool player is a testament to his determination and mental strength. When he's on the field, he's the first to back up his team mates and get in the face of the opposition. For me, he should be captaining this side.



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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #38 on: July 8, 2015, 01:26:53 am »
Fantastic read OP.

I fucking love him.

45 seconds in  :wave

My favourite Lucas moment by miles and miles :lmao

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Re: In Celebration of Lucas Leiva
« Reply #39 on: July 8, 2015, 02:54:05 am »
My favourite Lucas moment by miles and miles :lmao
How long was he in the crowd? The video ends and still no sign of him. Classic!