Author Topic: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.  (Read 11990 times)

Offline Hinesy

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My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« on: November 23, 2012, 11:01:27 pm »
You think Steven Gerrard's wonder strike against Olympiakos, making it 3-1 and enabling Liverpool to progress in the European Cup was a one off unique moment in our illustrious history?
You'd be very wrong.

It's 1977, March and we're playing the French side St Etienne at Anfield. We've lost the first leg 1-0 and it's currently 2-1 to Liverpool which means they'll go through on away goals.
Bob Paisley, having tried to fill the mighty boots of Shankly, finds himself sending on a substitute... one David Fairclough. Or as he's known to millions "Supersub" or as he's known to me "David carrot topped fucking wonder hero of a super sub, St Etienne you make me weep with nostalgia Fairlcough"

But's that probably just me.

You're in the in the 84th minute, and its not looking good for our European Cup hopes, when Fairclough picks the ball up, runs 20 yards nipping in and out of the French defenders' attention, his twiglet legs somehow glued to the ball, and shoots.

Shoots straight into the goal.

Bedlam. Sheer fucking bedlam. The Kop, more of a single bodied mass of sweat, ale and hope, roars into life, sending shock waves back across the Channel and across France. Somewhere in the distance, a German team called Borussia Muchengladbach look up and worry...

we won 3-1. Davey Supersub Fairclough once more scoring the most important of goals to take us through. (We beat Grasshoppers of Zurich 6-1 in the semi's and the Kop sang the score so loud the Radio 2 commentator said "Here's the score, no wait, I'll let the Kop tell you")

David Fairclough is not my most favourite player to grace the red shirt, he's not one that instantly leaps to people's minds when they look at the Hall of Fame of our club, for godsakes he only played 154 games for Liverpool, unfortunately playing in a team that started with John Toshack and Kevin Keegan, David Johnson and moved onto signing a certain Ian Rush and Kenny Dalglish...

But he scored 55 goals. just under 1 in every 3 games he played a part in. And the reason he's on my list in this advent's calendar, is that he simply gave us some of our most treasured moments, and as a kid growing up listening to the footy on the radio, brought wonder and joy into my house.

You think Luis Suarez has the ball stapled to his foot? You think Torres in his pomp had it glued to el nino's toe? You've all now heard of the night Super Sub scored against St Etienne and cemented his and our name in European history... Well scroll to 3min 44' in on this You tube and sit back and watch Davey Fairclough waltz past 32 Everton players and score with just a wonderful wonderful goal...

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Davey Fairclough was known as Supersub because he came on and he scored. But when until you watch him play, you forget that he was so much more than that. His ball control, and stick thin legs reminded me of Steve Macmanaman, but in an era where shin guards meant you were just decapitated above the knee on the pitch. His positioning was wonderful, he was always in the right place, or appeared to be, and he looked ridiculous, like the most ginger haired guy you'd ever seen, like the nerdy kid down the road who hung about the chippy.

But he could play, and play beautifully. From his debut against Norwich, scoring the only goal, til his eventual parting in 1983, he was committed to the club, and must have gone through so many disappointments:

Bob Paisley wrote about having to leave him out in the '77 season, the FA Cup Final and the European Cup Final (he was a sub in the latter, but not the in Wembley final, as in those days you were only allowed 1 sub)

"On Friday morning we trained at Arsenal's training ground close by and then at lunchtime I announced the team. It was a moment I had been dreading, because I knew that for two men it would mean disappointment, and for one in particular it would mean heartbreak. Memories of the moment in 1950, when I learned I was left out of the Liverpool Cup Final side after scoring a goal in the semi-final, flooded back to me. My heart went out to Ian Callaghan, one of the greatest servants the club had ever had, when I named him only substitute, and I could have cried for David Fairclough, the hero against St Etienne, when I had to tell him that he wouldn't even be getting stripped."

To be playing for the club when Keegan, Toshack, Rush, and Dalglish, even David Johnson who was an England forward at the time, were all playing in the prime of their careers, it must have been hard. Very hard. Yet Fairclough didn't do what most ego ridden strikers seem to do these days and head off to another club to get a game, he stayed and stayed true to his boyhood club. Loyalty or missing out? I'd say loyalty. He played in the golden era, when we won any and everything, and though he was injured more frequently toward the end of his career with us, he always wanted to push for his place.

He'll never be a player instantly idolised like those great strikers who are already cemented in the LFC history books, merely because he didn't play as much. But he's a favourite of mine and many many Liverpool fans for those goals he did come on and score. Like the Everton goal, and most of all, like that night. [i[that night[/i] when Liverpool beat St Etienne, one of the powerhouses of European Football and became part of the legend that is passed down the generations.

He hated being called Supersub and was much much more than that. In fact it was only 60 or so games that he came on as sub for, (less than half his total games for the club) but for us and him, it was the fact he almost always scored in those games, that the moniker sits on his shoulders.

Overall for me, its the skill of the man in an era of blood tackling and ogres playing in defence, its the determination of the man to waltz around the defences of the world, and the defiance to stay at a club overflowing in wealth of strikers, that makes him one of my favourites. He was one of the most skilful players we had, he was an unsung hero in many ways, but most of all he is David Fairclough, Supersub:

The young'un's have their Istanbul, we older, have a very cold cold night in March, many many years ago, against St Etienne when Supersub caused tremors across Europe with that goal.
« Last Edit: December 9, 2012, 01:08:42 am by DingDong Merrily on Hinesy »

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 01:41:04 pm »
He is one of my favourite legends. Have seen him regularly last season in the European Lounge at Anfield compering for the day.

There is a book called Livepool Heroes. The author was on the Anfield Wrap a few months ago and she talked about interviewing him. My heart went out to David when his wife passed away but the author let on that when she interviewed him how he was so touched by the fans support 18 odd months ago. When his father passed away, Paisley gave him a week's leave and it affected him deeply

Top man, top legend, top write up!
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Strip his knighthood

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 03:50:53 pm »
Top read, OP.

Dzeko is only trottin' after our Davey...

Offline Hinesy

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2012, 12:04:00 am »
Thanks guys, today is my 2nd offering: David Fairclough.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2012, 04:17:13 am »
No ode to Fairclough is complete without *that* iconic photograph of his goal against St Etienne.

A picture is worth a thousand words...

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2012, 07:31:47 am »
A Liverpool lad through and through and a nice guy as well.

We were on our way back from Anderlecht away in late 2005 and before getting the ferry back to Dover, we stopped off in the large shopping mall in Calais. On the first floor was a massive, life size, cardboard Djibril Cisse cut out, positioned outside a fashion shop and David Fairclough was taking a photo of his lad standing next to it!  We had a laugh and he spent 10 minutes or so talking about the recent match (1-0 to the Reds) and a bit about his time at Liverpool.

Was very sad to learn about the loss of his wife last year. Not sure that he can be called a "legend" but his impact on that game v Les Verts will stay in Liverpool History for ever.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2012, 08:28:19 am »
Great read that, really enjoyed it

Offline Ycuzz

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2012, 08:46:40 am »
There's that *cough* allergy acting up again... Damn these write-ups..

Top read that, thanks.


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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2012, 09:14:46 am »
Lovely OP yet again.
Makes me want to get the old Liverpool videos out and watch once again these great moments.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2012, 09:16:22 am »
I was very lucky to play a few charity matches with David many years ago. After being on the Kop against Les Verts you can imagine how much of an honour I considered that.
It was the usual relaxed stuff until some idiot in the opposition decided to try and make a name for himself and kick David. His attitude changed briefly. In the next five minutes his speed of movement increased tenfold and he scored a quick hat trick, smiling at the defender who kicked him. He then went back to the good genial bloke he seemed to be.
Always exciting to watch and in another era would have been with us much longer. On such players our history is built and David is a big part if it.

Offline Hinesy

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2012, 09:44:34 am »
ha that's a great story mate!

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2012, 09:46:44 am »
Lovely, evocative stuff Hinesy.

I didn't see his debut but I did see a number of games at the close of the 1976 championship-winning season when this young spindly kid kept coming off the bench and scoring crucial goals. It's well known that we managed to squeak past QPR  to lift the trophy after that nerve-jangler at Molineux but less appreciated, I think, how Fairclough injected much-needed adrenaline into a flagging season at just the right time. You mention his debut goal v Norwich. I didn't see that. But I was at Anfield when he scored a brace v Burnley, the wonder goal to get the points in the Derby, and when he grabbed the 5th in the demolition of Stoke. But most memorably of all I set out across the Pennines to Maine Road for the night match v Man City - the penultimate game of the season, and very much a must-win one for Liverpool.

I don't know if other RAWKites remember this fixture played out in beautiful early summer sunshine. There were so many Liverpool supporters there that night, on all four sides of the ground. It was every bit as tense as the Wolves game that followed. Fairclough came off the bench near the end to score two incredible individualistic goals. He just seized the game, scything through the City defence on one of his mazy dribbles, following his own mad plot towards goal. If we hadn't won that night I don't think we'd have won at Wolves. Fairclough - like Rosenthal many years later - had lifted a side at just the right moment. No European Cup in '77 without Fairclough, for sure. No League Title in '76 either. 
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2012, 09:51:47 am »
Another cracking post. Thanks mate.

He hated being called Supersub and was much much more than that. In fact it was only 60 or so games that he came on as sub for, (less than half his total games for the club) but for us and him, it was the fact he almost always scored in those games, that the moniker sits on his shoulders.

Overall for me, its the skill of the man in an era of blood tackling and ogres playing in defence, its the determination of the man to waltz around the defences of the world, and the defiance to stay at a club overflowing in wealth of strikers, that makes him one of my favourites. He was one of the most skilful players we had, he was an unsung hero in many ways, but most of all he is David Fairclough, Supersub:

The young'un's have their Istanbul, we older, have a very cold cold night in March, many many years ago, against St Etienne when Supersub caused tremors across Europe with that goal.

Must admit to having a niggling worry about Fairclough that we really missed a chance with him. He did great coming on as a sub but always in the back of my mind is if the Keegan/Toshack hadn't been available and we had played David week in and week out we might have found ourselves with someone very special.

Just looked him up and his first appearence was just before his 19th birthday. That period 18/19 -> 22/24 where he was in and out or off the bench may have harmed his development.

Maybe, If, could be, Might. - I'm rambling.

Will never forget Saint Etienne though.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2012, 04:51:06 pm »
Now there's a surprise. Great stuff. I didn't like him getting called Super Sub either, and I always thought he'd be with us his whole career. I suppose he was/is, in a way. And like you've all noted, that one game will always keep him up there with the legends.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2012, 06:39:15 pm »

He hated being called Supersub and was much much more than that.

I wonder what he thought of The Bionic Carrot? The "we shall not be moved" after he slotted THAT goal must be Anfield's loudest ever song.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2012, 11:59:18 pm »
Yep, I'd forgotten about that moniker!

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2012, 12:14:34 am »
Cheers mate this is wicked.

Do you have "David carrot topped fucking wonder hero of a super sub, St Etienne you make me weep with nostalgia Fairlcough" on a shirt? Or 'Carrotinho' as would be his Brazilian-style abbreviation?

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2012, 12:20:39 am »
He scored a goal against Middlesbrough in the Cup at Anfield 5th or 6th round in about 77 that was brilliant. Personally for me, he was a special player because when I was 8 and started going the game with my dad he used to score all the time. Burnley at home in 76, he came on as sub and scored 2 in a 2-0 win as we were going for the title.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2012, 12:23:46 am »
Cheers mate this is wicked.

Do you have "David carrot topped fucking wonder hero of a super sub, St Etienne you make me weep with nostalgia Fairlcough" on a shirt? Or 'Carrotinho' as would be his Brazilian-style abbreviation?

It'd cost me a fortune... ;D


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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2012, 05:45:05 am »
Brilliant again :)

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2012, 08:31:05 am »
Funny reading these threads. If they were all about Suarez, they'd be all be reams long. This is one of the reasons why I have very little interest in modern day football. The hype does my head in. The "it didn't exist before Sky" mentality of most young fans really gets on my tits. That's not to say all youngsters are like that. I know some fantastic young reds, great kids, with a proper interest in the game, the history of it all and what, and why, the likes of David Fairclough are so important. Say Howard Gayle to a gang of them. They won't even register the name.

The funny thing is, I think we got more of an education about the game when it wasn't wall to wall, 26/8, non stop, hyperbole. You've probably all seen this, but if not give it a go...
It's a pity it's about the Blue Noses. It should have been us. But that kid in it, reminds me so much of myself, well, all of us back then, before X-Fator and X-Box, when there was little else but football to entertain us. Strange to think how much more we knew when we didn't have it crammed down our throats. I can remember getting walloped for cutting up the back pages of the echo and sticking all the pictures on my wall with flour and paste. I remember playing with the lads in the street, playing little games of name the ground, the manager, the centre forward. I could go through the first and second division, no problem, and even do a fair few of the 3rd and 4th. Where the fuck did we get all that info from? Oh yeah... "You got your education from The Kop!"

Oh well, suppose I best stop all the reminiscing and get onto this new, fandangled pass and move thing. I believe this group have nearly mastered it.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2012, 05:46:52 pm »
Interesting watching the bit half way through when the players are all bemoaning the state of the "modern" game...the pressure, the lack of enjoyment etc.

Ray Wilson: "The game's got so big, results mean everything now". Some things weren't so different then then.

Gordon "I certainly don't enjoy the game" West was a miserable sod wasn't he. Must've absolutely hated spending 45 minutes in front of 28,000 Kopites.

Favourite line: "Don't take the curtains down, we avn't read em yet!"

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2012, 06:28:21 pm »
Interesting watching the bit half way through when the players are all bemoaning the state of the "modern" game...the pressure, the lack of enjoyment etc.

Ray Wilson: "The game's got so big, results mean everything now". Some things weren't so different then then.

Gordon "I certainly don't enjoy the game" West was a miserable sod wasn't he. Must've absolutely hated spending 45 minutes in front of 28,000 Kopites.

Favourite line: "Don't take the curtains down, we avn't read em yet!"
He actually had a decent sense of humour. Still got a handbag that some Kopite gave him with Honey West written on it.
"A peasant you are. A peasant you will remain. And we shall use all our wealth and power, to make your lot even worse and keep you exactly where you are, Bondage!"    The Boy King, Richard II, after  putting down the The Peasants Revolt in 1381.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2012, 06:48:50 pm »
Fair enough. I heard he took that particular incident in good spirit. Just sounds so fed up with it all in that film.

Edit: Didn't know he'd passed away this year. Feel bad for calling him now. RIP.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 07:24:55 pm by Red_Mistthepoint »

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2012, 09:11:27 pm »
Ah, I missed this yesterday, sorry Hinsey. Fantastic thread & write-up for a fantastic player.

Haven't we been lucky.

I can't remember how many times I saw him in the flesh, but I know I was at the St Étienne game in the Anny Road end, right at the front leaning against the old metal wire fence.

Yeah, he hated being called 'super-sub'. It was apt but daft because he was a great player.

Some great additions from the best of the rawkites as well.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2015, 05:14:26 pm »
I've just read David Fairclough's autobiography and it is an excellent book all round.  The most amazing comment in it illustrates the difference between player's salaries then and now.  Supersub was brought off the bench to break the deadlock in a game against (I think it was) Bolton which was headed for a draw but Fairclough got the winner.  Brian Kettle, making a rare start in the first team ran up to David and said "I'm glad you got that as the win bonus means I'll be able to pay my gas bill.'  Imagine ANYone playing for Liverpool nowadays having to say that!   
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2022, 12:15:42 am »
A few videos and some info on David Fairclough...

Wikipedia page: Player Profile page: Player Profile page:

'Liverpool Legend - David Fairclough' - a 7 minute video; 100 Players That Shook The Kop:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

'Cult Heroes - David Fairclough' - a 3 minute video from BT Sport:-

'Liverpool FC Legend: David Fairclough' - a 50 minute interview:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

'Interview with David Fairclough' - 40 minutes, on his life and times at Liverpool:-

'David Fairclough, James Pearce and Kevin Morland’s strongest memories with the Reds':-

'Liverpool 2-0 Chelsea 1977-78' - Dalglish and Fairclough score:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Fairclough goal vs Stoke in '76:-

David Fairclough's derby winner from 1976:-

'David Fairclough nets the winner vs some team in green in '77':-

'130 Greatest LFC Goals | David Fairclough's famous St Etienne strike':-

'Liverpool FC vs St Etienne 1977' - 30 minute highlights:-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

David Fairclough goal vs Manchester City in '77:-

'David Fairclough goal vs Norwich in 1980':-

'Fairclough hat-trick vs Norwich in 1980':-

'Fairclough goal vs Southampton in '80':-

David Fairclough scores twice vs Bury in 1980:-

'Liverpool v Middlesbrough 1976-77 Cup QF':-

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

League Championship: 1975/66, 1976/77, 1979/80, 1982/83.

League Cup: 1983.

European Cup: 1977, 1978.

UEFA Cup: 1976.

European Super Cup: 1977.

Some youtube playlists of Liverpool seasons when David Fairclough was at Liverpool...

1973/74 : (by idamaria7) :

1974/75 : :

1975/76 : :

1976/77 : :

1977/78 : :

1978/79 : :

1979/80 : :

1980/81 : :

1981/82 : :

1982/83 : :

A RAWK video post on the Liverpool vs St Etienne match from 1977:

Some older Liverpool 'club history' videos:

Some articles on David Fairclough...

'Supersub' - autobiography review:

David Fairclough interview: We were never hated... except in Manchester:

The kid who became “King of the Kop”:

The Greatest Goal I Ever Saw:

David Fairclough - Don't call him a super ***:

"Saint-Étienne was the match that launched Anfield’s reputation":

'It was ultra-competitive. You had guys willing to kick their grandmother to get in the team':

Bob Paisley was a genius but his broken promises hurt me:

David Fairclough – The Original “Supersub”:

Subs are no longer a spar wheel:

St Etienne, Supersub And Liverpool FC: 40 Years On:

Football Legends - David Fairclough (in French):

Heroes Of Our Past -David Fairclough:

David Fairclough profile at Transfermarkt:

David Fairclough twitter:


• A mini-index of RAWK's 'Liverpool Audio / Video thread' content info for years gone by, recent times, Season Reviews, Cup Final victories - Domestic, European, and World... &

« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 06:39:27 pm by oojason »
Some 'Useful Info' for following the football + TV, Streams, Highlights & Replays etc -

A mini-index of RAWK's 'Liverpool Audio / Video Thread' content over the years; & more -

Offline Barneylfc∗

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2022, 11:36:44 am »
Had a stroke, but is on the mend thankfully

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and messages of support.
I’m a few days into my recovery now and things are going well, stronger and better by the day.   
Looking forward to a quick and full recovery.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2022, 09:42:52 pm »
Come on Davie, lad.
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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2022, 09:42:15 am »
Had a stroke, but is on the mend thankfully

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and messages of support.
I’m a few days into my recovery now and things are going well, stronger and better by the day.   
Looking forward to a quick and full recovery.

Bloody hell!

A young lad like him - he’s one of the players I think off as never getting older.

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2022, 09:47:22 am »
Hope he makes a full recovery.

Offline Alan B'Stard

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Re: My Favourite Player #12: David Fairclough.
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2023, 04:16:17 pm »
I bumped into this man yesterday playing at the JCB golf course. He looked well. I almost asked him if he'd come on for me to play the back 9.
“If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything”

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