Author Topic: Lets Stand together Again!  (Read 2278 times)

Offline gb096

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Lets Stand together Again!
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:20:36 am »
Well I thought I would start a thread, been reading in here for a while and been a supporter for even longer.  (Mods if this is in the wrong place please move me – Cheers) I must say there is a lot of negativity around the clubs at the moment, especially with concerns around our manager and some of our players. To be honest I think many of our fans expected too much from KD when he was given the job of managing LFC for the second time and wanted instant results. Of course being slightly older and longer in the tooth, I am prepared to be patient with KD. As I have no doubt that he knows more about football than I do, seen more of the players than I have and is more tactically aware than me.  During the season there have been some fairly awful results and tactically maybe some poor choices, but as the season went on the football on the pitch did get better if only for small periods at first. For 5 to 10 minutes our passing seemed better and the movement quicker, then frustratingly it went back to looking like all the players had no idea what they were doing.  As the season has gone on these periods have got longer, passing looked good, movement off the ball better, as the players get more confident in the way KD wants the game played. I guess the most frustrating point is when we have passed well and moved forward with intent, the end product has not been there, which over time meant the passing in the last third began to get slow and frustrating as confidence began to slide and effect all the players.

But the last 20 minutes in the cup Final we looked good, against Chelsea we looked good. KD needs time, a couple of good buys in the summer and a good start next season and the results will start to come. The last thing KD need now is the fans who he adores to turn against him, if we get rid of another manager I think the club may well never recover. Look how long Shankly took to get Liverpool to be the best club team in the world, to build the kind of team that can keep winning titles and cups takes time,  it needs the right players and the right coaching staff to come together and build the mentality to keep winning. Without doubt it is a 5 year job and I for one want KD to guide us there. We as fans need to understand this and get behind the team and the manager as I want the club to get back to the top, not be playing to get fourth, but to be winning the league and as the saying us to be, if you finish above Liverpool, you will win the league.

It has been a bad season no doubt, but remember when Shankly got Liverpool into the top flight in the 62-63 season, Liverpool finished 8th. After a bit of shrewd business in the close season, Liverpool won the title the next season!  1959-1964 five years it took to build the team and lay the foundations which would serve our club so well over the next 2- 3 decades. Many of our fans want KD gone after one and half seasons!! Give him the time and more importantly the support. We have no right to be the best again and it will take hard work and some soul searching, but we can be the first team to come back and dominate the league, maybe harder with Man City billions, but I have no doubt that we can be there challenging year in and year out. 

Have faith and believe,  get behind the club like the fans got behind Shankly, KD loves the club and more importantly knows what the LFC means to the fans, that is enough for me to show him my support for as long as he decides to stay as manager of our great club.

Offline GaelicSoul

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Re: Lets Stand together Again!
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2012, 04:39:11 am »
First post here :) Hi Everone!

Well firstly it's about regrouping as a club, as the turmoil left from the years of G&H are still having repercussions through the club. Fans are still divided, and will remain so until we all agree on the fundamentals of the club are strong, and in place. We need to be patient, and ready to learn from our past mistakes, and not repeat them.

What we need in the league is be more consistent, and be able to finish teams off. Nobody would argue with that. Off the pitch we are going through major restructuring, and as supporters we need to be patient and understand it's not just a club, but it's a business too. 

I for one am glad that we have real professionals running the clubs for once. They are new to the Football scene, but i have no doubt in a few years we will look back and say "we have great owners, and things are being taken care off"

I'm sure there will be tough decisions made, and heads will roll. But that's business, and there is no room for thinking with your heart over your head.

If results are poor on the pitch, and we are not meeting our targets then everybody is suspect to questioning. If the owners are backing the manager, and getting things done off the pitch but the manager and the squad are not performing on the pitch, then questions will need to be asked, and vice versa.

No owner is bigger than this club.

No manager is bigger than this club.

No player is bigger than this club.

We as a whole are the club, we win together, and we lost together.

"your mind is like a parachute, it wont work unless you open it"