Author Topic: Play Football  (Read 45983 times)

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #160 on: March 1, 2016, 02:40:59 pm »
Can't you kick him off the team if he's that bad?

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #161 on: March 9, 2016, 03:47:33 am »
Was playing my best game in a while tonight, got absolutely manhandled in the box for the umpteenth time, of course there was no call and I absolutely lost my mind and tore into the referee resulting in a red card. 

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #162 on: March 10, 2016, 03:41:04 pm »
I saw this today on a facebook page from a team in Dublin.

Spot on

Letter from a Volunteer Coach
"Today I heard a comment made about me behind my back. I started to turn around and look, but then decided better of it and kept my eyes on the field. My wife hears things like this more often than I do, because many of you don’t know who she is. She tells me what you say. I have received... angry emails & texts, full of “suggestions,” about who should be playing where and how I... lost that day’s game for the kids. I thought I’d write an open letter to all of you parents, even though I might never send it. I’ll start it this way: “I am a volunteer.”
I’m the one who answered the call when the club said they didn’t have enough coaches or managers. I understand that you were too busy. I have some news for you. I’m not retired. I’m busy too. I have other children and a job, just like you do. Not only do I not get paid to do this – it costs me money. I see you walk up to the game 15 minutes after it started, still dressed for work. Do you know I’ve already been here over an hour? Imagine if you had to leave work early nearly every day. I’ve never seen you at a training. I’m sure you’re plugging away at the office. But I’m out here, on the field, trying my best to teach these children how to play a sport they love, while my bank account suffers.

I know. I make mistakes. In fact, maybe I’m not even that great of a coach. But I treat the kids fairly and with respect. I am pretty sure they like coming to my trainings and games, and without me or someone like me, there’d be no team for them to play on. I’m part of this community too and it’s no picnic being out here on this stage like this. It’s a lot easier back there with the other parents where no one is second-guessing you.
And I also know you think I give my son or daughter unfair advantages. I try not to. In fact, have you ever considered that maybe I’m harder on him than on the others? I’m sure he hears plenty of criticism at school from classmates, who hear it from you at home, about what a poor manager I am. And if, even unconsciously, my kids are getting a slight advantage because I know them better and trust their abilities, is that the worst thing in the world, considering the sacrifice I’m making? Trust me, I want to win too. I like to think I treat everyone equally, yes even the weaker players get a chance, after all, in my eyes, it’s all about inclusion

After this game is over, I’ll be the last one to leave. I have to clear the pitch, put away all the equipment and make sure everyone has had a parent arrive to pick them up. There have been evenings when my son and I waited with a player until after dark before someone came to get them. Many nights I’m sure you’ve already had dinner and are relaxing on the couch by the time I finally kick the mud off my shoes and climb into my car, which hasn’t been washed or vacuumed for weeks. Why bother cleaning it during the season? Do you know how nice it would be if, just once, after a game one of you offered to carry the heavy gear bag to my car or help collect the balls, bibs or bottles?

If I sound angry, I’m not. I do this because I love it and I love being around the kids. There are plenty of rewards and I remind myself that while you’re at the office working, your kid is saying something that makes us all laugh or brings a tear to my eye. The positives outweigh the negatives. I just wish sometime those who don’t choose to volunteer their time would leave the coaching to the few of us who do."
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #163 on: March 10, 2016, 04:03:45 pm »
That rings a lot of bells. I've been a Gaelic Football coach for the last five or six years and while I haven't got much grief (for some reason, they mostly tend to keep their distance from me), I do recognise the parent stereotypes, the latecomers, the ones who use it as a creche, the ones I've literally never seen (as well as the filthy muddy car!). I also recognise the having to clean up, pick up bottles, balls, take down nets (and goals, when they were smaller). One mother did give me some blather about her son not getting his money's worth. His annual sub is €40. The next game, her boy was on the bench, we asked him to go on at some point and he said nah, didn't want to. I had great pleasure telling her that next time.

To be honest, now that the boys are getting up to 15, they're harder and harder to keep motivated. My wife tells me that's the time when we have to put the biggest effort in, but it's fucking hard when you're ringing around on a Friday night trying to get a team together for a game, when you'd really rather be relaxing on the couch. I know, I'm a martyr....

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #164 on: March 10, 2016, 04:09:24 pm »

To be honest, now that the boys are getting up to 15, they're harder and harder to keep motivated. My wife tells me that's the time when we have to put the biggest effort in, but it's fucking hard when you're ringing around on a Friday night trying to get a team together for a game, when you'd really rather be relaxing on the couch. I know, I'm a martyr....
its fucking torture trying to do that

"ill get back to you in a few minutes, keep me a spot"
3 hours later no word
you get someone in to replace them because they wont answer the phone
"I can play"
"i got someone"
"well then fcuk you"
"you took 3 hours to get back to me, you didnt answer your phone, i text you 2 hours ago"
"I didnt have time to write back, the dog ate my homework"

then the inevitable drop outs cos people no show
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #165 on: March 10, 2016, 04:12:31 pm »
It's worse dealing with kids because you can't contact them directly so you have to deal with their parents, who often are even less arsed, or want to save their darling for rugby/soccer/beat poetry....

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #166 on: March 10, 2016, 04:24:58 pm »
i know a guy who manages in Dublin and he says parents are his pet hate of the whole set up

they get on his nerves
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Re: Play Football
« Reply #167 on: April 1, 2016, 09:14:34 am »
Anyone looking to join an 11 a side team based in south Liverpool, give me a PM.

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #168 on: June 4, 2016, 01:52:54 pm »
My fucking god. Got stuck with two absolute clowns today.

0-0 half time in a charity game today. Goalkeeper insists on going out field in second half and is replaced by a shit version of Charles itandje

0-1 keeper 1 gives away a penalty
1-2 we equalised. New keeper is then lobbed straight from the tip off
1-3 keeper 1 fluffs clearance and plays everyone onside. New keeper doesn't come off line they walk it in
1-4 keeper 1 gives away another penalty
2-5 after getting one back new keeper is lobbed when standing on goal line

Keepers 1 tells me after he wished he was in goal for penalties as he is a keeper for his team and saved 8 penalties this season

« Last Edit: June 4, 2016, 01:58:20 pm by Hellrazor »
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #169 on: June 4, 2016, 01:57:20 pm »
Oh and his excuse for the first penalty was "I know I didn't need to tackle him but I don't like him"

He creamed someone who was crossing a ball which I cleared.
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

Offline jooneyisdagod

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #170 on: June 5, 2016, 02:15:57 pm »

I'm in love with these. They're ridiculously great looking boots if for a cool 285 pounds on prodirect soccer.
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Re: Play Football
« Reply #171 on: October 1, 2016, 12:09:23 am »
I played a proper 11 a side game today, with ref and all. Inter profession sort of thing but with plenty of decent league players in their twenties, and I'm now 46 and still smoking so that showed. Still, I did ok, and went in goals for spell, too, pulling off a nice tv save. You know, the ones that are two feet over your head so all you have to do is stick a hand up but it goes dramatically over the bar. I've never played in goal in my life, so that made up for getting regularly skinned by fuckers half my age.

Offline Narwin Dunez

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #172 on: October 1, 2016, 05:11:16 pm »
Second game of 11 a side for yet another new Sunday league team tomorrow (last seasons team folded)

Played second 45 of last weeks game, started up front, then right wing, then left, then left back.

Better not put me in net ;D

Offline Lone Star Red

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #173 on: October 11, 2016, 03:46:26 pm »
Quit soccer (yes, you English made it up, so it's YOUR word) in the 6th grade, didn't kick a ball around again until college. After graduating and moving back down to Dallas, been playing indoor for the last 3 or so years with my friends. Our first year, we played at what was essentially a futsal center and played against teams that were so far out of league talent wise it wasn't funny. We lost one game 41-0, I'm not kidding. We were the worst team ever, probably. After that miserable season we went back to something we knew, softball, for a few months until the itch to play indoor grew too strong.

We moved to a much more typical indoor place with a much larger field than the futsal place and also added a few more guys (and girls) who were more talented than we are. Been playing now for about 8-10 seasons straight at this place (seasons are 8 games, once a week, so each season is two months long). The original core of us is still on the team, about 6 of us. But we've also had a group of 4-6 guys who have been playing with us for 2 or 3 seasons straight and are now an integral part of the team. The original core who were battered 41-0 have all made strides in our game and now we typically win 2-4 games a season, comfortably finishing in mid-table the last few seasons, partly because of our increased skills and more than likely due to the guys who are better than us who we've added over the years.  ;D

We've usually played a 2-2-1 formation but this last season we tinkered around with a 2-1-2 with the '1' guy being a literal marathon runner who doesn't know if he's left footed or right footed, so he's basically our Adam Lallana. Our best player for sure who knows how to dribble and pick a pass and can run for days. I usually start up top, being 6'2 and having better finishing skills than most on the team. Can't dribble to save my life though, just stick me up around the box and I got a decent-ish chance at stabbing it home and getting rebounds off the wall to hold up for the other players. Had to play goalie this spring for a couple seasons as well as our usual goalie quit and none of the other guys on the team wanted to play, so hey ho, there I was. Luckily we shopped around and picked up a veteran goalkeeper for this past season and he was definitely better than I was/am. He'll be sticking around for a while.

We play on Tuesday nights and the last season ended last week and today is unfortunately the gap between last season and the next season, which starts next Tuesday. Bit of a bummer that we don't have a game tonight but I think a few of us will go to a local field after work and kick it around.

Tuesdays at work tend to really drag for all of us on the team because we love it so much. Getting to the field about 20-30 minutes early to warm up and kick it around and then two 20 minute halves where we get to run around and play the best sport in the world with your friends? Doesn't get much better than that. By the way, the Instagram handle in my signature is our fantastically idiotic fan page run by a few of us with too much time on our hands and a warped/weird sense of humor. Mainly our wives and friends are the only ones who like it, but feel free to follow us on our indoor journey if you'd like.  ;)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 03:48:54 pm by Lone Star Red »
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"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #174 on: October 11, 2016, 11:10:29 pm »
Thanks for the post, Lone Star. Nice to hear reports from places like Dallas.

41-0, though?

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #175 on: October 12, 2016, 12:35:23 am »
Been playing 5 a side indoor on a team from my previous job. Have to say I leave most games feeling disappointed with my performance though it's a friendly league and we've won the past three seasons. I play defender 90% of the time and usually just end up frustrated with the keeper or bench yelling to shadow or stick in and I always seem to make the wrong decision. We play some very good sides and most of the opposition attackers are above my skill level so I mostly just go for damage control and focus on positioning, which either I'm not that great or it gets overlooked as awkwardly shadowing.

Maybe just not used to competitive either, before that only played drop ins at the intramural fields
The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. - Joseph Campbell

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #176 on: October 12, 2016, 08:45:57 am »
ill have to add that instagram page

cool story Lone Star
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Re: Play Football
« Reply #177 on: October 12, 2016, 03:01:47 pm »
Thanks for the post, Lone Star. Nice to hear reports from places like Dallas.

41-0, though?

I'll be honest, I don't remember the game. I blocked it out completely in my memory until a few of the guys were talking about it several months back and how far we'd come since that low, low, low, low, low moment. I couldn't believe it, but all of them remembered the same score, so it had to be true.

To be fair, the field was so small that the goalies (even our goalie) were legitimate scoring threats, even from inside their own box. Hundreds of shots at (mainly our) goal, it was insane. It was unlike any indoor field I'd seen and had we known it was such a small place (and that we'd lose that badly), we never would have signed up in the first place.

Humbling, for sure. But we're better now because of it.
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #178 on: October 12, 2016, 03:09:00 pm »

I'm in love with these. They're ridiculously great looking boots if for a cool 285 pounds on prodirect soccer.

It's true to say that if Shankly had told us to invade Poland we'd be queuing up 10 deep all the way from Anfield to the Pier Head.

Offline Lone Star Red

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #179 on: October 12, 2016, 03:21:52 pm »
ill have to add that instagram page

cool story Lone Star

Thank you!!!
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #180 on: October 12, 2016, 03:38:03 pm »
Thank you!!!
i thought i was bad with my first game for a team but 41-0 is crazy

me and a few lads set up a full team in 2004, anyway we were all over the place to begin with, no manager and after one training session one fella says he knows this guy who is on a really good team and can get a friendly set up for us.

we all agreed that was crazy for now and not to do it. next training session he tells us theres a match against this lot next week and for good measure this team are deadly and won their league by a mile.

great. at the time we had no manager, we had one training session and no kit. we actually picked the kit up on the way home from work that day.

they beat us so bad we lost count. the ref apparently called a halt to it after 75 minutes. It felt like 75 days. the whole second half we were picking the ball out of the net. 13-2 was the score we were told. we reckon 17-2 was perhaps correct

even the second goal i think the referee just felt sorry for us and awarded a penalty. a few of the lads were screaming for a penalty a few minutes earlier but i dont know why as it wasnt going to make any difference. so i think out of sympathy he just gave us one for nothing (one of the lads was running through, level with a defender, keeper came out and just booted it away and the ref just pointed to the spot with some half arsed explanation of a foul).

demoralising. i know we needed games but not that soon. you get nothing out of being tonked like that.
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Re: Play Football
« Reply #181 on: October 16, 2016, 04:05:12 pm »
Ive alway been a lot better at 5 aside than 11 and im not sure why. Think its to do with having 'too' much time on a full size pitch. Does that make sense or happen to anyone else?

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #182 on: October 16, 2016, 05:49:19 pm »
Ive alway been a lot better at 5 aside than 11 and im not sure why. Think its to do with having 'too' much time on a full size pitch. Does that make sense or happen to anyone else?
I think it makes sense - five a side is a lot more reactionary and that may suit you. In 11 a side you may find that having too much time means you try and set your body shape up perfectly to pass/shoot and miscue it, or spend too much time considering your options and get put under pressure. In 5 a side you often have to just pick a target and try to get the ball there any way you can, no matter how ugly it is, and your technique may be better than the average footballer's when it comes to flicks/kicking with the outside of your boot which are used more on a smaller pitch (from my experience anyway).

On a personal level I have found that I can do (relative for our level!) wonders with the ball if I'm forced to make a decision quickly but put me in a one-on-one in acres of space against the keeper and I'll find a way to mess it up. I may be talking bollocks but I'm sure one of the criticisms of Theo Walcott in the past was that he would ruin chances if he had 'too much time to think', so I think it's a common thing. Hope this all makes sense or rings true for you!

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #183 on: October 16, 2016, 08:43:50 pm »
I think it makes sense - five a side is a lot more reactionary and that may suit you. In 11 a side you may find that having too much time means you try and set your body shape up perfectly to pass/shoot and miscue it, or spend too much time considering your options and get put under pressure. In 5 a side you often have to just pick a target and try to get the ball there any way you can, no matter how ugly it is, and your technique may be better than the average footballer's when it comes to flicks/kicking with the outside of your boot which are used more on a smaller pitch (from my experience anyway).

On a personal level I have found that I can do (relative for our level!) wonders with the ball if I'm forced to make a decision quickly but put me in a one-on-one in acres of space against the keeper and I'll find a way to mess it up. I may be talking bollocks but I'm sure one of the criticisms of Theo Walcott in the past was that he would ruin chances if he had 'too much time to think', so I think it's a common thing. Hope this all makes sense or rings true for you!

Thats a great reply and rings true. For a quick striker in some decent teams, i was remarkably shit at 1 v 1s. I think youve got to have a slightly different (possibly stronger) mindset for those. Compare that to a difficult chance on your weaker foot, getting closed down. Those chances seem to fly in the net. Like you say, 5 a side has reactionary finishes.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #184 on: October 16, 2016, 09:13:53 pm »
We got beat 12-1 in the cup today :( against top of the league two divisions higher than us!!

It was 9 by half time,

Offline Lone Star Red

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #185 on: October 26, 2016, 05:47:22 pm »
Absolutely destroyed my right big toe last week trying to prod home a loose ball in the box. Keeper stuck out his leg doing his thing to block the ball and my foot collided full speed with his shinguard. Thought I broke it at first and the swelling/fantastic bruising and an inability to move it without a lot of pain only added to that fear. I got a terrible high ankle sprain about 18 months ago that sidelined me for a few months, couldn't believe how long it took to heal and for my confidence in it to deal with running and cutting. Was absolutely torturous going down to the field for weeks on end and just watching my team play and not being able to do a thing about it, so needless to say, I was worried that this was going to sideline me for a bit. Seriously, not being able to play because of your body is the worst isn’t it? I got a bout of mono last fall for the first time in my life, kept me out for weeks due to the constant fatigue and the fact that it’s not very smart to play with a swollen spleen. Reading through some posts on this thread about people dealing/have dealt with injuries and I sympathize with you.

But luckily my toe improved enough to where I was able to play on it last night (with the help of some stronger painkillers) and nabbed a hat trick in a 6-2 win. It's bit more sore than it's been the last couple days, but it's worth it to see the 3 points on the table and to know I got 3 goals.  ;D

Also for no apparent reason, my touch was quite good last night, at least by my standards. My first touch is and never will be a strength of mine, but when it’s better than usual during a game it’s just amazing. I play so much more confidently when it is and the ball seems to be sticking to my foot easier when passes are zipped in or when I’m running with the ball or trying to twist and turn around someone. Truly love the feeling. Anyone else? I like to think the defenders can sense my confidence too and get nervous. ;D
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #186 on: October 26, 2016, 05:52:48 pm »
Touch is one of those things that can be improved really simply, through practise. If you have a ball and a wall, you're good to go. Try to go left right left right, and remember that a good touch is about positioning your feet, so footwork is also crucial. Stay light on your feet!

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #187 on: October 26, 2016, 05:56:33 pm »
Really want to get playing again. Would probably need to sort my knee out before i joined a team though. 5 a side is about as much as I can do!
We already have shit in the country, and the game of Liverpool fills life with joy. Thanks

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #188 on: October 26, 2016, 05:59:37 pm »
Touch is one of those things that can be improved really simply, through practise. If you have a ball and a wall, you're good to go. Try to go left right left right, and remember that a good touch is about positioning your feet, so footwork is also crucial. Stay light on your feet!

Yeah I guess now that I think about it, it's something I've never really focused on to practice, which is a shame. With it being that easy, I'm definitely going to start focusing in on it. I think it's something that could take my game to the next level.
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #189 on: November 14, 2016, 01:01:31 am »
Had my first one-to-one GK coaching session 11 days ago. Very enjoyable and already made noticeable difference. Gonna be every two weeks for starters.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #190 on: November 14, 2016, 01:10:51 pm »
Starting to get regular game time now but I've been shifted out to RW when I'm slowest on team...

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #191 on: November 18, 2016, 06:53:49 am »
Had my first one-to-one GK coaching session 11 days ago. Very enjoyable and already made noticeable difference. Gonna be every two weeks for starters.

Who are you doing that with?
I don't have to sell my soul... he's already in me.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #192 on: November 18, 2016, 09:21:24 am »
Who are you doing that with?
he said every two weeks for starters?

hmmm he is mignolet

the coach is achterberg

yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #193 on: November 27, 2016, 08:42:14 am »

Always had you down as a normcore kind of a guy. ;D
Quote from: Dion Fanning

The chants for Kenny Dalglish that were heard again on Wednesday do not necessarily mean that the fans see him as the saviour. This is not Newcastle, longing for the return of Kevin Keegan. Simply, Dalglish represents everything Hodgson is not and, in fairness, everything Hodgson could or would not hope to be.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #194 on: December 6, 2016, 11:03:54 am »
My kid, 15, has been playing with my five a side game recently. He's a pretty decent player, and since my game is full of middle aged guys, it's not too difficult for him. Then afterwards, we sit at the kitchen table and relive our goals, assists and so on. It's nice.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #195 on: December 30, 2016, 11:13:52 am »
I've been thinking about getting back into 5/7 a side footie.  I usually run about 35-50 miles a week, but I've been a bit bored of it lately, so it might be a good idea to combine a decent level of fitness with something I'd enjoy.   

Anyone in South London recommend any teams/leagues? 
We aren't walking through the storm now - we are the storm.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #196 on: January 11, 2017, 05:56:57 pm »
With the timing of the end of last season (2 weeks before Christmas) and then the way the holidays fell and the havoc it would cause on the scheduling, we had almost an entire month off of not playing indoor. Felt like an eternity. Had our first game of the new season last night and lost 7-4 but it felt so good to be out on the pitch again and scoring.  ;)
You cannot call overseas Liverpool supporters glory hunters. We’ve won one trophy this decade. If they’re glory hunters, they’re really bad ones. They’re actually journey hunters. It’s the journey and the story. Something about Liverpool has grabbed them." - Neil Atkinson (May, 2019)

"So don’t think about it – just play football.” - Jurgen Klopp

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #197 on: January 22, 2017, 02:47:25 pm »
Who are you doing that with?

(bit of a delayed response, sorry)

Just4keepers & I am actually enjoying training for the first time in my life! :)

Played out a scrappy 1-1 draw yesterday down in SW15 on a pitch that's barely been defrosted. A bit like skating, while trying to re-adjust the way I am coming for crosses (according to what the coach told me) - pushed my limited coordination to... errr... its limits.

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #198 on: January 22, 2017, 04:07:34 pm »
Can you get PT's that do one on one football training? I'm sick of warming the bench and know I could improve a lot.

Offline paulrazor

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Re: Play Football
« Reply #199 on: March 9, 2017, 10:00:55 am »
have a 5-6 a side with work depending on numbers

we stopped it early last night and went home when two lads started fighting all over whether there was 2 or 3 goals in it

all very embarrassing. they were like kids.
yer ma should have called you Paolo Zico Gerry Socrates HELLRAZOR