Author Topic: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?  (Read 23836 times)

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #160 on: March 17, 2007, 09:31:28 am »
The way China and India and Russia have entered the World Trade Organisation. If we all become rich and we are dependant on each others trade. Maybe the era of big countries attacking each other is over?

There will be another major (maybe even World) war this century. Of that I am completely certain.
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Offline ds2190

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #161 on: March 17, 2007, 10:45:28 am »
The view that the vast majority of politicians are oxygen thieving, lying, money grabbing wastes of skin that should be put against a wall and machine gunned? It's the bitter experience of being screwed over by them constantly for pretty much the whole of my professional life (and probably before then too, but I was in school and didn't realise it so much).

This is why I can't take any of your arguments seriously mate. You have a personal problem with the government and you can't explain why. You have a hard-on for Trident and you can't explain why. Arguments are pointless if you can't back up your point and you've made the fundamental flaw of allowing your personal feelings toward a person/group of people take over.

Politicians are capable of much more than you think but you can't see that because you're blinded by your personal bitterness towards past (may I just emphasise the word past) governments.

Like what? The Taleban were never going to hand Osama over, Saddam was never going to withdraw from Kuwait, Hitler would never have withdrawn from Poland, Kaiser Bill wouldn't have pulled out of Belgium and Napolean wouldn't have stopped building his empire. As terrible as war is it is sometimes very necessary and people in this country sleep safely in their beds at night because men are willing, and have been willing in the past, to go and do those terrible things when the politicians have messed up and got us into a war.

I asked you specifically several posts ago to stop using dated examples. Anything pre-Cold War isn't relevant to the modern nuclear age so please don't use it as evidence.

So you're saying that we should have removed him from power before he could do bad things? Haven't you been marching through London protesting about the US and UK doing just that?

I've been marching through London about the US and UK entering an illegal war against Iraq. I am glad that Saddam is removed from power but it should have been done at least a decade ago. It is our fault that he got to the level of power that he had so it is our fault that we are at war, not Iraq's fault.

You can compare how many lives the nuclear deterrent may have saved in preventing nuclear war throughout the Cold War - so lets start the populations of the United States, Great Britain, Europe, western USSR and then from the fallout the entire world.

You've used a weak example in partnership with a weak initial point. Yes, nuclear deterrents have 'saved lives' in the past (if you look at it with an incredibly narrow viewpoint) but they have also resulted in a world where people lived in fear of nuclear attack.

This fear is over but you still feel it and that feeling is unfounded.

Most things have only one fundamental reason to exist. Not one of the arguments for not getting Trident renewed has actually made any real sense in the real world.

How so? In the real world that we live in there is no threat of nuclear attacks unless we allow the US to go crazy with it's nukes on Iran (and even then we're safe).

And when we get to 2024 and it turns out that no one else has got rid of their nukes, some more countries have them, we have no nuclear deterrent left and there's no one left in the country who knows how to build one, who shall we go begging to for protection?

If you actually took the time to look up about the NPT conferences you'd see that the nearest one is in 2010 and that there could be more negotiations scheduled before 2012/2014. There is absolutely no harm in delaying the start of work on Trident until then.

Massive steps towards disarmament can be taken if governments are given a chance to do it.

A poll in the Times last week found that 52% of the country agreed with renewing Trident. Public opinion counts for pretty much nothing anyway - let's all be honest here, the majority of the public are far too stupid to understand anything they haven't read in the Sun anyway.

A single poll in the times may have suggested that but a quick google search will find you several polls that suggest otherwise.

You're not giving the public enough credit. Yes, there is the section that is poorly educated, but we have the highest amount of university educated people for years, etc. The people that vote are more than capable of making an educated (or at least part informed) decision.

I'd much rather have the general public voting on something than the likes of you, in all fairness. With all due respect, I support you in your occupation and I think very highly of you as a person but you're so biased its unbelievable.

Like what? Invade? Isn't it a bit hypocritical to ask for invasions of some countries while protesting about others being invaded? Having said that, I'm pretty sure Sierra Leone is still part of Africa...

I didn't say I wanted invasion of African nations in struggle. My point is; why not help countries in need rather than destroying countries with an oil supply?

There will be another major (maybe even World) war this century. Of that I am completely certain.

Why do you say that? Is it because war is your only answer to problems in the world?

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #162 on: March 17, 2007, 10:49:03 am »
Is it because war is your only answer to problems in the world?
What's yours?

Offline ds2190

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #163 on: March 17, 2007, 10:53:04 am »
What's yours?

If you bothered reading previous posts you'd know.

It amazes me how lazy some people are.

Offline The 5th Benitle

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #164 on: March 17, 2007, 10:54:19 am »
If you bothered reading previous posts you'd know.

It amazes me how lazy some people are.
I have. And aren't you an emo? Don't be hypocritical now.

Offline ds2190

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #165 on: March 17, 2007, 10:54:59 am »
I have. And aren't you an emo? Don't be hypocritical now.

How do you reach the conclusion that emo makes me lazy?

Offline The 5th Benitle

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #166 on: March 17, 2007, 10:55:59 am »
How do you reach the conclusion that emo makes me lazy?
It's in the instruction manual, isn't it?

Offline ds2190

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #167 on: March 17, 2007, 10:58:38 am »
It's in the instruction manual, isn't it?

Not that i'm aware.

I'm not exactly emo anyway. I have a fringe over part of my face and thats it.

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #168 on: March 17, 2007, 04:11:34 pm »
This is why I can't take any of your arguments seriously mate. You have a personal problem with the government and you can't explain why. You have a hard-on for Trident and you can't explain why. Arguments are pointless if you can't back up your point and you've made the fundamental flaw of allowing your personal feelings toward a person/group of people take over.

Politicians are capable of much more than you think but you can't see that because you're blinded by your personal bitterness towards past (may I just emphasise the word past) governments.

Bitterness towards past Governments? Who was in power in 1998 when I joined the Army and has been ever since? Luckily I'm completely balanced - I despise most Tories and Lib Dems just as much.

I have explained why I hate the current Government - they've sent men infinitely better than them to die in third world shit holes while stabbing them repeatedly in the back at home. They've done everything they can to bring the British Armed Forces to their knees while involving them in more and more wars. They've fucked this whole country up just as much as the Tories did before them and just as much as the Tories probably will when they get back in again, before they eventually hand over to Labour when their turn for fucking things up comes round again.

I asked you specifically several posts ago to stop using dated examples. Anything pre-Cold War isn't relevant to the modern nuclear age so please don't use it as evidence.

Because it's a proven fact that 35,000 years of human nature has changed in the last 6 decades? The fact is that history is littered with hundreds of examples of wars that had to be fought, just as the future will hold wars that have to be fought.

I've been marching through London about the US and UK entering an illegal war against Iraq. I am glad that Saddam is removed from power but it should have been done at least a decade ago. It is our fault that he got to the level of power that he had so it is our fault that we are at war, not Iraq's fault.

So you're glad that we got rid of Saddam but you don't like the way we did it but you think we should have done it sooner? Is that not a little confused and a tad hypocritical?

You've used a weak example in partnership with a weak initial point. Yes, nuclear deterrents have 'saved lives' in the past (if you look at it with an incredibly narrow viewpoint) but they have also resulted in a world where people lived in fear of nuclear attack.

Nuclear weapons have meant that Europe has gone longer now than it ever has in its history without a major war. If NATO (USA & UK) and WarPac (USSR) hadn't of had nukes then we would have already had WW3. That is a fact that you cannot escape. Possession of nuclear weapons is a deterrent to anyone else with nuclear weapons attacking you. That is also a fact that you cannot escape.

This fear is over but you still feel it and that feeling is unfounded.

The fear is over? It may not be the over riding threat now as it was in the 1960s - 80s, but it is still a very real threat and it will be until the day when every single nuke is destroyed. Until that day comes, we have to do everything in our power to deter others from nuking us.

How so? In the real world that we live in there is no threat of nuclear attacks unless we allow the US to go crazy with it's nukes on Iran (and even then we're safe).

In the real world? When Russia still has thousands of nukes and is massively increasing defence spending while looking to gain dominance over Europe with their oil and gas reserves? Where Pakistan is steps away from having a nuclear armed Taleban government? Where Iran is possibly attempting to build their own bomb? Where China has somewhere between 80 and 2000 warheads and will soon come into conflict with the west more and more for rapidly depleting resources as they seek to bring their economy and industry into the 21st century? That real world?

If you actually took the time to look up about the NPT conferences you'd see that the nearest one is in 2010 and that there could be more negotiations scheduled before 2012/2014. There is absolutely no harm in delaying the start of work on Trident until then.

So we get to 2010 without doing anything about a replacement and it turns out that no one wants to give up their nukes. So we leave it until 2014 and still no one wants to give them up. Do we order the replacement then (risking leaving ourselves without a deterrent while the new Subs and missiles are built, tested and delivered) or do we say "well, we'll give it another go in 2020"?

Massive steps towards disarmament can be taken if governments are given a chance to do it.

We are disarming - we currently have 200 warheads, we will soon have 160. That is a massive cut in our nuclear power.

A single poll in the times may have suggested that but a quick google search will find you several polls that suggest otherwise.

Ah right, because those polls are more accurate than the other? When more people vote for a fat sub human sitting in a tv studio 'house' than for who they want as Prime Minister I would suggest that any opinion poll is worthless.

You're not giving the public enough credit. Yes, there is the section that is poorly educated, but we have the highest amount of university educated people for years, etc. The people that vote are more than capable of making an educated (or at least part informed) decision.

A dyslexic hamster could get good A Levels and go to university these days. How many national security briefings have the average person attended to make an informed decision about the need for a future nuclear deterrent?

I'd much rather have the general public voting on something than the likes of you, in all fairness. With all due respect, I support you in your occupation and I think very highly of you as a person but you're so biased its unbelievable.

Again, what does the average person understand about anything they haven't read about in the papers?

I didn't say I wanted invasion of African nations in struggle. My point is; why not help countries in need rather than destroying countries with an oil supply?

How should we help them? They could start by helping themselves.

Why do you say that? Is it because war is your only answer to problems in the world?

Because I'm a realist and I believe war is coming sometime in the future as resources begin to run out.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 05:40:43 pm by BIGdavalad »
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #169 on: March 17, 2007, 06:52:47 pm »
As an Irish person I am glad that Britain has a nuclear capability. In a perfect world no one would have these weapons, but until we get there I would rather it was not just Russia, China, North Korea etc who have them. I am pleased that the US and UK and France are there to provide balance and to represent democratic countries.

I agree that there will be some big wars in this century over, amongst other things, water.
You have to try very hard to see what's going on in front of your face

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #170 on: March 17, 2007, 07:46:21 pm »
Fantastic. Financial contributions (in pounds, please) always welcome from those who stand under our umbrella.

ds 2190 is getting tangled up again. Nuclear weapons are but the latest in mans destructive capabilities. It is only by carrying a bigger stick that you gain compromises from tyrants.

Jaw-jaw is all well and good, but sooner or later you have to make them abide by resolutions.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #171 on: March 18, 2007, 12:01:50 am »
No, it's pointless.

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #172 on: March 18, 2007, 06:14:08 pm »
There will be another major (maybe even World) war this century. Of that I am completely certain.

Then why bother going on? if thats true and it involves nukes we're all fucked anyway.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #173 on: March 18, 2007, 06:15:43 pm »
Then why bother going on? if thats true and it involves nukes we're all fucked anyway.

What else are we going to do, mass suicide? The whole idea of having nukes is that we will never have to use them.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #174 on: March 18, 2007, 06:19:20 pm »
What else are we going to do, mass suicide? The whole idea of having nukes is that we will never have to use them.

well given that you're certain that there's going to be this world war and on the assumption that there's going to be two sides with nukes then you might as well.

Otherwise the only option is to actually work to reducing the number of nukes because when that war turns hot so will we about an hour later.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #175 on: March 18, 2007, 06:21:39 pm »
well given that you're certain that there's going to be this world war and on the assumption that there's going to be two sides with nukes then you might as well.

Not really - I have an NBC suit and a respirator and I'm trained to survive one...

Besides - just because two sides with nuclear weapons go to war doesn't mean they'll use them. India and Pakistan spend half their time shelling each other in Kashmir and Bombay and Karachi don't look like big popadoms yet.

Otherwise the only option is to actually work to reducing the number of nukes because when that war turns hot so will we about an hour later.

We are - we're dumping 40 of our warheads.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #176 on: March 18, 2007, 06:28:59 pm »
Not really - I have an NBC suit and a respirator and I'm trained to survive one...

Besides - just because two sides with nuclear weapons go to war doesn't mean they'll use them. India and Pakistan spend half their time shelling each other in Kashmir and Bombay and Karachi don't look like big popadoms yet.

yes enjoy the glowing remains afterwards, the world will be like Selhurst park on a bad night.

Sort of destroys the logic behind them stopping war then doesn't it?

As for reducing the warheads 160's still far too many. And why the fuck are we signing up yet again to be the front line for America's star wars lunacy.

Its all bollocks. lecturing countries on proliferation on the one hand and inventing the next generation of illegal weapons on the other.
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #177 on: March 18, 2007, 06:32:46 pm »
yes enjoy the glowing remains afterwards, the world will be like Selhurst park on a bad night.

I'm looking forward to the mutant hunting that we'll be able to afterwards. I want one of those Hills Have eyes things on my living room wall.

Sort of destroys the logic behind them stopping war then doesn't it?

We spent 40 years with implacable enemies pointing 50,000 warheads at each other and never once have we had a nuclear war. They've worked up to now.

As for reducing the warheads 160's still far too many. And why the fuck are we signing up yet again to be the front line for America's star wars lunacy.

Until every other country on the planet gets rid of theirs, we have to keep enough to deter them from attacking us.

Its all bollocks. lecturing countries on proliferation on the one hand and inventing the next generation of illegal weapons on the other.

Surely proliferation is increasing the number of nuclear weapons in the world, whereas we are reducing the number?
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #178 on: March 18, 2007, 06:39:50 pm »
I'm looking forward to the mutant hunting that we'll be able to afterwards. I want one of those Hills Have eyes things on my living room wall.
If  you really want to spend the rest of your live with a load of the Neville family then you're welcome to em.

We spent 40 years with implacable enemies pointing 50,000 warheads at each other and never once have we had a nuclear war. They've worked up to now.

And you know how close we've come to the world being wiped out both intentionally and by accident. You get one chance and then thats it.

Much as i despise war i'd prefer a devastating war with tanks and munitions as normal than the glowing option. At least we don't wipe out mankind.

Until every other country on the planet gets rid of theirs, we have to keep enough to deter them from attacking us.

Surely proliferation is increasing the number of nuclear weapons in the world, whereas we are reducing the number?

we are doing absolutely fuck all to get other countries to reduce theirs. Where's ongoing pressure on russia and the US.

Blair can't fucking get onto this quick enough, fucking sell out that he is.

Proliferation is increasing because people know once you're in the club thats it. We've got new nukes being developed, the illegal star wars project going to be sanctioned.

Nothing whatsoever to do with cutting back
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #179 on: March 18, 2007, 06:46:42 pm »
And you know how close we've come to the world being wiped out both intentionally and by accident. You get one chance and then thats it.

And yet we never have had one person stupid enough to start a nuclear war. MAD works, as terrible as it sounds.

Much as i despise war i'd prefer a devastating war with tanks and munitions as normal than the glowing option. At least we don't wipe out mankind.

Nuclear weapons have existed for 52 years and mankind's still here.

we are doing absolutely fuck all to get other countries to reduce theirs. Where's ongoing pressure on russia and the US.

What pressure can we put on the US or Russia?

Blair can't fucking get onto this quick enough, fucking sell out that he is.

He's a politician.

Proliferation is increasing because people know once you're in the club thats it. We've got new nukes being developed, the illegal star wars project going to be sanctioned.

Nothing whatsoever to do with cutting back

We will have fewer new nukes being developed. That is surely a good thing?
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #180 on: March 18, 2007, 07:10:30 pm »
And yet we never have had one person stupid enough to start a nuclear war. MAD works, as terrible as it sounds.

We've never had anyone so far. I put that down to luck rather than planning. If those gremlins hadn't been spotted in the early warning systems there would have been no way back.

Nuclear weapons have existed for 52 years and mankind's still here.

And the minute there's a world war with them we're not anymore.

What pressure can we put on the US or Russia?

We're the fifth largest economy in the world, we're a member of the security council and of that 'elite' group of countries with nukes, we're not without a voice , the fact we can't hear anything is the crime.

He's a politician.

He's a c*nt of the highest order.But i guess thats the point you're making ;D

We will have fewer new nukes being developed. That is surely a good thing?

I find it hard to believe the new warheads won't be more devastating . But on the balance of course its better having less than more.

But as a comparison its like going for a STD test and finding out you don't have AIDs but only Syphilis ( i imagine ;D )
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #181 on: March 18, 2007, 07:18:22 pm »
And you'd know a thing or to about ignorant views, judging by this thread. Commie Bobbie - how's utopia these days?

I've got a clear conscience.

Do you?

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #182 on: March 18, 2007, 07:31:57 pm »
Fantastic. Financial contributions (in pounds, please) always welcome from those who stand under our umbrella.

Fair enough. How much are you paying the US?
You have to try very hard to see what's going on in front of your face

Offline BIGdavalad

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #183 on: March 18, 2007, 07:37:03 pm »
We've never had anyone so far. I put that down to luck rather than planning. If those gremlins hadn't been spotted in the early warning systems there would have been no way back.

There are very few people in the world who care little enough about their own life that they would risk being the target of a nuclear strike

And the minute there's a world war with them we're not anymore.

Only if nukes were used. Plenty of nuclear armed countries have fought wars without using nuclear weapons

We're the fifth largest economy in the world, we're a member of the security council and of that 'elite' group of countries with nukes, we're not without a voice , the fact we can't hear anything is the crime.

Russia has a bigger hold over us with their gas and oil reserves and more nukes. The US are richer and have more nukes. I

He's a c*nt of the highest order.But i guess thats the point you're making ;D


I find it hard to believe the new warheads won't be more devastating . But on the balance of course its better having less than more.

I believe (although I'm not certain) that the new warheads are not planned to be as big as the old ones to make them more flexible in their use (ie easier to target).

I've got a clear conscience.

Do you?

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that 5th B has never nuked anyone in his life.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #184 on: March 18, 2007, 07:55:46 pm »
Didn't mean it in that way.  But how can people support Trident and sleep at night is beyond me.  It's not needed.

By extension, did you support the usage of depleted uranium in bullets and tank shells in the first Gulf War?
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #185 on: March 18, 2007, 07:58:56 pm »
20 billion, I hear.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #186 on: March 18, 2007, 08:07:43 pm »

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #187 on: March 18, 2007, 08:22:35 pm »
And am i missing some major fucking point. Last time i looked we were a member of Nato the worlds largest and most succesful defence force.

What sort of numbnuts is going to attack that when France and the US have nukes anyway?
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #188 on: March 18, 2007, 08:29:32 pm »
By extension, did you support the usage of depleted uranium in bullets and tank shells in the first Gulf War?


And am i missing some major fucking point. Last time i looked we were a member of Nato the worlds largest and most succesful defence force.

What sort of numbnuts is going to attack that when France and the US have nukes anyway?

Relying on anyone for our national defence would be madness. Relying on the military might of Belgium, Holland, Germany and Italy would be complete and utter lunacy.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #189 on: March 18, 2007, 08:35:17 pm »

I find the hospital data, about the increase in Leukaemia cases in areas where DU has been used quite sickening.

Sleep Well...
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 08:37:21 pm by Commie Bobbie »
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #190 on: March 18, 2007, 08:37:42 pm »

Sleep Well...

Saw a very disturbing video that some students had made last year in Science. The pictures still haunt me.

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #191 on: March 18, 2007, 08:38:03 pm »

Sleep Well...

I do, knowing that our weapons are using the best things we have to penetrate the armour of the division of T-72s advancing towards me with the sole aim of using my knackers as castanets.

Did you know bullets have been known to cause death?
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #192 on: March 18, 2007, 08:40:28 pm »
I do, knowing that our weapons are using the best things we have to penetrate the armour of the division of T-72s advancing towards me with the sole aim of using my knackers as castanets.

Did you know bullets have been known to cause death?

Do you have no moral code at all?

I appreciate that you're in the armed forces and a degree of selfishness is to be expected but can you honestly justify the use of something so dangerous?

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #193 on: March 18, 2007, 08:43:50 pm »
Do you have no moral code at all?

I appreciate that you're in the armed forces and a degree of selfishness is to be expected but can you honestly justify the use of something so dangerous?

I cry myself to sleep at night sometimes worrying about whether the weapons I use are dangerous ::)

If I have the choice between defending myself against a couple of hundred T-72s with the five rounds of rifle ammunition that nice Mr Blair lets us invade another counry with or the possibility of an increased risk of lukemia in the area and a lot of smoking scrap metal, guess which one I'm going to choose?
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All of the above came from my head unless otherwise stated. If you have been affected by the issues raised by my post, please feel free to contact us on 0800 1234567 and we will send you an information pack on manning the fuck up.

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #194 on: March 18, 2007, 08:59:04 pm »
Why am I not surprised that you think that.

Self, Self, Self.

Does it make you proud that you're part of Bliar's private and personal army.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #195 on: March 18, 2007, 09:01:35 pm »
Why am I not surprised that you think that.

Self, Self, Self.

I find that one quite amuzing really, he's putting his life at risk for his country but it's all about himself ;D.

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #196 on: March 18, 2007, 09:03:50 pm »
I find that one quite amuzing really, he's putting his life at risk for his country but it's all about himself ;D.

Anyone who's in Iraq isn't representing me. They are representing the corporate fascists who want them there for their own warped means.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #197 on: March 18, 2007, 09:06:13 pm »
Fair enough, but the fact remains, he's hardly self self self.

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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #198 on: March 18, 2007, 09:07:04 pm »
Come on BIGdavalad !

Some people can't get their heads round the fact that conventional wars are so prolific because of their 'low level' of combat. As I said earlier the Russkies were stopped in their tracks 20 years ago when we came out with battlefield nukes and this is what has held the peace in Europe since.

If it were down to conventional weapons the old Warsaw Pact countries would have swept through Europe long ago, and we could have done diddly squat because of sheer weight of numbers - never mind quality.
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Re: Trident: Should we renew/extend or not?
« Reply #199 on: March 18, 2007, 09:17:27 pm »
Fair enough, but the fact remains, he's hardly self self self.

He is supporting the usage of weapons which have been proven to cause cancer in areas where DU has been used, such as Basra in recent times, there was also the case in Bosnia when tank shells were made with DU and cancer cases went up.

There is widespread acceptance that DU should not be used and the European parliament amongst others have backed proposals to this effect.

"request the Member States to immediately implement a moratorium on the further use of depleted uranium ammunition (and other uranium warheads), pending the conclusions of a comprehensive study of the requirements of international humanitarian law",

"call upon the EU and its Member States to work hard to ensure that the scope of Protocol III to the CCW on Incendiary Weapons is expanded in order to prevent the further use of white phosphorus shells against military and civilian targets and to stop the use of (depleted) uranium warheads"

There is the argument that when military action is neccesary, it is for the benefit of the people of that area. By using non-conventional weapons and substances such as DU, what you are doing is making a bad situation worse, in my opinion.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 09:19:12 pm by Commie Bobbie »
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