Author Topic: RTK piece in the Post  (Read 3845 times)

Offline Ste G

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RTK piece in the Post
« on: December 15, 2006, 10:16:47 am »
The Kop looks to the future to reclaim Anfield's glorious past
Dec 15 2006
MIKE CHAPPLE reports on a new campaign to retain part of Liverpool FC's illustrious heritage
By Mike Chapple, Daily Post

THE proposed £450m takeover at Anfield may have some Liverpool fans optimistically looking towards the future.

But at grass roots level there's a growing worry that the club's traditions are being swamped by an influx of newer fans ignorant to what has gone before.

This is of particular concern on The Kop.

Always the beating heart of the club, it came to prominence during the Shankly era of the '60s.

Then it was almost exclusively populated by locally-born working class males who prided themselves with introducing innovative anthemic chants to the grounds of the English Football League and, despite their vociferous partisan support, retaining a sense of fair play to any opposition that showed its worth.

But the organisers of a new campaign group - Reclaim The Kop - believe these core values are becoming eroded by a newer generation of fans, many of whom travel to the ground from other areas of the country and who are ignorant of the old ways.

Merseyside-born writer and passionate Liverpool fan Kevin Sampson is widely acknowledged to be one of the founders of RTK.

Matters came to ahead after the home game against Bordeaux, when sections of the crowd taunted the 3,000 French fans in the Anfield Road end with the standardised chants of "who areya?" "eas-eh" and "you're not singing anymore"

"Seasoned heads were shook - it was embarrassing," explained 43-year-old Sampson. "These fans had welcomed travelling Reds for our away game, and here, at Anfield, we were ridiculing them.

This was NOT the Liverpool Way.
We led from the front. We never followed. Take a look now. The Kop is a sad shadow of its former self. From such a unique position of grandeur, it could be argued we are now merely a clone of any other English league team.

"Be it pop music, terrace chanting, fashions; we were pioneers in the British game. This was the breaking point; an indication of the depths to which some of our supporthas sunk. It was time to take a stand and speak out.

"The creeping commercialisation of the game has seen a deliberate attempt to move it away from its roots, and market it as wacky family entertainment. But football isn't entertainment. It's not a night at the multiplex or a theme park. Football is at the very heart of who we are. It's not ac ommercial choice which team you support - at least it should never be with Liverpool.

"And forget all that Local Support v Out of Towners debate. A supporter is a supporter no matter where they come from just so long as they've had their education. This is where were are falling down."

Another popular local writer and ardent Reds fan, Dave Kirby, the man behind Brick Up the Mersey Tunnels, is actively backing the campaign.

"It was 1965 when my dad first took me to Anfield. My abiding memory from that day is of the mass colour and incredible raucous atmosphere that emanated from the Kop. To a six-year old kid it was spellbinding.

"I eventually made the transition from boys' pen to Kopite and spent most of my teenage years standing on a barrier singing in the middle of the Kop before moving nearer to the corner flag with 15 of my mates."

Thirty-five years later, and Dave took his own then six-year-old son Daniel to his first home game, this time against Ipswich Town.

Dave, 47, remembered: "I was hoping my son would take away a special memory like I did all those years before. He did. Unfortunately, it was nothing to do with the match or non-existent atmosphere; it was of Jesters Hats, which had just come on the scene around that time and which for me symbolise the way the modern game has gone.

"Most of my mates now watch the game in the bars around Kirkby. I recently went to the Falcon pub to watch a match and the atmosphere was better than at most games at Anfield. Like most old Kopites, they are the true working class fans who made the Kop so special, but have sadly been priced-out."

There have already been meetings involving Reclaim The Kop campaign supporters in city pubs and this game plan of "education" evolved as Sampson explained.

"I woke up after the Bordeaux game feeling very angry and depressed, but when the anger subsided I realised that there were loads of people who come to the game who literally didn't know what to do," explained Sampson.

"But I think they do want to be part of it; it's just that they need to be told how it should be done. "What we want is to have the Kop the way it was for Chelsea in the European Cup semi final and keep it that way for every game. The Kop became special because it was different. We can make it special again."

The campaign proper will start with a leaflet campaign at the home game against Bolton on New Year's Day.

"2007 is the year of Liverpool's 800th anniversary and we thought that the game on January 1 would make for an appropriate symbolic start," said Sampson, who said that RTK had the full support of Rick Parry and the club management.

There will be a 10-week information series on the club's official website which will include a teach yourself Kop songs karaoke feature, complete with bouncing ball prompter.

"I'd love nothing more than to hear that famous roar again or to stop asking the day-trippers who sit in front of me could they wait till half-time before standing up and taking photos. But my fear is that the days we're all so desperate to recapture were lost forever when football sold its soul.

"I don't think any of us ever dreamed that one day we'd be talking about educating our own."

(Link is very long and don't know how to wrap into a 'click here')


The tone of this is totally wrong in my opinion. Too much emphasis on OOTs v working class scousers. Doesn't make RTK sound very inclusive does it? It comes across as arrogant. Is this Sampson's fault of the Post's? Seems to be the Post who put in the "many of them come from far away blah blah blah.." but surely Sampson would have approved it before publishing?

I can see many locals now reading this and getting the wrong idea due to the tone of it. Nice to see it getting proper publicity but there's a danger of this being taken the wrong way.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 12:07:17 pm by Ste G »

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 10:25:12 am »
It gives the bitters something to laugh about as well.
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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 10:26:32 am »
I agree, it sounds like they are laying the blame on OOTS.  I am pretty confident I have heard scousers singing 'Eh-seh'.

The night after Chelsea Semi final was one of those occasions.

Offline jexykrodic

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2006, 10:40:01 am »
Ironic, the fact that they want to use the internet to get back to their roots.

Would not starting songs and chants inside the ground be a better effort?

Sadly, I think the genie is out of the bottle, and worthy attempts at 'self-education' whilst cute, will not work with the day-trippers.

I hope I'm wrong.

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2006, 10:49:00 am »
Again the OOTers start to get paranoid.  What vital element was mentioned was what was the heart of the Kop, the locally-born working class man, like it or lump it that's a fact.  The Kop is our roots its an integral part of our culture and your fucked if anyone is ever going to take that away from me or any other Scouser who were part of it over the years.  Yes there probably is a two tier system and the locals do feel superior, tough, it's our city.  By all means come as a guest but respect our city and it's ways.

The column does not say get rid of OOTers it states that they should be educated, this may involve keeping quiet until you have learnt the culture, songs, and humour.  OOTers are here to stay, again, like it or lump it but what they should not do IMO is quickly learn the songs then repeatedly bang out evey one you know throughout the whole 90 minutes, a system those in 202 seem to have adopted.  It's no wonder half the locals have jibbed the match or keep quiet when some clown pipes up with a load of shite.  Respect and Retake the Kop, happy days.
G'Day Lid - Official Scouse rep of the OCB Down Under.

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2006, 10:49:06 am »

get your lazy ass's out of bed in a morning, get a kop ticket,

and show us how its relay done.

Why was my post deleted?

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2006, 10:59:57 am »
I am from Belfast and admittedly only make ot to Anfield occassionally and I can honestly say as an OOT or a WOOL (Whichever I am) that I do NOT find the above article in the least bit offensive - In fact it's actually heartening to see that the real scousers acknowledge our presence and invite us to play our part in returning Anfield to it's former glories.

YNWA and good luck to RTK


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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2006, 11:21:01 am »
Its a subjective interpretation of what has been published on

Some will agree with it, some will take issue with it, but the real rmessage is still to be found on the RTK website.

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2006, 11:29:15 am »
I agree, it sounds like they are laying the blame on OOTS.  I am pretty confident I have heard scousers singing 'Eh-seh'.

The night after Chelsea Semi final was one of those occasions.

I can verify that. I was sitting in the paddock for that Bordeux game and in front of me were a row of young scousers. They were do the Who are ya etc chanting.
What I love about this, and several other of Kenny's press conferences, is that he manages to say something to the effect of  'Shut the fuck up, you fucking helmets and don't fuck with me or my football club or I'll make you eat your own balls', without actually using th

Offline Ste G

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Re: RTK piece in the Echo
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2006, 12:06:23 pm »
It's not about whether it offends paranoid OOTs or not, it's about the tone of the article and the message. This kind of thing can easily be taken the wrong way.

RTK is apparently not about OOTs, yet this article makes a couple of references to OOT support versus the local working classes and it's unnecessary. Just threatens to derail RTK into an elitest anti-OOT thing and that's not what it should be about.

I'm not an OOT nor do I care either way about them, but I don't think this piece has been written very well.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2006, 12:16:37 pm »
It's not about whether it offends paranoid OOTs or not, it's about the tone of the article and the message. This kind of thing can easily be taken the wrong way.

RTK is apparently not about OOTs, yet this article makes a couple of references to OOT support versus the local working classes and it's unnecessary. Just threatens to derail RTK into an elitest anti-OOT thing and that's not what it should be about.

I'm not an OOT nor do I care either way about them, but I don't think this piece has been written very well.

The Daily Post putting an angle on things, for the evertonians to lap up perhaps?

Feeds right into their whole People's Club thing
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2006, 12:34:37 pm »
look .....oots only read what you want to read ffs....sorry ....i rephrase ....moaning negative insecure fooking...fooking oots...YOU ! only read what you want hear...
the lads are going out of their way to put things right
YOU have a choice ,....decide how you want it to be...if you are behind rtk ...then stop spitting out your fucking dummies and get behind it for f"ck sakes....if you dont want rtk and what it stands for ...then im afraid you know what to do....
this is not aimed at EVERY oot....NOT...NOT ...NOT FUCKING AIMED AT EVERY OOT!!...
READ IT SEE IT ...AND FUCKING UNDERSTAND IT.....sorry for the rant mods but some people just dont get it do they
for the last time....
oots your welcome ...very welcome ere and you.. as every scouser has the right to get behind the redmen but for fucksakes stop moaning and being defensive all the time and put your energies behind good(rtk) causes and to better use.....phew....i thank you!
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2006, 12:49:41 pm »
I've read one this Kevin Sampson blokes books and I'm sure he dosn't even sit in the Kop.
[b "What we want is to have the Kop the way it was for Chelsea in the European Cup semi final and keep it that way for every game. The Kop became special because it was different. We can make it special again."

Does he actually believe this can happen? he's a fool if he does.
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2006, 12:52:29 pm »
Does he actually believe this can happen? he's a fool if he does.

But at least he and the others are having a go. Better than just sitting moaning about it.
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2006, 12:56:16 pm »
There was a statement supporting the OOT's, but I think slightly more needs to be said to encourage them.  Otherwise I think its great that RTK is getting a bit more publicity.


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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2006, 12:58:10 pm »
fool for thinking it can happen....?.....yeh but if you want it to can get a lot closer if the smart ass attitude could lessen and efforts are
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2006, 01:02:47 pm »
I've read one this Kevin Sampson blokes books and I'm sure he dosn't even sit in the Kop.

I actually thought he still did.

Reading the article, the over-emphasis on the Scouse - OOT thing all appeared to have been added by the in his introduction.  Remember it's a Liverpool paper and he was probably tailoring for his audience.

It was a shame because, regardless of the historical truths about Liverpool's support being traditionally male, working class and local, it gave the impression that the only people who needed educating were the OOT day-trippers. As someone who sits in the centre of the Kop every game I can categorically say that is not the case.
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2006, 01:05:05 pm »
The tone of this is totally wrong in my opinion. Too much emphasis on OOTs v working class scousers. Doesn't make RTK sound very inclusive does it? It comes across as arrogant. Is this Sampson's fault of the Post's? Seems to be the Post who put in the "many of them come from far away blah blah blah.." but surely Sampson would have approved it before publishing?

I can see many locals now reading this and getting the wrong idea due to the tone of it. Nice to see it getting proper publicity but there's a danger of this being taken the wrong way.


Are you just determined to undermine *everything* associated with RTK? Because where I'm coming from it looks that way.

There is nothing wrong with the piece in the Post.
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2006, 01:08:10 pm »

There will be a 10-week information series on the club's official website which will include a teach yourself Kop songs karaoke feature, complete with bouncing ball prompter.

oh dear god please tell me that is a joke and hasn't really gone into print

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2006, 01:36:01 pm »
An OOT fans view of RTK

I have been reading a lot recently about RTK, and its ambition to make the Kop a booming wall of support once more. I am 100% behind this initiative, and I think it is long overdue.

I am 35 next year, and have been a Liverpool supporter since I was 4. The decision to support Liverpool Football Club was made pre-school – so before it had anything to do what my mates did - and nothing to do with being a glory hunter.

I watched my first ever football match in the company of my dad; two uncles; and granddad (RIP) and I basically rebelled against three Tottenham fans (My Dad and two uncles). The rest is history.

I am obsessed with football and Liverpool FC. I watch hours and hours of football a week, and am a player manager on a Sunday. My passion for the game is waning slightly due to the money men well and truly taking over, but I’ll leave that debate for another day.

The reason for posting this is to try and help the people behind RTK, and all other interested parties, to understand things from an OOT’ers point of view, or at least from my point of view as an OOT’er. There are thousands and thousands of fans from different parts of the country, and indeed different countries, and if more was done to make them feel welcome I think it would help the atmosphere.

I think that many OOT’ers feel like they support a club that many local fans would rather they didn’t on some occasions, and this is when the clamming up effect takes a hold. They feel uncomfortable to shout and cheer at Anfield, unless thousands are doing so at the same time, as they feel that their accent will be instantly noticed and frowned upon. While I understand that RTK is not against OOT’ers, you have to admit that many Liverpudlians are.

I love to sing and passionately support the lads whenever I am at the match. The sad truth of the matter is though; I am never going to get a song started. The first reason for this is that I don’t like shouting in my ‘southern accent’ at a match for fear of looking out of place, because of the many that will slate you for singing in the wrong accent or whatever.
Secondly, I am not the loud and bold sort of person who would feel comfortable doing that on my own. (Unless I am bladdered of course).

I do however have a fucking loud voice and the desire to use it in supporting the team. All I need is a group of people near me to get the noise to a level where I don’t stick out like a sore thumb, and then I’ll scream until I am horse!

So I guess the responsibility falls on those with a birth right, and ‘the right accent’ to start the songs and encourage and welcome fans from all four corners of the world to join in. Only when people feel comfortable and relaxed in their environment will they open up.

Many may think this is me (The OOT) passing the buck back to Liverpudlians, but that isn’t the case . I am merely being 100% honest about how I feel many fans feel at Anfield, and trying to communicate that to all fans so something can be done.

I still think that a section of the Kop, run by RTK, should be pre-booked and kept for those who have proven to be consistent singers. If three thousand down the middle of the Kop sang for 90 minutes Anfield would already sound loads better, and I am willing to bet that the people around them would join in, once the noise reached critical mass.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 01:38:51 pm by RedMike-86- »
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2006, 01:49:04 pm »
Absolutely bang on Mike. An excellently described problem that does play a small part in stiffling atmosphere.

About the suggestion of an RTK section for the Kop. Its a good idea, but I very much doubt the club will be of any assistance as it means uprooting any season ticket holders who would not want to be involved.

Around 2002 an effort was made to sustain a singing section in block 202 by getting PTS tickets together. This was also helped along by a couple of seasoned regulars who sit on the edge of 203. Apologies but their names escape me.

Despite the good intentions of that effort, it still attracted criticism from others, particularly season ticket holders in more central locations of the Kop. These were the very same people who also moaned that the atmosphere was shite. I know it might sound as if I'm slating ST, but it seems to escape some that the responsibility is as much with them to help things along. If you are in the middle of the Kop, its your job to play a major part. Thats the way it should be. If you dont contribute, you shouldnt be in there.

Just goes to show how hard it will be to achieve certain aims of RTK when the support can be so fractious.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2006, 01:54:26 pm »
I still think that a section of the Kop, run by RTK, should be pre-booked and kept for those who have proven to be consistent singers. If three thousand down the middle of the Kop sang for 90 minutes Anfield would already sound loads better, and I am willing to bet that the people around them would join in, once the noise reached critical mass.

Moving the most passionate and vociferous support to the centre of the Kop seems to me to be a priority.  And an easily achievable one at that.  A singing section or 'Kop within a Kop' type of thing.  Has it been tried before?
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2006, 02:07:16 pm »
good article, and i emphathise with the RTK folks.

I wish things would stay the same ie the way they were in the years gone by.

But how many working class folks make up the crowd these days?  How many locals can afford to go?  I'd suggest that with our new 60,000 seater ground, there will be a very much reduced 'local' audience.

Not wanting to be controversial, but I have never found a great atmosphere at an all seater ground  i.e. in comparison to the old Kop  :(

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2006, 02:09:01 pm »
Good article, but can you spot the irony?

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2006, 02:10:33 pm »
Are you just determined to undermine *everything* associated with RTK? Because where I'm coming from it looks that way.

There is nothing wrong with the piece in the Post.

Where do you come from? who cares?

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2006, 02:16:03 pm »
"What we want is to have the Kop the way it was for Chelsea in the European Cup semi final and keep it that way for every game. The Kop became special because it was different. We can make it special again."

Agree with most of whats been said, but did it occur to him that the reason the atmosphere was so good against chelsea was because there was so much at stake rather than it just happening to be a game that more 'true' fans were at?  Back in the 80's EVERY game was a big game. A league win would either maintain top spot in the league, or go along way towards reaching it.  These days we're too far behind the leading pack for league games to generate that kind of excitement and importance.  Yes we need the points, but we aint gonna win the league this year, and haven't looked like doing so for all the time since we last did, and while the race for 4th spot is important, it's hardly likely to ignite the 'magic' of a propper sustained championship challenge.  I'm all for more of an effort on the part of us fans, but its no surprise that the quality of atmosphere appears to have decreased along with the quality of football......bring on Barca!!
« Last Edit: December 15, 2006, 02:24:45 pm by dbphase »
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2006, 02:28:34 pm »
Spot on BSBW. Can't see much wrong with the article either. I certainly don't get any anti-OOT thing from it - but it acknowledges a simple fact too - that some oot's know jack about what being on the Kop is all about - or being a Red at all for that matter.

The first time I finally got on the Kop (the 2nd 4-3 v Newcastle) flags waving.. cracking atmosphere - during one or two lulls in the 2nd half (they were scoring after all.. ha), the odd 'Stand up if you hate Man U' got an airing. Small pockets of people dotted around did stand up in response - but only to shout it down with real genuine threatening menace. I felt very at home with a broad grin across my face. Everything that I held dear about being a red seemed to be confirmed in that shouting down of such a duff twatty chant. I would have joined in myself, but I wasn't up for any 'fuck off you wooly twat' at that moment in time. ;D

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2006, 02:30:40 pm »
As an OOT supporter I didn't feel like it was laying the blame at my door. The RTK message is very clearly all about education, whether you're scouse or not and that comes across in this piece.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2006, 02:55:47 pm »
An OOT fans view of RTK

I have been reading a lot recently about RTK, and its ambition to make the Kop a booming wall of support once more. I am 100% behind this initiative, and I think it is long overdue.

I am 35 next year, and have been a Liverpool supporter since I was 4. The decision to support Liverpool Football Club was made pre-school – so before it had anything to do what my mates did - and nothing to do with being a glory hunter.

I watched my first ever football match in the company of my dad; two uncles; and granddad (RIP) and I basically rebelled against three Tottenham fans (My Dad and two uncles). The rest is history.

I am obsessed with football and Liverpool FC. I watch hours and hours of football a week, and am a player manager on a Sunday. My passion for the game is waning slightly due to the money men well and truly taking over, but I’ll leave that debate for another day.

The reason for posting this is to try and help the people behind RTK, and all other interested parties, to understand things from an OOT’ers point of view, or at least from my point of view as an OOT’er. There are thousands and thousands of fans from different parts of the country, and indeed different countries, and if more was done to make them feel welcome I think it would help the atmosphere.

I think that many OOT’ers feel like they support a club that many local fans would rather they didn’t on some occasions, and this is when the clamming up effect takes a hold. They feel uncomfortable to shout and cheer at Anfield, unless thousands are doing so at the same time, as they feel that their accent will be instantly noticed and frowned upon. While I understand that RTK is not against OOT’ers, you have to admit that many Liverpudlians are.

I love to sing and passionately support the lads whenever I am at the match. The sad truth of the matter is though; I am never going to get a song started. The first reason for this is that I don’t like shouting in my ‘southern accent’ at a match for fear of looking out of place, because of the many that will slate you for singing in the wrong accent or whatever.
Secondly, I am not the loud and bold sort of person who would feel comfortable doing that on my own. (Unless I am bladdered of course).

I do however have a fucking loud voice and the desire to use it in supporting the team. All I need is a group of people near me to get the noise to a level where I don’t stick out like a sore thumb, and then I’ll scream until I am horse!

So I guess the responsibility falls on those with a birth right, and ‘the right accent’ to start the songs and encourage and welcome fans from all four corners of the world to join in. Only when people feel comfortable and relaxed in their environment will they open up.

Many may think this is me (The OOT) passing the buck back to Liverpudlians, but that isn’t the case . I am merely being 100% honest about how I feel many fans feel at Anfield, and trying to communicate that to all fans so something can be done.

I still think that a section of the Kop, run by RTK, should be pre-booked and kept for those who have proven to be consistent singers. If three thousand down the middle of the Kop sang for 90 minutes Anfield would already sound loads better, and I am willing to bet that the people around them would join in, once the noise reached critical mass.

Don’t agree with all of this but still well put.

Seen as it’s hearts-on-sleeves time I would like to chip in with my penny worth.

I can only vaguely remember my visits when I was younger to Anfield – the last visit back when I was a kid was Rushie’s last game in front of the kop v Watford (first time around) before he left for Juventus. I remember I was sat quite high up in the main stand – I also remember crowd trouble before the game as we walked from roughly the Arkles Lane direction. I don’t remember being blown away by any massive eruption of noise from the Kop or anywhere else in the ground (until after the game that was when Rushie threw his shirt in the Kop). Nor on my other 2 visits in the 80’s against Everton and Tottenham do I remember a massive wall of noise.

Fast forward 20-odd years to my next visit and league cup semi v sheffutd – don’t know why it took that long for me to get back. All sorts of reasons I guess such as work and women but I combine Hillsborough and Souness as the two main causes of me becoming distant with Anfield during my teens and 20’s. The only way I can describe seeing Anfield and the surrounding area again was like coming home. You see that is why Anfield is special – the atmosphere around the ground as well as in it is why I love the place and the people.

Re this RWK campaign. Lets not re-invent the wheel here people. Diversity of people and the very fact that Liverpudlians have always accepted and treated visitors as their own is what makes us special. Always has and always will. Every single one of us has a responsibility when we are at a match to support the team and we normally all do regardless whether if times are good or times are bad. We are all as one when it comes to Liverpool FC and any ‘easeh easeh’ chants for sure will be shouted down by the majority but when it comes to our proudly unique songs they cant be learnt off song sheets, and atmosphere’s cannot be amplified by a guy in the centre circle with a microphone in his hand either.

We must not get too worked up about reclaiming something that was never meant to be owned by the people – the Kop’s intention was never to become a ‘members-only club’ . It should remain as a symbol of belonging to ‘one big family’ as Shanks rightly pointed out whose members can come from just down the road or from the other side of the world.
The people of Liverpool are workers. This is not a rich town where everyone lives a comfortable life. They work hard for themselves, and this is what we at Liverpool like to do. This is the attitude we must all have.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2006, 03:12:18 pm »
I'm an OOT, and I'm not even a scouser.  What endeared me to the club was the fact that it has a history, it has a warmth to it, and there is a real passion to the support.  Unfortunately, I live miles away and have only managed to come to Anfield once, and to the FA Cup Final.  But I sat in the Kop (home vs Arsenal in February... nice goal Luis !!!), and it was a magical experience.  Given I can't regularly make it, I'm ashamed to say I'm perhaps not up with the true culture of the Kop, but I've always thought respect for others is paramount.  I think the RTK campaign is a very good idea to educate everyone ... OOTers and locals alike, and I look forward to my proper education.

Long Live RTK.  YNWA.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2006, 03:20:58 pm »
look .....oots only read what you want to read ffs....sorry ....i rephrase ....moaning negative insecure fooking...fooking oots...YOU ! only read what you want hear...
the lads are going out of their way to put things right
YOU have a choice ,....decide how you want it to be...if you are behind rtk ...then stop spitting out your fucking dummies and get behind it for f"ck sakes....if you dont want rtk and what it stands for ...then im afraid you know what to do....
this is not aimed at EVERY oot....NOT...NOT ...NOT FUCKING AIMED AT EVERY OOT!!...
READ IT SEE IT ...AND FUCKING UNDERSTAND IT.....sorry for the rant mods but some people just dont get it do they
for the last time....
oots your welcome ...very welcome ere and you.. as every scouser has the right to get behind the redmen but for fucksakes stop moaning and being defensive all the time and put your energies behind good(rtk) causes and to better use.....phew....i thank you!

Your a class A tit, RTK is to get EVERY Liverpool fan, OOT or scouse, to get behind the team, start singing proper Liverpool chants and get rid of the Soccer AM shit...

To say if you don't like it OOTs, etc... is just wrong. Don't target OOT's for being moaners..

I don't normally get caught up in the OOT debate but when ignorant people like you, shout people down with bullshit, you might aswell be told you are making a tit of yourself.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2006, 03:28:04 pm »
red-mike, quality post, totally understand what you mean, but the problem for me is, I know it sounds girly/faggoty but I always get people staring at me and only a few people joining in and this takes me 'out of the mood' to sing, its why I love away games so much really...

Anyway yeh, good to see RTK getting the publicity, don't know about the karoke feature thing though.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #32 on: December 15, 2006, 03:33:33 pm »
I am from Belfast and admittedly only make ot to Anfield occassionally and I can honestly say as an OOT or a WOOL (Whichever I am) that I do NOT find the above article in the least bit offensive - In fact it's actually heartening to see that the real scousers acknowledge our presence and invite us to play our part in returning Anfield to it's former glories.

YNWA and good luck to RTK
Spot on mate.  I thought exactly the same...

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #33 on: December 15, 2006, 03:34:24 pm »
red-mike, quality post, totally understand what you mean, but the problem for me is, I know it sounds girly/faggoty but I always get people staring at me and only a few people joining in and this takes me 'out of the mood' to sing, its why I love away games so much really...

Anyway yeh, good to see RTK getting the publicity, don't know about the karoke feature thing though.

Exactly mate. SOme people don't give a shit that they are singing on their own, and getting stared at. Sadly, I am not one of those people, and I really wish I was.

In the land of the witless, the half-wit is king.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #34 on: December 15, 2006, 03:39:11 pm »
Hopefully RTK will kick start something special and we won't be looked at like we are aliens if we sing and the majority of the people will sing.

If I go with a few mates I am sound, but I go with one quiet lad sometimes and its grim.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #35 on: December 15, 2006, 03:46:11 pm »
Spot on mate.  I thought exactly the same...

me too mate.. Co Armagh Red here.
Rafa on THAT half time talk.  Language barriers aside, the greatest modesty and understatement in football history!!!

' We had been talking in the half time, we need to do something, we need to change things and maybe we score things would be different and we scored and it was different'

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #36 on: December 15, 2006, 03:53:53 pm »
I am from Belfast and admittedly only make ot to Anfield occassionally and I can honestly say as an OOT or a WOOL (Whichever I am) that I do NOT find the above article in the least bit offensive - In fact it's actually heartening to see that the real scousers acknowledge our presence and invite us to play our part in returning Anfield to it's former glories.

YNWA and good luck to RTK

Well said. Spot on.
I'd rather endure a night of sheep sex than have that clueless twat run our club into the ground any longer. You hear that NESV? I'd rather have sheep sex.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #37 on: December 15, 2006, 05:29:10 pm »
I never got it.

Fucking Royal Mail twats.

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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #38 on: December 15, 2006, 07:40:58 pm »
The tone of this is totally wrong in my opinion. Too much emphasis on OOTs v working class scousers. Doesn't make RTK sound very inclusive does it? It comes across as arrogant. Is this Sampson's fault of the Post's? Seems to be the Post who put in the "many of them come from far away blah blah blah.." but surely Sampson would have approved it before publishing?

I can see many locals now reading this and getting the wrong idea due to the tone of it. Nice to see it getting proper publicity but there's a danger of this being taken the wrong way.


Which part of "forget all that Local Support v Out of Towners debate. A supporter is a supporter no matter where they come from just so long as they've had their education. This is where were are falling down" did you not get then?
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Re: RTK piece in the Post
« Reply #39 on: December 15, 2006, 09:09:08 pm »
we have all been thinking this for to long, even the season we won the European cup, the league games were terrible, and it seem's to have got even worse... ???
Ive been every single game played at anfield since 1st Jan 2001.
and i do think there are more OOT's these days, but it's not just them who cause the problem, i remember in 202, still a lad sat there n talked about how he was going to cardiff on sunday instead of singing, and that was at a champions league (qualifier)game, and it was clear he was one of round ere.

lads who sit in the kop, even ones week in week out, and still don't sing :no
...if your in the Kop and don't sing, you should not be welcome...go sit in the main stand.

'we are the scousers, the cocks of the north'