Author Topic: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc  (Read 24835 times)

Offline KopiteWD

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #280 on: September 6, 2013, 06:32:17 pm »
Hi All - I’m just posting this on behalf of Mike Simpson, Creative Director on Total War here at Creative Assembly - Bart CA


Hi everyone and thanks for your attention.

We just wanted to reassure you that we do know it’s an extremely annoying and frustrating time for some of you at the moment and we are working around the clock to sort out those issues that you are having. The first patch has just gone up - it's not trouble-free we know and are fixing with a hotfix, but there will be another next week and every week after that till the problems are gone.

At the moment it may seem that the changes are slight, but they aren’t the only ones we are working on currently and bigger changes are happening now for future patches.

If you are having a problem, it is totally unacceptable and a big deal for us, please know that we are spending all our dev effort on fixing outstanding issues.

I realise in our rush to do that we haven’t updated you on the situation, so if you are interested, please read on.

Scale of launch issues
First and foremost let me say that if even one person has a problem running the game we would want to fix it, this is why we’ve set up 24 hour support and if you post in the support forums you will get an answer or discover a solution that’s already posted for your issue.

I appreciate that it doesn’t help to know this if you are somebody having an issue, but the vast majority of people are running the game without problems. At the moment we are seeing 2% of people playing reporting a technical issue. Let me be clear, that is 2% too many and we will be helping them into the game and working very hard to make sure they get the best possible experience.

To these people we are really very sorry that you are having problems, we really want to get you enjoying our game, please do take the time to post your issue in the Support Forum if there isn't a fix for you available in there already.

Technical Issues
ROME II is a big and complex game and, especially on PC, we are always conscious of the wide variety of different combinations of hardware out there and, while we do test extensively before launch, it is clear that we have failed some of you and we will look at the way in which launch games in the future. Again, I know this is scant comfort to you if you have a set-up that is not performing well, but we do intend to fix your specific problem – whoever you are and whatever it is - as soon as we can.

Many issues have been alleviated by the workarounds and system tweaks posted about in the Support Forum, please do head to this thread as your first port of call, if your issue is not solved by stepping through these solutions please do post your issue in the Support Forum and one of the team will get back to you.

Gameplay Issues
If you have concerns on the actual features and mechanics, like gameplay balancing and AI behaviour, we do want to hear about them. As mentioned before launch we absolutely intend to support ROME II post-release with plenty of content, further development and comprehensive balancing through-out – and no I’m not thinking of DLC you have to pay for. We have already planned for some very interesting stuff and we wanted to do that with advice from the community.

Please do keep posting your concerns, our code team are focussing on tech issues to get people playing, but our design teams are very aware of your concerns and are already looking at ways to add further options and rebalance aspects of the game.

You will see our community team dropping into threads to ask questions, please do chat to them, but even if you don’t see a response please do know that we look at the forums every day here and do appreciate what you have to say.

Thank you for reading,

Mike Simpson

Offline ThepepeReina

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #281 on: September 7, 2013, 10:32:55 pm »
Was just about to buy this and read the reviews on the total war forums... wow everyone is in uproar, is it really as bad as everyone is saying?
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #282 on: September 8, 2013, 04:06:50 am »
Saw a couple of reviews hammering it by people who feel Shogun 2 is better in every respect. I'm tired of Shogun though so I've gone and got this.
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #283 on: September 8, 2013, 11:46:15 am »
Was just about to buy this and read the reviews on the total war forums... wow everyone is in uproar, is it really as bad as everyone is saying?

It looks like it's been pushed out early, it has obviously not been tested even a small amount as the amount of gameplay/balancing/optimization issues are staggering and the majority of them you will see in your first battle etc. So any sort of basic testing would of easily seen and resolved them.

Saying that I've still racked up 25hours since Tuesday and it does have lots of excellent ideas/features, but there are lots of parts that look like the placeholder (i.e. it's a feature that is in its alpha stage and if they had had more time it would of been developed fully, but currently it lacks depth and balancing.)

In 6months when they've fully patched it and probably brought out the first DLC I can see it being a fantastic game, but paying for it now? You are paying to be a beta tester if I'm honest. The plus of getting it in 6months or so is it will probably be half price on steam ;)

I am however off tomorrow and planning to continue my domination of the world with Britain whilst reading a series on the Arthurian legend (the turn time can be 2-3 mins sometimes)

Offline KopiteWD

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #284 on: September 8, 2013, 12:39:16 pm »
It's not perfect and there are some big flaws but its kept me entertained since its came out

Offline Malaysian Kopite

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #285 on: September 8, 2013, 01:06:20 pm »
Way too many factions.
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #286 on: September 8, 2013, 04:25:17 pm »
I've played Total War for over 10 years now and I can honestly say that this release is just as bad as Empire, if not worse. They have slowly taken the winning formula for Total War and dumbed it down for the masses. 'Casual gamers'; the console and phone game generation, have been the downfall of many a great PC game series. From top to bottom this game is purely sacrilegious to any Total War fan who values depth and tactical battles. They have taken away all of our control and implemented gimmicks to please the casual gamer.
I will provide some insight into the fundamental flaws at the core of the games design rather than elaborate on the myriad of optimization problems and bugs the game suffers from at this time. Just to clarify, I want the game to be a success! I am a rabid fan. I built a $3,000 Xfire machine just for the game early this year.

A huge number of features that were available even in Total War: Rome are missing or broken both conceptually and mechanically. I will try and break down the problems point by point as they relate to gameplay. Some outrage is expressed here but I'll try to keep things objective.

-No family tree. CA told us that they wanted us to connect with the human side of Total War. They then removed the family tree. Characters appear at random and you have no idea where they've come from. There isn't even a clear indicator as to who your faction leader is! You have to FIND that information. Politics don't seem to have any real tangible effect on your empire and seem arbitrary as a result. Exacerbating that problem is the fact that you can't really be bothered about 'Joe General #26' from the Mysterious Void gaining influence within your empire.

-No 'Loose' or 'Tight' generic formation commands. Can't spread to avoid enemy fire?!

-No 'Guard' command, your units cannot be instructed to maintain their position and formation at all costs. Even the most disciplined melee troops devolve into a blob during melee combat.

-Testudo and Phalanx do not currently function properly. Testudo does not properly protect against missile fire. Hoplites will not maintain their phalanx formation and advance when instructed to attack an enemy. You must charge and then try and reform into a blobalanx. Why do we have to work around broken mechanics and inefficient control schemes?

-You cannot toggle fire at will on infantry with javelins, they only fire when they charge. Some unfortunate tactical consequences are that they cannot throw javelins to break an enemy charge and then receive the broken charge, they cannot fire on skirmishers and cavalry harassing them, and if you move reserves to reinforce a battle line they will AUTOMATICALLY throw their javelins into the backs of your own men who are already engaged. WTF CA?

-Troops have inappropriate context based behavior or a complete lack thereof. IE. They will stand in position and take arrows to the face from archers ten feet away (as if instructed to guard, but still lose unit cohesion in melee) and will not chase routing enemies. During a melee blob if a unit of men destroy their immediate foe (target) they will not engage nearby enemies. They will stand there watching their comrades get hacked apart five feet away.

-Auto run breaks unit cohesion.

-You can rush gates and burn them. Why be bothered with clunky and useless siege equipment? Rush in and torch those gates! Apparently walled cities are so rare in Rome because walls are useless. Who knew?

-BATTLES ARE WAY TOO FAST! The battles last a few minutes generally. You spend three minutes walking to the enemy force. Your lines meet and devolve into a chaotic blob and the melee is typically over in about 30-50 seconds as one side routes. If you were inclined to flank the blob you typically don't even have time to move a single flanking unit around into position before the melee is decided. You're far better served simply committing the unit into the blob of doom right away and spamming the 'magic' combat buffs/abilities your men have. Speaking of.

-MAGIC COMBAT ABILITIES! You can hit a button and suddenly your men charge with more force than usual or you can magically remove all fatigue? Get your voodoo out of my Total War. Abilities should have a justifiable function that makes sense.

-Units run entirely too fast, especially with tactical map speed buffs on roads for certain units and while charging. I would seriously estimate that your men can charge at nearly 30mph.. Again, wtf?

-Victory Flags. What is strategic or tactical about standing next to a flag in a location that is strategically irrelevant? Nothing. Artificial victory devices and logical strategy are mutually exclusive. Are we aiming for an arcade style console port or a deep, tactical, and engaging strategy game that rewards intelligent play?

-Diplomacy has improved so far as the campaign AI actually interacting with you in ways beyond declaring war but it is almost always on their terms. If you prefer passive diplomacy you wont notice the problem but if you want to proactively cultivate an environment of success with your neighbors, you will fail. The AI refuses to accept logical treaties of any kind without bribes, very unfortunate.

-Magic boats appear when you move an army into the ocean... Magic.... Boats.... The ability for armies to simply walk across portions of the sea in a single turn completely quashes the intricacy of the Mediterranean theatre. These transport ships are free and can be used to great effect in naval battles. Building and maintaining an incredibly expensive navy is rendered void of strategic value and ineffective. You can recruit a bunch of militia then march them into the sea and ram your enemies navy to death without much difficulty. Horrid.

-The campaign AI is atrocious even on the highest difficulty setting. The AI nations will maintain small armies and play passively. If they do field large armies the majority of the time they will consist of almost all slingers or other skirmishers. This causes most battles to involve a 10 second melee blob of doom then 10 minutes of you chasing down skirmishers at random. Epic, disciplined, and mechanized meat grinding battles? I bought the wrong game.

-Unit multiplier is locked. Why am I limited to smaller unit sizes than the original decade old game?

-One turn per year. Good luck utilizing the fresh and interesting general development ideas. All of your generals will die of old age very quickly, assuming they survive even one blob of doom thanks to the extremely high kill rates.

-Army Limits.This is actually one of the few new features/restrictions that I find myself on the fence on. The army cap has some great benefits, if implemented properly.
If the AI can't be made to cope with building unlimited armies from cities then maybe it could be made to at least properly muster a few large armies with a cap. This may only be by virtue of the fact that if the AI is prompted to increase its military power then it has no venue for that beyond the generals on the field.
With fewer armies spamming the map then battles should become more decisive.
So far however, the benefits aren't manifesting very clearly. One major drawback is that moving troops (not armies), patrolling, and maintaining extra garrison forces are all tedious logistical nightmares. Another drawback is that you can wind up with a bloated and useless economy and no way to continue to grow once you've maxed out your military and civil caps.

The removal of freedom of choice in a game of this scope is a very delicate thing and can lead to unnecessarily frustrating methods of control. I think the army cap should be more fluid and potentially unlimited, relative to how much you invest into it. A logistics system that borrows its basic premise from Europa Universalis may be the solution. You could potentially have as many armies as you like, but it is going to cost you exponentially more to maintain all those supply lines and training camps..

-The UI is beyond inconvenient. It is a mess of sub menus and obscure iconography. You play the game through a figurative maze, not a streamlined UI for 2013.
This post by Siven80 covers the UI extensively, check it out:

-The awesome in game encyclopedia of information that the legacy Total War games featured? Still gone. Sure, a cohesive encyclopedia is a great idea, if it is navigable and intuitive enough to provide information in a timely manner.

One year turns, battles that are just blobs on units stuck together, no tactics required, battles over in 5 minutes? sounds awful truth be told
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Offline DanFromMars

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #287 on: September 8, 2013, 05:19:55 pm »
I am a rabid fan. I built a $3,000 Xfire machine just for the game early this year.

This game doesn't utilize crossfire setups it seems and only runs on 2 cores. Atrocious for a PC game exclusive in this day and age to be honest. Probably why performance seems to be pretty shoddy for loads of users.
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #288 on: September 8, 2013, 11:49:55 pm »
This game doesn't utilize crossfire setups it seems and only runs on 2 cores. Atrocious for a PC game exclusive in this day and age to be honest. Probably why performance seems to be pretty shoddy for loads of users.
There are people saying their pc ran shogun 2 on ultra high settings and it was fine and smooth, even on low settings rome 2 appears laggy.
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Offline Malaysian Kopite

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #289 on: September 9, 2013, 02:17:53 am »
Yeah it's laggy.
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #290 on: September 9, 2013, 11:07:55 am »
I've added a few mods and it's made the game far more enjoyable.

Offline KopiteWD

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #291 on: September 9, 2013, 01:15:43 pm »
I've added a few mods and it's made the game far more enjoyable.

Tried finding some mods but to no avail, if you've got a link for them I'd appreciate it please!

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #292 on: September 9, 2013, 04:27:13 pm »
Tried finding some mods but to no avail, if you've got a link for them I'd appreciate it please!

Have a look through them - I'm running the radious mod (and the 2 turns per year mod) and whilst it makes it a bit easier in regards to less squalor/food issues it does the same for the AI so their provinces remain strong (i.e. not loosing them to rebellion all the time), they then become more aggressive and field much higher standard of troops (for the most part.)

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #293 on: March 30, 2021, 08:48:52 am »
Rome Total War Remastered releases in about a month. Came out of nowhere and it looks good based on the streams that I’ve watched. I dominated the old TW-games (Rome, Medieval, Empire) but have struggled with the new ones so this is a welcome distraction for me. Anyone else here playing TW-games at all?

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #294 on: March 30, 2021, 10:57:59 am »
Total War: Rome is maybe my favourite strategy game ever, spent hours upon hours playing it. My greatest campaign was when I took Thrace and ended up dominating pretty much everyone, at first through battles but eventually I made so much money that I just bribed armies to disband and generals from other empires to join me.

I'd love to play the remastered version but not much of a PC Gamer anymore so wont have the facilities to play it.

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #295 on: March 30, 2021, 01:17:47 pm »
Still play Rome: Total War a bit on Steam, currently running amuck as Macedon... :wave

Would be mildly interested in remastered, especially if diplomacy is any sort of a reasonable endeavo(u)r...
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Offline Malaysian Kopite

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #296 on: March 30, 2021, 01:44:58 pm »
Total War: Rome is maybe my favourite strategy game ever, spent hours upon hours playing it. My greatest campaign was when I took Thrace and ended up dominating pretty much everyone, at first through battles but eventually I made so much money that I just bribed armies to disband and generals from other empires to join me.

I'd love to play the remastered version but not much of a PC Gamer anymore so wont have the facilities to play it.
Yeah I reached that point where I could just bribe anyone and the game became trivial from then on
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #297 on: March 30, 2021, 02:11:03 pm »
Still play Rome: Total War a bit on Steam, currently running amuck as Macedon... :wave

Would be mildly interested in remastered, especially if diplomacy is any sort of a reasonable endeavo(u)r...

Says diplomacy is improved, and the merchant may be interesting.

Roman merchants being massacred in Gaul, at Cenabum, I believe, was a pretext for Caesar's invasion.

Looks promising

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #298 on: March 30, 2021, 04:58:45 pm »
Rome Total War Remastered releases in about a month. Came out of nowhere and it looks good based on the streams that I’ve watched. I dominated the old TW-games (Rome, Medieval, Empire) but have struggled with the new ones so this is a welcome distraction for me. Anyone else here playing TW-games at all?

Will be heavily tempted to get this, even though I seem to have almost no time to play games these days.
There's a 50% discount on steam if you already own the original.

Loved Rome back in the day, best was Seleucids - territory was an absolute pain to defend at the start, but once you got Cataphracts and Elephants you could cause carnage!

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #299 on: April 1, 2021, 08:44:16 am »
It's interesting that they've passed it on to Feral to have a go with after them doing the mobile versions. May be some hope for more of the oldies (Attila with the Thrones of Britannia improvements would be a good one) if it's successful.

I'm just waiting on Warhammer 3. Have 3 Kingdoms still installed but rarely touch it. Warhammer's just so much more fun to play in spite of the system improvements of 3K.
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #300 on: April 1, 2021, 11:58:02 pm »
Rome Total War Remastered releases in about a month. Came out of nowhere and it looks good based on the streams that I’ve watched. I dominated the old TW-games (Rome, Medieval, Empire) but have struggled with the new ones so this is a welcome distraction for me. Anyone else here playing TW-games at all?

Rome was my introduction to the franchise, but I didn’t fall in love with it until I got Medieval II. Ive put an unspeakable amount of hours into that and Empire (especially the former), but don't have time to invest in such games now a days! Tried my hand at Rome II when it appeared, but did not have a good enough PC  ;D

Looking back, strategy games have been my go-to type of games. Beside the Total War games, I've spent a lot of time with: Red Alert 2, Black & White, Stronghold, Age of Empires 2, Company of Heroes..
I have no idea what I’m taking about

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #301 on: May 3, 2021, 09:26:12 am »
Rome Total War is a solid remaster, in my amateur opinion. It’s still Rome Total War but it looks cleaner and I like the features they’ve added. It’s just a pity they couldn’t remaster the time I had before I had kids. Will probably need two months to expand into Gaul.

If you are a fan of the series this is highly recommended.

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #302 on: May 3, 2021, 02:02:39 pm »
Rome Total War is a solid remaster, in my amateur opinion. It’s still Rome Total War but it looks cleaner and I like the features they’ve added. It’s just a pity they couldn’t remaster the time I had before I had kids. Will probably need two months to expand into Gaul.

If you are a fan of the series this is highly recommended.

Any chance of a slightly more in-depth assessment? In particular, how is the diplomacy? How does the new trade angle affect the game play?
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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #303 on: May 3, 2021, 02:41:27 pm »
One of the best game series of all time in my opinion.

I started with Shogun, missed out Medieval I (although a lot of people raved about it), before returning for Rome and Medieval II. I spent countless on those games. Rome especially - which had a fantastic modding community back in the day.

It has been a long time since I´ve had a PC capable of running games like this. But I would happily go back and spent more countless hours on Rome. I too would like to hear more about the remaster.

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #304 on: May 3, 2021, 05:30:08 pm »
Any chance of a slightly more in-depth assessment? In particular, how is the diplomacy? How does the new trade angle affect the game play?
Sorry mate, I’m the very definition of a casual gamer. All I can say is that it looks and feels better. I would look up the usual suspects on YouTube, they can give you are more in depth analysis.

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Re: Total War Series: Rome, Medieval, Shogun etc
« Reply #305 on: May 3, 2021, 06:09:45 pm »
Sorry mate, I’m the very definition of a casual gamer. All I can say is that it looks and feels better. I would look up the usual suspects on YouTube, they can give you are more in depth analysis.

No need to apologize for being a casual gamer; I think I'm one myself.

I just get all cranky when the diplomacy portion of the original game was so obviously a waste of time in certain circumstances, and thought the trade bit would be cool because I remember reading about the massacre of Roman traders at Cenabum and thought it would be a neat sort of add-on to the game.

The reviews on Steam have given me pause. But those are turbo-gamers...
Since haste quite Schorsch, but Liverpool are genuine fight pigs...