Author Topic: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All  (Read 44240 times)

Offline Paul Tomkins

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Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« on: September 22, 2005, 11:11:12 am »
There is much naval-gazing taking place in football at the moment. A lack of goals in big games; two-thirds of the Premiership looking to avoid relegation with stifling tactics; the empty seats at many stadia; and, in the case of Liverpool fans, the dip that follows any 'high' in life, be it heroin, caffeine or sugar. If you go up, you can only come down again. Sometimes with a bang.

Romance in football may have been on the decline for a while; but last season's Champions League proved it is alive and well, just obscured from time to time. But Chelsea are the equivalent of a man who has never given his wife a bunch or flowers, and who goes down the pub with his mates on Valentine's Day. Chelsea are the death of footballing romance.

First of all, I don't have any great hatred of Chelsea. Sure, they've never been one of my favourite clubs, and there's always been plenty to dislike about them (not least,  the loathsome Ken Bates). But there was always plenty to like, too: namely their annual soft-bellied capitulation at Anfield. They rolled over, and were tickled.

Chelsea suddenly got some money in the 1990s, but it was a wealth comparable to other top clubs. They shopped in the same stores as the rest, albeit ones in a more trendy milieu. Now they don't so much shop as own the shop. And not just any shop. They own Harrods. (Actually, the owner of their neighbours, Fulham, owns Harrods –– but this is Footballing Metaphor Harrods).

They have it all. Money, talent and a prime location to entice the world's best. They have a collection of brilliant footballers, marshalled by a remarkable manager.

How can football ever be a fair competition with such radical financial disparity? Plenty of clubs have had outside investment in the past, but it's been of a smaller nature, and a temporary boost. As much as £100m might buy you some good players, and maybe even the occasional trinket, but not sustainable success. Unlimited money buys you a chance at unlimited success.

Other 'rich' clubs have built their wealth on the back of success on the pitch, and a broad fan base. It's been assembled over a period of time. Football has never seen anything like Abramovich's Chelsea before.

It's one thing having lots of money, another spending it wisely. For the most part Chelsea have done just that, and in Mourinho they have a man who can control the players and get them to subvert their egos. The players themselves know that they are all dispensable.

Chelsea are in the envious position of being able to pay tens of millions for a player and happily sell him twelve months later for a massive loss if a better player comes along, or the first one fails. It simply makes no difference.

Liverpool, Arsenal, even Manchester United, have to justify any significant outlay; just one expensive mistake in the transfer market can lead to long-term problems. I'm sure Alex Ferguson will eternally regret not spending the £28m on Seba Veron in a more effective manner.

Since Abramovich arrived in 2003 Chelsea have spent approaching £300m on transfers. In return they have recouped a incredibly small percentage from sales. Again, it makes little difference to them. Abramovich spending £10m is like you or I spending £10 on a CD, and if we don't like it, we'll just write it off as a mildly inconvenient loss. It might irk us, but it won't break us.

Premiership clubs need to be careful, prudent; Chelsea do not. They could go out and buy a whole new £300m team in January if they wished. They have that massive safety net. Money doesn't buy success; but unlimited money makes it far, far easier to succeed.

Sour Grapes

It's not bitterness or sour grapes at Chelsea's success. It's just that, in my eyes, it's hollow success because of the grotesque expenditure that ensured it.

In the hands of Ranieri that money wasn't necessarily a godsend; that could have been interesting. In the hands of a top manager, it makes them virtually unbeatable. How did they attract a top manager? By having tons of cash. Without that money, Chelsea would almost certainly not have Mourinho.

While I (obviously) never liked Man United's dominance in the 1990s, I couldn't help but grant them grudging respect. Ferguson spent money, but he also developed his own players. I also felt that a good team could always come along and usurp them.

That team was Arsenal. For a while the Gunners had a sublime football team, built on a medium-range budget. They spent big occasionally – only when they had to. But they're entering a transitional phase just as Chelsea step up another gear. I never resented Arsenal their success. I do resent Chelsea.

I don't find Chelsea's football boring. I find their money boring. Their style of play may not please everyone, but it's the age-old formula of world-class goalkeeper, super-tight defence, strong midfield, and a clutch of players who can score goals, allied to strength in depth.

The 4-5-1 formation doesn't make it less exciting. I'm sure Real Madrid would kill for some of Chelsea's defensive stability. Chelsea have some great attacking players, but they don't take the risks associated with other great attacking sides. And why should they? They don't need to. When you don't concede goals, you only need to score one. None of that bothers me.

Had Chelsea evolved over a number of seasons, making the odd expensive signing but picking up players of the quality of Robben, Essien, Wright-Phillips, et al, for reasonable fees by good scouting, then I'd respect them. But they were all the 'obvious' players that only the biggest pot of gold could buy.

Although they'd have struggled to attract him, I'd like to have seen Mourinho managing Chelsea without Abramovich's backing (i.e. the Russian had not come to England). Mourinho would have them challenging for the top with his canny methods, but he'd have to work with players who were not his first choices. Or his second, or even third choices.

It would be a really interesting four-way race for the title, without Chelsea's obscene wealth. As it stands, Chelsea can spend their way to another league title. I'm sure even Chelsea fans would enjoy that more; they may not admit it now, but it will dawn on them in time.


Chelsea's wealth does so much. It allows them to unsettle their rivals. They have the power and wealth to influence the media. A bid for Gerrard, a rumour about Henry, an approach for Ashley Cole. You just know stories will appear in the papers ahead of the Champions League game next week. You can set your watch by it.

Their expenditure has also driven up the prices for other teams. Just when transfer fees were getting sensible, Chelsea blew it all out of the water. They can't have it all their own way, but they can have what they want often enough. They can't buy everything: Gerrard said no, Henry said no, and others have failed to be enticed. But they can still buy the best players at clubs unable to resist the ruble.

Cup competitions remain the best place to beat Chelsea. Any team can have an off day, and underdogs can prosper in the lack of pressure. Liverpool were able to do that very thing last season. The pressure was all on Chelsea. We've seen it in the Carling Cup this week.

Chelsea's quality and depth will see them win nearly all of their league games. Those they don't will be rendered insignificant.

Cup competitions – devalued for so long – may return to become the only interesting thing in English football. Teams cannot dominate cup competitions. Cup competitions rely more on luck, and that element of risk, of chance, could add spice to an increasingly predictable footballing landscape.

And 'competition' is the operative word. Look at the sport of the summer in England: cricket, and the Ashes series. The Australian cricket team are like the Man United of the mid-90s: snarling, intensely competitive, arrogant, talented, and hard to beat.

And yet the Aussies looked almost happy to lose the series. Unbelievable! I've never seen such smiles from men not used to being beat: it would be like Keane, Ferguson and Neville happily applauding a crushing defeat. The Aussies were not happy at being second best, but because at long last they'd been given a good game (or rather, five five-day tests) that could have gone either way.

Their sport became meaningful again. And that's the danger football faces: Chelsea's success will be great for them, just a death knell for the game itself. (At least until Abramovich disappears.)

And then Chelsea's success will become meaningless. Because no-one else will care.

©Paul Tomkins 2005

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2005, 11:25:40 am »
I agree with what you're saying but its not just about Chelsea - the trend has been there for some time now with Arsenal and ManU sharing the title between them for the past 10 years.

look at Formula 1 - biggest load of nonsense ever, and why?  because the top teams can spend gargantuan sums of money to ensure success.  and what happened?  it turned into a procession with everyone switching off in droves.  so Schumaker is the best driver ever?  how can you tell?  his car was so good compared to everyone else it gave him an almost unfair advantage.  we're getting to the same thing with football, its no longer about formations, or 'clever tactics', just who's got the most money to buy all the best players

look at football in Scotland - their league has been destroyed by the Old Firm hoovering up all the money, leaving them with (shock!) no competition.  the whole league suffers as a result and its no surprise that attendances in Scotland are up for the first time in years when the Old Firm are weak

I think that the game needs to be brought under control, and quickly.  its interesting that some of the smaller clubs in the Premiership are now coming out with proposals for a wage cap.

Offline SkyBlueRed

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2005, 11:28:45 am »
Well that depends if teams do give up, I think Arsenal a couple years ago were better than this Chelsea side. Their wealth cant be matched, it seems almost infinite but they are not unbeatable and their success will definately not be unlimited. Dont forget with all their stars and egos they are a very volatile mix and they have to keep them all happy, which I think is impossible.

The things you mentioned basically sum up my feelings when they won the title, they didnt earn it, they didnt deserve it, they simply bought it, as we werent exactly contenders I wasnt bitter, had we finished 2nd it would have been a different story. The only club that can afford to adopt a "trial and error" approach in the transfer market... Oh well, that £25m signing didnt work, lets get another one. I still think however for all the money they've spent, top players they have and efficiency regards gaining points they are still really missing something. That bit of finesse that all dominating sides have, eventually the 1 - 0's will stop coming and they will turn into draws, that is when they become "mortal" again.

Anyways, I believe if Arsenal can create a side that can go unbeaten for over a season spending a fraction of what Chelsa have spent it can still be done. It might not be a remotely fair or even playing ground but it can be done and that is the belief that keeps me going, so please dont destroy it!

Edit: Good shout about the cups though, I think this round of the Carling Cup has already shown that the cup competitions will definately prove to be a bright spot this year.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 11:30:57 am by SkyBlueRed »
Im not arrogant, im just better than you.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2005, 11:32:04 am »
at the end of the day,if liverpool had that spending power,you would be delighted!!

and don't say "oh no i wouldnt want that to happen",if it was liverpool who had abramovich and if it was him who bought YOU a title,i`m sure you wouldnt be complaining even though it all does seem a bit fake,and i wouldnt be that happy if i was a chelsea fan,they have no passion!!!

Offline Paul Tomkins

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2005, 11:34:13 am »
Anyways, I believe if Arsenal can create a side that can go unbeaten for over a season spending a fraction of what Chelsa have spent it can still be done. It might not be a remotely fair or even playing ground but it can be done and that is the belief that keeps me going, so please dont destroy it!

But that was before Chelsea spent tons more money, and hired Mourinho. Arsenal were a better side, but Chelsea got more points and further in the CL; and now Chelsea have spent big again, on more quality players.

Until then, then yes, spending sensibly was a good option. And it's still our only option. But Chelsea have the best of both worlds.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2005, 11:34:44 am »
I think Mr Whelan at Wigan has a valid point below to add to this arguement

Whelan wants football salary cap 
Whelan has experience of a salary cap in rugby league
Wigan chairman Dave Whelan has urged the Premiership authorities to bring in a salary cap.
"There's only one way to guarantee healthy competition in the Premiership, and that's why I'm calling for a salary cap to be enforced," he said.

"I'm not knocking Chelsea, but if they continue dominating for another three or four years, then the entire league runs the risk of being ruined.

"Too many clubs would be left making up the numbers by a one-club monopoly."

Whelan has first-hand experience of the benefits of a salary cap in rugby league, where he runs Wigan Warriors, and has previously called for a similar set-up in football.

This season in rugby league's Super League clubs have been restricted to an annual player budget of £1.7m.

"Soccer should take note," he added.

Rugby League
First introduced a decade ago, clubs were limited to £1.7m on players' salaries in 2005
Rugby union
Premiership clubs operate under a maximum annual wage bill of £2m
American football
No team in the NFL can spend more than £47m ($85m) on wages in 2005. If they do financial penalties are shared between other teams
NBA franchises are limited to £25.5m ($46m) but rules are bent for long-serving players
Teams with a high wage bill pay a "luxury tax" which is shared among the other teams
Ice Hockey
The 2004/5 season was called off due to disagreements over a cap but an agreement has now been reached
Australian Rules
Has been in place since the 1980s but is different for each team based on geography and the cost of living

"It makes sense to see a £25m or £30m limit on Premiership wages per club in order to guarantee healthy competition.

"I know for a fact that the chairmen of Blackburn Rovers, West Bromwich Albion, Sunderland and Charlton Athletic - along with many more - support my views, so let's see it happen sooner rather than later."

A Premier League spokesman told The Independent: "We are open-minded on this issue but very sceptical that a workable system can be found or implemented."

Football already runs a voluntary salary cap in League One and League Two where clubs cannot spend more than 60% of their income on players' salaries.

"The philosophy behind this was 'Don't spend more than you earn," a Football League spokesman said.

"It's been incredibly successful so far. The clubs actually seem comfortable with the idea that they're being encouraged to be prudent."


Offline Paul Tomkins

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2005, 11:35:57 am »
at the end of the day,if liverpool had that spending power,you would be delighted!!

No I wouldn't. There's spending power, and there's obscene wealth that kills the game.

Offline Paul Tomkins

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2005, 11:36:33 am »
Salary caps will only lead to more backhand payments and more offshore bank accounts.

Offline Hattori Hanzo

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2005, 11:37:09 am »
pretty much spot on mr. t.

i didnt agree with this part

The 4-5-1 formation doesn't make it less exciting. I'm sure Real Madrid would kill for some of Chelsea's defensive stability. Chelsea have some great attacking players, but they don't take the risks associated with other great attacking sides. And why should they? They don't need to. When you don't concede goals, you only need to score one. None of that bothers me.

because the way they win does bother me, its almost a drilled out affair every week and with the obscene cash then they should atleast play the game in a fashion the fans will enjoy.

i love arsenal, in footballing terms. they are the best team in the country. much better than chelsea. but if winning means you have to be 1-0 wins all season long then well, it going to ruin the game. we are starting to see the change already
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 11:39:46 am by Prongsy »

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2005, 11:37:46 am »
maybe Paul but then what other option is there?  something needs to be done to bring teams closer together in terms of their ability to attract players

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2005, 11:39:08 am »
Well said Paul.

I agree with the comment that Arsenal were a better team than Chelsea, but you knew that they were 'mortal' for want of a better word. But we all new that Henry and Viera were key elements on that team and the loss of one or both would give other teams a chance. Chelsea's money has taken away that risk.

I passionately believe that Rafa can take us to a level over the next few years that would have won us the League in normal circumstances. If Chelsea win the league every year for conceivable future it would only prove how worthless last years and any future title would be. There needs to be some balance in sport- that's why we have divisions and seedings in cup competitions.

I would rather Utd won the league this year than Chelsea (really). Otherwise we might as well hand over the trophy at the start of the season and then what? 38 exhibition games for Champions League and UEFA spots.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2005, 11:41:14 am »
2nd is the new 1st.  If Chelsea keep on winning the league with their obscene wealth, then people will start viewing 2nd as the new 1st.  This year, for example, I don't give a monkeys how far behinid Chelsea we are - my target is beating Arsenal and United, and if we do that then I'll celebrate as if we'd won the league.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2005, 11:41:27 am »
Liked your point about the Ashes, Paul. As much as I hate to admit, at last we've found a team that we could beat us Aussies fair and square. It was a close series and one of the most memorable ones in recent history.

This is something I wrote earlier (edited):

Money, more specifically, Chelsea's money, is definitely affecting the game. I reckon, Chelsea will stay successful for another season or two and then it will implode. I'm in my 30's and in my younger days, I spent a lot of time playing PC games, just like everyone else. I was over the moon when Championship Manager was released. I hate to admit it but I have resorted to cheating playing CM. Yes, all you needed to do was go into one of the files and change the players' attributes. All of a sudden, my Doncaster team was a team of super players. Needless to say, I made wads of cash and won every tournament my team played in. It was truly, a fantasy football. It didn't last long though. After a couple of seasons, I got bored. In the end, I sold all my players and started from scratch again.  There are only 2 things that drive men: fame and fortune. Chelsea currently has the fortune from Roman's bottomless pockets. I think everyone will agree with me if I said they bought the glory and fame. It's not real. They didn't "earn" it. After another couple of seasons of winning the same thing, Mourinho and his men will feel bored and empty as I did. The superstars who already have enough money to last two generations will want to move on to a real team, challenging for the top honours on a fair ground. Mourinho will perhaps feel so hollow that he'd leave to other clubs to regain the respect from the footballing world.

Just look at Real now. It was great while it lasted. The reality is, these clubs can play god for a short while before the natural laws of football equilibrate itself and send them down to the hellish reality of life.

I wouldn't worry. As long as we have Rafa and if he persists with his philosophy and effort, we will make it. Not this season. Perhaps not even the next. I'm not complaining. He's already given us the 5th CL. Only more good things can come....... be patient lads.......

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2005, 11:42:21 am »

But that was before Chelsea spent tons more money, and hired Mourinho. Arsenal were a better side, but Chelsea got more points and further in the CL; and now Chelsea have spent big again, on more quality players.

Until then, then yes, spending sensibly was a good option. And it's still our only option. But Chelsea have the best of both worlds.

Yes thats true, but I still look at Chelsea each week and think these guys are not unbeatable, how long can they go without a slip up, really? It will have to happen, not even Romans roubles can defy the law of averages. Its like Prongsy said, their games are as if they have already been pre-planned, they have replaced flair and creativity with organisation, the balance is wrong, I hope that once teams tighten up defensively Chelsea will really struggle. The problem at the moment is, can any of the other teams do what Chelsea do and win all the games they "should" be winning.

Chelsea havent exactly had a tough start to their campaign and I just keep the Wigan game lodged in my memory, I think and hope their slip will come and with it their return to "mortal" (albeit insanely rich) status as a football club.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2005, 11:45:48 am by SkyBlueRed »
Im not arrogant, im just better than you.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2005, 11:43:50 am »
Went in The Crossways Chelsea Supporters Club last night to do the latest "Spyin' Kop

Can I just say, they would just split their sides laughin at articles like this.
They love all the fuss they are creating.
They dont give a hoot what other clubs say and often retort with something like "Would you have told him to shove his money"
They dont give a jot about tradition, they dont care how success is achieved.
They see themselves as the new kids on the block.
There was talk of a financial legacy being left if Roman takes up a new hobby ie Formula 1

They've put themselves on a very tall column and are waiting to be knocked off.
Having a pop at their financial status just makes them laugh, the only way we and others can bring them down to earth with a bump is to beat them on the pitch.
I was surprised at how much respect I was shown last night as a fan of the European Champions and I dont know whether I will be able to return that respect if they win it this season.
I would hope that I am man enough to accept their victory (when it comes) as much as they appeared to accept ours.

We should be very careful how many stones we throw, as there is a likely take over at our place soon.
What we going to say then ?
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2005, 11:45:36 am »

No I wouldn't. There's spending power, and there's obscene wealth that kills the game.

Somehow i feel you would be writing articles defending our spending power if we had their money

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2005, 11:50:32 am »
Somehow i feel you would be writing articles defending our spending power if we had their money

thats because he is from that old skool thing they call supporters, not sure if they still have them ;)

PT is biased toward liverpool, so am i and so are you. so lets dont pretend otherwise

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2005, 11:51:11 am »
Well that depends if teams do give up,

It's already happened. For me the Premiership died on the day that Bryan Robson rested some of his important players for the Chelsea away game. I know that rotation is part of the modern game but it is generally practised by big clubs resting players against smaller clubs confident that they can still get a result. Robson decided that there was no chance of West Brom getting a point whoever he played and decided instead to keep some of his players fresh for upcoming games against fellow strugglers.

You get the impression that West Brom would have quite happily not bothered to turn up at all if it wasn't for the threat of docked points.

So yep, agree with article Paul, the Premiership is dead and Abramovich is the man with the smoking Kalashnikov.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2005, 11:53:57 am »
thats because he is from that old skool thing they call supporters, not sure if they still have them ;)

PT is biased toward liverpool, so am i and so are you. so lets dont pretend otherwise

Well lets not start throwing stones eh? if were old school


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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2005, 11:55:13 am »
It's already happened. For me the Premiership died on the day that Bryan Robson rested some of his important players for the Chelsea away game. I know that rotation is part of the modern game but it is generally practised by big clubs resting players against smaller clubs confident that they can still get a result. Robson decided that there was no chance of West Brom getting a point whoever he played and decided instead to keep some of his players fresh for upcoming games against fellow strugglers.

Good Call
And I dont think they will be the only ones to do it either.

Shanks once put a real second eleven out against Wolves, the problem was they won 3-1 from memory.
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2005, 11:55:36 am »
We should be very careful how many stones we throw, as there is a likely take over at our place soon.
What we going to say then ?

Well I'll say that it is the unfortunate but inevitable result of the Abramovich takeover. The vast financial disparity that he has introduced to English football has left other clubs with no other option other than to try and find similar "investors" in order to compete.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2005, 11:55:42 am »
All this bollocks about we wouldn't want to dominate the game is rubbish, we did it for 20 years and loved every minute of it. Yes Chelsea are dominating it largely through money but hey what is the difference, they have the best team so they win the league, it has always been that way.

Give Abramovich his due he is putting huge amounts of money into football, new money, not debt to clubs but in many ways a way out of debt. If we had sold Stevie we would have had £30+ million that is relatively new to the game. Who cares where he gets it from, he is not affecting my life so what do I care and please don't come all moralistic as I don't give a fuck.

Money buys success, always has and always will.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2005, 11:57:39 am »
Well in our case winning the Champions League certainly helps attracting players but as for the clubs putting up their value on a player it certainly hasn't.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2005, 11:58:23 am »
We will have investment. Not obscene wealth.

If Chelsea fans love articles like this, good on them. But if everyone turns off from football as a result, they will be left as the kings of an anthill.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2005, 12:01:16 pm »
We will have investment. Not obscene wealth.

If Chelsea fans love articles like this, good on them. But if everyone turns off from football as a result, they will be left as the kings of an anthill.

I find it difficult you'd write a similar result if we'd done the same thing. Worried about a lack of title race if we're champions and top after 6 games played without a goal conceeded? I'm not sure. Benitez, Wenger and Ferguson all have the resources to ensure Chelsea don't run away with the league every season.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2005, 12:01:27 pm »
It won't last longer than 5 years max.

Liverpool had a dynesty for 15 years. Man U had one for about 10. Arsenal tried to create one but had tough competition.

Chelsea will be around for about 5 years and then it will fade.

The Russian will not keep putting money into the club. They will have to rely on Prem money, TV money and Europeon cup money to get any funds back into the club.

They have poor support due to high prices.

Almost every player they have bought has been over the odds and so every on-sale will be a big loss.

As far as I know they have no youth policy.

Mourinho will leave Chelsea before Rafa leaves LFC.

It may be bad for a few years but Rafa will build an dynesty here that will be greater than any other manager ever anywhere.

In Rafa I trust.

In Chelsea, enjoy what you have because your empire will fall.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2005, 12:01:58 pm »
Who cares where he gets it from, he is not affecting my life so what do I care and please don't come all moralistic as I don't give a fuck.

Pretty shameless remark on the face of it, but to be honest I have similar thoughts.
Politics and Finances have never been a strong point of mine.

If a meglamaniac multimillionair took us over in the future, I'd be dancing in the street if he put as much dosh into LFC

Sad, but I'm a football fan not a moralist
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2005, 12:02:04 pm »
I think it is just a matter of time until Roman gets bored and does something else, although he has probably enjoyed his sucess, when he has bought 2 or 3 or 4 titles and a few CL trophies to go with it, then the prospect of further ones might be less appealing.  Do you think there is any possibility that the PL will take their ball and play elsewhere if there is no sign of being able to compete with Chelsea?

I really hope he hasn't got his heart set on making the most sucessfull English club ever!
"All the lads have been talking about is walking out in front of the Kop, with 40,000 singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone'," Collins told BBC Radio Solent. "All the money in the world couldn't buy that feeling," he added.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2005, 12:04:07 pm »
This crap about been turned off football annoys me, how can any genuine supporter "be turned off football"  sure its a pain in the balls watching Chelsea now but football is bigger then any one club and they wont last forver, nothing lasts forever in football....only loyalty and each clubs history

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2005, 12:04:14 pm »
All this bollocks about we wouldn't want to dominate the game is rubbish, we did it for 20 years and loved every minute of it. Yes Chelsea are dominating it largely through money but hey what is the difference, they have the best team so they win the league, it has always been that way.

There's a crucial difference though mate. Our success in the 70's and 80's was based on nothing more than excellent management. There was no big secret all any of the other clubs (many of whom spent as much if not more than us) had to do was recruit a good manager and build a good team, as teams (Forest, Everton) periodically did.

The difference now is that to be able to compete all the other clubs have got to find their own bored billionaire with petro-dollars to burn.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2005, 12:04:50 pm »
Pretty shameless remark on the face of it, but to be honest I have similar thoughts.
Politics and Finances have never been a strong point of mine.

If a meglamaniac multimillionair took us over in the future, I'd be dancing in the street if he put as much dosh into LFC

Sad, but I'm a football fan not a moralist

I don't think it's so much about morals as it is about the nature of sport.  Sure it's nice to win the odd game by a big margin, but the games I enjoy the most are the ones that go right down to the wire.  The best league titles are the one you win on the last day of the season. The best cup finals are the ones you come back from 3-0 down in :)
"All the lads have been talking about is walking out in front of the Kop, with 40,000 singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone'," Collins told BBC Radio Solent. "All the money in the world couldn't buy that feeling," he added.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2005, 12:06:28 pm »
This belief that the premiership is at deaths door is premature.  Yes, Chelsea are the new kids on the block, with all the money to not only attempt to sign the best, but to ensure the media hacks help them with their bidding.

However, football, like most things in life, goes in cycles.  Swings and roundabouts if you like.  How must fans of other teams have felt when Liverpool were winning everything - it must've been depressing, esp for the mancs who couldn't buy a title.  Similarly the boot was on the other foot for us in the 90's.

I know neither of us had Chelsea's spending power, but proportionately we were the big spenders of those days along with the mancs.

The only certainty in life is that things will change.  How that happens who knows?  Maybe Roman's past will catch up with him, maybe he'll switch his attentions elsewhere, maybe top players will not want to play for Chelsea (they've missed out on a fair few top players), maybe some of their existing players will clear off, due to no guarantee of a place.  Mourinho won't stay forever that's for sure.

It's fairly depressing at the moment as they're way ahead at the top of the league.  However, looking at their performances, they've not set the world alight.  They're not uncatchable (yet), and if (granted, a big if) we won the games in hand, as well as beat them next week at Anfield, we'd be up their asses at the top of the league.


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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2005, 12:07:34 pm »
Sad, but I'm a football fan not a moralist

Not much into morals myself, but my gut still tells me I would prefer us to win the league through hard work, good management and through sensible expenditure. That's not to say I wouldn;t be happy if we won it following an Abramovich like investment, but I think it would take the gloss off slightly.


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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2005, 12:11:13 pm »
For me, all Chelsea's cash means is, every victory over them will be even sweeter.
Talking last night, they are of the opinion that if Roman does buy a new toy, he will leave a trust fund that will carry them on for years after he ups sticks.
He may spread his wealth in many areas, but he will always keep a British investment.

I think people should be spending more time working out how to beat them rather than standing under the Sword of Damacles waiting for it to fall.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2005, 12:14:14 pm »
There's a crucial difference though mate. Our success in the 70's and 80's was based on nothing more than excellent management. There was no big secret all any of the other clubs (many of whom spent as much if not more than us) had to do was recruit a good manager and build a good team, as teams (Forest, Everton) periodically did.

The difference now is that to be able to compete all the other clubs have got to find their own bored billionaire with petro-dollars to burn.

Have a look at your history, we bought big in relative terms, Dalglish, British record, Souness, not far behind, Beardsley, Barnes the first 10 grand a week player and many others. We were the big boys then and everyone hated us for it.

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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2005, 12:20:24 pm »
First article i have read of yours that was negative, but then again if it was us that got the investment i think you would have written it a lot differently.

Must say i agree though, I think a salary cap or transfer cap is the way forward. It works in the states. And although it might lead to underhand tactics i dont think that it will too dubious.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2005, 12:21:30 pm »
Have a look at your history, we bought big in relative terms, Dalglish, British record, Souness, not far behind, Beardsley, Barnes the first 10 grand a week player and many others. We were the big boys then and everyone hated us for it.

Yes, of course we did, I know my history, but the point is that we didn't have more spending power than our rivals. We had a couple of record transfers in that period but so did Man Utd, Tottenham, Forest even Man bl**dy City. Chelsea have spent £300m on players in 2 years which I would suggest is approximately 7 - 10 times what any of their rivals have spent (in fact I'd be interested to know how it matches up with the spend from all the rest of the Premiership combined). To say that this is no different to our situation in the 70's and 80's is patently nonsense.
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2005, 12:24:44 pm »
I think people should be spending more time working out how to beat them rather than standing under the Sword of Damacles waiting for it to fall.

Well I'm sure Rafa is looking to repeat the trick (twice) in coming weeks, but looking at our own trawl for investors and the possible arrival of a Russian consortium at Villa Park, do you not think that most clubs have decided that the only way to beat them is to join them?
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2005, 12:25:19 pm »
It's other teams success fans hate (or is it envy)
not how much dosh they've got
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Re: Chelsea – Killing Football For Us All
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2005, 12:25:51 pm »
I think people need to give Mourinho some credit, Houllier spent over £100 million on shite and left us in a right mess. Yes it is nice to have money but  you have to know what to do with it.

My point on Barnes et al was that we helped create the wages monster, but did we care, of course we didn't cos we were winning.