Author Topic: Football has been taken away from us  (Read 23577 times)

Offline Tarpaulin

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Football has been taken away from us
« on: September 20, 2005, 06:07:03 pm »
We got to our gate, my dad handed the tickets/cash over, and lifted me up, and through the turnstiles we went. As we walked towards the entrance I could hear the singing a bit more clearly now, It was a little bit louder, and sounded like it did when it was on the Radio. We walked out of the entrance and just as the light hit my face, and as I could just see the edges of the green Anfield turf, I remember my dad turning round to look at me with a BIG smile on his face. I don’t know whether it was pride, or love, or just a thought of "this is what I felt like when my dad took me too, son".

We were now inside the ground, and the smell seemed different, the pitch looked lush and green the stands – with their different colour seats – looked huge, and right in front of me where my heroes, there was Hansen, there was Grobbelaar, there was Lawrensen, where was he…where was my favourite…."there he is son, down there near the side". There was Ian Rush, my hero, stood signing autographs for fans in the Main Stand. I felt the tingle down my spine, and the hairs on my neck stand up. This was my baptism, and these players and this ground where my religion, I was now a fully fledged Red.”

I’ve written this on here before, it’s my first game at Anfield – and to a degree pretty much what most of my entrances to the stadium were like up until recent years. It’s hard to explain unless you’ve done it, and it’s easy to understand for those who have been under its spell. It's awe inspiring. It's home. It's Anfield.

But those days seem long gone to me at the moment. Football is a shadow of its former self, it’s a sanitised version of events these days. With players going through motions or being told what to say or do. They have no heart, no soul and they couldn’t be any further away from the people on the terraces who look upto them. Its saddening, to the point where it really is worth asking, is it really all worth it?

I know its not just me, and id be interested to hear from long standing Reds on how they feel about it all….Id imagine the fellas from the 70’s and 80’s and further back are devastated with the way the game is now? It’s such a distant memory the days when the players played for you, and were on the whole pretty much just ordinary fellas. Yeah, the fans were cattled like shite, but that was all part of it….you got on with it and the group mentality and being with the ‘box of toys’ got you through it. All Reds together for one cause, no surrender, no ones left behind….a siege mentality. It’s all gone, dust, disappeared for ever.

The days of when the 40 odd thousand [or more] in Anfield where the ones in the know, not every noddy on the street watching the mighty Reds on Canal Plus and having something to say. Fuckin pisses me off….and yeah, I don’t fully accept your views…why? Cos you weren’t there. That simple. How can someone who is watching TV, and highlights on the TV be even close to someone watching Live from the ground. Seeing the ‘off the ball’ runs that TV just doesn’t show, the off the ball niggles and incidents, the sounds and sights from around you and the ground, the feeling of what’s going on [yer know when you just know!] I crave the days when football falls on its fuckin face and implodes. The money dries up and the half arsed fans are drawn away to the next fashion craze. Give me my fuckin game and my club back.

The internet is one of the biggest problems with the modern game as well. All these numpties watching games live on blag foreign channels, or even worse a few minutes on Match of the Day [or even Skys football first] now have an arena to openly spout their shite. Gone are the days when it was…..seen in the ground, read in the echo and discussed in the boozer. You were intimidated to openly rag the club in front of mates [or even worse – people you didn’t know] that made you think about your thoughts, and question why you thought them. More often than not, resolving any issues in yer own head before you made a total tit of yerself in front of the lads. And who ever decided phone ins would be good was a total melt…’s a breeding ground for blerts and beauts!

Games moved to stupid o’clock….don’t get me started on them….fuckin 12pm on New Years day? 2pm, 4pm, 5pm, 8pm…what’s goin on? Give us the chance to watch the lads on Saturday, have a couple of bevs, slide home for a quick “S-S-S” and then out to town with the lads, or yer tart….what’s it all about when you are travelling the length of the country for a Monday night 8pm kick off, only to get home at 2/3 or even 4am in the morning?

As someone said to me today [and I have to agree]…..
I stood on the Kop on Sunday. I held a hand of five fingers above my head and sang "In Istanbul, we won it five times" as the music to YNWA began I lifted my scarf above my head determined that not a whisper would be heard from the Manc end I belted it out at the top of my voice. I suddenly got a rush of adrenalin, my heart began beating and I felt a bit choked as memories of Istanbul came back & I knew again what it was to support LFC. I was relieved that a feeling I had struggled to locate found me again.

Ten minutes later it had gone. Two hours later and I was listening to music in the car rather than the post game analysis. Two days later & I really don't care - no piss taking of the bitters today, can't be arsed. No laughing at the Mancs missing captain Keano for the next two months ofter a crunching tackle from erm Luis Garcia. Nothing.

There's a void. There's a gap. There's a vacuum.

I mean, what’s that all about? Man U at home – 2nd biggest game of the season [yes, the fuckin Blue shite still are, and probably always will be numero uno] and we don’t give a flying fuck.

There's an element of post Istanbul apathy - I can't really take any of these games seriously enough at the moment as I don't really give a fuck. I can’t get motivated for them. And judging by Sundays atmosphere, both during and after the game, id say there’s loads like me.

I’ve got a horrible feeling if football doesn’t implode soon that lads will just fuck it off. There’s already stuff circulating in the press this season about the decline in season ticket sales, and attendances being down by about 5-10% already. Prices have gone up [yet again] and quality has gone down I feel – across the board in the top flight in most leagues in the world.

Where’s the originality on the terraces, and the banter between the home and away fans. Its not just us, its everyone….I think everyone’s being dragged down by the way football is at the moment. Home and away atmospheres are getting worse and worse.

At home, there’s the old annoyances, that have been dragging on for seasons such as the Liverworld day trippers and the jester hated beauts all dotted around singing “stand up if you hate……” and other such lower league shite that has no home on the terraces of Anfield.

Fans have no power whatsoever. In fact they are even now softening up to the bullshit the clubs are feeding them. If I don’t get what I want, ill write a little letter or an email. I dread to think what people would do if some of the conditions of the old standing Kop where in place today? Can’t take yer dolly bird the game? So yr can have her on yer arm to look good while she’s shouting “Shoot it to Gerrard – come on Steven love”. We expect to be molly-coddled at games. There’s no longer a case of “There’s yer fuckin team, support them and shut up”….its now “well, I’m not gonna sing and shout cos I want them to entertain me first”, or “I don’t wanna look or sound daft” or “Naaah, I wont learn the words cos I wont be back for a while anyway”. What’s goin on?

People used to come on the Kop to be in awe, to learn and be part of it…now it’s like it’s the other way round. Their stale bullshit has rubbed off on everyone else. I mean people arriving 5-10 ins late, then sliding to the bar for a hotdog with 35-40 mins gone, and then leaving the game with 80 minutes gone to get back to the car…..what the fuckin ells that?

I’ve written this before….but I feel this sums up what the players are like.

I appreciate that things move on in life, and although certain areas of the game have improved for the fans benefit – I think the majority of things haven't.

We now have great pitches [usually] to enable the players to perform to their best, and produce wonderful football. They are trained so thoroughly that tiredness seems to no longer be an issue in the game, and diet and sports science has helped benefit the fans with a full 90 minutes of "all out" football.

But then we have the problems of money and over exposure. These have bred players who want to be front page stars rather than back page heroes. They want to reach the millions around the globe rather than the people closer to home in their city. This has bred arrogance.

Money is the root to many modern day problems, of which I don't need to bore you with repetitive reminders. The control has shifted from manager and club, to player and agent. The fans in the ground matter less than the fans watching on the TV [or so it seems], and those who dedicate time, effort and money week in week out, matter less than those who come less frequently and spend big bucks in the stores that are rigged out from top to bottom with mostly useless merchandise that clutters your house and makes you look like some sort of American "sports nut" who shouts "Go team Go".

Now days, I don't support the players, I support the team. The players on the pitch mean nothing to me personally. I have no connection with them whatsoever. The only players who have come close in the last decade are Fowler, Gerrard [pre the shit last summer] and Carragher.

I am sick of feeling empty and annoyed when they run off the pitch after a defeat to get into their Porsche and get home to the blond darlin' and a slap up meal with 'friends' in some swanky bistro, and then onto a contemporary club to sip Don Perignon '63. They can't even be bothered to face the fans who have spent a vast majority of their weekly wage to see them play in that Red shirt.

I am fed up with the players not being proud to be 'one of us', and look the fans in the eye and give honest answers without the need to consult Ted McMoney the newest agent in town who can get yer an extra £10k a week "if you just say this and do that".

I want my players to feel like we do. I wanna hear just one person say "I’d fuckin' die to win the league here" or "Money? Why should I be arsed. I love this club and I'm on £60k a week anyway, when most people would 'ave to work 4 or 5 years to earn that". I wanna see them almost in tears when they are celebrating a goal that means so much to the club and its fans [a la Aldridge and McMahon in the derby years ago going mad almost punching each other with pride and delight] I wanna see players just touch the "This is Anfield" sign, even if they are told by powers above that they 'have to', but better still if they choose to, and know why they do it.

I want to feel like the players deserve that shirt and the history and heritage that pulling on that jersey means. I want players to know why we have the Shankly Gates, the Hillsborough Memorial and the Liverbird. All the things that players in times gone by would have taken as 'part of your job to know and do'.

If some of the things that have happened in our past – both good and bad – have happened these days I doubt very much the link and bonding between fans and players would have be created now, that was formed back then.

The gap between "us and them" is bigger now than it has ever been. You'd think I was talking about Man United or Arsenal saying that, but I'm talking about us and the players we pay so much to watch.

I'm disillusioned with it all. It's got fuck all to do with the last week's events – I'm used to this sort of shit now as a Red. It's the build up over the last few years of feeling like I'm putting all the effort in, and getting nothing back. I may spend 20-30 hours making a flag for a player, only to take it to the game, shout their name to show them how much it means to us and see them look at the flag directly and look away. No wave, no smile, no nod, no shout, no thanks. Nothing. Why fuckin' bother?

I may spend hours searching for transport and hotels on the net, spend vast amounts of money to get there. Take time off work to do it. Spend money while I'm away – whilst losing money whilst being just being there – and then view 11 players who don't care about the people on the terraces, and most that don't care about the club. For those days, it becomes my life, and yet the players are just picking up another £60k, going through the motions and running off the pitch back to the luxury lifestyles and sheltered lives. Why bother?

God only knows how the kids younger than us must feel. I am fully aware that to the players, walking out of the ground and seeing hundred of kids is nothing new. It's week in, week out for them, and it would be hard to sign for them all [and obviously harder once word got out to say they did]. But the odd one or two wouldn’t go a miss, and just a smile and the words "Thanks" every so often?

Some people will probably say "well they can’t please everyone" - and that is a fair point. But I would hope that those players know how much 2 seconds of their time with one kid means to that kid and those who were there. It's hope, it’s even inspiring. Yet, they don’t seem to care.

Maybe the players get that mentality cos they join clubs at ages from 8-12+ and they themselves don’t have the heroes and things we worship cos they don’t get the chance?

It's like in years gone by, players used to sign the odd autograph during a warm up, or before or after. Nowadays they don’t even look over. The first game I took the Carra flag, we stood in the ground from 7:15 at an 8:00 kick off. I’m a 25 year old lad, and I felt a bit of a tit, but it was important to me, and I thought Carra would absolutely love it [cos he doesn’t get too much praise]

I know the club [these days] probably doesn’t allow them to sign etc but I just wanted a nod, or a smile, anything to say 'thanks, I appreciate that' but got nothing. It got to the point where one of the lads with me shouted "Oi Jamie.....CARRA!!! get on this" and he just looked over, and looked away. We were gutted.

I still think Carra is head and shoulders above anyone else at LFC or anyone who has been there in recent years, but even he seems very un-arsed about it all. I later found out that he did see it, and was chuffed with it [but at the time I was gutted - and it would only have took a wave or whatever]

Some might say I just expect too much. But I just tend to think what I would give to be in their situation, and what I would do if I was there - and although I appreciate over time that the repetitiveness could annoy me, I would still make sure just a small amount of my time was given.

I mean I work 35 hours a week [minimum] for fuckin buttons, and every day I take about 60-80 phone calls, most of them are people giving me grief, or who are not arsed that I am trying to help them. Yet I know I have to do it, because I get paid to do it. Why the fuck don’t they?

I’m not even going to cover the ticket distribution at LFC and the lack of promoting the club to local kids. It just doesn’t exist. They don’t care.

I just dunno what is at the end of this very dark tunnel. Football doesn’t seem to exist anymore - it’s now a corporate game where all that matters is money, at every single level.

It’s horrible, it’s sad, and it’s upsetting ... but it’s happening.

Football's been taken away.

« Last Edit: February 8, 2016, 06:14:32 pm by Tarpaulin »

Offline hooded claw

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 06:17:33 pm »
Fucking hell.

Offline DaveLFC

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 06:20:38 pm »
I agree, but it's been slowly happening. Like losing your hair you think you see it's going but then one day you catch sight and where has it gone? It is sad but I'm not sure we'll ever get it back to the days I certainly remember. There are probably fans our age of other sports saying exactly the same kind of things. In fact there were probably fans 30 years ago saying that 'it wasn't like this in my day'

I said over 14 month ago now that if you believed Sky there was very little football before they took over, in my opinion there's been little since. The premiership and Sky's take over accelerated the rot, one that isn't ever going to be repaired.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2005, 06:42:13 pm by DaveLFC »
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Offline anon-y-mouse

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 06:20:55 pm »
Great post, some very valid points made but possibly a bit of an emotional overreaction to some negative publicity and the odd arrogant prick of a player.

Offline Garstonite

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 06:23:37 pm »

It aint what it used to be that's for sure.

I used to watch the Serie A and think "what a bunch of garbage: boring trip". Now, we are as bad as them. Who needs boring 0-0 draws when you can have added time multi-ball?

Going to games is not the experience it once was either: you have to book weeks in advance phoning in from about 8:00am, then half the time you don't get the fucker. (Why can't they give the TO more fucking tickets either: "No love, none left, you can have a restricted view one in the Main Stand sat next to a retard wearing a shirt with "Alanso" on the back though"...) The jestered hat, glory hunting wankers with their mobile and digital cameras taking pictures of a player taking a fucking throw-in can piss off too - just watch the game and enjoy it. Try creating a bit of atmosphere instead of a digital masterpiece.

Gone are the days when were the ones that mattered most. It's all big bucks and agents and we are left out in the cold. Liverpool football club are one of the best but they still aint the same.

Rip the seats off and create some more fucking room. And the stewards, "can you stop swearing, please" can fuck off too. I paid good money for this seat now piss off you deranged moron.

Middlebro, Wigan, Sunderland, Blackburn etc can barely fill half their grounds either: they have probably gone to support US and/or CHELSEA, the twats!

Something must be done.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 06:24:10 pm »
Nice that lad. Serious post and you come in with some nonsense like that. Andy's put forward some stuff that a fuckin load of people are feeling right now and you just had to have a little dig didn't you?

Not a dig at all. Deadly fucking serious.

Football is corporate - it is all about the money and if it aint for you I will splash the cash cos at the end of the day no matter how much I, you or the next man hates it their is one of two alternatives - walk in or walk away.

Bottom line, at best it aint gonna change. At worst, it will become even more corporate.

I think we all hate it and the old days are gone and wont return but, however pissed off I get, I could not imagine not watching Liverpool again.
Where's this Yakimoto fella?

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 06:30:35 pm »
i cant wait for it all to blow up, sky, champions league, attendences, cant come soon enough for me.
block 107

Offline macca68

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 06:31:57 pm »
an emotive piece that should be posted on every players locker and read out at least once a week until they comprehend the sacrifices that true fans make, understand the cancer thats eating away at the fabric of football and endeavour to do their bit to halt the slide into selfish greedy professionalism over passion for their club and the simple act of playing football.
Thanks Roper..though it has rather saddened(and angered)me!

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 06:39:32 pm »
Sad post.

Offline buzzing

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 06:41:49 pm »
So fucking true. money has ruined the game.

And someone needs to do something with clubs spending habits, as it just makes clubs going into adminstration fat to common
"You have to admire animals. Hamster spun round in a wheel three times bigger than him and abruptly lands on his back. Then just gets up and carries on as if nothing happened! If that was a human he'd be helicoptered to hospital, off work for 6 months have back issues for 20 years and then start legal proceedings against the wheels owner"

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2005, 06:42:55 pm »
Probably the best thing I've read on here.I pretty much feel the same way as I'm sure a lot of my mates who have been going 25+ years.
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Offline L7 Red

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2005, 06:44:06 pm »
Good stuff mate, felt that way for a few years now and most of my mates feel the same.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2005, 06:47:23 pm by L7 Red »
"Oh that's boys own stuff but it's been that sort of night and it's been wonderful too see"

Offline **** The Pain Away.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2005, 06:44:32 pm »
It's not all doom and gloom.

It has changed allright, but the game hasn't been ruined. Stop reading too much into that media shite will you.

Offline buzzing

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2005, 06:45:07 pm »
...another point.

tickets for adult and 1 child at Chelsea cost 90 quid

spain/italy avergae for big clubs liek real, roma, juve = from 24-28 quid

bayern munich = 17 quid i think it was

money money fucking money
"You have to admire animals. Hamster spun round in a wheel three times bigger than him and abruptly lands on his back. Then just gets up and carries on as if nothing happened! If that was a human he'd be helicoptered to hospital, off work for 6 months have back issues for 20 years and then start legal proceedings against the wheels owner"

Offline billy-b

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2005, 06:45:10 pm »
a bitter post roper lad and warrented too,hammer head nail!

Offline AdamS

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2005, 06:52:30 pm »
I'd love to be Mr Positive here and explain why you are wrong and tell you it is all going to be okay... but I can't.

While I think some of what you say is indeed tinted with the shit coloured glasses that we are currently wearing, a lot of what you say is true.

I prefer watching the Reserves now than the first team. You see players making their way in the game, everything to prove, fighting for all they can. You also don't get somebody who has never played football or watched a game at any level live having just seen them on ART telling you why their opinion is right.

All I can say that is positive, is dig the dvd's from last season out. Dig out Olmpiakos, dig out Juve, dig out Chelsea and then dig out that famous day in Istanbul. Try and remember the You'll Never Walk Alone at half time. Try and remember the faces of those reds that had sacraficed a lot to be there at half time and how they'd changed at full time.

Andy, as you know my thoughts are not far removed from yours at the moment, but it's less than four months since Istanbul, could we really have predicted how we'd feel now, back then?

We've had some tiring times with the Gerrard saga's, the Owen saga, the sign big names  fans who want us to match Chelsea's spending. But you still follow a great club - even emotion apart, if you had to support a club in the premiership now there is only one team. Not sold out, not a quasi Mickey Mouse rent boy outfit for some Russian prick, a team built on foundations of blood, of kinship, of pride and on traditions of real people.

An army amassed just like centuries before,
In a city made famous by sieges of yore,
Where Constantinople and Byzantium once stood,
A new army now did descend like a flood.

An army of thousands in livery of red,
Liverbirds on their chests and a dream in their heads,
With smiles on their faces and songs in their hearts,
Of hope a new era was waiting to start.

Stood on the North Tribune I looked all around,
A sea of red swamping 3 sides of the ground,
Flags, scarves and banners that covered the crowd,
A show of red strength to make Chairman Mao proud. *

I surveyed the scene in awe and in bliss,
How could we fail on a stage such as this?
I reckoned without an AC Milan team,
With the class to make nightmares out of our dreams.

And so it transpired in a half straight from hell,
A Maldini sucker punch straight from the bell
With 2 blows from Crespo 5 minutes apart,
Milan drove a dagger through Liverpool’s heart,

We staggered and reached the refuge of half time,
Our worst fears were realised, 3-0 behind,
Ashen-faced Reds with their heads in their hands,
Slumped in despair on the steps of the stand.

An anger rose in me, but not with the team,
Where was the 12th man? Was Chelsea a dream?
We had to show pride, try to lift them somehow,
We’d come much too far to give up on them now.

Somebody somewhere had shared the same thought,
My faith was restored in our famous support.
YNWA grew in strength, as did I,
And I sang.. as if it was for the last time.

Looking back now I can’t honestly say,
That as I sang, I thought we would find a way
To come back, but I wanted the whole world to see,
We still had pride, we were still Liverpool FC.

That chorus will live on in legend and lore,
Cruyff said he had heard nothing like it before,
Maradona said it made him convert to a Red,
Luis said it spurred them to rise from the dead.

Then came the reverse of our first half ordeal,
6 minutes of mayhem that didn’t seem real
6 glorious minutes that none will forget,
When Stevie and Xabi and Vlad found the net.

Milan came again but at each turn were foiled,
Once more a siege played out on Istanbul soil,
As the seconds ticked down, the Redmen stood tall,
Though their muscles screamed ‘stop’ they ploughed on through it all.

Then came the moment God’s will became known,
The ball fell to Shevchenko with Dudek left prone,
With the goal at his mercy, our Pole somehow saved,
Someone from above must have smiled on the brave.

It was then that it suddenly all became clear,
Milan realised that this wasn’t their year,
Alongside the Reds stood an ally too great,
There was no resisting the power of fate.

So when the game entered it’s final test then,
They bore the demeanour of half-beaten men,
Defeat after so much no player deserved,
But while Milan’s men wilted the Red’s kept their nerve.

And when Andrei’s nemesis foiled him once more,
The night air was pierced by a deafening roar,
Destiny fulfilled all that was prophesised,
And I hugged all around me with tears in my eyes

The Redmen all met us, celebrations they led,
Carra The Lionheart, Gerrard The Red,
Sami The Mighty, the sturdy Hamann,
Dudek and all, heroes to a man.

And Rafa, our Moses, by his guiding hand,
He led us all back here to this Promised Land,
When the road became hard no excuse did he use,
And when all seemed lost here his genius shone through.

Emotion flowed down from the stands like a shower,
As we watched Stevie lift that old trophy of ours,
You’ll Never Walk Alone once again we did sing,
As we all heralded the return of the Kings.

Now on the bus back to Taksim I went,
My voice was in tatters, all energy spent,
Utterly drained but smiling ear to ear,
I thought back to the road that had led me to here.

As a boy I had watched all the legends parade,
As they conquered all Europe and history was made,
As the years passed, now no longer watching a screen,
I thought I’d never see what my elders had seen.

I wondered if my eyes would yet see the glory,
And whether in years to come I could tell stories,
Of great Anfield nights and of crusades abroad,
When the Mighty Reds put Europe’s best to the sword.

2004 then turned into 05,
And finally all of my hopes came to life,
It seemed fate was there with us right from the start,
It happened as if it was written in the stars.

I watched from the Kop on that December night,
The pivotal moment when dark turned to light,
4 minutes from failure, then hope was restored,
We all dared to dream, when Stevie G scored.

Echoes of the past rang as clear as a bell,
The late Kop end goal , the same scoreline as well,
My generation loved tales about way back when,
But we now had our very own St Etienne.

I was there against Juve when ghosts of the past,
20 years in the waiting confronted at last,
The Kop spelled out friendship in red and in white,
And in silence we remembered the fallen that night.

The whistle it blew and the silence gave way,
To a whirlwind of noise that blew Juve away,
I saw a red tide almost swallow them whole,
And I saw Luis Garcia’s 30 yard goal.

I saw Chelsea get their come-uppence at last,
On a night at Anfield that might not be surpassed,
The primeval force of The Kop in full cry,
For 96 minutes the noise wouldn’t die.

96 minutes for 96 souls,
They surely were watching the drama unfold,
For something divine intervened on our side,
‘Cos I can’t explain how Gudjohnsen shot wide.

The Kop danced long after the players had gone,
The glory of years passed remembered in song,
And when we were thrown out we danced on outside,
Around Shankly’s statue long into the night.

And now I had witnessed a moment so rare,
It’s drama and splendour were beyond compare,
A moment in Sport we may not see again,
A moment I’d waited so long to attain.

Istanbul was for one night, Heaven on Earth,
So special you can’t put a price on it’s worth,
I give thanks I was one of the privileged few,
I was there and I saw all of our dreams come true.

A banner I’d seen and there saw it again,
“My Eyes Have Seen The Glory” it proudly proclaimed,
Four symbolic stars were emblazoned thereon,
I could now say “me too” when the 5th one was won.

I’ve seen the Kop’s legacy upheld and enhanced,
And seen us win when no one gave us a chance,
I’ve seen us rise up and be crowned Europe’s best,
If it’s the last match I see I’d still think myself blessed

If A is a success in life, than A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2005, 06:55:24 pm »
One of the best, and saddest things I've read on here.  It's all true as well...

Houses smell of mushy peas, cat piss, dope and (in the more extreme cases in West Yorks) ammunition.  Wives look like scarred pitbull terriers.  Children are feral, resembling hungry monkeys.  Bloke wears vests a lot.  Tracksuit bottoms.  Slippers.  Few tattoos.  Wishes he'd joined the army, pretends he was a Para.  Spends too much time wanking...

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2005, 06:56:42 pm »
Great post. Depressing like, but spot on.
twitter: @mortoni

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2005, 07:11:18 pm »

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2005, 07:14:25 pm »
fuckin' ell roper

WHA A POST LAD!!!!!!! :o

its 100% true me dad always says tha...its al abar the money n the club coudn't give two shits abar the fans who hand over there hard earned cash to watch our team play

really surprised abar Carra yano!!! thought he was alot better than tha and would of at least gave you a thumbs up FFS

Offline Paul Tomkins

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2005, 07:18:33 pm »
I'm currently reading Tom Bowyer's superb book, "Broken Dreams: Vanity, Greed and the Souring of British Football", and finding it full of further reasons to dislike the game.

For me, Chelsea could be the death of English football. They could end up seriously harming the competitive nature of the Premiership with their billions.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2005, 07:18:35 pm »
Eloquent and emotional stuff...

..pretty speechless after reading that to be honest, just a couple of things come to mind though.

First of all, yes, football has changed, and very little of it is for the better, and I think we, the fans, are very culpable in that - do you think Sky would have bought up football if they didn't think there was a massive market for it? Highly unlikely. We've created a monster and now it's out of our control.

Secondly, I think the change in football is indicative of a much wider societal change. It's not just football that's all about money these days, everything's about fucking money.. Well, I guess it always has been, been even moreso now since the Thatcherite eighties turned Britons into a race of uber-consumers. Everyone wants the cool lifestyle with the house out of the pages of some magazine. We can count the cost in Pounds, but no one seems ever to count the real cost. It's almost like we're not real people anymore; there are no real emotions, no real lives - just consumers and target markets.

Fucking depressing isn't it.

Blanco y en botella. Es leche, no?

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2005, 07:20:57 pm »
In many ways very true. For me, the original post comes across as slightly too sanctimonious. However, it is a work of genuine emotion and you can't criticise it for that. I actually think the "football is boring" argument is something of a media fad in a period between the transfer windows. Tactics and coaching have become so fine-tuned that winning games against anyone is difficult.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2005, 07:24:28 pm »
Crackin' post, that, lad and sadly spot-on.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2005, 07:26:48 pm »
its only lately ive been feeling like this, hopefully its only temporary.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2005, 07:26:53 pm »
A lot of truth there unfortunately, the best hope I have for the game is that the bubble bursts, that its no longer the fashionable game of choice for people to be seen at, that clubs can find that there are limits to how much they can charge, maybe then they'll learn the idiocy of driving away the hard core fans to get a bit more cash out of some people who couldn't really give a shit but have cash to splash on whatever's fashionable to do at the moment.

There's a change in progress at the moment, attendances in the premiership this season seem to have been pretty dire, that said I think its more evolution than revolution unfortunately.

I'd love nothing more than to see a lot of the cash ripped out of the game and to see another generation of players, playing for the love of the game and for the glory of competition and success rather than an easy way to become a millionaire for anyone moderately talented.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2005, 07:27:18 pm »
Fuck me, all that and then we've got Birmingham away at the weekend

Its all so black
Rubber Dinghy Rapids....

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2005, 07:29:56 pm »
"I wanna see players just touch the "This is Anfield" sign, even if they are told by powers above that they 'have to', but better still if they choose to, and know why they do it."

Agree with you there. Was it my imagination or did not one Liverpool player touch it on the way out on the pitch on Sunday?
Where's this Yakimoto fella?

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2005, 07:36:41 pm »

Agree with you there. Was it my imagination or did not one Liverpool player touch it on the way out on the pitch on Sunday?

In Crouch's case, he probably didn't want a concussion.


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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2005, 07:39:47 pm »

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2005, 07:42:57 pm »
an emotive piece that should be posted on every players locker and read out at least once a week until they comprehend the sacrifices that true fans make, understand the cancer thats eating away at the fabric of football and endeavour to do their bit to halt the slide into selfish greedy professionalism over passion for their club and the simple act of playing football.
Thanks Roper..though it has rather saddened(and angered)me!
i thought exactly the same thing, spot on
ye see son, there's US and then there's everybody else

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2005, 08:01:33 pm »
I was suprised you were only 25. Im 23, and I remember the first time my old man took me to Anfield. I didn't even know I was going. It was a mid week and we were stood on the kop. I remember the intensity, the noise, the smells, the voices, the white barrier that i had to stand on. I don't remember the game. I just remember being there! I went quite often then,  Saturdays, mid weeks, pre-seasons.

Sky, agents, shareholders, sponsors, the FA, UEFA, FIFA the list goes on. Stripped football down, re-dressed it, pimped it, slapped it round and is still pimping it hard. Its sleazey, back handed, poisoned and polluted and stollen form the people who made, nurtured and brought up football.

We should take it back.
"This very valuable asset..." No Tom. We are not an 'asset'. We are Liverpool Football Club.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2005, 08:05:29 pm »
Hopfully the way the press have talked up Cricket in the last few days they'll give us our game back!

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2005, 08:12:33 pm »
miserable bastard...

you're echoing what many have said before.  i remember when some where telling me how it ain't the same and i was always thinking fuck sake lighten up, its not all doom and gloom, things will turn, you'll see.

and now?  after Istanbul i seriously doubt if it'll get any better.  the ultimate high, happiest, proudest moment of my life.  fuck all the drama surrounding it, just the fact that i was there watching MY Reds lift the European Cup.  all the stories i'd listened to in awe and there was me right in the middle of our latest.  surely things couldn't get better.  and then all the shite started...  players - shower of greedy, selfish, unrealistic twats.  yes theres the own exception but by and large do they care?  do they fuck.  live our lifes for 10 mins and see what its all about.  the emotion that pores through your body when you hear You'll Never Walk Alone, the big stupid fucking grin across my face everytime the Ring of Fire whirled round my head, the sheer joy as i remember some little snapshot of the mayhem that was Turkey.  Or the hurt when our 96 re-enter my thoughts, the tears when i read back over some of the amazing poems and stories regarding that day and what followed.

football for me is about mates.  the players used to represent me and you, can you honestly say the same now?  not a dig at the foreign lads either, some of them have adapted and do try and understand.  but how many (english or otherwise) of the current would run through the provebrial brickwall for the Reds?

due to various reasons i'm cutting out games this season, been hardgoing already but has to be done.  but you know what i miss most.  the football?  Nah.  the passion? (in Anfield, you kidding?!) Nah.  miss me mates.  the meeting-up, the bevvy, the laugh, the sing-song.  and then you get in the ground having paid top whack for a seat after sitting on redial for god knows how long, surrounded by strangers who chances are will object to your jack in the box routine anytime anything exciting happens, or god forbid you swear or even sing.  great place football ain't it.

memories of Euro aways is the only thing keeping me going.  got my travel sorted for cockneys away for a laugh and a bevvy.  what bout the game?  at £49 a pop i'll stay out off the race for a ticket thanks very much.

is this the future?



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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2005, 08:14:52 pm »
They could end up seriously harming the competitive nature of the Premiership with their billions.

they already HAVE
"You have to admire animals. Hamster spun round in a wheel three times bigger than him and abruptly lands on his back. Then just gets up and carries on as if nothing happened! If that was a human he'd be helicoptered to hospital, off work for 6 months have back issues for 20 years and then start legal proceedings against the wheels owner"

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2005, 08:25:30 pm »
it all started when they let them other lot though didn't it, whaddyacallem, OXOs or sumpn, it was alright before they came

all the ones from Liverpool, the whaddyacallems, couscous, they knew the score

and now the OXOs blame the couscous, and the couscous blame the OXOs

I dunno who thought of diluting the couscous with the OXOs

cos we got OXO flavoured runny couscous

recipe for disaster wasn't it


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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2005, 08:30:23 pm »
I'm currently reading Tom Bowyer's superb book, "Broken Dreams: Vanity, Greed and the Souring of British Football", and finding it full of further reasons to dislike the game.

For me, Chelsea could be the death of English football. They could end up seriously harming the competitive nature of the Premiership with their billions.

I think they're do more harm through some of their less than 'sporting' practices.

Thats the thing though. Football is just a business to someone like Kenyon and many other CEO's/Chairman/Board members. If you can eliminate your competition, through what ever means, you're top dog.

Who gives a fuck that its all hollow when you're picking up a 2 million quid bonus at the end of the year? So long as their alright....

As with Andy, I dont think theres many peole that would be too distraught of the game imploded on itself. Maybe then it'll bring itself back in touch with its roots again, both in terms of local communities and also the "grass roots" amateur/youth setups around the counties.

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2005, 08:38:59 pm »
I grew up an OOC fan of Liverpool, and now I'm OOT (in London).  I know that you may blame "fans like me" for killing football, but the reality is that football on television and boards like that have enhanced my enjoyment of football (and specifically Liverpool) 1000 times over.  When I was a kid, I would look for the scores in the papers, and it wouldn't be there.  There was no internet.  There was no way of knowing fuk all about the club, except to watch Soccer Saturday every Saturday morning at 6:30am to catch the scores.  And when liverpool won, it was just me and my old fella to sit and talk about it.

Yeah, the internet and Sky and money in the sport has hurt the enjoyment of the game for the 40k who were privileged enough to go to Anfield every week, but millions of us can enjoy the game/club now.  So collectively, Liverpool probably creates more enjoyment now than it did now, it's just spread over a lot more people.

I'm sure that that is absolutely no comfort to those of you in L4, but I thought I'd just offer that point of view.  I wish like mad that I could have enjoyed the Kop as it was (I get to Anfield 10-15 times each year, despite the drive), but I also don't want to go back to the footballing cave I had to live in as an OOC in the early 80s. 

Anyway, my two cents.  Well written article, btw. 

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2005, 08:39:41 pm »
good post lad, some valid points there.
"I wanna see players just touch the "This is Anfield" sign, even if they are told by powers above that they 'have to', but better still if they choose to, and know why they do it."

Agree with you there. Was it my imagination or did not one Liverpool player touch it on the way out on the pitch on Sunday?
a few did and one hand went up but couldn't reach...bless. camera cut away then.
"There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?"

"I'm takin' this bloody car.....All the way to Invercargill!!!"

Offline kop88

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Re: Football has been taken away from us.
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2005, 08:47:14 pm »
An army amassed just like centuries before,
In a city made famous by sieges of yore,
Where Constantinople and Byzantium once stood,
A new army now did descend like a flood.

An army of thousands in livery of red,
Liverbirds on their chests and a dream in their heads,
With smiles on their faces and songs in their hearts,
Of hope a new era was waiting to start.

Stood on the North Tribune I looked all around,
A sea of red swamping 3 sides of the ground,
Flags, scarves and banners that covered the crowd,
A show of red strength to make Chairman Mao proud. *

I surveyed the scene in awe and in bliss,
How could we fail on a stage such as this?
I reckoned without an AC Milan team,
With the class to make nightmares out of our dreams.

And so it transpired in a half straight from hell,
A Maldini sucker punch straight from the bell
With 2 blows from Crespo 5 minutes apart,
Milan drove a dagger through Liverpool’s heart,

We staggered and reached the refuge of half time,
Our worst fears were realised, 3-0 behind,
Ashen-faced Reds with their heads in their hands,
Slumped in despair on the steps of the stand.

An anger rose in me, but not with the team,
Where was the 12th man? Was Chelsea a dream?
We had to show pride, try to lift them somehow,
We’d come much too far to give up on them now.

Somebody somewhere had shared the same thought,
My faith was restored in our famous support.
YNWA grew in strength, as did I,
And I sang.. as if it was for the last time.

Looking back now I can’t honestly say,
That as I sang, I thought we would find a way
To come back, but I wanted the whole world to see,
We still had pride, we were still Liverpool FC.

That chorus will live on in legend and lore,
Cruyff said he had heard nothing like it before,
Maradona said it made him convert to a Red,
Luis said it spurred them to rise from the dead.

Then came the reverse of our first half ordeal,
6 minutes of mayhem that didn’t seem real
6 glorious minutes that none will forget,
When Stevie and Xabi and Vlad found the net.

Milan came again but at each turn were foiled,
Once more a siege played out on Istanbul soil,
As the seconds ticked down, the Redmen stood tall,
Though their muscles screamed ‘stop’ they ploughed on through it all.

Then came the moment God’s will became known,
The ball fell to Shevchenko with Dudek left prone,
With the goal at his mercy, our Pole somehow saved,
Someone from above must have smiled on the brave.

It was then that it suddenly all became clear,
Milan realised that this wasn’t their year,
Alongside the Reds stood an ally too great,
There was no resisting the power of fate.

So when the game entered it’s final test then,
They bore the demeanour of half-beaten men,
Defeat after so much no player deserved,
But while Milan’s men wilted the Red’s kept their nerve.

And when Andrei’s nemesis foiled him once more,
The night air was pierced by a deafening roar,
Destiny fulfilled all that was prophesised,
And I hugged all around me with tears in my eyes

The Redmen all met us, celebrations they led,
Carra The Lionheart, Gerrard The Red,
Sami The Mighty, the sturdy Hamann,
Dudek and all, heroes to a man.

And Rafa, our Moses, by his guiding hand,
He led us all back here to this Promised Land,
When the road became hard no excuse did he use,
And when all seemed lost here his genius shone through.

Emotion flowed down from the stands like a shower,
As we watched Stevie lift that old trophy of ours,
You’ll Never Walk Alone once again we did sing,
As we all heralded the return of the Kings.

Now on the bus back to Taksim I went,
My voice was in tatters, all energy spent,
Utterly drained but smiling ear to ear,
I thought back to the road that had led me to here.

As a boy I had watched all the legends parade,
As they conquered all Europe and history was made,
As the years passed, now no longer watching a screen,
I thought I’d never see what my elders had seen.

I wondered if my eyes would yet see the glory,
And whether in years to come I could tell stories,
Of great Anfield nights and of crusades abroad,
When the Mighty Reds put Europe’s best to the sword.

2004 then turned into 05,
And finally all of my hopes came to life,
It seemed fate was there with us right from the start,
It happened as if it was written in the stars.

I watched from the Kop on that December night,
The pivotal moment when dark turned to light,
4 minutes from failure, then hope was restored,
We all dared to dream, when Stevie G scored.

Echoes of the past rang as clear as a bell,
The late Kop end goal , the same scoreline as well,
My generation loved tales about way back when,
But we now had our very own St Etienne.

I was there against Juve when ghosts of the past,
20 years in the waiting confronted at last,
The Kop spelled out friendship in red and in white,
And in silence we remembered the fallen that night.

The whistle it blew and the silence gave way,
To a whirlwind of noise that blew Juve away,
I saw a red tide almost swallow them whole,
And I saw Luis Garcia’s 30 yard goal.

I saw Chelsea get their come-uppence at last,
On a night at Anfield that might not be surpassed,
The primeval force of The Kop in full cry,
For 96 minutes the noise wouldn’t die.

96 minutes for 96 souls,
They surely were watching the drama unfold,
For something divine intervened on our side,
‘Cos I can’t explain how Gudjohnsen shot wide.

The Kop danced long after the players had gone,
The glory of years passed remembered in song,
And when we were thrown out we danced on outside,
Around Shankly’s statue long into the night.

And now I had witnessed a moment so rare,
It’s drama and splendour were beyond compare,
A moment in Sport we may not see again,
A moment I’d waited so long to attain.

Istanbul was for one night, Heaven on Earth,
So special you can’t put a price on it’s worth,
I give thanks I was one of the privileged few,
I was there and I saw all of our dreams come true.

A banner I’d seen and there saw it again,
“My Eyes Have Seen The Glory” it proudly proclaimed,
Four symbolic stars were emblazoned thereon,
I could now say “me too” when the 5th one was won.

I’ve seen the Kop’s legacy upheld and enhanced,
And seen us win when no one gave us a chance,
I’ve seen us rise up and be crowned Europe’s best,
If it’s the last match I see I’d still think myself blessed

i agree with ropers post, but that poem made me realise why im a red. when ever we feel down, just remember what it was like standing in the ataturk on THAT night. the greatest football match ever, thats why liverpool FC is the greatest club, despite all the shit these days. its nights like that which stand us apart