Author Topic: The Roaring Twenties (COMPLETE)  (Read 8532 times)


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
The Roaring Twenties (COMPLETE)
« on: September 1, 2005, 10:48:45 am »

Liverpool was a black, dirty place in the 1920s. The intense concentration of soot produced by domestic coal fires and heavy industry shrouded the area in its opaque blanket. Garston Gas Works was a noted landmark which generated sufficient gas for many surrounding districts, including Speke and Woolton. Not only was the atmosphere in Garston heavily polluted with smoke and smog, it was also rank with the smell from the tanning yards. The stench on a summer's day meant smelling salts were totally un-necessary if anyone fainted in the heat.

Garston was the centre of Liverpool’s coal trade. It was also where the banana boats came in. I kid you not, my family probably saw a banana before most families in the UK, although working out how best to open one was a complete mystery and many still used a knife.

Britain's first birth control clinic, which opened in London in 1921, was in its way almost as important to women as the suffragette movement which had campaigned for the vote over the previous ten years. This clinic was founded by Dr Marie Stopes (not a physician but a fossil botanist, would you believe), whose book "Married Love" caused a sensation when it appeared in 1918. She aimed to give free consultations to poor women overburdened by childbearing, large families being the norm. For many years Marie Stopes was considered less than respectable and she faced a lot of opposition from clergymen and doctors.

Meanwhile in the Brodrick household, under the bridge in Garston, Margaret was coping with the demands of her 11 children. William and James Joseph the eldest pair had just returned from the first World War. William being mentioned in despatches by General Allenby for his bravery.

This was the arena in which my grand-father Peter was born, and brought up.

The city and outlining districts were noisy with the clanking of trams, the rattling of horse drawn carts on the streets, the cries of coalmen, rag & bone men, paper boys and factory hooters which marked the different shifts.

"Peter, Quick, grab the bucket and follow that horse"

"Peter, get a shift on lad follow the coal man"

It was my G's (grandad William) job to bring home the "Cock Wood" (long story).

Liverpool had a fine transport system. The excellent overhead railway and work on the forthcoming Mersey Tunnel, with its distinctive smell, was started in 1925 to alleviate the long queues which had started to build up at the Mersey Ferry Terminal. The whole area was covered by an extensive tramway network. Folk could clank along from Garston to the Pier Head by tram for a modest fare. Other destinations included Anfield, Wavertree and as far as Childwall, as the song has it :

'You can't go to heaven in a no. 3 car
'Cos a no. 3 car don't go that far'

(though when you consider the number 3 went to Anfield, I think the lyrics may have been just a little bit wrong)

The trams had spiral staircases and a driver's cabin at each end. At the terminus the driver changed the points, the conductor changed the seats, the two men changed around and the tram set off in the reverse direction. Notices posted inside screamed 'No spitting allowed'!, as the habit helped spread TB (tuberculosis) which was a major health risk. It might seem strange these days but spitting was both commonplace and a necessity, as it helped clear the airways of the dust and the soot. Other diseases such as ephysemia, asthma and bronchitis were also a constant menace.

The outskirts of Liverpool were much greener than now; Hale Village and Speke, for example, were surrounded by green fields and Woolton and Gateacre were old fashioned little villages nestling amid farmland. Many people moved in from these country areas to dwell in the city tenements and became adopted Scousers.

Tenements were all rented and the procedure for young married couples was to start where they could afford. This was usually in a 'single end', a one apartment flat with an outside communal toilet. The wash house and boiler were shared on a rotational basis and washing was done with a scrubbing board. People then moved up the social ladder to the luxury of four or more rooms and kitchen with an inside toilet. (But not in our house, we never saw an inside loo until we moved to Woolton in 1965.) The kitchen had an old fashioned range; 'interior fires' were still to come.

Domestic and street lighting was by gas and 'Lankie' the lamplighter came round at night. Hot peas were sold in the streets, roasted chestnuts in season, and the rag and bone man came round with his cart offering balloons for the children.  It was at this time my family ran a soup kitchen on the corner of Raglan Street. It was used by the Dockers on the way to and leaving work at all hours. My great grand-mother Margaret was not the best business woman though and she probably had the longest slate in Liverpool.

There was much horse transport still; coal lorries and carts with beer barrels trundled slowly around, adding to the dirt and dust of the cobbled streets.

Holidays for most people were confined to the 'Fair' when factories shut down for the second fortnight in July, or to the circus that visited Garston Park once a year. For some, holidays were spent at home where people could enjoy strolling in the parks, playing with boats in the ponds and feeding the ducks, sitting in the bandstands listening to brass music and enjoying the fun provided by, dare we say it, the 'Black on Black Minstrels'.
The more affluent enjoyed a holiday down the Mersey at New Brighton, West Kirkby or even Southport for the very rich, but the silting up was going to stop the Southport ferry in this decade. Travelling on one of the many steamers to one of the numerous holiday resorts where the attractions were abundant was a rarity due to cost. No one even dreamt of going abroad at this juncture in time.

Back in the city, Ma Egerton's tea rooms, with their famous plush interiors, flourished at all seasons of the year. Another famous eating venue was Cooper's in Church Street.

Despite all the dirt and poverty Liverpool was a lively vibrant industrial city making an apparent good recovery from the war. Part of this recovery was helped by great football players of the time which included Chambers, Forshaw, Hodgson and dare I even suggest it the legendary Dixie Dean.

Without these players lifting the doom and gloom of everyday life I would suggest most people would have given up on their pitiful existence. I kid you not "meat" (in whatever form it came) was a "treat" and a premium many families just simply could not afford. Scragg end of lamb was the best cut most could afford and so the legendary dish of Scouse was most people's favourite dish of the week. Steak egg and chips was a bloody long way off in my family's future. Nowadays my kids sneer if their Mam offered them anything without a slice of cow or pig on the plate.

Replica tops were also in the distant future, but if you could chat an ex-player to part with one, this is what they would look like:

Not bad are they? Perhaps after this serial, they may become popular enough for a manufacturer like Toffs to produce.

So the story begins.

1920's Liverpool, rickets diphtheria pox and TB were the main threats, but the Liverpool forward line looked just as dangerous when in full flow. This 5 part article will contain twelve match reports from the days when there were "Goals Galore".

Match 1

The basis of every match is taken from the Football Echo of the time.
When this story is complete, I truly hope it will be the most comprehensive story of Liverpool Football Club in the twenties, available on the net.

Music of the Day (Click the link)
Grand-Dad Peter 12 years old
David Ashworth becomes Liverpool manager.

Garston & Woolton Reporter, shuts down
Jack Robinson, England’s foremost musical saw expert, moved to Liverpool during the 1920s.
As well as being a hairdresser he was the first Englishman to play the musical saw professionally. He lived in Solway Street, off Lodge Lane, Liverpool 8, where he owned a barber’s shop.
Jack played many different stringed instruments, but the musical saw was his speciality.
During the ballroom boom of the 1920s, Jack would perform solo and with orchestras at many different venues across the North West. These included Harry Wood’s Grand Band at The Palace and with Bert Pearson’s Band at Reece’s Ballroom in Liverpool. 

1920 Everton vs Liverpool

Headline of the Day
"Liverpool's Astounding Goals at Goodison"

Liverpool Line up

Goal Keeper

Right Back  Left Back
Longworth  McKinlay

Right Half   Centre Half   Left Half
Lacey      W Wadsworth Bromilow

Right Wing    Inside Right    Center Forward    Inside Left    Left Wing
Sheldon       Forshaw         Johnson       Chambers     H Wadsworth.

Lucas was a doubtful starter for today’s game as announced in the early additions of the “Echo”.
It appears that he got some nasty knocks and therefore Longworth had to be in readiness in case the little man had to drop out of the side.
Goodison Park looked a study.
The gate was probably the best ever seen.
Although it is difficult to estimate, the crowd looked like it had exceeded 50,000 and the receipts are almost certain to have touched £4000
It was a fine day and a fine crowd and at 2.45 the only space unoccupied was at the very ends of the various stands.
The band of the Heswell Nautical School played a selection of tunes prior to the start.
At the Bullen’s Road corner, the crowd was so dense that it swayed dangerously and a break through to other areas looked a distinct possibility.
Extra police were drafted in to this corner and the entrances to this part of the ground were closed.

An official of the club told the Echo reporter that this was the biggest crowd he had ever seen on the ground.
When the teams appeared it was noticed that Longworth had returned to captain the Liverpool side in the absence of Lucas.
Down’s won the toss and set Liverpool the task of facing the sun, but there wasn’t much to be gained as the sun’s power was very slight.
Liverpool made the first attack and Forshaw was kept out when nearing the Everton goal area by a fine tackle from Brewster.
Downs had to reply to another good effort from the Liverpool forwards, when Chambers broke forward from a neat through ball by Bromilow.
Everton’s first break ended with Reid’s cross hitting a poor fellow on the back row of the terraces after a clever move which had seen him pass both Lacey and Longworth.

Peacock had the first clear shot at goal and it came from a throw in which W Wadsworth failed to check, but the shot went over the crossbar and once again hit the unlucky fan on the back row.
At the right hand side of the Rice Lane terraces the swaying of the crowd was so severe that to relieve the pressure, a large number of fans were allowed inside the barrier.
So far the play had been keen, good and fast, but as yet neither side really settled down to a rhythm.
The best moment came in the next minute when a nice solo run by Johnson enabled him to put Chambers into possession at a favourable moment and the inside man drove in a terrific shot that struck the outside netting.
Chedgzoy was applauded by both sets of fans for some capital play although McKinlay was alert enough to utilise the effort.
Sheldon came into the picture at this moment and his pass to the left was with a good idea, although it brought nothing tangible.

Liverpool pressed hard and the forcefulness and weight of Chambers had it’s effect, when he made an opening for himself in spite of him being surrounded by three opponents.
He was loudly applauded by all sections of the ground for this fine effort on the Everton goal and before the ball was finally cleared, Fern gave another corner.
Forshaw rose magnificently and headed toward goal and Bromilow finished up the move by toe-ending the ball outside the left hand post.
There was no denying the fact that Liverpool were playing excellently and their continued pressure on the Everton goal was only the natural result of their fine preliminary work.
Sheldon forced a corner off McDonald and Bromilow dropped a ball dangerously near the Everton goal line.
Downs got the better of a duel with Chambers and brought off a capital clearance just after Peacock had been held up by McKinlay.
The pace of the game increased as did the noise on the terraces and during the first quarter hour the game must have been a record for fastness.

When Johnson scored for Liverpool at the end of fifteen minutes, the Anfielders only got what they were entitled to on the run of the play.
It was a most remarkable goal and the manner of scoring not in the least stereotyped.
Chambers made a miss-pass, Johnson got possession a couple of yards from the Everton goal line.
It was anything but a scoring position and Johnson appeared to reduce his chances of getting the ball in the net when attempting to beat McDonald.
The Liverpool centre forward however, from what apparently seemed like an impossible position, tapped the ball forward and sent it past Fern in a very clever fashion.
The amazing feature of Johnson’s goal was that he had had to leave the field of play to make the goal possible.
Liverpool should have gone two up when Forshaw broke clear of the Everton defence minutes later, but a fine save by Fern was greeted by applause from all quarters of the ground.
Crossley went close for Everton minutes later after some fine work on the wing by Chedgzoy, who had made some delightful runs and well judged centres.
McKinlay was very clever in defence , and Longworth, although he did not display the same finesse, was just as sound.

A bad mistake by Longworth rather tarnished his early performance, for Peacock must have scored had he not been prevented from getting the ball when the Liverpool defence was well beaten.
Downs was not always true with his punting from goal kicks, and the ball several times skidded in a direction far from what was intended.
In attempting to head out a fine shot by H Wadsworth, Downs headed the ball over the cross bar, a risky proceeding, as with a little less elevation. the ball would have easily beaten Fern and would have been one of the finest headed goals in Derby history.
Downs was much more satisfactory a moment later, when he replied to a drive from W Wadsworth with a header in the right direction, which completely cleared the Liverpool attack.

Wave after wave of Liverpool attacks where then dealt with admiringly. If it wasn’t for a Stonewall attitude by the Everton rear guard Liverpool could well have put this game beyond reach.
On a rare Everton attack, the ball cannoned off McKinlay to Chedgzoy and the speedy winger, after eluding Longworth, drove in a beautiful shot which Scott handled in masterly style.
Scott also dealt with a volley from Brewster when he nonchalantly tipped the ball over the bar.

With the half time whistle approaching, Liverpool added to their so far, solitary goal and to be fair, it was thoroughly deserved on the balance of play.
Sheldon took the ball almost to the corner flag, while McDonald hesitated in his challenge. Sheldon centred clean and crisp, and Chambers rose magnificently to head the ball home into the corner of the net.
The goal was greeted with raucous applause from the Boys in the Bullens, but other parts of the ground remained silent. Such a shame as the goal was worthy of total adoration.

Half Time Score
Everton 0, Liverpool 2

The first item of interest in the second half was provided by a fine solo by Chedgzoy, which was finished off with a spiffing shot. Only to see Mr Scott clear it up field with a volley which amazed all assembled.
Shortly after which Downs sold Johnson an amazing “show room dummy” to end a Liverpool attack.
Sheldon had forced the first corner of the second half, but sadly he sent it behind the goal line before it came back into play.
From the next corner by Harrison the crowd were entertained by what can only be described as, an overhead bicycle kick by Crossley, but this was well saved by the agility of Scott.
Everton were having their best spell of the game, mainly through the cleverness of Harrison, but Scott was equal to any end product Everton could produce.
On one of their breaks McKinlay appeared to handle the ball while on the ground, but this went unnoticed by any of the officials.
At 10 minutes into the second half Liverpool scored their third goal.
It was a long raking shot by Chambers and the ball had a tremendous swerve on it, so much so that initially, Fern was heading in the wrong direction. As he appeared to have edged it away sadly he could only reach it with his finger tips and it into the corner of the net it flew at an astounding pace.
Two minutes later Chambers was denied his hat-trick, by a mind boggling offside decision by the line official.
Fleetwood was clearly half asleep when the Everton rear guard charged forward and sadly Chambers was denied what was a clear goal.

Liverpool’s cleverness and superiority were now very obvious.
They were permanently “camped” in the Everton half and one was wondering if they had considered setting up market stalls.
On a rare Everton attack a fine shot by Brewster was once again thwarted by the silky skills of Elisha Scott, when he pushed the blistering shot onto the post.

The game maintained it’s incredible pace throughout and was far more entertaining than both Liverpool and Everton’s previous fixtures put together.
There was more skill, incident and finish in today’s contest and Liverpool’s superiority was there for all to see.
Everton’s first home defeat of the season was indeed to worthy opponents.
A well known ex-player was heard to say that after that display by Chambers “he must get his cap” and we at the Liverpool Echo would heartedly agree.
He was magnificent in every area on the pitch.
Today there was not one solitary weakness in the Liverpool side and they were deserved Victors.
Scott had another magnificent performance and his save from Grenyer toward the end, once again proved he is the best between the sticks.
W Wadsworth gave a towering performance today and I can hardly remember a single instance when Reid had any reward for his efforts.
Lacey and Sheldon were magnificent on the Liverpool flank, both complimenting each others style of play.
Sheldon had the better of McDonald all game long and it was all to often that McDonald ended the move, by up ending the little tricky winger.
Although Chambers was rewarded with a brace today, Forshaw’s tireless efforts kept Fern’s hands warm all afternoon.

BEE’S Comments
The fastest and best Derby game I have ever seen.
The footwork, artistry, trickery and combination play was excellent.
The game was a credit to all the players who took part.
Here’s a hearty handshake to them all.
The Liverpool side was full of understanding and awareness and capable in all departments.
Lacey at Centre half last week, was very recognisable today he was brilliant.

Everton Old Boy’s View
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a faster game between the two sides and I have seen most of them.
I thought Liverpool’s dash and superior finish entitled them to the honours today, but surely their second goal came half a minute after the whistle ought to have gone for the interval.
Johnson’s goal was a wonderfully fine one and Chambers was a model of good judgement in the air, even with Downs in the Everton team.
Chedgzoy was Everton’s star performer, but even he would pay praise to Bromilow’s work.
Lacey dominated the middle of the park for the whole game and for this I would award him man of the match.

Casual Comment (by F.E.H)
Two weeks without a tedious railway journey serve to emphasise the great truth of the adage “there is no place like home”
The tremendous enthusiasm both on the park and on the terraces which these matches engender makes one understand something of the joy of life and the tiresomeness of travelling.
And now ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, for the harmless, necessary Jingle

Derby Day ; Derby Day
Once again the rivals play,
Blue on Red and Red on Blue
With a useful shot or two
And a cannon now and then
Just to waken up the men
Other sports may make for good
Stir our spirits and our blood
But our troubles to forget
None has ever been fashioned yet
Since the flood or since the fall
As that with the big leather ball

Editors Comment
Although there was a good humoured crowd today, there was an occasional rift in the lute of harmony when some mentally deficient person decided to introduce us to a student rattle.
Amidst all the racket being made by the said person, why his immediate neighbours didn’t incontinently throttle him is one of those things which as Dundreary would have said “No fellow could understand”
When Liverpool took to the field first and they received a welcome from almost two-thirds of the ground, the question was raised who in fact was at home.
It was widely suspected from those present, that the Anfield supporters had started to arrive earlier than usual thus ensuring a majority holding on the terraces.
A spokesman from the police said this would be monitored in future meetings to ensure the home side had sufficient space, thus avoiding any necessity for Everton fans to have to stand beyond the barriers.

Waiting for a bus after the final whistle proved a long wait for some.
Most decided Shanks pony was a better option.

Match 2

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 13
Prince's Park Opened by the Prince of Wales
Late 1921, the seeds of the mighty "Transport and General Workers' Union" were layed, and was eventually founded in 1922. With 350,000 members from 14 separate unions, including dockers, stevedores, lightermen, factory workers, transport workers and clerks. The Union's first General Secretary, and the main architect of the Amalgamation, was Ernest Bevin, a carter from Bristol who had become an official of the Dock, Wharf, Riverside and General Workers' Union.

1921 Liverpool vs Preston North End

Headlines of the Day
"Anfield Players' Awakening"
"A Riot of Goals"

Liverpool Line up


Lucas   Longworth

McNab  W Wadsworth  Bromilow

Lacey  Forshaw  Beadles  Chambers  Hopkin

Many things made the Mersey fixture today of unusual interest and drawing power.
Preston’s name carries much with it, but this season by common consent, the team is worthy of the name.
There is talent in every line, McCall, Jefferis and Roberts are household names in our city, while Rawlings has made a name and gained fame thus early and Hamilton, not known to us, had been well spoken of..
Liverpool had Chambers and Longworth back to the leading side. Chambers having recovered from injury and Longworth replacing the injured McKinlay.
McNab who played at right half for Checkland, is as big as the old X’s man is small.
McNab’s physique is tremendous. He has height, weight and determination, and never knows when he is beaten. In addition he has a very strong shot.
So Liverpool hoped their side would be good enough to win today, whereas they only drew at Deepdale.
Officials at the club declared that today’s attendance was the best of the season so far, probably exceeding 38,000.
It’s worth note that this was mainly due to Liverpool being undefeated since the opening fixture of the season.
There was much fraternising between the players and Elisha Scott received a particular enthusiastic welcome from the home crowd.
There was some fine defence from the rival pivots, when Liverpool kicked off.
McCall pulling a centre from Lacey and Wadsworth being equally forward.
It was bad luck for Liverpool that when the game had been going but a few minutes Chambers pulled up lame.
For a time he was in much pain, but after a rest his obvious agony in his left knee muscles appeared to ease.
There was a tendency in the Preston defence to kick the ball far too forward to result in anything favourable and it was from one of these long clearances that Liverpool attacked on the left.
Hopkin received the ball in in own half, feigned a moved to the left and moved inside.
Duxbury had no option but to pull Hopkins shirt to stop him from advancing.
From the resulting free kick Lacey split the Enders defence and it was only a dash across field from Mercer that stopped Chambers from going through on goal.
His frantic punt anywhere saved the situation and settled nicely on the back row of the grandstand.
Bromilow saved Longworth’s skin a few times in his early encounters with Jefferis but if it wasn’t for Duxbury taking a divot a golfer would have been proud of on one attack, the home side could have gone one down.
It was obvious when Duxbury tried to stand up, that he too had damaged his left knee.
Play was fast and furious and to this point Liverpool were the more dangerous, although neither keeper had been seriously challenged.
Speed trials between Longworth and Jefferis and Longworth and Rawlings were worth watching.
As was the triangular passing between Hopkin, Forshaw and Beadles.
It was one of these moves that led to a cross from Hopkin which Beadles met with a deliberately placed header which went narrowly wide.
Forshaw and Duxbury took turns in handling the ball in the next two moves.
There then followed two very useful clearances by Longworth, Roberts being the sufferer.
Longworth was not so accurate next time and North End were now putting on pressure in no uncertain manner.
The first real sensible and solid shot of the day was made by Forshaw, who had an inspiration to make an instant left footed drive.
It was a bonny ball that had the keeper beaten, but it crossed out of the marking.
Play stopped shortly after through Jefferis being body charged by Chambers and pitching heavily on his right shoulder.
It was only a moment before, that the former Everton man had to skip over a lunging tackle to escape a trailing foot.
So he complained to the referee that he was having a rough passage.
A third time when Jefferis was tackled and this time with no ceremony by Wadsworth, the referee ignored his plea for more fairness.
From the resulting corner, Lacey controlled the ball on his chest and played a beautiful cross field pass to Bromilow, who went through solo on goal, only to see his shot go narrowly wide.
Quinn was the first to really test Scott, but Elisha defied the brilliance of the shot by not only saving it, but catching it.
Beadles brought a great save from Fox minutes later.
On the next break Hopkin then screwed a shot until it’s neck was dragged off, so much so in fact, that Lacey collected the ball on the opposite wing. But his cross was too deep for the advancing Forshaw.
It was a good chance that should have been utilised.
After another body check this time from Forshaw, Doolan was left horizontal and the referee had occasion to speak to him, but it was good to note that mainly the game was being played in a perfectly sporting spirit.
A break down the left saw Hopkin float a magnificent cross, only for Beadles and Forshaw to get in each others way. Forshaw let Beadles know in no uncertain terms, that the ball was his.
Jefferis had continued to be plagued by Bromilow and one tackle saw him retire to the line for a few minutes to recover.
In his absence Bromilow gave further evidence that this match was to be his best exhibition of the season so far.
One also had to admire McCall’s methods, whether the ball was in the air or on the ground, he seemed to keep his feet better than most players who were struggling on the slippery surface, after the latest shower.
Longworth and Lucas soon warmed to their work and Rawlings and company were hard pressed to make any impression on the game.
More of an impression was made by the plate sized divots that were being wrenched from the turf at every tackle. The groundsman would certainly have his work cut out for him at half time.
One was beginning to wonder if there would be any turf left by April on today’s show.
The latest yard long scar on the Anfield pitch resulted in a corner for Liverpool.
The North End team seemed at sixes and sevens when the cross came in, and when Wadsworth headed into what was believed to be an empty net, only the heroics of Duxbury clearing off the line, saved the break through.
Duxbury received his reward shortly before half time, when he was kicked in the chest by Lacey after a Lucas clearance.
But unlike Jefferis he did not need the services of an ambulance every tackle.

Half Time :- Liverpool 0 Preston 0

The first half had been capital and unduly long, the referee playing overtime after several injuries to both sides. Not surprisingly he was the last to appear for the second half.
Roberts made a fiery beginning to the second half and a nice combination move with McCall saw the latter following up with a well placed shot, which muddied Scott’s playing attire for the first time.
North End had indeed opened the second half in better trim and McNab had to head away a corner which he had conceded through the curiosity of the pitch.
Roberts was very near goaling on the next attack and the trouble was not going away for some time.
However Liverpool began to redeem themselves, and were encouraged by a swerving shot from Lacey.
It seems impossible to have a goal between these teams without a debate.
Then Chambers scored in a remarkable manner.
This is how the movement went.
W Wadsworth, dribbling well became a forward as he crossed the half way line.
He looked very disappointed that a pass he called for was not returned in the one-two manner we have become accustomed to.
However the left winger switched the play to the right wing, where Lacey hit the ball so hard that the goalkeeper Fox, appeared stunned.
Play went on and one wondered how long the referee would allow before he stopped play.
Doolan went into goal and actually saved a shot, having to jump over the body of the true keeper, who in his dazed condition stood up and looked about him in bewildered fashion.
Liverpool went on with the game and Chambers headed into the net, which was warmly debated by the Preston players but warmly welcomed by the home support.
While Liverpool lined up for the kick off, Preston players were still debating the decision with the referee, somewhat reminiscent of a Debating Society I used to frequent as a youth in college.
From this moment on, Preston seemed not to recover and a riot of goals followed.
The second in three minutes.
The third in seven minutes and the final goal of four only 12 minutes after the first.
Each goal was met by a gathering of the Debating Society, yet again.
Preston would have done better to concentrate on what we had come to watch ie football, instead they spent seven minutes in between goals debating every decision.
The 10 minutes after the first goal is best described thus.
Forshaw broke clear after a tackle on the half way line gave Liverpool possession once again. He skipped over the lunging tackle by McCall and fired low into the net.
Preston Debate Society : Discuss the imaginary foul on the half way line.
From the next kick off Chambers took the ball off Woodhouse and played it wide to Hopkin, after a marvellous dribbling class by Hopkin saw him enter the box, he was unceremoniously up-ended by Duxbury.
Lucas converted the penalty.
Preston Debate Society : Was Hopkin over theatrical when he crashed to earth from a height of four feet.
A nonchalant kick off minutes later saw Forshaw nip in and sweep the ball once again to the left.
Hopkin collected the ball, feigned right, swept left and crossed a magnificent cross that was headed home by Beadles.
As the latest debate was convened, Jefferis decided to call it a day and left the park.
Chambers who was obviously now struggling decided to join him in an early bath.
The balance of the game saw Doolan, Mercer and Quinn taking turns on up ending Lacey. But none of them, even combined could stop him having three great shots at goal.
Each time a tackle went in Lacey refused to stay down.
The first saw a bullet hit the post.
The second saw him hit the cross bar and the final shot was well saved by the semi conscious Fox.

The referee brought the Preston Debating Society and Liverpool’s Football prowess to a close minutes after the last save.

I am in no doubt that Jefferis took his ball home, when he couldn’t get his own way. He was very reminiscent of a child throwing his rattle out of his pram.
If Fox wants to continue his career as a goalkeeper, he should remember that, getting in the way of a Lacey bullet is not the wisest of moves.
Duxbury should consider moving his trade to that of a lumberjack, as he appears to enjoy felling everything in sight.
Quinn, Mercer and Dolan (the left hand gang) should remember, if they’re not good enough on their own, ambushing a skilful player like Lacey is not in the spirit of the game.
Hamilton, never have I seen a professional footballer touch the ball less than the referee over the whole ninety minutes. Suggest you join a real Debating Society.

Today’s game was a very physical game played in the best tradition of top flight football. Liverpool won the game through grit, determination and a refusal to go down. Preston would do very well to learn from this lesson conducted by the Anfielders.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 06:01:51 pm by The 5th Benitle »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
  • Legacy Fan
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  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #1 on: September 1, 2005, 10:49:30 am »
Match 3

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 14
Frank Hornby, Inventor of the world’s most famous toy was born in 1863 at 77 Copperas Hill, Liverpool.
To amuse his sons, Hornby made a toy crane out of perforated metal strips held together with nuts and bolts. The crane could be dismantled and the parts used to make different models. Hornby saw a future for this versatile toy and set to work producing it for the mass market.
Hornby began to manufacture his own parts in a small one-room factory at 10-12 Duke Street. He later took premises in Tuebrook but these soon proved too small. He then bought up 5 acres of land in the Old Swan area of Liverpool. It was here the Binns Road factory opened in 1914. This became the company headquarters for more than 60 years.
By 1922 Meccano kits of various sizes and costs were available. At its peak the Meccano system consisted of over three hundred pieces and inspired a generation of boys to take up technical careers.
After the First World War Hornby began making clockwork trains. The first Hornby railway engines were sold in 1920 as construction kits. By 1925 all Hornby trains and accessories were sold ready-assembled. These train sets were the ultimate child’s toy and are still very popular today.
The products of Binns Road were phenomenally successful. Frank Hornby was a visionary in toy development and production, producing three of the most popular lines of toys in the twentieth century.
During the 1920s Meccano Ltd was the biggest toy manufacturer in Britain.
In its heyday Meccano also had factories in Speke and Aintree,
Tutankhamen’s tomb is discovered
Ulysses by James Joyce is published
Christine's (Spartacus's) Nan goes on Pre-season tour.

1922 Liverpool vs Everton

Headlines of the day
“Amazing Derby Game led To Another Chapter In Fives”
“Bromilow’s Goal was one of Six”
“Chambers in Merry Mood, Turns Deficit into Colossal Victory”  

“Derby Day” ! All roads lead to Anfield and a great game was in prospect.
It will be good news to all sports lovers to learn that four benefit matches have been granted to “Four of the best and Brightest” stars in the Liverpool camp.
Pool v Cardiff, October 21st, Bill Lacey’s benefit
Pool v Oldham, December 26th, Elisha Scott’s benefit
Pool v Middlesbrough, January 27th, D MacKinlay’s benefit
Pool v Sheffield United, March 30th, Ephraim Longworth’s benefit.
All games to be played at Anfield.
The authorities have given permission for collections to be taken on the streets before and after games. And it is worthy of special note, that all collections will be pooled by the players. Thus they are united in football play and in benefit pay.
Boxes at the turnstiles will call to spectators at each of the four matches, and I am opening a subscription list in the columns of the Echo, as the quartet benefit is an uncommon one and I know many people will be anxious to show their appreciation in the usual way.
Also note, there is a junior Derby Day on Wednesday, when, at Anfield the two Liverpool teams will meet in deadly earnest.

Liverpool line up


Longworth    McKinlay

McNab   Wadsworth   Bromilow

Lacey  Forshaw  Johnson  Chambers  Hopkin

It was an admirable day for such a feastful game as Liverpool take on Everton at Anfield today.
The Anfielders have had some enormous attendances in their history, notably the West Ham Cup tie midweek, but today’s attendance can only be described as MASSIVE.
I would estimate the gate was worth at least £3500, a pretty sum in the times of depression.
The crowd was all agog with excitement, for they had much to discuss in view of Liverpool’s defeat last week at Burnley and Everton’s double win over Cardiff.
Johnson was back in for Shone and McKinlay was ready to resume normal service at the back.
Everton had remained unchanged from the team that had leapt to prominence in the last fortnight.
Referee Andrews had been awarded this match as he was recognised by all as a very strong referee. Players knew that he would stand no-nonsense, not that we ever get much “nonsense” nowadays in our Derby games.
Our games were more noted for their Battle-type atmosphere where players made from granite plied their trade.
The day was gloriously fine, but all assembled knew this was the calm before the storm.
The Anfield pitch was looking as good as it ever has before kick off, but I would think it would have as many scars as the players at full time.
As usual there was a big early raid on the Kemlyn Road stand, which offers so good and close a view as one can get anywhere in the country.
The buzz around the Spion Kop, was that Liverpool would be closing the gap in Derby History this game and the state of the market before kick off read ;
Liverpool 12 wins, Everton 20 wins with 12 draws.
The crowd had plenty to keep them interested before the battle commenced.
There were the boys who ignored the barbed wire to get in.
There was the Postal band playing a merry jingle and there was also the latest method adopted for removing young boys from the top to the bottom of the kop.
The assembled Dockers had formed their own umbrella method, by passing the lads over the top of heads, so the wee lads could reach their final destination by the wall at the front.
Liverpool won the toss, thus ensuring they attacked their beloved Kop in the second half and also left Fern to be blinded by the mid afternoon sun, which was dazzling today.
At once Everton broke forward with Chedgzoy racing down the wing, his cross however was well beyond McDonald and Fleetwood who were both on their backsides after slipping on the dewy surface, but neither had come to any serious harm.
Wadsworth revelled in his third game in eight days and his leading was particularly useful.
The sun was effecting both sides, but the extreme wingers dancing in the shadows, made merry while the sun shone.
Chedgzoy broke away again, a neat pass to Forbes saw the little Scottie back heel a corker to Harrison and in doing so left McNab dumbfounded, But Harrison’s strike on goal was well saved by Scott.
For the first few minutes all the action was on this side as Hopkin was also having one of his better days on the left wing. He was putting in crosses of great accuracy at every opportunity.
The first was headed on top of the net by Johnson, the following one just wide by Chambers. The third appeared to be punched backward by Johnson for Forshaw to hit the net, but the referee had spotted the dastardly deed.
Both goalkeepers in these early stages were very busy indeed.
Ferns was tested by Chambers and Forshaw within minutes, but from the break of the latter effort Fleetwood sent a long range pile driver heading toward Scott.
It was uncanny how Scott made great efforts look ordinary, one step to the left and the ball nestled in his grasp, no matter how fast it was approaching.
McNab was showing some pace when he thundered a shot at the Everton goal only for it to be blocked. When the ball bounced clear he had to chase Harrison the length of the park to stop him from having a shot at the other end.
Johnson broke through the centre, only for Everton to punt it immediately to Williams who gave McNab even more exercise, before he could catch his breath again.
The pace of this game was magnificent.
Some idea of the enthusiasm being shown, in all quarters of the pitch, saw Longworth dribbling in the centre of the field against Fleetwood.
Settle down Ephraim, you’ll get us all confused.
Next came a stunning drive from Irvine and then in two minutes the game took a deliberate turn.
Liverpool were right on the doorstep of success, thanks to a successful feint from Forshaw. He hammered the ball across to the middle and Johnson looked sure to score until Fern and he collided with a mighty crunch. McDonald walloped the ball clear over the stands into Mrs Molyneux’s back garden in Kemlyn road.
She would return the ball later, while complaining that it had scared one of her rabbits half to death. No stew tonight then.
From another thunderous boot up field minutes later, Williams broke clear and after a wonderful display of zig zag football, Williams poked it home from close range.
Forbes had a hand in the goal and to my mind, the goal first arose from a missed back pass by McKinlay. Secondly through Scott being charged out of position and possession of the ball.
The time of the first goal was 17 minutes, although it seemed like half an hour in all the excitement of the early stages.
The enthusiasm of the Everton folk in the Stanley Park End rose to fever pitch.
Liverpool on the other hand were startled at the unexpected turn of events.
Chambers was as wide in the manner that Chedgzoy was over the bar in the next two forays.
Considering the tackles that had been seen today, it was a minor miracle there had been no injuries so far, but within minutes, Raitt, Bromilow and Harrison all suffered battle wounds.
Tommy Fleetwood escaped all knocks and regularly ploughed through like a veritable youngster. But Peacock soon became the next casualty.
It was indeed a mans game.
Lacey was the next player to be flattened by a rough tackle by McDonald, but the referee decided this time it was serious enough to award a free kick.
MacKinlay’s bullet hit McDonald squarely on the chest, which saw him take a breather on his backside, before the ball was cleared by Fleetwood.

Judged by the amusement on Fleetwood’s face when Lacey missed a perfect sitter minutes later, he was lucky to have survived his mistake.
This should have been the leveller, but to be quite candid, Liverpool had been drafting too ornate plans to break the Everton defence, instead of shooting when the opportunity arose.
Everyone enjoyed watching the wing combination in league with the half-back, but one wanted to know when there would be a definite ending to one of these runs.
Johnson was thinking about shooting when he was indulged in a pitch-and-toss affair.
He escaped injury yet it seemed that he was out of luck, as when Lacey took advantage of a slip by McDonald, the Irishman’s pass being too square for Johnson to gather.
Liverpool were in the ascendancy for the final stages of the first half and Bromilow had a beautiful drive swing just outside the post.
It was Bromilow’s birthday today and he wished for no finer present than a goal against the old foe.
Forshaw also came close in the later stages, but he too was thwarted.
Just before the whistle, the referee called a halt to play, to have a word with Hart and McNab. Manslaughter was forgivable, but these two were going at it like murderers.
Raitt also got a piece of the Referee’s mind, before he left the park for an earlier tackle on Hopkin.

Half time
Liverpool 0 Everton 1
Still twenty two on the park.
Not bad, considering events made the battle of Waterloo look timid.

At the beginning of the second half Raitt decided to trip Chambers to stop him advancing. The referee gave him what we assume was his final caution.
From the free kick Forshaw hit a sparkling left foot drive that went inches over.
Two minutes later, Raitt decided to test the referee’s mettle, when once again, he tripped Chambers as he went forward. I can only assume it was his apology to Chambers that saved him from being asked to leave the park.
As once again, the referee gave him his final, final warning.
From this Chambers scored in a curious way.
I will try and explain from start to finish.
Chambers takes his own free kick and passes to an offside Hopkin.
Hopkin was allowed to continue and smashed his cross into Raitt’s face which went for a corner.
Hopkins placed the corner and quickly crossed to the near post where Chambers was waiting.
Chambers flick on header hit’s the bar.
The ball comes off the bar, but in trying to catch it, Fern punched the ball into his own net.
In his joy at equalising, Chambers swung on to one of the uprights and hung on to it in a manner of a music hall horizontal bar performer.
After witnessing this, I would suggest footballers leave acts like that on the circus circuit.

The fans at both ends now were reaching fever pitch.
And then Raitt tested the patience of reds fans and the referee once again.
Another stiff talking to by the referee, but this time including a finger pointed at the changing rooms. We thought he had been given his marching orders, but apparently Referee Andrews, he who would stand “No-Nonsense” had actually issued his Final, final, final last warning.
Even I was curious now, what Raitt would do next.
Would assassinating the linesman do the trick ?
He obviously had plans to go out early tonight and needed an early bath.

Two Chambers headers both came close, before a third cross was back headed by Forshaw into the path of McNab.
He had all along been running ahead to make a sixth forward and now he found himself with a cross-grained shot and quite a good angle on goal.
He fired in a ferocious shot, that hit the back of the net before Ferns had moved an inch.
He celebrated his goal by leaping for joy and completing a Scottish Hornpipe.
Editors note : please don’t ask, I haven’t a clue.

Needless to say, Liverpool now played with a confidence that was quite foreign to them prior to the equalising goal had arrived.
The result was both McDonald and Raitt had a lot of work on their plates.
McDonald cut across Forshaw and saved a certain goal.
Raitt headed one off the line.
At this time the Liverpool defence started to take liberties, all saw themselves as attackers and often left McKinlay alone at the back.
On one of these occasions McKinlay passed back to Scott with such venom, it brought a magnificent save out of Elisha.
Scott was not amused by the accompanying wink and nod.

The next move was the move of the game.
Lacey played a ball up to Johnson, who headed to Chambers.
Chambers pushed the ball wide for the advancing Lacey.
Lacey controlled the ball and played it back into the path of Chambers.
“Smiler” Chambers thumped the ball home.
His grin was as big as a Cheshire cat.
Two minutes later “Smiler” was at it again this time he hit a ball with so much swerve, Fern was a yard away from where the ball crossed the line.
McNab received a late caution when he put Hart off the pitch.
Hart’s lightweight frame was no match for McNab when going full steam.
Bromilow and Hart both finished the game hobbling doe to their war wounds.
But pain was forgotten as the Birthday Boy Bromilow burst forward to score Liverpool’s fifth, when keeper Fern should really have caught the ball.

The crowd, following up on the suggestion in BEE’s Comments a fortnight ago, started the new chant of the Kop.

One Two, Three Four Five
One Two Three Four, FIVE-Nil
Although it seemed they had forgotten the earlier goal, hadn’t we all, it had seemed such a long time ago since Everton where taking part in this Derby.

Final Score : Liverpool 5 Everton 1

Comments of the day Included.
Progress to the ground today, if not exactly rapid, was fairly swift.
The old days of the four-wheelers are gone and we shall have penny tram fares soon.
As the ancients would say, “Speed the Plough”

And now for the harmless necessary jingle.
Thus it is :-

The champions and their neighbours came bounding on the ground,
They smiled like Smiler to see so many folks around,
“If all this wealth belonged to us”! - and then they simply frowned.

The player, once he’s started, knows the first half’s not the whole
He never looks behind him, but he knows that there’s a goal
And when he’s lost his bonus he cries, “god bless my Soul”

Though the money doesn’t matter, once the game is on the wing,
Yet the dropping of a quidlet leaves a nasty little sting,
And when he counts his wages, with the comforts that they bring,
He says “To hell with Hamlet, for the play is not the thing”

These are idle, halting verses, and their meaning may be vague
The reader may disdain them as a man abhors the plague
But the rambling, restless rhythm conveys a message true
That the better side should conquer, whether it be Red or Blue

Written by F.E.H in the football Echo

MacKinlay’s back pass to Scott in the second half was probably the most powerful shot of the match, but I suppose you could forgive him after his earlier lightweight pass that led to Everton’s first goal.
The goal was greeted with mixed emotions and a combined mix of joy and resentment was said to be heard at the Pier Head.
Everton’s only glimmer of hope was supplied by the tireless efforts of the old war horse Fleetwood.

News of Christine's Nan going on first ever pre-season tour to Paris has it's doubters.

Match 4

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 15
Liverpool - Southport Ferries stopped, due to silting up of Channels into Pier Area.
Matt McQueen becomes Liverpool's New manager

1923 Liverpool vs Blackburn Rovers

Headlines of the Day
"Liverpool Swamp Blackburn Rovers"
"Forshaw Performs Hat-trick, Rodgers Carried Off"  

Liverpool line up


Longworth    MacKinlay
MacNabb   W Wadsworth   Pratt
Lacey  Forshaw  Johnson  Beadles  Hopkin

Welcome to sunny Anfield, hope you’ve brought your bucket and spade.
Today there was a league battle at Anfield and the game was once again blessed with good weather, so there was another enormous gathering around all quarters of the ground.
Liverpool side today includes Pratt of Bradford City, owing to the absence of Bromilow and Chambers, being engaged at Newcastle in the inter-league match.
The selection of Beadles at inside left was a very late decision by the board.
Today was the first occasion that MR MATT McQUEEN had been officiating as players manager and he received a warm welcome from board, players and fans alike.
I would like to join in, in wishing him a cordial welcome and good luck.
Blackburn as it was stated on the eve of the game, were in a fix with their selection due to a succession of injuries.

Liverpool won the toss on a ground that resembled Ainsdale beach more than Anfield.
Due to heavy rain all week the pitch had been heavily sanded.
On the first attack, Forshaw was unlucky as his shot at goal was not true. A pity as his useful bit of dribbling between half way and the edge of the box, deserved better.
Beadles who had been moved to inside left position late and Pratt were both testing the old veteran Rodgers early on and their pace was giving him trouble.
Liverpool opened the game in confident fashion. Three times they gained a corner kick and the third time paid for all.
Lacey floated a beautiful cross on the third occasion and up rose Forshaw, to glance his header just wide of Sewell’s outstretched right hand.
The ball appeared to be going wide and indeed Beadles appeared quite vexed when he could not reach the ball to make sure.
However there must have been enough spin applied on the ball to see it sneak just inside the post.
Forshaw celebrated his goal, while curiously Beadles sulked.
Perhaps he had something previously planned for the goal bonus the players enjoyed.
With only five minutes played, Liverpool were one up, happy days.

Blackburn were spurned on to increase their efforts and when Hodkinson raced Longworth down the flank and centred to Rodgers.
Scott seemed to be in a hopeless position, but as always he went to ground and smothered the cross.
As Scott cleared his lines, after a quick ball to the left, the referee stopped the game as he noticed an injury to MacKinlay. He had sprained his knee in an attempt to keep the ball in play near the touch line.
Rodgers was quickly in the game once again with a twisting run and a fast shot, that had so much swerve, it was swinging away from Scott.
However, the Irishman, as usual, flung himself at full stretch and comfortably saved and held the ball.
I cant help thinking it would have been a magnificent save to have turned the ball around the upright, but as usual, Scott’s standards far exceeded any other keepers.
Blackburn had two further attacks shortly after.
The first stopped by Elisha diving at Dawson’s feet.
The second ended when Elisha took the ball off the top of McKay’s head.
Funny, McKay must have pulled a muscle in his neck heading fresh air, I thought.
But then the balance of play swung firmly in Liverpool’s direction.

Liverpool without undue exertion, did a lot of attacking over the next 5 minutes and while Crawley was sound in defence, Walmsley looked very uncertain.
Pratt, from Bradford City, was both strong in the air and with his passes and he also dared to take a flyer from outside the box. Sadly it was a good half yard above the crossbar.
MacKinlay was just to trifle too strong hereabouts, yet his general footwork was exceptionally good, and his forward rushes up the park were very helpful.
As a consequence, Poole and Walmsley were having a tough time and when MacKinlay fired just wide, he showed signs of coming to his best, because there was a tremendous sting in the shot.
The Rovers attacks continued, but only came in single file and at sporadic intervals.
W Wadsworth was so relaxed, he could have afforded to light a woodbine and watch the clouds pass by.
However on one occasion when McKay opened the play to the extent of tossing the ball to the outside right, Hardy should have done better than make ….
“a woeful waste of a wilful want”. (Twenties reporting at it’s best)

On the next attack Liverpool netted.
Johnson broke clear and as he approached the goal markings, received a big push in the back from Reilly.
However he managed to stay on his feet and release a thunderbolt.
Goal ? No the referee appeared to point for a foul.
Then when Blackburn took the free kick, we were left confused.
Somehow, someone had adjudged Johnson offside.
It certainly wasn’t the spectator in the Kemlyn Road front row, he appeared to disagree most heartedly and vocally.

The Rovers defence was so poor at this stage of the game that it was surprising Liverpool were not giving Sewell plenty of work.
It must be conceded, however, that football was awkward, more awkward than it appeared on the surface, the top turf being very thick.
For the next five minutes Longworth and MacKinlay changed places, and while they were out of place, Longworth threw in a cross which Johnson met with one of those overhead cycle kicks, very entertaining and becoming much loved by the Anfield fans. Alas Sewell pushed it for a corner.
From the resulting corner, Beadles out-leapt the opposing defence and brought a fine save from Sewell.
MCKinnell and McKay were proving to be the best performers for Blackburn and McNabb was having a merry innings against the flying Hodkinson.
The ball dropped very dead on today’s pitch, and the hopes of the Rovers did something similar, because the rest of the side was playing poor stuff.

Beadles really was trying for that bonus today, but he was unable to make number two himself. However, he did help Forshaw when a corner was taken by letting the ball pass through his legs, a sort of dummy, come, step over movement. Forshaw crashed the ball home.
Although it was only two, the boys started their usual chant, which was becoming very popular.
“One, two, three, four, five” just after this goal was scored in the 35th minute.
At their end of the field, the park end, Rodgers had a runaway which was stopped by McNabb and Scott. Scott appeared to injure his arm when diving to ground.
Blackburn finished up the half in the same way they had begun, very disappointing in every department.
Dawson only had one real chance and there is no measure available to see how far wide it went, whereas three years ago, he would have clamped on a goal.
Just on half time Wadsworth hurt his arm crunching into Rielly, but as the ball broke clear, Beadles missed a sitter, from what could only have been two yards.
Whatever his plans were for the goal bonus, he might as well forget it after that effort.

Half Time :- Liverpool 2, Blackburn nil

Apart from McKay hoodwinking McNabb by letting the ball run when it looked like he was going to control the ball, there was nothing to report in the early stages of the second half, except attacks by Liverpool.
The hapless Beadle was up to his old tricks with more amazing sitter misses.
To be fair one of his fresh air swings was due to the pitch, now resembling Oglet shore more than Ainsdale. As the ball stuck in the mud, Beadle swung his leg like a golfer missing a ball in a sand trap.
McNabb was now pushing further and further forward, due to the ineptness of Blackburn’s attacking quintet.
Pratt was amazing the crowd with some of his throw ins, I swear some reached the middle of the field. If he could develop this “Long Throw” it could be a useful asset if further up the field and would almost be like a corner.
A McKinlay free kick resulted in a fine save from Sewell, but he was injured when Johnson went for a 50-50 ball which Sewell had in his hands.

At long last Blackburn awoke to something like wisdom in their attacks and did eventually beat Scott.
Rodgers was the man, he fired in a cracker that flew past Scott, but sadly for Rovers it hit the bar.
I would like to think Elisha had it covered though, as he didn’t see fit to dive, he just watched it rebound off the bar and back into play.
Two minutes later I think my opinion was confirmed, when Scott flew to his left and saved a corker from Hodkinson from inside the area.
Dawson missed one from only four yards out just after, which confirmed in my mind, that Rovers had had their chances in this game and were not going to score even if we played on until supper.
McKinlay was putting himself about today, clashes with Reilly and Rodgers were only ever going to have one winner. But to his credit Reilly was not backing away from tackles.

Referee today, Mr Fogg, of Bolton, had been vigilant, but he ruined a perfectly good move by Lacey, which led to Forshaw being given offside.
“As a matter of fact there was a lot of offside throws just now” and when Hopkin moved away and passed back to Pratt, the latter made a drive that looked like netting.
The ball had hit Forshaw, who controlled it well on his chest and as he pulled the trigger, the whistle went for offside yet again.
Twice Forshaw had been denied his hat-trick this half, and yet another fan in the Kemlyn was on his feet, he vehemently disagreed with the official and appeared to offer referee Fogg his seat for a better view.
One the next attack Hopkin broke clear and was cynically tripped from behind.
This brought together McKinlay facing Rodgers, Hardy and Poole. He appeared to be explaining to the trio, that such play was not in the spirit of the game.
Within two minutes, McKinlay got his point across far more clearly with Hardy and seconds later with Poole.
Pratt had been dove-tailing with McKinlay when the latter had gone roaming in the glooming.
The home captain had so little to do against Hardy that he could well afford to take liberties. Rovers had once again returned to their poor style and their case became still more troublesome, when McKinlay explained the spirit of the game to Rodgers.
Rodgers was carried from the park on a stretcher after 66 minutes.

Forshaw finally completed his hat-trick in the 70th minute, thanks to a kind pass by Johnson.
Forshaw received heartiest congratulations from all his comrades, this being the first hat-trick performance of the Championship side.
He looked like getting number four, and was not helped by yet another cynical trip down near the penalty box, by the retreating Dawson.
There did not seem any prospect of Rovers breaking the record of the Liverpool club, who since December 26th, have not had one league goal scored against them.
MacKinlay continued to give us the joy of tricky football, now venturing further and further up-field. And Lacey , by sheer generalship and experience, outwitted Crawley who twice tried to trip him.
From one of the great Bill Lacey’s crosses, McKinlay, now playing centre forward at times, hit the bar with a ferocious header.
Toward the end of the game some bitterness entered the game as Reilly made horrendous tackles on both McKinlay and Lacey and referee Fogg decided it was time for a caution.
So it will be seen that, badly as the Rovers played, nothing was going right for them.
Lacey returned the favour on Reilly shortly after and McKinlay had another quiet word with Dawson.

Just before the final whistle, Dawson retired from the game injured.
So the Rovers were reduced to nine men.
It was later discovered that Rodgers has severe cartilage damage, so that he will be out of the game for some time.
At the end of this game Rovers now added their 14thth and 15th casualty to their injury list.
Rovers at no time in this game were able to compete with Liverpool on a skill basis and they would be wise to avoid turning games into pitch battles as they seem just as inept in the strength department.

Final Score :- Liverpool 3 Blackburn nil

It was very sad to see Blackburn resort to assault on players throughout this game.
Hard tackles are expected as part of the game, but the cynical nature of the heal clipping, became very apparent.
They were unable to match the pace and skill of this Liverpool side, but to their cost they also found, they could not match Liverpool in a competitive tackle.
McKinlay may have raised a few eyebrows today, but this should not distract attention away from a masterly performance all over the park.
As for kicking Lacey as a hobby, I can assure you it’s a waste of time, the boy is made from Solid Rock. Dynamite could not shift him off the ball.

Specials for last weeks fixture at West Bromwich, proved unpopular. (pictured Below leaving Skellhorn Street)

Match 5

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 16
"good Morning Liverpool"
Broadcasting history on Merseyside began in 1924, when Liverpool was chosen to be the fourth of a network of relay stations created by the BBC. 
The crystal set era station 6LV began broadcasting on Wednesday June 11th 1924. The studio was above a cafe in Liverpool's Lord Street. The transmitter and engineers were located on the first floor of a disused paint shop near Smithdown Road. 6LV was shortlived, transmissions came to an end in 1931 when a shortage of wavelengths forced re-organisation of radio along regional lines.

1924 Liverpool vs Sheffield United

Headline of the Day
"Forshaw Performs The Hat-trick"

Liverpool line up

Lucas    McKinlay

McNabb   Wadsworth   Bromilow

Rawlings  McDevitt  Forshaw  Shone  Hopkin

Blades fans who crossed the Pennines today, came in style.
I wouldn't fancy the uphill journey going home though, would you ?

Sadly Johnson was absent today because of a cold and Chambers was unable to recover full fitness in time. So the experiment of playing Forshaw at centre forward was one more novelty in Liverpool’s endeavours in the matter of changing positions.
Sheffield began with a very emphatic mis-kick on the part of Harris, and it was lucky for United that it didn’t cost them a goal.
His slice fell straight into the path of Shone, who immediately fired a cannon ball just over the bar and into the crowd.
Afterwards United began to show their true worth, Gillespie being the dominant force.
Sampy and Mercer both came near a goal and the 35,000 spectators, who had risked the foggy conditions breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
Minutes later it was the United faithful who breathed heavily as Forshaw, playing in his new position went close, forcing a corner.
Sadly like most Liverpool corners nowadays there was no tangible result.
It really was becoming an area of concern, I cannot see why more effort is not made on the training ground to improve corner kicks.

There followed six minutes of very dour play, both teams appeared to be struggling to settle.
That was until Rawlings broke with pace down the Liverpool right, his out-swinging cross was met by Forshaw.
The defence was pretty well open and Forshaw had found enough space, to bring the ball down to earth. Before he shot he seemed to have all the time in the world and one could see a goal sticking out as a certainty.
Young Sutcliffe was at the right hand side of goal, and he could only stand and watch as the ball flew past, at a pace that was far to much for him.
It was good to see Forshaw break a barren spell because he has been out of luck lately, yet he has been the most persistent shooter in our side.
Hopkin nearly followed up with the second shortly after, but Sutcliffe, reminded one of his Father’s days, when he made a lovely one-handed punch, the sort of clearance that one does not see these days.
Sheffield United had a good innings now.
Green had made a drive from inside the box which Scott saved but could not hold, the rebound went to Tunstall who could not help but score, that is until Scott once again pulled off an instinctive save with his chest. The ball fell nicely to Sampy surely he had to score, but again Scott pushed his effort onto the bar. As the ball was cleared, Scott brushed off the dirt, as he did.
The next United attack saw a swinging centre from Mercer, which Boyle met with a full blooded header from close range, but the crossbar came to Liverpool’s defence once again.

Liverpool were certainly under the cosh at this stage and when Waugh broke clear all Shone could do was pull his shirt and a free kick was awarded.
The free kick proved to be fatal, because Gillespie got hold of the ball, and after beating his back, Lucas missed the tackle, the Irishman drove in a splendid shot to the left hand side of the goal. A valiant effort by Scott in this instance was not enough, it nestled into the corner of the net.
As always though in difficult times, Liverpool adopted the right attitude and they fought their way back into the game, when Forshaw hit a brilliant first time shot that just cleared the bar.
Liverpool dominated the following spell that lasted over five minutes, but for all their effort they only had one chance to go in front, which was wasted by McDevitt.

United have been a big disappointment so far this season, but a chance of taking a point or two on this, their favourite ground, led them to make a very hearty effort.
McDevitt and Rawlings were making a fine job of tripping over each others laces in this half and they must endeavour to give each other more space.
Either could have scored, but neither did.
Milton the United back must have been amused at them getting in each others way. Saved him doing his job.

There was a joyful shout amongst the amassed locals when McKinlay took a free kick just outside the penalty box.
McAttack hit one of his usual thunderbolts, it was travelling so fast the eye was struggling. Sampy’s eyes were anyway, it knocked him absolutely senseless.
He had saved a certain goal, but that was not going to be any compensation.
As all the players surrounded the horizontal player who was obviously seeing stars, McKinlay, chose rather to speak to the referee, after all it was a corner.
As Sampy was still dazed and walking around like a three string puppet, the corner came in. Milton rose magnificently on the back post and it was only a tremendous save from his own keeper that kept the scores level.
Sampy was curiously uneven. He could not make the most trivial of passes.
I can only assume he was playing with 20 players on his side, due to double vision, as he kept passing the ball into open spaces.
Both Mercer’s drew this to the two referee’s attention and Sampy was asked to sit down off the pitch and receive more attention from the magic sponges and buckets.

After a short spell on the sidelines he returned, and in this brief spell on the pitch he passed to the twins Gillespie, who was unlucky with his first time effort.
For the spell that followed Liverpool were working heavily in defence. Some of them seemed to show signs of the wear and tear of last Wednesday’s fast match.
The crowd seemed to enjoy Sheffield’s rally late in the first half, especially the stern defence that was being shown by McKinlay.
Donald, on one occasion, had to lie down to head away the danger that had been created through the superlative play of Gillespie, who worked Tunstall to an inch.
Scott had to punch away one cross, and Liverpool had only themselves to blame for not taking the chances.
Mainly offered by Harris who was having a nightmare. Once this United full back completely missed his kick and Hopkin was able to run close in, but then he elected to shoot against the side netting.
The glare from Forshaw was all too obvious in it’s intent.
In addition to that moments later, Hopkin had twice passed his marker, only to twice over-hit his centres.
The glare from Forshaw increased in it’s intensity.

The danger of the home team not taking their chances, was made plainer when Tunstall broke down the left and swung in a long cross to the back post, only for the St Helens boy, Mercer, to miss his opportunity when it screwed off the outside of his boot. On my left, The Lord mayor and the Liberal member for West Derby, Mr Sydney Jones, together with Mr W B Stoddart, could almost be heard sighing with relief when it cleared the crossbar.
That’s the difference between the snob-box and the general crowd, they expel sighs, we release a gust of profanities.
Just before the interval whistle, Forshaw came close yet again with a very fast shot, to which Sutcliffe got down sharp and good.
It had been a hard half “and a half” was an equitable figure at the interval.

Half time :- Liverpool 1, Sheffield Utd 1

There was a startling resumption to the second half, when McDevitt offered Forshaw a half chance. He took it instantly and well from close range.
Sheffield may well have took to the field, but their minds were still enjoying a cuppa, in the dressing room.
One would have thought this was enough to wake them up, but from the kick off Liverpool broke again through Hopkin and Forshaw came so close to his hat-trick, but couldn’t cover the ground quick enough. Rawlings on the far side could however and his shot went inches over the bar.
During this spell, which I think Sheffield were under, Wadsworth decided it was his time for a dribble up the park in his customary fashion.
His pass to an open Hopkin, gave the winger all the time he needed to put in a really accurate cross.
Forshaw met it with a typical full blooded header to achieve the hat-trick he so deserved.
Amid all the felicitations and celebrations a thought crossed my mind. Had I not forecasted on the eve of the game that, Forshaw had only need to have a bit of luck in his shooting to run riot. I smiled.

Waugh relieved the trouble in which United had found themselves by a splendid piece of tackling, and the crowd was not slow to show their appreciation of good work on the part of any player. Anfield was like that.
Gillespie got a Print on his chest of McNabb’s studs shortly after, which was quickly followed by International team mates, Lucas and Tunstall coming together. But the latter pair shook hands as friends often do.
Liverpool were now playing hot and almost looked like they would catch fire, when a splendid move by Rawlings gave Shone a peach of a chance, but Sutcliffe saved well.
Moments later the favour was returned when Shone put Rawlings through, but once again Sutcliffe came to the rescue.
At the other end, there was a comic interlude, when a crossed ball by Mercer was allowed to bounce on top of the bar twice, McNabb dashed in and headed it away, while Scott just stood and watched.
Scott appeared to shrug his shoulders at McNabb as if to say what’s the panic ? It wasn’t going in.
Shame really because Mercer was having one of his poorest days, perhaps Elisha was trying to cheer him up, being a local lad.

As the game ebbed away, Forshaw scored his FOURTH for Liverpool from a Hopkin Centre.
As the ball came across Forshaw, Milton and McDevitt all went up for the centre.
Milton and McDevitt were both flattened as the strong striker powered home yet another header.
As the Liverpool players celebrated, both Milton and McDevitt had to be carried off the park.
Both semi conscious, but McDevitt also having a nasty cut above his eye. Milton was suffering from concussion we were later informed.
When people say Forshaw would run through a brick wall to score for Liverpool, it is not always in jest.

As the chant boys started to sing their now familiar “one two three four five” Rawlings let them down badly when his hesitancy cost him an open goal.
I swear as he left the field, the boys were having a joke at his expense.

Final score :- Liverpool 4, Sheffield United 1

Perhaps the score should read Forshaw 4, Sheffield 1, but that would take away some fine performances from the Liverpool lads.
When Hopkin finally found his range on crosses Liverpool had numerous chances to score.
McKinlay, once again was McKinlay, he was masterly in defence and is becoming a handful in the middle, when allowed.
It was announced after the game that Tom Bromilow had been rewarded for his recent performances, with a reserve spot for the up and coming international between England and Ireland. To be played at Goodison Park on Wednesday.
Good luck Tom, you’ve earned it on merit.

Sheffield would do well to find themselves two new full backs after today’s performance, they were abysmal.
Sampy obviously never recovered from his blow, he was always yards short in his passing today. But surely he will do better than this at the return at Bramall lane, where they do not know the colour of grass.

It was great to see Liverpool shooting more earnestly and insistently than usual today.
Forshaw as a centre forward was aggressive and successful with both shot and dribble.

Other matches of the Day
Reece’s overpowered Liverpool Municipal today on a muddy field down Sandfield Park. Goals from Taylor and Hardy secured the victory.
Third Division ; New Brighton were still leading by one goal at three-quarter time, but a late equaliser cost them a point.

New Brighton with full league team, I bet that surprises a few.
I might try and cover a game before we leave the twenties.
« Last Edit: September 3, 2005, 09:08:26 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #2 on: September 1, 2005, 10:49:47 am »
Match 6

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 17
the mersey Tunnel, "Queensway" started

1925 Liverpool vs Manchester United

Headline of the Day
"Manchester for Skill - Liverpool for Goals"

A Big gate was expected today as the Manchester United fans arrived in force.
Arriving at 1.30pm they had lots of time to enjoy an aperitif in The Arkles.

Liverpool line up


Lucas    MacKinlay

MacNabb   Cockburn   Bromilow

Rawlings  Walsh  Forshaw  Chambers  Hopkin

The filthy day prevented a huge crowd today and the Spion Kop has rarely looked so deserted.
Fortunately, when the game started the conditions did improve a little and with the Manchester crowd present, producing some enthusiasm for their side, there was plenty of promise of sparkle for a joyful game.
Frank Barson dominated the early portion of play, and, like Tommy Boyle in his prime days at Burnley, he showed that he could engineer a throw-in with success.
Every time he got a throw in he made use of the ball.
It was he, too, who brought a surprise packet to the home goalkeeper by making an up-the-middle pass that Bromilow caught and passed back quickly when only two yards away from Scott.
The wet ball eluded Scott at the first time of asking, but he then produced his customary “dummy” move and cleared.

Smith, in the Manchester forwards, was clever, but rather overworked the dribble.
There would have been a stoppage for a “windy” affair in which McKinlay was concerned, but he very decently waved referee Haworth, of Blackburn, to play on. Later, the same player came in for further applause by the cunning way he got his body in the way of Spence, and by the way he stabbed the ball back to prevent what was a possible goal.
Apart from Spence, who was quite close with a highish drive, the shooting was not so clever from the East Lancs team.
Hopkin sent one ball outside and after there had been rather too many fouls for hands to count, Walsh did well hitting the target from an oblique angle, from the resulting free kick.

Chambers did even better on the next Liverpool attack. Controlling the ball on his chest with his back to the goal, he turned an hit a scorcher that must have warmed Stewards hands.
On the next foray, Chambers ran a half of the length of the field, with Barson and two others snapping at his heels, without being able to catch the wiry man.
And when the ball the ball was pushed through to Rawlings, who had moved into the centre forwards position, a goal seemed the most certain outcome.
That is, until Steward dived at his feet and smothered the ball.
It was a lovely interlude.

Play became very lively from this point onwards, Manchester’s right winger Spence, being very useful and intertwining in position with Hilditch, in excellent manner.
They both made admirable responses to clever Barson’s passes with the outside of the foot.
Lockhead on a through pass from Mann, made a drive that Scott handled securely and well in his usual manner.
At the other end, Steward had no work to attend to for some time, until his captain passed back in no uncertain manner, more resembling a shot than a pass.
Steward calmly made the save as though they were used to doing this sort of thing as a defensive measure every week.
A Second shot from Lockhead was registered moments later, but in reverse, this looked more like a pass back to Scott, rather than a shot.

Suddenly a quick throw by Scott found Chambers on the right wing, with Walsh the most prominent player.
No one seemed to know the reason of Chambers appearance on the right, except that he had drifted over that way in the ordinary course of play. But it so happened that he stayed there long enough to see a goal scored, before he returned to his true position.
“Smiler” on receipt of the quick throw, played an immediate ball down the middle, which Forshaw controlled in a single movement. As the ball dropped Forshaw unleashed a ferocious right footed drive that fizzed low across the Anfield turf and into the right hand side of the net.
Steward was so caught unawares, he didn’t move.
It didn’t just surprise Steward, it surprised everyone and to be candid, it was not on the run of play.
A lead that Liverpool could only justify by saying “Manchester’s failings in front of goal are no concerns of ours”
The goal was scored in the 21st minute.

Manchester had certainly been the cleverer side so far, their methods were prompt, pretty and scooped up the ground in no uncertain manner, but all movements were void of a clinical finish.
In the second portion of the first half, United had not so much of the game. But there was an occasion when McPherson centred so well that it looked odds on a goal.
Lockhead however made a pigs ear of his drag shot and the ball simply drifted wide of the left hand post.

Nothing was better in the first half than the positional play of McKinlay, who sized up two moves ahead and was able to intercept balls to Spence time after time.
Also noteworthy was Lucas’s new style of defence, where he lay full length on the ball, which is all very well, so long as you don’t get a good kicking while your there.
Admitting that the ball was hard to time, because it was running badly and allowing for other circumstance. Liverpool had shown more decision in front of goal than their rivals.
For instance, Forshaw had a further snap chance, and had he caught the ball just a little more fully, he would have gained his second point.

Approaching the interval, Walsh delivered a shot which cannoned off Moore for a corner.
This corner led to an immediate other from the opposite side, when Steward saved from Walsh.
The third corner of the trot saw Walsh block attempted clearances four times, the last with his knees stretched apart, prevented Manchester defenders clearing, but at a personal cost. I don’t know about him, but it brought tears to my eyes and all those around me.
Never has the magic sponge been required to work miracles so much.

The half ended on a good note for the home fans. Chambers unleashed a monster drive, which was saved by the fists of Steward. No goalkeeper could have caught it, it was travelling so fast it would have passed a model ‘t’.
Manchester was proving to be a very solid defensive line, if only they had been as good in front of goal as at the back and in the middle, they would have been a very awkward side to hold.
But the half ended with Liverpool a goal to the good and opportunities galore to be further ahead.

Half Time :- Liverpool 1 Manchester United nil

No sooner had the second half started, United showed the same failings as in the first half.
McPherson was clear, but he delayed his shot long enough for McKinlay to slide in and cut off his drive.
Just after Spence, the most dangerous of the United forwards, went close, but again he was stopped by McKinlay.
Lucas blocked a Rennox shot minutes later that was heading goal bound.
For all the attacks United were throwing at Liverpool, Scott had seen no action due to his stalwart defensive line.

Then came a break, Forshaw controlled the ball in the centre and swept right. Rawlings reading the play moved inside. Forshaw feigned inside but overtook Silcock down the flank. Forshaw offered a nice centre to the middle of the goal, where Rawlings had anticipated the cross. His downward header caused Steward all sorts of problems, but somehow the keeper held on.
Steward had performed miracles last week at Maine Road, but today he was looking decidedly dodgy.
Rawlings went quite close again shortly after and in doing so gave a perfect impression of Steward, who at every save puffed out his cheeks.

He was puffing out quite a bit over the next few minutes having to make saves from a Chambers lob, A Forshaw bullet and a well placed effort from Walsh which saw the keeper diving full stretch to his right.
The ever increasing numbers on the Spion Kop, probably due to the half time gate, began to smell blood and the famous “Kop Roar” reached deafening proportions.
Spence conjured up a little piece of magic in the next play, when he tried to chip Scott from the wing, but a backward dive by Scott finger tipped the ball over the bar for a corner.
When Lockhead met the corner with a powerful header, all assembled thought it was destined to be the equaliser, but Scott, not only saved the incoming cannon-ball, he held it.
You had to laugh, even when United did beat the defenders, there was little hope of them beating the brick-wall goalkeeping, being shown by Scott. He was simply magnificent, not just this week, every week.

Yet another quick throw by Scott saw Forshaw racing forward, who having gathered three men on him, elected to shoot, but found the ball clogged in the treacle like surface that was now forming.
The ball came back to him of a defenders heel and he neatly slipped the ball to Chambers who had continued his run, with one momentary glance up, Chambers released a thunderbolt, which never rose above six inches from the turf.
Which Steward only fingered, without being able to do as much as the firm of Barkers. (make your own minds up on that one, it lost me)
Chambers goal was a highly popular one and was celebrated rather over zealously, by the now, near bursting kop.
Little did the half timers realise that Liverpool were still scoring against the balance of the whole game play.
In fact, the Liverpool half backs as a line were still being totally outplayed, and in truth they were far from impressive.

A peculiar incident followed next and this will take some following.
Liverpool attacked through Hopkin, his cross was hit on the volley by Chambers, who completely mis-timed his effort. His effort was met by Rawlings who headed on goal.
His header was punched away by the keeper, which fell at the feet of Cockburn.
Cockburn made a strong drive, which rebounded of a defender to Forshaw.
Forshaw appeared to head toward an empty goal, but up like a jack-in-the-box came Steward from an earlier dive. He palmed away the header to the feet of Chambers, whose first time shot was caught by Steward. Five minutes ? No the entire episode was complete in five seconds.
It was like watching a steely in a bagatelle board.

Liverpool were now growing in confidence and were in ascendancy, spurred on by United’s ineptness at the other end.
Ever pushing forward, Manchester had no option but to go in full retreat.
Liverpool were not content with a two goal margin and after fine individual skills by Chambers, Forshaw hit one of his heartiest and best which flew into the net from all of thirty yards. Eleven goal keepers would not have kept that one out, let alone Steward.
The whole ground stood, and applauded an effort which must be one of the best ever seen. As the players all shook hands returning to the half way line, a feeling was going around the ground, that this game was about to ignite.
The game changed totally.
Liverpool half backs seemed to find a new confidence, spurred on by McKinlay increasing their numbers.
Rawlings went close, but a one handed punch by Steward saved the blushes.
Bromilow fired a rocket, which came back off the upright.
McKinlay, always one who wants to get involved in attack, fired one that could have ended up at the Pier Head. At least the ball was never to be seen again.

The “Boys from the Village” on the Bullens-road side began their chant of “One, two, three, four, five” when after Hopkin and Rawlings supplied the fuel, Forshaw lit the taper of his latest rocket.
Whoosh, I swear it was harder than the last one. If the goal had been bricked-up it would still have hit the net.
Four nil to Liverpool and Forshaw had once again secured his hat-trick of the afternoons proceedings.
Surely it doesn’t get much better than this.
The Bullens Road side boys kicked the kop into gear.
One Two, One Two Three, One Two Three Four, One Two Three Four Five, Five-Nil
Prior to today, the song had found little occasion to be aired, as Liverpool had only scored four goals in four games. Today however they had equalled that and there was still twenty minutes to go.

The famous “Kop roar” that greeted the latest and lets hope not the final kick off of the game was just simply amazing.
If there had been any glass in the ground, I assure you it would have cracked.
The Manchester United line up for the kick off was a beaten side and what’s more, they knew it.
Wave after wave of Liverpool attacks battered against the shore of the Manchester defence.
The crowd of the Kop in unison were holding up a hand indicating the five, that not so much they wanted, they demanded.
A Chambers volley nearly met there demands, but Moore blocked it in his midriff and he doubled up like a closing book.
But this book had not reached it’s epilogue.

Rawlings collected the ball five yards into his own half, he turned and left Mann motionless, he pushed the ball forward, avoided the lunging tackle of Barson and fired one from outside the box.
The ball ended up in the net by where you would place a postage stamp.
Absolutely stunning, the Kop went wild, The Village Boys in the Bullens Road side were dancing and even the directors box stood up and clapped.
As Rawlings received his thanks from virtually ever player on the Liverpool team, the whole ground applauded.

As the Boys from the Bullens Road Side started chanting for SIX, the Referee decided to call a halt to proceedings, to the relief of the travelling fans and the disgust of the home fans.
There would be singing in the street tonight, even from those who didn’t take libation.

Liverpool’s finishing was truly awesome today, and I guess most people in time, will forget the early balance of play.
But as I said earlier “Manchester’s failings in front of goal are no concerns of Ours” !!

Special Note to the Echo Editor
I’d be thinking of printing extra copies of tonight’s issue if I were you, they will be taken up quicker than the press can print them.

Special Note to the Spectators
There are no bookings for next Saturdays Local derby.
Get there Early and avoid disappointment, Liverpool in this mode are well capable of scoring another five. ((Quite prophetic really))

Writers Note
I was most confused by certain phrases used in this part.
“Boys from the Village”
“Boys from The Bullens Road Side”
“Kop half empty“, and “Half-timers”
But I assure you they are all documented facts and terms used by The Football Echo.

Match 7

Poster of the day

Could the blues indeed keep the REDS out ?
Not at Anfield they couldn't !

Peter 17
Music of the day (click the link)
Garston Gas Works X1 ruled the Amatuer Leagues.
New Brighton Football Club playing in football league. 

1925 Liverpool vs Everton

Headlines of the Day
"Echo Correspondent the New SEER"
After forecasting Liverpool win
"Liverpool Win Local 'Derby' With Ease"
"Limping Forshaw Helps Himself"
"Everton's Faulty Tactics"

Liverpool Win Local Derby With Ease

Liverpool line up

Lucas    MacKinlay
MacNabb   Cockburn   Bromilow

Rawlings  Walsh  Forshaw  Chambers  Hopkin

Everton vs. Liverpool, historic meetings these, and always certain of huge assemblies.
Everton at Anfield today, were fearful about the goalkeeping position.
Kendal was hurt at Birmingham and could not play.
Harland had been hurt at West Bromwich three weeks ago and was not expected to be fit.
He was the one man of whom it was said, “He’ll not be able to play”.
So the club got in touch with Menham, the Northern Nomads keeper, only to find, after getting his permit, that Harland had indeed reported fit last night.
Liverpool made no change from a side that went nap against Manchester United.

Little Tommy Tucker Tembey, and Liverpool’s regular mascot, who followed them to Southampton last year, kept the crowd of 50,000 spectators in comfort with their jolly burlesque.
Tucker did not give the crowd a dance, which was very unfortunate, for I understand that he is something of an expert in this field.

The ground, the policing, the Kop and the conditions at the start were excellent.
There was one or two ambulance cases, which the Kop dealt with in their usual overhead conveyor belt manner, but nothing serious had been reported.
What was unusual, was the strangely silent manner in which the crowd greeted the entrance of the Gladiators.
Perhaps the crowd were suffering from pre-match nerves as both teams were capable of winning this fixture.

Big Don drew the first blood of the day in winning the toss and elected to kick towards the Stanley Park End.
Winning the toss meant the value of a fairly sharp wind and had Harland facing the full blast of the midday sun.
He’d certainly be requiring his flat cap today. Such a shame no one has designed a cap with a larger brim to give his eyes more shade.

The referee today showed just as much impatience as the crowd, kicking the game off prior to the published 3 o’clock  start and MacKinlay wasted no time in letting Dixie know what was in stall for him the rest of the game.
Dean in his usual manner just brushed himself down and walked away leaving a glare that would freeze Sefton park lake.
Then there followed a free kick against Irvine for a cynical trip upon Bromilow.
More glares from both sides threatened to turn today’s late summer warmth into something more reminiscent of the polar regions.

Rawlings made a lively run on the right without being able to pin point his cross to the waiting Forshaw.
Naturally both sides were suffering early match nerves as was expected and for some time the players did not settle down to the normal fluency.
In fact Kennedy, in his haste to make a first time shot, kicked right over the top of the ball, which is uncommon for him. But it brought great delight to the assembled Kop and derisory jeers followed him for the next few minutes.
Afterwards he made a shooting chance for Irvine, but he too looked more reminiscent of a golfer swinging a fresh air shot.
The Bullen’s boys loved this and decided to jeer the Everton player with screams of “FOUR”
Everton had distinctly the best of possession early on and Liverpool were fortunate the chances had not fallen to Dixie. For if they had, the blue quarter could have been a goal or two up in the first five minutes.
It was only a clever idea on the part of Walsh, acting as a defender, in back-healing, that helped stem the tide.
MacKinlay also offered help with several well timed headers away from goal.
However, minutes later Chedgzoy was left alone two yards in front of goal, but somehow managed to put the ball over the bar. Elisha might as well go and enjoy a pint in the Sandon if Everton’s accuracy did not improve quickly.
This was indeed a let off, but perhaps just as well, as the referee had chosen to ignore the linesman who was frantically giving us all his best impression of a cheerleader waving for offside.
One wag in the crowd shouted “you need a bigger flag mate, and perhaps a rattle to get his attention”

Peacock’s persistence in the next phase of attack was worthy of special applause, and, as often happens in football, the side that had attacked practically from the start until this moment ended up a goal in arrears.
In the sixth minute, it all happened in a simple manner.
Hopkin fell before making a pass, scrambled up, and eventually, as he was trying to centre, the ball struck Peacock in the face and passed for a corner.
Hopkin took the flag kick, and in spite of the plan of campaign adopted by the Everton defenders, Forshaw, with the greatest of ease, bullet headed the ball home.
I think McBain was supposed to be marking Forshaw, but if he was, he should learn to follow the striker when he moves, instead of staying riveted to the starting point.
This was Forshaw’s four goal on this ground within seven days and defending like that would see him double his previous weeks hat-trick.

Naturally Everton were very disappointed at such a turn of events.
Troup and Hart did very clever things on the left flank, but Liverpool having tasted blood, improved their style of play and Chambers from Rawlings centre, was inches off heading Liverpool into a two goal lead.
While Hopkin minutes later, made the ball swing not more than a foot over the bar.
Everton appeared to be taking tea and biscuits for the last five minutes, perhaps the hooter had gone for tea break, but no one had told Liverpool.

Finally Everton regained some composure and came back from their break.
A fine straight drive by Irvine brought the best out of his fellow countryman Scott who saved sharply and surely.
The new swerving run was becoming favoured by some of the Liverpool men, and when Rawlings let the ball pass by him so that he could swing first right and then to the left he performed a sort of crescent, quite a graceful movement if I say so myself.
And far better than the swinging wild shot we were being treated to down the other end.

Bromilow treated us all to three little dainties in the left hand corner and surprised both the crowd and the defence with a swinging shot that was quite close to scoring.

Then came a goal from the English - South African Walsh, who copied Rawlings new swerve and got the left flank of the Everton defence in an absolute turmoil.
Dropping his right shoulder, but then cutting inside, he left Hart like a cloakroom attendant, holding his coat
Walsh moved up the park as if nothing on earth worried him.
It was as if he had an hour and a half to sink a putt.
Moving in almost impertinent slow fashion, he eventually elected to make a drive from fifteen yards out, the ball nestled in the bottom left hand corner of the net. The ball had never rose above two inches from the surface and that was characteristic of the mans shooting, low and hard.

Neither Dean nor Irvine could find the mark in front of goal and as the game went on, I bet Elisha wished he’d have gone for that pint earlier as he had not been troubled to dirty his attire in the first half.
Suddenly the crowd got windy. Forshaw went off with an injured foot.
Smiles returned for a short time when he returned five minutes later, but for fans with a more discerning eye, it was short lived as he was obviously still limping on his left leg.
His lameness was evident to anyone who cared to notice and became apparent to all on his next shot when he appeared to wince with pain.

All the action so far had been on the opposite side of the pitch down Everton’s left and Liverpool’s right. Forshaw had become Liverpool’s inside right for the time being and opening a way for Rawlings, whose shot had been patted away by Harland.
Minutes later Chambers helping the defence had the misfortune in crocking Chedgzoy’s ankle. After enquiring whether Chedgzoy was all right, Chambers returned to his attacking work. When Forshaw with a diagonal centre, put the ball into the goalmouth, Chambers thoroughly relished a nodding acquaintance with the goal.
He firmly placed the ball up in the top netting and thus Everton were three down in thirty six minutes.

Harland was again found flapping in the goal mouth minutes later and Everton were lucky not to go in four down.
There had not been much enthusiasm for the game so far from the boys from across the park, in fact it was one of the most uneven derby games we have see for a long time and speaking thus early, it pretty much seemed to me, that the bottom had been knocked out of it.

Lets just hope the blue half of this game turn up for the second half.
Half time ; Liverpool 3 Everton 0

During the half time interval, I had the pleasure of a handshake with the Right Honourable Arthur Henderson, the Late home Secretary, who was with Mr Jack Hayes MP.
Quite as to why the former was at the game I’m unsure, because after a brief discussion on the merits of the first half, I began to wish, I was having the discussion with my wife.
Mr P O Roberts was also present, so Jack was cutting a lonely figure as the only person who was interested in sport in Liverpool.
I’d guess the free tickets used, would have been better served if given to fans of either club, or even, someone remotely interested in the round ball game.
Rather than people who seemed more interested in the free half time sandwiches.

The second half started with both sunshine and wide grins on the Liverpool attack.
Everton lining up looking more like a hooker without a date, would never have been in their troublesome position had they not inclined to the close game as against taking part in open play like their counter parts.
Certainly Kennedy and Troup had started the second half in a threatening manner and had at least tried to reduce the deficit. But the rest looked like they had come for the MP buffet.
Had it not been for the massive display by both Cockburn and the equally massive MacNabb
One of them might have made the score sheet.
The game was poised in this anxious enquiry “could Everton do to Liverpool what Manchester City had done to Everton the previous week and come back from three goals down and score four goals ?”
The prospect was not encouraging.

There was a rustle in the leaves at this moment, the referee apparently taking great exception to an action of Scott’s on Dean.
If, as is alleged, Scott stuck up his foot, then play should have surely been suspended at once, and not have been allowed to proceed for some time before mention was made of that matter.
Kennedy came close again shortly after with a finely taken free kick.
I swear the ball moved half a yard in the air, but Scott proved equal to the challenge.
Peacock came close with a good kick as did Kennedy.
But there were some other kind of kicks, just now.
Forshaw was unlucky in catching one full back, but luck had nothing to do with it, when he caught the other full back minutes later. Neither brought the displeasure of the referee who appeared to allow the return of an earlier kick on Forshaw.
It was Forshaw who scored the fourth goal at the fifty sixth minute.
His work was easy, he simply had to conclude the lesson of the day. Bromilow and Hopkin having initiated the attack. Bromilow passing the ball up the line, Hopkin was able to keep it in play by a sturdy effort and his centre produced just sufficient length to enable Forshaw to finish off his master-class in how to head the ball.

This goal seemed to settle the issue. Everton seemed to believe that they had a chance up to the third goal, but their hearts sunk into their boots when the fourth went in.
Everton’s shooting to be brutally frank was Tragic.
Hart missed one to the Right. Dixie missed one to the left, but the special award must go to Kennedy who fired a rocket over the bar, over the crowd and out of the ground.
Jeers from the Bullens boys confirmed the earlier golfing four had turned into a cricketing cry of “SIX” ! Wags, the lot of them, I tell you.
Altogether, the shooting of Everton players was only on a par with there general failure.
Everton could do no right in front of goal even the usually prolific Dean was having a nightmare, I swear one shot went for a throw in. It got so bad even O’Donnell had a crack at goal. The result confirmed why he is a full back and should perhaps stay in his own theatre of play.
Scott stood mystified in his own box, would he have to make a save today ?
The prospects were not looking like he would have to get his kit washed today.
I watched as Scott had a chat to a young lad behind the goal while leaning on one of his posts. He appeared to sign a slip of paper the young fan handed him.
Confused ? I was, he was in front of the Everton section.

Yet another shot passed Elisha’s post. He must have felt like a ball boy today for all the fetching he did behind his goal.
The goal kick was one again sent down the Liverpool right, but a through ball to Forshaw seen him going through on goal. Forshaw netted again with a swift and again a low shot, which the keeper had no chance in getting down to.
Thus in two weeks Liverpool had got five goals in each game.
Forshaw had another hat-trick on the record books.
And the boys from the Bullens started their now becoming customary, ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE chant.

Liverpool’s opportunism was their mainstay, but in addition one could not fail to see the team work of the side, and the fact that wherever the ball was, there, two or three Liverpool players congregated together.

Kennedy’s consolation strike on the 84th minute was probably missed by some of the exiting blue fans.
Shame really, it wasn’t a bad goal, ask your friends who stayed, they will tell you.
Because if you leave before the end you don’t deserve a goal description from me.

Full Time ; Liverpool 5, Everton 1

Official gate today was estimated at 55,000 and total receipts were a massive £3,100
Good news for Wirral fans, work began on the Mersey Tunnel this year.
Rumours that the toll, will be free after the first two year's was met with scepticism.
80 years on, we're still bloody paying

« Last Edit: September 3, 2005, 09:11:31 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
  • Legacy Fan
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  • Posts: 6,784
  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #3 on: September 1, 2005, 10:49:59 am »
Match 8

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 18
Television first demonstrated by its inventor, John Logie Baird.
The Duchess of York gave birth to her first child, Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth II)
20,000 women march through London on an anti strike demonstration
Britain's first General Strike started in support of miners

1926 Liverpool vs Sheffield United

Headlines of the Day
"Liverpool's Hard Game"
"Reds Confident Play"
"Liverpool on Top"
"Blades Outclassed and Well Beaten".  

Liverpool line up

Lucas    Longworth

Shears   Cockburn   Bromilow

Walsh  Hodgson  Forshaw  Chambers  Hopkin

Saturday work on the Mersey Tunnel leads to first ever "Downing on tools"
"down tool's lads, the Reds kick off in an Hour"

Welcome to Anfield on yet another glorious late summer day.
As usual, in games against Sheffield, the ground had started to fill early today and it was evident that many of the white rose brigade had crossed the Pennines.
All the local pubs were full to bursting when I arrived today.
The big debate being, would the defence of Sheffield be able to handle the new Liverpool forward line which now included Hodgson, Forshaw and Chambers ?
With Walsh and Hopkin supplying the crosses, many of the fans were talking of four or five goals becoming the benchmark at Anfield, for a good performance.
Forshaw had already started the season with five goals in four games.

Scene at the tunnel, five minutes before kick off.
can only assume the lad still toiling away was a blue ;D

As the referee flipped the coin, groans circulated the ground as Liverpool lost the toss and had to kick towards the Kop in the first half.
The disadvantage being, Liverpool had to face a glaring sunshine in the first half.
The first attack of the game was brought to an untimely end when Bromilow breaking forward, put through a pass that was just a shade to far forward for Hopkin to keep in play.
Sheffield responded immediately with an attack of their own.
And if it wasn’t for a well timed tackle by Longworth, the blades could have taken the lead.

Liverpool came again, and Alderson had to make a simple looking catch from the swerving ball put across by Walsh.
His clearance showed Liverpool that the power of Gillespie may well cause many problems this afternoon, but Cockburn rose to the early challenge.
Gillespie, the Irish international captain, was again involved minutes later when his wonderfully accurate pass to Tunstall lead to a superb cross which Johnson was very unlucky not to reach with his outstretched leg. Riley was not troubled in collecting the ball.
Gillespie and Tunstall who thoroughly understand each others wants, were responsible for another advance on the Liverpool goal, which ended in a fine save from Riley.
The very next minute, Gillespie passed through a forward pass that found Tunstall admirably placed, and his centre found the Liverpool defence rather wide apart. Gillespie, too, found this defence suitable for his schemes, and he was unlucky when his shot just dashed wide of the upright.

Fifteen minutes gone and the crowd was silent. No one had expected this lightning start by the blades. But the South African, Hodgson raised their spirits in the sixteenth minute.
From Liverpool’s first real attack of the day, The South African will no doubt get the credit, but it was great play by Hopkin and Chambers who made his goal a possibility.
Hopkin was carrier-like in his effort to get in his centre and when Chambers edged a little bit nearer to the goal mouth, Forshaw made a bad mis-kick. Perhaps it was as well, for it gave Hodgson a gilt edged opportunity, which he accepted without demur.
His crashing shot left the keeper with little chance.
The game so far had been of great interest and in the next phase Liverpool’s attack displayed much more energy and better ideas than it had earlier in the game.

Liverpool should have gone further ahead when Alderson could only make a half save when Forshaw drove straight at him, for that let in Hopkin who only had Alderson to beat but incredulously he managed to put the ball just wide of the left hand upright.
Despite all the Liverpool pressure in this part of the game it was actually Riley who had most of the work to do between the sticks, and it was as well Riley was at the top of his game, for if he had not been so, Gillespie could have scored twice.
Gillespie’s shooting was magnificent. We may look at Gillespie as a shooter, but he is a maker of the bullets rather than the marksman.
Football is an absolute pleasure when you have someone of his calibre on the park, and even when he put the Liverpool goal in danger, one could hear the admiration of his work all around the ground and not just behind the Stanley park goal.

The shooting in general was good, Riley using his care and judgement in preventing Boyle from scoring, and again when Tunstall shot right across the face of goal minutes later.
One feature of the Liverpool attack thus far, was the tenacity shown by Walsh, who gave Green more than one anxious moment, and he once forced Birks to kick out quite wildly to save his lines.
Liverpool’s attack entered yet another quiet period and if it wasn’t for the Stirling work of Lucas, Longworth and Riley, Liverpool would find themselves level.
Once or twice they were somewhat fortunate in their defence. One time in particular, when Lucas, with an overhead bicycle kick, presented Johnson with a glorious opportunity, which sadly he didn’t accept in the spirit it had been offered.

Liverpool appeared to get their second wind shortly after and the play once again became lightning fast.
When Forshaw dashed through the middle to accept a wise pass from Hopkin, he found Harris mis-kicking the ball and leaving him to go clear on the Sheffield goal.
As the goalkeeper approached Forshaw, he very cleverly paused before releasing a powerful drive and the keeper made his premature move. When it ultimately left his boot the keeper had already committed himself to diving left, the ball however flew over his right shoulder.
One can not express how clever this move was.

Sheffield showed lots of spirit late in the first half and efforts from Sampy and Gillespie both went close. Gillespie rallied his troops together in a fine effort to wipe off at least one goal of the two that Liverpool lead by, but although they came close, it must be remembered that a miss is as good as a mile in football.
As the warriors left the field at half time Liverpool’s two goal lead was in tact.

Half time ; Liverpool 2 Sheffield united 0

Backed by the might kop roar in the second half, Liverpool resumed by forcing an early free kick, which had to be taken twice for a Sheffield infringement.
This cleared, Gillespie made a possible opening for Johnson, and only a superb tackle by Lucas prevented the Sheffield forward from scoring.
Walsh and Hodgson transferred business as they often did in games.
As Hodgson ran down the wing, Birks in trying an almighty punt up field, sliced the ball across to Hopkin on the opposite wing. Hopkin tried a centre and Harris brought his hand into play and a penalty resulted.
Forshaw stepped forward and with his usual aplomb netted from the spot.
The Sheffield defence were having great difficulty with the sun that was lowering in the late summer sky, the brightness was not diminishing as the game progressed.
And when Alderson came to punch a cross he was lucky not to concede a goal when it grazed his own bar.

The Liverpool pressure urged on by the kop grew. We had not many minutes to wait for goal number four. A goal by the way, which left everybody astounded.
A throw in was sent into midfield, where Forshaw was obviously stood offside. Realising his position and the rules of the game, he refused to budge, and while all the Sheffield players stopped playing, Hodgson, who was onside went on his way and left Anderson helpless.
This was a tragedy from a  Yorkshire point of view, but it was no less a tragedy than Hodgson’s fifth goal, which followed shortly after.
For it was purely a defensive error which let in the lengthy inside right, who squeezed the ball in between Alderson and the upright, for goal number five.

Hodgson had completed his first hat-trick for Liverpool and based on this performance, I would suggest it will not be the last we see from this very talented South African.
All that we needed now was for Forshaw to complete his hat-trick and he was so, so unlucky, when his bullet header came back off the crossbar minutes later. An inch lower would have seen Liverpool go Six goals clear.
Spears today had had a marvellous game against a very hot wing and Longworth must too be mentioned for his very tactful display.

As the game drew to a close Liverpool’s goal had a narrow squeak when a mercer cross found Johnson unmarked, but he was not up to taking the gift offered by the Liverpool defence.
However the same combination did get a consolation just before the final whistle when great work from Mercer again, gifted Johnson with the same opportunity, this time he made sure his effort hit home.

Final score ; Liverpool 5 Sheffield United 1

Chambers (Inside Left) had proven to Liverpool over many years now that 20-30 goals a season was well within his scope.
Forshaw (Centre Forward) scored hat-tricks for fun and also weighed in with 20-30 goals a season.
With the addition of the South African, Hodgson (Inside Right), I fail to see how any opposition will keep a clean sheet when all three play in the same side.
A good striker is a necessity in the game. A brace of good strikers is very rare indeed.
The Liverpool side now contains triplets of awesome power, that’s just downright greed. God help the first division when Liverpool come to town.

Match 9 & 10

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 19 and Courting Woolton Rose
Ken Dodd was born in Liverpool. I Don't know whether to laugh or cry.
What I will say is, Doddy for all his faults, became a massive Liverpudlian in his lifetime.

1927 Liverpool vs Bury

Headlines of the Day
Liverbird Singing Well
Devlin’s Quartet Against Bury
League Topsy-Turvydom

Liverpool line up


Lucas    MacKinlay

McMullan   Cockburn   Bromilow

Edmed  Hodgson  Devlin  Chambers  Hopkin

I don’t know what they are feeding Devlin on, but it certainly wasn't "three shredded wheat"

For this seasons game I had already selected The Pompy thrashing at Anfield, but I cannot pass the Bury game that was played at the end of August, without comment.
The arrival of Liam Devlin in the latter days of season 1926/27 had sadly heralded the end of Forshaw’s glittering career at Anfield.
Few of us suspected that we could ever replace the goal machine, but what Devlin achieved in his first three games left us with little option but to laud his praises.
His career started with a goal in the final game of the 1926/27 season against West ham.
He started the new season with a goal against Sheffield United.
But then he exploded on to the scene with a magnificent display against Bury.
Bee’s comment of the day.
Recently The “echo” published a photograph showing the Liver Bird (note singular)  being cleaned up and made smart. He (obviously the cock who faces town) is not the only Liver Bird to plume himself.
At Anfield the Liver bird is chirruping in fine fettle and voice, for the eleven got a smashing victory over the Bury eleven last night, which had previously taken The Arsenal to the cleaners 5-1.
I was told before the match that, that result was due to poor goalkeeping rather than to the artistry of Bury’s forward line.
But no one can deny how clever the current Bury team are in front of goal.

Tonight’s game was going to be all about who had the best forwards.
Liverpool had on show Edmed, Hodgson, Devlin, Chambers and Hopkin.
Could Devlin fill the boots of Forshaw ?
When Hodgson opened his account for the evening, Liam Devlin had already scored FOUR goals in the game.
One with his left, two with his right and a bullet header to round off a fine display.
Could Devlin fill the boots of Forshaw ?
 On this occasion his toes were bursting out the front of his boots.
There are so many varying ideas of what centre forward play is all about, that one begins to tire of looking for the right pattern.
The dash away, tearaway, stumble on style has too long had sway.
Here was a player who was ill-fitted at Huddersfield, so off he trotted to Anfield.
And in just three games, he’s posed a new question. How many goals will this player score when getting service like he got tonight.
Devlin has started right and I am glad, for his style is so uncommon, that had it gone the other way the unthinking people amongst us, might have had their yell.
Now they must stay their solos and join in the merriment of the moment.
Devlin takes up his position, hangs around the backs, works at will and earnestly, but does not do a jot when it comes to tracking back or helping out those behind him.
He is here to score goals, not to get in others way. And if anyone gets in his way, woe betide.
Even after the fantastic four, I can assure fans they have still not seen the ferocity of the power he has in either boot, tonight’s were more well placed efforts, even if they were harder than most forwards can muster.
So far you have seen his goals through a hook up of a centre and an easy placed shot or a deftly placed header. What’s to come is, fans being knocked out in the crowd if he misses, seriously injured keepers if they block shots, or the likelihood of a burst net or burst ball.
There is no better centre than he who stands at attention and keeps his wing men going.
And Devlin ran both Hopkin and Edmed ragged tonight.
Collecting balls on the half way line, he immediately places the ball wide. Either side it matters not a jot to Liam.
As the ball reaches the wing, Devlin is already in position waiting for the cross.
Send it in high, he’ll head home.
Send it in low, he’ll drive the ball home.
Send it in waist high, he’ll volley the ball home.
And by far the most bizarre, send it in behind him and he’ll overhead kick it into the goal.

Liverpool’s 5-1 victory also owes a lot to the agility of Elisha Scott.
But I dare say people will forget that Bury had more shots on goal than Liverpool and if it wasn’t for Scott the score could well have been 7-5 to Bury.
The outcome of this victory will be seen at Anfield this coming Saturday, I would estimate the gate would increase by 5-10,000 on tonight’s game, as “Fever” is rife around Liverpool and everyone wants a dose of Devlin.
Bee was very prophetic in his time, but he and the kop would be very disappointed in the next game against Villa. It ended 0-0.

Funny, but they didn’t have to wait too long before the prophecy came true.
Devlin scored two against Derby in a 5-2 mauling, which brought his tally to 8 goals in 6 games, but then came the Portsmouth game.

William (Liam) Devlin

1927 Liverpool vs Portsmouth

Headlines of the Day
Pompey's First Visit Since Promotion
Tall Scoring By Liver's
Pompy Pasted by Devlin and Hodgson Hat-Tricks

Liverpool line up

Lucas    MacKinlay

McMullan   Jackson   Bromilow

Edmed  Hodgson  Devlin  Reid  Pither

First of all I’d like to welcome Pompy to the Big league and congratulate them on last years promotion. That done, what a welcome they received.
Heavy rain all morning and up to kick off had a big effect on today’s gate, especially on the uncovered Kop.  The sooner the club invest in a roof for the kop the better, as it can only improve attendances.
Before the fans had time to settle, Devlin had continued his amazing scoring run.
Surprisingly both came from the left. Pither had advanced down the left wing and put in an early cross. Devlin has a habit of allowing the ball to pass him, and it was one of these moves which lead to the opener. As Pither’s centre came across, the Portsmouth defenders expected Devlin to trap the ball and came towards him with the idea of a tackle, but Devlin fooled them all and instead of trapping the ball let it cross his body to his right foot and without hesitation drove the ball under the static Jarvis.
The crowd didn’t have to wait long and Liam was at it again.
The second goal came from a corner kick which Jarvis, Portsmouth’s deputy keeper pulled down from under the cross bar, only to drop it among a bevy of players. Among them was Devlin, who wasted no time at all in burying his second goal in five minutes.

Portsmouth rarely got going early in the game, they seemed transfixed by the dazzling performance of the Liverpool forward line.
Liverpool appeared to be able to strike at will as soon as one attack ended, they recovered the ball in midfield and started another attack.
If it were not for a great save by Jarvis from Reid and another from Edmed, this game could have been over as early as the eighth minute.
Portsmouth looked very shaky, but a break by Cook which brought a magnificent save from Scott finally appeared to settle the nerves of the visitors.
Forward, Portsmouth’s right winger also went close on the next attack, but a supremely timed tackle by MacKinlay put pay to that.

It was at this point I noticed the pitch was cutting up rather badly and players were having difficulty keeping their feet. It was small wonder that there were minor errors on both sides play, but on the whole the football was solid and effective.
The next Pompy break started by Jackson, found Haines in space, and his run ended with a fine through ball to Cook who slipped the ball under Scott and into the Liverpool net.
Such a shame really.
Mackie had not been paying as much attention as he aught and he had strayed offside.
Ah well never mind lads, even if you do better the skills of Scott, you must play within the rules.
Portsmouth’s left wing was proving to be the most enterprising of the line. In fact, there was a lot of danger coming from that side, but there was never a player in the box to meet the good crosses coming in.
In the twenty second minute, Liverpool went further ahead when Pither scored his first goal for the senior side.
Jackson had unquestionably, but at the same time unintentionally, handled before he sent the ball out to Edmed, who in turn lobbed it into the middle. It was sent back again after fine control by Reid. This time the ball was collected by Hodgson, who tried a swinging centre, which was headed away by Foxall, sadly, only into the path of the advancing Edmed.
Edmed controlled the ball on his chest, pushed it passed the advancing M’Coglan and whipped in a vicious cross.
Before Jarvis could react to the out-swinging cross, Pither cut in before him and headed home.
A great move, finished with a great header, congratulations Mr Pither.

Liverpool at this stage, were complete masters of the game, and the newly promoted side were looking more vulnerable than the Christians in Rome.
Every time they did get a break, Scott was proving he was equal to the task.
It must be saddening to eventually pass all the Liverpool out-players only to face Scott.
Haines brought a magnificent save out of Scott as did Forward minutes later. Forward’s low drive was pushed around the corner of the left hand post with what most of us would consider a wonderful save. But this was Scott, to him such tasks were completed with his eyes closed.

Devlin who was giving Foxall his very own nightmare so far, decided it was time for amnesty and wondered over to the left wing. Davies it has to be said did not look best pleased with this decision, and he was right to worry.
The very next move , Bromilow picked up the ball in the Liverpool half and pushed the ball wide to Devlin. Devlin, I never imagine ever played croquet, but when he slipped the ball through Davies legs, it was very croquet like. As he passed Davies on the outside and collected the ball again, one or two wags below me, shouted “Ole“ as a Spanish crowd would to a matador, this amused me. Devlin swung in a beautiful cross which Hodgson met with a powerful header.
“Goal” shouted the kop.
Goal, signalled the referee.
But as the players started to retreat to the half way line, the Portsmouth players surrounded the referee. On advice, he consulted the linesman.
As the Liverpool team lined up for the restart, the referee awarded Pompy a goal kick.
And if Liverpool were looking confused, let me assure them and the readers, so was I.

Hodgson it has to said was not amused. However, he was not to be done of his bonus as two minutes later he scored again.
He collected the ball just inside the Liverpool half and with all the venom he could muster thunder bolted his shot over the keeper. Although Jarvis did get his hands to the ball the power appeared to unbalance him and as he fell backward the ball continued into the net.
Hodgson’s cursory glance to the referee seemed to pose the question, “was that one ok”.
The referee confirmed the goal by pointing back to the centre circle.

Lucas was playing well today under continual pressure from Cook and Watson, but each time he was challenged he proved up to the task.
Haines who was also now playing well, was finding Jackson was also up to the task.
To be honest, no matter which part of the pitch you were looking at,  each Portsmouth player was finding his equal today.
Forward was having a good game in fits and starts but even on the rare occasion when he did get passed MacKinlay, his shooting was abysmal.
Thirty seven minutes into the game and Hodgson made it five.
He seemed to take Reid’s centre quite casual, but through his heading down instead of up, which Jarvis had anticipated, he head the goalkeeper beaten to pieces.

At this stage I must mention the sterling work of both Reid and Pither. It was good, it was effective, and promises well for the future.
Reid showed many wise touches, and each responded well to the others game.
McMullan also got through an amazing amount of successful work.

Haines had another break away, but again he found Scott between the sticks who nonchalantly saved without much effort.
Every time Portsmouth had promised to do something, they failed to net and sadly for them, every break away that followed appeared to lead to yet another goal.
This time it was Devlin who went through when Reid headed the ball forward. The centre forward had to race with goalkeeper Jarvis, and, just getting the ball a second or two before the keeper, he glided the ball beyond him and the ball just trickled across the line, to make the score 6-0. And I nearly forgot, another hat-trick for Devlin.

As the referee blew the whistle for half time, to be fair, it must have sounded like a mercy call to the Pompy eleven.
As they trudged off for their half time tea, I began to wonder if they would slip away on the coach and not come out for the second half. They looked distraught, but as I said earlier “Welcome to the big league boys.”

Half time ; Liverpool 6 Portsmouth 0

Portsmouth did indeed come out for the second half, I suppose it was unfair to suggest they wouldn’t.
The game entered a period where to be honest the score must have seemed like the result.
Neither side looked like scoring and all the play seemed to be concentrated in the centre circle.
But then the Gods who look down on poor souls, seemed to show Portsmouth some charity.
Haines finally beat Scott and I’d like to say it was totally unsportsmanlike for the Liverpool end to cheer, like they did. But they made quick atone when they applauded the players back to the halfway line.
Message to the wag below.
Shouting “we want two, was not appreciated by any in the directors box”
But it did bring a smile to my face.
The wag was rewarded shortly after, Pompy did indeed score the second.
I bet he wishes he’d stayed quiet now, well at least he didn’t say “we want three”.
Devlin scored his second quad in four weeks on the next Liverpool break, a majestic header from a cross by Edmed.
Edmed had beaten M’Coglan all ends up, feigning a move inside he pushed the ball wide, and through across a beautifully inviting head high cross.
Devlin finished in the quality the cross deserved.
Jarvis looked fed up. As he slapped his side, he looked like a petulant schoolboy who had been sent to dunces corner.
I actually felt sorry for him when Hodgson got his hat-trick minutes later.
And I think it will be a very long time before he can put his first visit to Anfield behind him.

Final score ; Liverpool 8 Portsmouth 2

Devlin’s second quad in four weeks gave him an amazing tally so far of 13 goals in nine games. What was sad, was he sustained an injury not long after which put pay to his Anfield career. His record of 15 goals in only 14 games would fade in the memory and lost in the records. To date there is still no evidence on the official site that he even existed.
Tragic really, lets hope we can put that right in the near future.
This was Hodgson’s third hat-trick since joining the club and people should never forget, that he also achieved more braces than at a Sandringham pheasant shoot, during his career at Anfield.
« Last Edit: September 4, 2005, 09:12:37 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
  • Legacy Fan
  • ******
  • Posts: 6,784
  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #4 on: September 1, 2005, 10:50:20 am »
 Match 11

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 20
The Kop gets a roof !!

Two Halves of Mersey Tunnel Meet
West Derby 'Elects' to join Liverpool
George Patterson becomes Liverpool's latest Manager

1928 Liverpool vs Burnley 

Headlines of the day
"I nearly lost count of the near misses never mind the goals"
"Boxing Day Bonanza against Burnley"
"Clark's mixture, An Anfield Personality who Lived down 'The Bird' "  

Liverpool line up


Lucas    Morrison

McDougall   Davidson   Salisbury

Edmed  Clarke  Hodgson  Done  Hopkin

Excellent time Christmas, happy days, happy smiling faces and everything seemingly brand new.
Liverpool’s Christmas present to all their fans ? Boxing Day !
It might have been a day late, but I don’t thing any fans would be disappointed with the gift.
By the sound of it “Clark’s mixture” may well bring pictures to the minds of older fans of the local aromatic pipe tobacco. But it would be no richer than that served up by an artful mind and quick brain of Clark’s mixture at Anfield yesterday.
His performance reminded me of my own words recently and also made me recall the way the spectators treated Clark at a central league game at Anfield.
The spectators came to condemn and stayed to praise.

Clarke is one of the few footballers who really enjoys his football.
He loves to have a lot of the ball, to walk this way and that way, striding of stroking the ball at will.
He loves to make a tackle with one foot and, having missed the ball, he completes the boyish trick of putting his other foot out behind foot number one. (very early description of a staggered two footed tackle)
But he is seen at his best, when he is bringing a ball down by a trapping movement.
Yesterday against Burnley he got his first goal, through charging Lindsay out of the way and dribbling round one of his own players.
That’s Clarky, he would dribble round his own side, the referee and anyone else between him and goal. Dribbling is a joy to watch when Clark is in this mood.
Although the crowd at times do not echo my enthusiasm when he goes backward to go around the same player twice or even thrice.
He has instilled a working spirit into the forward line, and there was a Newcastle stamp on the Anfield slopes yesterday.

Here was something different from what had gone before.
We had become accustomed to effort, determination, obstruction and push and go methods.
Changed were the styles in this game.
Now we had a swift, good, stylish movement, the ball along the floor and top quality shooting against poor Mr Somerville.
Who to be fair had little chance on any of the goals, such was the quality of finishing.
The greatest First Division success Liverpool have ever notched in their history.
Although they did one win 10-0 in the old second division some twenty years ago.

The wonder of it all was that this victory was NOT double figure strength.
It was a game of XXXcellent variety, and when you remember the closeness of the three very dubious offside goal decisions by Mr Roscoe.
Add the missing of a penalty kick by Done.
The crossbar being hit thrice and the uprights twice each.
Then you may appreciate how close the crowd came to seeing an avalanche of goals.
15-0 would not have been beyond imagination.
Hodgson’s massive stride and enormously growing stature in the English game is a must see, whether you are a Liverpool fan or not. His presence on any football pitch must in my opinion, be putting another 3000 on the gate.

The great joy of the game was the excellence of the Liverpool half back line.
Davidson has never done better.
McDougall was without doubt a goliath in the middle.
Salisbury completed the trio with a fine performance, which was rewarded by a superb strike.
Perhaps Morrison was the best back but he only shaded it from Lucas.
Although the scoreline would suggest Riley could have spent the day watching from the stands, I can assure you he made vital saves at vital stages in the game.
But the biggest Christmas box to fans was the play of McDougall as a half back
He rolled up his sleeves and totally negated any advancing movement from Burnley.
Whether they came on the right, left or down the centre they stalled when they reached McDougall. They may have stalled, but each time McDougall won the ball another Liverpool play began and on at least seven occasions the result was the ball in the oppositions net.
Difficult to imagine how big a performance this was, even more difficult when you consider McDougall was an inside left playing out of position.
His game at half back has been a thorough workmanlike effort prior to this game.
Indeed it is just wonderful how Liverpool clad their men in new positions and the red-red robe and get them to adapt themselves to new roles with startling success.

The goals. Clark (two)
Fine dribbling ended with a low drive which left the keeper flat footed.
Superbly controlled ball on the chest equalled only by the trap, before he unleashed a screamer with his right boot.
Edmed (two)
Superb wing play ended by cutting inside and thundering a ball into the roof of the net.
A sublime volley from a cross from the opposite wing.
Hodgson (hat-trick)
A Bullet header from an Edmed centre
A race with the keeper which Gordon won by at least two yards, the deft chip made the keeper look very foolish.
Another thunderclap from the edge of the “D”
Salisbury (one)
Magnificent leap on a corner saw a flicked header go in off the back post.

Done’s penalty, Oh dear.
Clark’s disallowed third, had Edmed retreated from taking the corner it would have been the goal of the game. How Edmed could be considered offside while still touching the corner flag is something that should be looked at.
Hodgson’s disallowed brace. It appears the linesman has his own rule, Gordon should be giving defenders at least a six foot start in any race for the ball.

Note to the ground staff. Check over the woodwork boys, they took one hell of a battering yesterday

Tunnel opening pulls bigger crowd than Goodison game

Match 12

Music of the day (click the link)
Peter 21 and Marries his Woolton Rose.

1929 Liverpool vs Sunderland

Headlines of the Day
"Sparkling play by Sunderland but Liverpool Race home"
"Allan Ordered off the Field"
"Race Performs the Hat-trick"

Henry Race

Henry Race was only accredited with one hat-trick in the recent publication "The Official Liverpool Illustrated History"
I think it's time the record was put straight.
His first was in the following game against Sunderland
And for those who care about the truth, may I also point out, that his hat-trick at home against Bolton Wanderers 9-11-29 was his SECOND.

Liverpool line up


Lucas    Done

Morrison   Jackson   Bromilow

Edmed  Clarke  Hodgson  Race  Hopkin

Kicking into the sun on a hot summers day could be very hard work.
Just as well today’s sponsors had the answer

Ah, Ovaltine, just what the Doctor ordered on a hot summers day ;D

It was a brilliant afternoon, and the side winning the toss and playing with the sun would have a tremendous advantage, for old King Sol blazed right into the eyes of Sunderland, who played towards the Spion Kop.
The many changes expected in the Liverpool team were cut down to three, Jackson going to centre half so that Lucas could come in at full back and Morrison also played.

The crowd today was a good one, and it had it’s appetite whetted by a goal scored in the fourth minute. It was a grand opening for the Liverpool side, and although Hodgson was the actual scorer, it was Clarke’s great web which provided him with the opportunity.
Clarke made two perfect up the middle passes, the first of which was not taken up, and perhaps Liverpool were a bit fortunate to get such another pass.
However, there it was, and Hodgson snapped up Clarke’s pass, and, finding he could not get through at the first attempt, he offered Race the opportunity, but he too found himself crowded out. So Race in turn, gave the ball back to Hodgson, who promptly put it into the net.

Sunderland were some time getting into their stride, and Liverpool might have increased their lead when Hopkin made a centre that went straight to Hodgson, who, however, found himself totally surrounded by defenders. England took the ball which was intended for Hodgson’s head.
So far Liverpool had been the most dangerous team, and Hodgson, although a ball from Hopkin seemed to be too high for him, he put his foot up to it, and McInroy had to save from the fine overhead kick.
Careful watch was being kept on Halliday, who is reputed to be the best centre forward in the league at the present time. Twice he was stopped by Done, but the Liverpool defence was well beaten when MacLean took a dive and headed the ball against the Liverpool crossbar.
Riley could have had no chance, for he was well away from the point where the ball struck the woodwork.
Edmed and Clarke were busy in a little scene that brought danger to McInroy, who, however, was very safe in the Sunderland goal.
Clarke’s trickery was amazing. He cuddled the ball in the space of a yard, and often beat two men before he sent a ball out to the point of vantage. Race too, was clever, if not quite so successful as his colleague.
Bromilow took a free kick that was pulling in all the time, but McInroy again, held it quite safely.
Then Done was brought up to take a free kick just outside the penalty area, but got underneath the ball, which went over the bar.
Halliday had a nasty collision with Oakley, and when McInroy left his goal as a safety valve, Hodgson shot hard and low across him, only to see the ball travel across the face of the goal. Anyone sliding in would have been gifted with a simple goal.

Straight from this Sunderland went on to equalise, and it was their crack marksman who did the trick. He had had little chance prior to this due to a fine display by Done, but when the chance did arrive Halliday was not slow to take full advantage of it.
Although it was not nice from Liverpool’s point of view to see him scoring, the spectators realised his smartness in picking up a ball that came from the rear and having it in the net in the twinkling of an eye.
Hodgson replied to this with a worthy effort. Sunderland retaliating with spirit, but they could not get through the Liverpool defence who were having a quality afternoon.
Clunas made a centre that Wright back-heeled and caused Riley to make a reaction save, and when the Sunderland captain got possession again, he stepped forward and made a fine shot which very nearly beat Riley.
A corner resulted. There were some very narrow escapes by both sides, and Hodgson had very hard luck with a shot that had everybody beaten, only to see it pass less than a yard outside the upright.
McInroy was saved again when Race kicked round a ball sent to him squarely from Hodgson.
Race had a glorious chance, and one could see his disgust of himself for his failure to accept it.

Hopkin got his name in the shooter’s book, and his shot required careful watching, for it had a lot of pull on it, but McInroy must have followed it’s flight very carefully, for he made a safe catch.
A free kick was given to Sunderland just outside the penalty area, and Clunas’s drive carried so much venom, that it hurt Done’s leg, but owing to an infringement by Lucas the kick had to be retaken.
Clunas hit another ferocious ball, which this time struck Bromilow on the back of the head and knocked him absolutely stone cold.
He was so out of it he had to leave the field for attention.
Liverpool made an advance, and Hodgson had a shot, that had the crowd on their feet in celebration, only to see McInroy make what was the best save of the day so far.
Shortly after, a fine piece of dribbling by Clarke, ended with a fine placement, which McInroy also saved.
Race also went close on Liverpool’s next attack.
But as usual it was Hodgson that rose to the challenge of netting.
It began with nothing more or less than a melee, but out of it Liverpool got a goal.
Hodgson brushing aside all challenges strode purposefully into the area and smashed the ball home, two minutes before the interval.
A very late tackle by Allan, looked serious, when Gordon hobbled back to the half way line.
The tackle was very cynical and warranted a strong caution from the referee.
Halliday for once in a way, missed a glorious opportunity, when in his desire to make more room for himself, missed the opportunity for a sideward pass that would have resulted in a goal.

Half time ;  Liverpool 2 Sunderland 1

 Liverpool found the sun a very awkward affair, and it was responsible in the main for Sunderland’s equalising goal.
Jackson must have lost sight of the ball when he went up to head it, but there were other defective slips which allowed Halliday to get through and score a clean cut goal.
This was the forerunner to some very thrilling moments at the Sunderland goal mouth, and McInroy was a wee bit fortunate to “get away” with a header by Hodgson. However, a third goal was made in the sixty fourth minute.
Done’s free kick rebounding off McInroy’s chest out to race, who quickly placed the ball into the net.

This was followed by a very sad state of affairs. Allan, the Sunderland centre half back, had been penalised several time so far, and appeared to be arguing the matter out with referee Watson. However this latest challenge on Hodgson was to prove fatal to the Sunderland man.  For he was ordered off the park just as Liverpool were storming the Sunderland goal.
Many people didn’t realise what had happened till the big centre half walked across the field towards the dressing room.
The sending off of Allan was to be regretted, for his absence would probably spoil what was becoming a very entertaining match, but his continual sniping at Hodgson was grossly unfair and certainly not in the best spirit of the game.
From this moment Sunderland played only two half backs, and consequently with their depleted strength left Liverpool as chief attackers.

Halliday was on the hunt for his hat-trick and sadly he appeared to twist his knee when making a stunning shot on the turn.
McInroy kept Sunderland in the game with a tremendous save from a Hodgson header, which derived better.
Minutes later he made another save but this time from a low drive by Hodgson.
Gordon was certainly pushing for his customary hat-trick this afternoon.
At this stage Liverpool were well on top, and Hopkin, when most people expected hi to lob the ball into the goalmouth, cleverly tipped the ball backwards to Race, who slammed the ball into the net like a rocket to make the score 4-2.

The game became so one sided that it lost quite a lot of interest, Sunderland appeared to be sulking over the Allan decision and remained on the defensive.
Although on one breakaway Halliday threatened to get his hat-trick once again, but Riley proved equal with a save low to his left.
McInroy made two fine catches from crosses by Hopkin and Edmed, and a good save from a Jackson volley.
Geed on by the efforts of McInroy, Sunderland came back into the game and were very unlucky when MacLean hit the bar.
This effort gave Sunderland new spirit, even with a man short, for some minutes, they crowded on all sail and kept the Liverpool defence on tenterhooks by their surprising revival.
Jackson tested McInroy again and Halliday also tested Riley, but neither ended in a goal.

At the eightieth minute, Race scored his hat-trick and fifth goal for Liverpool.
He had a simple task, for the work leading to his goal was made by Hodgson, who beat the full back and released a vicious shot.  McInroy stopped the effort, but the power of the ball knocked him backwards, and this left a simple tap in for Race.
Hodgson came close to completing his hat-trick on several occasion today, but none closer than his effort in the dying minutes.
His close control in a crowd of surrounding players amazed the crowd as he spun away toward goal.
His thunderous effort from all of thirty yards, gave McInroy absolutely no chance, but the woodwork came to save the keepers blushes.
Never mind Gordon, I’m sure we wont have to wait too long before you add to your tally of hat-tricks.

Final score ; Liverpool 5 Sunderland 2


Hat-tricks were a lot more common in the twenties, due to the open game which the spectators enjoyed.
Here is the list of all those who gained hat-trick heroism.

Hat-trick Heroes of the Twenties.

Dick Forshaw      03/04/1920    Derby (Div 1)    3-0
Dick Johnson      25/09/1920    Preston NE (Div 1)       6-0
Danny Shone     19/11/1921     Middlesbrough (Div 1)    4-0
Dick Forshaw      25/02/1922   Arsenal (Div 1)       4-0
Harry Chambers 15/04/1922     Cardiff  (Div 1)       5-1
Dick Johnson       26/04/1922   Arsenal (Div 1)       5-2
Dick Forshaw      16/09/1922    Preston NE (Div 1)       5-2
Harry Chambers  07/10/1922     Everton       (Div 1)       5-1
Dick Forshaw      17/02/1923    Blackburn (Div 1)       3-0
Harry Chambers  29/08/1923    Birmingham (Div 1)       6-2
Jimmy Walsh       02/02/1924    Bolton    (FA Cup)       4-1
Dick Forshaw(4) 18/10/1924    Sheffield U (Div 1)      4-1
Dick Forshaw      19/09/1925    Manchester U (Div 1)    5-0
Dick Forshaw      26/09/1925    Everton        (Div 1)       5-1
Harry Chambers  25/12/1925    Newcastle (Div 1)       6-3
Dick Forshaw      28/08/1926    Manchester U (Div 1)    4-2
Gordon Hodgson 11/09/1926    Sheffield U (Div 1)       5-1
Harry Chambers  12/01/1927    Bournemouth (FA Cup)    4-1
Gordon Hodgson 22/01/1927    Derby (Div 1)      3-2
William Devlin (4) 31/08/1927    Bury (Div 1)       5-1
Gordon Hodgson 01/10/1927    Portsmouth (Div 1)       8-2
William Devlin (4) 01/10/1927    Portsmouth (Div 1)       8-2
Tom Reid           12/11/1927    Sheffield Wed (Div 1)    5-2
Gordon Hodgson 27/10/1928    Arsenal (Div 1)       4-4
Gordon Hodgson 26/12/1928    Burnley (Div 1)       8-0
Henry Race       20/04/1929    Sunderland (Div 1)       5-2
Henry Race       09/11/1929    Bolton (Div 1)       3-0

The legend Gordon Hodgson had racked up FIVE by the end of the twenties, but as most will know, he scored another TWELVE in the thirties. A Total of 17, which remains the record up to today.

My select eleven for the 1920's decade are as follows ;

Elisha Scott

Ephraim Longworth        Donald MacKinlay

4 5 6
John McNabb             Billy Cockburn            Tom Bromilow

7 8   10 11
Bill Lacey          Gordon Hodgson          Smiley Chambers          Fred Hopkin
Dick Forshaw

I trust you will agree with my selections and hope you have enjoyed this trip through yesteryear.
One thing I think everyone will agree on, is Liverpool in the twenties, were certainly a force to be reckoned with.
The front line of Lacey, Hodgson, Forshaw, Chambers and Hopkin certainly equalled if not bettered any future forward line when it came to goals scored.
Hodgson the Hat-trick Hero's record of 17 top flight hat-tricks, and goals per games ratio, still remains unbeaten to this day.

End of decade advert

The Eighth Wonder of the World
The Amazing New THREE Valve Radio Receiver.
Available in polished Oak cabinet, coming complete with all accessories, "Key" high tension Battery, "Oldham" accumulator, "Osram" Valves and the world renowned "Three Guinea" Clitophone Loudspeakers in Dark Oak.
This never to be repeated "Special Opening Offer" of £7 8s 6d (£7.43 in today’s dosh) can be yours for initial down payment of 13/- (65 pence as we know it) and 11 monthly payments of 13/- to follow.
This special offer includes free delivery after first payment received.

This offer was EXCLUSIVE to
George Henry Lee & Co
Basnett Street & Houghton Street
Telephone : Royal 4181

On the day of this advert ;
Everton had just been thumped 4-1 at Bradford in the old Division Two.

Cheers, and thanks to all those readers, who have made writing this, worthwhile.

The next time someone asks you about our history, I hope this serial has helped arm you with the information you require.

They say it's never over until the fat lady sings, so I am pleased to bring you the fabulous


« Last Edit: November 3, 2005, 11:14:49 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #5 on: September 1, 2005, 10:50:43 am »
Sorry meant to mention, this is for printing purposes
and for comments re edit and any suggestions for additions.

I will gladly add, any family news, any other writers have that may be of interest to readers.

Will be closing very soon though.

« Last Edit: September 2, 2005, 10:24:30 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

Offline Olly

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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #6 on: September 1, 2005, 11:12:08 am »
Bloody hell mate - how am I supposed to respond to that?!!

Going to have to print it out and read it over the next month!
If you keep one eye on the past, you are blind in one eye. Yet if you forget the past, you are blind in both.


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #7 on: September 2, 2005, 11:18:06 am »
Football Echo Reports are available in Liverpool Record Office, Central Library, William Brown Street, Liverpool. where shown in BOLD
So the next time the Missus has you on a down town walkabout, or leaves you stood outside "Solly". Go and get a copy of a match report and find a watering hole to read it.

1920-21 season

 28.08.1920   4 - 2   Manchester City   Anfield  
 01.09.1920   1 - 1   West Bromwich Albion   The Hawthorns 
 04.09.1920   2 - 3   Manchester City   Hyde Road 
 06.09.1920   0 - 0   West Bromwich Albion     Anfield   
 11.09.1920   5 - 2   Oldham Athletic   Anfield 
 18.09.1920   0 - 0   Oldham Athletic   Boundary Park
 25.09.1920   6 - 0   Preston North End   Anfield     
 02.10.1920   3 - 2   Preston North End   Deepdale     
 09.10.1920   2 - 2   Sheffield United   Anfield    
 16.10.1920   1 - 0   Sheffield United   Bramall Lane    
 23.10.1920   1 - 0   Everton   Anfield   
 30.10.1920   3 - 0   Everton   Goodison Park   
 06.11.1920   0 - 1   Bradford Park Avenue   Anfield   
 13.11.1920   3 - 1   Bradford Park Avenue   Park Avenue   
 20.11.1920   0 - 2   Newcastle   St James Park   
 27.11.1920   0 - 1   Newcastle   Anfield   
 04.12.1920   0 - 0   Burnley   Anfield    
 11.12.1920   0 - 1   Burnley   Turf Moor   
 18.12.1920   4 - 1   Aston Villa   Anfield    
 25.12.1920   1 - 1   Chelsea   Stamford Bridge   
 27.12.1920   2 - 1   Chelsea   Anfield   
 01.01.1921   2 - 0   Aston Villa   Villa Park    
 15.01.1921   0 - 0   Sunderland   Anfield   
 22.01.1921   1 - 2   Sunderland   Roker Park   
 05.02.1921   1 - 1   Manchester United   Old Trafford     
 09.02.1921   2 - 0   Manchester United   Anfield    
 12.02.1921   2 - 1   Bradford City   Anfield    
 19.02.1921   0 - 0   Bradford City   Valley Parade    
 26.02.1921   4 - 1   Huddersfield   Anfield     
 05.03.1921   2 - 1   Huddersfield   Leeds Road    
 12.03.1921   0 - 0   Middlesbrough   Anfield    
 19.03.1921   1 - 0   Middlesbrough   Ayresome Park   
 25.03.1921   1 - 1   Tottenham Hotspurs  Anfield  
 26.03.1921   1 - 1   Blackburn   Ewood Park
 28.03.1921   0 - 1   Tottenham Hotspurs  White Hart Lane    
 02.04.1921   2 - 0   Blackburn   Anfield    
 09.04.1921   0 - 0   Derby    Baseball Ground    
 16.04.1921   1 - 1   Derby    Anfield    
 23.04.1921   0 - 1   Bolton   Burnden Park     
 30.04.1921   2 - 3   Bolton   Anfield    
 02.05.1921   0 - 0   Arsenal   Highbury   
 07.05.1921   3 - 0   Arsenal   Anfield   

1921-22 Season

 27.08.1921   0 - 3   Sunderland   Roker Park   
 31.08.1921   3 - 2   Man City   Anfield   
 03.09.1921   2 - 1   Sunderland   Anfield   
 07.09.1921   1 - 1   Man City   Hyde Road     
 10.09.1921   1 - 0   Sheff Utd   Bramall Lane   
 17.09.1921   1 - 1   Sheff Utd   Anfield      
 24.09.1921   1 - 0   Chelsea   Stamford Bridge   
 01.10.1921   1 - 1   Chelsea   Anfield      
 08.10.1921   1 - 1   Preston   Deepdale   
 15.10.1921   4 - 0   Preston   Anfield     
 22.10.1921   1 - 0   Tottenham   White Hart Lane      
 29.10.1921   1 - 1   Tottenham   Anfield   
 05.11.1921   1 - 1   Everton   Goodison Park   
 12.11.1921   1 - 1   Everton   Anfield    
 19.11.1921   4 - 0   Middlesbrough   Anfield   
 26.11.1921   1 - 3   Middlesbrough   Ayresome Park    
 03.12.1921   1 - 1   Aston Villa   Villa Park     
 10.12.1921   2 - 0   Aston Villa   Anfield   
 17.12.1921   2 - 1   Man Utd   Anfield     
 24.12.1921   0 - 0   Man Utd   Old Trafford      
 26.12.1921   1 - 0   Newcastle   Anfield   
 27.12.1921   2 - 0   Huddersfield   Anfield   
 31.12.1921   0 - 0   Bradford   Valley Parade      
 02.01.1922   1 - 1   Newcastle   St James Park 
 14.01.1922   2 - 1  Bradford   Anfield    
 21.01.1922   1 - 0   Huddersfield   Leeds Road   
 04.02.1922   2 - 0   Birmingham   St Andrews   
 11.02.1922   1 - 0   Birmingham   Anfield    
 25.02.1922   4 - 0   Arsenal   Anfield     
 04.03.1922   0 - 0   Blackburn   Ewood Park      
 11.03.1922   2 - 0   Blackburn   Anfield   
 18.03.1922   0 - 2   Bolton   Anfield    
 22.03.1922   0 - 1   Arsenal   Highbury   
 25.03.1922   3 - 1   Bolton   Burnden Park      
 01.04.1922   2 - 0   Oldham   Anfield    
 08.04.1922   0 - 4   Oldham   Boundary Park    
 14.04.1922   1 - 1   Burnley   Turf Moor     
 15.04.1922   5 - 1   Cardiff   Anfield     
 17.04.1922   2 - 1   Burnley   Anfield   
 22.04.1922   0 - 2   Cardiff   Ninian Park   
 29.04.1922   1 - 2   WBA   Anfield      
 06.05.1922   4 - 1   WBA   The Hawthorns     

1922-23 Season

 26.08.1922   5 - 2   Arsenal   Anfield     
 30.08.1922   0 - 1   Sunderland   Roker Park     
 02.09.1922   0 - 1   Arsenal   Highbury     
 06.09.1922   5 - 1   Sunderland   Anfield     
 09.09.1922   3 - 1   Preston   Deepdale     
 16.09.1922   5 - 2   Preston   Anfield     
 23.09.1922   3 - 0   Burnley   Anfield   
 30.09.1922   0 - 2   Burnley   Turf Moor     
 07.10.1922   5 - 1   Everton   Anfield      
 14.10.1922   1 - 0   Everton   Goodison Park      
 21.10.1922   3 - 1   Cardiff   Anfield      
 28.10.1922   0 - 3   Cardiff   Ninian Park      
 04.11.1922   4 - 2   Tottenham   White Hart Lane      
 11.11.1922   0 - 0   Tottenham   Anfield   
 18.11.1922   3 - 0   Aston Villa   Anfield      
 25.11.1922   1 - 0   Aston Villa   Villa Park   
 02.12.1922   0 - 2   Newcastle   Anfield   
 09.12.1922   1 - 0   Newcastle   St James Park   
 16.12.1922   2 - 1   Nottm For   Anfield    
 23.12.1922   3 - 1   Nottm For   City Ground    
 25.12.1922   2 - 0   Oldham   Boundary Park   
 26.12.1922   2 - 1   Oldham   Anfield   
 30.12.1922   0 - 0   Chelsea   Stamford Bridge   
 06.01.1923   1 - 0   Chelsea   Anfield     
 20.01.1923   2 - 0   Middlesbrough   Ayresome Park   
 27.01.1923   2 - 0   Middlesbrough   Anfield    
 07.02.1923   2 - 0   WBA   Anfield   
 10.02.1923   0 - 0   WBA   The Hawthorns    
 17.02.1923   3 - 0   Blackburn   Anfield    
 03.03.1923   3 - 0   Bolton   Anfield    
 12.03.1923   0 - 1   Blackburn   Ewood Park     
 17.03.1923   0 - 1   Man City   Hyde Road      
 24.03.1923   2 - 0   Man City   Anfield   
 30.03.1923   2 - 1   Sheff Utd   Anfield   
 31.03.1923   1 - 0   Birmingham   St Andrews     
 02.04.1923   1 - 4   Sheff Utd   Bramall Lane   
 07.04.1923   0 - 0   Birmingham   Anfield   
 14.04.1923   0 - 0   Huddersfield   Leeds Road     
 18.04.1923   1 - 1   Bolton   Burnden Park   
 21.04.1923   1 - 1   Huddersfield   Anfield    
 28.04.1923   0 - 0   Stoke   Victoria Ground   
 05.05.1923   1 - 0   Stoke   Anfield    

« Last Edit: September 2, 2005, 11:39:30 am by WOOLTONIAN »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #8 on: September 2, 2005, 11:52:38 am »
I can do the season section, where Football Echo's are available for all seasons if you think it worthwhile.

Only critic received so far ;

Minstrels were indeed called "Nigger Mistrels" in the 20's but after some thought I see absolutely no benefit in including term so have replaced it with "Black on Black" which was a term used for painted up coloured chaps as against "Black on White" which became popular in the 60's.

The word "Legion" used originally to describe Countless, rife etc, after question from my daughter decided "abundant" more appropriate.
She thought I had lost the track and wanted to go the local Leg-ion.

An awful lot of football for one of yours.
Laughed, as I fully understood what they meant, so have added a few more off-topics through timelines and humour.

Dont really now how to improve further.
Let me know what your feelings are when I ring you later.

Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

Offline Olly

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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #9 on: September 2, 2005, 11:59:41 am »

If it is any help I'll print this out on Monday and read through it looking at the grammar and so on. Being younger than you ( ;D) I doubt I'll be able to make improvements on the content, but am happy to help with the editing.

Let me know.


If you keep one eye on the past, you are blind in one eye. Yet if you forget the past, you are blind in both.


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #10 on: September 3, 2005, 08:37:47 am »
I printed it myself and read it through, but as you say being old and nearly blind, I could do with any help.
two pair of eyes always better than one  ;)
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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Re: The Roaring Twenties
« Reply #11 on: September 3, 2005, 08:52:10 am »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

Offline Olly

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Re: The Roaring Twenties (COMPLETE) - stickied for editing
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2005, 11:10:24 am »
Only about a third of the way through this mate, but it's fucking superb. Loving it. Must have taken you ages to do all this.

Some of the language used by reporters back then is brilliant - there are some sentences which don't make any sense to me at all, and just make me laugh!
If you keep one eye on the past, you are blind in one eye. Yet if you forget the past, you are blind in both.


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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Re: The Roaring Twenties (COMPLETE) - stickied for editing
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2005, 10:40:02 am »
Careful Olly !

all that reading coupled with all that wanking will make you blind son ;D
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century