Author Topic: I saw a ghost tonight.  (Read 122540 times)

Offline benhamilton

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #160 on: October 1, 2006, 12:12:49 pm »
FFS who's ever been killed by a ghost get a grip  8)

i reckon a load of shit happens that we dont even know about. authorities keeping it quiet etc...

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Offline Gwaihir

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #161 on: October 1, 2006, 12:13:45 pm »

Any ghostly experiences yourself?

Can't say I have, but I keep an open mind on these things.

I don't disbelieve, but until I get my own proof, I won't fully believe either.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #162 on: October 1, 2006, 12:15:28 pm »
::) Over active imaginations

Offline The dude abides

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #163 on: October 1, 2006, 12:16:31 pm »
yes, best to be sceptical (probably true of most things in life).

Offline Gwaihir

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #164 on: October 1, 2006, 12:20:39 pm »
Words of wisdom indeed.  :thumbup
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Offline The dude abides

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #165 on: October 1, 2006, 12:35:56 pm »

well tis a lovely afternoon here, and I must go and get lunch on the stove.

Plus me cat is walking around demanding grub too.  :D

Maybe catch you later.  Best of luck mate.

Offline Gwaihir

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #166 on: October 1, 2006, 12:39:00 pm »
Take it easy. Time to feed the cat here too. (and she's black aswell) :shocked
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #167 on: October 3, 2006, 01:40:33 pm »
I used to sleep with me nan, and every now and again someone/something used to sit next to me on the bed, and then like press down by me, I never used to dare open my eyes, but there was someone there.
Dont know if it was my grandad or her twin who got killed in the war.
My nan died a few years ago and when my son was younger and I'd be in me mums house that same house, his shoes used to tip over on there own, first time it happened I was on me own, the 2nd time the same thing only my family witnessed it aswell that was me nan I didnt like it atall, the lid off the washing basket just used to fly across the room.
Footsteps upstairs in the bedroom, creaking on the landing, and the leather couch moving like someone has just stood up only no one has sat there for hours.
« Last Edit: October 3, 2006, 01:51:57 pm by Lyndsey_LFC »

Offline pascoli

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #168 on: October 3, 2006, 02:14:40 pm »
I used to work with a guy who's nephew had been claiming he was being haunted by a ghost for a few years.

His family actually moved house to escape the ghostly apparition. Terry (my colleague) was tellin me that he attended the hospital one day with marks around his neck that he claimed the ghost did to him. The hospital initially thought what we all would (that he's a bit nuts and inflicted the marks himself) but they then verified that the angles of the marks etc proved he hadnt done it to himself.
He set up a camera in his bedroom and recorded when he was asleep, and apparantly caught the image of several small lights darting around the room constantly.

Unfortunately the following day he took his own life.

Some might say this story is bullshit, i don't know what to believe to be honest, all i know is that the fella tellin me about it was'n't lying about anything.

Offline NickoH

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #169 on: October 3, 2006, 02:34:34 pm »
My house is built on an old graveyard and we have had some spooky shit happen in our house (especially the front side for some reason).

A regular occurrence was the sight of strange people (or what looked like strange people) in my daughters bedroom at night (no jokes please)......she would wake up screaming and hysterical that someone was in her room.

Next door but one actually moved house due to the strange goings on.
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Offline RedZen

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #170 on: October 3, 2006, 02:39:02 pm »
My house is built on an old graveyard and we have had some spooky shit happen in our house (especially the front side for some reason).

A regular occurrence was the sight of strange people (or what looked like strange people) in my daughters bedroom at night (no jokes please)......she would wake up screaming and hysterical that someone was in her room.

Next door but one actually moved house due to the strange goings on.

I have heard a lot of these mate when it comes to kids.  Makes me think of all of the imaginary friends they tak about,  are just their imagination..... hmmmmmm.

Offline NickoH

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #171 on: October 3, 2006, 02:55:59 pm »
I have heard a lot of these mate when it comes to kids.  Makes me think of all of the imaginary friends they tak about,  are just their imagination..... hmmmmmm.
Possibly but it was also when she grew a little older (16/17) and the neighbours experienced similar things...........
I clutch the wire fence until my fingers bleed,
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Hoping that the horror will recede,
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #172 on: October 3, 2006, 03:04:18 pm »

I have heard a lot of these mate when it comes to kids.  Makes me think of all of the imaginary friends they tak about,  are just their imagination..... hmmmmmm.

It's all getting a bit Sixth Sense! This thread is scarier than the spiders one!

Offline Gwaihir

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #173 on: October 13, 2006, 12:52:07 pm »
A special Friday 13th bump for this little fella.  :shocked
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Offline 5FTH

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #174 on: October 13, 2006, 01:44:18 pm »
I have heard a lot of these mate when it comes to kids.  Makes me think of all of the imaginary friends they tak about,  are just their imagination..... hmmmmmm.

Some of you may (or may not ???) I used to do some paranormal investigation work, as a hobby mind not paid, when I was younger. I was (and still am) a sceptic.

Now, there is a chemical that is released into the brain known as DMT (cant recall the proper scientific name) that essentially controls 'over perception'. It basically keeps you in reality, stops you from hallcuniations etc. Typically in adults this chemical increases during hightened stress or during prolonged bouts of clinical depression and why it is often said that people sufferering from these can sometimes feel or see strange things...

This chemical allegedly is found in abundance in children and is there is a theory that this is why they tend to see 'ghosts' more than adults do. As we grow older, the amount of DMT released in the body decreases and these ghost or imaginary friend tendancies subside.


Offline Chivasino

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #175 on: October 13, 2006, 01:44:18 pm »
My dad's business involved him visiting many of his customers on Berwick Street, London, for those who don't know this is the street on the cover of 'What's the Story, Morning Glory'.

A lot of the shops there used to be owned by Indians, and were wholesale jewelery/accessories shops. Around 30 years ago my Dad asked a shop owner where his assistant had gone. The shop owner replied that she had been taken back to India to have and exorcism done as her parents were convinced she was possessed....

My Dad laughed out loud and claimed it as bullshit.

Later that night he woke in the middle of the night to feel someones hands gripping his neck tighter and tighter, as he started to struggle he felt hands holding down his legs and arms. He couldn't see anything or anyone...he thought he had had it...he started to repeat religious stuff, and he got louder and louder as he felt their grips to loosen and eventually they let go and were gone.

My dads not one to bullshit, and having seen a ghost myself, I totally believe him.

Offline stewartw

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #176 on: October 15, 2006, 11:12:06 pm »
Whilst i respect the sceptics out there about DMT and the likes ihave had one or 2 thingshappen in my house over the last few years, here goes..

My wife and I often notice a smell of strong pipe smoke in our bedroom( nither of us smoke and my 2 girls are only 2 and 7 so it aint them!) the smell or odour comes and goes and  only ever ung aroud our bedroom up untill recently, i have often wondered if this was just me or not however in april this yr me and Maud were away for the weekend and friends were putting lights on and all the bollocks that goes with being away and Mel went up stairs to reaplly her lippy or what ever they do in the bog!! she got half way up stairs and come down thinking someone was in the house due to the smell and got Rick to investigate, he found no one!

Our kitchen is another hive of activity, we have a leccy cooker that when u turn it on it makes an audible click and when hot glows bright orange on no fewer then 5 occasions me or my wife have been at the sink some 5 foot away from the cooker and a hob has turned on and would be glowing orange, this my friends is not imagination. Anyway the wife has often been to get her cards do and see a medium and she was told it was her nan in the kitchen, the medium even told her that she had been rearranging stuff in our living room that day and her nan had been laughing at us, we had in fact that day bought a new fish tank and couldnt agree on where it was going so we spent 4 hours moving it around!!

On the info that the kitchen stuff was her nan i paid the medium a visit, something which i never thought i would do but hey ho! what she told me blew me away! she told me that out of the 6 tattoos that i had my grandad didnt like the one on my arm and shoulder, these were the full LFC badge on the old Liverbird with LFC under it, my old grandad bless him was a MANC he told her that i had picked the correct car some three weeks earlier and that he didnt like me number plate that i had just put on it, i had just completed the transfer from the old car of my LFC plate she then told me that i could smell my grandad in the bedroom and that within the next few days he would move down to the living room, this duely happened and like a numpty i go around talking to him when he is "there"  I have also seen coule of ghosts on an overnight ghost hunt 2 yrs ago(abit sad i know but need to know for sure!) strange thing about it all was that 4 yrs ago i was defo a sceptic!!

That girl playing no 11 is quality, who she?  That's my daughter and she doesn't want to play for Macclesfield town girls!!

Offline Gilly La

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #177 on: October 31, 2006, 12:49:00 pm »
^^^ good story that.

My old house was haunted, cant remember exact details due to only being 7/8 at the time, but my mum tells me that things would just be rearranged in the house, my nan rang my house one time, and I answered the phone and told her my mum was out... thing is my mum was out, at work, and my nan was minding me!!! she was only ringing ours to see if my mum was home yet to bring me back.
This ghost took a particular dislike to one of my aunties, and would knock things over when she was in the house. One time our Lyn was stood in the kitchen, and red marks appeared round her neck as if somebody was strangling her.

My mum was doing a mass clear out one summer, and found an old mirror in an outside cupboard, she left it outside the cupboard and one day it had just gone (probably taken by the binmen) and from that day, everything stopped.

There is also an old lady that lives in the hallway in my current house, but she's completely harmless.


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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #178 on: December 5, 2006, 05:23:31 pm »
this was in the papers today

They Called Him The Belfast Boy

"I thought I was going nuts when weird things started to happen in my house," George Best's former mistress Gina Devivo informs the News Of The World in what was, astonishingly, a two-page spread this Sunday.

"But after seeing the spiritualist and hearing that Ros, Alex and Phil have all had similar experiences, I'm 100 per cent certain it's George's ghost."

That's right, ladies and gents. Bestie's love for spirits has advanced to its logical conclusion. Don't take our word for it, or even Gina's. George's ex-wife Alex, 'last lover' Ros Hollidge and best mate Phil Hughes all agree that there are weird things going on.

"Funny things did happen after George died, mostly involving water," said Alex.

"Taps went on in the middle of the night. And as I left my hotel room for George's funeral the shower just turned itself on full blast and I couldn't shut it off. My passport also went missing. It leaves me cold."

"George once gave me a CD of 'She' by Elvis Costello and it became our favourite song," said Ros. "On the evening he passed away I switched everything off and two close friends took me out for a quick drink (How appropriate - Ed) as I was very upset.

"When I came back the song was blaring through the house. Then my lights and TV kept going on and off and doors flew open and slammed of their own accord. It's still going on. George would have loved causing a bit of havoc like this."

Indeed, thought Mediawatch. Although he'd usually knock his women around while smashing up the house, wouldn't he?

But the three women's stories continue...

"One day I was in the kitchen when I saw a football, one that George bought for my daughters, bounce up and down in the garden without touching the ground."

"One night I actually saw him in my bed. I was petrified."

"I'd hear my letterbox banging between 11.15pm and midnight - the time George used to turn up drunk."

And as the evidence mounted, the usually sceptical and vastly-underpaid Mediawatch began to be convinced that there might be something in this. Only for the testimony of George's old buddy Phil to blow our temporary belief out of the water with his very first words...

"When George stayed at my house he'd never touch any booze from my drinks cabinet."

Now you're just being silly.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #179 on: December 5, 2006, 07:21:01 pm »
"My passport also went missing."

:lmao  I'm convinced!

Offline Gwaihir

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #180 on: September 26, 2008, 05:27:34 pm »
Seeing as there's another similar thread going on at the moment, I thought I'd revive this little gem.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #181 on: September 29, 2008, 04:26:14 pm »
my sister and her fella live in allerton.One day my sister took her baby in the pram for a walk to the shops.she stopped and talked to an  old woman who lived behind her house,(gardens overlooked each other) and the old lady stopped and talked to her and informed me sis that she had thrown some left overs for the cat over her fence,which she used to do sister talked to her for a good few minutes,then left to return home.When she told her hubby who she had bumped into down the shops he turned white.This old lady had died two days earlier. My sister doesnt make shit up and her hubby was properly freaked by it. And sure enough the leftovers were in the back garden for the cat, and were not there the previous evening.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #182 on: September 29, 2008, 08:14:30 pm »
I had something similar happen to me at a golf club once. I was in the main entrance with a mate when i saw an old woman walking up towards the door, opened it whilst facing my mate, turned around about a second later and the woman was gone. The entrance is elevated and you can see all around the possible places she could have walked but she was nowhere to be seen. It proper shook me up and my mate saw this woman aswell, so it wasn't just me going mental.

Probably a perfectly rational explanation but it was really strange.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #183 on: September 29, 2008, 08:47:24 pm »
It was the night before my mums funeral and I was laying in bed. It had been two weeks since she'd passed. I was gradually drifting off to sleep when suddenly I heard a noise which sounded like a cat scratching at a carpet. It was really hard to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, it was more or less in the corner where my bed is. It was on and off for a while, I got my dad to come and hear it and he definitely heard it too.

   We didn't have any cats at the time despite the constant nagging of my brothers and I to get at least one! I don't think a mouse or other rodent could have made that sort of noise at that sort of volume. I'd never heard the noise before and never heard  it since. We like to think it was my mum giving us a sign (she'd always told me she'd give me a sign from the otherside!). We got two lovely little kittens a few weeks after the funeral and I can't stress how much they've helped with the healing process. I'm normally pretty skeptical about this type of thing and maybe there is some logical explanation for it all, but for now it'll be my paranormal experience!

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #184 on: September 30, 2008, 07:08:34 pm »
This thread has proven a very interesting read. I've taken particular note of 5FTH's mention of greater levels of DMT as a potential reason for the prevalence of sightings by children. I'll add that to the list of potential explanations along with basic sub-conscious actings and the effects of background factors such as inaudible sound and electromagnetic fields.

Of course, whether these things are an explanation in of themselves or merely aid the creation of conditions of an actual sighting... who knows? Which is the point: We don't know yet. I anticipate a perfectly logical, and scientific explanation, but it interests me that it hasn't been found yet.

As a child I had two experiences which I can't explain away with certainty (although I expect the imagination of a child). The first happened at my Grandparent's house. I'm not sure how old I'll have been -  maybe 4, maybe 5 - at the time but it was old enough to not have to stay with my parents whilst young enough not to find any merit in conversation. So I was in the hallway with my trucks. At one end of the hallway there's a painting of my (long-departed) Great Grandfather hung up on the wall. It's not one that has any spooky-merit; he's not posed with a serious expression in lieu of a photograph but lent over his workbench (he was a skilled carpenter) in his blue smock with only one side of his face visible and the eye focused on the task at hand. This did not stop me from having a conversation with him, however.

I didn't know who the painting was of and I wasn't a child who took to talking to imaginary folk. My brother and parents have since told me (when I was a bit older and brought it up) that they could remember the day as they thought it odd that they could hear, from the front room, snatches of a conversation I seemed to be having with myself. The key for me is 'conversation' and not 'talking'. There were breaks, and pauses, and questions. It was the only time my imagination got that good. I can certainly accept an explanation that I was probably nervous with being in different surroundings and so was taking my mind of it - but I'd be much happier if that was me meeting my Great Grandfather!

The second experience came a year or two later. Again, I was in a hallway (and again I was playing) but this time it was at home. Looking up to the top of the stairs I saw a middle-aged woman with black hair. We looked at each other for a while and then she walked away towards my room. I can't remember what I thought and I can't even remember if I was scared or not. If I assumed at the time that she had every right to be there (perhaps my Mum knew her?) then I won't have reacted badly. But I did once I reported it to my mother and was told no other women were in the house. She checked upstairs to make sure it wasn't an intruder and then put it down to my imagination. I'm essentially happy to do the same however, at the time, I believed I really had seen someone. It was years before I felt comfortable being upstairs on my own and, even then, it took a further while for me not to have to rush up the stairs and into my room so I wouldn't have the landing to my back for long. My fear of being alone up there could well have been reinforcing itself with each journey but I certainly believed in the initial stimulus.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #185 on: September 30, 2008, 09:57:10 pm »
All that stuff puts the shits up me, ever since we done that ouji (spelling) board on a grave one night in a old cemetary.

This is the gods honest truth this like, no word of a lie. This is what happened-

Me mates were doing it, one of them had a piece of paper, blank piece. They fucked about with the board for a while. Said it was a dog or something. Anyway after they'd finished, we were walking along and me mate got stuck, we tried to lift him up, push him but his feet were stuck to the ground mate. He wasnt moving at all, he throws up, goes in his pocket and the piece of paper has the blokes name on it from the grave they did the board from. For months afterwards he was screaming, really hysterical and swore a big black dog was followin him around, we never seen it but he was in such a state he had to see a physciartrist (spelling) Stuff like that has scared me ever since. He still isnt right either

Don't fuck around with Ouji Boards, seriously.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #186 on: October 1, 2008, 12:04:13 am »
I should not have read this so late at night!

Personally the closest I have come was waking up in the night in my old flat and feeling like something was holding me down in my bed. I was awake and could not move at all. I saw this dark shape above me and was speaking to my girlfriend asking what was happening to me. It freaked me right out!

Before this I was on a school residential trip at a place called Beam House in Devon when I was about 14. We slept in a long narrow dorm room and were just sat there relaxing one evening before dinner. One of the lads had the top bunk that was right below an entrance into the roof. Just sat there and he said "er lads, whats going on?" His hair was all stood up on end with static or something.
Another time I was the only one in the room and was lying on my bunk with my eyes closed. After a while I heard footsteps down the middle of the room coming closer. Opened my eyes and there was nothing there. I fucking shit myself and legged it out of the room white as a sheet! We asked one of the instructors if the place was haunted or anything and he said that there was always loads going on in room 7. He had no way of knowing which room we were staying in!

My mum used to live in a house in Canterbury (Kent) on Nackington Road, by St Lawrence Cricket Ground in an old house. A young lad that had lived there before had got hold of his old mans shot gun one night and carried it out into the garden and accidently killed himself. Each night my mum (and two aunts) swear that they could see a grey shape coming out of one of the bedrooms, along the landing, pausing at the top of the stairs were the gun cabinet was, then down stairs and to the back door to the garden were he died.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #187 on: October 1, 2008, 09:29:33 am »
Loving this thread! I don't have any experiences of this type of thing myself, but a friend of mine worked in a one-stop which is inside a really old building (300yrs or so). Numerous times he was at the bottom of the stairs and could hear someone moving around upstairs/drawsopening and shutting etc.., when he knew for a fact there was nobody there. There were various stories from different staff member experiences so perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks, who knows.

Personally the closest I have come was waking up in the night in my old flat and feeling like something was holding me down in my bed. I was awake and could not move at all. I saw this dark shape above me and was speaking to my girlfriend asking what was happening to me. It freaked me right out!

Another friend of mine had that happen to him. He moved house a lot through his childhood, and in this one house, one night he experienced a really high pitched sound, and just being stuck laying on his back. Couldn't move. Said it was really horrible. This I guess would have been about 5 years ago. Then in a random conversation a few months ago he learned the exact same thing happened to his dad in the same house.

Thats about as strange as it gets for me I think!

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #188 on: October 1, 2008, 09:56:37 am »
Really interesting thread. Never had any similar experiences. (Well I've had the one where I'm in bed and appear to be held down by an unseen force. But that was self-induced/imbibed).

Each night my mum (and two aunts) swear that they could see a grey shape coming out of one of the bedrooms, along the landing, pausing at the top of the stairs were the gun cabinet was, then down stairs and to the back door to the garden were he died.
How wretched.

Don't fuck around with Ouji Boards, seriously.
Why? I ask in the spirit of inquiry. Do tell...

Offline JimmyGrunt

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #189 on: October 1, 2008, 12:12:22 pm »
I have a story, or several.

Now let’s get this straight, before this, I was kind of sceptical about it all. I believed that there must be something after death etc

Firstly I remember about 3-4 years ago, my Nan died from cancer, she was very ill. Few months later my sister was at home on her own because everyone else was at work. It was her birthday and she walked into the kitchen and got a very strong smell of Coffee. Taking into consideration that nobody in our household drinks coffee, were all tea drinkers, and there was only ever my Nan who used to drink coffee when she used to come round and visit. My sister said it was really weird, it lasted a few minutes and then disappeared. I believed her, but it didn’t really convince me if I’m honest.

Anyway, after this, I’m not sure how long after it was, me and my girlfriend were sat in the living room, talking with my mum and dad (it was my dads mum) about my Nan, you know telling stories about her, and having a laugh at the funny times. We went up to bed and I was lying there trying to get to sleep, and thinking about my Nan. I was abit upset thinking that she’s gone etc. I was lying there with my hands on my chest, both fists clenched. I went to turn over so I tried to unclench my fists and the right one felt like someone had wrapped their hand round my fist. I could kind of open it, but was under pressure, my left opened fine. Take that as you will.

However, the below confirmed it for me – I know what it was….

My Grandad passed away on the 15th June this year in his sleep at home in bed. His funeral was on the 27th June. Now ever since this happened there has only been one day where I have not visited my Nan to keep her company.

2 weeks to the day (of his death) I was sat in my granddads chair and my Nan was on the phone. I heard what sounded like a cupboard door being closed (or the breadbin) in the kitchen. I thought someone had come in through the back door so I went to look. No-one was in there. As I entered the kitchen I got a really strange (but nice) feeling. It was like a huge static-charge. It felt like some kind of tingling-fuzzy force all round my body. It was a nice feeling, and a huge amount of heat came up from my feet up my body. There was no oven on, or any appliance.

I instinctively said outloud "its granddad isn’t it?" automatically….the feeling got stronger (asif I was getting a response). I then said outloud 'dont worry, i'm looking after my nan and my mum' again, the feeling got stronger. I then said 'it was a good send-off wasnt it'(referring to the big turn-out at the funeral) followed by 'were all going to miss you'. Again with each thing i said outloud, the feeling got stronger. I then noticed that i had a huge smile on my face – you know when you go to say something to someone, its not automatically, its quite hard to explain. I stood where i was for a few seconds and then went back to the room with my nan.

I started explaining what had happened when the phone went again and she answered it. She was on the phone for a few seconds, i heard another noise from the kitchen, this time a totally different noise (can’t explain it). I went back, checked the window was shut in the dining room and kitchen and also checked the back door in the kitchen. They were all shut. When i got back into the kitchen, i got the same sensation again. I just stood there with the feeling dead strong and looked towards the 'Grandad' Plate on the wall in the kitchen.

It was a really nice experience and I was not scared at all. Now before this happened, even the thought of this would scare the sh!t out of me.

When I went back to the other room and sat down, I was dead happy, but before I even went into the kitchen, I was abit down with it all.

I was telling a few people about what happened and my dad said he believed what happened, and that I should be privileged that I had a visit. He then told me that he had been to see a clairvoyant in Southport and he HIGHLY recommended her. He wouldn’t go into detail about what she said to him (some people tend to keep it to themselves).

I then decided that I would go and see her. I was of the opinion “Ahhh, she’ll get nothing from me, I wont tell her anything!”

How wrong was i!

To cut a long story short, some of the things she told me where jaw-dropping. The only information she had about me before I went to see her was my name and mobile number. And she never even picked up on the fact that my dad had been to see her a few months before.

She picked up on “a grandfather presence that died of a heart of chest condition” …..grandad died from clogged arteries from smoking…….

She described him to a T….”very straight-forward man….no messing…..he would tell you exactly what he thought……very family-minded, aslong as his family where ok, he was fine”…….which my granddad was believe me.

She then mentioned a link to the forces (which is true), although sceptics will think that it could be a good guess from her guessing my age, therefore my granddads.

She then mentioned a link to water… granddad was a keen fisherman, and then took up the job of running my uncles fishery…he spent a lot of time there.

Next sentence she pauses….and then comes out with…”So…………………………who’s John?....he’s telling me to tell you John……..oh – he’s also telling me to tell you that theres a big black dog here with him……do you understand that?”

My granddads name was John…and the black dog was our German Shepard that we had to have put down about 3 weeks before……the only dog that my granddad ever paid attention to really.

She said many, many other things throughout the hour session which where bang on too.

I even have the whole session on disc & mp3 – if anyone is actually interested, I can upload the mp3’s if you want to have a listen.

There is another story I could tell too, but its what I have been told by a family member, and I though I would get my experience out there first.

So all in all – if you don’t believe in this stuff, and you think its all bollocks – that’s fine…you obviously have not had a big enough experience to believe. The funny thing is, my granddad was one of those people…”oh it’s a load of crap that…”

I believe in it all now – and I KNOW what happened, my opinion will never change on that.
« Last Edit: October 1, 2008, 12:17:49 pm by JGrant1285 »
PSN ID = JimmyGrunt

Yea mate just put your sky box on top of the fridge, put an egg in the microwave then wave your satalite dish around on the roof worked for me lad.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #190 on: October 2, 2008, 01:33:53 am »
Nice story, JGrant1285. Thanks for taking the time...
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #191 on: October 2, 2008, 04:51:28 pm »
When in bed asleep last night I began to wake from my sleep due to pulse in my body (about 8 times) it put the shits up me but also felt kind of good. This was however until I relised I wasn't dreaming and then it stopped and I couldn't physically move for a few seconds  :-\ and  I felt as though someone was sat over me holding me down and I was trying to shout out but it wouldn't work, then after about 5 seconds I felt released suddenly. I've always been unsure to wether I belived in stuff like this, however nothing like this has ever happened to me before and also its nearly a year till my Nan passed away so it's unerving.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #192 on: October 4, 2008, 11:55:15 am »
A strange addition...

In the 3 years that I have known my girlfriend, she has lost 7 members of her family. All 7 of them have died on a Friday.....quite strange.
PSN ID = JimmyGrunt

Yea mate just put your sky box on top of the fridge, put an egg in the microwave then wave your satalite dish around on the roof worked for me lad.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #193 on: October 4, 2008, 12:00:45 pm »
Walking the dog in the park at the top of our Crescent. Headphones on listening to some vibes and having a smoke. Around 8.00 at night quiet and dark.

Turned around and saw this lady dressed in white with a black and white dog on the hill.

Get's to the gate [only one way in and one way out] and thinks "How did you beat me to the gate" I have long legs and walk fast?

Turns around and goes around again - no one there. Our Dog was going ape at something, but I couldn't see anytyhing.

I don't drink mid week so I'm not seeing things.

Any ideas.


This is a jinn. My auntie and her friend has had the exact same experience as you minus the dog. Also, the dog barking would explain it as dogs are able to see jinns and especially if they are barking and going ape after Maghreb (sunset), it is because they are seeing a jinn.

This is the islamic explanation for it anyway.

Edit.: I just realized this thread is about 4 years old.
« Last Edit: October 4, 2008, 12:02:42 pm by LFC_4_life »

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #194 on: January 14, 2011, 09:14:37 pm »
Think this is worth a bump.

Hopefully more RAWKites will be able to share their tales.

Some fascinating stories already been posted. :wave

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #195 on: January 14, 2011, 11:46:08 pm »
Not sure this is the right thread but it's a bit of a strange story.

A woman I work with came back from holiday in July and on their first night back her husband suffered a brain haemorrage. He was taken into the Royal for tests etc and when the x-rays came back the family was told he was basically brain dead and the best thing they could do was turn the life support off and let him go. She was hysterical, understandably, and was begging them for a second opinion. Another doctor appeared and after looking at the scans told them he wasn't prepared to let them do it and said he would fax the scans through to a hospital in Salford which specialised in this sort of treatment to see if they thought there was any hope.
 My colleague was overjoyed at this and couldn't thank him enough. She asked him his name and he told her. It was an Indian-sounding name but unfortunately I can't remember off the top of my head what it was. The people in Salford said they would take him as they thought there was still some hope so he was transferred there.
 He was still in a bad way but within a couple of weeks he had started showing signs of recovery. As I write this he is now 95% recovered although he won't be able to work again (he was a taxi driver).
 Soon after he was transferred to Salford my colleague took a bottle of champagne to the Royal to give to the doctor who made the decision to keep him alive. I'm not sure what the time-scale was on this, whether it was the week after or a bit later on. When she got to the department no-one knew who she was talking about or knew anyone with the name he'd given or her description of him. They had a board up with photo's of all the consultants and doctors who work in that department and he was nowhere to be seen. They were even able to get up on computer all the names of staff on duty on the night and his name wasn't on that either.
 Basically it was as if this bloke had appeared out of thin air and disappeared just as quickly. Nobody was ever able to identify him and the family are convinced he was some sort of 'guardian angel'. I'm pretty sceptical on this sort of thing but it sent a bit of a shiver down my spine when she told me the story.

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #196 on: January 15, 2011, 12:09:35 am »
I grew up in me grandads house.When he passed i moved into his old bedroom.One night i woke up round half 2ish,room pitch black and i could see a faint figure of some sort in the corner of the room.It was noticeable in the pitch dark and as soon as i seen it i hopped out of bed and opened the door.It was the quickest ive ever moved in me life.Anyway there was nothing there.But a couple of seconds later i could hear the door to the backroom downstairs open and close.So i figured i had been woken up by whoever was downstairs and whatever i seen was just a frigment of me imagination.Went back to bed.Next day i was asking who was up last night,half 2ish.Everybody said they were asleep all night,nobody was out of bed.They all asked me what i wanted to know for but i didnt say anything about what i saw or thought i saw.For a while it was playing on me mind when i rememberd that me grandad never stepped foot in the front room.I'd lived in the same house as him for over 12 years and never seen him in the front room,it was always the back room,the same room that i heard the door open and close to straight after i seen something.Im convinced that was him i seen in the bedroom and heard downstairs

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #197 on: January 15, 2011, 12:23:45 am »
Some religionist type was saying all this ghost stuff is the work o the devil. Makes sense when I think about it. I reckon there is one you know with all the scum that there has been like Hitler. I don't see why people would go around dead scaring the bejesus out of people.
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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #198 on: January 15, 2011, 12:32:12 am »
What i seen,i only seen for a split second,i reacted so quick.I was scared when i seen it but when i think about what i seen now,im not scared.Im still not sure what happened that night and i dont know wheter to believe in ghosts but if it was me grandads ghost he was probably just showing me that he was still around,in spirit

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Re: I saw a ghost tonight.
« Reply #199 on: January 15, 2011, 12:35:37 am »
Never truly believed in Ghosts until....  :-\

I know two women who used to work at a well known venue in town. One summer, the other year, they both were delivering takings back to the accounts department offices and safe in the building after a show taking place at the Albert Dock. They had the keys to the building, which was closed, so the two of them went in. They walked past the main auditorium and the door to the stage was open, and they both looked in (it was dimly lit) and then carried on taking the takings to the office.

About two weeks afterwards, one of them said to the other 'can I ask you something?' and she said 'yes, I know what you're going to say. The woman in the white dress in one of the boxes in the auditorium?' and the other went 'yes!'. Apparently, the two of them saw a woman, sat in a chair in one of the more expensive seats boxes, and NEITHER of them said anything to each other because they were shitting it and just wanted to get in and out of the building.

After that story, and they were telling the 100% truth, no wind up and were genuinely scared by it, I thought 'never enter a deserted building' again.
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