Author Topic: FSG discussion thread  (Read 757392 times)

Offline mickeydocs

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6920 on: November 25, 2022, 12:26:08 pm »
It has not all been plain sailing. Liverpool were dealing with a midfield injury crisis in August and FSG was reluctant to commit significant funds, so Ward ended up signing Juventus’ Arthur on loan on deadline day as a stop-gap.

Any of the FSG fanboys like to comment?
It’s easy to believe when it’s going well.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6921 on: November 25, 2022, 12:26:42 pm »
I hear you but it's hard to sit on the fence and say nowt in the face of someone chatting utter bollox.

Aye, bloody annoying when some jumped up little c*nt assumes everyone else shares his lack of morals and backbone made of jelly isn't it? Just a general observation, like. Not aimed at anyone in particular.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6922 on: November 25, 2022, 12:27:02 pm »
Its maths not math :no


What if you only do addition?

Wouldn't that be a math?
Since haste quite Schorsch, but Liverpool are genuine fight pigs...

Offline MPowerYNWA

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6923 on: November 25, 2022, 01:27:12 pm »
No, mate. People aren't threatening anything. They are simply recognising where they draw their personal lines, then saying so. I've been a Red for 60 years now. You could say it's in my blood. But the game, like the world itself, has changed so much. In daily life I've cut out things and people that jar with my personal values. I know where my boundaries are. I'm not suggesting my boundaries are any more or less virtuous than yours or anyone else's. I'm just saying that I know where mine are and others know where theirs are. Plenty, particularly old school, would walk away if we are bought out by a sportswasher. You might not, and that's your choice, but many would, and that's their choice too.

I'm lucky, I've got my memories. I was there in the 70s and 80s and experienced a great club with great teams conquer at home and abroad in otherwise very dark times in this country. Maybe you did too, as I don't know your age? Memories of being on the Spion Kop against St. Etienne, Barcelona, Borussia MG etc will keep me warm at night until I pop my clogs. Maybe I've had my time. It was always important back then, but times change. The world changes and football has changed. It used to be a game, but now it's more about money than sport. Banter is more about the owners' bank balances rather than trophies these days. For a lot of us, that leaves a bitter taste.

I know Reds who called it a day long ago. Lifelong local Reds whose lives were built around the club. The Sky / Soccer AM generation saw a lot of them bin it off. These are people whose DNA has LFC running through it like a stick of rock. So I'm pretty sure that any incoming sportswasher would see plenty of others finally call it a day too. As I said, we all have our boundaries. We just reach them in different places and for different reasons.

You mention the homophobia ingrained in British culture and the armed forces. I agree completely. Even this country is only just crawling out of the swamp itself. More and more people are becoming more enlightened and more understanding of the diversity of humanity though, and this is why we see more protest at abhorrent discrimination than we used to. Humanity in general has a very long way to go, but lets not jump on those strong enough to crawl out of the swamp and who try to make life better for others too by highlighting injustice.

In my experience, those who raise their voices against injustice do tend to do so in other areas of their lives too. Once you realise that we are all just human beings, regardless of sexuality, colour, race or whatever, it's hard not to see each other as deserving of equal rights. It turns my stomach seeing any human being exploited. The problem is we are all being exploited and used by the system we live under. My dad was basically worked to death by the system in this country, and I hate it. We are all exploited and ripped off. We are all used and abused to some extent. We cannot escape it. All we can do is pick our battles. The ones we can influence. The things where we still have choices we can act upon.

Problem is, we are all forced to be complicit, one way or another. Because the world itself is not run ethically, the population cannot actually live 100% ethically either. We all have to buy what producers put out. Capitalism means businesses will always exploit workers, so no matter what we buy there will have been exploitation somewhere along the line in most cases. Then, the whataboutery merchants point the finger and say if you don't shout about X and Y, you can't shout about Z. That's complete bollocks of course, because you can believe in human decency and equality without also having to fight the entire world on your own. So, people pick battles that are the closest to their hearts at the time. Human rights and sportswashing are in everyone's face just now, hence the reaction to it we are seeing today.

Nike (insert any other brand too) replica shirts? Yep, disgusting exploitation of those making them and also those having to pay £100 if they want to buy one. The exploitation of people is the issue here. Exploitation of not only the workers, but the consumer too. We are all being screwed senseless, one way or another. This is why people make stands. Just because individuals don't have the time and energy to protest against every issue that matters does not mean they should not stand against the issues most pressing for them at any given time.

The world is totally fucked, but your stance pretty much suggests that if you are not standing against everything, you can't stand against anything, because doing so makes you a hypocrite.

You mentioned Grenfell and the NHS. Yes, the public in general does move on. Thing is though, those affected by what happened are still affected to this day and will be throughout their lives. It's the same for those at Hillsborough and their loved ones. It's the same for the traumatised NHS workers who were in the front line against Covid. I personally know a few, and I know how it still affects them and how it's changed them. So yes, the public at large move on, but those involved find it much harder to do so. Should the Grenfell survivors just shut up and stop 'virtue signalling'? How about the Hillsborough families? Maybe the nurses who gave their all through Covid then got pissed on afterwards by the government? No, they stand for what matters to them, and although football might be trivial in comparison, many of us fans will also stand for what we believe in with regard to our club. Bandwagon jumpers on any cause will come and go, but others will always stand up for what they value, regardless.

Melodramatic? People invest a lot of themselves in their club. With that investment comes emotion. What you call melodrama is simply a manifestation of that investment and that emotion, in the face of turbulent and uncertain times for the club and the game people love.

One thing you don't see too much of on RAWK is spoon-fed media shite being spouted by posters. Despite it being an internet forum, I'd say there is a really high concentration of people on here who can and do think for themselves. If anything, what you see on here is usually the very opposite of spoon-fed media bullshit. A criticism of RAWK from outsiders is that we generally go right against that particular grain.

As ever a well balanced response.

My single biggest bug bear in all this, and why it feels like virtue signalling, is the same people who buy their LFC replica shirts (knowing they are made by exploited slave labour) are the ones on here talking about protecting human rights! 

We cannot save the world, but someone saying they would boycott the club in the event of a Saudi takeover because human rights need to be protected, I find is disingenuous to the cause when they at the same time supporting Nike in exploiting said human rights!

Simple thing, not whataboutery, don’t buy the LFC replica shirt, as you’re supporting exploitation.  You know you’re supporting exploitation.

So please don’t anyone tell me about human rights if you choose not to do the most basic thing of not supporting Nike. 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 01:31:58 pm by MPowerYNWA »

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6924 on: November 25, 2022, 01:40:18 pm »
As ever a well balanced response.

My single biggest bug bear in all this, and why it feels like virtue signalling, is the same people who buy their LFC replica shirts (knowing they are made by exploited slave labour) are the ones on here talking about protecting human rights! 

We cannot save the world, but someone saying they would boycott the club in the event of a Saudi takeover because human rights need to be protected, I find is disingenuous to the cause when they at the same time supporting Nike in exploiting said human rights!

Simple thing, not whataboutery, don’t buy the LFC replica shirt, as you’re supporting exploitation.  You know you’re supporting exploitation.

So please don’t anyone tell me about human rights if you choose not to do the most basic thing of not supporting Nike.

I don’t get why this thread has turned so political towards owners if we’re realistic, we will never get!
People have different views on the matter right or wrong.

No fan represents a whole fan base or even city!
Thats why I’ve said previously that this ownership will divide fans. Im sure Red men TV had to put a video out because the backlash they got for giving there opinion on this subject.

Let’s just stick to the discussion of FSG and I’ll start of by saying, I don’t think we’re getting the midfielder we need in January.

Offline keyop

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6925 on: November 25, 2022, 01:42:33 pm »
Uncertainty reigns at Liverpool with Julian Ward and head of data on way out

James Pearce
Nov 24, 2022

Stability and continuity at Liverpool have been replaced by upheaval and uncertainty.
That's pretty much the exact same article as Bacsombe's in the Telegraph, just with the quotes, dates, figures and phrases in a different place.

It doesn't tell us anything more than we already know, and all the information is already in the public domain. Do these magazines/newspapers have an article generator, where you key in a few bits of data and it automatically churns out a truckload of adjectives and clickbait paragraphs? Every article on this sale in every media outlet reads exactly the same way - with no new insight, nor decent opinions or revelations.

Hard to believe 'journalists' get paid actually money to churn out this formulaic, derivative waffle (and that many people pay to read it).
I've got OCD, but I prefer to call it CDO so it's in alphabetical order.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6926 on: November 25, 2022, 01:49:57 pm »
I very much doubt we’ll be took over by a bad actor, but let’s be honest, even if we our, it wouldn't be the first time would it…
Il always be a red, Il never turn my back on my club, it will always be my club. And I’m from Liverpool so fuck off :)
Liverpool - Liverpool FC they’re one and the same for me.

Offline WhereAngelsPlay

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6927 on: November 25, 2022, 01:50:48 pm »
My cup, it runneth over, I'll never get my fill

Offline Sharado

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6928 on: November 25, 2022, 01:50:51 pm »
That's pretty much the exact same article as Bacsombe's in the Telegraph, just with the quotes, dates, figures and phrases in a different place.

It doesn't tell us anything more than we already know, and all the information is already in the public domain. Do these magazines/newspapers have an article generator, where you key in a few bits of data and it automatically churns out a truckload of adjectives and clickbait paragraphs? Every article on this sale in every media outlet reads exactly the same way - with no new insight, nor decent opinions or revelations.

Hard to believe 'journalists' get paid actually money to churn out this formulaic, derivative waffle (and that many people pay to read it).

It's entirely up to you of course if you'd rather give your money to the telegraph or the athletic to get said articles. Match reports are usually pretty similar things too.
Football, like life, isn't about getting what you want or even deserve. It's about appreciating what you have.

Offline MPowerYNWA

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6929 on: November 25, 2022, 01:56:02 pm »

I don’t get why this thread has turned so political towards owners if we’re realistic, we will never get!
People have different views on the matter right or wrong.

No fan represents a whole fan base or even city!
Thats why I’ve said previously that this ownership will divide fans. Im sure Red men TV had to put a video out because the backlash they got for giving there opinion on this subject.

Let’s just stick to the discussion of FSG and I’ll start of by saying, I don’t think we’re getting the midfielder we need in January.

I agree :)

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6930 on: November 25, 2022, 01:56:41 pm »
That's pretty much the exact same article as Bacsombe's in the Telegraph, just with the quotes, dates, figures and phrases in a different place.

It doesn't tell us anything more than we already know, and all the information is already in the public domain. Do these magazines/newspapers have an article generator, where you key in a few bits of data and it automatically churns out a truckload of adjectives and clickbait paragraphs? Every article on this sale in every media outlet reads exactly the same way - with no new insight, nor decent opinions or revelations.

Hard to believe 'journalists' get paid actually money to churn out this formulaic, derivative waffle (and that many people pay to read it). and many more.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6931 on: November 25, 2022, 02:03:44 pm »
I guess there is no denying something major is going on at the club. The departure of Edwards and now Ward is telling rather than coincidence. Like most things lately though surrounding the club, we don’t know the full picture, or we only know what we are drip fed. The days of ITK’s are gone and have been since the Southampton saga.

Massively understand the levels of feeling on this topic, my post count may be average, but I’ve been on this site long enough to know there is some genuinely decent, principled, good people on here.
If they say they’ll walk away from the club/game based on whatever owners we get, then I respect that.

Growing up in suburban Liverpool as a child of the 1980s a small number of golden rules were drummed into me as I grew up, give your seat up on the bus for a lady/pensioner, never cross a picket line, always get the round in, and never vote Tory! People laughed but the fundamental principles were spot on, be respectful to your elders, don’t be a scab or a mingebag and as for voting Tory, we all know why that’s a no, no.
I’m not saying all people of this era have a good moral compass, but over the space of a few decades the very game that we based our life around has changed beyond all recognition.

Incidentally, for many years the match meant everything to me. I’d dive out of weddings or christenings to get the game or find a telly somewhere; a bad result literally ruined my entire weekend and then some. But you grow up, you realise you have bigger things to prioritise. You still love the club with all your heart, but things change in time.
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6932 on: November 25, 2022, 02:05:52 pm »
I guess there is no denying something major is going on at the club. The departure of Edwards and now Ward is telling rather than coincidence. Like most things lately though surrounding the club, we don’t know the full picture, or we only know what we are drip fed. The days of ITK’s are gone and have been since the Southampton saga.

Massively understand the levels of feeling on this topic, my post count may be average, but I’ve been on this site long enough to know there is some genuinely decent, principled, good people on here.
If they say they’ll walk away from the club/game based on whatever owners we get, then I respect that.

Growing up in suburban Liverpool as a child of the 1980s a small number of golden rules were drummed into me as I grew up, give your seat up on the bus for a lady/pensioner, never cross a picket line, always get the round in, and never vote Tory! People laughed but the fundamental principles were spot on, be respectful to your elders, don’t be a scab or a mingebag and as for voting Tory, we all know why that’s a no, no.
I’m not saying all people of this era have a good moral compass, but over the space of a few decades the very game that we based our life around has changed beyond all recognition.

Incidentally, for many years the match meant everything to me. I’d dive out of weddings or christenings to get the game or find a telly somewhere; a bad result literally ruined my entire weekend and then some. But you grow up, you realise you have bigger things to prioritise. You still love the club with all your heart, but things change in time.

I dipped out of my grandson’s christening just to hear that twat Macheda had scored for United.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6933 on: November 25, 2022, 02:12:58 pm »
I dipped out of my grandson’s christening just to hear that twat Macheda had scored for United.

I was in The Rose & Crown off Dale Street watching the footy, probably why I dislike the pub these days! :)
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6934 on: November 25, 2022, 02:14:09 pm »
I was in The Rose & Crown off Dale Street watching the footy, probably why I dislike the pub these days! :)

At least you could drown your sorrows. I was driving so on lemonade.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6935 on: November 25, 2022, 02:22:23 pm »
Simple thing, not whataboutery, don’t buy the LFC replica shirt, as you’re supporting exploitation.  You know you’re supporting exploitation.
The last LFC-related replica shirt I can recall buying was black and had 'Standards Corrupted' on the front. But thanks for the sweeping statement that everyone with principles is betraying them by buying a Nike shirt. Plus I've consciously not bought anything by Nike for decades. Whopper. That whole post of yours again makes a shitload of assumptions. As ever.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 02:25:11 pm by Football is Dead. Executed by FIFA. »

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6936 on: November 25, 2022, 02:28:49 pm »
I dipped out of my grandson’s christening just to hear that twat Macheda had scored for United.
I left my brother's wedding reception and stood in Goodison -- with red scarf over my suit with carnation in the lapel --- only to see Alan Ball score to knock us out of the FA Cup.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6937 on: November 25, 2022, 02:33:46 pm »
I don’t get why this thread has turned so political towards owners if we’re realistic, we will never get!
Are you saying we should keep politics out of football.....? Where have I heard that recently?  ::)

Offline MPowerYNWA

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6938 on: November 25, 2022, 02:34:37 pm »
The last LFC-related replica shirt I can recall buying was black and had 'Standards Corrupted' on the front. But thanks for the sweeping statement that everyone with principles is betraying them by buying a Nike shirt. Plus I've consciously not bought anything by Nike for decades. Whopper. That whole post of yours again makes a shitload of assumptions. As ever.

Well obviously there is going to be exceptions, forums work on the basis of generalisation as we don’t know each person individually in most cases.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6939 on: November 25, 2022, 02:36:45 pm »
Well obviously there is going to be exceptions, forums work on the basis of generalisation as we don’t know each person individually in most cases.
Then here's a simple tip - don't make sweeping generalisations on such emotive topics. You might think that's how forums work. Not this one, lad. Consider yourself watched.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2022, 02:38:19 pm by Football is Dead. Executed by FIFA. »

Offline MPowerYNWA

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6940 on: November 25, 2022, 02:39:29 pm »
Then here's a simple tip - don't make sweeping generalisations on such emotive topics. You might think that's how forums work. Not this one, lad. Consider yourself watched.

So you don’t support freedom of speech - echo chamber much?

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6941 on: November 25, 2022, 02:40:30 pm »
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6942 on: November 25, 2022, 02:43:39 pm »
So you don’t support freedom of speech - echo chamber much?
Fuck off with that shit you absolute fuckin weapon.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6943 on: November 25, 2022, 02:44:55 pm »
Anyone know anyone high up in Goldman Sachs? We need ITKs in there so see who's been getting in touch to buy us
"Jürgen Klopp is bringing Liverpool's 'fuck you' back. And I can't wait."

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6944 on: November 25, 2022, 02:49:06 pm »
So you don’t support freedom of speech - echo chamber much?
trolling much?

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6945 on: November 25, 2022, 02:53:38 pm »
So is every American accountable for giving immunity to Saudi Arabia crown Prince?   You can’t just tar everyone with the same brush.

Absolutely nonsensical

Normally a player can look great on tubes, but one of the things that's encouraging for me is just the amount of youtube videos on him

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6946 on: November 25, 2022, 02:55:55 pm »
Thread is just brimming with what-aboutisms and strawmen.

Normally a player can look great on tubes, but one of the things that's encouraging for me is just the amount of youtube videos on him

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6947 on: November 25, 2022, 02:55:55 pm »
So you don’t support freedom of speech - echo chamber much?
I’m looking forward to your Christmas name change now (if you’re still with us) :)
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6948 on: November 25, 2022, 02:57:06 pm »
Does the M stand for Moron?

Offline WhereAngelsPlay

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6949 on: November 25, 2022, 02:57:37 pm »
I’m looking forward to your Christmas name change now (if you’re still with us) :)

He's been prodding away since last night.
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6950 on: November 25, 2022, 02:59:11 pm »
Does the M stand for Moron?

I think he is making a point about BMW's links to the war so will never buy one
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6951 on: November 25, 2022, 03:16:29 pm »
Any success earned with sportwashers' funding would be hollow at best. There won't be any point any more.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6952 on: November 25, 2022, 03:36:32 pm »

He's been prodding away since last night.

He's been at it since it first broke FSG was open to the sale of the club.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6953 on: November 25, 2022, 03:46:30 pm »
Brilliant post SoS. Always good to hear your thoughts.
I've got OCD, but I prefer to call it CDO so it's in alphabetical order.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6954 on: November 25, 2022, 03:57:17 pm »
Any success earned with sportwashers' funding would be hollow at best. There won't be any point any more.

Just curious but I presume you mean from a moral point of view. I think overall the success of Chelsea and City and eventually Newcastle will just be viewed as trophies won in years time. Whether the money was from corruption, exploitation or anything else won't matter.

Unless the overall greed in football changes I doubt anyone will question any of it. I don't know anyone earning from football who has made a stand against this world cup. And if they have they must be in the absolute minority.

For me personally football (LFC in particular) was ruined when Moores sold to Hicks and Gillette. I was sucked in by the potential of more cash for transfers and success and that went completely tits up. After that I was hoping the club could go to some sort of fan ownership - a pipe dream. I didn't want FSG. Why would anyone want a bunch of american capitalists running the club who probably don't even give a shit about "soccer". They have been OK owners in one sense but you always knew they were in it to make money and here we are - let's see who they sell to.

I am ambivalent about new owners, I was when FSG tookover. Unless it's some sort of fan ownership which will never happen or it's a someone who absolutely loves the club then eventually I think sooner or later we will end up back to where we are now - someone selling up to make a profit out of the club. I know it's completely unpopular on here but I would take a Saudi over another Hicks and Gillette. I don't see why a couple of absolute no marks should be allowed to put debt against the club and bleed it dry. I would rather not have either option. Overall I blame Moores.
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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6955 on: November 25, 2022, 04:03:37 pm »
As ever a well balanced response.

My single biggest bug bear in all this, and why it feels like virtue signalling, is the same people who buy their LFC replica shirts (knowing they are made by exploited slave labour) are the ones on here talking about protecting human rights! 

We cannot save the world, but someone saying they would boycott the club in the event of a Saudi takeover because human rights need to be protected, I find is disingenuous to the cause when they at the same time supporting Nike in exploiting said human rights!

Simple thing, not whataboutery, don’t buy the LFC replica shirt, as you’re supporting exploitation.  You know you’re supporting exploitation.

So please don’t anyone tell me about human rights if you choose not to do the most basic thing of not supporting Nike.

Out of interest, how do you know that the same people talking about protecting human rights are the same people buying replica shirts?

I haven’t bought a replica shirt in about 10 years, I do own the current top because (unbeknown to me) it was bought for me as a stag do present but I don’t like any official club replica gear and prefer to fan made stuff (irrespective of the human rights issues I just think grown men in replica tops is a bit daft).

I don’t see how you can use this as basis for your argument when you don’t even know if the thing you’re claiming is true?

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6956 on: November 25, 2022, 04:10:15 pm »
Just curious but I presume you mean from a moral point of view. I think overall the success of Chelsea and City and eventually Newcastle will just be viewed as trophies won in years time. Whether the money was from corruption, exploitation or anything else won't matter.

Unless the overall greed in football changes I doubt anyone will question any of it. I don't know anyone earning from football who has made a stand against this world cup. And if they have they must be in the absolute minority.

For me personally football (LFC in particular) was ruined when Moores sold to Hicks and Gillette. I was sucked in by the potential of more cash for transfers and success and that went completely tits up. After that I was hoping the club could go to some sort of fan ownership - a pipe dream. I didn't want FSG. Why would anyone want a bunch of american capitalists running the club who probably don't even give a shit about "soccer". They have been OK owners in one sense but you always knew they were in it to make money and here we are - let's see who they sell to.

I am ambivalent about new owners, I was when FSG tookover. Unless it's some sort of fan ownership which will never happen or it's a someone who absolutely loves the club then eventually I think sooner or later we will end up back to where we are now - someone selling up to make a profit out of the club. I know it's completely unpopular on here but I would take a Saudi over another Hicks and Gillette. I don't see why a couple of absolute no marks should be allowed to put debt against the club and bleed it dry. I would rather not have either option. Overall I blame Moores.
In an ideal world, FSG would be perfect owners. They don't pay themselves any dividends, they invest in the future and they run the club responsibly. However, UEFA's failure to regulate excessive spending has killed competition IMO. For me, football was ruined the day City got away with a fine for breaching FFP.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6957 on: November 25, 2022, 04:18:42 pm »
In an ideal world, FSG would be perfect owners. They don't pay themselves any dividends, they invest in the future and they run the club responsibly. However, UEFA's failure to regulate excessive spending has killed competition IMO. For me, football was ruined the day City got away with a fine for breaching FFP.

I guess it depends on their motivation. Growing the commercial side, growing the infrastructure were all extremely necessary and they delivered on that. They also brought success. But if the end game is to sell to the highest bidder regardless of who it is then that kind of wipes all that out in my view. But I guess we will see when they make the sale.
alf a pound of braeburns!

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6958 on: November 25, 2022, 04:38:31 pm »
It’s all really tricky everyone is different I can fully understand people walking away from the game if we were bought by a state, and at the same time I can understand people not, neither is right neither is wrong. The problem is we should never have got to this position Newcastle, Man City, psg have torn up the rule book and took a dump on it, even 3 of the top 5 biggest clubs in the world Man Utd, liverpool, Barcelona can’t compete with clubs a quarter the size of them financially it’s a joke, this purely lies at the feet of the governing bodies, but we as supporters have to decide what we want to do personally if we are bought by the not ideal owners shall I say to put it politely, it really is a mess and there is no easy fix for the whole sport.

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Re: FSG discussion thread
« Reply #6959 on: November 25, 2022, 04:40:53 pm »
Out of interest, how do you know that the same people talking about protecting human rights are the same people buying replica shirts?

I haven’t bought a replica shirt in about 10 years, I do own the current top because (unbeknown to me) it was bought for me as a stag do present but I don’t like any official club replica gear and prefer to fan made stuff (irrespective of the human rights issues I just think grown men in replica tops is a bit daft).

I don’t see how you can use this as basis for your argument when you don’t even know if the thing you’re claiming is true?

Cause it fits his narrative. Plain and simple.