Author Topic: Paris  (Read 192129 times)

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Paris
« Reply #400 on: May 30, 2022, 06:36:00 pm »
Certain sponsors and corporate clients are preparing letters of complaint to Uefa detailing their unpleasant experiences, inc crushes, pinchpoints and pepper-spray, at the hands of the police en route into Stade de France. Reflects the assault course undergone by fans. #UCLfinal

UEFA might not care what the great unwashed say about Saturday, but they sure as hell care about the prawn sandwich brigade who give them big money do.

Definitely. The fear of losing sponsorship money is what will force them to act

Offline ldsn

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Re: Paris
« Reply #401 on: May 30, 2022, 06:36:23 pm »
After reading some of the stories on here and online, it sounds like my mates and I had it pretty lightly. And yet it was still a horrid experience and by far the worst experience I've ever had at a major event.

We exited the Metro at what must have been the designated Madrid station just before 7pm French time. Came out the exit and suddenly realised we were outnumbered massively by Madrid fans. No problems with them whatsoever, and all good natured on the Metro and when we came out, although you could see the local gangs hanging around which made us feel intimidated. Hands went straight in our pockets and we walked quickly to the first ticket check which was nothing more than a little glance at your ticket which was marked with a pen.

Naively thought we'd be safe once through here. We wandered up to the ground and round to gate Y and joined the long queue which had originally formed. Queue was moving, but it all started to feel tense given the local gangs milling about who'd somehow made it up to here. As we got closer to the gate and into the funnel created by the little metal fences, we noticed the gate had been closed. There was no communication about why it'd been closed and for how long, and I could again see locals right up by the turnstile just hanging about.

We were held here for maybe around 20-30 minutes. It might not sound like a long time, but when there's no communication and given the situation, tension was already starting to rise. Two lads asked my mate and I if we had tickets and how we got them. Might have been harmless but we were suspicious so tried to move away from them. Queue was quiet and felt tense, no idea who around you had real or fake tickets, or none at all. No one was really saying anything and my hand was constantly in my pocket grasping my ticket.

The gate was finally opened, but because of the build up by now, and what I think were other fans coming from other closed gates from all directions without any control, we were being pushed forward from behind. My mate told a lad to stop pushing. The lad started mouthing off - "you soft c*nt, you wool" - to the point my mate turned round and just went "are you still talking?". This lad then tried to headbutt my mate but missed (fortunately my mate's tall). Luckily this lad's mates and I managed to calm the situation and my mate didn't retaliate, but it just added to an already tense situation.

Few minutes later we were luckily through the gate and into the stadium. Got a pint, found our seats and just slumped down all a bit shaken up. By now it was around 8:30pm and the teams were warming up. Our end was noticeably empty. Other fans near us started filtering in and telling us about the carnage outside. My girlfriend and mates back home started to Whatsapp me saying how tear gas was now being used outside and asking how I was. Our attention wasn't really on the game as it was, and now it certainly wasn't.

Area around us barely filled up for the entire game, and to be honest there were probably more local men around us by the end than our fans. We felt so disengaged from the game, and I'm sure most others were too. The atmosphere was unsurprisingly very flat, although if we got a goal maybe that would have changed things somewhat. One French guy in front of me was just constantly doing videos of himself, probably bragging about how he managed to get in. It was all so surreal.

We stuck around for a bit after and left just as Madrid lifted the trophy. Headed back the way we came to the Metro with the Madrid fans. The entrance to the Metro is in some area under a motorway I think. It was filled again with local gangs who were waiting ready to pounce on anyone vulnerable. We saw one Madrid fan get his phone taken from his hand. He managed to keep hold of it so was dragged a bit before the mugger's mates also got involved. Chaos ensued so we moved along sharply, hands again in pockets. One of my mates had one guy try and get in his pockets, and then later another try and steal his watch. He managed to evade both. We got down into the Metro to be confronted by tear gas, so we had to go prise open the exits to get down to the Metro and away from there.

What should have been one of the greatest experiences of my life was ruined. We should have all been buzzing going into the stadium, and yet we were tense, anxious and stressed to the hilt. The game kind of passed me by, and by the end I just wanted out of there. I couldn't have cared less about the result. And since then, I haven't thought about the game at all, nor read any match reports or watched any highlights. It just feels so secondary to what went on.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #402 on: May 30, 2022, 06:37:08 pm »

Yes,for the reason he stated.
My cup, it runneth over, I'll never get my fill

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Re: Paris
« Reply #403 on: May 30, 2022, 06:37:32 pm »

In the sense that a lot more people are on our side this time as the journos themselves were caught in this shite too.

Offline DangerScouse

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Re: Paris
« Reply #404 on: May 30, 2022, 06:39:27 pm »
If you've seen the video of Liverpool fans "climbing over a wall to get into the ground" it's actually at the bottom of the ramp by the underpass. This was after the perfunctory ticket check had been abandoned.

Two screenshots The first is people climbing over and the second clearly shows the same underpass in my previous post. If someone says this is evidence that Liverpool fans bunked in it's not. It's evidence that there was no control on the approcahes to the stadium and that the access was totally inadequate.

Ken Early has said exactly this in his piece today.

UEFA lucky Paris shambles did not have far worse  consequences

I don't like arriving too early at games. What's the point? You're sitting in an empty stadium for hours waiting for everyone else to arrive. A
colleague who likes to get there five or six hours before kick-off asked me: but what if something goes wrong? The answer is, it usually doesn't.

But this was the Champions League final, and I didn't want to miss the food
I heard would be served in the media cafe between six and seven, so I arrived at the Stade de France-Saint Denis RER commuter rail station
south-east of the stadium just before six o'clock, three hours before kick-off.

At this time there were already problems developing south-east of the stadium, on the route along which the Liverpool supporters were funnelled as they walked a little over a kilometre from the RER station to the ground.

The route is blocked by a motorway which is crossed through a pedestrian
tunnel. The entrance to this tunnel became a bottleneck as people waited their turn to move down the steps. On the far side of the tunnel you pass under a motorway bridge, along a path partially obstructed by parked police
vans, and towards a sloping concrete gangway that brings you up to the
stadium's outer concourse.

At the entrance to this sloping walkway was another ticket check - not an actual turnstile, but a check designed to ensure only people with valid tickets could approach the turnstiles. Here a second more intractable bottleneck had developed. I waited for 15 or 20 minutes as the crowd scarcely moved. A Frenchman who seemed to be in charge was standing on a wall above the crowd shouting into a megaphone like a racing commentator,
urging people to have their tickets ready as they approached.

There was impatience at this time, but it was the impatience of people who
don't understand why an apparently simple process should be taking so long,
rather than the impatience of people who have paid hundreds or thousands of
euros to go to a Champions League final it now appears they are about to miss.

A couple of hours later I would see a viral video purporting to show
"Liverpool supporters climbing into Stade de France". In fact this video
showed people trying to scale the wall at this bottleneck location, having
presumably been stuck waiting there for a long time. Over that wall was not
the stadium itself, but rather the stadium's outer perimeter. To get into
the actual game from there you still had to pass through another steel fence
guarded by riot police with pepper spray and gas.

As I passed through the ticket check, where personnel were using their
phones to electronically verify tickets, I saw a Liverpool fan being
physically pushed back and ordered to leave by big stewards who apparently
did not find his ticket in order. He argued back and I heard the row go on as I continued towards the gate.

This sort of thing was further delaying a process that was already happening too slowly to handle the volume of people it was going to have to deal with.
So - were some people trying to get into the ground without tickets? It looks  like at least some were, yes. But this is routine at games of this
size and the organisation is meant to be designed in such a way as to cope
with it.

I went in through the media entrance at gate U, there was no queue, the
process was effortless. The fans were directed to gates further along the
stadium perimeter to the south and east where long frustrated queues had
already developed. By 8.30, an hour before scheduled kick-off, with the
teams out on the pitch warming up, and thousands of empty seats visible in
the Liverpool end, it was plain that the delays affecting their supporters
were serious - while the Madrid end was already packed, prompting social
media comments along the lines of "See, it's only one set of supporters who
have problems <eyeroll emoji>".

Those who were quick to blame the Liverpool supporters evidently did not
understand the organisational realities. Madrid had the north end of the
ground, and the Madrid fanzone was located just one kilometre north of the
stadium, so many of their supporters would have arrived in the general Saint
Denis area earlier in the day. The most convenient train station for them to
arrive at was the Saint Denis metro to the north of the stadium rather than
the RER stations to the south. On the wider northern approaches they did not
encounter the sort of bottlenecks that were delaying the Liverpool crowd.

The Liverpool fanzone, by contrast, drew tens of thousands of supporters to
Cours de Vincennes, in the east of Paris, 10 kilometres from the Stade de
France and at least 45 minutes away by public transport. There was no reason
for these supporters to head out to Saint Denis hours beforehand - unless
they were anticipating something would go wrong.

At 8.45 there was a stadium announcement that kick-off had been delayed due
to the late arrival of fans. This was an outright lie. People who turn up to
a match two hours before kick-off don't expect to be still stuck outside the
ground two hours later. The basic problem was that the southern approaches
were too constricted to accommodate the flow of people to the match. The
crowd management plan essentially required a camel to pass through the eye
of a needle, and when the camel proved unable to get through in a timely
fashion the police got stuck into it with pepper spray and tear gas.

The game eventually kicked off more than 35 minutes late with few empty
seats still visible but hundreds of Liverpool fans, many of whom had waited
patiently with valid tickets, still stuck outside and unable to get in.
These people were driven away by the police. Those tempted to assume that
the police must have had a good reason to unleash their clubs and chemicals
should remember that for riot cops, beating people up is the most enjoyable
part of the job. Uefa are lucky this organisational shambles did not turn out to have much worse consequences.

Offline Hedley Lamarr

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Re: Paris
« Reply #405 on: May 30, 2022, 06:42:00 pm »
the lucky thing for ye is that journos got caught up in it so for once they'll give a shite instead of downplaying it

And sponsors apparently.  If it were just fans, well, we've been there before.

Offline Spezialo

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Re: Paris
« Reply #406 on: May 30, 2022, 06:43:11 pm »
So anyone remember the video of the lad going under the turnstile, allowed by the female UEFA official, then calling his mate through? Well, there's a video of him and another lad last week in Syria, firing rocket launches and Kalashnikovs.

Offline Carllfc

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Re: Paris
« Reply #407 on: May 30, 2022, 06:45:10 pm »
The worst experience I have ever had at a football match. My 3rd European cup final and certainly my last. Great day however from about 6.30pm everything changed, that first checkpoint was a disgrace, pickpockets everywhere, 2 guys tried to talk to my brother and were eying up his bag so me, him and my mate had to push through to get away from them, just a shambles with everyone trying to push through. Then I had to get my wallet out to get the tickets as the stewards wanted to check them.

Then getting to turnstile Z, some fans including locals and unfortunately a few of our fans trying to bunk in with no ticket before the big queues. This seems to happen at quite a lot of the aways too, it happened to me at Wembley someone pushing behind me to get in after me, thankfully he was chucked out by the steward.

We got in just in time but to see people coming in crying at being tear gassed etc was very upsetting. Atmosphere was generally flat obviously because of what was happening outside. Then at around 60 minutes of the match I started to feel my chest being tight and warm, then it got worse, was scared it was a heart or panic attack. So I said to my mate and brother who were both stood next to me that I was going the toilet which I did but I had to get past everyone standing in the aisle. When I got to the concourse I then asked one of the first aiders to see me as I thought I was having some kind of attack. I text my brother and mate to say where I was as I didn't want them to miss the match, I missed the last 10 minutes of the game. The doctor in the first aid room in the concourse checked my chest and thank fully was down to high anxiety and overtiredness, probably because I had no sleep the previous night and on a day charter flight.

The whole experience was very scary though, other people were in the medical room saying how it reminded them of what could of easily been another Hillsborough. Hopefully there's an investigation of the French police and UEFA as that cant happen again.

Online Fromola

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Re: Paris
« Reply #408 on: May 30, 2022, 06:49:44 pm »
I see it suggested that the French government are trying to 'blame the English' as a deflection. Will that pass off with the French public? We aren't the stereotypical English louts that you saw at Wembley last year (and it's well known Liverpool fans don't tend to see themselves as English anyway). We were well behaved throughout the day and caused no trouble. Video evidence shows the fans showing admirable restraint given the provocation by police and inhumane treatment.

Some theories on here that it was intentional. Perhaps the intent was to rile the Liverpool fans into a reaction so the fans could be blamed for the chaos that had been caused.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

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Re: Paris
« Reply #409 on: May 30, 2022, 06:53:58 pm »
Expect some industrial scale evidence of fake tickets then, seriously is that what they running with ? Saul goodman would be shaking his head. If they were paper tickets lets see the evidence  dickheads.
No time for caution.

Online Fromola

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Re: Paris
« Reply #410 on: May 30, 2022, 06:59:43 pm »
Expect some industrial scale evidence of fake tickets then, seriously is that what they running with ? Saul goodman would be shaking his head. If they were paper tickets lets see the evidence  dickheads.

Andy Robbo's mate had a fake ticket apparently. Even though it was issued by the club.
Could have done with Grujic and even Chirivella to tide us over this season

Offline TeddyTime33

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Re: Paris
« Reply #411 on: May 30, 2022, 07:09:27 pm »
I see it suggested that the French government are trying to 'blame the English' as a deflection. Will that pass off with the French public? We aren't the stereotypical English louts that you saw at Wembley last year (and it's well known Liverpool fans don't tend to see themselves as English anyway). We were well behaved throughout the day and caused no trouble. Video evidence shows the fans showing admirable restraint given the provocation by police and inhumane treatment.

Some theories on here that it was intentional. Perhaps the intent was to rile the Liverpool fans into a reaction so the fans could be blamed for the chaos that had been caused.
too football fans yes but the vast general public we are English and linked with English football fans who obviously get a bad rep, already seen one journalist use the English troubles in Marseille in 2016 as "evidence" we can't behave at football games. I will say to the day I die the calm and patience of Liverpool fans on Saturday prevented people from dying

Offline johnybarnes

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Re: Paris
« Reply #412 on: May 30, 2022, 07:10:22 pm »
Paris shame must have consequences (translated)

A couple of days have passed since the final in Paris, enough time to reflect coldly and collect the anguished testimonies of hundreds and hundreds of fans who came to the event ready to enjoy a football party and suffered an infernal nightmare.

The mythical French capital, and by extension the entire Gallic country, demonstrated on Saturday its manifest inability to host an event of this magnitude. Spectators from all over the planet were able to verify, through television images, the embarrassing chaos that was generated at the entrances to the stadium, but this was only a small part of the enormous lack of control.

The security forces of the neighboring country showed a blushing inefficiency when it came to organizing the flow of spectators, turning the preamble to the final into a shameful spectacle . But there was much more. Hundreds and hundreds of followers suffered a terrible panorama of organized robberies, robberies, harassment, aggressiveness... The complaints are unanimous and devastating. The stadium and its surroundings, before and after the game, turned into a mousetrap where flocks of thugs roamed freely without the police knowing or being able to contain the excesses.

The accesses to Saint Denis, both to enter and to leave, the connections and transport are inappropriate for a country that is considered to be first world. This provoked a terrifying sensation of fear and insecurity (for the 'luckiest') and a wave of unpunished crimes against hundreds of fans who were victims of such ineffectiveness.

This embarrassing ending must have consequences. Not only a public apology from the French Government or the Paris City Council to all those affected (which were hundreds) but also a firm response from UEFA is required. Paris has been disabled to host events of this type, and this should be communicated by the highest European football body.

The fact that they hosted the final on short notice is not exculpatory, replacing the planned venue in St. Petersburg due to the war. The unpresentable degree of organization and the disproportionate level of crime must have consequences, and UEFA will be an accomplice or participant if it does not take forceful measures in this regard.

It would not hurt for Real Madrid, the Spanish Federation and Pedro Sánchez's own government to officially express a complaint about what happened. From a country like Spain, model and exemplary in the organization of sporting events (even overcoming time constraints), what happened in the shameful final in Paris is unacceptable.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #413 on: May 30, 2022, 07:10:38 pm »
Just to add my version as might help someone else’s timeline.  Left the fan park when Jamie Webster was singing Thiago Alcantara. Walked to Nation tube got train to Chalet les Halles. Then changed train and train was full of supporters got off at Stade de France St Denis. Walked through to the subway whee there was a bottleneck but no police or security. A lot of locals were nearby. Once in the subway no bottleneck …zero pushing from fans and no aggression or even singing. Walked up ramp and 3 stewards at top of ramp. Checked ticket using a pen. Carried on through and walked past X entrance and into Y no stewards to ask which turnstile or where to enter. Was surprised.  Went to turnstile Y had ticket checked and entered. Went to wrong level and couldn’t find a steward to help find how to get in.. Was sitting in Y 30 went in and sat and it was just before 6pm. Wondered why no one else in block and Liverpool seats empty. Close to kick off still fairly empty but people were coming in looking really upset and shaken . 2 lads in our row were crying and said they were Hillsborough survivors. Went toilet and a man was showing the bruises on his arms to security older large man and his arm was black and blue. Women were running into the toilets cleaning their eyes with water and lots of women were crying. A lad and dad stood in front of me and they had been tear-gassed eyes streaming. Approaching final whistle we left our seats and were ready to run. On the whistle we ran past riot police and ran the same way we came but would not use underpass as gangs of local youths shouting Liverpool Puta and taunting fans all along road. No stewards or signage.We were approached by a group of locals but ran in the middle of road to avoid. Jumped on waiting train and was told it went to airport ..Real Madrid fans mixing with Liverpool on train and zero issue interested in football just trying to get away. Train didn’t go to airport but went to Gare du Nord got off train and no one there to direct to CDG … asked 4 station staff for directions to airport train and got 4 different answers. Chaos at station with fans running from platform to platform and no one helping. Eventually at 12.24 jumped on a train that went back through stade de France to CDG. I was one of the first in the stadium and one of the first out. I saw zero aggression from Liverpool fans all day in Paris and atmosphere in stadium was one of stunned disbelief with the crowd very subdued.  A complete disgrace.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #414 on: May 30, 2022, 07:17:49 pm »
Guys, don't just post in here. Send your accounts to Prof Scraton and to the club:
Please send me factual statements regarding approach to the stadium, the policing outside including being held by the police and tear gassing, policing inside and on leaving. My objective is to gather a mass of evidence to present to the authorities and any subsequent inquiry. Thanks

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Re: Paris
« Reply #415 on: May 30, 2022, 07:19:19 pm »
Thank you for the information.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #416 on: May 30, 2022, 07:23:50 pm »
These days whenever I hear about (and in addition to the obvious Hillsborough link regarding us) huge crowds at events with ramps, narrow passageways, closed entrances and overcrowding I also think back to the disaster at the Love Parade in Duisburg, Germany, in 2010, with 21 dead and hundreds injured. In the aftermath everybody involved (organizer, police, city) pointed at each other but at the same time were united in blaming those who attended (people were drunk, people tried to climb up and more). In the end - regardless of the fact that the whole investigation and trial was a giant mess on top of it all - it became clear that the area wasn't fit for purpose and the pre-planning and management of it all was negligent and abysmal.
It's always the same shit everywhere, they all deflect and blame supporters and visitors.

I really hope many reports will reach the right people and this will be properly looked into.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #417 on: May 30, 2022, 07:23:53 pm »
"He's trying to get right away from football. I believe he went to Everton"

Offline stockdam

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Re: Paris
« Reply #418 on: May 30, 2022, 07:25:29 pm »
Expect some industrial scale evidence of fake tickets then, seriously is that what they running with ? Saul goodman would be shaking his head. If they were paper tickets lets see the evidence  dickheads.

It’s an unbelievable statement to come out with. I think the ground capacity is 75,000 so I assume there were this number of genuine tickets. The French Interior Minister said that up to 70% of the tickets were forged but I now read that it was 70% of tickets presented by about 62,000 Liverpool fans were fake…….our allocation was 19,618 tickets. That would mean that up to an additional 45,000 turned up at our end with forged tickets. Did anyone see 7 out of 10 of our fans being turned away and their tickets confiscated? I heard that most of our fans who got into the ground didn’t get their ticket scanned so that would mean that our end would have had an additional 45,000 people and that would have led to dangerous overcrowding.

So where is the evidence of 45,000 forgeries?

Offline Hedley Lamarr

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Re: Paris
« Reply #419 on: May 30, 2022, 07:28:22 pm »

Offline Onward Liverpudlian

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Re: Paris
« Reply #420 on: May 30, 2022, 07:30:20 pm »
Steve Rotheram, the Liverpool metro mayor had his phone and other stuff stolen too according to the Echo. The Echo article by Liam Thorpe says they were 'stolen by dippers', of course Thorpe would not have put that in but it shows you how 'local' the Echo is these days.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #421 on: May 30, 2022, 07:34:52 pm »
Steve Rotheram, the Liverpool metro mayor had his phone and other stuff stolen too according to the Echo. The Echo article by Liam Thorpe says they were 'stolen by dippers', of course Thorpe would not have put that in but it shows you how 'local' the Echo is these days.

He/whoever put that means pick pocketers surely?

Offline Hedley Lamarr

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Re: Paris
« Reply #422 on: May 30, 2022, 07:36:58 pm »
Steve Rotheram, the Liverpool metro mayor had his phone and other stuff stolen too according to the Echo. The Echo article by Liam Thorpe says they were 'stolen by dippers', of course Thorpe would not have put that in but it shows you how 'local' the Echo is these days.

Steve Rotheram used 'Dippers' in his original tweet.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #423 on: May 30, 2022, 07:37:18 pm »
Paris shame must have consequences (translated)

A couple of days have passed since the final in Paris, enough time to reflect coldly and collect the anguished testimonies of hundreds and hundreds of fans who came to the event ready to enjoy a football party and suffered an infernal nightmare.

The mythical French capital, and by extension the entire Gallic country, demonstrated on Saturday its manifest inability to host an event of this magnitude. Spectators from all over the planet were able to verify, through television images, the embarrassing chaos that was generated at the entrances to the stadium, but this was only a small part of the enormous lack of control.

The security forces of the neighboring country showed a blushing inefficiency when it came to organizing the flow of spectators, turning the preamble to the final into a shameful spectacle . But there was much more. Hundreds and hundreds of followers suffered a terrible panorama of organized robberies, robberies, harassment, aggressiveness... The complaints are unanimous and devastating. The stadium and its surroundings, before and after the game, turned into a mousetrap where flocks of thugs roamed freely without the police knowing or being able to contain the excesses.

The accesses to Saint Denis, both to enter and to leave, the connections and transport are inappropriate for a country that is considered to be first world. This provoked a terrifying sensation of fear and insecurity (for the 'luckiest') and a wave of unpunished crimes against hundreds of fans who were victims of such ineffectiveness.

This embarrassing ending must have consequences. Not only a public apology from the French Government or the Paris City Council to all those affected (which were hundreds) but also a firm response from UEFA is required. Paris has been disabled to host events of this type, and this should be communicated by the highest European football body.

The fact that they hosted the final on short notice is not exculpatory, replacing the planned venue in St. Petersburg due to the war. The unpresentable degree of organization and the disproportionate level of crime must have consequences, and UEFA will be an accomplice or participant if it does not take forceful measures in this regard.

It would not hurt for Real Madrid, the Spanish Federation and Pedro Sánchez's own government to officially express a complaint about what happened. From a country like Spain, model and exemplary in the organization of sporting events (even overcoming time constraints), what happened in the shameful final in Paris is unacceptable.

But, but, but I thought all the problems were at just one end.
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Re: Paris
« Reply #424 on: May 30, 2022, 07:39:47 pm »
Steve Rotheram used 'Dippers' in his original tweet.

Said "dipped" on North West Tonight as well.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #425 on: May 30, 2022, 07:40:30 pm »
So because of the backlog in touring, caused by Covid, this summer the SdF will have the following concerts - a record for them
2 nights of RHCP 4 nights of Coldplay 1 Lady Gaga 2 Ed Sheeran 2  Nights of Mylene Farmer(the French Madonna she's known as) and 1 night of the French rapper Booba

I'm told that usually concerts pass peacefully and have indeed been to a few there but there has been trouble with locals at a few encounter a moody in and out
if they acted with the impunity to mug and rob football crowds the concert crowds will be a much easier picking
+6 ticket exchange

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Re: Paris
« Reply #426 on: May 30, 2022, 07:42:12 pm »
Steve Rotheram used 'Dippers' in his original tweet.

Just checked, yes he did. Not a term most people would use for being pick pocketted.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #427 on: May 30, 2022, 07:43:12 pm »
But, but, but I thought all the problems were at just one end.

So good, to see the Spanish pushing this now as well.
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Re: Paris
« Reply #428 on: May 30, 2022, 07:51:09 pm »
Important, chilling thread from Adrian Tempany

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Re: Paris
« Reply #429 on: May 30, 2022, 07:54:53 pm »
Back to the forged tickets. For those of you who were there, was there evidence of lots of people buying tickets from touts over in Paris?

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Re: Paris
« Reply #430 on: May 30, 2022, 08:00:05 pm »
Back to the forged tickets. For those of you who were there, was there evidence of lots of people buying tickets from touts over in Paris?

Didn't hear of a single person. 12 of us went over, 6 with tickets and 6 without,  none of us were offered tickets at any point on the Friday or Saturday. The suggestion that there were thousands of forgeries doing the rounds is utter tripe.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #431 on: May 30, 2022, 08:02:44 pm »

Champions League final: Uefa commissions independent report into scenes outside stadium

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Re: Paris
« Reply #432 on: May 30, 2022, 08:03:12 pm »
UEFA commissions "an independent report into the events surrounding the UEFA Champions League final in Paris. The comprehensive review will examine decision making, responsibility and behaviours of all entities involved. Led by Dr. Tiago Brandão Rodrigues from Portugal"

Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, UEFA have still not apologised for nor retracted its initial "late arrival of fans" and then "turnstiles at the Liverpool end became blocked by thousands of fans who had purchased fake tickets" statements.

UEFA also stated that: "As numbers outside the stadium continued to build up after kick off, police dispersed them with tear gas and forced them away from the stadium."

Reality of the use of tear gas:

UEFA in a jam over Champions League final debacle picks Portuguese politician to lead review.

Portugal has become the go-to venue for UEFA when it finds itself in a crisis. Two previous Champions League final moved there during Covid.

Let's see how 'independent' this review is. What are the terms of reference, who is doing the investigating, who is paying for this, will witnesses be compelled to give evidence under oath, etc.

Let's say I have my doubts.
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Re: Paris
« Reply #433 on: May 30, 2022, 08:03:53 pm »
Just checked, yes he did. Not a term most people would use for being pick pocketted.

Definitely a generational term.

We used ‘dipping’ for pick pocketing and ‘rolling’ for mugging.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #434 on: May 30, 2022, 08:05:11 pm »
Haha UEFA investigating themselves. :lmao

Like the mob investigating themselves for murder and tax evasion.

What a joke.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #435 on: May 30, 2022, 08:05:59 pm »
UEFA investigating themselves?  ;D

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Re: Paris
« Reply #436 on: May 30, 2022, 08:06:47 pm »
I heard one group of locals flogging them around by Nation (probably around 4pm), asking for £2k. With police ambling past them without a care in the world.

Well, I assume they were forgeries, didn’t actually see them. Did see a few of ours laughing in their faces and walk past them though.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #437 on: May 30, 2022, 08:14:39 pm »
Haha UEFA investigating themselves. :lmao

Like the mob investigating themselves for murder and tax evasion.

What a joke.

Probably been loaned City’s legal team.

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Re: Paris
« Reply #438 on: May 30, 2022, 08:14:46 pm »
I can’t believe what I’m reading.

2022, and this is happening.

Just glad to see everyone got back, but it’s clear it could have gone very differently
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Re: Paris
« Reply #439 on: May 30, 2022, 08:17:18 pm »
UEFA investigating themselves, that's going to end well.  ::)
"He's trying to get right away from football. I believe he went to Everton"