Author Topic: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE  (Read 3499552 times)

Offline CraigDS

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64240 on: November 23, 2021, 06:30:09 pm »
So the government is asking people to take a lateral flow test before doing your Christmas shopping this year, while this may be sensible, Boris can’t even be bothered to wear a face mask on public transport  :butt

They won’t even fucking say to wear a mask full stop. Such an easy thing to do yet...

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64241 on: November 23, 2021, 07:22:04 pm »
See Germany are contemplating compulsory vaccination also.
I am not sure if contemplating is the right word, we are not quite there yet. But at least scientists and some well-known politicians have started mentioning it and a, let's say, a discussion has begun. As in the word is being mentioned in talks. Latest polls have fifty percent of the German population in favour of it, which is probably due to the high numbers that are rising each day at the moment.

Compulsory in the case of vaccination would mean that you are legally required to get a jab, if you don't then it is a regulatory offence, i.e. it carries a fine. It does not mean that police will come and force people to get vaccinated. So as a nutty conspiracy person you could pay the fine instead of getting jabbed. No idea how much it would be, no idea if you could be fined repeatedly, no idea how, when and where they would even do checks. All of that needs to be looked at and made legally airtight as much as possible, and I am still not sure that they will really decide to have a go at it.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64242 on: November 23, 2021, 09:48:43 pm »
Anyone know and understand what this video is saying and what the study that's referenced is saying. With my limited intelligence does this video and study infer that Covid damages DNA of infected cells so therefore there is a chance that MRNA vaccine's could damage our DNA thus making us vulnerable to future illnesses and diseases.

The anti-vax loonies are out in force in the comments and looking for confirmation of their conspiracy theories and according to some of the crackpots this means billions of vaccinated are going to get cancer. Some of the comments are saying the guy doing the video is being deliberately obtuse and looking for clicks from the anti vax crowd. The video has well over 300 thousand views and you would imagine has been flying round Facebook and Twitter amongst the mentalists.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64243 on: November 23, 2021, 09:54:22 pm »
Any idea how Moderna booster after AZ compares to Pfizer after AZ?

I did see something a while back saying that Moderna looked slightly more effective (but also produced slightly more side effects) than Pfizer following on from J&J, not sure if that was full or half dosing of Moderna though, but I would think the numbers should be similar following AZ to following J&J

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64244 on: November 23, 2021, 10:05:58 pm »
Anyone know and understand what this video is saying and what the study that's referenced is saying. With my limited intelligence does this video and study infer that Covid damages DNA of infected cells so therefore there is a chance that MRNA vaccine's could damage our DNA thus making us vulnerable to future illnesses and diseases.

The anti-vax loonies are out in force in the comments and looking for confirmation of their conspiracy theories and according to some of the crackpots this means billions of vaccinated are going to get cancer. Some of the comments are saying the guy doing the video is being deliberately obtuse and looking for clicks from the anti vax crowd. The video has well over 300 thousand views and you would imagine has been flying round Facebook and Twitter amongst the mentalists.

If you want to get technical here is a response to the paper that led to that video, you can just go to the summary if you don't want to get too technical

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64245 on: November 23, 2021, 10:28:09 pm »
They won’t even fucking say to wear a mask full stop. Such an easy thing to do yet...

I continue to be shocked by the English mask policy - unless it was part of the 'plan' to infect as many people as possible before winter. Thankfully, in NI, mask wearers are heavily in the majority.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64246 on: November 23, 2021, 11:54:21 pm »
I continue to be shocked by the English mask policy - unless it was part of the 'plan' to infect as many people as possible before winter. Thankfully, in NI, mask wearers are heavily in the majority.
live in Wales, went to a funeral today and I would estimate that mask wearing was well under 50% and it is supposed to be mandatory in all indoor spaces other than hospitality.

Supposed to be going to Dublin on Friday for a long weekend, fingers crossed I haven't picked it up at the funeral
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64247 on: November 24, 2021, 01:44:21 am »
I continue to be shocked by the English mask policy - unless it was part of the 'plan' to infect as many people as possible before winter. Thankfully, in NI, mask wearers are heavily in the majority.

The mask thing is something I will never get. As I've stated earlier in the thread I think, they should be one of the last safety measures to go. Somehow in a lot of places they were amongst the first measures that were lifted or loosened. It's not just the UK, I live in Austria and we had very strict rules. I think we were the only or one of very few countries that had (and still has in some places) an FFP2-mask-mandate. So, about a year ago the government decided, that you have to wear an FFP2-mask instead of the simple cloth or medical ones, and masks were mandatory basically everywhere in public except outside. During this summer they decided to lift (in some places) and loosen the restrictions and suddenly in a lot of places you could go without a mask if you were tested, vaccinated or had recovered from Covid. There were various rules regarding where you could go with what masks depending on whether you were vaccinated and the whole thing turned into a complete clusterfuck. So much, that now with the sky-high infection numbers FFP2-masks are basically mandatory again everywhere. It's just crazy.

On a sidenote, a few weeks ago when there could already be seen a rise in infections and I asked a local health-official whether mask-mandates were lifted too early and shouldn't they be one of the last things to go before the pandemic ends. I also asked, whether it was right to use masks (or the not having to wear them) as a reward for vaccinated people. He just grinned, saying that masks have been shown to be a great means to reduce infections, but that in the end mask-mandates are a political decision and he thought it was okay, but by the way he said it, you just knew what he thought about the whole thing.

Offline the 92A

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64248 on: November 24, 2021, 04:07:12 am »
Even some of the formerly sane commentators on this on social media seem to have been seduced by the uptick in clicks they get from publishing more vaccine critical (and mainstream research critical) pieces.If you look at Dr John Campbell on Youtube these days you get pieces pushing Ivermectin as something that is still relevant, and lots of helpfully titled videos like "Spontaneous abortion after vaccine", "Boosters for all adults, conflicting advice", "vaccination disappointments", "neuro disease after vaccine", "pericarditis after vaccine" and "vaccine trial whistle blower" in the last 2 weeks alone.Nobody denies there are rare serious side effects from vaccination, but stuff like this is just talking up vaccine scepticism to a pretty wide audience and I severely doubt there is any noble reason for it beyond chasing viewing numbers.

I'm not sure on this, He might be after clicks but having viewed some of his stuff after a long gap of watching his stuff, he still does appear to be basing his opinions on science and in the one I've just watched was pushing vaccinations, not saying he's right as some of those titles sound terrible and I'd have to listen to them fully which I haven't had time to, I saw his one on Japan and it was interesting and the main message was their success needs further looking at to establish why they seem to be so successful.

Although vaccination is working well in reducing deaths and that has to be the most important health message, which I sing from the rooftops, that doesn't mean that research on possible treatments should be ruled out. We really don't know enough yet, and just because a load of anti Vax loonies have got onto Ivermectin it's not enough or scientific, however tempting, to reduce the argument to it's a horse medicine, which it is but millions of humans also take it, the science has to be robust. The research needs to be done thoroughly and Ivermectin does seem to have possible anti-inflammatory and anti-viral actions, do they help mitigate the effects of covid, we don't know enough yet, We know they are not an alternative to hospital treatment and vaccination but we shouldn't shut off all research however tempting. The vaccination works and rightly at the moment is our go to, but could anti virals and other drugs help mitigate the virus, we need further research. we still don't know the mechanism of how the virus attacks the human body yet, why it effects so many people in totally different ways, is there viral persistence in things like long covid,  our understanding is growing all the time but we still know so little, research is key.
My wife and daughter both work in hospitals and see how effective the vaccine has been in reducing deaths, and are constantly patiently explaining why you need to be vaccinated to people who have heard all sorts of nonsense, but they acknowledge people have real fears and go through it patiently honestly and scientifically, but my wife has also come across a patient who has likely had pericarditis from the vaccine and patients who's clotting has been effected, it's about risk and reward, my daughter watched 8 people die on one ward on one shift with covid so understands how important vaccinations have been in reducing deaths but we have to also acknowledge that in a very small percentage the vaccine can, like any treatment, cause unwanted side effects and honest discussion of the very small probabilities of that compared to high probabilities of certain groups dying of covid can help people who haven't been vaccinated decide to get vaccinated.

I hope John Campbell hasn't sold his soul for clicks because at the start of this, he was one of my go to people for information on what was going on, It would be a real shame if he has gone bandit
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64249 on: November 24, 2021, 07:32:11 am »
It's hard to have a good discussion about risks and side effects of the vaccine, because of the amount of lunatics that jump on every bit that is discussed, without understanding the relative risks. So if you say that from 1 mio of doses, one pwrson developed pericarditis, and you want further research to understand why and how it can be prevented, they think the vaccine is dangerous and everyone who gets it will die of a heart attack.
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Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64250 on: November 24, 2021, 07:37:24 am »
I did see something a while back saying that Moderna looked slightly more effective (but also produced slightly more side effects) than Pfizer following on from J&J, not sure if that was full or half dosing of Moderna though, but I would think the numbers should be similar following AZ to following J&J

Had ours yesterday, my arm feels like I've been punched in it and that is it. My missus never gets ill and she is rough as fuck today, sweats,shakes, feels like shit. I'm trying not to take the piss, as she'd call me a fanny if it was the other way around - she wasn't too sympathetic with the lad last week either. Karmas a bitch and all that  ;D

In other news, Anti Vaxxer goes to a Covid party in Italy, gets covid and dies  ::)

Anti-vaxxer dies from coronavirus after going to 'Covid party' to catch deadly bug

The 55-year-old man died in Austria last week, it is reported, after he went to a party with the intention of catching the virus so he didn't need to have the vaccine

An anti-vaxxer who went to a so-called " coronavirus party" to catch the deadly virus has died as a result, it has been reported.

The 55-year-old man died in Austria last week, l Dolomiti reports, having gone to one of these parties in the city of Bolzano in South Tyrol, northern Italy.

A further three people have been taken to hospital with the killer virus after going to similar events in the Alpine region.

Shockingly some parents are reported to have taken their children to such parties to infect them with Covid-19, and one child is so far known to have hospitalised.

Dr Patrick Franzoni, co-ordinator of the anti-Covid unit in Bolzano, said that at least one person at each party will already be infected with Covid, and the others will deliberately come into close contact with them - sharing hugs and drinks with them.

A number of European countries are introducing 'Green passes', which are needed for work and leisure.

The only way to obtain these is by being fully vaccinated or by proving you have recovered from the virus within the last six months.

Dr Franzoni told Italian newspaper Il Dolomiti : “We have received more than one account from doctors of patients who admitted to having been infected on purpose.

“[They do this] to develop antibodies, and to obtain the green pass without vaccination,” he said.

“There are long-term consequences and even young people can end up in hospital.”
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64251 on: November 24, 2021, 07:39:32 am »
There are some fucked up people in this world.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64252 on: November 24, 2021, 07:49:54 am »
There are some fucked up people in this world.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64253 on: November 24, 2021, 10:35:30 am »

Weren't 'measles parties' a thing when Wakefiekd was publishing his MMR bullshit?

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64254 on: November 24, 2021, 10:45:00 am »
Weren't 'measles parties' a thing when Wakefiekd was publishing his MMR bullshit?

I know we always got shoved together when a kid had chicken pox as kids, but that was OK, its a few days of being coated in calamine lotion, looking like a ghost ;D

I love the fact that these fucking darwin award candidates refuse to trust a vaccine that has been developed by some of the greatest scientists in the world right now and instead trust their own bodies to beat a virus that has killed millions across the globe.
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64255 on: November 24, 2021, 11:54:47 am »
Sad that so many people have fallen for this nonsense. Where as the first and second wave was mostly over 50s with delta people hospitalised tend to be younger and not vaccinated. How did we get to a place where peoples mistrust of authorities has been manipulated by such backward ideas. They call us sheeple but are taking your lead from a handful of anti vax propagandists and sadly are suffering real consequences
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64256 on: November 24, 2021, 12:05:28 pm »
Gimme my booster!!!!!

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64257 on: November 24, 2021, 12:38:28 pm »
Incredible really. Cant wait for my booster vaccine.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64258 on: November 24, 2021, 12:46:49 pm »
Got my booster sign-upper today.

Will be boostin' soon
Quote from: tubby on Today at 12:45:53 pm

They both went in high, that's factually correct, both tried to play the ball at height.  Doku with his foot, Mac Allister with his chest.

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64259 on: November 24, 2021, 12:53:18 pm »
Sad that so many people have fallen for this nonsense. Where as the first and second wave was mostly over 50s with delta people hospitalised tend to be younger and not vaccinated. How did we get to a place where peoples mistrust of authorities has been manipulated by such backward ideas. They call us sheeple but are taking your lead from a handful of anti vax propagandists and sadly are suffering real consequences

I've said on here I've got a mate who is being a dickhead over getting the vaccine. His 14 yr old daughters mate sadly caught covid, likely the same day she got her vaccine. She's been in hospital because of it and is now back home but on a drip for 3 weeks, the bastard thing has damaged her lungs. She's 14 ffs, shit like this shouldn't happen to kids.

Most unvaccinated are now catching it from schoolkids - kids getting their own back?
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64260 on: November 24, 2021, 12:54:33 pm »
Missus has now gone to bed feeling rough as a bears arse, I've got nothing worse than a sore arm from my booster - and she calls me a fanny ;D
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64261 on: November 24, 2021, 12:56:29 pm »
Missus has now gone to bed feeling rough as a bears arse, I've got nothing worse than a sore arm from my booster - and she calls me a fanny ;D

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64262 on: November 24, 2021, 01:05:58 pm »

I'm not sure on this, He might be after clicks but having viewed some of his stuff after a long gap of watching his stuff, he still does appear to be basing his opinions on science and in the one I've just watched was pushing vaccinations, not saying he's right as some of those titles sound terrible and I'd have to listen to them fully which I haven't had time to, I saw his one on Japan and it was interesting and the main message was their success needs further looking at to establish why they seem to be so successful.

Although vaccination is working well in reducing deaths and that has to be the most important health message, which I sing from the rooftops, that doesn't mean that research on possible treatments should be ruled out. We really don't know enough yet, and just because a load of anti Vax loonies have got onto Ivermectin it's not enough or scientific, however tempting, to reduce the argument to it's a horse medicine, which it is but millions of humans also take it, the science has to be robust. The research needs to be done thoroughly and Ivermectin does seem to have possible anti-inflammatory and anti-viral actions, do they help mitigate the effects of covid, we don't know enough yet, We know they are not an alternative to hospital treatment and vaccination but we shouldn't shut off all research however tempting. The vaccination works and rightly at the moment is our go to, but could anti virals and other drugs help mitigate the virus, we need further research. we still don't know the mechanism of how the virus attacks the human body yet, why it effects so many people in totally different ways, is there viral persistence in things like long covid,  our understanding is growing all the time but we still know so little, research is key.
My wife and daughter both work in hospitals and see how effective the vaccine has been in reducing deaths, and are constantly patiently explaining why you need to be vaccinated to people who have heard all sorts of nonsense, but they acknowledge people have real fears and go through it patiently honestly and scientifically, but my wife has also come across a patient who has likely had pericarditis from the vaccine and patients who's clotting has been effected, it's about risk and reward, my daughter watched 8 people die on one ward on one shift with covid so understands how important vaccinations have been in reducing deaths but we have to also acknowledge that in a very small percentage the vaccine can, like any treatment, cause unwanted side effects and honest discussion of the very small probabilities of that compared to high probabilities of certain groups dying of covid can help people who haven't been vaccinated decide to get vaccinated.

I hope John Campbell hasn't sold his soul for clicks because at the start of this, he was one of my go to people for information on what was going on, It would be a real shame if he has gone bandit

Good post Albie.

Like you, for a long time I followed a lot of Campbell’s daily YT posts, and found him to be a useful source of information. The Ivermectin story is an interesting one, and I’ll admit I haven’t lately been following it. It isn’t helpful to use terms like “horse medication” as a BBC ‘report’ did about a month ago when attempting to rubbish anything and everything to do with the story. John Campbell gets a lot of flak, and I too sincerely hope he’s not ‘gone rogue’.

As you rightly say, it’s important to keep an open mind about treatments that might well prove to be effective, not as alternatives, but supplements, to a vaccine.

As you allude to, in spite of everything we’ve learned, we still know so little. As Einstein famously said, “the more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know”.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64263 on: November 24, 2021, 01:21:40 pm »
Got my booster sign-upper today.

Will be boostin' soon

Boosting makes me feel good!

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64264 on: November 24, 2021, 01:23:09 pm »

I'm not sure on this, He might be after clicks but having viewed some of his stuff after a long gap of watching his stuff, he still does appear to be basing his opinions on science and in the one I've just watched was pushing vaccinations, not saying he's right as some of those titles sound terrible and I'd have to listen to them fully which I haven't had time to, I saw his one on Japan and it was interesting and the main message was their success needs further looking at to establish why they seem to be so successful.

Although vaccination is working well in reducing deaths and that has to be the most important health message, which I sing from the rooftops, that doesn't mean that research on possible treatments should be ruled out. We really don't know enough yet, and just because a load of anti Vax loonies have got onto Ivermectin it's not enough or scientific, however tempting, to reduce the argument to it's a horse medicine, which it is but millions of humans also take it, the science has to be robust. The research needs to be done thoroughly and Ivermectin does seem to have possible anti-inflammatory and anti-viral actions, do they help mitigate the effects of covid, we don't know enough yet, We know they are not an alternative to hospital treatment and vaccination but we shouldn't shut off all research however tempting. The vaccination works and rightly at the moment is our go to, but could anti virals and other drugs help mitigate the virus, we need further research. we still don't know the mechanism of how the virus attacks the human body yet, why it effects so many people in totally different ways, is there viral persistence in things like long covid,  our understanding is growing all the time but we still know so little, research is key.
My wife and daughter both work in hospitals and see how effective the vaccine has been in reducing deaths, and are constantly patiently explaining why you need to be vaccinated to people who have heard all sorts of nonsense, but they acknowledge people have real fears and go through it patiently honestly and scientifically, but my wife has also come across a patient who has likely had pericarditis from the vaccine and patients who's clotting has been effected, it's about risk and reward, my daughter watched 8 people die on one ward on one shift with covid so understands how important vaccinations have been in reducing deaths but we have to also acknowledge that in a very small percentage the vaccine can, like any treatment, cause unwanted side effects and honest discussion of the very small probabilities of that compared to high probabilities of certain groups dying of covid can help people who haven't been vaccinated decide to get vaccinated.

I hope John Campbell hasn't sold his soul for clicks because at the start of this, he was one of my go to people for information on what was going on, It would be a real shame if he has gone bandit

Good post Albie.

Like you, for a long time I followed a lot of Campbell’s daily YT posts, and found him to be a useful source of information. The Ivermectin story is an interesting one, and I’ll admit I haven’t lately been following it. It isn’t helpful to use terms like “horse medication” as a BBC ‘report’ did about a month ago when attempting to rubbish anything and everything to do with the story. John Campbell gets a lot of flak, and I too sincerely hope he’s not ‘gone rogue’.

As you rightly say, it’s important to keep an open mind about treatments that might well prove to be effective, not as alternatives, but supplements, to a vaccine.

As you allude to, in spite of everything we’ve learned, we still know so little. As Einstein famously said, “the more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know”.

You don't even need scientific evidence to prove that Invermectin is in no way suitable for humans. People who take it have said they have been shitting huge tapeworms out of their systems with it, when the reality is, its not a worm, its the lining of their intestines that has been stripped away due to being poisoned by the medicine.
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64265 on: November 24, 2021, 01:44:57 pm »

Seven anti-vaccine doctors who attended a “summit” in Florida touting ivermectin and other alternative “treatments” for Covid-19 have contracted the disease.

The doctors gathered for the event on 6 November to discuss “natural immunity”, successful outpatient regimens for the treatment of Covid and obtaining religious and medical exemptions from vaccines, according to the event description.

“I have been on ivermectin for 16 months, my wife and I,” Bruce Boros said at the event which was held at the World Equestrian Centre in Ocala.

“I have never felt healthier in my life.”

The 71-year-old cardiologist and vaccine critic contracted Covid two days later, the event’s lead organiser John Litten told the Daily Beast news outlet.....

what a pity

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64266 on: November 24, 2021, 01:47:19 pm »
Missus gets her booster tomorrow.
I'm going to chuck paperclips at her and see if she is magnetic yet.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64267 on: November 24, 2021, 01:55:39 pm »
Wanker disrupts vaccine production with a fake parcel bomb.

Just look at the kip of him.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64268 on: November 24, 2021, 02:17:45 pm »
You don't even need scientific evidence to prove that Invermectin is in no way suitable for humans. People who take it have said they have been shitting huge tapeworms out of their systems with it, when the reality is, its not a worm, its the lining of their intestines that has been stripped away due to being poisoned by the medicine.

Please share the source for this Rob. It’s undoubtedly the case that some people have taken Ivermectin without informing themselves of what constitute safe and unsafe doses. However, Ivermectin has been administered to humans for a long time - not as an antiviral but as an anti-parasitical treatment.

This might be of interest to anyone looking to inform themselves of what’s happened in Japan and India (it’s worth reading the comments too):
"The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth." Mikhail Bakunin

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64269 on: November 24, 2021, 02:24:03 pm »
When it comes to Ivermectin, I totally agree that we should continue to look at treatments for Covid, my issue is that it still hasn't been shown to be hugely effective and they have been looking at it for a while now.

Although someone was telling me it seems to help with Covid treatment in countries where intestinal parasites are endemic and do very little elsewhere, but I haven't seen that study myself.

Its also the equivalent of a culture war issue within Covid, antivaxxers love it, and it attracts a certain audience if you start pushing it on social media, I could live with it on its own on Campbell's channel but when you combine it with the large number of stories with vax bashing headlines he has been running recently, it does seem like an attempt to reposition to chase views from the crank audience, and to be honest if you look at the number of views the videos with vax bashing headlines seem to get vs the others, it seems to be working for him.

Once again no issue with acknowledging that some people get serious side effects from the vaccines, but the number of pieces he does on it seems very disproportionate.

PS as far as I know Ivermectin still hasn't been approved in Japan and it was a bit bizarre of Campbell to basically imply it ended the Japanese pandemic, if Ivermectin was that effective Covid wouldn't be ripping through US anti-vaxxers with a reckless abandon

« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 02:32:10 pm by filopastry »

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64270 on: November 24, 2021, 02:35:25 pm »
Good post Albie.

Like you, for a long time I followed a lot of Campbell’s daily YT posts, and found him to be a useful source of information. The Ivermectin story is an interesting one, and I’ll admit I haven’t lately been following it. It isn’t helpful to use terms like “horse medication” as a BBC ‘report’ did about a month ago when attempting to rubbish anything and everything to do with the story. John Campbell gets a lot of flak, and I too sincerely hope he’s not ‘gone rogue’.

As you rightly say, it’s important to keep an open mind about treatments that might well prove to be effective, not as alternatives, but supplements, to a vaccine.

As you allude to, in spite of everything we’ve learned, we still know so little. As Einstein famously said, “the more I learn, the more I realise how much I don’t know”.
I watched a fair few of his videos at the beginning of this - I thought he was great. He managed to explain in a simple way the workings of the immune system and the emerging data to an audience who had some but maybe limited knowledge of how it all works. That at a time when the stories emerging in the press ranged from 'nothing to worry about' to '100's of millions will die' was very valuable.

I think Dr. Campbell's problem is that he became entrenched on one side of an argument very early and failed to shift his position with the emerging data. He highlights any and every study that suggests a therapeutic effect for ivermectin in Covid regardless of the quality of those studies (while largely ignoring the large trials that showed no effect). He's highlighted (and continues to) the main studies that showed a beneficial effect - all of have which have been retracted, mostly for blatant fraud. If Dr Campbell believes ivermectin can work based on the in vitro data and then publicises trials that back up that belief, he really has to then highlight when those studies are retracted and where actual fraud has taken place. Because what we're left with are studies that show no effect, yet he's been unable to shift his thinking with that data. There remains this lingering belief that ivermectin has been deliberately ignored, when in fact all the studies have pointed to it having no effect. The Oxford Principle trial is still ongoing.

I give him the benefit of the doubt for now that it's not deliberate, he's clearly not an 'it's just a flu', 'vaccines don't work' guy. But he's approaching the point where perhaps unknown to him, he's beginning to publicise widely the main points of the small core anti-vaccine movement. It's how they work - very few people are truly behind the world-wide anti-vaccine movement, the real anti-vaxxers. Their movement works by getting their core messages spread, sometimes unwittingly, by many others on the likes of social media and youtube.

The issue is that the audience for these core anti-vaccine messages is huge, and the potential gains for tapping that audience is fairly eye-opening. At a lower estimate for example, Dr Campbell's income from youtube is $10,000 per month, it's likely far higher. The temptation is there for anyone who has generated a base of viewers to pivot toward the messages they want to hear, or toward the messages that tap that huge audience of people who are open to the messages of the anti-vaccine movement.

As I said, I give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment and his early videos were great explanations for the public. But he's veered into a grey area lately - highlighting certain things in an unbalanced way. He's not the only one to do so, our own print and TV media in the UK can be equally unbalanced, falling solely on opposite extremes. I'd hope he'll come back to a more balanced view and drop the references to FLCCC that he seems to treat equally to peer reviewed published studies. It may turn out his belief is correct and studies will show ivermectin is therapeutic in Covid, but the evidence at this time says that it just isn't.

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64271 on: November 24, 2021, 02:44:04 pm »
Please share the source for this Rob. It’s undoubtedly the case that some people have taken Ivermectin without informing themselves of what constitute safe and unsafe doses. However, Ivermectin has been administered to humans for a long time - not as an antiviral but as an anti-parasitical treatment.

This might be of interest to anyone looking to inform themselves of what’s happened in Japan and India (it’s worth reading the comments too):

COVID-19 is a severe epidemic that has affected children, adults, and senior citizens across the world. People are discovering new treatments and ways for COVID-19 as the disease continues to spread.

An example is Ivermectin, a deworming medication for horses, and mistaking it for COVID-19 therapy and prevention.

Rope Worm: Ivermectin Effects
The Food and Drug Administration has approved ivermectin for treating certain parasites and skin diseases in humans, but it has not approved it for treating or preventing COVID-19. FDA and CDC recently published cautions regarding the risks of taking ivermectin for COVID-19.

Despite this, numerous people have published experiences online about self-medicating with animal-grade versions of the medication, with disastrous results.

Users worrying about the hazardous side effects of using the animal dewormer, including hazy vision, diarrhea, and pooping out, may be found on pro-ivermectin Facebook groups "Worms", to be precise. Some people have even gone as far as to share pictures of their excreted "worms".

In a response to Insider, a Facebook spokesperson said the company censors any post that attempts to "purchase, sell, give, or solicit for ivermectin."

"We also take any action against any account or organization that breaches our COVID-19 and vaccination policies, such as claims that ivermectin is a guaranteed cure or preventive, and we don't allow advertisements that promote ivermectin as a COVID-19 therapy," the spokesperson added. "

According to Dr. Wesley Long, a clinical Pathologist and director of diagnostic microbiology at Houston Methodist Hospital, the odds of contracting a parasite infection in the United States and other first-world nations are extremely low. "Once every six to eight weeks," he added, his lab finds an intestinal worm infection.

An image of one such "worm" posted in a pro-ivermectin group was provided to Long by an insider. It was not a worm, he said. People sometimes confuse veggies in their excrement for worms, according to Long, thus the threadlike emission might be a portion of the person's recent meal. However, he warned that eating topical medicines designed for animals might cause untold damage to a person's digestive track.

There is no knowing what it may look like on the back end if individuals are using topical treatments or products meant for cows, horses, or other animals, Long explained.

The threads in their feces are being referred to as "rope worms" by many in the ivermectin Facebook groups, but Wesley Long says there is no such medical diagnosis. People were witnessing intestinal mucous or shedding portions of the intestinal lining, he added. To the untrained eye, both may appear to be worms.
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64272 on: November 24, 2021, 02:45:46 pm »
Decided to go for a test yesterday after having no taste or smell and just had a positive result back

hoping symptoms continue to be mild, going to have a great time isolating on my birthday :(

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64273 on: November 24, 2021, 02:46:34 pm »
Just been the shops and some mid/late 20's woman got an email on here phone and starts talking to her sister about it - kids school has gone back to covid bubbles and they have asked all pupils and adults to go for a PCR. "They can sod off, I'm not doing that" :butt
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64274 on: November 24, 2021, 02:54:52 pm »
Please share the source for this Rob. It’s undoubtedly the case that some people have taken Ivermectin without informing themselves of what constitute safe and unsafe doses. However, Ivermectin has been administered to humans for a long time - not as an antiviral but as an anti-parasitical treatment.

This might be of interest to anyone looking to inform themselves of what’s happened in Japan and India (it’s worth reading the comments too):
The selective timeframes he keeps referring to are somewhat misleading as it doesn't take into account that Japan had similarly extremely low numbers throughout much of 2020 - they didn't really start their first wave until November 2020 and both their first and second waves peaked at around 7k cases/day.  Even the summer spike he refers to in that video peaked at 25k cases/day - less than the background case numbers we've had in the UK for months now.

The summer spike he keeps comparing to in that video is incomparable to any other country in the world as Japan is the only country to have hosted an Olympic games during the pandemic and the spike coincides with those Olympic games.

Taiwan are even more stark than Japan for having extremely low case numbers either side of a spike.  Ivermectin is not routinely prescribed in Taiwan.

Instead of hyperbole like the "Miracle in Japan" it would be useful to understand why nations like Japan and Taiwan are able to exit a spike in case numbers and return to low levels.  My assumption would be Public Health measures and adherence but that may be completely wrong.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64275 on: November 24, 2021, 02:57:16 pm »
Decided to go for a test yesterday after having no taste or smell and just had a positive result back

hoping symptoms continue to be mild, going to have a great time isolating on my birthday :(

Aww Liam that's tough on your birthday. I am coming through it now and so far it's been very easy with just a cough to deal with. I hope it's similar for you as well. You will just have to make up for it afterwards.  :D
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Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64276 on: November 24, 2021, 03:04:03 pm »
The selective timeframes he keeps referring to are somewhat misleading as it doesn't take into account that Japan had similarly extremely low numbers throughout much of 2020 - they didn't really start their first wave until November 2020 and both their first and second waves peaked at around 7k cases/day.  Even the summer spike he refers to in that video peaked at 25k cases/day - less than the background case numbers we've had in the UK for months now.

The summer spike he keeps comparing to in that video is incomparable to any other country in the world as Japan is the only country to have hosted an Olympic games during the pandemic and the spike coincides with those Olympic games.

Taiwan are even more stark than Japan for having extremely low case numbers either side of a spike.  Ivermectin is not routinely prescribed in Taiwan.

Instead of hyperbole like the "Miracle in Japan" it would be useful to understand why nations like Japan and Taiwan are able to exit a spike in case numbers and return to low levels.  My assumption would be Public Health measures and adherence but that may be completely wrong.

The Japanese are very good at following rules and following proven measures to combat these things. Mask wearing has been a thing in Japan for over 100 years as they found it effective in previous pandemics and they routinely wear them on the trains.
Jurgen YNWA

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64277 on: November 24, 2021, 03:11:41 pm »
I watched a fair few of his videos at the beginning of this - I thought he was great. He managed to explain in a simple way the workings of the immune system and the emerging data to an audience who had some but maybe limited knowledge of how it all works. That at a time when the stories emerging in the press ranged from 'nothing to worry about' to '100's of millions will die' was very valuable.

I think Dr. Campbell's problem is that he became entrenched on one side of an argument very early and failed to shift his position with the emerging data. He highlights any and every study that suggests a therapeutic effect for ivermectin in Covid regardless of the quality of those studies (while largely ignoring the large trials that showed no effect). He's highlighted (and continues to) the main studies that showed a beneficial effect - all of have which have been retracted, mostly for blatant fraud. If Dr Campbell believes ivermectin can work based on the in vitro data and then publicises trials that back up that belief, he really has to then highlight when those studies are retracted and where actual fraud has taken place. Because what we're left with are studies that show no effect, yet he's been unable to shift his thinking with that data. There remains this lingering belief that ivermectin has been deliberately ignored, when in fact all the studies have pointed to it having no effect. The Oxford Principle trial is still ongoing.

I give him the benefit of the doubt for now that it's not deliberate, he's clearly not an 'it's just a flu', 'vaccines don't work' guy. But he's approaching the point where perhaps unknown to him, he's beginning to publicise widely the main points of the small core anti-vaccine movement. It's how they work - very few people are truly behind the world-wide anti-vaccine movement, the real anti-vaxxers. Their movement works by getting their core messages spread, sometimes unwittingly, by many others on the likes of social media and youtube.

The issue is that the audience for these core anti-vaccine messages is huge, and the potential gains for tapping that audience is fairly eye-opening. At a lower estimate for example, Dr Campbell's income from youtube is $10,000 per month, it's likely far higher. The temptation is there for anyone who has generated a base of viewers to pivot toward the messages they want to hear, or toward the messages that tap that huge audience of people who are open to the messages of the anti-vaccine movement.

As I said, I give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment and his early videos were great explanations for the public. But he's veered into a grey area lately - highlighting certain things in an unbalanced way. He's not the only one to do so, our own print and TV media in the UK can be equally unbalanced, falling solely on opposite extremes. I'd hope he'll come back to a more balanced view and drop the references to FLCCC that he seems to treat equally to peer reviewed published studies. It may turn out his belief is correct and studies will show ivermectin is therapeutic in Covid, but the evidence at this time says that it just isn't.

Thanks for that. Yep, I agree on all points, particularly where you point out how agencies unwittingly give succour to diehard anti-vaxxers. I too, as I intimated in my earlier post, found his early stuff watchable and informative - so like you I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt, for now.

The dramatic drop in Japanese Covid numbers are of much interest. Moreover, Campbell posits three potential explanations, and it will be fascinating to follow that story.

"The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth." Mikhail Bakunin

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64278 on: November 24, 2021, 03:31:56 pm »
The selective timeframes he keeps referring to are somewhat misleading as it doesn't take into account that Japan had similarly extremely low numbers throughout much of 2020 - they didn't really start their first wave until November 2020 and both their first and second waves peaked at around 7k cases/day.  Even the summer spike he refers to in that video peaked at 25k cases/day - less than the background case numbers we've had in the UK for months now.

The summer spike he keeps comparing to in that video is incomparable to any other country in the world as Japan is the only country to have hosted an Olympic games during the pandemic and the spike coincides with those Olympic games.

Taiwan are even more stark than Japan for having extremely low case numbers either side of a spike.  Ivermectin is not routinely prescribed in Taiwan.

Instead of hyperbole like the "Miracle in Japan" it would be useful to understand why nations like Japan and Taiwan are able to exit a spike in case numbers and return to low levels.  My assumption would be Public Health measures and adherence but that may be completely wrong.

Yes. As I indicated in my other post, I give Campbell the benefit of doubt but that doubt is growing.

In fairness to him, he does look at other potential reasons for Japan’s outlier status in this regard; but you’re right, it helps no one to present the ‘evidence’ in the way, and the order, that he does.
"The first revolt is against the supreme tyranny of long as we have a master in heaven, we will be slaves on earth." Mikhail Bakunin

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #64279 on: November 24, 2021, 03:34:14 pm »
Twitter: @atypicalbob


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