Author Topic: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE  (Read 3495027 times)

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60800 on: August 1, 2021, 11:41:04 am »
He passed away this morning. He was double jabbed but he tried his best to fight off this virus. He died gasping for air. RIP grandad.

Get the vaccine please.

I have only just read this, sorry for your loss.  :(
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60801 on: August 1, 2021, 11:51:52 am »
While I think it's fairly common for people to think that anti-vaxxers are completely dickheads, I've been watching a few videos and articles on the US unvaccinated and I have to say I do feel really sorry for them.

They've been massively lied to and manipulated and some of them are being interviewed on their deathbeds and are so desperate to have a chance to live and to go back and change their decisions.

Then you have groups of anti-vaxxers meeting with officials and spewing all sorts of nonsense about "The vaccine doesn't save anyone - people get sick and die anyway" - when the response is that 98% of people in hospital aren't vaccinated and that only 1 in 100,000 that has been vaccinated dies.

And it all falls on deaf ears, but you look at these people and they don't look off their heads or that they are wearing tinfoil hats or that they are stupid.

They look like people that are absolutely terrified, don't know who to believe or what the fuck is going on.

I'm, sorry, but I do feel really sorry for them :(

It's these utter fuckwads that have fucked their world that should be getting the contempt. I'm not quite sure why they are doing it either? Fame? Infamy? Money? What?

Absolute c*nts.
I can't agree more with this. The anti vaxxers that spread this shit have the advantage that they can spread bite sized shit thats easy to digest. The scientific answers are harder to get across. Maybe the pro vaccine side need to work harder on messaging. Which must be really tough when the message seems so obvious .
There seems to be a small minority that spew the anti vaccine stuff and get it out there. And a much bigger congregation that lap it up, and forward it. There's those that don't know too that maybe feel it's safer to stick to the status quo. ( Aside fro. The last part this sounds very much like brexit).
I doubt theres anyone on their deathbed with covid not wishing they hadn't been antivax. There it's too late for the reality.  I guess this is how religious zealous probably feel. In their mind they know we are throwing away the chance of going to heaven, and only when it's too late will we see the errors of our ways.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 11:53:24 am by PaulF »
"All the lads have been talking about is walking out in front of the Kop, with 40,000 singing 'You'll Never Walk Alone'," Collins told BBC Radio Solent. "All the money in the world couldn't buy that feeling," he added.

Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60802 on: August 1, 2021, 11:58:21 am »
I have to say, I find it very difficult to feel sorry for anti-vaxxers, because most of them aren't just victims they are also culprits in this. Whether it's by not vaccinating their children or by spreading the lies and misinformation. Apparently, they're all clever enough to find stuff on the internet that affirms their beliefs that vaccinations are bad. How can they then not even try to find stuff that might disprove all that anti-vaccination bullshit? It's all out there. We all have to make decisions in life and yes, there are some decisions that are really hard and you might make a mistake. I feel sorry for people who might get those decisions wrong. Getting the Covid-vaccine is not one of those decisions. If you decide you don't want it and then you die from Covid, tough shit...

there are some that are genuinely just naive/impressionable and generally aren't harmful themselves (i.e. they won't be sharing their shite). but conspiracy theorists have cottoned on how to go 'viral' and now make use of memes and things for people to spread all over social media. those things are just as harmful as the Piers Corbyn / David Icke types who have huge platforms and people following their shite.

18 months down the line it's definitely hard to feel sympathy, but I can understand that some people just want simple answers for them just wanting to act like nothing has happened.

The messaging from the government overall hasn't been great across the pandemic. They really should've addressed things better as this was all pretty predictable from the start.

Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60803 on: August 1, 2021, 12:03:08 pm »
So. Jeremy Corbyn is frightened of the vaccine (because of 'microchips' and stuff), but he's also frightened of COVID. So, he urges everyone else to get vaccinated (to help protect him), and they can deal with the microchips and government/Gates mind control. And he became vegan to provide some theoretical cover*. Do I have that about right? My theory, after all, fit the facts. I am being at least semi-serious here.

* As most of you are probably already aware, there are no animal products in COVID vaccines. But they were tested on animals. But, since this would be done irrespective of whether or not vegans are vaccinated, the refusal by vegans to take the vaccines has no effect upon animal testing. Further, if we give into this kind of thinking, we could not do or consume anything, as animals (including humans) will be negatively affected (somehow and somewhere) by just  about every activity in which we might engage.

Edited to add:He recently turned vegan.

I just checked - apparently, Jeremy Corbyn has been vegan for 50 years. So, my theory based upon 'Corbyn recently turning vegan' rather falls down. Still, it is odd and pathetic. Just tell us, 'Jeremy', if you have been vaccinated or not.

I'm not really sure Jeremy Corbyn telling the world he's had a vaccine is useful, like who cares? Him telling people is not going to influence people to get it.

He has openly made statements about the importance of vaccinating the world, the need for vaccines to be not-for-profit, and has actively encouraged people, young and old, to take the vaccine. I don't recall any other politicians doing anything other than showing a picture of them getting a jab and telling people to "get it done" - but (the non-whacky) Corbyn seems to be the one with the spotlight? Very odd.

Most of us have got pretty 'loose' with personal medical information because of Covid when usually we'd keep this all private if we're honest.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 12:07:03 pm by RainbowFlick »

Offline Alan_X

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60804 on: August 1, 2021, 12:10:22 pm »
Do you have a link to the thread, Alan?

My mind was playing tricks - I didn't start it. The OP actually said "...there is nothing more dangerous than someone who is not a conspiracy theorist..."

This was my response to the OP

I agree with the title.

A conspiracy theorist isn't someone who is willing to question their government. It's someone who is so gullible they will believe any old shite if it's presented in the right way - usually with the most limited of evidence.

In fact the more limited and circumstantial the evidence the better. Vague flashes, puffs of smoke, odd shadows, cod science, snatches of conversation taken out of context and most importantly coincidence are the staple "evidence" for conspiracy theories. Whereas any scientific study by experts in their field or government and independent reports can be immediately dismissed or seen as proof of the depth of the conspiracy.

Humans naturally seek explanations. Conspiracy theories are about simplistic all-encompassing explanations of things like assassinations and disasters which go against natural justice. Something as devastating and horrific as 9/11 couldn't possibly be caused by 19 Arabs could it? It's too immense and requires an appropriately immense explanation. Conspiracy theories invariably start with a supposition or an explanation, then look for evidence to support it.

The reason they're so dangerous is that they base their world view on prejudice and a willingness to accept blatant propaganda without question.

I know that governments lie to us sometimes, but they don't lie all the time.
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Offline Jiminy Cricket

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60805 on: August 1, 2021, 12:13:53 pm »
I'm not really sure Jeremy Corbyn telling the world he's had a vaccine is useful, like who cares? Him telling people is not going to influence people to get it.

He has openly made statements about the importance of vaccinating the world, the need for vaccines to be not-for-profit, and has actively encouraged people, young and old, to take the vaccine. I don't recall any other politicians doing anything other than showing a picture of them getting a jab and telling people to "get it done".

Most of us have got pretty 'loose' with personal medical information because of Covid when usually we'd keep this all private.
I just find it weird that a politician (any politician) would wish to keep their vaccination status a secret. Anyone who carries any influence with any group of people should do what they can to encourage take up of vaccines - this includes taking up and announcing their own use of vaccination. However, in J Corbyn's case, it seems that he probably has not taken up the vaccine, so it probably is better that he keep schtum.

Having said all that, you will note from the edit in my last post that my comments were informed by the statement from WhereAngelsPlay that Corbyn had only recently turned vegan - I speculated as to why he might have done this. But this seems to be untrue - from what I subsequently read, he has been a vegan for 50 years.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 12:16:21 pm by Jiminy Cricket »
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60806 on: August 1, 2021, 12:15:05 pm »
My mind was playing tricks - I didn't start it. The OP actually said "...there is nothing more dangerous than someone who is not a conspiracy theorist..."

This was my response to the OP
Thanks, Alan. :)
would rather have a wank wearing a barb wire glove
If you're chasing thrills, try a bit of auto-asphyxiation with a poppers-soaked orange in your gob.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60807 on: August 1, 2021, 12:33:39 pm »
He passed away this morning. He was double jabbed but he tried his best to fight off this virus. He died gasping for air. RIP grandad.

Get the vaccine please.

So sorry for yours and your families' loss.

I went passed a load of these anti-vax c*nts on my walks down here today, and after the last few months - and especially last weekend when that so-called nurse, compared our NHS heroes to the Nazis who carried out war crimes and experiments during WWII - and has still not been arrested as far as I can see - my patience just ran out.

Went up to some of these anti-vax shitheads with their posters of supposed facts on coloured papers - and screamed SCUM at them.

Of course I was masked up and well more than 2 metres from them - don't want to ingest any of that poison that comes out of their gobs. c*nts.

They have been absurdly vocal on social media and in the press. Its about time we were too.

Enough Is Enough.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 12:36:39 pm by Commie Bobbie »
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Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60808 on: August 1, 2021, 12:40:53 pm »
I just find it weird that a politician (any politician) would wish to keep their vaccination status a secret. Anyone who carries any influence with any group of people should do what they can to encourage take up of vaccines - this includes taking up and announcing their own use of vaccination. However, in J Corbyn's case, it seems that he probably has not taken up the vaccine, so it probably is better that he keep schtum.

Having said all that, you will note from the edit in my last post that my comments were informed by the statement from WhereAngelsPlay that Corbyn had only recently turned vegan - I speculated as to why he might have done this. But this seems to be untrue - from what I subsequently read, he has been a vegan for 50 years.

I think promoting the actual vaccine is infinitely more useful than just saying you've had it done (which anyone could say, but may not be true, in any case).

Priti Patel, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson et al just had a photoshoot with a needle in their arm but that was the extent of their 'activism' for promoting the vaccine. It is not going to sway anyone without any further substance. They are politicians, not Molly-Mae, besides most of the Socialist left that support Corbyn probably didn't need convincing anyway. If people do need swaying by random politicians, then that's a failure in government itself.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 12:43:26 pm by RainbowFlick »

Offline Welshred

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60809 on: August 1, 2021, 12:43:13 pm »
You really think that all Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has done to promote the vaccine is have a photo-op of him having received it and that Corbyn has done more than him?

Offline Jiminy Cricket

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60810 on: August 1, 2021, 12:44:15 pm »
I think promoting the actual vaccine is infinitely more useful than just saying you've had it done (which anyone could say, but may not be true, in any case).

Priti Patel, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson et al just had a photoshoot with a needle in their arm but that was the extent of their 'activism' for promoting the vaccine. It is not going to sway anyone without any further substance. They are politicians, not Molly-Mae, besides most of the Socialist left that support Corbyn probably didn't need convincing anyway.
I think, maybe, you should reread my original post and within the context of the discussion.
would rather have a wank wearing a barb wire glove
If you're chasing thrills, try a bit of auto-asphyxiation with a poppers-soaked orange in your gob.

Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60811 on: August 1, 2021, 12:44:18 pm »
You really think that all Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has done to promote the vaccine is have a photo-op of him having received it?

Besides mumbling on press conferences and sending pitifully low doses (by %) to other countries what has he done?

Note: I said activism.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60812 on: August 1, 2021, 12:46:03 pm »
Besides mumbling on press conferences and sending pitifully low doses (by %) to other countries what has he done?

"mumbling on press conferences" and thinking all he did was have a photo-op of him taking is a pretty myopic view, especially when you're praising Corbyn for just putting out a few tweets of it. The vaccine has been promoted extensively during the press conferences.

Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60813 on: August 1, 2021, 12:48:33 pm »
"mumbling on press conferences" and thinking all he did was have a photo-op of him taking is a pretty myopic view, especially when you're praising Corbyn for just putting out a few tweets of it. The vaccine has been promoted extensively during the press conferences.

vote for him then

he is literally Prime Minister and Corbyn is now a nobody other than living rent free in peoples' heads.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60814 on: August 1, 2021, 12:57:11 pm »
vote for him then

he is literally Prime Minister and Corbyn is now a nobody other than living rent free in peoples' heads.

I'd rather not...I'd rather vote for a Labour leader who actually stands a chance instead of someone who alienated everyone except his base.

The vaccine strategy is literally the only thing the government have got right throughout the whole process, there's no harm in saying that, yet its incredibly myopic of the far left like you to continue to criticise just for the sake of criticising.

I'll ask again though, do you genuinely believe Corbyn has done more to promote the vaccines than the government?

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60815 on: August 1, 2021, 01:00:55 pm »
With the algorithms on social media an individual may click on something that appeals to their beliefs/prejudices and it’s down the rabbit hole they go, deeper and deeper with every click.  Then their understanding is apparently substantiated in ‘real life’ by grifters such as Piers Corbyn.

I get the algorithm stuff and how you can end up in a bubble on social media. But all those people are adults. They know how to set up a Facebook account. They know how to get an email address. Then they should know how to use the Google machine and maybe check whether what they read on Facebook is actually true. That's the ironic thing in all of this. All those conspiracy idiots claim to be the only ones seeing the truth because everyone else just believes what the government, big pharma or the "establishment" tells them. Yet, they themselves just lap up what some c*nt on Facebook or YouTube tells them without checking other sources. I just can't feel sorry for those people when they base life or death decisions on stuff they hear from some guy on Facebook. You're a grown up and you need to take responsibility for your decisions.

It's the same with Brexit. James O'Brien came up with this whole "Contempt for the conmen compassion for the conned". Fuck that. Voting is not just a right it's also a responsibility. The information was out there and it was clear that Brexit would fuck the country with only a few minuscule positives. If you can't be arsed to look at that information you should not vote.

But it's probably just the way it is nowadays. People want to be involved in every decision, but at the same time they can't be arsed to do their own research and actually look at the facts themselves. And then when things go tits up they're looking for someone to blame, because clearly it's impossible that they themselves have fucked up.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60816 on: August 1, 2021, 01:01:25 pm »
I'd rather not...I'd rather vote for a Labour leader who actually stands a chance instead of someone who alienated everyone except his base.

The vaccine strategy is literally the only thing the government have got right throughout the whole process, there's no harm in saying that, yet its incredibly myopic of the far left like you to continue to criticise just for the sake of criticising.

I'll ask again though, do you genuinely believe Corbyn has done more to promote the vaccines than the government?

My point was that these MPs that *just* took pictures for press points is not as valuable as someone focusing on bigger issues: the need to vaccinate the world and not to make it a for-profit industry. Boris was a bad example virtue of his role as Prime Minister, he has to promote the vaccine and as a result of good science around him, have done a good job.

But that's the extent of Boris's activism. He's not focused on issues of profiteering or the lack of vaccines to the global south.

also lol @ far left. Corbyn was hardly far left.
« Last Edit: August 1, 2021, 01:04:36 pm by RainbowFlick »

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60817 on: August 1, 2021, 01:07:23 pm »
My point was that these MPs that *just* took pictures for press points is not as valuable as someone focusing on bigger issues: the need to vaccinate the world and not to make it a for-profit industry. Boris was a bad example virtue of his role as Prime Minister, he has to promote the vaccine and as a result of good science around him, have done a good job.

But that's the extent of Boris's activism. He's not focused on issues of profiteering or the lack of vaccines to the global south.

also lol @ far left. Corbyn was hardly far left.
Not that it matters any more, but fir the average person in the street,  corbyn was absolutely far left.  And at the end of the day, that’s what matters,
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60818 on: August 1, 2021, 01:17:28 pm »
Pfizer have increased the the price of their vaccine by €4 a dose, and Moderna €6, that’s 25% and 33% respectively for the EU, hopefully that’s not a sign of things to come for other customers who are less able to afford them.
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Offline RainbowFlick

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60819 on: August 1, 2021, 01:21:53 pm »
Pfizer have increased the the price of their vaccine by €4 a dose, and Moderna €6, that’s 25% and 33% respectively for the EU, hopefully that’s not a sign of things to come for other customers who are less able to afford them.

Novavax which is meant to be cheaper has somewhat stalled too, definitely a worry that they'll hike up their prices.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60820 on: August 1, 2021, 01:32:47 pm »
Has anyone had kids at nursery that have been asked to isolate as a close contact? If so, were you still expected to pay for their days off?

Fully understand the need to isolate, but what I find batshit crazy is that her sister, who goes to the same nursery, can still go in, which I think is just asking for a never ending cycle of outbreaks. Think we will take them both out though.
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Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60821 on: August 1, 2021, 02:02:07 pm »
Sister in law works at a nursery, she's been told to isolate as one of the babies she looks after has tested positive. She's not long gone back to work after having to isolate because her son had covid. She's taking regular lateral flow tests, had a PCR when her lad was positive, has never tested positive herself and is double jabbed.

They need to sort this out, she doesn't qualify for any payments, yet will have lost about 15 days wages due to having to isolate.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60822 on: August 1, 2021, 02:18:44 pm »
He passed away this morning. He was double jabbed but he tried his best to fight off this virus. He died gasping for air. RIP grandad.

Get the vaccine please.
Sorry this is late.......but, very sad to hear that. Condolences to you and your family.

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60823 on: August 1, 2021, 02:33:35 pm »
Sister in law works at a nursery, she's been told to isolate as one of the babies she looks after has tested positive. She's not long gone back to work after having to isolate because her son had covid. She's taking regular lateral flow tests, had a PCR when her lad was positive, has never tested positive herself and is double jabbed.

They need to sort this out, she doesn't qualify for any payments, yet will have lost about 15 days wages due to having to isolate.

Rob is there anyone in your family who isn't consistently being told to isolate for one reason or another? ;D

Offline rob1966

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60824 on: August 1, 2021, 02:35:40 pm »
Rob is there anyone in your family who isn't consistently being told to isolate for one reason or another? ;D


Not at the minute no
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60825 on: August 1, 2021, 03:19:41 pm »
They’re struggling vaccine wise more than we are. Ours seems more age related, there’s is more red or blue.

Yep. Exhibit A: Florida. 21,683 new cases yesterday. About one-fifth of all new cases yesterday in the U.S. were from Florida

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60826 on: August 1, 2021, 03:20:55 pm »
He passed away this morning. He was double jabbed but he tried his best to fight off this virus. He died gasping for air. RIP grandad.

Get the vaccine please.

Sorry for your loss mate. RIP

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60827 on: August 1, 2021, 04:25:28 pm »
Has anyone had kids at nursery that have been asked to isolate as a close contact? If so, were you still expected to pay for their days off?

Fully understand the need to isolate, but what I find batshit crazy is that her sister, who goes to the same nursery, can still go in, which I think is just asking for a never ending cycle of outbreaks. Think we will take them both out though.

So when my daughters nursery closed for a week because they had a positive case, they gave us a free week the following month.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60828 on: August 1, 2021, 04:27:44 pm »
Novavax which is meant to be cheaper has somewhat stalled too, definitely a worry that they'll hike up their prices.

With so many of the viral vector vaccine (AZ, J&J, Sputnik, Sinovac) having problems and so some reluctance to use them, Pfizer and Moderna probably feel they can get away with it.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60829 on: August 1, 2021, 04:33:33 pm »
With so many of the viral vector vaccine (AZ, J&J, Sputnik, Sinovac) having problems and so some reluctance to use them, Pfizer and Moderna probably feel they can get away with it.
Problems?  Turns out the rate of blood clots is no higher than the mRNA vaccines (if the Lancet paper is right)
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60830 on: August 1, 2021, 05:49:57 pm »
Problems?  Turns out the rate of blood clots is no higher than the mRNA vaccines (if the Lancet paper is right)
It's the specific kind of clot it causes that is the problem I thought?

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60831 on: August 1, 2021, 05:52:07 pm »
It's the specific kind of clot it causes that is the problem I thought?
I think it turns out not to be statistically significant
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60832 on: August 1, 2021, 05:55:28 pm »
While I think it's fairly common for people to think that anti-vaxxers are completely dickheads, I've been watching a few videos and articles on the US unvaccinated and I have to say I do feel really sorry for them.

They've been massively lied to and manipulated and some of them are being interviewed on their deathbeds and are so desperate to have a chance to live and to go back and change their decisions.

It's tragic, but how many of them will be back watching Fox News again and fall down the same rabbit holes? Look at Boris. We're led to believe he was at deaths door last spring with Covid (he was at least in intensive care as a precaution and had a nasty bout of Covid). Yet months later Cummings quotes him as saying 'let the bodies pile high in their thousands' and 'we should never have locked down'. Therefore they're at best highly manipulated and at worst they are 'complete dickheads', even if they're humbled now in their hospital beds.

The media manipulation is very powerful. Even to the PM.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60833 on: August 1, 2021, 06:36:13 pm »
Problems?  Turns out the rate of blood clots is no higher than the mRNA vaccines (if the Lancet paper is right)

I was referring more to the bad publicity in general, the Sputnik one had issues with the viral vector being able to reproduce, the Sinovac one has in some studies produced quite questionable results etc
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60834 on: August 1, 2021, 07:38:10 pm »
I was referring more to the bad publicity in general, the Sputnik one had issues with the viral vector being able to reproduce, the Sinovac one has in some studies produced quite questionable results etc
Oh ok!
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60835 on: August 1, 2021, 07:48:42 pm »
According to the Times, everyone who’s getting a booster is getting a shot of Pfizer regardless of what they had for their first two doses.
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60836 on: August 1, 2021, 07:49:28 pm »
According to the Times, everyone who’s getting a booster is getting a shot of Pfizer regardless of what they had for their first two doses.
Mixing doses is good. It gives you a wider variety of immunity
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60837 on: August 1, 2021, 07:51:09 pm »
Slightly terrifying that Hamilton says he is still suffering from the effects of covid.  Bloody hell
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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60838 on: August 1, 2021, 07:58:10 pm »
According to the Times, everyone who’s getting a booster is getting a shot of Pfizer regardless of what they had for their first two doses.

Finally getting my Pfizer haha

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Re: COVID-19:VERIFIED news sources, 0 politishit, 0 CONSPIRACY SHITE
« Reply #60839 on: August 1, 2021, 08:13:00 pm »
Finally getting my Pfizer haha

Yup, my thoughts exactly!
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