Author Topic: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ  (Read 25482 times)

Online BarryCrocker

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #280 on: March 21, 2019, 05:04:47 am »
Back on topic and with swift and decisive action.

New Zealand makes sweeping changes to country’s gun laws

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced sweeping changes to the country’s gun laws in the wake of Friday’s attack.

New Zealanders owning newly banned guns will have to surrender them to police in a buyback scheme similar to the one Australia introduced after the Port Arthur massacre.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced sweeping changes to New Zealand’s gun laws this afternoon.

All military-style weapons, all semi-automatic weapons and all devices that allow a firearm to generate semi-automatic, automatic or close to automatic gunfire will be banned effective immediately.

Ms Ardern said the buyback could cost the New Zealand government $200 million. She said changes to gun laws in New Zealand in 1983 and again in 1999, 2005 and 2012 “did not go far enough”.

“What we are banning today are the things that were used in last Friday’s attack,” Ms Ardern said.

“We must make (changes) to prevent an act of terror happening in our country ever again.”

The Prime Minister said she would look to Australia for guidance, while outlining new details about the weapons used by the man responsible for Friday’s attack.

“The attacker on March 15 took a significant number of lives using primarily two weapons,” she said.

“They were assault rifles and they were purchased legally on an A category gun licence — the standard licence held by gun owners in New Zealand.

“The capacity of these assault rifles was then enhanced using 30-plus round magazines, essentially turning them into military-style semi-automatic weapons.

“While the modification of these guns was illegal, it was done easily through a simple online purchase.”

Ms Ardern said her government would be “taking out of circulation both the guns that can be modified in that way easily, and that are designed to essentially take lives”.

The legislation to make way for the changes is in the draft stage, Ms Ardern said, and would be introduced under urgency.

She said she strongly believed there would be a common view amongst New Zealanders — including “those who use guns for legitimate purposes and those who have never touched one” — that the time for mass availability of semi-automatic and military-style weapons must end.

The response to the sweeping changes on social media was immediate and almost entirely positive.

Addressing the media after Ms Ardern’s announcement, New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush stressed those in possession of the newly-banned firearms now hold them illegally.

“The detail means that people who were — prior to 3pm — lawfully in possession of firearms such as semi-automatic assault rifles are no longer lawfully in possession of these firearms due to the change in categorisation,” he said.

Police believe there are at least 250,000 firearm holders in New Zealand. The first point of call for people who are still in possession of the now-restricted firearms will be to encourage them to hand them in voluntarily.

“Will then be working with people to ascertain if they haven’t complied and once that period of grace or amnesty goes those people can, and in all likelihood will be prosecuted,” he said.

The Police Commissioner could not yet confirm whether police had followed proper procedure in granting a firearm licence to the gunman, saying it remained “a very important phase of our investigation”.

“Part of that phase looks at the vetting process that has been tasked to our investigators,” he said. “When we know the detail we will share it.”

It is not yet known for how much longer the country will maintain its high terror threat status.
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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #281 on: March 21, 2019, 05:50:54 am »
Wow! Quick, decisive and, hopefully, effective action. Brilliant from NZ government.

Are you watching USA? How many lives have you lost because you haven't had the guts to do this? How many more will have to die, and how many school massacres take place before you finally do? And fuck you NRA!

Nobody needs such weapons of mass slaughter. It's entirely right to ban them. I just wish their very manufacture could be banned.
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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #283 on: March 21, 2019, 09:27:42 am »
Is it me of is this thread veering dangerously off topic?


Kill the humourless.

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #284 on: March 21, 2019, 01:41:07 pm »
The solidarity and actions of both politicians and people from New Zealand has really increased my respect for them. Something Australia, Britain and US can definitely learn from

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #285 on: March 21, 2019, 02:35:18 pm »
Fully appreciate the work of Jacinda Ardern in the last few days. Excellent leadership. But I find it sad that the bar has been lowered so much that this seems to be so praiseworthy. Especially given that she ran and won an election on an anti-immigration platform where she blamed immigrants for the housing crisis in NZ (a horriblly divisive trope that many assholes in the West have used - "breaking point" anyone?)
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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #286 on: March 21, 2019, 03:47:18 pm »
Of the two anti-terror initiatives that Ardern has championed (deny infamy, ban assault weapons), imo the most effective, cheapest and least offensive to virtually everyone, has been forgotten.

Kill the humourless.

Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #287 on: March 21, 2019, 05:04:58 pm »
Fully appreciate the work of Jacinda Ardern in the last few days. Excellent leadership. But I find it sad that the bar has been lowered so much that this seems to be so praiseworthy. Especially given that she ran and won an election on an anti-immigration platform where she blamed immigrants for the housing crisis in NZ (a horriblly divisive trope that many assholes in the West have used - "breaking point" anyone?)
Did she really? How disappointing.

As I said earlier I am ignorant about her politics and record before this incident. I wonder if there are any truly decent politicians in this world?
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Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #288 on: March 21, 2019, 05:07:00 pm »
Drip drip drip, it will continue

What a good thing we don't have assult rifles freely available to all in the UK
"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it."
Samuel (not Glen) Johnson, as reported by James (not Joey) Boswell. They must have foreseen RAWK ;D

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #289 on: March 21, 2019, 05:14:20 pm »
Of the two anti-terror initiatives that Ardern has championed (deny infamy, ban assault weapons), imo the most effective, cheapest and least offensive to virtually everyone, has been forgotten.


? Go on then

Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #290 on: March 21, 2019, 05:17:29 pm »
? Go on then
They mean the no notoriety/deny infamy pledge. And it's a fair point. Loads of articles reporting Ardern's refusal to name the killer, all name the killer in the next paragraph
"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it."
Samuel (not Glen) Johnson, as reported by James (not Joey) Boswell. They must have foreseen RAWK ;D

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #291 on: March 21, 2019, 05:26:51 pm »
Drip drip drip, it will continue

What a good thing we don't have assult rifles freely available to all in the UK

If they wanted to take lives, they would have no problem finding a way to achieve it.
Jurgen YNWA

Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #292 on: March 21, 2019, 05:32:58 pm »
If they wanted to take lives, they would have no problem finding a way to achieve it.
True enough, and it only takes one...

But every imprediment reduces the number of potential perpetrators
"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it."
Samuel (not Glen) Johnson, as reported by James (not Joey) Boswell. They must have foreseen RAWK ;D

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #293 on: March 21, 2019, 06:32:29 pm »
The case for denying mass killers fame in order to fight the deadly 'contagion effect'
Matt Kwong ·
CBC News ·
Posted: Mar 20, 2019 4:00 AM ET

The gunman in the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre idolized the Columbine High School killers who became household names in 1999. The murderer who opened fire in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University in 2008 had studied the Virginia Tech and Columbine killings. The 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter "obsessed" over Columbine, analyzed the Aurora, Colo., movie theatre shooting, and even built a spreadsheet tallying the number of kills by mass murderers.

In Canada, the Quebec City mosque shooter who killed six worshippers in 2017 had an interest in the gunman who murdered 14 women at ÉcolePolytechnique in 1989, and searched YouTube for videos about the Polytechnique massacre.

Then, last week, mass murder came to New Zealand. A gunman killed and wounded dozens of worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch. Once again, a suspect charged now with murder had allegedly made reference to infamous killers, in this case painting their names, including that of the Quebec City mosque shooter, on his weapons and equipment. The Australian-born suspect allegedly took at least 50 lives.

Now, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern wants to take something from him: She will do all she can to deny him his fame.

"He sought so many things from his act of terror, but one was notoriety," Ardern told Parliament on Tuesday. "And that is why you will never hear me mention his name. He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist. But he will, when I speak, be nameless."

New Zealanders "will give him nothing, not even his name," Ardern vowed.

Her remarks — imploring the public to remember the names of the people who died, not the alleged perpetrator — drew praise from researchers who warn of a "contagion effect" that can result from publicizing the identities of fame-seeking mass murderers.

They argue little, if any, journalistic value is lost when such information is withheld, aside from a search term, but the potential harm of fixating on alleged killers' backgrounds can be deadly.

New Zealand PM vows to deny accused mosque gunman notoriety he seeks

Anti-Muslim immigration sentiment is less prevalent in New Zealand than in Europe
"Making mass shooters famous increases the risk that they'll become role models who are worshipped by future copycat attackers," said University of Alabama associate criminology professor Adam Lankford. "We've seen many tragic examples of this type of copycat influence in the past."

Fame-seeking killers
Lankford analyzed the writings and declarations of mass shooters around the world between 1966 and 2015. He found that in 24 such cases, perpetrators mentioned fame and media coverage as key motivators for carrying out the killings.

"I'll see you on National T.v. [sic]," wrote the gunman who in 2011 killed six people and wounded 13 others, including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, during a congressional outreach event outside a Tucson supermarket.

"When you see me on the news, you'll know who I am," the 19-year-old accused in last year's mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., said in a chilling video.

Police name dozens of New Zealand mosque massacre victims
CBC IN NEW ZEALAND'It might be us now, but it could be you tomorrow': Survivors reckon with deadly mosque shootings
The Aurora theatre gunman told a psychiatrist he "felt he couldn't make [a] mark on the world with science, but could become famous by blowing up people."

Last Friday, a 17-minute video that showed part of the massacre in Christchurch, and appeared to be recorded with a camera on the shooter's helmet, was streamed on Facebook Live. That's precisely the kind of media-driven narcissism that Katherine Reed, an editor and associate professor at the Missouri School of Journalism who teaches a course on covering traumatic events, believes such killers are seeking. The myth-building can be enticing for would-be murderers.

"They're seeking to become more famous than the previous mass killer. To make their killings more sensational," she said.

That's why the activist group No Notoriety has sought to convince media outlets to resist profiling mass shooters. The organization aims to reduce the risk that information about killers will inspire other potential fame-seeking killers.

The movement's co-founder, Thomas Teves, lost his 24-year-old son, Alex, when the Aurora gunman opened fire on an audience at a midnight movie screening in 2012. His son died shielding his girlfriend, who survived the massacre.

"These killers are motivated by other killers," Teves said. "It goes on and on."

Viral mosque shooting video raises questions about social media firms' responsibilities
PM condemns hateful, 'toxic segments' of society after New Zealand shooting
The onslaught of coverage about killers can be "rewarding" to perpetrators keen to see themselves as anti-heroes, said Jaclyn Schildkraut, an expert on mass shootings and an associate professor of criminal justice at the State University of New York at Oswego.

"In a proverbial light, it's signalling to other individuals contemplating carrying out a similar attack that if they do something similar, or potentially more lethal, they could get the same attention," she said.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with Texas State University, has promoted the Don't Name Them campaign to deny mass shooters validation for their actions and try to prevent copycats.

Some advocates for No Notoriety believe rebroadcasting and reprinting the names of mass killers can re-victimize survivors and their families. For Teves, the pain never goes away.

"The mention of this individual's name is not impactful to me," he said. "What's impactful to me is if that gets somebody who's sitting in his mommy's basement, who doesn't do anything in his life of any value, to sneak into a mosque or a school and start shooting it up."

New Zealand PM promises tighter gun laws within 10 days

He listed a local TV station, Denver 9, as well as CNN's Anderson Cooper — though notably not the network itself — as examples of media voices that have committed to the No Notoriety campaign not to name mass killers.

Media's role
CBC News is not among those media outlets. Paul Hambleton, CBC's director of journalism standards and practices, says that CBC tries to balance the responsibility to not glorify acts of violence and their perpetrators against the journalistic obligation to accurately report the facts as we learn them and help the audience understand news events and the context and motivations behind them.

"It is not our role to filter or purposefully withhold information of this nature," he said. "This would lead to unfounded speculation in the absence of information. Our reporting on the shooter is framed around what we believe the public needs to know to help make sense of the horrific nature of the massacre. But no more than that."

The editor in chief of South Florida's Sun Sentinel newspaper, Julie Anderson, acknowledged she gave little thought to the contagion effect before she noticed reader complaints requesting that the paper stop publishing so many details about the suspected gunman in the Stoneman Douglas high school shooting.

Then she learned the accused killer was receiving stacks of fan mail, including love letters from teen girls.

"I thought, 'That's weird. Maybe this does have something to do with all the coverage,'" Anderson told the Columbia Journalism Review in a story published last August.

For his part, Teves, the founder of No Notoriety, isn't opposed to mentioning any suspect or killer's name, especially if the perpetrator remains at large. Nor does he necessarily object to seeing photos of them published.

"But if you want to show a picture, show them in chains," he said. "Don't show pictures he's staged himself holding an AR-15."

There's nothing admirable or brave about such imagery, Teves said.

"You know what brave is? What my son did — throwing his body over his girlfriend's so she could live. That's what a true hero is."

The media won't adopt this policy without big pressure because fear>rating$.

Any Internet Terrorists up for another fight for summat bigger than Hicks and Gillette?

Kill the humourless.

Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #294 on: March 22, 2019, 01:06:38 am »
I'm in favour of the No Noteriety campaign and have taken it on. More info on what we as individuals can do here:
"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it."
Samuel (not Glen) Johnson, as reported by James (not Joey) Boswell. They must have foreseen RAWK ;D

Offline Ghost Town

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #295 on: March 22, 2019, 01:08:36 am »

"Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it."
Samuel (not Glen) Johnson, as reported by James (not Joey) Boswell. They must have foreseen RAWK ;D

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #296 on: March 22, 2019, 01:10:46 am »
Wow! Quick, decisive and, hopefully, effective action. Brilliant from NZ government.

Are you watching USA? How many lives have you lost because you haven't had the guts to do this? How many more will have to die, and how many school massacres take place before you finally do? And fuck you NRA!

Nobody needs such weapons of mass slaughter. It's entirely right to ban them. I just wish their very manufacture could be banned.

Its not about lacking guts its' about money. It's a huge business[guns] and effectively those who are influenced by the NRA, are more concerned about the money than people's lives.

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #297 on: March 22, 2019, 04:38:29 am »
If they wanted to take lives, they would have no problem finding a way to achieve it.

Said the NRA after every mass shooting, while countries that ban (semi-)automatics enjoy huge reduction in massacre frequency and severity.

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #298 on: March 27, 2019, 01:40:58 pm »
Reuters Top News@Reuters
JUST IN: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says we can now confirm that there was financial support and so a connection between the New Zealand attacker and identitarian movement in Austria

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #299 on: March 27, 2019, 01:57:53 pm »
Reuters Top News@Reuters
JUST IN: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says we can now confirm that there was financial support and so a connection between the New Zealand attacker and identitarian movement in Austria

Kurz throwing his colleagues under the bus.

Offline GreatEx

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #300 on: March 27, 2019, 08:11:36 pm »
Please destroy them utterly.

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #301 on: June 18, 2019, 01:36:56 pm »
Looks like NZ has begun rightly punishing those who shared the livestream video

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #302 on: June 18, 2019, 01:49:09 pm »
Looks like NZ has begun rightly punishing those who shared the livestream video

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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #303 on: August 27, 2020, 03:44:35 am »
The vile shitbag who perpetrated this act of mass murder has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. This is the first time ever that this severity of sentence has been imposed in New Zealand.

Over the past four days, 91 victim statements have been read out in court. Those reported on the news have been beyond harrowing, but many who spoke have reported that by doing so, they have felt a weight lifted. Now the murderer will disappear into obscurity until maybe in 60 odd years time, a footnote will be published saying that his ashes have been thrown into a landfill somewhere.
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Re: Mass shooting in Christchurch NZ
« Reply #304 on: August 27, 2020, 06:05:42 am »
The only possible outcome; good to know he will never taste freedom again. Hope he has a long, lonely and miserable life.