
RAWK and Brexit

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Author Topic: Brexit: "Vultus inanis est et mori in fossa ego sum!"  (Read 1471820 times)

Offline classycarra

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28000 on: September 11, 2019, 12:37:10 am »
who knows how many they did to get the ones they used to fit the News Story they want to tell

And yet, you continue to post shite from sqwawkbox. Presumbaly because it fits what you want to be told?

Online Ghost Town

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28001 on: September 11, 2019, 12:40:52 am »
I’m confused as to why people are surprised by this. If your going to have a second Referendum Leave has to be an option, your can’t have the choice between Remain and Remain.
That's not the point - at least not mine. The point is that it had started looking like while offering a referendum Labour would campaign for Remain - McDonnell, Starmer, Abbott, Thornberry and others have all started saying this and coalesced around the idea and there was a lot of talk that Corbyn could be persuaded. This would not only be preferable in itself for us but also would make cooperation with the Lib Dems and the rest of the Remain opposition smoother and more fruitful.

The slight worry after the TULO endorsement is that Labour may continue to be equivocal after all, or even campaign for their own version of Leave. That's all.

It's just a possible sign that Starmer et al may not get their way. But there's a long way to go still so who knows.

In addition there's the question of which would achieve a better outcome for Remainers: Remain vs Labour Leave or Remain vs No Plan?

Your mileage will very, some feel having No Plan on the referendum will concentrate minds and force a massive Remain vote. Others feel having it there is too risky and the alternative should be some kind of softer deal.

There are pros and cons to both viewpoints
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 12:45:39 am by Ghost Town »
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Offline Banquo's Ghost

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28002 on: September 11, 2019, 01:31:39 am »
If Labour is going to take a position on a 'credible option to leave" then they have to explain in detail what that means.

They then need to demonstrate that it has a chance of being ratified by the EU and will pass Parliament.

It is difficult to see what this 'credible option' might be. We know already that whatever it is (let's assume that such an option exists in Corbyn's mind and isn't just more magical thinking that miraculously enables a fundamentally divided electorate to deliver both Leave and Remain votes to the most unpopular Leader of the Opposition in living memory) it is worse economically than Remain.

Following which, under current policy, this miracle will have to be put to the people in a simple enough format for them to understand. (The problem with any second referendum, as the thread demonstrates, is that no Leave option past No Deal is going to be understood by the voters). Following which Corbyn as either LoTO or Prime Minister is going to have to campaign on it (i.e. make an actual decision other than go on holiday).

Every stage of that invites the simpletons of No Deal to manage a win because No Deal is easy to communicate. And even if that is overcome, the inevitable economic downturn will then belong to Labour and Labour alone.

Alternatively, stand up for Revoke - which is equally easy to communicate - campaign on educating the voter on why (dead simple now) and look forward to either an outright majority or a workable coalition with the LibDems and Greens whilst the Tories disappear into civil war.

The time for a referendum has passed, in my view. It will do nothing but confuse and further polarise, especially with Labour unwilling to come off the fence in the belief they can achieve the simple paradise of Remainers and Leavers joining hands together in sunlit upland pastures of unity and love of Jeremy Corbyn.
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28003 on: September 11, 2019, 06:32:48 am »
The attraction of a referendum for Corbyn is that he doesn't have to campaign for either side and intends to go on holiday during it. There's precedent for it. To be honest, I'd rather he campaigned for 'Leave' if there's a next time. 'Remain' had him last time. Fair's fair.

One good point made in favour of a referendum is that it's a way to overturn the 2016 referendum without allowing such decisions to continue to get loaded into straight manifesto pledges. Tories have form for wanting to overturn referendums via a general election result so it may not be in anyone's interest to start. Not sure where I'm at with that, and it is a very reasonable point, because the ultimate factor is public response and political bandwidth to do it. Opening the Brexit tin of worms again just to please Bill Cash may not look so smart 5 years down the line.

Labour's position of recognising they need a viable alternative on the ballot for a referendum is perfectly logical. Have to be off your tits to think it can be sold to even voters who want to leave the EU. The only way anyone has kept pace with the leave movement is to shout 'harder! faster!' at appropriate moments. I'd say let leave voters decide what they want but they've not agreed with each other over solid proposals in 40 years so fuck that. Mug's game for Labour. Something for bored journalists to write about for a few weeks so there is that.
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28004 on: September 11, 2019, 06:47:40 am »
I get that most people are stupid and the stupid ones should never be allowed to reach an age that wastes their vote or maybe they should never be given a vote to waste but politicians dont make things easy for us.

All this haggling over the last 3yrs, all these debates, an election that made things worse and now they're trying to put us through it all again.

Nothing's changed for the vast majority of the stupid and the old yet somehow a different outcome is expected.

What's that insanity cliche again?

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28005 on: September 11, 2019, 06:58:04 am »
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson Secretly Asked For A Massive Amount Of User Data To Be Tracked. Dominic Cummings Said It’s “TOP PRIORITY”.

Leaked documents show the prime minister’s chief adviser emailed senior officials instructing them: “We must get this stuff finalised ASAP.”

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has secretly ordered the Cabinet Office to turn the government’s public internet service into a platform for “targeted and personalised information” to be gathered in the run-up to Brexit, BuzzFeed News has learned.

In a move that has alarmed Whitehall officials, the prime minister has instructed departments to share data they collect about usage of the GOV.UK portal so that it can feed into preparations for leaving the European Union at the end of next month.

Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s chief adviser, emailed senior officials instructing them to make sure that ministers, department heads, and political aides know that the instruction is “TOP PRIORITY”, according to leaked government documents.

In a personal minute on Aug. 19 to members of the Cabinet’s EU exit operations (“XO”) committee, which is responsible for no-deal preparations, Johnson said centralised data was also necessary to accelerate his ambitions for a digital revolution in public services. The committee includes chancellor Sajid Javid, home secretary Priti Patel, and the minister responsible for no-deal planning, Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove.

“I expect everyone to act immediately to execute the above actions,” Johnson wrote. Any delays were to be reported to his office right away.

Cummings reiterated the urgency of the direction in an email to senior officials on Aug. 28:

    To stress: as per the PM note to all Cabinet and ministers yesterday, please ensure that all ministers, Perm Secs, and spads know that this is TOP PRIORITY.

    We must get this stuff finalised ASAP and there are many interdependencies resting on this happening.

    The PM says a) his office must be informed of anything that will delay the GDS / comms plan by 24 hours and b) CDL will deal with any problems/delays today…

A government spokesperson told BuzzFeed News: “Across the industry, it is normal for organisations to look at how their websites are used to make sure they provide the best possible service.

“Individual government departments currently collect anonymised user data when people use GOV.UK. The Government Digital Service is working on a project to bring this anonymous data together to make sure people can access all the services they need as easily as possible.

“No personal data is collected at any point during the process, and all activity is fully compliant with our legal and ethical obligations.”

However, BuzzFeed News understands that some officials in Whitehall are concerned about such an enormous transfer of data being done at speed, behind closed doors, at a time of national crisis. It is not obvious, one said, how the Cabinet Office having access to all the GOV.UK data from across Whitehall will aid its Brexit preparations.

Privacy campaigners, policy experts, and opposition politicians said the move raised a huge number of legal and ethical questions. Pooling the user data from across government would give GDS a detailed picture of people’s online interactions with government, the privacy experts said, and this should not be done without the public’s knowledge and rigorous checks to ensure that data rights will be protected.

“Secret orders are not the way to handle these complex policies that have generated huge controversies in the past,” Javier Ruiz Diaz, head of policy at the Open Rights Group, told BuzzFeed News. “We need consultation and public debate to build social consensus for any new gathering of personal data, including the appropriate safeguards.”

“Citizens have a right to know how their data is being used,” said Gavin Freeguard, head of transparency and data at the Institute for Government think tank. “Government should be having the debates and discussion about the appropriate use of data in public, with the public, rather than sending secret notes to cabinet committees.”

Labour said it was suspicious of the urgency and timing of the demand, given that it came as Downing Street was preparing for a political showdown over Brexit and potentially a general election.

Tom Watson, Labour’s deputy leader, told BuzzFeed News: “These leaked memos should set off serious alarm bells. How does profiling citizens help with no deal preparation? Why is government prioritising it when we are just six weeks away from Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson’s own Brexit deadline, and why the threat to departments that refuse to comply?”

Watson added: “Given Dominic Cummings’ focus on data science in the Vote Leave campaign this sudden urgent need for big data collection is extremely concerning. We need immediate clarity about how citizens’ data will be protected and assurances that it won’t be misused for party political purposes.”

Cummings, the combative former head of Vote Leave, has a keen understanding of the power of data. The pro-Brexit campaign’s success in the 2016 referendum was partly due to its use of digital technology to target messages.

In a personal blog before entering Downing Street, Cummings mused about the potential for data to disrupt and transform public services: “One of the many ways in which Whitehall and Downing Street should be revolutionised is to integrate physicist-dominated data science in decision making,” he wrote in a post in October 2016.

“There really are vast improvements possible in Government that could save hundreds of billions and avoid many disasters. Leaving the EU also requires the destruction of the normal Whitehall/Downing Street system and the development of new methods. A dysfunctional broken system is hardly likely to achieve the most complex UK government project since beating Nazi Germany…”

GOV.UK is the British government’s public internet platform, providing information about and links to services from passports to pensions. Since the start of this month, it has also been the hub for the government’s publicity campaign to prepare voters and businesses for a no-deal Brexit. The government is running advertisements on Facebook and elsewhere urging people to “Get Ready for Brexit”, directing them to GOV.UK for more information.

At present, usage of GOV.UK is tracked by individual departments, not collected centrally. According to the documents seen by BuzzFeed News, the Cabinet Office’s digital unit, the Government Digital Service (GDS), will add an additional layer of tracking that “will enable GDS to have data for the entire journey of a user as they land on GOV.UK from a Google advert or an email link, read content on GOV.UK, click on a link taking them from GOV.UK to a service and then onwards through the service journey to completion”.

In the personal minute, Johnson told members of the XO committee that GDS had been asked to turn the GOV.UK portal into a “platform to allow targeted and personalised information to be gathered, analysed and fed back actively to support key decision making” in the run-up to Brexit.

Departments needed to send data to GDS and “work in partnership so that it can build a single consolidated view of how citizens interact with Government through GOV.UK”, Johnson said. He told ministers they may need to reallocate digital resources and staff to “work on the central analytics platform being developed by GDS as part of the Insights programme to support Brexit preparations for a period of up to 6 months”.

The prime minister added that better data analytics will be crucial to improving digital delivery of public services in the long run:

    At the heart of that is our approach to UK digital identity, transitioning to a model driven by ubiquitous digital identity standards. There are decisions ahead on how best accelerate convergence onto these standards, including next steps on Verify. XO has tasked GDS with developing — in cooperation with others — a digital identity accelerated implementation plan and I would ask you all to engage in that work urgently.

Verify is the government’s flagship digital identity scheme. It was meant to be used by 25 million people by 2020, but it failed to meet performance targets and its future is now uncertain. A Public Accounts Committee report concluded in May: “People using Verify have been badly served by an onerous system that is not fit for purpose.”

In the short term, Johnson said: “There are also digital identity factors that relate to preparations for 31st October.” He continued:

    There is a desire to develop personalised “account creation” feasability studies pre-31 October which can deliver benefits shortly after. The greater the volume of data structured through personalised ID, the more impact the outcome. Steps that Government can take to increase the volume now whilst continuing to deliver critical services, must be looked at. This includes fully exploiting various current pilots such as use of passport data for identity checking and that new services are meeting an appropriate identity standard that can help not hinder convergence. The accelerated implementation plan can pick this up.

In a separate document seen by BuzzFeed News, departments were told that GDS had been asked to collect data about “key Brexit services” by the end of Aug. 30.

“We have identified a subset of key Brexit services and are already working with those service teams, we are now working to add all other services, including those not related to Brexit,” it said.

Departments were asked to sign a memorandum of understanding setting out the terms of the sharing arrangement and to return it to the Cabinet Office by the end of Sept. 3.

Freeguard, from the Institute for Government, said: “More intelligent and joined up use of data could be a big improvement — for Brexit preparations and elsewhere across government. But doing data in the dark could lead to a loss of public trust and make citizens much more hesitant in allowing their data to be used in future.”

Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28006 on: September 11, 2019, 07:06:40 am »
A bit odd this...

The government should be asking for this data surely?
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28007 on: September 11, 2019, 07:11:06 am »
How the hell does Watson think a ref can take place before a GE there is no way that this government will last the months it will take to have one.

Labour can stop the GE twice to stop a no-deal Brexit next month but people will really turn if they try to put it off for months.

Watson needs to be sacked.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28008 on: September 11, 2019, 07:26:28 am »
Watson needs to be sacked.

Ah, ignoring democracy are we again Trada? Did you see the result of his deselection ballot?

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28009 on: September 11, 2019, 07:32:40 am »
Just seeing the comments over the last few pages on Jeremy Corbyns position and it's strange that there could be any confusion or ambiguity around his position for Brexit.  He's the leader of the opposition facing one of the most significant changes for your country in multiple generations.

Offline TepidT2O

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28010 on: September 11, 2019, 08:07:53 am »
How the hell does Watson think a ref can take place before a GE there is no way that this government will last the months it will take to have one.

Labour can stop the GE twice to stop a no-deal Brexit next month but people will really turn if they try to put it off for months.

Watson needs to be sacked.
He’s right though.
“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28011 on: September 11, 2019, 08:08:15 am »
I get that most people are stupid and the stupid ones should never be allowed to reach an age that wastes their vote or maybe they should never be given a vote to waste but politicians dont make things easy for us.

All this haggling over the last 3yrs, all these debates, an election that made things worse and now they're trying to put us through it all again.

Nothing's changed for the vast majority of the stupid and the old yet somehow a different outcome is expected.

What's that insanity cliche again?

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I suspect it has changed, in that a sizeable portion is intent on a No Deal Brexit because they're vaguely aware that a soft Brexit means taking EU rules without having a say. These people don't want to be pragmatic and compromise, which is what makes the Labour position so perilous - how much of a desire for compromise is there? And is there not an inherent risk in positioning yourself as the middle ground on Brexit while your domestic policy is pretty left of the middle? However, then we have Trada's poll showing that Labour at 30% so maybe I'm reading this wrong. All seems so volatile in any case.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28012 on: September 11, 2019, 08:08:56 am »
Just seeing the comments over the last few pages on Jeremy Corbyns position and it's strange that there could be any confusion or ambiguity around his position for Brexit.  He's the leader of the opposition facing one of the most significant changes for your country in multiple generations.
Yup. Two major problems with this.
First, Labour will have to campaign without a clear position. They will be the only party still sitting on the fence.
Second, if they would somehow win, it's impossible to see how Labour could get a majority in the parliament for any flavour of soft brexit.

That said, there are of course giant problems with the no deal position as well. In contrast to the first impression, "no deal" is not at all a clear position - it's just delaying the final decision in the most painful way. UK will need to have some kind of relationship with EU.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28013 on: September 11, 2019, 08:49:00 am »
Got 5 weeks to kill...

1/ It's time. I'm dropping docs on SCL, Cambridge Analytica & AggregateIQ + others. This is a big subject & people need to be able to find this information.


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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28014 on: September 11, 2019, 09:00:41 am »
In addition there's the question of which would achieve a better outcome for Remainers: Remain vs Labour Leave or Remain vs No Plan?

Your mileage will very, some feel having No Plan on the referendum will concentrate minds and force a massive Remain vote. Others feel having it there is too risky and the alternative should be some kind of softer deal.

There are pros and cons to both viewpoints
Yes and no. I think it would concentrate minds. But the risk will be low. This is because you cannot have 'No-Deal' as an option - you have to actually state a real alternative end position (not 'no end position'). This forces Leavers to state what it is they actually want (not what they don't want). Tricky (for them). ;)
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28015 on: September 11, 2019, 09:00:59 am »
Good to see the government now using public money to fund the no deal propaganda efforts


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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28016 on: September 11, 2019, 09:02:45 am »
If Labour is going to take a position on a 'credible option to leave" then they have to explain in detail what that means.

They then need to demonstrate that it has a chance of being ratified by the EU and will pass Parliament.

It is difficult to see what this 'credible option' might be. We know already that whatever it is (let's assume that such an option exists in Corbyn's mind and isn't just more magical thinking that miraculously enables a fundamentally divided electorate to deliver both Leave and Remain votes to the most unpopular Leader of the Opposition in living memory) it is worse economically than Remain.
It can only mean being a 'vassal state'.
would rather have a wank wearing a barb wire glove
If you're chasing thrills, try a bit of auto-asphyxiation with a poppers-soaked orange in your gob.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28017 on: September 11, 2019, 09:04:19 am »
I suspect it has changed, in that a sizeable portion is intent on a No Deal Brexit because they're vaguely aware that a soft Brexit means taking EU rules without having a say. These people don't want to be pragmatic and compromise, which is what makes the Labour position so perilous - how much of a desire for compromise is there? And is there not an inherent risk in positioning yourself as the middle ground on Brexit while your domestic policy is pretty left of the middle? However, then we have Trada's poll showing that Labour at 30% so maybe I'm reading this wrong. All seems so volatile in any case.
If anything, where I am, the position has hardened towards leaving at any cost therefore the Tories are the ones who'll deliver that.

Nobody is saying or doing anything to chance their minds.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28018 on: September 11, 2019, 09:16:52 am »
Got 5 weeks to kill...

Well. He's up to 252 parts in the thread, and is taking a break before continuing. I am not sure what I (or anyone else) is supposed to do with all that. Who is he? Why the link?
would rather have a wank wearing a barb wire glove
If you're chasing thrills, try a bit of auto-asphyxiation with a poppers-soaked orange in your gob.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28019 on: September 11, 2019, 09:19:07 am »
Good to see the government now using public money to fund the no deal propaganda efforts


The replies are fantastic

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28020 on: September 11, 2019, 09:34:42 am »
The replies are fantastic

Yup, absolutely killing the propaganda tweet with actual facts!

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28021 on: September 11, 2019, 10:08:18 am »
Scottish court has ruled that the prorogation WAS illegal!

Rile-Me costed L. Nee-Naw "The Child" Torrence the first jack the hat-trick since Eon Rush vs Accursed Toffos, many moons passed. Nee-Naw he could have done a concreted his palace in the pantyhose off the LibPole Gods...was not was for the invented intervention of Rile-Me whistler.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28022 on: September 11, 2019, 10:09:07 am »
Scottish court has ruled that the prorogation WAS illegal!

Bit mad that.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28023 on: September 11, 2019, 10:10:56 am »
Scottish court has ruled that the prorogation WAS illegal!

Scotlands highest court as well I guess the Tories will take it to the British high court now.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28024 on: September 11, 2019, 10:14:38 am »
I guess MPs will be asking for the recalling of parliament now.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28025 on: September 11, 2019, 10:27:25 am »
Supreme court to hear on the appeal on this next Tuesday

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28026 on: September 11, 2019, 10:30:12 am »

Liam Young
‏Verified account @liamyoung
28s28 seconds ago

‘The Court has ruled that the Prime Minister’s advice to HM the Queen that the United Kingdom Parliament should be prorogued from a day between 9 and 12 September until 14 October was unlawful because it had the purpose of stymying Parliament’. A damning judgement on Johnson.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28027 on: September 11, 2019, 10:41:50 am »
They’re refusing to publish Yellowhammer documents, which Parliament said they had to do, and they have been found of unlawfully suspending said parliament.  I doubt they are about to recall it.

So what happens now?  Are they just told they’re very naughty and that’s it, or can something actually be done about it?

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28028 on: September 11, 2019, 10:45:59 am »
Scottish court has ruled that the prorogation WAS illegal!
Bloody hell.  We’ll have to wait and see what the written decision says, and then what the Supreme Court does - but going by the way they approached the Miller case, I’d say there’s a fair chance they’ll agree with the Scottish court now.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 11:30:02 am by Iska »

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28029 on: September 11, 2019, 10:46:26 am »
They’re refusing to publish Yellowhammer documents, which Parliament said they had to do, and they have been found of unlawfully suspending said parliament.  I doubt they are about to recall it.

So what happens now?  Are they just told they’re very naughty and that’s it, or can something actually be done about it?

deadline is 11pm tonight so I expect they'll drag it out as far as they can

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28030 on: September 11, 2019, 10:47:39 am »
They’re refusing to publish Yellowhammer documents, which Parliament said they had to do, and they have been found of unlawfully suspending said parliament.  I doubt they are about to recall it.

So what happens now?  Are they just told they’re very naughty and that’s it, or can something actually be done about it?

Indeed. They appear to think themselves above the law.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28031 on: September 11, 2019, 10:52:24 am »
Liam Young
‏Verified account @liamyoung
28s28 seconds ago

‘The Court has ruled that the Prime Minister’s advice to HM the Queen that the United Kingdom Parliament should be prorogued from a day between 9 and 12 September until 14 October was unlawful because it had the purpose of stymying Parliament’. A damning judgement on Johnson.
The terms are indeed damning.  This would be a resignation matter in any other circumstances.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28032 on: September 11, 2019, 10:56:59 am »

Nigel Frottage offers Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson no-deal Brexit election pact

Proposal includes giving Brexit party and Conservatives a free run in 80-90 constituencies

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has been publicly offered a non-aggression pact by Nigel Frottage if he signs up fully to a no-deal departure from the EU and the Conservatives stand aside in more than 80 seats, amid signs the prime minister could be considering softer options for a deal with Brussels.

The Brexit party leader urged the prime minister to strike an agreement to stand jointly in favour of no deal, at a time of increasing speculation that Johnson is revisiting ways of making a version of Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement work.


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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28033 on: September 11, 2019, 10:57:32 am »
Liam Young
‏Verified account @liamyoung
28s28 seconds ago

‘The Court has ruled that the Prime Minister’s advice to HM the Queen that the United Kingdom Parliament should be prorogued from a day between 9 and 12 September until 14 October was unlawful because it had the purpose of stymying Parliament’. A damning judgement on Johnson.

Hopefully, the Supreme court doesn't overturn it.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28034 on: September 11, 2019, 10:58:50 am »
Liam Young
‏Verified account @liamyoung
28s28 seconds ago

‘The Court has ruled that the Prime Minister’s advice to HM the Queen that the United Kingdom Parliament should be prorogued from a day between 9 and 12 September until 14 October was unlawful because it had the purpose of stymying Parliament’. A damning judgement on Johnson.

And we take you live to Tory party HQ

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28035 on: September 11, 2019, 11:09:01 am »

Lewis Goodall
‏Verified account @lewis_goodall

The implications of the case are deeply serious. If upheld, it would imply the prime minister and the government advised the Queen to act unlawfully. Extraordinary.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28036 on: September 11, 2019, 11:09:35 am »
It's hard to think the deadline is in a month and a half, and five weeks of that will be no parliament. Starting to feel rather close now...
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28037 on: September 11, 2019, 11:12:53 am »
It's hard to think the deadline is in a month and a half, and five weeks of that will be no parliament. Starting to feel rather close now...

Labour should have cancelled their conference. Optics and all that.

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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28038 on: September 11, 2019, 11:17:42 am »

Watson needs to be sacked.

Sorry, Trada, but that embarrassing leader of the party needs to be sacked. I can't stand listening to him let alone watching the communist idiot. Labour will never win under this buffoon.
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Re: Brexit - Pealrlimunt to be prorogued as the pro-rogues try to wreck the UK
« Reply #28039 on: September 11, 2019, 11:17:52 am »
Lewis Goodall
‏Verified account @lewis_goodall

The implications of the case are deeply serious. If upheld, it would imply the prime minister and the government advised the Queen to act unlawfully. Extraordinary.
It’s not implying it, it’s expressly saying it.