Author Topic: Lawless Liverpool?  (Read 188983 times)

Offline So… Howard Philips

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #240 on: September 20, 2018, 06:57:38 am »
There always has been and always will be horrible bastards.

Don't give them excuses by blaming society. Society didn't force them to steal the bloke's dig or kick him senseless, those individuals did.

No doubt if they had been caught the weeping and wailing on their behalf would have commenced and no thought given to the victim of their vile behaviour.

And despite the thread title this happens everywhere.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #241 on: September 20, 2018, 09:38:04 am »
There always has been and always will be horrible bastards.

Don't give them excuses by blaming society. Society didn't force them to steal the bloke's dig or kick him senseless, those individuals did.

No doubt if they had been caught the weeping and wailing on their behalf would have commenced and no thought given to the victim of their vile behaviour.

And despite the thread title this happens everywhere.

I admit I used to think in such black and white terms, it's almost like the default position for the human psyche to take - blame the individual. It just makes sense doesn't it? No critical thinking needed, that's just how it is. Whilst I would still give it some validity (it's so fucking hard not to) I do think that the reality is that things are more nuanced.

There's three discourses around anti-social behaviour by a clever fucker called Ruth Levitas. She outlines how to view this sort of behaviour and the one you subscribe to is the Moral Underclass Discourse (MUD) - some people are just 'worse' than others and will continue to be shits regardless and is usually more closely associated with right-wing policy and practically every Daily Mail story - punishment is the best, or only, resolution to crime rather than early intervention - don't give offenders support, just throw the bastards in nick etc.

What you say about "society didn't force them to..." is actually the point that gave me pause for thought (once a professor told me to) because as I say I used to think in those absolute terms myself. If you then direct that phrase towards other anti-social behaviours however - drug use, prostitution etc. it begins to unravel a little. It's pretty much taken for granted now that in those cases its better to give them support rather than to just punish their crimes so why not when it applies to violence or theft? I think the answer is because in the first two instances the 'crime' is generally more passive and the individuals are only directly hurting themselves whereas once you, your mum or your mate are hurt the natural human instinct is for retribution. It stirs up powerful emotions and generally speaking that's the worst state to be in with regards to thinking straight.

Now I'm not saying at all that you, or anyone else, is a neanderthal for thinking in those terms but like any social construction of course there must be grey areas. Here's the kicker you need to ask yourself - was every single one of those lads born to be vicious, aggressive arseholes? For the MUD position you subscribe to to hold true - that it's the individual that's always to blame and they're not products of their upbringing or the society they live in - you need to have the belief that if they were brought up as a single child by a farmer and his wife on a remote Shetland Isle he would still be a vicious, aggressive arsehole going round looking for someone's dog to rob or someone's head to kick in. That's an extreme example of course, but, for me, it just got me thinking about how the "society didn't make him..." is just too simplistic a position to take. I suppose another way to put it is who isn't a product of their society? If you accept that proposal to be true then doesn't that mean that society could do things that could shape an individual's actions? Therefore the MUD discourse comes under severe attack.

Now I know it's unheard of from anyone to change their position on the back of a forum post but I'd be interested to know whether you'd already had the above internal conversation previously (just not in those discourse terms) and still think the same, or if it has made you think any differently. In terms of thinking logically the MUD discourse is pretty much obliterated but then that is without taking into account base human nature and the need for revenge.

All a bit heavy I know, but then it's a heavy thread.

Offline So… Howard Philips

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #242 on: September 20, 2018, 11:17:52 am »
Does the above discourse take the victim into account?

Or are the sociologists and pyschologists remote from those who suffer?

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #243 on: September 20, 2018, 11:57:09 am »
Or are the sociologists and pyschologists remote from those who suffer?


It is their empathy with victims that drives them to find the causes of crime. Victims (which are invariably not random) are key to discovering crime patterns and are therefore always taken into account.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #244 on: September 20, 2018, 02:12:56 pm »
Does the above discourse take the victim into account?

Or are the sociologists and pyschologists remote from those who suffer?

It's exactly as Johnnyboy says - you're framing their studies in the wrong context. Asking a victim how they feel will do precisely fuck all in terms of preventing another attack from happening again. They would receive more benefit from a counsellor than a sociologist.

Ditto, what happens after they're arrested is a matter for the courts not the social scientists.

To not deal with the root cause and only ever be reactionary would be a matter of neglect. Yes, that's scant consolation to my mate back in the hospital but the alternative is to do...nothing?

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #245 on: September 20, 2018, 02:14:08 pm »
From personal experience over 40 odd years with various serious criminals they love all that, psychology, pseudo science, probation services, social services etc. I had my probation officer eating out of my hand when I needed probation reports for court I basically wrote them myself. Most people who get involved in this line of work are really nice people who want to help and they get conned left right and centre.

It is a paper exercise to get PhDs, MScs, etc. as these ideas have been around for years - certainly since I was a kid and would anyone say it has got better ? Education is the key but we have a large (more than the average person would think) underclass in Liverpool and they know exactly how to play the game and see no upside to changing their behaviour. Some have put themselves beyond help and are happy to do so - until they get nicked then we repeat the above scenario.

Offline So… Howard Philips

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #246 on: September 20, 2018, 04:00:02 pm »
From personal experience over 40 odd years with various serious criminals they love all that, psychology, pseudo science, probation services, social services etc. I had my probation officer eating out of my hand when I needed probation reports for court I basically wrote them myself. Most people who get involved in this line of work are really nice people who want to help and they get conned left right and centre.

It is a paper exercise to get PhDs, MScs, etc. as these ideas have been around for years - certainly since I was a kid and would anyone say it has got better ? Education is the key but we have a large (more than the average person would think) underclass in Liverpool and they know exactly how to play the game and see no upside to changing their behaviour. Some have put themselves beyond help and are happy to do so - until they get nicked then we repeat the above scenario.

Spot on. Criminals know how to play the system, particularly the naivety of those who treat life as a form of lab culture.

I was hospitalised as a random victim in 1967 and several other family members since then.

Nothing has changed.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #247 on: September 20, 2018, 04:06:02 pm »
From personal experience over 40 odd years with various serious criminals they love all that, psychology, pseudo science, probation services, social services etc. I had my probation officer eating out of my hand when I needed probation reports for court I basically wrote them myself. Most people who get involved in this line of work are really nice people who want to help and they get conned left right and centre.

It is a paper exercise to get PhDs, MScs, etc. as these ideas have been around for years - certainly since I was a kid and would anyone say it has got better ? Education is the key but we have a large (more than the average person would think) underclass in Liverpool and they know exactly how to play the game and see no upside to changing their behaviour. Some have put themselves beyond help and are happy to do so - until they get nicked then we repeat the above scenario.

You've conflated quite a number of areas of study (and non-study) together there but I understand what you are trying to say. I think we can all see in our minds some right-on guy with Jesus sandals and hessian cardy being given the run around by  local scals with their head screwed on.
The thing is your experiences (which I'm not saying are of no value) are still only anecdotal and I suppose what we're relying upon is for the social scientists to be contuining to explore these areas and to be challenging those existing ideas (and they are permanently doing so because that is how science works).
I'm not sure why you think that because nothing has changed (in your eyes) that it means the pursuit is useless.
Could we not just as easily substitute 'crime' for 'cancer' and 'social scientists' for 'medical researchers' and say "ah fuck it they've had 40 years and we're still no nearer a cure. Tell them to pack up and go and count how many giraffes there are in Africa instead."
These things need money and the weight of policy behind them and what Tory government is going to say "you know what let's plough some money into early intervention". The very idea would send shockwaves through Chipping Norton.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #248 on: September 20, 2018, 04:11:46 pm »

Nothing has changed.

My Grandad died of cancer 20 years ago. My friend died of cancer two months ago.

Nothing has changed.

Stop all cancer research.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #249 on: September 20, 2018, 10:16:58 pm »
Some people are just twats and no matter what you do you won't change a thing.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #250 on: September 20, 2018, 10:50:30 pm »
You'll always get some people who are twats for sure, but different factors definitely result in variation on the number of twats. That's obvious.

Why do some places have higher rates of crime than others? They're natural more criminal? That's just not a logical way to think. If there's variation in that number depending place to place than obviously there are things that can be done to change it.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #251 on: September 21, 2018, 01:09:11 am »
You'll always get some people who are twats for sure, but different factors definitely result in variation on the number of twats. That's obvious.

Why do some places have higher rates of crime than others? They're natural more criminal? That's just not a logical way to think. If there's variation in that number depending place to place than obviously there are things that can be done to change it.

I agree with you. It's really very complex. So many factors can play a part in how individuals may act, be that alone or in a group.

Some people do seem to lack empathy and can be utter bastards who act without care, thought or feeling, but the overall picture is very complex.
I've counselled people who have been through some horrific experiences and I've also counselled some who have done bad things. The reasons why people do what they do vary wildly. With some it's the prevailing culture within their immediate environment. Basically, in order to survive they become very good at being very bad. To be honest, I don't think I've ever come across a 'hardcase' who, once you gain their trust and scratch the surface, was not an insecure, scared and often damaged individual. How they got to that point themselves is also very individual and complex. Often, the nasty bastard exterior is no more than an armour plate shell to hide the fear and insecurity inside. For some, throwing their weight around is their emotionally immature way of gaining things like a feeling of power and a sense of respect from their equally emotionally immature peers.

I make no excuse for anyone who hurts others. I firmly believe in personal responsibility. It's just that when you get to counsel people who will genuinely be open you get to see that the whole thing is so complex and varied. It saddens me when I see so many lads who are so terrified of life and the world. All walking around dressed in a way that says ''don't mess with me'' and walking the kind of dogs that say the same thing. It's all defensive and fear based. Their aggression is based on fear. Too many are too fearful to care. Too scared to be sensitive. It's tragic really. They want you to see a gang of hardcases you wouldn't mess with when you look at a gang all in black hanging around on corners, but all I see are a group of really sad individuals huddled together for protection whilst masking their fear of living with aggression and bravado. All they seem to have is their anger and aggression, and sadly, they sometimes use that and innocent people get hurt in the process.

As I said though, it's all so very complicated and so many factors feed into how we turn out and act.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #252 on: September 21, 2018, 09:59:40 am »
You've conflated quite a number of areas of study (and non-study) together there but I understand what you are trying to say. I think we can all see in our minds some right-on guy with Jesus sandals and hessian cardy being given the run around by  local scals with their head screwed on.
The thing is your experiences (which I'm not saying are of no value) are still only anecdotal and I suppose what we're relying upon is for the social scientists to be contuining to explore these areas and to be challenging those existing ideas (and they are permanently doing so because that is how science works).
I'm not sure why you think that because nothing has changed (in your eyes) that it means the pursuit is useless.
Could we not just as easily substitute 'crime' for 'cancer' and 'social scientists' for 'medical researchers' and say "ah fuck it they've had 40 years and we're still no nearer a cure. Tell them to pack up and go and count how many giraffes there are in Africa instead."
These things need money and the weight of policy behind them and what Tory government is going to say "you know what let's plough some money into early intervention". The very idea would send shockwaves through Chipping Norton.

Oh thanks, condescending moi ?

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #253 on: September 21, 2018, 10:15:05 am »
Oh thanks, condescending moi ?

It was just a link into the next sentence about how we see a stereotypical counsellor. Maybe a hyphen instead of the full stop would've made it look less like I was patronising you and would've been more neutral or maybe I could've used an alternative phrase like - "I can see the image you've created of...". It's noted for next time and sorry if it upset you. 40 years around hardened criminals doesn't necessarily mean you're not sensitive! 😉

Any thoughts on the rest of it?

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #254 on: September 21, 2018, 11:50:55 am »
I tell you what is missed out in studies, the role of females in the whole sorry affair. That is a whole area of research that is ignored they happily live on (mostly these days) drug money they see no problem with it and amongst my family/friends I have never heard any wife/gf try and change their ways - ever.
There has always been an attraction to bad lads but now in this me, me ,me era they don't care for societal damage, communities crumbling as long as they have the clothes, cars, holidays, instagram photos showing their marvellous life, its wilful ignorance.

My niece is the daughter of a major criminal from a long standing criminal family and she has 3 young kids, I will bet you that society will get nothing out of them and this is the 5th generation of the family that I know, there is not a single honest worker amongst them.
Early intervention is met with aggression and violence, her Mum (my wifes sister) chinned the headmistress (a nun) in the school she was at as she thought she was getting picked on by staff (she wasn't shes a loon), these people are fearless and know they are basically untouchable.
There are obviously many who can be helped but people do not realise how large this underclass is and how destructive they are and how they have no want or need to change.
This is replicated across the country as they have long standing mates all over the UK and abroad who have the exact same outlook.

Good luck and I hope you can change some for the better but be prepared to be disappointed as some are happy as they are and have been for donkeys.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #255 on: September 21, 2018, 12:31:40 pm »
I tell you what is missed out in studies, the role of females in the whole sorry affair. That is a whole area of research that is ignored they happily live on (mostly these days) drug money they see no problem with it and amongst my family/friends I have never heard any wife/gf try and change their ways - ever.
There has always been an attraction to bad lads but now in this me, me ,me era they don't care for societal damage, communities crumbling as long as they have the clothes, cars, holidays, instagram photos showing their marvellous life, its wilful ignorance.

My niece is the daughter of a major criminal from a long standing criminal family and she has 3 young kids, I will bet you that society will get nothing out of them and this is the 5th generation of the family that I know, there is not a single honest worker amongst them.
Early intervention is met with aggression and violence, her Mum (my wifes sister) chinned the headmistress (a nun) in the school she was at as she thought she was getting picked on by staff (she wasn't shes a loon), these people are fearless and know they are basically untouchable.
There are obviously many who can be helped but people do not realise how large this underclass is and how destructive they are and how they have no want or need to change.
This is replicated across the country as they have long standing mates all over the UK and abroad who have the exact same outlook.

Good luck and I hope you can change some for the better but be prepared to be disappointed as some are happy as they are and have been for donkeys.

So true. That's a great post on the stark realities of certain sections of our society. Also a sad reflection on the selfish, negative side of humanity. We live in a me, me, me world, and many don't give a toss about how they acquire the things and lifestyle they feel they are entitled to.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #256 on: September 21, 2018, 12:52:48 pm »
I tell you what is missed out in studies, the role of females in the whole sorry affair. That is a whole area of research that is ignored they happily live on (mostly these days) drug money they see no problem with it and amongst my family/friends I have never heard any wife/gf try and change their ways - ever.
There has always been an attraction to bad lads but now in this me, me ,me era they don't care for societal damage, communities crumbling as long as they have the clothes, cars, holidays, instagram photos showing their marvellous life, its wilful ignorance.

My niece is the daughter of a major criminal from a long standing criminal family and she has 3 young kids, I will bet you that society will get nothing out of them and this is the 5th generation of the family that I know, there is not a single honest worker amongst them.
Early intervention is met with aggression and violence, her Mum (my wifes sister) chinned the headmistress (a nun) in the school she was at as she thought she was getting picked on by staff (she wasn't shes a loon), these people are fearless and know they are basically untouchable.
There are obviously many who can be helped but people do not realise how large this underclass is and how destructive they are and how they have no want or need to change.
This is replicated across the country as they have long standing mates all over the UK and abroad who have the exact same outlook.

Good luck and I hope you can change some for the better but be prepared to be disappointed as some are happy as they are and have been for donkeys.

I agree with the sentiment here mate. I can't fucking stand the whole Instagram culture - writing a bit of a strain?; Find Twitter a bit too wordy? Then why not communicate with people purely through a photo?! After all, all you've got going for you are your material possessions and showing people that you drink alcohol. And yes, they're not of a mind to look a gift horse in the mouth are they? As you say if anything a lot of them thrive on it. Depressing as fuck.

As it happens though the role of the female in this crime culture is an area of study and by a local lass too so a lot of her work references Liverpool in particular. Vicki Coppock if you're interested but I'm not surprised you weren't aware - who the fuck subscribes to obscure academic journals? And the reality is unless you do there's piles of stuff you'd be oblivious to. The mainstream media only really like to publicise the more 'interesting' or controversial stuff. (She's worked alongside Phil Scraton and has had some work published with him if memory serves).

The frustration is that people are trying to identify these things and then propose solutions but it can be a futile exercise when you're up against a government that isn't interested in pursuing them.

I appreciate the good luck but I'm not actually in the profession, I more or less did my degree for the fuck of it - there's no way I could work within the social services framework - too much admin not enough 'quality time'. Still take an interest in what's going on though and enjoy a bit of hard-hitting social commentary. 😁

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #257 on: September 24, 2018, 01:15:15 am »
Ok . Time for balance .

I was by the cricket pitch today having a moment to myself sitting by me favourite tree. I seen about ten young lids walking over and that feeling we all know started kicking in. They sat off on the steps for about five minutes about thirty yards or so from me but I felt like getting off because I sit by that tree for silence and all that. Anyway. One of them shouts over ' Hey mate . Have you got a light '. I shouts yeh back so they all come over . So you have me , me tree and them. I passed me lighter to one of them and he passed it back. His mate then said to him have you got a light ? His mate said just ask him so I passed it to him and I noticed a few if them had spliffs in their hands so I said ' Are youse spliffin it lads ? Yes mate they said. I asked them what kind of spliff they were smoking and told them about the stuff I use to smoke back in the late 80's and 90's. That lead to them asking me ' what was it like around here back then ? My response was alright but not as good as it is now you know. They were dead shy as looking back on it. Saying stuff like who's the youngest out of us then ? My response was something like ' well let me look at all your faces first and they went even shyer and they seemed to buzz off that. As their spliffs kept on going out one of them would say ' go'ead you ask ' I passed it again saying you got to keep those spliffs goin lads ( Or something like that ) so just keep hold of it for a bit. They started to get less shy as it went on and it was a and it was a boss moment. I said to one if then just before they were about to cut off ' do you want a quid for a lighter ' . He put his hand on his heart and shook me hand.

Great experience !

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #258 on: September 24, 2018, 01:20:43 am »
So me point is even if I need one is that kids need mentors .
He who sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself loses all fear.

- The Upanishads.

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- Rumi

You are held . You are loved . You are seen  - Some wise fella .

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #259 on: September 24, 2018, 01:50:46 am »
I admit I used to think in such black and white terms, it's almost like the default position for the human psyche to take - blame the individual. It just makes sense doesn't it? No critical thinking needed, that's just how it is. Whilst I would still give it some validity (it's so fucking hard not to) I do think that the reality is that things are more nuanced.

There's three discourses around anti-social behaviour by a clever fucker called Ruth Levitas. She outlines how to view this sort of behaviour and the one you subscribe to is the Moral Underclass Discourse (MUD) - some people are just 'worse' than others and will continue to be shits regardless and is usually more closely associated with right-wing policy and practically every Daily Mail story - punishment is the best, or only, resolution to crime rather than early intervention - don't give offenders support, just throw the bastards in nick etc.

What you say about "society didn't force them to..." is actually the point that gave me pause for thought (once a professor told me to) because as I say I used to think in those absolute terms myself. If you then direct that phrase towards other anti-social behaviours however - drug use, prostitution etc. it begins to unravel a little. It's pretty much taken for granted now that in those cases its better to give them support rather than to just punish their crimes so why not when it applies to violence or theft? I think the answer is because in the first two instances the 'crime' is generally more passive and the individuals are only directly hurting themselves whereas once you, your mum or your mate are hurt the natural human instinct is for retribution. It stirs up powerful emotions and generally speaking that's the worst state to be in with regards to thinking straight.

Now I'm not saying at all that you, or anyone else, is a neanderthal for thinking in those terms but like any social construction of course there must be grey areas. Here's the kicker you need to ask yourself - was every single one of those lads born to be vicious, aggressive arseholes? For the MUD position you subscribe to to hold true - that it's the individual that's always to blame and they're not products of their upbringing or the society they live in - you need to have the belief that if they were brought up as a single child by a farmer and his wife on a remote Shetland Isle he would still be a vicious, aggressive arsehole going round looking for someone's dog to rob or someone's head to kick in. That's an extreme example of course, but, for me, it just got me thinking about how the "society didn't make him..." is just too simplistic a position to take. I suppose another way to put it is who isn't a product of their society? If you accept that proposal to be true then doesn't that mean that society could do things that could shape an individual's actions? Therefore the MUD discourse comes under severe attack.

Now I know it's unheard of from anyone to change their position on the back of a forum post but I'd be interested to know whether you'd already had the above internal conversation previously (just not in those discourse terms) and still think the same, or if it has made you think any differently. In terms of thinking logically the MUD discourse is pretty much obliterated but then that is without taking into account base human nature and the need for revenge.

All a bit heavy I know, but then it's a heavy thread.

Great post mate
11 September 1999 - Slater Street. 2 beers, a packet of crisps and a truncheon please.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #260 on: September 24, 2018, 07:40:20 am »
So me point is even if I need one is that kids need mentors .
Someone they can relate to yes. Majority of them lads are probably fatherless or don't have anyone who cares about them in a fatherly capacity. Brought up by single mums who've had a few out of control kids, not been able to cope and just wanted them out the house for a bit of peace and quiet.
Would have been interesting what they had got upto if you didn't have a light and couldn't familiarise with them.

Enjoyed the previous posts further up  :wave

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #261 on: September 24, 2018, 12:50:43 pm »
Someone they can relate to yes. Majority of them lads are probably fatherless or don't have anyone who cares about them in a fatherly capacity. Brought up by single mums who've had a few out of control kids, not been able to cope and just wanted them out the house for a bit of peace and quiet.
Would have been interesting what they had got upto if you didn't have a light and couldn't familiarise with them.

Enjoyed the previous posts further up  :wave

So true. Kids need their fathers. I am an alienated father and over the past couple of years I've read studies on the subject. That's for a different thread though. One of the lads yesterday seen my bike next to me and started talking about the benefits of cycling and how he loves cycling in the park when stoned. Now let's just say he just lives with his Mum it's unlikely he will have that conversation with her.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #262 on: September 24, 2018, 05:48:47 pm »
So true. Kids need their fathers. I am an alienated father and over the past couple of years I've read studies on the subject. That's for a different thread though. One of the lads yesterday seen my bike next to me and started talking about the benefits of cycling and how he loves cycling in the park when stoned. Now let's just say he just lives with his Mum it's unlikely he will have that conversation with her.
Coz she's a bike?
bitter,not me.a granddad,but I'm not even 40

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #263 on: October 27, 2018, 12:02:57 pm »

Two men were rushed to hospital after being attacked by a "group of men" in Liverpool city centre .
Cousins come out of his coma a few weeks back.Couldnt update as was told not too.Hes getting there bit by bit.Still under care/watch in hozzy and will be for a while.Was in coma for about a month so didnt look good

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #264 on: October 27, 2018, 02:21:14 pm »
Good to hear he’s making progress Cap. Sounds like a battler.

Offline Sir Capon of Debaser

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #265 on: October 27, 2018, 04:55:37 pm »
Good to hear he’s making progress Cap. Sounds like a battler.
Yeah,made up.Doc asked him ''Do you know these 2 people?'' when he came around an he said ''Yeah,a pair of twats'' aboot his Mum n Dad ;D

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #266 on: October 28, 2018, 12:57:14 pm »

Bet that had the doc wondering what to make of that

Offline Sir Capon of Debaser

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #267 on: October 29, 2018, 02:05:39 pm »

Bet that had the doc wondering what to make of that
His arl fella told him off.The doc was made up though as she said it showed he still had a sense of humour,which obviously tells them hes not as bad as they feared he might be
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 02:07:10 pm by Capon Debaser »

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #268 on: October 29, 2018, 05:23:53 pm »
Yeah,made up.Doc asked him ''Do you know these 2 people?'' when he came around an he said ''Yeah,a pair of twats'' aboot his Mum n Dad ;D

Sounds like Biffa Bacon.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #269 on: October 30, 2018, 01:23:31 pm »
Yeah,made up.Doc asked him ''Do you know these 2 people?'' when he came around an he said ''Yeah,a pair of twats'' aboot his Mum n Dad ;D

;D boss! Seriously though Cap, good news that, remember this happening.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #270 on: October 30, 2018, 04:06:49 pm »
First night out in town last weekend, not really had chance as weve got 2 young children now, the eldest has Autism

Did that Ghetto Golf (decent). Then headed into town, did not feel safe what-so-ever. Just felt on edge all night, worried about nudging someone in a bar by mistake, only to get shivved later on that night. Had a few pints with the lads then headed home. Loads of kick offs with beaked up lads trying to get taxis. Ended up getting an Uber.

The only way you'll have worry free night in town is a meal.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #271 on: October 30, 2018, 05:02:25 pm »
First night out in town last weekend, not really had chance as weve got 2 young children now, the eldest has Autism

Did that Ghetto Golf (decent). Then headed into town, did not feel safe what-so-ever. Just felt on edge all night, worried about nudging someone in a bar by mistake, only to get shivved later on that night. Had a few pints with the lads then headed home. Loads of kick offs with beaked up lads trying to get taxis. Ended up getting an Uber.

The only way you'll have worry free night in town is a meal.

What part where you at  , always find Dale street half decent as well as around hope street too
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 05:04:12 pm by gazzam1963 »

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #272 on: October 31, 2018, 01:47:05 am »
;D boss! Seriously though Cap, good news that, remember this happening.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #273 on: November 2, 2018, 10:14:53 pm »
Cousins come out of his coma a few weeks back.Couldnt update as was told not too.Hes getting there bit by bit.Still under care/watch in hozzy and will be for a while.Was in coma for about a month so didnt look good

Good news Cap, more power to his elbow.

Been wanting to ask for an update but didn’t want to intrude.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #274 on: December 21, 2018, 05:44:12 pm »
No doubt town will be full of menaces this weekend
11 September 1999 - Slater Street. 2 beers, a packet of crisps and a truncheon please.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #275 on: December 21, 2018, 06:08:54 pm »
I worked the door for a couple of family run pubs in town, The Cornmarket and The Slaughterhouse during Xmas in mid/late 80s and due to the clientele (office people that end of town and no L1) it was sound and trouble was rare. I think it has gone downhill as extended pub/club hours and the proliferation of drugs - well coke really - have turned town at times into a cesspit.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #276 on: December 21, 2018, 06:44:34 pm »
I worked the door for a couple of family run pubs in town, The Cornmarket and The Slaughterhouse during Xmas in mid/late 80s and due to the clientele (office people that end of town and no L1) it was sound and trouble was rare. I think it has gone downhill as extended pub/club hours and the proliferation of drugs - well coke really - have turned town at times into a cesspit.

The trouble mainly seems to be up towards Seel Street and surrounding area but I'm sure all the inexperienced drinkers will be out, getting pissed and making twats of hemselves.

I was out last Friday afternoon and by 4pm most of the bogs had pools of piss and paper towels over the floor. No doubt by 6pm you could add copious amounts of spew to that mess.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #277 on: December 22, 2018, 03:12:03 am »
No doubt town will be full of menaces this weekend
I was in town today/tonight (Friday) and was expecting the worst, to be honest. Around Slater Street, Hardman Street then walked down to North John Street to watch the match in the pub before walking through Mathew St and on to get the bus home. From what I saw it seemed ok considering. Maybe later it might have turned moody but it seemed pretty calm when I was in.

A couple of Friday's ago was different. Walking down Paradise Street there were three horrible scumbags walking towards McNasty's. One of them deliberately bumped a lone, young Asian lad who was just walking past and minding his own business. Next thing they are squaring up to him, arms outstretched and giving it the ''come on then'' to the poor lad. Thankfully he didn't rise to it, but they kept on abusing him until he was out of sight. There was absolutely no need for any of it. Scumbags, the lot of them. The atmosphere was pretty moody by McNasty's and town had that edgy feel to it. I was happy to get home. Sometimes you can just feel it in the air. Hopefully 'Mad Friday' or 'Black-Eye Friday' as it's often called, went safely out there tonight.
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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #278 on: December 22, 2018, 10:20:47 pm »
I was in town today/tonight (Friday) and was expecting the worst, to be honest. Around Slater Street, Hardman Street then walked down to North John Street to watch the match in the pub before walking through Mathew St and on to get the bus home. From what I saw it seemed ok considering. Maybe later it might have turned moody but it seemed pretty calm when I was in.

A couple of Friday's ago was different. Walking down Paradise Street there were three horrible scumbags walking towards McNasty's. One of them deliberately bumped a lone, young Asian lad who was just walking past and minding his own business. Next thing they are squaring up to him, arms outstretched and giving it the ''come on then'' to the poor lad. Thankfully he didn't rise to it, but they kept on abusing him until he was out of sight. There was absolutely no need for any of it. Scumbags, the lot of them. The atmosphere was pretty moody by McNasty's and town had that edgy feel to it. I was happy to get home. Sometimes you can just feel it in the air. Hopefully 'Mad Friday' or 'Black-Eye Friday' as it's often called, went safely out there tonight.

That arms outstretched move, together with the accompanying gurning facial tics, is just like something out if of the Dynasty programme about the troop of chimpanzees.

The chimps would probably be a damn sight more civilised though.

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Re: Lawless Liverpool?
« Reply #279 on: December 23, 2018, 08:10:46 pm »
That arms outstretched move, together with the accompanying gurning facial tics, is just like something out if of the Dynasty programme about the troop of chimpanzees.

The chimps would probably be a damn sight more civilised though.
Absolutely. The chimps definitely have a lot more intelligence too.
The light that burns twice as bright, burns half as long, and you've burned so very, very brightly, Jürgen.