Author Topic: The Last of Us.... Part II  (Read 24195 times)

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #320 on: July 20, 2020, 11:54:19 am »
Well i completed this over the weekend and i need a break from it, doesn't take anything away from this massively emotional draining game, but i thought it was great, id only change one or two things (definitely the last third) but enjoyed it overall, I can't see ND doing a Part 3 anymore and where would you take the story?
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Offline buttersstotch

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #321 on: July 20, 2020, 12:37:55 pm »
Really?? The fans of this game are just as bad anyone negatively posting about the game  is attacked upon, you have to like the game apparently because it got 10's everywhere any criticism is not valid  ::)

Mate, people bombarded Metacritic with fake reviews based on the spoilers before they had even played it, so much so that the site itself had changed their policy.

Don't get me wrong there is some fanboying loving going on (I am a huge fan of the game, some story elements I'm less keen on but I understand them and I respect the narrative choices). But a large part of these negative reviews are from complete crybabies who are pissed off that Joel dies, you play as the killer and then when given the opportunity you can't kill the killer.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #322 on: July 20, 2020, 12:42:06 pm »
The thing is though, from a moral standpoint, Abby is more of a hero than Joel is.

If you’d found the person who’d killed a close family member and had the opportunity to twat that, 99% of people would do it. Abby did what most people would do, just in a more brutal way.

Offline Wool

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #323 on: July 20, 2020, 12:44:17 pm »
Really?? The fans of this game are just as bad anyone negatively posting about the game  is attacked upon, you have to like the game apparently because it got 10's everywhere any criticism is not valid  ::)
I don't have an issue with people not liking the game because that's something entirely subjective - a few of my friends dislike it and that's fine. I have an issue with 1) the very obvious hate campaign against the game because of its positive representation of minority groups (the AngryJoes of this world, the 4chan incels etc) and 2) people objectively stating that the game is bad, or objectively stating that the writing is bad without being able to back any of it up. I don't see why that kind of stuff shouldn't be called out when it happens. That's not to say it's some flawlessly written masterpiece - it's not and most things aren't - there's plenty to criticise, but that's why I like reading about why the game didn't work for people. But if the criticism is just "Joel wouldn't trust Abby so easily", complaints about Abby being buff, or a bunch of other things being called plot holes that aren't... then yeah. I can't really take that kind of critique seriously.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 12:46:39 pm by Wool »

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #324 on: July 20, 2020, 01:29:05 pm »
Lads, stop replying to the 14 year old troll with detailed discussion and examples. They will ignore it and carry on posting shite.

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #325 on: July 20, 2020, 01:45:31 pm »
Mate, people bombarded Metacritic with fake reviews based on the spoilers before they had even played it, so much so that the site itself had changed their policy.

Don't get me wrong there is some fanboying loving going on (I am a huge fan of the game, some story elements I'm less keen on but I understand them and I respect the narrative choices). But a large part of these negative reviews are from complete crybabies who are pissed off that Joel dies, you play as the killer and then when given the opportunity you can't kill the killer.

Now there's a strawman if there ever was one. The negative review bombing was mostly by idiots who read the leaks and got pissed off that there were trans, lesbian, bi-sexual characters AND execution of said character. Fuck them c*nts. You were always going to get that. The more professional, unbiased negative opinions I've seen (and I'll include myself in this  #imnotsayingimaprofessional) is not because that character died. It was how he died, when and where. It's perfectly fine killing off a character, but it has to be done in the right way. The way Joel's character was treated in this game was no more tactful than a redshirt would be in Star Trek episode. Or, say, like Varys was in GoT. Absolute character assassination from start to finish. He wasn't the worst for it, though. Ellie got a harsher treatment than him, and she lived.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 01:47:10 pm by Macphisto80 »

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #326 on: July 20, 2020, 02:02:18 pm »
The thing is though, from a moral standpoint, Abby is more of a hero than Joel is.

If you’d found the person who’d killed a close family member and had the opportunity to twat that, 99% of people would do it. Abby did what most people would do, just in a more brutal way.
You're right about all that J. Abby may or may not be a better person than Joel. That wasn't the point. The point is you, as the player, had no choice. You had to sit through hours of cut scenes that tried to convince you of this as the writer threw in blunt manipulative and boring dialogue sequences, made you play with a dog, etc etc. It was the placement of these cut scenes after the fact. Everything was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't give a fuck about that dog after I'd killed the fucker. I'd been killing dogs all the way through up until that point. And as for Abby and her character, she showed not a single shred of remorse for what she did either. Why was the game so intent on trying to convince you to like one character in spite of others, other's that you'd spent an entire game with previously? Two main character that built a franchise.To prove some contradictory and ultimately pointless point by the end of it all? Why was revenge OK for Abby, but not for Ellie? Throwing Abby suddenly in there and asking the player to like her after she kills off a main, and frankly far more interesting character from the get go, and then making you play as her was just a terrible idea. It was jarring. For the idea they went for here to work, it needed to be stretched out and set up more. A second game setting up these characters, with the 3rd to pull the rug out. Instead we get this jumbled mess of a story.

Offline Wool

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #327 on: July 20, 2020, 02:42:14 pm »
The only thing I'll say is I really think you should replay this game at some point and go in with an open mind because a lot of the things you criticise are actually addressed by the game, the only thing is it doesn't bludgeon you over the head with some of it. Like the bit about why revenge is ok for Abby and not Ellie, at no point does the game say this. It actually says the opposite (that revenge is pointless for both). Revenge gets Abby nothing: she loses her lover, her friends, her humanity all because she's consumed by it. The only point in the story where she manages to overcome this is when she helps Yara and Lev and tries to redeem herself through helping them. That's her showing remorse for her actions, it's more subtle about it compared to having a cutscene where she's breaking down in tears or whatever, but it's there in the game. She also spends the first few hours constantly seeking validation for her actions (look how many times she asks her friends if they agree with what they did) - that's not a sign of someone who doesn't have any regrets, it's someone who wants others to validate her decision because deep down she knows what she did was wrong. Would she have helped the two Seraphite kids if she wasn't wrestling with the weight of her actions? I'd argue no because the game explicitly mentions that she's done a lot of horrible things to the Seraphites - and Seraphite children - yet it's only here and now that she has a change of heart and decides to help two of them.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 02:50:23 pm by Wool »

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #328 on: July 20, 2020, 03:41:53 pm »
The only thing I'll say is I really think you should replay this game at some point and go in with an open mind because a lot of the things you criticise are actually addressed by the game, the only thing is it doesn't bludgeon you over the head with some of it. Like the bit about why revenge is ok for Abby and not Ellie, at no point does the game say this. It actually says the opposite (that revenge is pointless for both). Revenge gets Abby nothing: she loses her lover, her friends, her humanity all because she's consumed by it. The only point in the story where she manages to overcome this is when she helps Yara and Lev and tries to redeem herself through helping them. That's her showing remorse for her actions, it's more subtle about it compared to having a cutscene where she's breaking down in tears or whatever, but it's there in the game. She also spends the first few hours constantly seeking validation for her actions (look how many times she asks her friends if they agree with what they did) - that's not a sign of someone who doesn't have any regrets, it's someone who wants others to validate her decision because deep down she knows what she did was wrong. Would she have helped the two Seraphite kids if she wasn't wrestling with the weight of her actions? I'd argue no because the game explicitly mentions that she's done a lot of horrible things to the Seraphites - and Seraphite children - yet it's only here and now that she has a change of heart and decides to help two of them.
It's not even that subtle, Abby still has nightmares after her revenge, she only overcomes them after helping Lev and Yara
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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #329 on: July 20, 2020, 04:04:23 pm »
It's not even that subtle, Abby still has nightmares after her revenge, she only overcomes them after helping Lev and Yara
Yup, precisely. Once she decides to let that hatred she harbours go that's the only time in the game where she's at peace with herself. It's the same with Ellie - her story mirrors Abby's in a way and people argue that because she doesn't ultimately kill Abby it's all pointless to which I disagree. For me Ellie going to find Abby at the end isn't borne out of a need for revenge, it's because she's suffering from PTSD (which the game shows) and has no way to free herself from the ghost of Joel and her grief. She goes there hoping by finally killing Abby she can free herself, but in the end she arrives at the exact same place Abby does by realising that she's going to get nothing - and has gotten nothing - out of her desire for vengeance, it won't heal how she feels inside. Instead she herself chooses forgiveness (and by choosing to spare Abby she also essentially saves the life of Lev as he was undoubtedly going to die without her) and I think it's a more hopeful ending for her.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 04:13:20 pm by Wool »

Offline buttersstotch

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #330 on: July 20, 2020, 05:39:49 pm »

Now there's a strawman if there ever was one. The negative review bombing was mostly by idiots who read the leaks and got pissed off that there were trans, lesbian, bi-sexual characters AND execution of said character. Fuck them c*nts. You were always going to get that. The more professional, unbiased negative opinions I've seen (and I'll include myself in this  #imnotsayingimaprofessional) is not because that character died. It was how he died, when and where. It's perfectly fine killing off a character, but it has to be done in the right way. The way Joel's character was treated in this game was no more tactful than a redshirt would be in Star Trek episode. Or, say, like Varys was in GoT. Absolute character assassination from start to finish. He wasn't the worst for it, though. Ellie got a harsher treatment than him, and she lived.

His death sets up the whole first part of the game, the idea is that the death is hard to watch and emotionally crippling.. because it is. His death served a narrative purpose, don't get me wrong I would have loved a Joel & Ellie team-up but their relationship was broken due to Joel's lies. And then when Ellie finally began to begin the process of forgiving him, Abby took her revenge. When else should he have died?

As others have said, Abby got her revenge on Joel and she was still haunted by what happened. Not only that, all her friends died because of her quest for revenge. Ellie went on the same quest and lost everything as well - except she still has a chance to fight for the relationships she lost with her quest for revenge. Ellie broke the cycle of revenge.

There are some questionable pacing and story moments but it took me about 3 weeks to complete the game and I took my time with it. It's not a perfect game, but it pushes so many boundaries and doesn't go where you expect it to go. My biggest issue is due to the uproar over the spoilers I was almost put off from buying the game, which in reality was just a load of people crying over spilt milk.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #331 on: July 20, 2020, 08:04:28 pm »
Lads, stop replying to the 14-year-old troll with detailed discussion and examples. They will ignore it and carry on posting shite.
Can you stop calling me a 14-year-old troll, don't like my post ignore it. Another proof of overly sensitive fan base attacking me for no reason because of my comments on a video game  :butt

Offline Macphisto80

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #332 on: July 20, 2020, 08:10:15 pm »
It's the Ghostbusters 2016 of video games.

Offline AndyMuller

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #333 on: July 20, 2020, 08:20:31 pm »
Can you stop calling me a 14-year-old troll, don't like my post ignore it. Another proof of overly sensitive fan base attacking me for no reason because of my comments on a video game  :butt

No mate. You’ve posted shite in other threads too.

Offline Wool

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #334 on: July 20, 2020, 09:05:35 pm »
Man, the arrogance to not even take any posts on board and carry on spewing the same shit :D

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #335 on: July 20, 2020, 09:38:50 pm »
well this suddenly went downhill.
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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #336 on: July 26, 2020, 11:41:23 pm »
Just done the hospital bit. Don’t think I can sleep with the lights off ever again.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #337 on: July 26, 2020, 11:54:17 pm »
Can you stop calling me a 14-year-old troll, don't like my post ignore it. Another proof of overly sensitive fan base attacking me for no reason because of my comments on a video game  :butt

I love your posts mate,they're well thought out and very informative.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #338 on: July 27, 2020, 08:22:31 am »
Just done the hospital bit. Don’t think I can sleep with the lights off ever again.
yeah. I had to play it during the day.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #339 on: July 27, 2020, 07:25:22 pm »
Got up to the park and haven’t played it for about a week. And I feel like that’s just trying to take my time on it....but not as desperate to play it whenever I could like the first one (or RDR2, Witcher 3 and Horizon)

Great to know the above....I think I’m on the way to the hospital now ;D Honestly best not be a fucking lift in there
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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #340 on: July 27, 2020, 09:29:11 pm »
Took a bit over a month to finish this and I feel a little empty inside now.

God I'm glad I'm easier to please than some on here, thought the game was a masterpiece, even the Abby bits. Some people look so deep into it trying to find flaws to complain about, switch your brain off and have fun.

Ps yeah the hospital bit was scary but what about the bit just before going down the skyrise tower?

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #341 on: August 1, 2020, 12:44:03 am »
Just finished the game. It’s a fantastic game, but the ending of the storyline miffed me a bit.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #342 on: August 1, 2020, 11:00:47 am »
Just finished the game. It’s a fantastic game, but the ending of the storyline miffed me a bit.
Oh God don't say that, someone will come along now and tell you in a 100 paragraphs why it's such brilliant storytelling....

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #343 on: August 2, 2020, 11:08:31 am »
Oh God don't say that, someone will come along now and tell you in a 100 paragraphs why it's such brilliant storytelling....
Mate, we get it. You didn’t enjoy the game. You’ve made some valid points earlier in this thread.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #344 on: August 2, 2020, 12:08:10 pm »
I certainly did enjoy the game, just didn’t like...

Why would Ellie throw everything away with Dina, travel all the way to Santa Barbara and then not do what she intended to do? Looks like she’s lost Dina and the kid, Tommy will be even more pissed off than he already was. Assuming she goes back to Jackson all she’ll have is people pissed at her.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #345 on: August 2, 2020, 12:27:23 pm »
I certainly did enjoy the game, just didn’t like...

Why would Ellie throw everything away with Dina, travel all the way to Santa Barbara and then not do what she intended to do? Looks like she’s lost Dina and the kid, Tommy will be even more pissed off than he already was. Assuming she goes back to Jackson all she’ll have is people pissed at her.

even though I wanted Ellie to kill Abby I understood her motive for going to santa barbara despite Dina and her child. she's haunted about joel, not just the fact he was killed but the fact she hated that he lied to her, hated that he robbed her life of meaning. you see it scrawled in her diary, through flashbacks, hallucinations like the one in the barn, she hates herself actually. When you get back to the house if you look in the mirror, ellie can't look at herself, a nice subtle showing of self loathing I thought. So I get why she went..

As far as not doing what she intended to...well I remember her talking to joel and this was the night before he died, they were on the porch and kind of reconciliated to some extent or at least was trying to patch things up..right when she was choking Abby she saw joel flash up, even at this point I was still mashing the fuck out the button because I wanted revenge. Even though I played through abby's story and got that different perspective I still wanted her dead. Ellie didn't have that benefit so that didn't come into her thinking..

So ultimately I was conflicted with the ending but still accepted it for what it was. That killing Abby doesn't change anything for Ellie. That she had to get to the cusp of that to realise. She's already killed many to get this far and just ended up in a further downward spiral. Is she too far gone to realise that? The argument I see made a lot is that she was on this revenge mission so why can't she kill Abby when she's killed everything else in her path, like none of those killings have had an effect on her, they have..

The way the ending plays out, reflecting on it now..the options were either killing Abby or not. Would of killing her made me as a player feel any better or worse? It wasn't a traditional end boss game where the relief, accomplishment washes over you. For me the ending wasn't that important (at least not the heavy focus it's seemed to get). It was the journey, the bit in between as I saw Ellie fall apart consumed by anger, hate, just the mental torture of it all really. She lost herself.

This wasn't the same girl you smuggled for marlene to get your guns back. To see that disappear was kind of haunting to me.

« Last Edit: August 2, 2020, 12:50:11 pm by naYoRHa2b »

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #346 on: August 11, 2020, 01:32:47 am »
Where? There isn't a single line spoken in the game that Joel directly killed Abby's father.

There's a flashback...

when they revisit Joel's death scene and everyone from the WLF discusses what to do with Ellie and Tommy etc.
[close] is quite likely Ellie found out why Joel died right then. When she was watching it all unfold. I never felt I needed to see it on screen because we found out via other flashbacks. It isn't like a Luke/Vader reveal where the audience and characters discover together.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #347 on: September 3, 2020, 05:08:42 pm »
completed it yesterday, so here's some of my thoughts

overall, i really liked it. Graphically it's obviously immense. Gameplay wise, it's much improved from the first one. Crafting hasn't changed much but theres more things you can do. Stealth play got better, being able to crawl under things, use grass for cover etc. The level design is better in this one, with more expansive areas, different routes and approaches you can take. The guns feel great to use, the sound and visuals when of them, especially with the headshots are just so satisfying. And the comments the characters make during the game is great touch (e.g Elli's comments after a kill, or the enemy comments when you took out one of their mates).The worldbuilding i thought was great too. The 2 different factions and their comments about one another, the writing on the walls, the notes left around, the eeriness of Seattle.

Some drawbacks, someone mentioned it already but it was slightly disappointing that so much of it was based in Seattle. Compared to the last game with different locations during different times of the year, it was a bit annoying that the game mainly takes place over 4 days in the same city. I was glad to get to California near the end of the game, but more of the game could have been spent there or somewhere else, it looked great.

I was Ok with playing as Abby, not my favourite character or anything. I actually thought it was decent that you got to see the other side of the coin and see the world from a different perspective, I just would have preferred to play as Ellie more. they could have split it to give Abbie slightly less time.

Guess the whole thing comes down to the story though. I knew Joel was getting clubbed, but I didn't think it was going to be so early, and I wasnt sure Abby was the one to do it. People said it was a pathetic death for a character like that. I think ND kinda wanted to show how in this world, shit like that happens. He made a decision and these were the consequences. Was it a fitting death, maybe not, but that's the shit that happens in this new world. So ellie begins her vengeance quest. I think that first half was probably the best part of the game. Not quite as enthusiastic about the WLF vs Scars (I enjoyed it much more when Eliie was navigating between them) or Abby and her mates - but again, I appreciated seeing her perspective and why she did what she did and who she was. The journey with Lev/Lily on the way to WLF base was the highlight. I think ND showed that in this world there's a lot of grey areas. Good people can do bad and good things (killing someone to rescue ellie and prevent a vaccine being made). Bad people (if you believe Abby is) can do bad and good things, like clubbing joel and then saving 2 scars. Ellie herself gets blinded by rage and vengeance but in the end allows Abby to live, which you would hope breaks the cycle, as you could then see Lev coming after Ellie in the future had she gone through with it.

Should Ellie have killed her. Maybe. People say what was the point of the whole journey if not, and that she got away with killing Jesse and Joel and crippling Tommy. Imo, Dina realised, and Ellie realised too late, that it wouldn't make a difference. Abby killed Joel because of what Joel did, and now she's doing the same, but it's not going to make her feel better. I was hoping she wouldn't do it. The only problem is she realised and lost everything anyway. I imagine Dina went back to Jackson and I hope she goes back there and finds something. Listening to her try and play guitar at the end was heartbreaking, especially since I really loved the scene when she played Take on Me to Dina. There were a lot of really great cutscenes and setpieces in this. Story wise, not quite as strong, but it was a great game, that could have done with a couple tweaks in the decision making.


Also, I hope the multiplayer is free or at least discounted for anyone that bought this
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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #348 on: September 26, 2020, 12:30:15 pm »
Strong rumours the multiplayer will be announced today.

Offline AndyMuller

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #349 on: December 11, 2020, 10:28:00 am »
Won GOTY at The Game Awards. Well deserved.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #350 on: December 11, 2020, 12:20:32 pm »
Won GOTY at The Game Awards. Well deserved.

Yeah definitely, while I don't think I'll feel the need to return to it any time soon as it was one massive game to get through, it definitely felt like a real journey and did a great job of evolving everything about the first game from a gameplay perspective.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #351 on: December 11, 2020, 12:51:35 pm »
Won GOTY at The Game Awards. Well deserved.

Great game, not always a joy to play narratively but some of the best voice work, mo cap, sound design, 3rd person stealth/combat mechanics and level design I've ever played.

Can't wait for factions.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #352 on: December 12, 2020, 01:51:59 pm »
Won GOTY at The Game Awards. Well deserved.
Well deserved. Much of the criticism is valid but in general it’s a well made game. Especially the acting/voice acting, as the poster above me has already alluded to. If DLC is still a thing there should be enough material in the lore to make one.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #353 on: January 30, 2021, 06:43:48 pm »
Just completed this having bought it at Christmas. It's probably worth noting that I avoided all spoilers or even reviews and went in blind. I'm very glad I did, it's the way games should be experienced. Stories are designed to be interpreted through experience and the hours it takes to let them seep in, not through reading a tweet.

Story - I thought the story was a clear cut above the usual video game fare. Near perfect.

I was shocked by how early Joel was killed off. It's a storytelling decision that dictates the rest of the narrative arc. It was a brave creative decision to have him killed in such a brutal, unceremonious way. The temptation (and what other games may have done) would be to have him dying heroically whilst fighting off hordes of enemies. Or, perhaps more likely, he would be saved miraculously at the last minute and wouldn't die at all. I was expecting one of those two scenarios to play out. Instead he gets lured into a room with a bunch of strangers, a feeling of dread sets in and before you know it he's being ruthlessly killed.

The other, maybe even more unconventional decision they made was having the player control Abby. That moment comes after you've already hunted her for the games entirety and have watched her kill another character attached to Ellie. A very bold narrative swerve. I couldn't stand Abby at the beginning of this section and yet by the end I think I may have preferred her half of the game. Gradually you come to see the trajectory of the past two games through someone else's eyes. What were considered simple decisions (kill a doctor and save Ellie) are turned inside out (kill a girl's father and deprive a vaccine). There is no binary good and evil at play in such a situation, only a messy concoction of both. Abby is painted as a villain beyond all redemption and then risks her life to help two strangers from an opposing army.

I thought the ending was incredibly melancholic and in keeping with the atmosphere of the two games. The muscular Abby now famished and weak, tired of fighting. Ellie arriving back at an empty house was also a very powerful image to finish things.

Gameplay - Very tightly put together. I felt like it excelled in any encounters when you had to methodically work through a building of enemies. It felt less polished the faster things got. I also can't stand handholding sections. Walking round a space museum, or an aquarium or throwing a stick to a dog? Those would all work better as cutscenes. I find those parts of any game interminably boring.

Graphics - Nothing to say here really. Expected it to look great and it did.

Sound - I felt this was unexpectedly disappointing. The soundtrack to the first stuck in my mind more than this one.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #354 on: February 11, 2021, 09:33:27 am »
HBO has announced the actors for its adaptation of The Last of Us. Pedro Pascal (Mandalorian, GoT) as Joel and Bella Ramsay (Lyanna Mormont in GoT) as Ellie.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #355 on: February 11, 2021, 09:59:03 am »
Pedro Pascal getting his head bashed in is beyond a meme at this point

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #356 on: February 11, 2021, 10:56:26 am »
Coster-Waldau looks more suitable but I'm sure Pascal will do fine if the writings good
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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #357 on: February 11, 2021, 08:36:01 pm »
They can go full GOT and cast the Mountain as a bloater
If he's being asked to head the ball too frequently - which isn't exactly his specialty - it could affect his ear and cause an infection. Especially if the ball hits him on the ear directly.

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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #358 on: February 11, 2021, 10:57:37 pm »
They can go full GOT and cast the Mountain as a bloater


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Re: The Last of Us.... Part II
« Reply #359 on: February 12, 2021, 01:08:55 pm »
The castings is excellent, Pedro Pascal is a real coup. Lucky for him he will probably only have a one season contract before he moved on to movies full-time I guess.

I did read that in the scripts they have encorporated parts of the 2nd game in to the TV show- which I guess will be fleshing out the Fireflies and making Abby's Father more of a character. Not sure we would see too much of Abby though in the series, only in passing.