Author Topic: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund  (Read 22404 times)

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Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:38:51 pm »
Liverpool 4 Dortmund 3 - The Roundtable

Only Liverpool. Only Anfield.

Usually when supporters make this sort of claim about their club it's wishful thinking. Understandable, maybe, since every football fan wants to believe there's something special about their club. But when we say it about Liverpool you can hear the echo across the world. Cock an ear and you can hear it now. In Spain, in Italy, in France, in Latin America, in Germany. "Only Liverpool. Only Anfield".

That was a special night and it was turned into History and Folklore the very moment it was over, so much so that Past, Present and Future all seemed to be wrapped up in each other as the players and coaching staff converged on the pitch at the end to immerse themselves in the full delirium. For a few immense minutes Anfield disappeared over the event horizon and you had to keep reminding yourself that the game was over and we had won and that Dortmund would not be coming back.

I loved Tuchel's befuddled interview at the end. There was no logic or rationale behind what happened, he said, and no reasonable explanation for the strange turn of events. Everything was going according to a logical plan and then....something unplanned happened. It was almost comically 'German' in its bewilderment and it needed another German, in the shape of the Liverpool manager, to shed some light.  "Something happened in the stadium", said Jurgen, "You could feel it, you could see it and you could smell it". Over the next 24 hours time and again he credited 'Anfield' as the "thing" - that never-say-die inner belief that comes sweeping off the old terraces here and which is the child not just of sentiment but experience. We know it can be done because it has been done - again and again. 

In the aftermath people mentioned St Etienne and Roma, Inter, Chelsea and Olympiakos - famous games where we'd defied the odds to emerge victorious. And of course they mentioned Istanbul (as, apparently, did Klopp himself at half time). Oddly enough no one seemed to mention the closest parallel of all (since it was in a UEFA Cup Final here in '76). But many RAWKites will remember the Reds being rather outclassed by a fine FC Bruges side led by the brilliant forward Lambert and falling 0-2 behind before the Kop helped suck in 3 Liverpool goals in 5 minutes to send us on our way to UEFA Cup trophy #2. Who'll bet against us now going on to #4 after this similar ride? 

And, boy, what a great tournament this has become and what a valuable trophy it really is. It's no exaggeration to say that the most passionate and most meaningful European clash of the week was at Anfield, just as it had been a few backs against Manchester United. Is this the year that the Champions League takes a back seat to the Europa? It's hard to be objective, of course, but I think it is.

We were being outclassed weren't we? Just as with Bruges 40 years ago, Dortmund looked too slick and too clinical. Two mistakes by our two Brazilians high up the field were instantly and terrifyingly punished. Their revitalised midfield appeared to be chock full of jet-heeled players - Reus most obviously, but Castro and Weigl too -  who were able to cruise with the ball into whatever narrow gaps we left and send crisp and penetrating passes to the outrageously gifted pair of Mkhitaryan and Aubemeyang. For 15 minutes we simply couldn't get a grip - our defence forced in to a series of horrible first-team clearances that simply found another yellow shirt ready to institute the next mass attack. Meanwhile our expressive talents had no wriggle room at all. Firmino looked off the pace, Coutinho was mobbed every time he got the ball and Lallana, for all his running, simply found cul de sacs.

But then, credit to the boys, they did begin to get a foothold of sorts. A Lallana swivel set up Origi who was denied by an excellent tackle in the 16th minute, while the same two players combined to present Alberto Moreno with a decent chance at the far post. Then in the 20th minute Lallana, of all people, lost his sextant and failed to locate his standing foot with the goal gaping. But a little belief had been injected into the Reds and from then on the contest was about trading blows and Dortmund knew they had a game. They continued to be the more incisive but with Coutinho getting more of the ball and the excellent Moreno hitting clever infield balls and opening up the left wing we started to look worthy opponents, as we had in the first leg.

I'll leave someone else to describe the second half. Maybe prose isn't the right vehicle and we should wait for an epic poem to be written instead. It was just unreal, although at 3-3 it was also inevitable, as Tuchel later admitted. In the last chaotic five minutes, played to a frenzied Anfield symphony, it was almost certain that something had to give, some pillar had to come crashing down. Our players sensed it, Moreno acting - twice - as ball-boy at opposite ends of the pitch to save precious seconds; Joe Allen scampering first right, then left, then right again, in search of a place to stick his sword.

And then a moment of sublime cool. Milner had to hoist that free kick into the penalty box you thought. But, no, Sturridge had a better idea. Rather than facing an easy ball into the box from way out Sturridge's courage - and Milner's desire to turn the free kick into a One-Two - meant the Dortmund defence was suddenly facing something more awkward. The fact that Sturridge messed up before recovering to produce an unexpectedly quick pass into Milner's path simply added an extra twist to the drama. A brilliant goal to finish a brilliant match.

A match full of passion, and empty of histrionics - no cheating (well almost no cheating), no diving, no time wasting, no feigning injury, no inflicting injury. Such spirit from both teams. Such respect for the game.

A word on the skipper for the night. Yes, his corners were bad. But James Milner edged out Lovren and Emre Can for Man of the Match for me. Forget the corners and look at the quality if his crossing from open play. A lung-busting run on the right and a perfect low cross might have been converted in the first half. Then of course at the end he lengthened his stride beautifully to collect Sturridge's clever pass and float a "just fucking hit me" cross onto the head of the big Croat. And how far did Milner run (and run with purpose)? It must have been a half marathon as he went in search of space to receive the ball and support colleagues in distress. He was always there and always ready to take responsibility.

So another legendary night for Anfield, and across the football world homage was duly paid. In the German press it was admitted that not even Dortmund's stadium has ever come close to matching the "intensity" of Anfield on Thursday.  Maybe the reason is obvious. As admirable as the Dortmund following is in many ways, it is not 'in the moment'. Others on this site, and the Anfield Wrap, have alluded to this, the oddly regimented nature of their travelling support.  Football atmospheres are about dialogue, not monologue. The crowd feeds off the team which feeds of the crowd. That is why, when it works properly, the fans are called the '12th Man'. They are actually playing the game. But you can't play the game if you're facing the wrong way, as Dortmund's cheerleaders do, and treating atmosphere like it's a mechanical ritual or a piece of orchestration in search of a game. You can't be part of the game as a fan if you can't see what's happening on the pitch because some massive flag keeps blowing across your line of vision. You can't be a proper fan - or even a proper man - if you're been told what to do by a bloke with a drum and a loudhailer.  And I wonder how much genuine inspiration players take from the constant drumming and chanting that bears no relation to anything they are doing on the pitch?

Of course that sort of support will never catch on at Anfield. It's a bit 'North Korean' for us, a bit too much like totalitarian kitsch. But wouldn't it be a marvellous thing if we could bottle the brew we manufactured on Thursday night and take a healthy swig before every home game? Klopp and the boys deserve no less.

In the meantime Europe's watching us again. Come on You Mighty Reds.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 01:12:42 am by Yorkykopite »
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2016, 05:49:13 pm »

Offline rocco

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2016, 06:00:16 pm »
Fabulous read
" But wouldn't it be a marvellous thing if we could bottle the brew we manufactured on Thursday night and take a healthy swig before every home game? "

We would be champions every year

Offline Marty 85

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2016, 06:01:22 pm »
Very nice piece Yorky, well done.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2016, 06:31:56 pm »
This was definitely the game I will remember for the rest of my life. It was truly a privilege to watch something so special and magical.

Before I start eulogizing about all the good things we`ve seen on Thursday night I`d like to get one single negative out of the way first; and that was James Milner`s tactical indiscipline first 10 mins for our first two goals conceded. We started the game with 2 man midfield one of which was Milner. For the first two goals he gets caught up high up the field practically in striker position and is late to get back to defend the area in front of our two CBs. For me he was the biggest culprit for those two goals conceded as against the best counter-attacking team in the world you can`t afford to have an empty midfield.

I have no idea if he did it on his own accord or was it an instruction but if you don`t have a 3rd CM and people in front of you are Coutinho, Lallana and Firmino then you can`t just push up that aggressively so early - like I said maybe it was an instruction but I highly doubt it. But then with all this being said Milner was my MOM as imo after those two goals he was sensational and instrumental in the turnaround. His drive, crosses and experience were vital for our group of players which we need to remember have precious little experience together in Europe.

Couple of things that might have got lost in all the noise were Mignolet`s fantastic effort to divert Piszczek`s cross for Aubameyang`s tap-in and our first goal which was the best team goal I`ve seen us score in years and years. Also in the first game Lovren gets a free header he really should have scored from after Sakho made a block for him and in this game Lovren makes a vital block for Sakho who scores a rare goal for us - safe to say our coaches are looking at our set-pieces and trying to find ways for us to improve.

I`ve been saying for a while that since Villa`s game we have pushed up a level above and are significantly different proposition once Coutinho, Sturridge and Origi got back from their injuries. In this moment in time it feels like there`s a shitload of goals in us and it feels like we`re really close to totally moving on from Suarez once and for all. With Origi, Firmino, Phil and Sturridge it`s now all about finding the right tactical shape to get the best out of them as an attacking unit and once we do it could be something really special.

Level of football last half-hour was we`ve hit was utterly ridiculous and to think that Klopp managed to get that out of the much maligned group of players which were the `worst squad in 20+ years in the need of major overhaul` is nothing short of remarkable. It gives me goosebumps to think that under this manager this is just a start - it really is gonna be one hell of a ride.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2016, 06:48:22 pm »
Great OP - a polished piece of writing that yet captures the screamingly raw emotion of the moment. It's been an emotional couple of days. On the football side of things, it feels as if the effort we put into getting rid of the cowboys has finally yielded the upturn we all hoped for.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2016, 06:54:33 pm »
Great read. Thought it maybe difficult to describe the event's of that night. Indescribable emotions.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2016, 06:58:50 pm »
Milner was the epitomy of the game. Instinct, energy, lack of control. He wasted about 10 corners when he couldn't get a stationary football past the first man, then used his last resources to catch up with the ball and produce a fantastic cross for the winner. He was nowhere to be found when Dortmund just rolled through our midfield in first half, then he was everywhere in second.

Nice irony that Lovren scored the winner too. Yeah, you proved us wrong. Not sure what his celebration symbolized, but to me it read: "I'm staying here, right here".

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2016, 07:26:07 pm »
Goals win matches
Climactic moments, celebrated and endlessly replayed
The best are even compared against each other
Curated in television's golden galleries
Some are even beautiful
But to me, the most beautiful aspect of football is courage

To challenge opponents who might be better than you,
Individually or collectively, and prevail
To run and keep running, until your lungs burn,
And your muscles scream
To stare at the bitter prospect of defeat, yet to still carry on,
With hope in your heart

Some teams think "we've done well to get this far"
A streak of eye-catching wins
Then they fold when the going gets tough
Such teams are never remembered

Trophies aren't bought by the most expensive teams
Or those that keep the ball the longest
Or awarded to those who display the most artistry
Champions are distinguished by the stoutness of their spirit

The day after the night before was April the 15th.
Time to pause and reflect
To remember, and appreciate
That if there's one word Liverpool FC should stand for,
It's not glory

It's courage
"We go again."


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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2016, 07:32:08 pm »
Joe Allen, like Lovren and Origi, our massive turn-around players under Klopp. All three should have a future at Anfield.

Allen for me though changed not just this game, but the first leg as well. We looked a far better team in both second half's when he was on the pitch. I champion the belief that we win and lose as a team, but for this tie, we owe a lot to the little Lad from the Valleys.

Well done all, but me old pal Joe, especially.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2016, 08:01:19 pm »
Kinell Yorky, that was as good a round table OP I've ever read on here, brilliant.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2016, 08:19:41 pm »
An OP off the top shelf that - thank you.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2016, 08:30:32 pm »
Read anything and everything I can about the game, this is the best I've seen.
And with such simplicity,
The European Cup, surely, is won.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2016, 09:17:46 pm »

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2016, 09:26:54 pm »
Par for the course in The Liverpool Country.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2016, 09:44:07 pm »
thank you for a great read mate. Simply amazing.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2016, 09:51:29 pm »
Great OP. Not much to add. I think the observation about the Anfield crowd is spot on. It's one thing to be loud, but it's another thing for the crowd to be loud and reactive to every situation. I think it affected Tuchel's decision-making toward the end. He should have been much more aggressive with his subs, and probably should have made them after Coutinho scored. As soon as Sakho scored, Dortmund suddenly seemed desperate and a little shocked, and Tuchel's two subs were too late at that point. He needed to manage the crowd as much as he needed to manage his own team, but he didn't quite get it right and it cost him.     

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2016, 09:59:57 pm »
The OP is so wonderful it seems pointless attempting to contribute with my own past experiences - which are admittedly limited, but maybe Timbo can.

Thank you yorkie mate, it was an absolute honour to be there and a pleasure to re-live it through that post.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2016, 10:09:54 pm »
Great OP. Not much to add. I think the observation about the Anfield crowd is spot on. It's one thing to be loud, but it's another thing for the crowd to be loud and reactive to every situation. I think it affected Tuchel's decision-making toward the end. He should have been much more aggressive with his subs, and probably should have made them after Coutinho scored. As soon as Sakho scored, Dortmund suddenly seemed desperate and a little shocked, and Tuchel's two subs were too late at that point. He needed to manage the crowd as much as he needed to manage his own team, but he didn't quite get it right and it cost him.     

Seems a lot of people have missed that Tuchel did actually try and kill the game at 2-3 by replacing Kagawa with Ginter and Hummels called that little team meting whilst Can was receiving treatment. Of course Sakho heading in the corner pretty much made that team meeting and Ginter utterly irrelevant, from that moment on the only thing some of the finest players on the planet could do was bare witness to what exactly ''This Is Anfield'' means.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2016, 10:10:16 pm »
Wonderful OP.

If I may mix both Jurgen's words earlier this season and Sakho's from Thursday, "We decide when it's over in the Liverpool Country"

Sums it up for me.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2016, 10:13:02 pm »
Great OP. Not much to add. I think the observation about the Anfield crowd is spot on. It's one thing to be loud, but it's another thing for the crowd to be loud and reactive to every situation. I think it affected Tuchel's decision-making toward the end. He should have been much more aggressive with his subs, and probably should have made them after Coutinho scored. As soon as Sakho scored, Dortmund suddenly seemed desperate and a little shocked, and Tuchel's two subs were too late at that point. He needed to manage the crowd as much as he needed to manage his own team, but he didn't quite get it right and it cost him.     

Have to disagree.....between the Sakho and Lovren goals Dortmund managed the game well with the tide of urgency against them...the feeling that they would not score again, but still they kept the flow well away from the Kop a fan we must have all expected that 1 good chance will it ticked 90 minutes where was it? Sakho's goal had long passed....where was the kitchen sink?

Yorky summed it......Milner's choice not to go long proved defining......not Tuchel's
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2016, 10:17:28 pm »
This was definitely the game I will remember for the rest of my life. It was truly a privilege to watch something so special and magical.

Before I start eulogizing about all the good things we`ve seen on Thursday night I`d like to get one single negative out of the way first; and that was James Milner`s tactical indiscipline first 10 mins for our first two goals conceded. We started the game with 2 man midfield one of which was Milner. For the first two goals he gets caught up high up the field practically in striker position and is late to get back to defend the area in front of our two CBs. For me he was the biggest culprit for those two goals conceded as against the best counter-attacking team in the world you can`t afford to have an empty midfield.

I have no idea if he did it on his own accord or was it an instruction but if you don`t have a 3rd CM and people in front of you are Coutinho, Lallana and Firmino then you can`t just push up that aggressively so early - like I said maybe it was an instruction but I highly doubt it. But then with all this being said Milner was my MOM as imo after those two goals he was sensational and instrumental in the turnaround. His drive, crosses and experience were vital for our group of players which we need to remember have precious little experience together in Europe.

Couple of things that might have got lost in all the noise were Mignolet`s fantastic effort to divert Piszczek`s cross for Aubameyang`s tap-in and our first goal which was the best team goal I`ve seen us score in years and years. Also in the first game Lovren gets a free header he really should have scored from after Sakho made a block for him and in this game Lovren makes a vital block for Sakho who scores a rare goal for us - safe to say our coaches are looking at our set-pieces and trying to find ways for us to improve.

I`ve been saying for a while that since Villa`s game we have pushed up a level above and are significantly different proposition once Coutinho, Sturridge and Origi got back from their injuries. In this moment in time it feels like there`s a shitload of goals in us and it feels like we`re really close to totally moving on from Suarez once and for all. With Origi, Firmino, Phil and Sturridge it`s now all about finding the right tactical shape to get the best out of them as an attacking unit and once we do it could be something really special.

Level of football last half-hour was we`ve hit was utterly ridiculous and to think that Klopp managed to get that out of the much maligned group of players which were the `worst squad in 20+ years in the need of major overhaul` is nothing short of remarkable. It gives me goosebumps to think that under this manager this is just a start - it really is gonna be one hell of a ride.

Basically what we have learnt is that Milner cannot play in a midfield 2. Play him higher up the field or in a diamond.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2016, 10:22:30 pm »
Fantastic OP, best peice i've read since thursday night. The future under Jurgen is gonna be something very special indeed.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #24 on: April 16, 2016, 10:58:25 pm »
Seems a lot of people have missed that Tuchel did actually try and kill the game at 2-3 by replacing Kagawa with Ginter and Hummels called that little team meting whilst Can was receiving treatment. Of course Sakho heading in the corner pretty much made that team meeting and Ginter utterly irrelevant, from that moment on the only thing some of the finest players on the planet could do was bare witness to what exactly ''This Is Anfield'' means.

That's a fair point, mate, but I didn't forget the Ginter sub. We had more than 70% of possession on average for next 11 minutes between Coutinho scoring and Kagawa being subbed (according to whoscored). I just think that time was hugely important in building a head of steam before Sakho scored. I guess my point is that Tuchel waited too long to quiet the crescendo building in crowd and regain control of the match, and when he did act it proved futile, as you say.   

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borrusia Dortmund
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2016, 11:13:05 pm »
Have to disagree.....between the Sakho and Lovren goals Dortmund managed the game well with the tide of urgency against them...the feeling that they would not score again, but still they kept the flow well away from the Kop a fan we must have all expected that 1 good chance will it ticked 90 minutes where was it? Sakho's goal had long passed....where was the kitchen sink?

Yorky summed it......Milner's choice not to go long proved defining......not Tuchel's

Well, the Lovren chance on the corner that he skied over was one. But, honestly, I don't think there is a kitchen sink in these kinds of games. We had more possession than them during that period, which might count as a kitchen sink considering that Dortmund are a possession-based team under Tuchel. Ginter, Gundogan, and Ramos only had 16 touches between them in their (approximately) 43 combined minutes on the pitch. (Compare that to Allen, for example, who had 17 touches in 33 minutes.) I think that suggests that they weren't necessarily stemming the tide well. I'd say they were hanging on for dear life, even though they weren't giving up quality shots.   

Yorky is right about Milner's decision. It was defining, but I think Tuchel's choices were also defining, as were Klopp's.   
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 11:20:10 pm by wemmick »

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2016, 01:41:22 am »
Milner - Just don't play him as a central midfielder, especially in a two. Free him off his responsibilities and allow him to roam, and he suddenly becomes a half useful player. Even his touch is improved when he isn't trying to play with responsibility. And that really did pay off for us as his crossing was absolutely great during open play. Brendan was completely wrong about a player again, but at least Klopp sees his value as a good utility player.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2016, 02:00:24 am »
Wonderful, you're right, the second half should be done in the form of an epic poem.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2016, 02:14:17 am »
I have nothing in particular to add except that that was an OP worthy of the game. Reading it brought it all back and was like reliving the game. As Origi said, this is a match we will all be telling our grandchildren about. I love our manager. I love our team. I love this club.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2016, 02:21:08 am »
At half time I had written us off. Maybe not completely, but I had accepted the loss. I was both shocked and delighted that we had won. We are a great team for big occasions, which makes me think we could go all the way in this competition. I just hope that next season, we can also raise our game against less strong teams.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #30 on: April 17, 2016, 03:22:42 am »
A magnificent game and galvanising moment for the players, coaches, fans and club as alike. Not the first in history by any means but it feels like a defining moment for this generation.

The tactical stuff to me seems to pale in comparison. Never the less I think people are right about Milner in a midfield two, it doesn't suit. He has to be part of a midfield three, a 4-4-2 diamond looks to bring out his best above all and with Can/Henderson out to me it has to be Lucas and Allen starting.

Speaking of Joe Allen, he was immense and always is in fast pace, high pressing games. He absorbs pressure, find space, receiving and releasing. It's unique, he was important in this game, and just as important in the first because pressing him has almost no affect.

Sturridge/Origi I think could be a special partnership. We're seeing maybe a fraction of what Sturridge is capable of and Origi is just a baby (A very ripped one that likes eating Hummelus) but both are still performing at a high level. I think it could be one of the deadliest partnerships in Europe. Every time they've been on the pitch together we've scored goals and this game was no different. Games get a little out of control which is a negative but sometimes chaos is exactly what is needed.

Defensive CB pairing feels like the most settled we've had since Carragher/Hyppia. Need to see more but their are green shoots of it coming together and rather unexpectedly, I feared the worst for Lovren after a hideous first season. Both scored, both played pretty well despite conceding three.

The positions I most worry about though are fullback and keeper. They didn't play a major role in this game and were fine but I'm always a bit worried about LB. Moreno is mad. And if either is injured I'm not confident in the cover we have.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2016, 05:20:02 am »
Can't say anything after that OP but I'd just like to point out that after the first two goals went in and I contemplated calling it a night to get in at work the next day, something flashed across my mind - hang on, it's Europe and it's us.  Haven't had that feeling in ages and it's abundantly clear that we're going places and people are sitting up and taking notice now.

There are still massive holes, Our keeper is a bit crap and as much love as Sakho gets for looking unorthodox his basics seem all over the place. We need a partner for Can and a winger to open play. I think we can fix a bulk of these problems this summer and it's going to be interesting to see how far we can push next season.

Arsenal still have Wenger, Guardiola has to work with garbage, United suck and Leicester will hopefully have a little hangover.

What are the odds for us winning the title next season?
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2016, 06:22:19 am »
Liverpool 4 Dortmund 3 - The Roundtable

Only Liverpool. Only Anfield.

I'll leave someone else to describe the second half. Maybe prose isn't the right vehicle and we should wait for an epic poem to be written instead.

I dont think even the best poetry can beat this prose. Where is the Emperor of Good times E2K. RAWK really has some of the finest writers of the Queens language. Will attempt to do a round table write up with my limited skills soon.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2016, 06:32:41 am »
Top OP.

only seen the full game once and to be honest wasnt that impressed. thought we should have scored in the first half when 2-0 down and had loads of possesion after that when dortmund were sitting deep and tried to catch us out on the counter.

Origi goal came at the perfect time but thought the Reus goal got us dead and buried.

After that it was all heart. Coutinho with a brilliant shot in such a tight space.

Sturridge and Allen came in and changed the game with their class, intelligence and technique. 

Dortmund were all switched off when Milner made that run for the winning goal.  I'll be mighty pissed at the players if I were a Dortmund fan letting Milner have a free run like that. And Lovren keeping the tradition of Big centreback bullying the full back positioning himself at the far post for the winner.

Brilliant result and atmosphere. If it weren't Liverpool, I dare say we wont be seeing any of that kind of performance and result again.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2016, 06:33:17 am »
A very timely reminder that Anfield is not a place to be taken lightly. "Where's your famous atmosphere?" we hear opposition fans chant when they've ran out of other insults. There it fucking was. Villarreal, underestimate us at your peril. Very hard to write anything else except that I am so proud of the players, the effort they put in, the way they rose to the occasion. And against one of the very best in world football. Brilliant stuff.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2016, 06:41:38 am »
Origi's toepoke finish. I hope it wasn't a fluke, and that he knows the value of shooting out of rhythm.
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2016, 07:18:22 am »
I was watching the match with my younger brother. I told him at half time that if our defence holds, we can win this by scoring 3 goals. I have seen enough in the first half to believe that but always felt that Dortmund will score one more and that we may need to score 4 goals to win. After Reus scored their third, I predicted a 3-3 but once we got the 3rd goal, you can sense we will get the fourth and we did. European matches end at 3:30 in the morning here and i have never witnessed a better match after Istanbul for all the sleep I've lost. 4-0 against Real was amazing but that doesn't come close to this because that was a Real Madrid team that wasn't in their best form and this Dortmund team would have dismantled them completely. We have defeated a team that could have won the CL this year if they were in the competition. Frankly, which team other than Atletico or Bayern could have caused them any trouble?

Thank you Liverpool.

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2016, 08:28:07 am »
Origi's toepoke finish. I hope it wasn't a fluke, and that he knows the value of shooting out of rhythm.

It wasn't a fluke, the kid is the real deal, I love how he holds the ball up, he is going to be a TOP player for years to come

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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2016, 08:31:16 am »
It's no coincidence that Allen and Sturridge coming in helped turned the game our way. The change to 2 up front and moving Milner wide from central mid allowed us to optimize Milner's strength. His corners are shit but his crossing from open play is just sublime. Milner should only play wide from now on and he needs to know that. Forget about Rodger's promise. You are the best crosser of the ball!
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Re: Roundtable - Liverpool 4-3 Borussia Dortmund
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2016, 08:57:27 am »
Stunning game. Stunning OP.
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