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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2015, 05:31:44 pm »
Did anyone used to do the music and TV quizzes on Ceefax me and my sister used to fight to be the first to take them

Kids, they don't know they're born with their gameboys and sony walkmans


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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2015, 05:35:22 pm »
Did anyone used to do the music and TV quizzes on Ceefax me and my sister used to fight to be the first to take them

Kids, they don't know they're born with their gameboys and sony walkmans

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2015, 06:05:35 pm »
No it wasn't bamboozle, it was way back in the day like 84 or so
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2015, 06:24:29 pm »
Its a bit meh. Mind I fell off with the other when Shane got bit. Not because I liked him though :P think it went on a break and I lost interest in it.

A technical gripe would be about the ADR. The sound mix is just fucking awful, it means scenes, like on the roof with the boyfriend/girlfriend have a weird plastic feel to them. Scenes which are meant to have a dramatic bass to them are completely flat as a result.

There is scope to do a story along the lines of a group of survivors who are in it from the start. It has to be different though from the other.
So doing something like showing them having more information about what it is, what caused it, how it might have been stopped, how it might yet be stopped. A greater involvement showing the official response combating it. Rather than wandering about fighting off the odd horde here and there.

I think that's sort of happening, in as much as with the hospital scenes and what the fat spotty Damien kid was saying about rumours, it would appear there is a cover up going on. There might be some interesting mileage to be gotten from the conspiracy angle.

The main problem is the genre is at saturation point now. Its a case of quantity not quality, in a genre which already suffers from a lot of sub par shite. When you have fucking Arnie doing a zombie movie and zombie romcoms, its just fucked.

Worth noting it got the highest opener ratings ever, hope they don't squander that.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2015, 09:07:50 pm »
The Walking Dead to show airline zombie attack in stand-alone special

What if an episode of The Walking Dead was set on a passenger airliner before civilization had fallen?

That’s basically what AMC is planning in a highly unusual — if not totally unprecedented — new special that’s set during the time period of the hit drama’s companion series, Fear the Walking Dead. 

Here’s the plan: EW has exclusively learned AMC is producing a half-hour special that will tell a stand-alone story following a group of passengers facing a walker attack on an airline while in flight. One character who survives that encounter will then join the cast of Fear the Walking Dead in season 2. So, yes: Zombies on a Plane.

Previously, AMC has had stand-alone The Walking Dead online web series, but the network never used such content to introduce a new character before they joined the show. The airline attack story will debut online, and will unfold this in chapters that will air during Walking Dead’s on-air telecasts. In other words: You’re watching The Walking Dead, AMC cuts to commercial break, then you get a chapter in the as-yet-untitled stand-alone airline attack drama.

Beyond that, details are scarce. We assume the flight is headed to Los Angeles, since that’s the setting of Fear (L.A. residents, insert your LAX-is-already-run-by-zombies joke here). Our lingering questions: What’s the stand-alone content called? Who is the new character being introduced and who will play them? (Presumably AMC will be reluctant to release that because that would then reveal which passenger survives.) How many pieces of this interstitial will there be, and across how many Walking Dead episodes will it air?

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #45 on: September 1, 2015, 12:44:43 pm »
My roomie forced me to watch the first two episodes of FTWD. I haven't seen TWD and therefore had no idea what it's all about (except that dead people become zombies and so on).

I thought it was quite alright, but nothing really good. Of course I liked the young Megan Fox, but in general I was really annoyed at the lack of basic communication between the "main" characters. Seriously, why is it so fucking hard to tell each other that you just had to kill some guy because he tried to eat your face? For me the worst moment of the second episode was when the mom went back to school to get some drugs for her junkie. First the stupid scene with Chubby McFatfuck where he essentially says he came back to school for his knife.  :butt And then when they meet the zombie "let's try to talk to him, even though he is bleeding out of his face and looks like a dead person walking and I've been attacked by something like that just a few hours ago". The coronation of this scene, for me, was when they left without all the food.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #46 on: September 1, 2015, 01:11:54 pm »
My roomie forced me to watch the first two episodes of FTWD. I haven't seen TWD and therefore had no idea what it's all about (except that dead people become zombies and so on).

I thought it was quite alright, but nothing really good. Of course I liked the young Megan Fox, but in general I was really annoyed at the lack of basic communication between the "main" characters. Seriously, why is it so fucking hard to tell each other that you just had to kill some guy because he tried to eat your face? For me the worst moment of the second episode was when the mom went back to school to get some drugs for her junkie. First the stupid scene with Chubby McFatfuck where he essentially says he came back to school for his knife.  :butt And then when they meet the zombie "let's try to talk to him, even though he is bleeding out of his face and looks like a dead person walking and I've been attacked by something like that just a few hours ago". The coronation of this scene, for me, was when they left without all the food.
The food thing pissed me off as well. I think its a case of a bad edit really, they should have shown there were more walkers in the building, which the metal detector alarm going off repeatedly seemed to suggest. Then it would have been a case of fuck carrying all this shit we need to run now. As it was, they had the fat idiot go back for a single can of soup while they were legging it, then left the fucking lot.
One single 5 second shot of walkers could have fixed that, just shadows would have worked, just show they were there. Just because the characters don't know exactly what they are, the audience do, so if we saw it the reaction would be yeah, you were right to leave the food and leg it and it would make sense.

The not telling the fucking neighbours that some fucked up shit is going on, not a hint, nothing, then later just watch as they get eaten. That was just nonsensical and frustrating.
The main issue at the moment though is that its such a slow burn, they are promising much and showing nothing. Its constant moody music, ominous atmosphere, a little jump and nothing happens. Just fucking get on with it.

I have to admit the depiction of how it could go down is making sense. If you combined a deadly biological outbreak happening in the midst of the break down of social order, such as if it happened during all the Ferguson riots and just spread, suddenly the walkers are everywhere and its chaos. It works, but its really fucking slow and annoying.

I dunno, I'm a little cheesed off with the genre, with the horror genre as a whole really, I am sick to death of seeing cardboard cut out characters. Like whiney teenage girls obsessed with their boyfriends, for fucks sake, for once let the little c*nt go and see her boyfriend and live to regret it.
Bratty kids who never do as they are fucking told and constantly put themselves and everyone else in danger. I'd like to see kids who are fucking terrified and so do exactly what they are told, that don't want to get away from their parents to go and sulk. Kids who, like in real life, cling to their parents because they are scared and don't know what the fuck is going on.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #47 on: September 1, 2015, 01:52:36 pm »
The not telling the fucking neighbours that some fucked up shit is going on, not a hint, nothing, then later just watch as they get eaten. That was just nonsensical and frustrating.

The neighbour was a douche though. I have had neighbours I would have let Zombies eat (although not my current ones - I live next door to a red - the Chelsea fan opposite might be Zombie lunch).

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #48 on: September 1, 2015, 01:56:33 pm »
They have been forced to the slow burn to differentiate it from TWD. Once it has all gone to shit the 2 will be very similar.

There is talk that they have filmed one off episode of FTWD with a new cast that will be set on a plane with a Zombie outbreak. One survivor will join FTWD in season 2. It will be shown in the ad breaks of the new season of TWD.

The Zombies are a bit lame though. With LAPD's expertise in shooting unarmed suspects how did they get overrun?

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #49 on: September 1, 2015, 02:06:11 pm »
I thought they did tell the neighbor? You can see Maddie walking across the street as Travis drives off. There's no such thing as zombies in this universe (well before this outbreak) so the neighbor likely rolled her eyes and didn't take it seriously.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #50 on: September 1, 2015, 02:23:15 pm »
The neighbour was a douche though. I have had neighbours I would have let Zombies eat (although not my current ones - I live next door to a red - the Chelsea fan opposite might be Zombie lunch).
Well yeah, I wouldn't tell mine because I don't know or talk to any of them. So I guess its realistic on that score.

I thought they did tell the neighbor? You can see Maddie walking across the street as Travis drives off. There's no such thing as zombies in this universe (well before this outbreak) so the neighbor likely rolled her eyes and didn't take it seriously.
If she did, they didn't show it. It just seemed to me, if they were friendly they would say something, maybe not hey the dead are coming back to life and eating people, but the same line they have been saying, there is something wrong, some kind of disease, we're leaving town, you should too.

I guess in story terms all of that is fat and not needed, but once again, it can be explained away by a single line, like "I tried to warn them" as she drags the brat back in and locks the door.

The plane thing sounds like a rip off of the World War Z bit, so not exactly ground breaking.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #51 on: September 1, 2015, 02:26:17 pm »
It's getting ridiculous and stupid regarding black people in the Walking Dead universe.

Vanity Fair and Huffington Post had articles on it yesterday.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #52 on: September 1, 2015, 02:29:39 pm »
It's getting ridiculous and stupid regarding black people in the Walking Dead universe.

Vanity Fair and Huffington Post had articles on it yesterday.
Maybe its because white people are dumb, so its easier to watch them getting eaten. If it was black people in this situation they wouldn't be walking about going "hey Bob, whats wrong, why do you look all dead and bitey.... aaagh nom nom munch munch"
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #53 on: September 1, 2015, 03:47:47 pm »
Bratty kids who never do as they are fucking told and constantly put themselves and everyone else in danger. I'd like to see kids who are fucking terrified and so do exactly what they are told, that don't want to get away from their parents to go and sulk. Kids who, like in real life, cling to their parents because they are scared and don't know what the fuck is going on.

hahaha, that was the moment I screamed at the telly "well, let her fucking go and die!!!"
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #54 on: September 1, 2015, 05:00:27 pm »
I was really annoyed at the lack of basic communication between the "main" characters. Seriously, why is it so fucking hard to tell each other that you just had to kill some guy because he tried to eat your face?
This shit really annoyed me. There's no discussion about what they've seen already. They dont tell the daughter about the drugdealer fella being a zombie. Or that her boyfriend will turn into a zombie. Its all just like "No don't do that, dont go there" without any fucking reason what so ever.

Just fucking tell them what you've seen. And turn on the telly or the radio. They are trying to make it mysterious but in the mean time they've ignored common sense.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #55 on: September 1, 2015, 09:40:09 pm »

The Zombies are a bit lame though. With LAPD's expertise in shooting unarmed suspects how did they get overrun?
I was thinking exactly the same. Having just bites turn people is stupid. Even by comic book/horror genre logic, it's daft. I think it's already been alluded to that people are getting sick and then turning? At least that's what I think is happening. The next door neighbour seemed ill, and he wasn't attacked? It would be the best way to explain it.  In reality, a zombie plague with slow walking zombies that turn people by biting just isn't realistic, especially given the amount of guns. It'd be sorted out within a week.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #56 on: September 1, 2015, 09:48:28 pm »
I was thinking exactly the same. Having just bites turn people is stupid. Even by comic book/horror genre logic, it's daft. I think it's already been alluded to that people are getting sick and then turning? At least that's what I think is happening. The next door neighbour seemed ill, and he wasn't attacked? It would be the best way to explain it.  In reality, a zombie plague with slow walking zombies that turn people by biting just isn't realistic, especially given the amount of guns. It'd be sorted out within a week.
Even without guns, all you need is bite proof armour, a thick wooly jumper would work. Then you just smash their heads in, couple of hundred years ago people were running about chopping each other to bits, I don't think zombies would stand much of a chance really.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #57 on: September 1, 2015, 10:01:30 pm »
Even without guns, all you need is bite proof armour, a thick wooly jumper would work. Then you just smash their heads in, couple of hundred years ago people were running about chopping each other to bits, I don't think zombies would stand much of a chance really.
Yeah, that's if you were to look at it realistically. Though even by fictional standards, just bites by slow moving empty heads doesn't work either. I think it needs more than that. WWZ (the book, not the shite Brad Pitt film) does a good job of trying to give it a bit of logical explanation; although having zombies that can run like Usain Bolt without running out of puff, like in the film, would certainly pose a threat in real life regardless if there were loads of guns or not.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #58 on: September 2, 2015, 01:21:18 am »
ep 2 where it was supposedly all meant to kick off was nothing of the sort.  the 80s TV-movie vibe is still going strong and there is no horror (and the constant attempted is-it-is-it-is-it-no-it-isn't scares are beyond tedious) or "fear" as the title suggests.

personally, i enjoyed the outdoor scenes because it was like a film had been made of the novel in my sig.  coupled with the fact that one of our (ultimately unpublished) short stories was set on a plane, this is all seeming very familiar.

i like the visuals of the 'fresh' walkers, and i bet AMC do too from a budget point of view.  and that fat kid - the member of staff needs a key to get into the school, but he just wanders in and then leaves all the food behind?

the whole thing is just so plodding though.  it's not slow burn, it's just faint failing fizzle.  never before has such a totally overwrought title card been so inappropriate to a show.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #59 on: September 2, 2015, 02:01:05 am »
Ep 3 trailer here - - thought it was The Doctor looking through the shutters into the barber shop at first! (it's in the eyes...)

Not really feeling the tension (other than the riot - and now holed up in the barbershop) yet, and a bit frustrated that people aren't explaining the dangers that they've actually seen - or encountered - to their loved ones in a bid to warn them or keep them safe.

Hope the kid who wanted his knife back from the teacher makes it - though I'm not actually sure why. Possibly because the other 3 main kids seem twatish so far?

Do wonder if we see the main characters (so far) give up that hope of 'everything will be alright next week' / 'the authorities will sort it' / realise it's not 'just bad flu going around' in the next few episodes...

or if they actually make it to 'the desert' (or why not).
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #60 on: September 2, 2015, 02:48:11 am »
The only rationale I can think of for Madison's character is tht zombies simply don't exist in fiction in that world (other than Jesus Christ, obviously) so to her she's just killed another human being, hence the breakdown and the reluctance to actually say it to her daughter - it would be a tough thing to explain to someone who hasn't even considered the concept of the dead rising. Probably some denial in there as well.

I actually had a more eyebrow raising moment when she told the knife kid that her son was a good kid. A parents blindness, I suppose.

I agree with sideshow regarding the food. The knife
Kid went to the trouble of picking up one can and then they left it all behind with no other threat shown? I disagree on the school entry thing. He knew a back way in, no issue there for me.

Overall though, there seem to be some massive flaws, beyond just the initial confusion and panick this sort of thing would cause.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #61 on: September 2, 2015, 08:55:32 am »
Just keep giving the daughter lots of screen time and it will be fine.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #62 on: September 2, 2015, 09:04:48 am »
Just keep giving the daughter lots of screen time and it will be fine.
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #63 on: September 2, 2015, 12:11:25 pm »
I disagree on the school entry thing. He knew a back way in, no issue there for me.

it's not so much the how he was there, as the fact that the woman didn't even seem to be surprised that he was there even though she'd seen him leave previously.  although thinking about it, i can't remember if the doors locked behind her when she came in, so that would probably clear that up.

i agree with you on the woman, though - she's just learnt the lengths she will go to protect people she cares about and she's not proud of it.  in a parallel universe where there's no such cultural/cinematic thing as zombies (it's always funny the lengths they'll go to to avoid saying it :)), i guess the walkers would just be seen as very ill people (especially if you hadn't actually seen them die).
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #64 on: September 2, 2015, 03:41:04 pm »
Hope the kid who wanted his knife back from the teacher makes it - though I'm not actually sure why. Possibly because the other 3 main kids seem twatish so far?

Nah don't like him, he's meat, not going to be able to move quick enough, he'll get stuck in a fence or something, not to mention, stabbing a fucking zombie with a penknife? Fucking idiot!
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #65 on: September 2, 2015, 11:37:38 pm »

Nah don't like him, he's meat, not going to be able to move quick enough, he'll get stuck in a fence or something, not to mention, stabbing a fucking zombie with a penknife? Fucking idiot!

He's definitely going to need a bigger knife! Probably two of them (hope that doesn't pass for character development in this series).
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #66 on: September 3, 2015, 12:20:56 pm »
got the first couple to watch, I'm tempted to wait until the entire 1st season has aired and watch them all over a weekend, assuming its 6 episodes for the 1st season?
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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #67 on: September 3, 2015, 04:11:40 pm »
I thought episode 1 was good. Looking forward to episode 2 later.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #68 on: September 5, 2015, 03:08:43 am »
I like it. 

Ok you have to take the TV show, acting, script, plot, possibility of zombie style apocalypse with a great dollop of salt but these days of gov conspiracies, questionable pharmaceutical companies, senseless police brutality, media coverage, deadly viruses, mixed with mundane suburban life and so called modern day problems, seeing that society completely unprepared for the shitstorm that's coming.   Well it's quite entertaining. 

I thought that it would be a far more mundane with a far greater slow burn towards apocalypse, with the odd background newspaper/radio/TV report of illness, virus, violence, and a slow trickle into public consciousness - then fast decent, with media hyperbole that's actually worthy of hyperbole this time, leading to pillaging of shops, and the breakdown of law and order.

It's all thrown in the first two shows.  I find that it makes it quite tense.  The point of mundane and ordinary collapsing as quickly as it has. 

I guess it would come like a tsunami.  Which is the scary disturbing thing, not the actual zombie itself.

What I don't buy is the fat kid and the pen knife, maybe if it was set in school in Britain, but America, fuck off.  He'd be straight to Walmart and stocking up on bullets and donuts. 

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #69 on: September 5, 2015, 08:44:43 am »
I like it. 

Ok you have to take the TV show, acting, script, plot, possibility of zombie style apocalypse with a great dollop of salt but these days of gov conspiracies, questionable pharmaceutical companies, senseless police brutality, media coverage, deadly viruses, mixed with mundane suburban life and so called modern day problems, seeing that society completely unprepared for the shitstorm that's coming.   Well it's quite entertaining. 

I thought that it would be a far more mundane with a far greater slow burn towards apocalypse, with the odd background newspaper/radio/TV report of illness, virus, violence, and a slow trickle into public consciousness - then fast decent, with media hyperbole that's actually worthy of hyperbole this time, leading to pillaging of shops, and the breakdown of law and order.

It's all thrown in the first two shows.  I find that it makes it quite tense.  The point of mundane and ordinary collapsing as quickly as it has. 

I guess it would come like a tsunami.  Which is the scary disturbing thing, not the actual zombie itself.

What I don't buy is the fat kid and the pen knife, maybe if it was set in school in Britain, but America, fuck off.  He'd be straight to Walmart and stocking up on bullets and donuts.

I thought is was good too, dont get all the hatred to be honest. TWD is hardly free from glaring plot holes. This is perfect turn your brain off TV which is good sometimes.

Especially when the Sunday night alternative is the f*****g X Factor and Big Brother !!

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #70 on: September 5, 2015, 07:43:46 pm »
TBF crasher, the people that hate this hate TWD aswell ;)
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #71 on: September 5, 2015, 07:46:09 pm »
Is this in the same world as the Walking Dead?

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #72 on: September 5, 2015, 08:02:49 pm »
Yes, just on the opposite coast and from the offer of the zombies, not a month or whatever in.
Anyone else being strangely drawn to Dion Dublin's nipples?

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #73 on: September 5, 2015, 08:47:17 pm »
TBF crasher, the people that hate this hate TWD aswell ;)

Ha true. After watching a programme for 5 seasons I thought was shite and saying how much I thought it was shite... Id be damned if Im gunna start watching the spin off and then be surprised it is infact shiter than the original shite programme. Maybe its because there in one of those institutes where the TV is in a mesh cage where they cant turn it over? 😳

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #74 on: September 14, 2015, 04:54:52 pm »
Hurrah actual zombies!

Boo the living people are still dumb as shit!
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Crush your enemies. See dem driven before you. Hear d'lamentations of der vimmen.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #75 on: September 14, 2015, 05:18:46 pm »
It's slowly getting better. It's so frustrating how stupid they are though.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #76 on: September 14, 2015, 05:31:44 pm »
What you have to take into account is, they are in a world where the word Zombie and what it means doesn't exist.

We've all seen dozens of films etc on this subject and all of us have plans in place what we'd do if ever there was a breakout.

They don't have this privilege.

Plus you're right ;)

It's cause he loks like a badger. Women fucking love badgers.

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #77 on: September 14, 2015, 09:17:47 pm »
I've not found it too bad, wish the smack head son would change out those old mans clothes though!!

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #78 on: September 14, 2015, 09:24:44 pm »
Well I'm enjoying it...

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Re: Fear The Walking Dead
« Reply #79 on: September 15, 2015, 12:20:40 am »
Well I'm enjoying it...
Yep same here. Looking forward to next episode.