Author Topic: Typhoid Trump: the not-smart, corrupt, coward, loser, thread  (Read 4622583 times)

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49640 on: December 4, 2018, 08:15:35 pm »

Sadly Tariff Man still does not understand how tariffs work

Worse than his lacking knowledge of tariffs is that he's basically saying "I let you fuck up our country, as long as you pay loads of money for it".

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49641 on: December 4, 2018, 08:59:40 pm »
If you'd like a good chuckle at Donnie's expense... ;D

An Illustrated History of Donald Trump’s Hair. Warning! Don’t Read Before Lunch!

"They say you can tell a lot about a man by the way he combs his hair. Actually, they don’t say that. No one does, not even GQ grooming columnists desperate for a lead. As a statement, it’s probably not even true. Still, it sounds good, seems authoritative, satisfies the human craving for simplistic maxims, and is thus a perfect way to introduce a listicle about Donald Trump and the inanimate object that straddles his scalp like a dead, furry lobster."

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49642 on: December 4, 2018, 10:12:09 pm »
Jim Acosta@Acosta
In Emoluments case, DC and MD to subpoena records for: The Trump Organization Inc. Trump International Hotels Management LLC, Trump International Hotels Management Member Corp., Trump Old Post Office LLC, Trump Old Post Office Member Corp., Trump Organization LLC, among others.


BREAKING: Roger Stone to plead the Fifth, refuses to share documents and testimony with the Senate Judiciary Cmte

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49643 on: December 4, 2018, 10:19:59 pm »
Aaaaaaaaand Roger the Dodger takes the 5th.
After decades of taking the pith.

Stone snubs Senate document request, invoking Fifth Amendment
By Kyle Cheney 
7 mins ago

President Donald Trump's longtime political ally Roger Stone invoked his Fifth Amendment protection as he declined to share documents and testimony with members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to a letter posted Tuesday by the committee's top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

"Mr. Stone's invocation of his Fifth Amendment privilege must be understood by all to be the assertion of a Constitutional right by an innocent citizen who denounces secrecy," Stone's attorney, Grant Smith, said in the letter, dated Dec. 3.

Stone is under scrutiny in special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election, in part over allegations that he had foreknowledge of WikiLeaks' October dump of Clinton campaign emails. Stone has denied any advanced knowledge, despite a series of tweets foreshadowing the contents of the emails, which he attributed to educated guesses and indirect information provided through an intermediary with WikiLeaks.

Stone told POLITICO on Monday that he doesn't have a pact with Trump's legal team to share defense strategies, unlike former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who is in jail after being convicted of tax and bank fraud. But Stone has largely aligned his public messaging on Mueller with the president's, frequently bashing the special counsel's tactics.

Stone's approach earned him a supportive tweet from Trump this week, when the president praised Stone's "guts" for refusing to testify against him.

In his letter to Feinstein, Stone's attorney said his client simply wants his information aired in public, and not subject to selective leaks that marked his closed-door testimony to the House Intelligence Committee last year. Stone had asked for that appearance to be public but the committee declined and instead interviewed him privately.

Smith also said Feinstein's request for documents was "far too overbroad, far too overreaching, far too wide ranging."

"Mr. Stone respectfully declines to produce any documents and declines the invitation for an interview," Smith wrote.

Smith noted he expects Stone's House Intelligence Committee testimony to be posted publicly in the next few weeks.

Laughing all the way.  Hohoho  :-X
Kill the humourless

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49644 on: December 4, 2018, 10:27:30 pm »
Associated Press
White House intensifies confusion and fear on US-China deal
1 hr ago

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration raised doubts Tuesday about the substance of a U.S.-China trade cease-fire, contributing to a stock market plunge and intensifying fears of a global economic slowdown.

Investors had initially welcomed the truce that the administration said was reached over the weekend in Buenos Aires between Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jingping — and sent stocks soaring Monday. But on Tuesday, after a series of confusing and conflicting words from Trump and some senior officials, stocks tumbled, with the Dow Jones sinking as much as 800 points.

White House aides have struggled to explain the details of what the two countries actually agreed on. And China has not confirmed that it made most of the concessions that the Trump administration has claimed.

"The sense is that there's less and less agreement between the two sides about what actually took place," said Willie Delwiche, investment strategist at Baird. "There was a rally in the expectation that something had happened. The problem is that something turned out to be nothing."

Other concerns contributed to the stock sell-off, including falling long-term bonds. That suggested that investors expect the U.S. economy to slow, along with global growth, and possibly fall into recession in the coming year or two.

Trump and White House aides promoted the weekend deal as an historic breakthrough that would ease trade tensions and potentially reduce tariffs. They said that China had agreed to buy many more American products and to negotiate over the administration's assertions that Beijing steals American technology. But by Tuesday morning, Trump was renewing his tariff threats in a series of tweets.

"President Xi and I want this deal to happen, and it probably will," Trump tweeted. "But if not remember, I am a Tariff Man. When people or countries come in to raid the great wealth of our Nation, I want them to pay for the privilege of doing so."

Trump added that a 90-day timetable for negotiators to reach a deeper agreement had begun and that his aides would see "whether or not a REAL deal with China is actually possible."

The president's words had the effect of making the weekend agreement, already a vague and uncertain one, seem even less likely to lead to a long-lasting trade accord.

"We expect the relationship between the world's two largest economies to remain contentious," Moody's Investors Service said in a report. "Narrow agreements and modest concessions in their ongoing trade dispute will not bridge the wide gulf in their respective economic, political and strategic interests."

Among the conflicting assertions that White House officials made was over whether China had actually agreed to drop its 40% tariffs on U.S. autos.

In addition, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday on the Fox Business Network that China agreed to buy $1.2 trillion of U.S. products. But he added, "if that's real" — thereby raising some doubt — it would close the U.S. trade deficit with China, and "we have to have a negotiated agreement and have this on paper."

Many economists have expressed skepticism that very much could be achieved to bridge the vast disagreements between the two countries in just 90 days.

"The actual amount of concrete progress made at this meeting appears to have been quite limited," Alec Phillips and other economists at Goldman Sachs wrote in a research note.

During the talks in Buenos Aires, Trump agreed to delay a scheduled escalation in U.S. tariffs on many Chinese goods, from 10% to 25%, that had been set to take effect Jan. 1. Instead, the two sides are to negotiate over U.S. complaints about China's trade practices, notably that it has used predatory tactics to try to achieve supremacy in technology. These practices, according to the administration and outside analysts, include stealing intellectual property and forcing companies to turn over technology to gain access to China's market.

In return for the postponement in the higher U.S. tariffs, China agreed to step up its purchases of U.S. farm, energy and industrial goods, the White House said.

Most economists noted that the two countries remain far apart on the biggest areas of disagreement, which include Beijing's subsidies for strategic Chinese industries, in addition to forced technology transfers and intellectual property theft.

Kudlow acknowledged those challenges in remarks Tuesday morning.

"China's discussed these things with the U.S. many times down through the years and the results have not been very good," he said. "So this time around as I said, I'm hopeful, we're covering more ground than ever... So we'll see."

Complicating the challenge, Trump's complaints strike at the heart of the Communist Party's state-led economic model and its plans to elevate China to political and cultural leadership by creating global champions in robotics and other fields.

"It's impossible for China to cancel its industry policies or major industry and technology development plans," said economist Cui Fan of the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

On Sunday, Trump had tweeted late Sunday that China had agreed to "reduce and remove" its 40% tariff on cars imported from the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Monday that there was a "specific agreement" on the auto tariffs.

Yet Kudlow said later that there was no "specific agreement" regarding auto trade, though he added, "We expect those tariffs to go to zero."

Shares of U.S. and overseas auto companies rose on the announcement, though it's unclear how much companies like GM or Ford will actually benefit. Nearly all the cars they sell in China are made there.

Details regarding China's pledge to buy more American products — one that it has made before — remain scant.

Kudlow said the ultimate amount China will purchase will depend on market prices and the health of China's economy.

Regarding the $1.2 trillion figure, "I would think of that as a broad goal," he said.

State-run Chinese media has described the agreement very differently from how the Trump administration has. It has made no mention of any changes to its auto tariffs. And it has said nothing about a 90-day deadline for the talks.

Typical real estate typhoon.  Overpromise, undedeliver.

"It's gonna be great! And fast!"

*Book me a rally in Nebraska, we can tell them anything*
Kill the humourless

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49645 on: December 4, 2018, 10:38:56 pm »

Trump Aide Larry Kudlow Calls for End of Electric Vehicle Subsidies

President Trump’s top economic adviser on Monday said the White House wants to end subsidies for electric vehicle purchases, without saying how it would eliminate the incentives that were created by Congress.

Larry Kudlow, director of the White House National Economic Council, told reporters that electric car subsidies “will all end in the near future,” adding 2020 or 2021 when asked for a timeline.

He also said no plans are in place to cut off General Motors Co. from federal spending after President Donald Trump last week directed agencies to explore how to do so after lashing out on Twitter at the automaker’s plans to close plants and cut thousands of jobs.

Kudlow didn’t provide details on what the White House would to do eliminate or change the electric car tax credits, which would require an act of Congress. Experts doubt the sweetener can be changed by executive order.

Currently, consumers who buy plug-in electric cars are eligible for a $7,500 federal tax credit, which begins to phase out after for each manufacturer after selling 200,000 eligible vehicles.

“We want to end, we will end those subsidies and others of the Obama administration,” Kudlow said.

Trump lobbed several angry tweets at GM, the largest U.S. automaker, last week after the company announced plans to cut as many as 15,000 jobs and cancel production at five plants in North America, saying in one that “we are are now looking at cutting all @GM subsidies,” last Tuesday.

If the current incentive were left unchanged, GM buyers in 2020 could be left with no credit at the current pace of sales. That’s because the $7,500 credit phases out over a one-year period starting the second calendar quarter after a manufacturer hits the 200,000-vehicle threshold -- a milestone GM is expected to reach in coming months.

Lawmakers have sought to extend the credit by raising the 200,000-vehicle cap but legislation unveiled by House Republicans Monday didn’t include an extension of the electric-vehicle tax credit sought by a coalition that includes GM and Tesla Inc.

The Senate has yet to make its version of the legislation, though Senator Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican who chairs the Finance Committee, said earlier this month it’s possible an extension will be included in the bill.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49646 on: December 4, 2018, 10:39:13 pm »
A few high ranking GOP Senators appear to be outraged after Haspel's testimony, as it links MbS to Khashoggi's murder

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49647 on: December 5, 2018, 12:43:57 am »
Maryland and District of Columbia not fucking about with their subpoenas for their emoluments lawsuit against the president.

The attorneys general of the District of Columbia and Maryland plan to file subpoenas Tuesday seeking records from the Trump Organization, the Treasury Department and dozens of other entities as part of a lawsuit accusing Donald Trump of profiting off the presidency.

The flurry of subpoenas came a day after U.S. District Court Judge Peter J. Messitte approved a brisk schedule for discovery in the case alleging that foreign and domestic government spending at Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel amounts to gifts to the president in violation of the Constitution’s emoluments clause.

The subpoenas target 37 entities, including 13 Trump-linked entities and the federal agency that oversees the lease for Trump’s Washington hotel. Subpoenas were also being sent to the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Commerce and Department of Agriculture, all of which have spent taxpayer dollars at the hotel or have information on Trump’s finances relevant to the case.

Other Trump entities that officials plan to subpoena include those related to his Washington hotel and its management. Eighteen private entities including restaurants, venues and hotels that compete with the Trump hotel are also being subpoenaed to “illuminate the unfair nature of that competition,” said Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh.

“We’re seeking to confirm the information that everybody already knows: Trump’s violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution,” Frosh said. “He’s received numerous payments from foreign governments and state governments and they’ve been funneled, at least in part, through the Trump (hotel) in D.C.”

While news organizations have reported how groups representing Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the Philippines have hosted events at Trump’s D.C. hotel since he took office, the subpoenas offer the best chance to get a complete picture of which foreign and domestic governments are spending at the hotel, how much they are spending and where that money is going. They’re also trying to determine how Trump’s hotel is affecting the hospitality industry in D.C. and Maryland.

The subpoenas seek to prove that hotel revenues are going to the president through his affiliated entities, including The Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust. Most of the records are being requested back to Jan. 1, 2015.

The Justice Department declined to comment. Neither Trump’s personal attorney on the case, William S. Consovoy, nor the White House responded to a request for comment Tuesday.

Trump’s Justice Department lawyers filed a notice to the court Friday indicating it plans to challenge the Maryland judge’s decision to allow the case to move forward. Justice lawyers have argued that earnings from business activity such as hotel stays don’t qualify as emoluments and that any discovery would “be a distraction to the President’s performance of his constitutional duties.”

The president’s notice that he may seek a writ of mandamus — to have the appeal heard by a higher court — is considered an “extraordinary remedy” that partly rests on showing Messitte’s decisions to be clearly wrong.

Because the president has not released his tax returns, any responsive records would likely provide the first clear picture of the finances of Trump’s business empire as well as his Washington hotel.

There is no indication yet that Frosh and District of Columbia Attorney General Karl A. Racine, both Democrats, would push for the president’s tax returns, at least in this initial round of legal discovery, given the sensitive nature of such a request and likely additional delays it would cause. But tax returns for some of Trump’s business entities, including the state and federal tax returns for the Trump Organization, are also being requested.

Co-counsel on the case is Washington-based nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

The Treasury Department is being subpoenaed to determine not only whether its officials patronized Trump’s hotel but also to learn more about Trump’s promised donations of profit of foreign government spending at his hotel and similar businesses to the Treasury. In February, The Trump Organization donated $151,470 — what it said was the total amount of spending in Trump’s first year in office. The subpoena requests “all communications” regarding that payment.

State officials earlier told The Associated Press that the IRS would likely be subpoenaed, but it was unclear if that would happen on Tuesday or whether it would happen at all.

“We’re certainly not ruling that out, just like we’re not ruling out seeking the president’s tax returns,” Frosh said.

The Trump Organization said in an emailed statement to the AP that the company had “voluntarily donated” the profits and “intend to make a similar contribution in 2019.” The company did not comment on the case otherwise.

There is a separate federal lawsuit involving the General Services Administration, which oversees the lease for the hotel with the Trump Organization. Democratic lawmakers want to know how Trump was approved by the GSA to maintain the lease of the Trump International Hotel in Washington after he became president.

The hotel is housed in the historic Old Post Office, which is owned by the federal government, and its lease has a clause barring any “elected official of the government of the United States” from deriving “any benefit.”

Maine is also expected to receive a subpoena, likely because its governor, Republican Paul LePage, stayed at Trump’s D.C. hotel when he had official business to conduct, including discussions with the president. LePage’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

On one of those trips last year, Trump and LePage appeared together at a news conference at which Trump signed an executive order to review orders of the prior administration that established national monuments within the National Park Service. President Barack Obama had established a park and national monument in Maine over LePage’s objections in 2016.

If there are no delays, legal discovery would conclude in early August.


Bit mad that this is a minor news item in the grand shitshow of MAGA.
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49648 on: December 5, 2018, 01:02:26 am »
Maryland and District of Columbia not fucking about with their subpoenas for their emoluments lawsuit against the president.



Bit mad that this is a minor news item in the grand shitshow of MAGA.

But it's not really's a real court case with real implucations. Another front opening up...
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Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49649 on: December 5, 2018, 01:59:34 am »
Mueller's office recommends no jail time for Flynn. Hmmm.....Given the size of the redactions in the filings and nineteen meetings, Flynn must have given up everyone and everything.

NBC News@NBCNews
BREAKING: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn provided "substantial assistance" in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, according to court papers filed Tuesday.
« Last Edit: December 5, 2018, 02:09:52 am by rafathegaffa83 »

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49650 on: December 5, 2018, 02:28:59 am »
If I'm Trump and I read the following phrases, I'm peeing my pants.
1. Flynn met with Mueller's team 19 times
2. no prison time is "appropriate and warranted."
3. firsthand information about the content and context of interactions between the transition team and Russian government officials

Expect a "Michael Flynn is a DISGUSTING LIAR" tweet from Tantrum Boy by morning.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49651 on: December 5, 2018, 02:35:30 am »

Trump uses eight-vehicle motorcade to travel 250 yards to greet George W. Bush

US President Donald Trump traversed a wide political chasm today when he personally welcomed George W. Bush, his occasional foil, to Blair House, the presidential guest quarters across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

But the actual distance was just 250 yards - a route Trump and his wife Melania traveled in the presidential parade limousine, with a motorcade of at least seven other vehicles.

The Trumps spent 23 minutes visiting with Bush and his wife Laura, by all accounts a cordial meeting in which the former president exchanged kisses on the cheek with the current first lady at the curb.

It was the latest in a series of magnanimous gestures that President Trump has made this week to honor the legacy of former president George H.W. Bush, whose state funeral will take place at National Cathedral on Thursday.

The need for the motorcade, however, prompted questions, and a healthy dose of speculation, about why the Trumps were unable - or unwilling - to simply walk across the street.

"Presidents, including the last one, have made the walk before," observed Ned Price, who served as National Security Council spokesman in the Obama administration.

"Bone spurs?" asked Sam Vinograd, a CNN political analyst and also a former Obama national security veteran, joking on Twitter about Trump's explanation about his deferment from the Vietnam War draft.

In an email, Price pointed to President Barack Obama walking Chinese President Xi Jinping from the White House to Blair House after a private dinner during Xi's state visit in September 2015. He also recalled another occasion, a year earlier, when Obama and White House chief of staff Denis McDonough left the White House for a quick trip to a nearby Starbucks, with Obama joking to reporters that "the bear is loose" - a reference to his 2008 campaign when he felt confined by his newfound Secret Service bubble.

"It's good coffee. The President bought it," Price recalled McDonough telling him when they returned to the White House.

Trump's motorcade on Tuesday traveled along West Executive Drive, between the White House and the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The iron security gates along Pennsylvania Avenue swung open and the presidential limo turned left, stopping a few yards later in front of Blair House, a stately white brick rowhouse with black shutters.

Pennsylvania Avenue, and Lafayette Park, had been cleared of pedestrians, who usually congregate in front of the White House for pictures or protests, as is custom when foreign leaders or other dignitaries are staying at Blair House.

Presidential motorcades typically encompass more than a dozen vehicles, including Secret Service counter assault teams, medical personnel, White House aides and the press corps. In this case, the pool reporters shadowing Trump's movements were positioned ahead of time across the street from Blair House and were not in the motorcade, which included at least eight vehicles, according to video footage.

The weather Tuesday was overcast and cold but there was no rain. President Trump was the only one of the four to wear an overcoat.

White House aides declined to comment when asked why the Trumps chose to take a motorcade.

Obama often employed a full motorcade for short trips, including fundraisers at nearby hotels such as the Jefferson, just a few blocks from the White House. Those trips entailed closing roads in downtown Washington, sometimes during rush hour, thereby snarling evening commutes.

Like his predecessors, Trump also took a motorcade to the recent lighting of the National Christmas Tree, on the Ellipse - though Trump left the press pool behind after his speech when he returned to the White House with the reporters stranded outside in frigid temperatures, reduced to tweeting their displeasure. (The White House pool of 13 reporters, photographers and videographers has long shadowed the US president to record his movements for history and in case of an emergency.)

According to a pool report, the Bushes did not walk the Trumps back to the curb after the private meeting inside Blair House. Trump walked his wife to her side of the limo and waved to the press corps, but he did not respond to their shouted questions as he re-entered the vehicle for the short ride home.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49652 on: December 5, 2018, 03:27:51 am »

Giuliani's Twitter typo used to abuse President Trump

A critic of President Trump has taken advantage of a Twitter typo by his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to mount an attack.

Mr Giuliani left out a space between a full stop and the following word within a tweet, which caused the text to become a link.

The prankster subsequently acquired the webpage it directed users to.

There, they posted a brief message saying: "Donald J Trump is a traitor to our country."

The website involved appears to have been set up by a marketing director based in Atlanta, Georgia, who acted within hours of the tweet being posted.

This is not the first time a Twitter typo by Mr Giuliani has drawn the wrong kind of attention.

In August, he accidentally wrote "hate 'me" rather than "hate 'em" leading several users to respond that they were happy to comply.

In that case, he also opted not to delete the tweet even after it had been noticed by the media.

Link to the website -

He is livid and fuming while not understanding why “Helsinki.Either" was not pranked.    :D


"Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message. The same thing-period no space-occurred later and it didn’t happen. Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers. Time Magazine also may fit that description. FAIRNESS PLEASE"

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49654 on: December 5, 2018, 06:04:10 am »

Link to the website -

He is livid and fuming while not understanding why “Helsinki.Either" was not pranked.    :D


"Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message. The same thing-period no space-occurred later and it didn’t happen. Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers. Time Magazine also may fit that description. FAIRNESS PLEASE"

That's the funniest thing I've seen this year.  The old man bit where he doesn't recognise a top level domain is perfect.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49655 on: December 5, 2018, 08:36:51 am »
Senators put themselves in direct opposition to the White House, making clear that the evidence they heard had convinced them beyond the shadow of a doubt. “If the Crown Prince went in front of a jury, he would be convicted in 30 minutes,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations.

"If they were in a Democratic administration, I would be all over them for being in the pocket of Saudi Arabia.”

But it's ok because they're republicans........

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49656 on: December 5, 2018, 09:11:16 am »

Disappointed but not surprised that Cruz won.

While I disagreed with many of Beto’s positions, his combination of positivity, hope and how he represented himself and everything that is great about this state coupled with his stance against Trump long ago earned my vote. Cruz also happens to be everything that is wrong with DC, so that didn’t hurt either.  ;D

Republicans may have kept Texas red but they have got a big battle on their hands in future elections. I’ve seen some posts on here painting Texas as a big dumb hick state like many are painted on here but this place is a huge melting pot with a lot of diversity and I’m proud to be a Texan.

Nice to see some upsets in the local elections here in the DFW area. Ousted some R’s that had gotten too comfortable. Bet Trump will be steaming mad about those.   ;D


- Beto might have lost, but getting within 2.5% and getting 4 million votes cannot be considered a bad result. At least 2, maybe 3 house seats got in on his coattails. Texas cannot be considered an automatic lock any more, and Beto is a real contender for 2020 / 2024

If today was voting day, Beto would have to be my choice.

Beto O’Rourke, who’s pondering a 2020 presidential bid, met with Barack Obama

Beto O’Rourke, weighing whether to mount a 2020 presidential bid, met recently with ­Barack Obama at his post-presidency offices in Washington.

The meeting, which was held Nov. 16 at the former president’s offices in Foggy Bottom, came as former Obama aides have encouraged the Democratic House member to run, seeing him as capable of the same kind of inspirational campaign that caught fire in the 2008 presidential election.

The meeting was the first sign of Obama getting personally involved in conversations with O’Rourke, who, despite his November loss in a U.S. Senate race in Texas, has triggered more recent discussion and speculation than any other candidate in the burgeoning 2020 field.

TMZ, the Hollywood-based entertainment website, is now trailing O’Rourke; he is being swamped by calls from Democratic operatives eager to work for him, and other campaigns-in-the-making are eyeing his moves closely for any signs of his intentions. O’Rourke said at an El Paso town hall last week that he was considering a run, pending discussions with his family.

His meeting with Obama came amid cross-pressures on O’Rourke to forgo a run for president to mount another bid for U.S. Senate, challenging Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) in 2020.

A spokeswoman for Obama declined to comment on the meeting. O’Rourke’s spokesman also declined to comment.

The former president has reportedly met with several potential 2020 candidates, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former New Orleans mayor Mitch Landrieu (D).

He is in the awkward position of trying to ensure his party wins back the White House, but without weighing in too aggressively in a primary that could consist of his former vice president (Joe Biden), a longtime friend (former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick) and some of his former Cabinet officials (Eric H. Holder Jr., his attorney general, and Julián Castro, his housing secretary).

Obama’s stated mission has been to build a new generation of Democratic leaders, and two weeks ago he said that O’Rourke, who is 46, reminded him of himself. The three-term congressman, he said, was one of the rare politicians who can connect with a wide swath of the electorate in an increasingly siloed country.

“The reason I was able to make a connection with a sizable portion of the country was because people had a sense that I said what I meant,” Obama said in an interview for “The Axe Files,” a podcast hosted by his former top strategist David Axelrod. “What I oftentimes am looking for first and foremost is, do you seem to mean it? Are you in this thing because you have a strong set of convictions that you are willing to risk things for?”

“What I liked most about his race was that it didn’t feel constantly poll-tested,” Obama added of O’Rourke. “It felt as if he based his statements and his positions on what he believed. And that, you’d like to think, is normally how things work. Sadly it’s not.”

O’Rourke last month finished 2.6 percentage points behind Republican Sen. Ted Cruz. Even in defeat, however, he was able to build a deep fundraising base, bringing in more money than any other candidate in the nation, and had a knack for creating moments that went viral online.

He vowed repeatedly not to run in 2020 during his Senate campaign but has been reevaluating those plans over the last few weeks. One of the major factors weighing on him is the strain placed on his family. He was away for long stretches during the Senate race, which was particularly hard on his kids.

Some of his closest friends still expect him to run, with one of them putting 60-40 odds on his getting into the race.

O’Rourke has enlisted his longtime aide, David Wysong, to handle the barrage of incoming calls. But he has not made any commitments and has largely ignored requests coming from groups in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire eager to have him visit.

O’Rourke was not among the slate of candidates that Obama endorsed during the midterm elections, but that came in part at O’Rourke’s request.

Obama offered several times to help O’Rourke’s campaign, including to come to Texas for a rally or to record robo-calls offering his endorsement, according to a source close to the O’Rourke campaign. Obama even recorded a video that O’Rourke’s campaign never utilized; it remained a subject of internal debate.

O’Rourke rarely used surrogates during his campaign and did not like the idea of having outside voices tell Texans how to vote. He also hasn’t forgotten his 2012 congressional campaign, when Obama — as well as another former president, Bill Clinton — endorsed his opponent, eight-term Democratic congressman Silvestre Reyes.

“I don’t think we’re interested,” O’Rourke said in October about an Obama endorsement. “I am so grateful to him for his service; he’s going to go down as one of the greatest presidents. And yet, this is on Texas.”

He also referred to the 2012 campaign, in which the top Democrats worked against him.

“Bill Clinton fills up the county coli­seum, and a screaming El Paso Times front-page headline [said] ‘President urges El Paso to stick with Reyes,’ ” he said. “And we won. And what that drove home for me is that someone else’s popularity is not transferrable to a given candidate.”

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49657 on: December 5, 2018, 09:11:26 am »
If I'm Trump and I read the following phrases, I'm peeing my pants.
Expect a "Michael Flynn is a DISGUSTING LIAR" tweet from Tantrum Boy by morning.

The weird thing about all those redactions is just how well they concentrate the eye on the words which can be seen. Like "sanctions".
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49658 on: December 5, 2018, 10:57:00 am »
If I'm Trump and I read the following phrases, I'm peeing my pants.
Expect a "Michael Flynn is a DISGUSTING LIAR" tweet from Tantrum Boy by morning.

“Lock him up”
"I want to build a team that's invincible, so that they have to send a team from bloody Mars to beat us."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49659 on: December 5, 2018, 11:01:02 am »

Link to the website -

He is livid and fuming while not understanding why “Helsinki.Either" was not pranked.    :D


"Twitter allowed someone to invade my text with a disgusting anti-President message. The same thing-period no space-occurred later and it didn’t happen. Don’t tell me they are not committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers. Time Magazine also may fit that description. FAIRNESS PLEASE"
Rudi has lost it.
Why would anyone other than an anti trumper fuck with his tweet.
They way he was held in such esteem after 9/11 and in reality he is as thick as pig shit
"I want to build a team that's invincible, so that they have to send a team from bloody Mars to beat us."

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49660 on: December 5, 2018, 11:13:17 am »
The weird thing about all those redactions is just how well they concentrate the eye on the words which can be seen. Like "sanctions".


Tom Winter@Tom_Winter
NBC News: There appears, although the redacted documents do not make it completely clear, that there is a separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's purview for which Flynn has been providing significant assistance.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49661 on: December 5, 2018, 11:26:57 am »
Bloomberg mulls presidential run on Iowa visit
By Cristina Alesci and Laura Dolan, CNN 
5 hrs ago

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says now that Democrats have won the House, they have to "do something."

"If they just sit back and do the same thing that the people they just ousted did then I'm not gonna be happy and I've told Nancy Pelosi that," said Bloomberg, who spent more than $110 million in last month's midterms to help Democrats wrest control of the House from Republicans.

Bloomberg, who is considering a presidential run in 2020, spoke to CNN on Tuesday during a daylong trip to Iowa -- a crucial early voting state -- where he was promoting his new documentary about climate change.

The media and financial data mogul made multiple stops across the state, including at an electric company in Cedar Rapids and a community college in Ankeny that trains student to work on wind turbines. In a classroom with turbine simulators, Bloomberg told students they were building promising careers in well-paying green jobs.

Bloomberg said he wasn't visiting Iowa to solicit votes -- yet.

"Ask a question, make a friend," said Bloomberg, who has previously said he'd decide early in 2019.

"They are used to having candidates from around the country come here every four years," said Bloomberg. "They've seen it all and they understand you're coming here because you want to get to know them and solicit the votes."

Bloomberg, who recently re-registered as a Democrat, said he anticipates a crowded field to challenge President Donald Trump. When asked about former Vice President Joe Biden's assertion this week that he'd be the most qualified, Bloomberg said that is a prerequisite for the job.

"You would think that anybody that's running for the job would think that they're qualified to be it," said Bloomberg. "Joe Biden's a guy who I've known for a long time, he's a very competent guy and they'll be 25 people or 20 people running on the Democratic side, all of whom I think would answer the question the same way if you asked it."

Bloomberg recited a long list of accomplishments he says qualify him to lead the nation.

"I do think that after 12 years in City Hall, dealing with international problems and security problems and economic problems and creating jobs and the environment and guns and women's rights and tobacco and these things, that I have a lot of experience which would be useful if I was President of the United States," said Bloomberg. "It's one thing to say something, it's a different thing to have actually done it."
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49662 on: December 5, 2018, 12:02:08 pm »
A few snippets I caught this AM.

Natasha Bertrand: "Trump has been urging his associates to have 'guts' and not cooperate in the Russia probe. But Mueller sent a clear message tonight to current/future witnesses: testify honestly and completely, and you could be spared prison time..."

Ari Melber: "Bottom line: Mueller is telling convicts they will be be spared prison time for testifying honestly, while Trump is telling witnesses not to testify at all..."

I love this one from Josh Campbell regarding all the redacted parts in the Flynn filing: "Mueller's filing tonight is the equivalent of losing a cell phone call in the tunnel just when it started to get interesting..."  :D

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49663 on: December 5, 2018, 12:29:39 pm »
Rudi has lost it.
Why would anyone other than an anti trumper fuck with his tweet.
They way he was held in such esteem after 9/11 and in reality he is as thick as pig shit

As never trumper Rick Wilson wrote: Everything Trump touches dies

Matthis is the latest to lose his reputation by associating with Trump.
« Last Edit: December 5, 2018, 12:31:57 pm by Giono »
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49664 on: December 5, 2018, 12:50:03 pm »
As never trumper Rick Wilson wrote: Everything Trump touches dies

He sucks the life out of the room with bombast and makes that Alec Baldwin ass pucker from the taste.

Then exhales poison gas.
Kill the humourless

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49665 on: December 5, 2018, 12:50:32 pm »
All the winning...

 UnsilentMajority 🖤 (@The_UnSilent_)
2018-12-04, 10:00 PM
Fun Fact: Donald Trump now owns 10 of the Dow’s top 20 worst single-day declines in stock market history...

#1 2/5/18 -1175
#2 2/8/18 -1032
#3 10/10/18 -832
#4 12/4/18 -799
#7 /22/18 -724
#11 2/2/18 -665
#15 10/24/18 -608
#16 11/12/18 -602
#18 4/6/18 -572
#20 11/20/18 -551
"I am a great believer in luck and the harder I work the more of it I have." Stephen Leacock

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49666 on: December 5, 2018, 12:52:49 pm »
He sucks the life out of the room with bombast and makes that Alec Baldwin ass pucker from the taste.

Then exhales poison gas.

He can not muster the energy to suck anything but Putin and MBS.
"I am a great believer in luck and the harder I work the more of it I have." Stephen Leacock

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49667 on: December 5, 2018, 01:37:07 pm »
All the winning...

 UnsilentMajority 🖤 (@The_UnSilent_)
2018-12-04, 10:00 PM
Fun Fact: Donald Trump now owns 10 of the Dow’s top 20 worst single-day declines in stock market history...

#1 2/5/18 -1175
#2 2/8/18 -1032
#3 10/10/18 -832
#4 12/4/18 -799
#7 /22/18 -724
#11 2/2/18 -665
#15 10/24/18 -608
#16 11/12/18 -602
#18 4/6/18 -572
#20 11/20/18 -551

Can't help but feel that he's using his position to influence the markets. When the market drops, someone is always making a ton of money off it. Wouldn't surprise me if El douche is coordinating it with his pals.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49668 on: December 5, 2018, 01:38:07 pm »
He can not muster the energy to suck anything but Putin and MBS.

I dunno, I think it's pretty clear that he actually is sucking both.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49669 on: December 5, 2018, 01:42:54 pm »
Can't help but feel that he's using his position to influence the markets. When the market drops, someone is always making a ton of money off it. Wouldn't surprise me if El douche is coordinating it with his pals.

I doubt he is shorting his own stock. That would break just about every fiscal rule there is. As for members of his family and wider circle.....
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49670 on: December 5, 2018, 01:50:24 pm »
Who was it on here that first suggested that the Russians may decide to hack the Republicans, rather than the Democrats, ahead of the mid-terms in order to sow further discord?

US mid-term elections: Republican committee reports hacking to FBI

Campaign officials for the US Republican Party had their email accounts hacked ahead of this year's mid-term elections, it has emerged.

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) said it was the victim of a cyber intrusion by an "unknown entity", and the FBI had been informed.

Party officials said none of the emails had been made public.

News website Politico, which first reported the hack, said the accounts of four senior aides had been targeted.

It said the accounts were compromised for several months until the intrusion was spotted in April by an NRCC official who alerted the committee.

The NRCC co-ordinates election campaigns for Republican candidates running for the US House of Representatives, the lower house of Congress.

Politico, citing senior party officials, said the NRCC had kept details of the hack hidden from the party's leadership, as well as its house members, saying it feared it would make it harder to find the culprit.

NRCC spokesman Ian Prior said: "The NRCC can confirm that it was the victim of a cyber intrusion by an unknown entity. The cybersecurity of the Committee's data is paramount, and upon learning of the intrusion, the NRCC immediately launched an internal investigation and notified the FBI, which is now investigating the matter."

He added: "To protect the integrity of that investigation, the NRCC will offer no further comment on the incident."

Party officials would not say when the hack began or who was behind it, although they privately believe it was a foreign agent because of the nature of the attack.
« Last Edit: December 5, 2018, 01:55:45 pm by ShakaHislop »

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49671 on: December 5, 2018, 01:55:16 pm »
Can't help but feel that he's using his position to influence the markets. When the market drops, someone is always making a ton of money off it. Wouldn't surprise me if El douche is coordinating it with his pals.

I think you're giving him far too much credit. This is a man who lost money running a casino (the house always wins) and can't get bank loans anywhere except dodgy Russian banks .

He is, as many have said, a fucking moron, who has managed to turn the fortune his father left him into about the same sized fortune today. He's not even a developer, just a marketing front for other people's properties.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49672 on: December 5, 2018, 02:10:01 pm »
I think you're giving him far too much credit. This is a man who lost money running a casino (the house always wins) and can't get bank loans anywhere except dodgy Russian banks .

He is, as many have said, a fucking moron, who has managed to turn the fortune his father left him into about the same sized fortune today. He's not even a developer, just a marketing front for other people's properties.

Problem is, he might not be in it for himself. There were those stories about him talking to his "friends" a lot on the phone in the evening and at night. One of them might give him some slight hints on what to do to help them out a little. If I remember correctly there were actual allegations like that, because of who he was speaking to, but I can't think of the name of the guy right now...

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49673 on: December 5, 2018, 02:20:02 pm »
Problem is, he might not be in it for himself. There were those stories about him talking to his "friends" a lot on the phone in the evening and at night. One of them might give him some slight hints on what to do to help them out a little. If I remember correctly there were actual allegations like that, because of who he was speaking to, but I can't think of the name of the guy right now...

I can imagine that - he is a fucking idiot and people with far more brains that he has could press his buttons.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49674 on: December 5, 2018, 02:27:50 pm »
I can imagine that - he is a fucking idiot and people with far more brains that he has could press his buttons.

Found it. It was Carl Icahn who sold shares before the steel tariffs were anounced. Though Icahn later said that he hadn't spoken to Trump for a long time. But even if there's nothing in this story, talking to Trump might give some of his "friends" an edge in terms of the stock market. He might tell them stuff that could help them, even if he doesn't realise...

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49675 on: December 5, 2018, 03:02:09 pm »
Associated Press
White House intensifies confusion and fear on US-China deal
1 hr ago

Typical real estate typhoon.  Overpromise, undedeliver.

"It's gonna be great! And fast!"

*Book me a rally in Nebraska, we can tell them anything*

BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Wednesday that the latest meeting between presidents of China and the United States on economic and trade issues was "very successful."

"We are confident about the implementation [of the consensuses from the meeting]," the spokesperson said.

"In 90 days, economic and trade teams of both sides will actively push forward the consultation following clear schedule and roadmap," the spokesperson said.

China will start with implementing the specific aspects of the newly-reached consensuses as soon as possible, according to the spokesperson.

Mr Trump said talks with China and the 90-day truce period had already started. He said China was supposed to begin buying US agricultural products and others "immediately".


Mr Trump earlier this week also said China had agreed to "reduce and remove" the 40% tariffs it places on US cars imported into China.

China has made no comment on these potential car tariff cuts, nor has it specified when the 90-day period begins.


But the BBC's Robin Brant in Shanghai said China's comments put it at odds with the White House.

China has pledge to implement the changes agreed at trade talks between Presidents Trump and Xi "as soon as possible", but it has not repeated claims from senior figures in the US that it will happen "immediately", he said.

After the key meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, officials from Beijing are “puzzled and irritated” by the Trump administration’s behavior, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing a former U.S. government official who has been in contact with the Chinese officials.

“You don’t do this with the Chinese. You don’t triumphantly proclaim all their concessions in public. It’s just madness,” the former official, who asked for anonymity to describe confidential discussions, told the Post.

The two world leaders met over dinner during the G-20 summit in Argentina last week. The White House said the nations had agreed to a 90-day truce on trade. Following the meeting, Trump told reporters it was “an incredible deal” and that it “goes down, certainly, if it happens, it goes down as one of the largest deals ever made.”

But the Post reported that the Chinese have not acknowledged a 90-day deadline for the talks and have not said that they would “immediately” increase purchases of U.S. farm goods.
« Last Edit: December 5, 2018, 03:05:48 pm by ShakaHislop »

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49676 on: December 5, 2018, 04:48:10 pm »
Russia will build missiles if US leaves treaty, Putin warns

Russia will develop missiles banned under a Cold War agreement if the US exits the pact, President Vladimir Putin has warned.

His comments follow Nato's accusation on Tuesday that Russia has already broken the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

Signed in 1987 by the US and USSR, it banned both countries' use of all short and medium-range missiles.

But Mr Putin says the accusation is a pretext for the US to leave the pact.

In televised comments, the Russian leader said many other countries had developed weapons banned under the INF treaty.

"Now it seems our American partners believe that the situation has changed so much that [they] must also have such a weapon," he said.

"What's our response? It's simple - in that case we will also do this."

US President Donald Trump has previously said the country would leave the treaty because of Russian actions.

Analysts say Russia sees the weapons as a cheaper alternative to conventional forces.

What has Nato said?

On Tuesday, the Western military alliance formally accused Russia of breaking the treaty.

"Allies have concluded that Russia has developed and fielded a missile system, the 9M729, which violates the INF Treaty and poses significant risks to Euro-Atlantic security," the Nato foreign ministers' statement read.

The statement said the member nations "strongly support" the US claim that Russia is in breach of the pact, and called on Moscow to "return urgently to full and verifiable compliance".

Speaking after the release of Nato's statement, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Russia had 60 days to return to compliance with the treaty, after which time the US would suspend its own compliance.

"During this 60 days we will still not test or produce or deploy any systems, and we'll see what happens during this 60-day period," he said.

Russia has repeatedly denied breaking the Cold War treaty.

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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49677 on: December 5, 2018, 06:37:08 pm »
Meacham nailed it. 

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

They wanted Fungus there to sit and listen to what he is not.

He was never so bored in his life.  90 minutes without talking about himself.
« Last Edit: December 5, 2018, 06:55:29 pm by jambutty »
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49678 on: December 5, 2018, 07:09:47 pm »
Interesting comments about Beto.  If Obama is urging him to run then my earlier speculation that he might not feel ready in himself might be more true than I realised.  He needs to have the courage of his convictions though.

On Trump and the stock exchange, he's such an idiot and painfully predictable.  He's also always shooting his mouth off, and not just on twitter.  He probably rants to these people who he thinks are his peers in messages and phone calls and they - being seasoned stock market operatives - move their stock accordingly as they sense what he's going to do.

Looking forward to him being shown up.
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Re: Ill Douche - Fungal Dick
« Reply #49679 on: December 5, 2018, 07:23:38 pm »
Meacham nailed it. 

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

They wanted Fungus there to sit and listen to what he is not.

He was never so bored in his life.  90 minutes without talking about himself.

Very powerful.  And yes the cynic in me says it's tailor made as a very subtle attack on 45; the guy is so dumb it would have sailed clean over his head - assuming he was even listening. 

Did you notice how Trump was perched in the pew?  All the other presidents were leaning back comfortably (as comfortable as you can be on such a sombre occasion), but Trump seemed very tense to me.
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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