Author Topic: Typhoid Trump: the not-smart, corrupt, coward, loser, thread  (Read 4613422 times)

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Department of Justification

Stephen Bannon and Jeff Sessions, the new attorney general, have long shared a vision for remaking America. Now the nation’s top law-enforcement agency can serve as a tool for enacting it.


Good (long) read about the new admin's aims and goals.

To a certain extent, I don't have a problem with their ideas. I disagree with them, on immigration, nationalism, economics but that's ok, people disagree. What I can't handle is all the lying. If you don't like immigration, then say so, but don't rely on utterly false crime stats.

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Farrage meeting with Assange is the bit I find interesting. Assange must be going stir crazy if he is agreeing to meet with that one... or are darker forces at work within wiki leaks. I'll just get me tinfoil hat (and turn off me tele at the mains -oh and power down me phone and check me internet connection)
"I want to build a team that's invincible, so that they have to send a team from bloody Mars to beat us."

Offline classycarra

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Farrage meeting with Assange is the bit I find interesting. Assange must be going stir crazy if he is agreeing to meet with that one... or are darker forces at work within wiki leaks. I'll just get me tinfoil hat (and turn off me tele at the mains -oh and power down me phone and check me internet connection)

Both of them are awful people. I wouldn't say this is Assange sinking to new depths

Offline cloggypop

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Farrage meeting with Assange is the bit I find interesting. Assange must be going stir crazy if he is agreeing to meet with that one... or are darker forces at work within wiki leaks. I'll just get me tinfoil hat (and turn off me tele at the mains -oh and power down me phone and check me internet connection)
Emails! Frottage! Assange!

Obviously the autocorrect needs correcting for that link to actually work.

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“Trump lies all of the time and I think that is not an accident, there is a reason for that. He lies in order to undermine the foundations of American democracy.”

Sanders nails it right here.

He lies constantly in order to undermine the value of the truth, to make the truth pointless. Just like Putin in Russia, which I think is his model.
He knows we know he's lying. He tells a blatant lie...the media all come out and say he's lying...he calls it fake news as a means to undermine the media. Rinse and repeat. All Bannon's work of course, as Trump isn't that savvy.

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Travel Ban Could Hinder U.S. In 2026 World Cup Bid

Gianni Infantino has indicated Donald Drumpf's controversial travel ban could prevent the United States from hosting the World Cup.

The United States have long been considered the favorites to win the 2026 World Cup, either on their own or to jointly host it with Canada and Mexico.

President Trump on Monday signed a new executive order banning immigration from six Muslim-majority countries, which could have implications for the nation's ability to host football's biggest tournament.

Infantino said in London on Thursday: "When it comes to FIFA competitions, any team, including the supporters and officials of that team, who qualify for a World Cup need to have access to the country, otherwise there is no World Cup. That is obvious."

Iran is the highest-ranked team in the FIFA rankings of the six affected by the executive order.

Infantino added: "Mr. Trump is the president of the United States of America and as such of course [I have] huge respect for what he does.

"He's in charge, together with his government, to take decisions that are best for his country. That's why he has been elected.

"In the world there are many countries who have bans, travel bans, visa requirements and so on and so forth.

"We are now in the process of defining the bid requirements.

"The requirements will be clear. And then each country can make up their decision, whether they want to bid or not based on the requirements.

"It's general sporting criteria."

Offline jambutty

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Not stalking you or anything , mate, but I had asked why Corey Booker was a douchebag in your opinion.
Ok, what's wrong with the Booker?

Kill the humourless

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"But the most important thing that we all must remember is that this football club is much more important and bigger than anybody."~ King Kenny Dalglish

Offline jambutty

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  • June 20, 2009. Still no justice for Neda
oh lord  :butt :butt :butt this whole thing... this is the rapture isn't it
If it is they should be very afraid.

They're all hypocrites and Jesus is a Muslim these days.
Kill the humourless

Offline Chakan

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I'm confused

The lead story on Breitbart right now

Offline mallin9

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^Bannon playing a double game?  Or an attempt to build pressure within GOP to just hammer this fucking thing through?  Or C) these fucks are brainless gorms?  C?  C

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TrumpCare:  It's like Trump University, but you die.
You'll Never Walk Alone

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Spicer's just said that Trump didn't know. Trump seems to make it his business not to know such things. Do as you would be done by - and lord knows questions about conflicted interests aren't ones he likes being asked.

Surprise, surprise. Turns out his administration knew about this after all. Not only did Mike Flynn's lawyer tell them this, but Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings sent Pence a letter about it three months ago

Trump team knew Michael Flynn might register as a foreign agent for Turkey work
Fredreka Schouten , USA TODAY Published 4:03 p.m. ET March 10, 2017 |

WASHINGTON — A lawyer for former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn told the Trump transition team before President Trump took office that Flynn might have to register as a foreign agent because of his work for a Turkish client.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Friday said that Flynn's representative reached out to the transition team about potentially registering with the Justice Department because his lobbying work may have benefited the government of Turkey, but Spicer said the transition lawyer viewed it as a personal matter and not an issue for transition officials to decide.

Spicer also rejected the notion that Flynn's lobbying work for a client with ties to Turkey's government should have raised red flags about Flynn's appointment as Trump's top national security adviser. He said Flynn had "impeccable credentials" to serve in that role.

"We trust people to fill out the appropriate forms," Spicer added, when asked whether other Trump advisers also might be lobbying on behalf of foreign governments.

Trump fired Flynn last month for making misleading statements to Vice President Pence and others about his discussions with Russia's ambassador to the United States.

But documents Flynn filed this week with the Justice Department raised fresh questions about his ties to the Turkish government, even as he was serving as top adviser to Trump's presidential campaign. His now-shuttered firm, Flynn Intel Group, earned $530,000 year for work on behalf of Inovo BV, a Dutch firm, whose Turkish founder has ties to Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As part of its contract, the firm undertook research into an Erdogan political opponent, Fetulleh Gulen, an Islamic cleric who lives in exile in rural Pennsylvania.

On Election Day, The Hill newspaper published a Flynn op-ed that criticized Gulen and said the United States should no longer provide a safe haven to him.

Flynn's work on behalf of Inovo had been the subject of earlier news reports. He also disclosed the work in lobbying documents filed with Congress. But he did not register as a foreign agent until this week and retroactively provided details about the nature of Flynn Intel's work and how much his firm earned.

This week, Spicer said Trump had been unaware of Flynn's foreign agent work. In an interview Thursday with Fox News, Pence also said he did not learn of Flynn's foreign-agent registration until this week. The revelation, Pence said, was "an affirmation of the president's decision to ask General Flynn to resign."

Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, noted Friday that he had written to Pence three months ago, raising questions about Flynn's work on behalf of Turkish interests.

"If the Vice President had heeded my warnings, it’s clear now he could have prevented the problems that occurred with Lt. General Flynn," Cummings said in a statement.

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Also, pro-Trump Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher recently spent some time lecturing the former President of Estonia about Russia


A GOP Congressman Just Spent 6 Minutes Defending Vladimir Putin
Dana Rohrabacher tries to give a history lesson to the former president of Estonia.

AJ VicensMar. 9, 2017 4:26 PM

Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the president of Estonia from 2006 to 2016, had a crisis on his hands in September 2014. Russian security service agents crossed the border and kidnapped and detained Eston Kohver, an agent with Estonia's equivalent of the FBI. The Russian government accused Kohver of being a spy and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

Ilves referred to the episode Thursday during his testimony at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russian disinformation and "weaponization of information." Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), a staunch defender of President Donald Trump, opened his statement by diminishing the importance of connections between the Trump campaign and Russian officials and said that controversy over the matter "has reached the absurd level of attacks."

"In order to get Russia," he said, "we are now…destabilizing our own democratic system here with that kind of nonsense."

When Rohrabacher asked Ilves to provide examples of Russian military aggression, the former president referred to the border incident. Rohrabacher was unimpressed: "So you had a situation of corruption at the border, one of your border guards disappeared. I mean military aggression? Has there been any cross-border, at all, military action on the part of the Russians in Estonia?"

"Well, we have constant violations of our border by military jets. That's one thing, and that's consistent," Ilves said, adding these incidents have "massively increased in the last four years."

Rohrabacher explained that he had visited the Baltic states after hearing stories of Russian military aggression and found "not one report of actual military aggression." He added that the United States has sent "our tanks up there, having B-52 mock raids on Russia, over Estonia, toward the Soviet capital, in the name of stopping Soviet military aggression that never existed. This has got to stop or we're going to end up in war."

Echoing Trump's practice of equating Russia and the United States—"We have a lot of killers…you think our country is so innocent?" the president said to Bill O'Reilly last month— the 13-term congressman offered his own analysis of the similarities between the United States and Russia. "We have engaged in some of these activities," he said. He then mentioned the Phoenix Program, a Vietnam-era US undercover program that employed torture and assassination to kill tens of thousands of Viet Cong suspects from 1968 to 1972, and other examples of American involvement in the internal affairs of other countries during the Cold War.
"[Russia is] being run by tough guys—sort of like Mayor Daley, in Chicago, is transported over to Russia."

"Do you remember the Phoenix Program in Vietnam? I remember the Phoenix Program. I supported the Phoenix Program. We murdered hundreds of local officials. How about Allende? How about Diem? How about any number of people during the Cold War that we assassinated? That's wrong, it's wrong to do that, but please do not say that Russia is the only country that commits these kinds of crimes."

Rohrabacher also compared Putin to Richard Daley, the late mayor of Chicago, saying that Russia is "being run by tough guys—sort of like Mayor Daley, in Chicago, is transported over to Russia." Daley "beat demonstrators up and did not represent anything what America was all about, but he was not some vicious dictator. He had been elected by his people and we would try to unelect him as well." He added, "What's happening in Russia, of course, is you have a country watching out for its national interest."

After Rohrbacher's history lesson, Rep. Gerry Connolly, (D-Va.)* asked Ilves to expand on his answer about Russian aggression.

"I didn't get to finish," the former president said, referring to the kidnapping of the Estonian official. "That was a military action. Troops came over and kidnapped this guy." He then noted massive military exercises the Russians perform at borders in the region, and not just between Russia and Estonia. "I mean, they do mock bombing raids on Sweden," he said. "So it's not just us."

Connolly then addressed Rohbacher's comparison of Putin with Daley. "I went to school in Chicago during his mayorality," Connolly said. "I didn't know him, but I assure you, Vladimir Putin is no Richard Daley. Richard Daley did not have his political opponents assassinated. He didn't send them into exile. He didn't put them in prison. He didn't silence the press. He didn't assassinate members of the press. He didn't exile members of the press. He sparred with them, and sometimes he was bested…There is no comparison, and I think we do ourselves a disservice by not recognizing on a bipartisan basis the gravity of the situation we face."

Offline SP

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I'm confused

The lead story on Breitbart right now

It does not screw over enough people for them. I would guess it is the GOP establishment's plan rather than Bannon's.

Offline Red Beret

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I'm confused

The lead story on Breitbart right now

Their way of saying there shouldn't be any replacement at all?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 11:41:43 pm by Red Beret »
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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Offline theMilkman

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I'm confused

The lead story on Breitbart right now

From the story on Brietbart:

3) Obamacare 2.0 will be labeled as “Trumpcare,” and Democrats and their media allies will highlight every hard case to attack Republicans for hurting the poor and elderly. Remember when a progressive group put out an ad showing Paul Ryan pushing a grandma in a wheelchair off a cliff? Obamacare 2.0 gives the media and the Democrats a golden opportunity to walk away from their healthcare mess and blame Republicans, and amplify that message endlessly.

6) This bill is going to unleash the kind of political fury on Republicans that will elect Elizabeth Warren in 2020. Part of what killed Hillary Clinton’s campaign was voters getting their massive Obamacare premium increases in the mail in October. Republicans seem eager to inflict that kind of fatal damage on themselves. The explosive reaction to Obamacare launched the Tea Party in 2010 and swept Republicans into Congress during the mid-term elections of 2014. The Left is furious and energetic under Trump. The 2018 midterm elections are right around the corner, and Democrats are going to launch a holy war against Trump during the 2020 election. The Left will rally around Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other progressives and portray the Democrats as the party of the forgotten man. The white, working class gave Trump a chance in 2016. They could easily begin voting Democratic again or drop out of the political process altogether after a healthcare betrayal.

They're worried it'll be shit (which it will) and it'll get blamed on the president at Mar-a-Safe-Space (which it will). of course repealing it without replacement does the same thing, and not repealing it will piss off the base too. Pretty much, they've lied for about 7 years about having a better hand and now everyone's all in and it's time to show the voters they don't even have a pair...

« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 10:34:53 pm by theMilkman »
"But the most important thing that we all must remember is that this football club is much more important and bigger than anybody."~ King Kenny Dalglish

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Always love how the far right and far left love to tear each other apart after a little while

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Surprise, surprise. Turns out his administration knew about this after all. Not only did Mike Flynn's lawyer tell them this, but Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings sent Pence a letter about it three months ago

It was known just after the election (eg Politico in November). It's the same bullshit as Trump not knowing about Flynn's contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition even though Flynn met him in Trump Tower with Trump's son-in-law.
"And the voices of the standing Kop still whispering in the wind will salute the wee Scots redman and he will still walk on.
And your money will have bought you nothing."

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It was known just after the election (eg Politico in November). It's the same bullshit as Trump not knowing about Flynn's contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition even though Flynn met him in Trump Tower with Trump's son-in-law.

"I didn't see it."

He's gone Full Wenger.  You never go Full Wenger.
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The 'man' surrounds himself with some likeminded buffoons.

And now they've 404'd it or according to reports it's sold out.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 12:29:18 am by BarryCrocker »
And all the world is football shaped, It's just for me to kick in space. And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste.

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Always love how the far right and far left love to tear each other apart after a little while

How can you tell the difference?
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Offline Romeo Sensini

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The 'man' surrounds himself with some likeminded buffoons.
Trump supporter and proud "Irish" Americans. It is almost the ultimate obnoxious combo.

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Sessions is calling for the 46 federal prosecutors left over from the Obama administration to resign.

Offline Commie Bobbie

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Spicy's let the secret out.
Twitter: @atypicalbob


MacKenzie Is Still A Fucking c*nt

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Sessions is calling for the 46 federal prosecutors left over from the Obama administration to resign.

They are saying it strange he has done this the day after Hannity on Fox News said thats what he should do.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

Offline Red Beret

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Spicy's let the secret out.

These days I'd say it is serious news that Spicer's actually bothered to hold a televised press conference :P
I don't always visit Lobster Pot.  But when I do. I sit.

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Spicy's let the secret out.

His pin is upside down- a clear distress signal. Poor Spicey.
Oh, these sour times.

No one admires resilience when you were just plain wrong all along - that's just twattishness.

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Trump adviser Roger Stone admits to having private Twitter conversations with DNC hacker. Says they were "completely innocuous" and that he had forgotten about it (The Hill)

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Just a reminder that all Republicans are nasty, heartless scumbags, not just Trump

"I would say we certainly have the resources to compete with anybody in football." Tom Werner 12/04/2012

Offline theMilkman

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Just a reminder that all Republicans are nasty, heartless scumbags, not just Trump

"But the most important thing that we all must remember is that this football club is much more important and bigger than anybody."~ King Kenny Dalglish

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Yes gun loving, religious, homophobic, racist scumbags who only care about themselves and other rich people
"I would say we certainly have the resources to compete with anybody in football." Tom Werner 12/04/2012

Offline jambutty

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I know quite a few and I don't like any of 'em.

Except Jerseyhoya.
Kill the humourless

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Bernie Sanders: Trump Should Avoid a Bad Zika Deal


Donald J. Trump told the American people during his presidential campaign, “This country is being drained of its jobs and its money because we have stupid people making bad deals.” He promised to make better deals, ones in which we would win so much we “may even get tired of winning.”

Now his administration, through the Army, is on the brink of making a bad deal, giving a French pharmaceutical company, Sanofi, the exclusive license to patents and thus a monopoly to sell a vaccine against the Zika virus. If Mr. Trump allows this deal, Sanofi will be able to charge whatever astronomical price it wants for its vaccine. Millions of people in the United States and around the world will not be able to afford it even though American taxpayers have already spent more than $1 billion on Zika research and prevention efforts, including millions to develop this vaccine.

The Department of Health and Human Services gave Sanofi $43 million to develop the Zika vaccine with the United States Army. And the company is expected to receive at least $130 million more in federal funding.

Sanofi is not a nonprofit or a tiny start-up struggling to bring medicine to market. Its chief executive, Olivier Brandicourt, earns about $4.5 million a year. Even the government of France criticized this salary, calling it “incomprehensible,” yet the American government is perfectly happy to enrich Mr. Brandicourt even more.

Before President Trump makes this deal, he must guarantee that Sanofi will not turn around and gouge American consumers, Medicare and Medicaid or our military when it sells the vaccine.

Unfortunately, the likelihood is that Sanofi will engage in exactly this predatory behavior — because it’s happened before.
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

“I carry them with me: what they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. So even though they’re gone from the world they’re never gone from me.

Offline jambutty

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  • June 20, 2009. Still no justice for Neda
During his political rise, Stephen K. Bannon was a man with no fixed address
The Washington Post
Robert O'Harrow Jr., Shawn Boburg
2 hrs ago

In the three years before he became Donald Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon lived as a virtual nomad in a quest to build a populist political insurgency.

No presidential adviser in recent memory has followed such a mysterious, peripatetic path to the White House. It was as though he was a man with no fixed address.

He owned a house and condo in Southern California, where he had entertainment and consulting businesses, a driver’s license and a checking account. He claimed Florida as his residence, registering to vote in Miami and telling authorities he lived at the same address as his third ex-wife.

At the same time, he routinely stayed in Washington and New York as he engineered the expansion of Breitbart News and hosted a live Breitbart radio program. By 2015, Bannon stayed so often at Breitbart’s townhouse headquarters on Capitol Hill that he kept a picture of a daughter on a mantle piece, beneath a portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

Bannon told a friend that year he was living in multiple cities, including Washington, New York, London and Miami, according to an email obtained by The Washington Post.

The issue of Bannon’s legal residency has been simmering since last summer, shortly after he became chief executive of Trump’s campaign. The Guardian reported in an Aug. 26 story that he was registered to vote at a then-vacant house and speculated that that Bannon may have signed an oath that he was a Florida resident to take advantage of the state’s lack of state income taxes.

In California, where Bannon had lived and owned property for more than two decades, income tax can exceed 12 percent.

Bannon has not responded to repeated requests by The Washington Post to the discuss the matter. Two Post reporters sought to independently verify his residency claims, using a wide array of publicly available information.

They obtained utility bills, court records, real estate transactions, state driver reports and the checks he wrote to pay municipal taxes in California. They interviewed neighbors, spoke with landlords and tracked his Breitbart-related activity.

In the digital age, when most Americans leave a clear footprint of their whereabouts, Bannon left a meandering trail filled with ambiguity, contradictions and questions. The Post found that Bannon left a negligible footprint in Florida. He did not get a Florida driver’s license or register a car in the state. He never voted in Florida, and neighbors near two homes he leased in Miami said they never saw him. His rent and utility bills were sent to his business manager in California.

Bannon’s former wife occupied the premises, according to a landlord and neighbors.

At the same time Bannon said he was living with his ex-wife, she was under investigation for involvement in a plot to smuggle drugs and a cellphone into a Miami jail, a law enforcement document obtained by The Post shows.

The Post learned that state prosecutors in Miami have an active investigation into Bannon’s assertions that he was a Florida resident and qualified to vote in the state from 2014 to 2016. In late August, investigators subpoenaed Bannon’s lease of a Coconut Grove home and other documents. They also contacted the landlords of that home and another that Bannon leased nearby, and sought information from a gardener and handyman who worked at one of the homes, according to documents and interviews.

Because state laws do not clearly define residency, making a false registration case can be difficult.
California connection

A former investment banker and Hollywood producer, Bannon lived in California when he took a turn toward politics nearly a decade ago.

He had a condo in Los Angeles and a house just to the south in Laguna Beach, in Orange County. In 2010, he told Orange County election officials that he wanted to become a “permanent absentee voter” and have all ballots mailed to his Laguna Beach home.

In 2011, Bannon produced and directed a political documentary about Sarah Palin for the Victory Film Project, a company in Sarasota, Fla. He is listed as a manager of the company in Florida corporate records.

In March 2012, with the death of founder Andrew Breitbart, Bannon became executive chairman of the Los Angeles-based Breitbart News, which was expanding its operations to Washington.

Bannon was still a resident of California, records show. In the November 2012 elections, he voted in Orange County by absentee ballot. That same month, he renewed his California driver’s license for five years.

But in his subsequent travels across the country, his living situation became more complicated. The details gathered by The Post create uncertainty about where exactly he was spending the bulk of his time.

On Feb. 9, 2013, Bannon and DianeOn Feb. 9, 2013, Bannon and Diane Clohesy, his former third wife, signed a lease application for a three-bedroom house on Opechee Drive in a lush Miami neighborhood with palm trees and Spanish-style homes.

Bannon signed as “applicant,” and Clohesy signed as “applicant’s spouse.”

The two were married in 2006, when Bannon was 53 and Clohesy was 36. They divorced in California in 2009. She had moved to Florida in 2008, “starting a new life in Miami,” Bannon said in court papers during the divorce. But the two remained in touch, and she worked on three political documentaries he directed in 2011 and 2012.

Bannon told his new landlords that he would be splitting his time between California and Florida, according to interviews The Post conducted with the property owners. Bannon and Clohesy both signed the two-year lease, records show.

The lease application said Bannon was “relocating from California.” But Devin Kammerer, the real estate agent who represented Bannon and Clohesy, said he never met Bannon in person, and only sent him listings by email.

“It was Diane who made the decisions about where she wanted to be, and she’d send over listings to Steve for his approval,” Kammerer said. “Diane was very clear on what she wanted.”

The $4,900 monthly rent was a big jump for Clohesy, who declared on the lease application that her most recent apartment had cost her $950 a month, documents show. But by his own account, Bannon could afford it.
He stated on the application that he earned $750,000 a year as chairman of Breitbart News Network, a figure that has not been previously reported. He also earned $270,000 as executive chairman of Arc Entertainment, a film distribution company based in Santa Monica, Calif.

In addition, Bannon received about $100,000 in salary that year as part-time chairman of the Government Accountability Institute, a new nonprofit charity in Tallahassee, according to filings with the Internal Revenue Service. Bannon, two Breitbart writers and other conservative activists had launched the organization a year earlier and it produced reports and books that were promoted by Breitbart. Bannon claimed he worked 30 hours a week at GAI, according to IRS filings.

Just weeks after signing the Opechee Drive lease, Bannon launched “Breitbart News Sunday with Stephen K. Bannon,” a three-hour program broadcast live Sunday nights from SiriusXM studios in Washington.

In May 2013, Bannon opened an account in his name for municipal sewer and water service at the Opechee Drive residence, documents show.
The utility account is one of the few public indications of Bannon’s presence in Florida. But Bannon told utility officials to mail the bills to the office of his business manager on Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills, Calif., according to documents obtained through Florida public records laws.
Four neighbors told The Post they do not recall seeing Bannon at the house.

“I never saw him,” said Steven Chastain, who lived a few doors away on a nearby street.

“He wasn’t living there,” said Barbara Pope, a longtime resident who often walked her dog on Opechee Drive. “I would have recognized him.”
At the time Bannon was sharing the lease with Clohesy in Opechee, she was apparently involved with another man. Neighbors said they repeatedly saw a man they could not identify at the house.

She filed for a restraining order against Jose A. Cabana in 2012. He filed one against her in May 2013, court records show. She was granted a two-year injunction against him and his complaint was dropped after he failed to appear in court. Cabana was charged with cocaine distribution in November 2013 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He could not be reached for comment.

In October 2013, Clohesy became ensnared in an undercover investigation of a jail guard suspected of smuggling drugs and other contraband to another man, a friend of hers in the Miami-Dade County Pre-trial Detention Center, according to an arrest warrant for the jail guard first reported by the the Miami New Times.
Investigators eavesdropping on a phone call between Clohesy and the inmate heard them arrange for her to deliver a “pop tart” — code for a cellphone — along with several ounces of marijuana to a prison guard, the warrant said. Clohesy, who was under surveillance, later met with the guard in a parking lot and handed over the marijuana, the phone and $700 in cash, the warrant said.

Clohesy was confronted by authorities and agreed to cooperate. She told investigators she had known the inmate for more than a year and “maintained a relationship with him through jail visits, correspondence and telephone conversations.”

Efforts to reach Clohesy were unsuccessful. Her brother, Declan, provided The Post with a statement Friday that Bannon had provided “emotional or financial support” to help her recover from drug addiction and depression.

“Steve is a caring and compassionate man and Diane is blessed to still have him in her life,” the statement said. “We appreciate the media respecting my sister’s privacy at this early stage of her recovery.”

Neighbors of the Opechee Drive home said they remember Clohesy vividly, in part because she had a steady stream of visitors, some of them disruptive. Four neighbors told The Post that they had a community meeting with police to complain about noise at the house and cars speeding from the premises at late hours.

Police records show that officers went to the Opechee address at least three times over several months in 2014. The officers were responding to reports about disturbances, including loud music. In one case, a woman at the home called police around midnight to express fears about an ex-boyfriend who was shining a bright light into the windows. Her name is redacted in the report.

Beatriz Portela, a real estate agent who represented the Opechee landlords, said she also received a call and text messages from neighbors who were anxious about troubling incidents at the house, including speeding vehicles and a car crash. “They were super upset,” Portela said.
A roving life

On April 2, 2014, more than a year after Bannon signed the lease on the residence in Coconut Grove, he registered to vote in Florida and listed the Opechee Drive address as his legal home. Bannon did not have to show an ID to register. He provided the last four digits of his Social Security number to verify his identity.

One of the allures of Florida is its zero income tax rate for in-state residents. The Post was unable to determine what state Bannon claimed as his primary residence for the purpose of income tax.

Accountants advise people who work in multiple states to carefully document the number of nights they spend in Florida and maintain records of travel, housing, even of meals. Registering to vote is considered one indication of residency, as is a driver’s license. Under state law, new residents must apply for a license within 30 days if they intend to operate a vehicle.

Phillip Sroka, a partner at the accounting firm of Morrison, Brown, Argiz and Farra in Miami, said he advises clients who split their time in multiple states to take care to document their presence in Florida for more than six months. That includes airline tickets, restaurant receipts and utility bills.

In an interview with The Post, Sroka said suspicions are raised when individuals have their bills sent outside the states where they claim their residences.
“It gets a little sketchy when you accept employment elsewhere,” he said. “Where it gets a little on the line and subject to interpretation is where you have a lot of other business dealings elsewhere.”

As 2015 approached, Bannon continued his roving life. He rented out his Laguna Beach home and, in January 2015, bought a townhouse as a second home in Pinehurst, N.C. The deed lists Bannon’s mailing address at his money manager’s office in Beverly Hills.

On Feb. 18, 2015, Bannon ended the water and sewer service at Opechee Drive and switched the service to Onaway Drive, less than a half mile away in Coconut Grove, records show. Five days later, Bannon changed his voter registration to Onaway Drive.
The Opechee house was left in disrepair, according to an email between the landlord and Bannon and interviews with the landlord.

Padlocks had been placed on interior doors — or the doors had been removed altogether. A hot tub was destroyed.

“[E]ntire Jacuzzi bathtub seems to have been covered in acid,” the landlord wrote in the February 2015 email to Bannon.

“I’m out of town,” Bannon replied. “is there any way u can talk with Diane and sort things out ???

The damage was estimated at more than $14,000, according to an accounting by the landlords, who kept the $9,800 security deposit from Bannon and Clohesy.

Kammerer, their real estate agent, said he was troubled by the damage.

“I would not work with them after that,” he said. “I would not refer them again as clients of mine.”

Around this time, Bannon was becoming a fixture at the Breitbart News townhouse location in Washington, nicknamed “the Breitbart Embassy,” hosting parties, meeting with journalists and staying overnight.

In a Bloomberg Businessweek profile in October 2015, a reporter described interviewing Bannon multiple times in January and February at the Breitbart townhouse in Washington.

The article, headlined “This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America,” described the building as a “14-room townhouse that [Bannon] occupies.”

“Ordinarily Bannon’s townhouse is crypt-quiet and feels like a museum, as it’s faithfully decorated down to its embroidered silk curtains and painted murals in authentic Lincoln-era details,” the article said.
Five months later, Bannon shut off sewer and water service at the Onaway address in Miami. The house remained uninhabited for months.
Three neighbors interviewed by The Post said they were confident Bannon had not lived at the home.

“I often saw Diane,” said Joseph “J.L.” Plummer, a prominent Miami resident who lived next door and was a city commissioner for nearly 30 years. “I never saw him.”

In mid-August, Bannon became chief executive of the Trump campaign. As he was assuming control, Bannon changed the address on his Florida voter registration records. On Aug. 19, he signed an oath that he now lived at the home of a longtime business associate in Nokomis, Fla., in Sarasota County.
The questions about Bannon’s residency emerged Aug. 26, when the Guardian wrote that Bannon had been registered to vote at a vacant house — the Onaway address in Miami.

The local NBC station in Miami reported that the state attorney’s office had requested Bannon’s voter records from county election officials.

At least two people filed complaints about Bannon with the Florida Department of State, claiming he had committed voter fraud by asserting he was a resident, documents show. In October, the department said the complaints did not merit an investigation.

That month, Bannon registered to vote in New York from a Manhattan condo overlooking Bryant Park and later cast an absentee ballot in the presidential election. Because he was registered in two places, he was later removed from Florida’s voter rolls.

Under Florida law, it is a third-degree felony to provide false information on a voter registration application. It is punishable by up to five years in prison. First-time offenders are rarely given more than probation, something that could also lead to the loss of a security clearance.

Officials from the State Attorney’s Office for Miami-Dade County, which is led by an elected Democrat, declined to provide details about their probe into Bannon’s residency claim. In denying a Post request for documents about the investigation, officials cited confidentiality rules for “active criminal investigative information.”

Spokesman Ed Griffith said, “At this point it is not over.”

But proving wrongdoing in Bannon’s case could be difficult because state law does not clearly define residency, according to an official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Kill the humourless

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Trump supporter and proud "Irish" Americans. It is almost the ultimate obnoxious combo.

So Irish that they don't appear to know the difference between a four-leaf clover and a shamrock.

Offline Alan_X

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So Irish that they don't appear to know the difference between a four-leaf clover and a shamrock.

They're probably made in China.
Sid Lowe (@sidlowe)
09/03/2011 08:04
Give a man a mask and he will tell the truth, Give a man a user name and he will act like a total twat.
Its all about winning shiny things.

Offline thejbs

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They're probably made in China.


*made in Vietnam

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Just a reminder that all Republicans are nasty, heartless scumbags, not just Trump

people who have words like 'freedom', 'liberty' in their twitter username are always right wing scumbags

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Trump supporter and proud "Irish" Americans. It is almost the ultimate obnoxious combo.

Reminds me of this old gem

"I would say we certainly have the resources to compete with anybody in football." Tom Werner 12/04/2012