Author Topic: Typhoid Trump: the not-smart, corrupt, coward, loser, thread  (Read 4613421 times)

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24120 on: March 24, 2017, 09:01:15 pm »
"I would say we certainly have the resources to compete with anybody in football." Tom Werner 12/04/2012

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24121 on: March 24, 2017, 09:08:04 pm »
haha this news made my day :lmao
kudos to republicans who were against this douchebag, finally some hope!

not really, the bill failed because it wasn't draconian enough for the House Freedom Caucus. Trump just found his match for stupid and useless from within his own party.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24122 on: March 24, 2017, 09:13:31 pm »
Why not just have a bill to rename it Trumpcare? Convinces his idiot followers they've had a win, doesn't destroy people's liv- ...oh, I see.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24124 on: March 24, 2017, 09:23:05 pm »
This great news for Trump..

The millions who would have lost healthcare would have meant many lost votes for him..... this way he's just lost a bit of face.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24125 on: March 24, 2017, 09:26:37 pm »
haha this news made my day :lmao
kudos to republicans who were against this douchebag, finally some hope!
The Republicans that kept it from happening were bigger douchebags than him.

Btw.   You seem to be ignoring my Corey Booker question.

If you can't back up your Rawk libel on him with an opinion or reference, why don't you show some balls and delete it?

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Offline Romeo Sensini

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24126 on: March 24, 2017, 09:33:50 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

not really, the bill failed because it wasn't draconian enough for the House Freedom Caucus. Trump just found his match for stupid and useless from within his own party.
There were even House Reps outside of the Freedom Caucus voting no. I know at least four of the five GOP Reps in NJ were going to vote no.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 09:38:17 pm by Romeo Sensini »

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24127 on: March 24, 2017, 09:34:54 pm »
Why not just have a bill to rename it Trumpcare? Convinces his idiot followers they've had a win, doesn't destroy people's liv- ...oh, I see.

Trump shits one out.

This great news for Trump..

The millions who would have lost healthcare would have meant many lost votes for him..... this way he's just lost a bit of face.

Hmm... I don't like the thought of a Trump who might grudgingly learn to accept making compromises and losing a bit of face to get things done every now and again.  I prefer him belligerent and uncompromising. 

It's ridiculous to think that it's the nut jobs that stopped this from passing.  That implies that the moderate Republicans were either just happy to junk Obamacare or didn't have the spine to join with the Democrats.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24128 on: March 24, 2017, 09:52:31 pm »

President Trump called me on my cellphone Friday afternoon at 3:31 p.m. At first I thought it was a reader with a complaint since it was a blocked number.

Instead, it was the president calling from the Oval Office. His voice was even, his tone muted. He did not bury the lede.

“Hello, Bob,” Trump began. “So, we just pulled it.”

Trump was speaking, of course, of the Republican plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, a plan that had been languishing for days amid unrest throughout the party as the president and his allies courted members and pushed for a vote.

Before I could ask a question, Trump plunged into his explanation of the politics of deciding to call off a vote on a bill he had been touting.
The many ups and downs of the GOP health-care battle
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Republicans withdrew the American Health Care Act moments before a scheduled vote on March 24, after failing to woo enough lawmakers to support it. Here are the key turning points in their fight to pass the bill. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)

The Democrats, he said, were to blame.

“We couldn’t get one Democratic vote, and we were a little bit shy, very little, but it was still a little bit shy, so we pulled it,” Trump said.

Trump said he would not put the bill on the floor in the coming weeks. Instead, he is willing to wait and watch the current law continue and, in his view, encounter problems. And he believes that Democrats will eventually want to work with him on some kind of legislative fix to Obamacare, although he did not say when that would be.

[House Republican leaders abruptly pull their rewrite of the nation’s health-care law]

“As you know, I’ve been saying for years that the best thing is to let Obamacare explode and then go make a deal with the Democrats and have one unified deal. And they will come to us; we won’t have to come to them,” he said. “After Obamacare explodes.”

“The beauty,” Trump continued, “is that they own Obamacare. So when it explodes, they come to us, and we make one beautiful deal for the people.”

My question for the president: Are you really willing to wait to reengage on health care until the Democrats come and ask for your help?
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Which Republicans forced Trump to pull the health-care bill

“Sure,” Trump said. “I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days” — contradicting his own statements and that of his own adviser, Kellyanne Conway, who told CNN in November that the then-president-elect was contemplating convening a special session on Inauguration Day to begin the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act.

Turning to an aide, Trump asked, “How many days is it now? Whatever.” He laughed.

Trump returned to the theme of blaming the Democrats.

“Hey, we could have done this,” he said. “But we couldn’t get one Democrat vote, not one. So that means they own Obamacare and when that explodes, they will come to us wanting to save whatever is left, and we’ll make a real deal.”

There was little evidence that either Trump or House Republicans made a serious effort to reach out to Democrats.

Still, I wondered, why not whip some more votes this weekend and come back next week to the House with a revised piece of legislation?

“Well,” Trump said, “we could do that, too. But we didn’t do that. It’s always possible, but we pulled it.”

Trump brought up the vote count. “We were close,” he said.

How close?

“I would say within anywhere from five to 12 votes,” Trump said — although widespread reports indicated that at least three dozen Republicans opposed the measure.

[There were at least three dozen Republicans opposed to the health-care bill

That must have hurt after all of his efforts, I said. He made calls, had people over to the White House, invited House members on Air Force One. He may not have loved the bill, but he embraced the push for passage.

“You’re right,” Trump said. “I’m a team player, but I’ve also said the best thing politically is to let Obamacare explode.”

Trump said he made the decision to pull the bill after meeting Friday at the White House with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.).

Was that a tense, tough conversation with Ryan, I asked?

“No, not tough,” Trump said. “It’s just life. We had great support among most Republicans but no Democratic votes. Zero. Not one.”

I mentioned to Trump that some of his allies were frustrated with Ryan. Did he share those frustrations, and would he be able to work with Ryan moving forward on plans to cut taxes and build an infrastructure package?

“I don’t blame Paul,” Trump said.

He then repeated the phrase: “I don’t blame Paul. He worked very hard on this.”

And again.

“I don’t blame Paul at all.”

As he waits for Democrats, I asked, what’s next on health care, if anything, policy-wise?

“Time will tell. Obamacare is in for some rough days. You understand that. It’s in for some rough, rough days,” Trump said.

“I’ll fix it as it explodes,” he said. “They’re going to come to ask for help. They’re going to have to. Here’s the good news: Health care is now totally the property of the Democrats.”

Speaking of premium increases, he continued: “When people get a 200 percent increase next year or a 100 percent or 70 percent, that’s their fault.”

Trump returned again to a partisan line on the turn of events.

“To be honest, the biggest losers today are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,” Trump said of the House minority leader and the Senate minority leader. “Because now they own the disaster known as Obamacare.”

Okay, I asked, they may own it, in his view, but he will at some point be tasked with shaping whatever comes forward as a partial replacement or fix. What will that be? What kind of policy could he support?

“Oh, lots of things can happen,” Trump said. “But the best would be if we could all get together and do a real health-care bill that would be good for the people, and that could very well happen.”

Does Trump regret starting his agenda this year with health care?

“No, I don’t,” he said. “But in a way I’m glad I got it out of the way.”

“Look, I’m a team player,” Trump said of the Republican Party. “I’ve played this team. I’ve played with the team. And they just fell a little bit short, and it’s very hard when you need almost 100 percent of the votes and we have no votes, zero, from the Democrats, it’s unheard of.”

What happened with the House Freedom Caucus, the hard-line conservatives he had wooed over and over again?

“Ah, that’s the big question,” Trump said with a slight chuckle. “Don’t know. I have a good relationship with them but I couldn’t get them. They just wouldn’t do it.”

Trump alluded to the long-running, simmering dramas on Capitol Hill that had little to do with him as a reason for why the Freedom Caucus could not back the bill.

“Years of hatred and distrust,” he said. “Long before me.”

Was Trump saying, perhaps, that the inability of Ryan and his team to work well with that caucus was part of why talks stalled?

“Well, look, you can say what you want,” Trump said. “But there are years of problems, great hatred and distrust and, you know, I came into the middle of it.”

“I think they made a mistake but that’s okay,” Trump said of the Freedom Caucus.

As we wrapped up, I tried to get some clarity. The president was blaming the Democrats and was willing to let the law “explode.” Yet he also seemed to be teasing the possibility of doing something bipartisan down the road, a fresh start of sorts.

I asked: Would working on a bipartisan health-care deal a year from now be something he’d find more agreeable than whipping the hard right?

“A lot of people might say that,” Trump said, laughing. “We’ll end up with a better health-care plan. A great plan. And you wouldn’t need the Freedom Caucus.”

What about the moderates, the Tuesday Group?

“They were great,” Trump said. “They were really great.”

He went on, as ever, to the Democrats.

“They own it,” he said.

“You’ve said that,” I’ve told him.

“This is a process,” Trump concluded, “and it’s going to work out very well. I was a team player and I had an obligation to go along with this.”

As Trump tried to hang up the phone and get back to work, I asked him to reflect, if at all possible, on the lessons learned. He’s a few months into his presidency and he had to pull a bill that he had invested time and energy into passing.

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What’s on his mind?

“Just another day,” Trump said, flatly. “Just another day in paradise, okay?”

He paused.

“Take care.”

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24130 on: March 24, 2017, 10:04:21 pm »
Wow. I'm surprised he would call the Washington Post. I thought they were FAKE NEWS?

Haha. So transparently trying (and failing) to set the agenda of this story, he even appears to directly quote the line/rationale his advisors probably gave him:

“The beauty,” Trump continued, “is that they own Obamacare. So when it explodes, they come to us, and we make one beautiful deal for the people.”

If you say so, you embarrassing orange c*nt

Offline Rob Dylan

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24131 on: March 24, 2017, 10:13:52 pm »
This great news for Trump..

The millions who would have lost healthcare would have meant many lost votes for him..... this way he's just lost a bit of face.

But a lot of his reputation is based on 'getting deals done'. If he can't even do that, with majorities in both houses, people will start to ask what was the point in voting for him.

I agree that he would've lost votes if it had gone through. But eventually he's going to have to deal with this again, and he'll have the same problems. A bipartisan agreement sounds great, but the Democrats won't agree to a new bill unless it goes at least as far as Obamacare did. And then he'd lose even more Republican votes in Congress.

And trying to blame the Democrats won't wash. He's in charge now, he has to take responsibility. No-one will care that no Democrats voted for it - and why would they anyway? Pretty sure no Republicans voted for Obamacare. People already have their opinions of Obamacare, they either like it or not - even if their premiums go up, they're not going to turn on the Democrats, all they will see is a President (and his party) who are incapable of coming up with anything better.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24132 on: March 24, 2017, 10:20:22 pm »
This certainly deflects the attention away from Russia, doesn't it?

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24133 on: March 24, 2017, 10:20:57 pm »
And trying to blame the Democrats won't wash. He's in charge now, he has to take responsibility. No-one will care that no Democrats voted for it - and why would they anyway? Pretty sure no Republicans voted for Obamacare.

Yep. The Republicans had 7 years to work out a replacement for Obamacare. They clearly have nothing. They control both houses and have a Republican President. If they still cannot do anything, then they only have themselves to blame

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24135 on: March 24, 2017, 10:35:17 pm »
Who knew health care could be so complex?

Errr... all of us Donald, all of us..
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24136 on: March 24, 2017, 10:37:19 pm »
Yep. The Republicans had 7 years to work out a replacement for Obamacare. They clearly have nothing. They control both houses and have a Republican President. If they still cannot do anything, then they only have themselves to blame

Extremely similar situation to Australia when the conservative coalition came to power in 2013. 5 years of relentless attacking, very little to show in terms of policy ideas when they got up. These days I find a lot of right wing political parties are very effective in opposition, because they're utterly unscrupulous in how they'll go. But it seems the ability to effectively govern has an inverse relationship with the ability to be effectively politically in opposition.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24137 on: March 24, 2017, 10:44:23 pm »

“Look, I’m a team player,” Trump said of the Republican Party. “I’ve played this team. I’ve played with the team. And they just fell a little bit short, and it’s very hard when you need almost 100 percent of the votes and we have no votes, zero, from the Democrats, it’s unheard of.”

Typical Trump:

I'm a team player
I've played this team
I've played with the team
They just fell a little bit short
And all the world is football shaped, It's just for me to kick in space. And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24138 on: March 24, 2017, 10:54:54 pm »
Extremely similar situation to Australia when the conservative coalition came to power in 2013. 5 years of relentless attacking, very little to show in terms of policy ideas when they got up. These days I find a lot of right wing political parties are very effective in opposition, because they're utterly unscrupulous in how they'll go. But it seems the ability to effectively govern has an inverse relationship with the ability to be effectively politically in opposition.

Not to mention the parallels in nincompoopery between Abbot and Trump. Only difference being the goverment they replaced in Australia was riddled with its own mind numbing incompetence and the Australian right (while largely cringey) isn't completely devoid of moderates.

To the broader point, it's a lot easier to break something down than to build it up. Trump trying to blame dems for this is really pathetic, even for him. There's no way for this not to be seen as a bad loss, even for his base.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24139 on: March 24, 2017, 11:35:48 pm »
The Republicans that kept it from happening were bigger douchebags than him.

Btw.   You seem to be ignoring my Corey Booker question.

If you can't back up your Rawk libel on him with an opinion or reference, why don't you show some balls and delete it?


i am sorry, i don't regularly follow the thread, i must have missed it. what's the question?

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24140 on: March 24, 2017, 11:38:16 pm »
So in a nutshell, it appears once the the Putin Realty Co set up shop in the Trump Towers, the FBI recorded everything that went on between them and everyone.  I'd be surprised if the Russians didn't expect it, but I'd guess that Trump has discussed real estate sales as money laundering/loans of some kind on tape, all of which is about to get a full joint committee hearing.

Sounds delicious.

Trump was almost right.  This is good McCarthyism.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24141 on: March 24, 2017, 11:38:28 pm »
According to CNN Trump is unhappy that Kushner  was on vacation skiing while he was spending most of the week trying to rally Republicans to repeal Obamacare :lmao

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24142 on: March 24, 2017, 11:41:32 pm »
i am sorry, i don't regularly follow the thread, i must have missed it. what's the question?
Not stalking you or anything , mate, but I had asked why Corey Booker was a douchebag in your opinion.
Ok, what's wrong with the Booker?
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24143 on: March 24, 2017, 11:44:10 pm »

i have written a long post in late 2016 regarding him, i have friends worked for him in NJ. i will find that post and send it to you.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24144 on: March 25, 2017, 12:00:47 am »
i have written a long post in late 2016 regarding him, i have friends worked for him in NJ. i will find that post and send it to you.

Great. I look forward to it.
Kill the humourless

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24145 on: March 25, 2017, 12:04:02 am »
This certainly deflects the attention away from Russia, doesn't it?

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24146 on: March 25, 2017, 12:05:14 am »
He should do as Octavian August done 2 milleniums ago,fuck the senate,fuck the republic,proclaim empire,all hail new Cezar Trump :)

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24147 on: March 25, 2017, 12:09:51 am »
I'm waiting for him to appoint Sarah Jessica Parker to the Senate.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24148 on: March 25, 2017, 12:12:13 am »
I'm waiting for him to appoint Sarah Jessica Parker to the Senate.

Incitatus Reference?

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24149 on: March 25, 2017, 12:12:31 am »

Senate begins public hearings on Russian influence in US election this coming Thursday.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24150 on: March 25, 2017, 12:15:57 am »
i have written a long post in late 2016 regarding him, i have friends worked for him in NJ. i will find that post and send it to you.

I just did a search for posts by "elsewhere" containing the word "booker".

One was your quote of jambutty's post today.
One in Oct 2016 predicting that Devin Booker would be the NBA's most improved player of the 2016/17 season
One in July 2014 announcing that power forward Trevor Booker had been signed as a restricted free agent by the Utah Jazz

Happy to stir the pot. 8)

edit: ah wait, here it is. Methinks the search function on this site is a little hit-and-miss:;topicseen#msg15070864
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 12:20:24 am by GreatEx »

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24151 on: March 25, 2017, 12:29:24 am »
Senate begins public hearings on Russian influence in US election this coming Thursday.

This deflects nothing. If anything it makes him really vulnerable. Trump was meant to be the deal maker. The man who could say anything and the people would love him. It must be clear to most people (there will always be the passionate Trump-idiots who will support anything as long as it has 'Trump' on it) that he's just a blustering liar who doesn't have the political chops to get things done.

If he's no use to the republicans they'll ditch him. Trump/Ryancare's failure has probably just shortened the odds on Trump being impeached.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24152 on: March 25, 2017, 12:44:19 am »
This deflects nothing. If anything it makes him really vulnerable. Trump was meant to be the deal maker. The man who could say anything and the people would love him. It must be clear to most people (there will always be the passionate Trump-idiots who will support anything as long as it has 'Trump' on it) that he's just a blustering liar who doesn't have the political chops to get things done.

If he's no use to the republicans they'll ditch him. Trump/Ryancare's failure has probably just shortened the odds on Trump being impeached.

Has a US President ever been dumped by his own party?
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24153 on: March 25, 2017, 01:14:46 am »
This deflects nothing. If anything it makes him really vulnerable. Trump was meant to be the deal maker. The man who could say anything and the people would love him. It must be clear to most people (there will always be the passionate Trump-idiots who will support anything as long as it has 'Trump' on it) that he's just a blustering liar who doesn't have the political chops to get things done.

If he's no use to the republicans they'll ditch him. Trump/Ryancare's failure has probably just shortened the odds on Trump being impeached.

Quite. And, if Russia slips from the news for a few days, then by Thursday tea time it'll be right up there again.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24154 on: March 25, 2017, 01:36:02 am »
This certainly deflects the attention away from Russia, doesn't it?
Don't think so. Trumpscare will disappear. The Republicans don't want to remind people and the Dems want to talk about Russia.

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24155 on: March 25, 2017, 01:44:29 am »
i have written a long post in late 2016 regarding him, i have friends worked for him in NJ. i will find that post and send it to you.

Thanks for the reference.

I've heard and seen other things that lead me to believe he's relatively genuine in a show biz, young urban black kind of fashion, but very hard working.

Newark was and kinda is a lose/lose situation, but it's seemingly coming around.

Let's see how he does as Senator.
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24156 on: March 25, 2017, 02:05:33 am »
So Roger Stone and Carter Page want to talk to the House Intelligence committee about Russia (CBS News)

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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24157 on: March 25, 2017, 05:20:43 am »
Remember Pizzagate from the election? Not that it's gone away. Quick re-cap. Claims/smears that Podesta's leaked e-mails contained coded references to a Democrat pedophile ring centred on a pizza parlour in Washington DC. All the rage among Trumpers and other credulous types. One chap drove to DC to find the kids in the pizza parlour. Armed, naturally. He's currently on trial for that. Anyways, Alex Jones/Infowars was one of the prime drivers and spreaders of the story. Last month Alex Jones received a letter from the pizza parlour's owner asking for an apology. Last month. Yesterday, Alex Jones gave one (!). He goes on to blame the "mainstream media" for leading him astray. But still. An apology?

I want our viewers and listeners to know that we regret any negative impact our commentaries may have had on Mr. Alefantis, Comet Ping Pong, or its employees. We apologize to the extent our commentaries could be considered as negative statements about Mr. Alefantis or Comet Ping Pong, and we hope that anyone else involved in commenting on Pizzagate will do the same thing.

Fun context from Monday:

Federal investigators are examining whether far-right news sites played any role last year in a Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories — some fictional — that favored Donald Drumpf’s presidential bid, two people familiar with the inquiry say.


As for the bots, they carried links not only to news stories but also to Democratic emails posted on WikiLeaks, especially those hacked from Podesta and made public in October, said Philip Howard, a professor at the Oxford University Internet Institute who has researched the bot attacks.

Howard said that, as an example, bots had spread links to fictional stories that accused Clinton of involvement in running a child-sex ring in the basement of a Washington pizza parlor. The posts inspired a North Carolina man to drive to Washington and fire an assault weapon in the restaurant, according to police reports.

Howard’s study of bot-generated Twitter traffic during last fall’s Trump-Clinton campaign debates showed that bot messages favorable to Trump significantly outnumbered those sympathetic to Clinton.

He said his research showed that Americans who call themselves “patriotic programmers” also activated bots to aid Trump. In interviews, they described coding the computer commands in their spare time, Howard said.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 05:22:15 am by Zeb »
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24158 on: March 25, 2017, 08:47:17 am »
Has anyone read the account of when he asked Emma Thompson out on a date... cringe worthy..
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Re: The Malevolent Orange Ball of Gas. Squirrel!
« Reply #24159 on: March 25, 2017, 08:55:40 am »
Has anyone read the account of when he asked Emma Thompson out on a date... cringe worthy..

Embarrassing. The Selina Scott one is even worse.