Author Topic: I had a dream last night...  (Read 6214 times)

Offline Latenight Surfer

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I had a dream last night...
« on: February 1, 2015, 02:57:18 am »

Bergman had them..

Kurosawa had them..

We all have them

Ever since my break-up with my ex, once in a while she comes into my dreams.. now we have a mutual friend who said that she once dreamed about me a couple of days before I had mine. The thing is I am over her there is no doubt about that (and we are on good terms too) and I have been in a few since then too but somewhere I read that dreams are connected and that what you dream can be dreamed by the other person(s) involved in it with their own perspective/angle on it I don't know whether or not it's entirely true but it does make sense to some extent to me..

Now I could have talked about this in the relationship thread too but I think we all have dreams and some of them are intense sometimes so I thought it'd be best to channel all the discussion related to dreams and their meanings into this thread.. if the mods have something else in mind, I won't really mind, do as you please.
« Last Edit: March 1, 2015, 05:17:24 am by Latenight Surfer »
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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #1 on: February 1, 2015, 03:41:44 pm »

Ever since my break-up with my ex, once in a while she comes into my dreams.. now we have a mutual friend who said that she once dreamed about me a couple of days before I had mine. The thing is I am over her there is no doubt about that (and we are on good terms too) and I have been in a few since then too but somewhere I read that dreams are connected and that what you dream can be dreamed by the other person(s) involved in it with their own perspective/angle on it I don't know whether or not it's entirely true but it does make sense to some extent to me..

Speaking from personal experience, I know for a fact people can share dreams.  I once shared a dream with someone myself.

By that I mean, we both had exactly the same dream, and interacted with each other in the dream, whilst both still being asleep. Obviously, our dream was very slightly different to each other, as we had the dream form our own personal perspectives.

I've mentioned it before in other threads, some time ago.

Many years ago (early 90s)  The girl I was living with at that time, and myself, shared a dream.

By that I mean, we didn't actually have a similar dream, or dreamt about each other, but we actuall had the same dream, and within the dream actually interacted with each other, whilst both of us doing different tasks within the dream.

She woke up, prodded me in the ribs and said, "No, don't do it like that, do it the other way". Apparently I mumbled "We'll talk about it in the morning". I say apparently, because I had no memory of saying anything, as I was still asleep.
She wemt back to sleep, and we carried on interacting within the dream.

To say it freaked us out, was an understatement.  To be sleeping with someone, share a dream where you interact, then the next morning discuss the other persons dream in the finest minute detail.  It's just mind blowing.

It freaked me out that much, that even to this day, twenty years on, I can still remember that dream in it's finest minute detail.

Now I'm not or never have been religious, or spiritual. On the contrary, I'm somwhere between athiest and agnostic. Religion is a crock( but that's for another time), but saying that, I don't think that science can answer every question, and in the case of that dream, I don't think any scientist, however clever or however much they try to convince me that it's all about neurons firing off in sequence (or out of sequence), can ever tell me that the human condition is all about biology and science.  Pure and simple. There's more to it.

« Last Edit: February 1, 2015, 03:44:31 pm by Big Red Richie »

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #2 on: February 1, 2015, 03:54:13 pm »
BRR was you in to a lot of drugs at the time of said dream?
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Offline Big Red Richie

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #3 on: February 1, 2015, 04:07:12 pm »
No mate. Not at all.

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #4 on: February 1, 2015, 04:12:51 pm »
Think I would of lost it and freaked out :)
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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #5 on: February 1, 2015, 04:36:48 pm »
The popular science of the day will tell you that dreams are a way for your mind to download all of the data from your consious day.  A way for your mind to sort through and file the important stuff, and bin the junk that you don't need to remember.

It makes sense to a degree, but it doesn't tell the full story.   The mind is a lot more complicated then that.

Going back to my own experience of a shared dream, I'm a great believer that there's a lot more to the consious mind that is still way out of reach of science.

In essence, we ( people/the human race) are still essentially animals. By that I mean, we havent evolved that much in the last few thousand years.
Many animals still have abilities and senses far and above what the average person would have.  Call it a sixth sense, if you will.

I believe that most of us still have a latent ability of a sixth sense, but as we have become more and more industrialised, and moved away from living off our wits, and living off the land etc. many of us have lost the ability to use that sixth sense.

I think it's still there in most of us, just masked, because we havent had to use it for such a long time.

Some people are still well attuned to their sixth sense, some not. Some of us have the ability to percive more, some less.

When it comes to things like Deja Vu, esp, or just having a bad feeling about something, everyone is different, and percieve situation differently.

When it comes to dreaming, I think we get a little peek behing the curtain, into what the mind is capable of.

Well. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
« Last Edit: February 1, 2015, 04:53:37 pm by Big Red Richie »

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #6 on: February 1, 2015, 05:34:28 pm »
Ive read stuff about our pineal glands our secreting DMT whilst dreaming.

Here's a link on DMT.

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #7 on: February 1, 2015, 06:14:50 pm »
Jung believed or rather posited that we have a collective unconscious. Sounds stupid but when you describe shared dreams like above it's one way of explaining the occurrence.

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #8 on: February 1, 2015, 06:27:45 pm »
Recurring dreams freak me out. Not only my own, but when my girlfriend talks to me about hers. Very weird stuff.
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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #9 on: February 1, 2015, 06:30:20 pm »
I dream very little that I can remember.

But the other night a dreamt I found a bear in my house.

It ran out jumped over the fence and went into next door's. It returned a few moments later dressed in a boiler suit carrying a tool box.

Bears in my dreams?  #blamemacca
« Last Edit: February 1, 2015, 06:51:31 pm by Tepid water »
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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #10 on: February 1, 2015, 06:50:18 pm »
I don't understand how people you haven't thought about in years can pop up in your dreams.

Not that there's anything mystical in that, it just freaks me out. Although it might just be me that it happens to  ;D

Offline Latenight Surfer

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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #11 on: February 2, 2015, 01:50:45 am »

That's a good read mate what you have posted and the fact that you still remember it is fascinating and I think we all have some dreams we remember for a lot of time maybe it depends on the intensity of that dream.

I think some say that it is impossible for our dreams to have any sound in it but we do sometimes wake-up and assume that we talked but it isn't actually the case.. but a couple of dreams I've had before about my ex I could clearly listen to sounds in it.
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Re: Dreams - What do they mean?
« Reply #12 on: February 2, 2015, 02:09:15 am »
Now as far as science and dreams are concerned in my opinion whatever is unproven isn't out of reach of science it's just unproven science. Now as far as dreams and their meanings are concerned I can tell you this that dreams are essentially a part of the way our body/mind works and it is useful in releasing pressure, the various tensions or cravings we have (cravings could mean anything.. like being at some place or being with someone). A lot of it has got to do with our subconscious mind. Now somethings we think we are over them or we don't need them but our subconscious is like the black box in an aeroplane we cannot by-pass the truth and we may keep it under control but the subconscious always responds actively to those repressed or ignored feelings and dreams is just one of the ways to communicate.

Now that's as far as dreams and it's importance goes. There are alos dreams which don't necessarily mean anything like many conversations in our lives which don't necessarily mean anything and that is why not every dream should be scrutinized like it has some meaning in our lives and it'll pop-up at sometime in the future. No.

Now speaking of unimportant dreams the best example is a wet dream (YES) when you don't shag for too long you release it without your knowledge and you do that in your dreams and the dreams will most likely be about people you are attracted to and those dreams mean nothing in reality now the interesting thing about this is sometimes (mostly in teenage) we have wet dreams even without having dreams (or we think so) but that is not true and it because of this reason I strongly think that we sometimes have dreams without our knowledge even if it is not a wet dream and I think that the dreams we actually dream and have knowledge of are very few and the majority are unknown to us.

There is this approach towards sleep in one of the TED talks that I've seen in which he says that sleep is a mechanism for the body to release all the tension and pressure on us by erasing/processing and binning most of the thoughts/feelings that have stagnated our thought process and that is why we generally feel fresh when we wake up not that we won't think about those things again but this time "the cup has been emptied". And that is exatcly why I think dreams are also a part of that mechanism and it is an unproven science (many things related to dreams have been proved and still there is some more to be proved).

P.S: I don't know what girls have in place of wet dreams

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #13 on: March 1, 2015, 05:18:36 am »
I am not kidding this happened last night.. and I could grasp it completely after like 3-4 hours I woke up that I had a dream ...

In this dream a guy wearing an Everton jersey was yelling at me.. but he was the guy who talks on Arsenal TV (that "spilled milk" guy) so it's all in his voice..

what fewmin??? ah what!!!

Me: It's nothing.. it/s nothing man.. it's just.. (nervous)

You don't know what you are saying and you are wrong.. you are wrong!! you are wrong!!..

Suddenly I see a lot of other people wearing blue (not particularly the jersey but blue) coming at me shouting..

Take it down!! take it down!!..

*I am running for cover*...

It was at night and there was only a yellow street light somewhere on the road

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #14 on: March 1, 2015, 10:42:33 am »
I am not kidding this happened last night.. and I could grasp it completely after like 3-4 hours I woke up that I had a dream ...

In this dream a guy wearing an Everton jersey was yelling at me.. but he was the guy who talks on Arsenal TV (that "spilled milk" guy) so it's all in his voice..

what fewmin??? ah what!!!

Me: It's nothing.. it/s nothing man.. it's just.. (nervous)

You don't know what you are saying and you are wrong.. you are wrong!! you are wrong!!..

Suddenly I see a lot of other people wearing blue (not particularly the jersey but blue) coming at me shouting..

Take it down!! take it down!!..

*I am running for cover*...

It was at night and there was only a yellow street light somewhere on the road

Yellow is our away kit.
Arsenal guy is in race for fourth place.

The rest? They're going down and they're fewmin about it!

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #15 on: March 1, 2015, 01:16:32 pm »
I have come to realize over the last few years that we sometimes have nightmares for a reason.
I have central heating but i cant stand my bedroom being heated, grew up in an old 2 up 2 down with no heating and always preferred natural body heat . bedroom obviously does get cold so when we have a cold snap i just put another quilt on, problem is every now then out the blue we then have a warm night but i then have too much covering on the bed.
I find i have some awful nightmares during those warm nights and wake up very hot and full of sweat, your body is overheating and forcing you to wake up and do something about it. the only way it can do this is to alarm you, this is done with an awful nightmare.
It makes me wonder if our bodies have nightmares for other reasons to force us to take action and do something about a problem.
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #16 on: March 1, 2015, 02:43:18 pm »
I like this website, plenty of articles about dreaming tend to crop up every now and then. Might be of interest to some of you.
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #17 on: March 1, 2015, 07:23:14 pm »
Dreamt the other day that I was in a library and Bill Clinton was standing there by himself, so I thought I'd go over and have a chat. For some reason he asked me if I was from Czechoslovakia (not Czech Republic). I wondered why he'd ask that so I looked at my clothes if I had a shirt with the Czech flag or something, but I was wearing all black. Then I thought I'd change the subject as the conversation wasn't going anywhere, so I told him that I planned to go on a coast-to-coast taod trip in the US. Then I can't remember much else apart from that he was very enthustiastic about the things I said.

So now I wonder how Bill's version of this dream was.  ;)
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #18 on: March 1, 2015, 07:41:38 pm »

So now I wonder how Bill's version of this dream was.  ;)

"Met a czechoslovakian gypsy guy in the Oval office library. He was blabbering about random stuff I couldn't give a damn about.. as I was busy shagging an intern".. "what the fuck was he doing there?"
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #19 on: February 5, 2016, 11:05:07 am »
Once in a while I have these weird LFC-related dreams. I see that this is in the non LFC section but nontheless, I don't want to start a new thread about this. Just feel like sharing it.

A few years ago I dreamt that Kenny Dalglish and Dirk Kuyt knocked at my door and asked me if they could stay over and then they shared a tiny mattress in the living room. The next day Kenny made me a cup of tea but dropped it and complained that my kettle was shit. Then they left :(

And last night I dreamt that I was in a band with Martin Skrtel on guitar, we played something by The Who and I gave Martin the chords but when I looked at him again he was holding a Uke.

And I wasn't even drinking last night.
I was in Alder Hay with an abscess on my hip in about 1973 and Bill Shankly never came and played the bongos for me.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #20 on: February 5, 2016, 02:27:13 pm »
Have been reading up a lot on Lucid Dreaming recently. Anybody else has them regularly or has tried to induce them ?

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #21 on: February 5, 2016, 02:30:30 pm »
Have been reading up a lot on Lucid Dreaming recently. Anybody else has them regularly or has tried to induce them ?

I just have a babybel before bed, gives you mental dreams
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #22 on: February 5, 2016, 05:08:59 pm »
I dreamt last night I was eating a huge marshmallow ...and when I woke up the pillow had gone

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #23 on: February 5, 2016, 07:21:20 pm »
I had this dream on Monday. Not often I remember the crap that I dream.

I've been living in Germany for more than 20 years, and I was accompanied in the dream by a girl who used to work with me (in Germany). A nice girl but not someone who particularly meant anything to me.
Anyway, it starts off somewhere behind the Dolphin in Mold. When I lived there, there were no shops there, the backs of High Street shops yes.
However, we went into a shop and I asked the man there, 'do you have a bed-settee?' (I want a bed-settee but I'm not looking very actively) He led us to a room which had a bed-settee with lots of mattresses and cushions. I pulled my tape measure out of my pocket and started measuring the parts and rearranging them, this of course lasted ages going around in circles, eventually I decided the bed was Ok although a mattress hung about a foot over the edge.
I asked the man, 'How much?'
'120' he said.
'That's quite cheap'
'That's 120 per person per hour'. he replied.
'Not so cheap then'
'Well I do have to redecorate the room quite regularly' he said.

This is the point that I woke up, therefore remembering the dream.
Which is a shame because I'd love to know what I did in the room to make the man have to redecorate it.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #24 on: February 5, 2016, 08:57:49 pm »
Have been reading up a lot on Lucid Dreaming recently. Anybody else has them regularly or has tried to induce them ?
I experience them quite a few times, they are incredibly weird, as dreams are. I can move around and sort of control my actions and it all feels so real. I am questioning whether this is a dream or not. And when I wake up, I immediately write them down. If I don't do that, I forget if I dreamt all that weird stuff or if it actually happened.

I had this one dream in which my best mate has a cat.

After waking up I met him and started looking for the cat in his place, too embarrassed to ask if he had a cat or not. That fucked up my head.
I was in Alder Hay with an abscess on my hip in about 1973 and Bill Shankly never came and played the bongos for me.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #25 on: February 5, 2016, 10:41:16 pm »

"Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it.[1] Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. "
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #26 on: February 6, 2016, 01:32:43 am »
Wondering if anybody have the same experience of recurring dreams as I do. Where I have a recurring dream, but when I think about it I'm not sure if I ever had that dream before, or whether the 'knowledge' that the dream is a recurring one is a notion embedded by the dream itself.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #27 on: February 6, 2016, 05:32:14 am »

"Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an "astral body" separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it.[1] Astral projection or travel denotes the astral body leaving the physical body to travel in an astral plane. "

But is it proven phenomenon? From what I have read, mostly what people perceive as astral projection is a form of lucid dreaming.

I experience them quite a few times, they are incredibly weird, as dreams are. I can move around and sort of control my actions and it all feels so real. I am questioning whether this is a dream or not. And when I wake up, I immediately write them down. If I don't do that, I forget if I dreamt all that weird stuff or if it actually happened.

I had this one dream in which my best mate has a cat.

After waking up I met him and started looking for the cat in his place, too embarrassed to ask if he had a cat or not. That fucked up my head.

Exactly! I have had them a few times but there are people who can induce them at will. Also, whenever I do have them, I wake up almost as soon as I realize the lucidity. Seems quite cool to imagine controlling and sustaining such a dream though.


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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #28 on: February 6, 2016, 06:41:22 pm »
I'm on strong pain medication, and since i started taking them my dreams are so real it sometimes scares me. They can be about anything at all, and often feature people who i've not seen for years.
I've been involved in wars, been chased by wild animals, been on trips with old friends, but most frequently i am back in one of the many jobs i've had, including the YTS job i had when i left school 34 years ago.
Sometimes i will have the same dream that i had weeks before, and in the dream i can remember dreaming it before. Freaks me out.
I often wake up soaked with sweat and have to strip the bed and take a shower.
I can rarely remember having dreams before the medication.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #29 on: February 7, 2016, 07:01:43 am »
I'm on strong pain medication, and since i started taking them my dreams are so real it sometimes scares me. They can be about anything at all, and often feature people who i've not seen for years.
I've been involved in wars, been chased by wild animals, been on trips with old friends, but most frequently i am back in one of the many jobs i've had, including the YTS job i had when i left school 34 years ago.
Sometimes i will have the same dream that i had weeks before, and in the dream i can remember dreaming it before. Freaks me out.
I often wake up soaked with sweat and have to strip the bed and take a shower.
I can rarely remember having dreams before the medication.

What medication is that, if I may ask? I don't know about pain meds but few of the mood stabilizing drugs can also have a similar effect.


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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #30 on: February 7, 2016, 11:18:20 am »
The worst dreams came when i was on morphine. Came off that after 3 years as it was causing me more problems with side affects than it was doing me any good.
I'm currently on tramadol and the dreams have continued, and though not quite as vivid as morphine, they are still pretty bad.
I also take anti depressants, so maybe they contribute to the dreams as well.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #31 on: February 7, 2016, 11:59:21 am »
When I was a kid I used to have a recurring nightmare. I'd be having a perfectly normal dream, but then in that dream I'd get a sense everything was about to take a turn for the worse. At that point it didn't matter who I was in the dream with, be it a real person I knew or some made up character, they'd pull a mask off their faces off to reveal they where Miss Piggy. They'd then chase me all over trying to tickle me to death and when they caught me I'd wake up screaming and crying my eyes out. It was terrifying.

I put it down to the fact I hated being tickled, still do. And I used to have a strong dislike for Miss Piggy because I thought she was mean to Kermit. Constantly karate chopping the poor green fecker. Still hate the bitch to this day... >:(

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #32 on: February 7, 2016, 01:03:53 pm »
The worst dreams came when i was on morphine. Came off that after 3 years as it was causing me more problems with side affects than it was doing me any good.
I'm currently on tramadol and the dreams have continued, and though not quite as vivid as morphine, they are still pretty bad.
I also take anti depressants, so maybe they contribute to the dreams as well.

Opiate dreams.  Do you take your meds before bedtime?
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2016, 11:51:15 am »
Opiate dreams.  Do you take your meds before bedtime?

Yes mate. I'm usually in agony by the end of the day so take them when i get in bed so i can get a reasonable amount of sleep.

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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2016, 05:43:55 pm »
Wondering if anybody have the same experience of recurring dreams as I do. Where I have a recurring dream, but when I think about it I'm not sure if I ever had that dream before, or whether the 'knowledge' that the dream is a recurring one is a notion embedded by the dream itself.

ha, yes I have exactly this type of dream.....its always, without fail about cycling - and I can never work out if its a dream about a memory of an actual cycling trip - or a dream in which I dream about a dream I had about a cycling make it even more confusing, in normal consciousness I cant actually remember the cycling may have itself just been a dream...hope that's nice and clear ;D
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2016, 06:50:54 pm »
I had this dream on Monday. Not often I remember the crap that I dream.

I've been living in Germany for more than 20 years, and I was accompanied in the dream by a girl who used to work with me (in Germany). A nice girl but not someone who particularly meant anything to me.
Anyway, it starts off somewhere behind the Dolphin in Mold. When I lived there, there were no shops there, the backs of High Street shops yes.
However, we went into a shop and I asked the man there, 'do you have a bed-settee?' (I want a bed-settee but I'm not looking very actively) He led us to a room which had a bed-settee with lots of mattresses and cushions. I pulled my tape measure out of my pocket and started measuring the parts and rearranging them, this of course lasted ages going around in circles, eventually I decided the bed was Ok although a mattress hung about a foot over the edge.
I asked the man, 'How much?'
'120' he said.
'That's quite cheap'
'That's 120 per person per hour'. he replied.
'Not so cheap then'
'Well I do have to redecorate the room quite regularly' he said.

This is the point that I woke up, therefore remembering the dream.
Which is a shame because I'd love to know what I did in the room to make the man have to redecorate it.

Willi, I live very near Mold now, moved over here over 25 years ago and I'm very fond of Mold and the general area around it, maybe plan to move nearer Mold when I retire and amenities need to be a bit more accessible, as in walking distance.
One dream I used to have now and then involved me going near to the top floor of a high building, there was then a lift that took you up to the roof but could only go up and not back down. The only way to get back down was to jump across to the next building and take a lift back down, I'd be frozen with fear at the thought of it. I'm sure my fear of heights (sheer drops like cliffs or blocks of flats) played a part in this.
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2016, 06:04:56 pm »
Talking about this on a thread last year i think. am convinced nightmares sometimes have a purpose.
I grew up in an old 2 up 2 down with no central heating and because of this I cant stand the heating on in the bedroom even today so have the radiator switched off.
Obviously you have to throw on a few quilts in the very cold weather. a few times the weather has been very cold so ive put an extra quilt on to keep warm, problem is on occasions the temperature in the night is unexpectedly  nowhere near as cold. on these occasions ive had some awful nightmares, think I/ we have them to wake us up to a danger, my body was overheating, woke up very hot out of the nightmare.
When you think about it, your body knows your in danger and for want of a better word, warns you your in danger, only way to do that is bringing on a nightmare to awaken you, get up. a quick visit to the bathroom and am cooled down, take the quilt off and back to sleep.
There is definitely a lot we dont understand in our dreams and nightmares, unrelated but Ive never been able to work out how I suddenly wake up most mornings just before the alarm clock goes off for work either.
The word instinct is a cop out, it doesent explain anything.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 06:16:45 pm by oldfordie »
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2016, 02:37:37 am »
I had a dream recently. In it I was watching one of our games on the telly. It cut to the touchline and Kloppo was wearing a full Mexican Mariachi costume complete with a massive sombrero. He looked fucking boss I have to say, but was still doing all the normal fist pumps and giving Moreno a proper bollocking as usual. Just dressed as a Mariachi.

I wouldn't put it past him the mad bastard!
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #38 on: June 1, 2016, 09:47:47 am »
I've a had a recurring dream of seeing meat, last night it was at a restaurant surrounded by friends and the waiter brought out the biggest roast pork, crackling and all and started cutting off slices. The fat and juices were oozing out of it.

Thanks to summer BBQ's, there has been more red meat in my diet which I tend to try and limit. Can't tell if my dream is saying I should eat more or less of it.

As far as recurring dreams go, I have to say it's one of my better ones!
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Re: I had a dream last night...
« Reply #39 on: June 1, 2016, 10:06:40 am »
I've a had a recurring dream of seeing meat, last night it was at a restaurant surrounded by friends and the waiter brought out the biggest roast pork, crackling and all and started cutting off slices. The fat and juices were oozing out of it.

Thanks to summer BBQ's, there has been more red meat in my diet which I tend to try and limit. Can't tell if my dream is saying I should eat more or less of it.

As far as recurring dreams go, I have to say it's one of my better ones!

Is it always with friends? Or family?

It might represent fulfilment or a sense of providing for family/friends i.e. being strong or maybe there have been instances recently where you have stepped up or offered support for someone.

I have a lot of fairly mad dreams, so I do tend to look them up as it is astonishing how the interpretations can reflect on your own life.