Author Topic: Qatar's True WC Legacy: news and reports on the human cost of sportswashing.  (Read 400006 times)

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #120 on: August 10, 2013, 11:31:09 pm »
no matter how much FIFA fucks with the WC, it'll still be the biggest and most important sporting event in the planet.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #121 on: August 10, 2013, 11:50:34 pm »
Hang on,it's gonna be hot in Qatar during the summer??

Wow did not know that,thought Qatar was full of  snow.


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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #122 on: August 10, 2013, 11:54:07 pm »
If they swap it to a winter schedule,  I'd suspect you're going to have many clubs and associations looking at taking FIFA to court, as it will disrupt their schedule and will be a nightmare for injures. In some leagues, it will genuinely alter races for titles and continental places due to injures, fatigue and loss of form. It would also make a farce of the fact FIFA have complained about the likes of the MLS not adhering to the international calendar as well. I won't be surprised if in a year or two this tournament ends up being relocated to Australia or the United States.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #123 on: September 4, 2013, 11:30:34 am »
Looking forward to the next two parts of this. It's by Phillipe Auclair. Much easier to read on Eurosport.

France Football's Philippe Auclair is bringing us a three-part special report into Qatar's controversial hosting of the 2022 World Cup. In part one, he looks at how FIFA found itself in such a mess, and how Sepp Blatter has potentially opened up a huge rupture in the global game. Parts two and three will be published on Thursday and Friday.

Two years and nine months after FIFA’s Executive Committee awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar in perplexing circumstances, the uncertainty lingers: no one knows for sure what lies on that horizon, which could yet prove to be a mirage.

Sepp Blatter, who masters double negatives with something of PG Wodehouse’s virtuosity for similes and metaphors, did nothing to dispel the clouds that are gathering over the fate of that tournament when he spoke on the subject little over a week ago.

"I would be very much surprised, more than surprised, if the ExCo will not accept the principle that you cannot play in summer in Qatar," the 77 year-old said. That at least was unambiguous. But what you would have expected to hear next - "therefore, we will play in winter" - was not forthcoming.

Cue much scratching of heads. What could Blatter possibly mean? That the competition could still be moved to another country? But that, only Blatter knows. What a mess. What a predictable mess.

It’s not as if the FIFA panjandrums, shorn of two of their number (Amos Adamu and Reynald Temarii, who’d been suspended for violations of the organisation’s code of ethics), hadn’t known what was in store. The technical report which had been submitted to them prior to the vote had warned that Qatar was a 'high risk' bid, precisely because of the dangers posed to the health of players, fans and officials by the searing heat of the summer in the Gulf.

The not-so-wise men ignored these findings, and here we are now, heading for a crisis that might change the face of football forever.

This is not an exaggeration. What is at stake here is not just whether a minuscule gas-rich country with close to zero football tradition will be allowed to host the World Cup, but whether, to honour the pledge made by FIFA to the emirate, it is worth tearing up the football calendar and precipitating an open conflict between leagues, national associations, confederations and FIFA, all of which have their own opinion on the topic – and colossal interests at stake.

One way or another, that head-on crash is unavoidable. It had been from the outset.

Remember the weeks leading to December 2, 2010. Not a day passed by without allegations of murky dealings and corruption. By taking the soft-headed decision to hold the ballot to award both the 2018 and 2022 World Cups on the same day, FIFA had made sure that countries bidding for one or the other tournament would collude to rake in as many votes as they could. I’ll support you for 2018, you support me for 2022, and vice-versa.

As early as February 2010, it was whispered that Qatar had reached some kind of arrangement with the Spanish-Portuguese bid. The influence of the Iberians in Latin America could help bring in as much as four extra votes to Qatar – those of Argentinian Julio Grondona, Guatemalan Rafael Salguero, Brazilian Ricardo Teixeira and Paraguayan Nicolas Leoz – on top of the support of Spaniard Angel Maria Villar Llona.

Whilst a FIFA investigation cleared both bids of the accusation of collusion, Sepp Blatter later commented: "I'll be honest, there was a bundle of votes between Spain and Qatar. But it was a nonsense. It was there but it didn't work, not for one and not for the other side."

It certainly didn’t work for Spain, who lost out to Russia in the second round of voting; but regardless of the particulars, the tone had been set. Suspicion and rancour would always surround FIFA’s choice.

Looking back on these events, German Theo Zwanziger, who was elected to FIFA's Executive Committee in 2011, recently called the decision to award the 2022 tournament to Qatar "a blatant mistake". It may have been in the grander scheme of things; but in the minds of those who made it, a number of whom have left FIFA since, not always gracefully, it was the logical conclusion of a political process that did nothing to enhance their organisation’s reputation.

If Qatar was guilty of wrongdoing – which has never been satisfactorily substantiated - the real culprit was FIFA, which had allowed for this nefarious process to take place in the first instance.

Still, things could have settled down, despite occasional revelations which cast doubt on the validity of the vote without, again, producing the required smoking gun. It could’ve been possible to make the most out of a bad thing; but it all changed when Blatter – widely believed to have voted for the USA, not Qatar, in 2010 – made an astonishing U-turn in August of this year.

Having previously maintained that the World Cup was to be played in June and July, as stated in the tender documents which all bidding countries had to abide by, the FIFA president announced that he’d come to share the view of Michel Platini (a staunch supporter of Qatar and of the winter switch from the word go) and Franz Beckenbauer that the 2022 World Cup could only be staged during what is the coolest season in the emirate.

It had taken him over two years to find his road to Damascus. Why? His argument – that new medical evidence had been made available to FIFA – didn’t withstand scrutiny; there was nothing new in those reports that no one has seen outside of Zurich. And what of the Qataris’ claim that revolutionary 'green' air-cooling technologies would be developed in time to create some kind of artificial spring in the summer of 2022, a claim which had been bought at face value by the Executive Committee in 2010? What of Blatter’s previous insistence that the date of the World Cup’s opening game could only be changed if the Qataris themselves requested it cap in hand?

These questions had suddenly become irrelevant, for no other reason than Blatter had batted them out of the park.

What he's succeeded in doing, however, is to create a storm that will not abate soon. As you’ll see in the next of these columns, the winter switch might solve one problem, but only at the expense of creating a myriad others. That silver bullet has been directed straight at FIFA’s own feet.

There are legal problems: how will the losers of 2010 – Australia, USA, Korea and Japan – react if and when it is decided that the tender they spent millions to respect was not worth the paper it was printed on? By suing FIFA?

There are logistical problems too: should the 2022 World Cup be played in November and December, football seasons as we know them would have to be re-defined everywhere at every level, and perhaps forever, though nobody has the faintest idea of how this can be achieved. That is provided all parties would agree, which is certainly in doubt at the moment: the Premier League is by no means isolated in its outspoken opposition to a winter World Cup.

Blatter knew all this before he spoke. He was aware of the aftershock that would ensue. If he, the politician of the age, precipitated the current crisis, it is because he wanted the crisis to happen, for a purpose that will only become clear in time.

It is true that there was no alternative. It is true that holding a tournament of that magnitude during the Qatari summer is impossible. It is also true that this probably is the only thing on which all are in agreement today.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #124 on: September 9, 2013, 07:14:10 pm »

Qatar 2022 World Cup award may be a mistake, says Sepp Blatter

 Fifa may have made a "mistake" in awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, according to president Sepp Blatter.

Summer temperatures can reach 50C in the Middle Eastern country.Football Association chairman Greg Dyke said it would be "impossible" to play in such conditions, and Blatter wants the tournament moved to the winter.

Asked by  about awarding Qatar the tournament, the 77-year-old said: "It may well be that we made a mistake at the time."

 Blatter, who in May said it was "not rational" to play the World Cup in Qatar in June and July, added: "On the other hand, you must also consider political and geo-political realities.

"The World Cup is Fifa's biggest, if not only, global event. Who are we, the Europeans, to demand that this event has to cater to the needs of 800million Europeans above all?

"I think it is high time that Europe starts to understand that we do not rule the world anymore, and that some former European imperial powers can no longer impress their will onto others in far away places.

"We must accept that football has moved away from being a European and South American sport - it has become the world sport that billions of fans are excitedly following every week, everywhere in the world."

Blatter hopes Fifa's executive committee will follow his proposal to switch the tournament to the winter when it meets next month.

Should that be the case, the Swiss added: "The next steps will include a close look at the international calendar and to establish what consequences the change would have.

"And we would naturally need to speak to and consult with all interested parties and stakeholders."

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #125 on: September 9, 2013, 07:59:22 pm »
Everything that man says makes my blood boil. It is so obvious that these corrupt, old men are only in it for the money. I wish we as football fans could do something about it.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #126 on: September 9, 2013, 08:10:39 pm »
So let me get this straight, three years later he realize that awarding a world cup to a country that in no way capable of hosting it on so many front "may" have been a mistake, "may"?

Fucking old c*nt.
Finished at the age of 26. The Mike Tyson of football.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #127 on: September 9, 2013, 08:42:25 pm »
I can't stand that old corrupt twat.

Offline TepidT2O

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #128 on: September 9, 2013, 09:15:11 pm »

Qatar 2022 World Cup award may be a mistake, says Sepp Blatter

 Fifa may have made a "mistake" in awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, according to president Sepp Blatter.

Summer temperatures can reach 50C in the Middle Eastern country.Football Association chairman Greg Dyke said it would be "impossible" to play in such conditions, and Blatter wants the tournament moved to the winter.

Asked by  about awarding Qatar the tournament, the 77-year-old said: "It may well be that we made a mistake at the time."

 Blatter, who in May said it was "not rational" to play the World Cup in Qatar in June and July, added: "On the other hand, you must also consider political and geo-political realities.

"The World Cup is Fifa's biggest, if not only, global event. Who are we, the Europeans, to demand that this event has to cater to the needs of 800million Europeans above all?

"I think it is high time that Europe starts to understand that we do not rule the world anymore, and that some former European imperial powers can no longer impress their will onto others in far away places.

"We must accept that football has moved away from being a European and South American sport - it has become the world sport that billions of fans are excitedly following every week, everywhere in the world."

Blatter hopes Fifa's executive committee will follow his proposal to switch the tournament to the winter when it meets next month.

Should that be the case, the Swiss added: "The next steps will include a close look at the international calendar and to establish what consequences the change would have.

"And we would naturally need to speak to and consult with all interested parties and stakeholders."
You see, he might have a point about the Europe thing.....

If it weren't for the fact that he has given the world cup to a tiny country with no football heritage, virtually no stadiums and no football future (they don't have a population to have one).

And, I would say that we should move the world cup for a country like eygypt or Algeria (if they were politically stable) or maybe an Indonesia.  Where they have a football heritage but the potential to be far bigger, I get that, it makes sense.... But not for Qatar.  It's just a marketing excuse, it's nothing more than that, why should the leagues of the world be fucked around just for that? It's not worth the effort, there's nothing for football to gain from having the cup there and lots to lose.

It was obviously corrupt, obviously not a clean vote and it's a terrible mess.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #129 on: September 9, 2013, 09:29:25 pm »
Allow me to translate. Sepp Blatter: 'I'm a huge fucking c*nt. A colossal meff.'
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Offline Redman0151

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #130 on: September 9, 2013, 09:35:09 pm »

Qatar 2022 World Cup award may be a mistake, says Sepp Blatter

 Fifa may have made a "mistake" in awarding the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, according to president Sepp Blatter.

Summer temperatures can reach 50C in the Middle Eastern country.Football Association chairman Greg Dyke said it would be "impossible" to play in such conditions, and Blatter wants the tournament moved to the winter.

Asked by  about awarding Qatar the tournament, the 77-year-old said: "It may well be that we made a mistake at the time."

 Blatter, who in May said it was "not rational" to play the World Cup in Qatar in June and July, added: "On the other hand, you must also consider political and geo-political realities.

"The World Cup is Fifa's biggest, if not only, global event. Who are we, the Europeans, to demand that this event has to cater to the needs of 800million Europeans above all?

"I think it is high time that Europe starts to understand that we do not rule the world anymore, and that some former European imperial powers can no longer impress their will onto others in far away places.

"We must accept that football has moved away from being a European and South American sport - it has become the world sport that billions of fans are excitedly following every week, everywhere in the world."

Blatter hopes Fifa's executive committee will follow his proposal to switch the tournament to the winter when it meets next month.

Should that be the case, the Swiss added: "The next steps will include a close look at the international calendar and to establish what consequences the change would have.

"And we would naturally need to speak to and consult with all interested parties and stakeholders."

It really pisses me off him acting like he's on some moral high ground in regards to Europeans/South Americans acting superior when that c*nt is a corrupt old prick letting the fans across the world get fucked up the arse by prices every week and taking half the tickets away in CL final matches for sponsors and friends of his organisation
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #131 on: September 10, 2013, 09:38:29 am »
I really hate the FA as much as FIFA but if they stand their ground with Platini and Blatter's proposal to moving the World Cup to Winter, I'll actually like them a bit. Hope everyone involved in European football (La Liga, Bundesliga, PL and so on) oppose FIFA's stupid Winter idea as much as possible so they're forced to change the location. Not sure if they can do that without some serious implications and a lawsuit or two from Qatar, but that's the mess they got themselves into and now they can get out of it themselves. Old dickheads.


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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #132 on: September 10, 2013, 02:04:00 pm »
Don't see how it gets pulled from Qatar. Doubt they would take it well and would threaten to release all their bank transactions that was needed to secure the votes. It will be played in the Winter for sure. It will be a historic World Cup.  ::)

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #133 on: September 10, 2013, 02:17:48 pm »
Why can't all the games just be held at night?

Problem solved.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #134 on: September 10, 2013, 02:23:25 pm »
Why can't all the games just be held at night?

Problem solved.
You've just come up with the solution that no one at Fifa or in Qatar could have thought of. It's still 30 degrees + at night there in the summer, and over 60% humidity. A quick google check confirms that at 10pm last night, it was 33 there.
“Seeing these smiling faces is the greatest pleasure. They have been magnificent all season. They have been our 12th man. I have always said our fans are the best in England. Now I know they are the best in Europe too.” Rafa Benitez

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #135 on: September 10, 2013, 02:33:15 pm »
I was kind of having a laugh but - no sun, 30 degrees (86 F) and 60% humidity is still playable, whereas the daytime temps are not playable.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #136 on: September 10, 2013, 02:36:39 pm »
I was kind of having a laugh but - no sun, 30 degrees (86 F) and 60% humidity is still playable, whereas the daytime temps are not playable.
Fair enough, but that'd still be hard on the players. I've played 25 degrees at night with less humidity and whilst I come from England (so it won't help on that front) I would think quite a few nations would find it hard. Also, Fifa will be trying to arrange matches at times where they can get the greatest TV audiences, which may not be at times most suitable for the players.

Then there's acclimatisation and jet-lag to consider. If you're suddenly trying to switch up a player's entire routine, when staying in another country outside of the norm is already a shock to the system, then you're asking for dull, under-performed games. It's all just a logistical nightmare, really.
“Seeing these smiling faces is the greatest pleasure. They have been magnificent all season. They have been our 12th man. I have always said our fans are the best in England. Now I know they are the best in Europe too.” Rafa Benitez

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #137 on: September 10, 2013, 02:46:27 pm »
Why can't all the games just be held at night?

Problem solved.

There are still other problems:
- too expensive for fans to get there and stay there.
- oppressive heat during the day for fans.
- risk of prosecution if fans fall foul of their medieval laws.

If I went there I'd expect to be allowed to behave as I would at any other football tournament.
Most fans will feel the same way, how are they going to reconcile that with their medieval laws?

For example, what fun will there be if you cannot enjoy a beer, or have a sing song on the streets, mingle with the locals.
Will women be allowed to attend matches and walk freely down the streets without being harassed or forced to wear Halloween costumes?

And then there is security, hardly safe is it with Saudi 'Al Qaeda' Arabia next door.
What happens if Israel qualify, will they be allowed to be there or their fans?

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #138 on: September 10, 2013, 03:09:34 pm »
Yes, Mr Blatter, colonial attitudes and arrogance are despicable. How odd, then, that you are the boss of an organisation that encourages nations to spent billions on a month long tournament, and colludes as they forcibly and often violently relocate "undesirables" (the poor, of course), breach workers' rights, and pour money into projects that will have no lasting benefit to everyday citizens. And when this is all done, said organisation flies back out in their super-jets, cluching their tax free billions, and off to the next luxurious hotel, leaving the citizens of that country to clear up the mess from a party they were not even invited to. Because all that sounds very colonial to me.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #139 on: September 10, 2013, 03:44:19 pm »
Qatar World Cup 2022: Top clubs 'open' to winter tournament

Europe's leading clubs have stated that they are "open" to the possibility of a winter World Cup in Qatar in 2022.
Fifa chief Sepp Blatter has called for the tournament to be moved because of concern over how players would cope in summer temperatures of 40C and above.

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, the chairman of the European Club Association,  which represents the top teams, said: "It is probably better to play it in winter.

"We're not in a hurry, there are still nine years to go."

Since Qatar won the right to host the World Cup in 2010, the practicalities of staging a summer competition in the Middle East have been debated.

After voicing his own concerns in July, Blatter said he would consult the host nation and his executive committee about his proposals to have the World Cup moved to the winter.

The Swiss Fifa president has also suggested that it might have been a "mistake" to award the Gulf state the World Cup.
Rummenigge added: "Having the World Cup in Qatar is not a mistake.

"After visiting Qatar at our last general assembly we had a good feeling about the organisation of a World Cup there."
Football Association chairman Greg Dyke told the BBC in August that a summer World Cup in Qatar would be "impossible".
However, the Premier League has taken an opposing stance, with chief executive Richard Scudamore saying: "My view is you can do it in the summer.

"The bid was extremely thorough, they dealt with all the issues about the heat and the managing of the air conditioning in the stadiums."

There are 10 English teams who are members of the European Club Association - Arsenal, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Everton, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Newcastle and Tottenham.

The ECA is an independent body representing the interests of Europe's clubs. It replaced the G14 Group and the European Club Forum in 2008 and is recognised by both Fifa and Uefa.

There are 214 members, with an executive board headed by Bayern Munich chief executive Rummenigge, who was re-elected as chairman on Tuesday.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #140 on: September 10, 2013, 04:12:57 pm »

Why do I get the feeling Rummenigge is using the words "open to" as a bargaining chip in dealing with FIFA and the Qatari FA?

How can this guy claim to speak for our club?

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #141 on: September 10, 2013, 04:20:57 pm »
"After visiting Qatar at our last general assembly we had a good feeling about the organisation of a World Cup there."

In other words

"It was the best jolly-up I can remember. You see this watch? Proper gold, proper diamonds. The wife was over the moon with the handbag and necklace. We have a good feeling about how much graft we will get between now and the World Cup there."

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #142 on: September 10, 2013, 06:30:08 pm »

Where ANYWHRE in that article does it say anything about European's Top Clubs being open to a winter world cup. NO WHERE

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #143 on: September 10, 2013, 07:06:44 pm »
Fair enough, but that'd still be hard on the players. I've played 25 degrees at night with less humidity and whilst I come from England (so it won't help on that front) I would think quite a few nations would find it hard. Also, Fifa will be trying to arrange matches at times where they can get the greatest TV audiences, which may not be at times most suitable for the players.

Given the time difference of about 4 hours ahead, evening matches would suit European tv better than an afternoon kickoff, would be less bad for north and south America than daytime games and would be fairly shitty for the far east.

Offline TepidT2O

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #144 on: September 10, 2013, 09:45:42 pm »
"After visiting Qatar at our last general assembly we had a good feeling about the organisation of a World Cup there."

In other words

"It was the best jolly-up I can remember. You see this watch? Proper gold, proper diamonds. The wife was over the moon with the handbag and necklace. We have a good feeling about how much graft we will get between now and the World Cup there."
Zero football infra structure

Impossible to play in the summer

But fucking hell, we left with more gold than fucking Midas!

*I have translated this fom his original German interview*
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #145 on: September 11, 2013, 09:07:18 am »
Might aswell give the 2026 World Cup to North Korea. Wouldn't put it past FIFA at all to be honest.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2013, 09:27:31 am »
Given the time difference of about 4 hours ahead, evening matches would suit European tv better than an afternoon kickoff, would be less bad for north and south America than daytime games and would be fairly shitty for the far east.

Less options to 'stagger' the KO times, especially in the initial group games where there are quite a few games going on each day, unless you had matches kicking off say at 8pm and 11pm local time or thereabouts.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #147 on: September 11, 2013, 12:20:12 pm »

Less options to 'stagger' the KO times, especially in the initial group games where there are quite a few games going on each day, unless you had matches kicking off say at 8pm and 11pm local time or thereabouts.
This. Also, it's not just Europeans that will want to watch it.

There really is nothing defensible about this World Cup anymore. The Premier League and top leagues have more financial heft than Fifa. They should simply say 'no,' if Fifa try and mess with their schedule. The teams now have enough power and earning potential that they can make Fifa beholden to them, and play on their terms. Yes, it's disappointing that money is the main drive, but that's the reason Fifa gave Qatar the World Cup.

This is even before the fact that Qatar's laws are draconian in execution and punishment. No country with such laws should be given a tournament of such international gravitas. People can't be safe there, and a tiny slip-up could lead to a life-ruining event for any fan. I'm all for relieving ignorance and people following the laws of the nation that they're in, but when they're so far from what's considered normal or even sane, could you still condone the severe punishments for a small mistake? It's just a giant mess. A winter world cup is ridiculous. So is a summer one in Qatar.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #148 on: September 11, 2013, 12:36:25 pm »

Less options to 'stagger' the KO times, especially in the initial group games where there are quite a few games going on each day, unless you had matches kicking off say at 8pm and 11pm local time or thereabouts.

Do them at 6, 8 and 10pm, it's not like there is the option of going out for a beer afterwards anyway is there.  ;D

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #149 on: September 11, 2013, 12:42:00 pm »
This. Also, it's not just Europeans that will want to watch it.

Regardless of where it is held there is always going to be at least one region that shits out due to the timings though and playing the games in the afternoons there would mean late morning for eu, middle of night for americans and would still be a bit too late on the whole for the asian market for anything other than the first game so not ideal for them either.

My comments had nothing to do with wanting them to pick the best time for europe so much as recognising that a place that is GMT +4 is going to suck to varying degrees regardless of what time they kickoff and at least that hold them in the evening idea has the advantage of killing the players a bit less.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #150 on: September 11, 2013, 12:43:41 pm »
This. Also, it's not just Europeans that will want to watch it.

There really is nothing defensible about this World Cup anymore. The Premier League and top leagues have more financial heft than Fifa. They should simply say 'no,' if Fifa try and mess with their schedule. The teams now have enough power and earning potential that they can make Fifa beholden to them, and play on their terms. Yes, it's disappointing that money is the main drive, but that's the reason Fifa gave Qatar the World Cup.

This is even before the fact that Qatar's laws are draconian in execution and punishment. No country with such laws should be given a tournament of such international gravitas. People can't be safe there, and a tiny slip-up could lead to a life-ruining event for any fan. I'm all for relieving ignorance and people following the laws of the nation that they're in, but when they're so far from what's considered normal or even sane, could you still condone the severe punishments for a small mistake? It's just a giant mess. A winter world cup is ridiculous. So is a summer one in Qatar.

As you said it does not really matter when the World Cup is, it should not be in Qatar or any of the gulf states.

I really hope Israel qualify, that will really put the cat amongst the pigeons.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #151 on: September 11, 2013, 12:48:12 pm »
I understand that football is a global game and doesn't just belong to Europe, but in that case surely Australia would have been a better host country than Qatar?

Corrupt FIFA idiots.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #152 on: September 11, 2013, 05:10:11 pm »
I understand that football is a global game and doesn't just belong to Europe, but in that case surely Australia would have been a better host country than Qatar?

Even US seems like a viable option.

Those bastards think its better to play the game in a country which requires a shift of playing "season" than shift the game to a country where nothing is ever affected.

Seriously where are they coming from? Would love to see their IQ results.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #153 on: September 11, 2013, 05:22:59 pm »
Even US seems like a viable option.

Those bastards think its better to play the game in a country which requires a shift of playing "season" than shift the game to a country where nothing is ever affected.

Seriously where are they coming from? Would love to see their IQ results.

The US have hosted before, I think one of the stated reasons qatar got it was because the area has never hosted one before, Australia hasn't either, I bet they'd put on a great World Cup.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #154 on: September 11, 2013, 09:10:56 pm »
The US have hosted before, I think one of the stated reasons qatar got it was because the area has never hosted one before, Australia hasn't either, I bet they'd put on a great World Cup.
Then they should have given it to a more suitable country, I know Egypt and Tunisia aren't safe right now but they will hopefully become good come 2022, Morocco would have also been a good choice. Not Middle East per se, but if the FIFA considers it one area when it sells the broadcasting rights then they should when the hosting rights were awarded.
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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #155 on: September 12, 2013, 03:10:12 am »
Yeah Morocco would have been a good decision actually, they have the room to grow, its essentially in the middle of the world etc.

The Qatar "lower temperature to play games at night" thing is absolute bollocks though. What about during the day when there's nothing for millions of tourists to do and its just too hot to be outside in the sun all day? Is everyone just expected to chill out over the Gulf in Iran or in Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Bahrain where there'll be a little more space? Because then they won't be in Qatar and so the point of them hosting the event will be gone.

I think that originally Blatter/Fifa didn't give a fuck as he'll likely be dead by the time the WC is there. But he's now clocked on that if this and Russia are terrible events due to non-footballing reasons (and there's a 99% chance they will be), it'll ruin his legacy forever and this is what he'll be remembered by.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #156 on: September 12, 2013, 04:28:39 am »
Indoor stadiums.

The was part of the initial bid, that they were going to build indoor stadiums, have 'outdoor air conditioned stadiums' (?!).

Furthermore, August in Qatar (i've been) is pretty typical to most hot American states can get. It's not supressive hot. Well not when i was there.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #157 on: September 12, 2013, 08:47:07 am »
30 years after the world cup someone WILL write a book about this idiotic bid and why Qatar was selected.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #158 on: September 12, 2013, 09:07:18 am »
30 years after the world cup someone WILL write a book about this idiotic bid and why Qatar was selected.
There's no book to write to be honest. It's al labout the money. I'll bet my house that Blatter & Co got paid by Qatar, maybe even Russia.

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Re: World Cup 2022 - Qatar
« Reply #159 on: September 12, 2013, 11:14:43 am »
The Qatar "lower temperature to play games at night" thing is absolute bollocks though. What about during the day when there's nothing for millions of tourists to do and its just too hot to be outside in the sun all day? Is everyone just expected to chill out over the Gulf in Iran or in Dubai/Abu Dhabi/Bahrain where there'll be a little more space? Because then they won't be in Qatar and so the point of them hosting the event will be gone.

Realistically, the bid was always completely fucked as far as the spectators are concerned and day or night games, summer or winter that isn't going to change unless Fifa grow a spine and move it somewhere less hite.

Suggestions like keep it in the summer and play the games at night rather than moving it to the winter are merely a way of mitigating how much they are also going to fuck up the proper football seasons for 2-3 years around that world cup providing you assume that once Fifa are bought they stay bought and won't move it to a viable host country.