Author Topic: Community Union  (Read 9965 times)

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2013, 03:10:04 pm »
Keep me posted :wave

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2013, 08:57:26 pm »
I've PM'd those who have expressed most interest in getting involved and talked to a few others I know.  Looks like any meeting wont take place until late May or early June but progress is progress :)
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Offline coct3au

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2013, 10:05:51 am »
I voted Green in the Mayoral election actually.  But what I'm hoping for is to create something that demonstrates a unity of common sense compassion that spreads across local politics.  The Greens could certainly be part of that but I'm not sure I could create this from within their own party.  I guess what I'm seeking is a bit of autonomy in the first instance, to gauge how people feel and the contribution they are able to make.  I've certainly no objection to good policy just because its come from someplace else.

OK. I don't think I quite understand your aim though. At first, I thought the idea was a sort of cross-party 'umbrella' group, to put the case for (presumably) a general local/socialist direction across all political/power structures (which "common sense compassion that spreads across local politics" sort of suggests).

But then in the 'manifesto' post you confirm that "The ultimate purpose of the LCP is to challenge and eventually replace Labour as the dominant force in local politics, and establish itself with a nationwide powerbase." So I'm not sure how you're going to get "unity... across local politics" if your aim is to set up a separate party?

I would personally consider: if you want to be involved in actual electoral politics, why not find the party that is most closely aligned to your viewpoint (assuming one exists) and seek to influence it from within, rather than setting up something entirely new from scratch?

* You're not wasting your limited time on "non-productive" stuff, like organising, admin, publicity, awareness, party structure, etc - that's already done - you can concentrate on the actual political aims

* The UK electoral system (first past the post) means that "vote splitting" undermines all parties with a broadly similar outlook. This is massively unfortunate, but it's the reality we're dealing with at the moment. So unnecessary duplication of parties (if it is indeed unnecessary - obviously depends on your views/policies) is sadly counterproductive in many ways.

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2013, 11:19:45 am »
Ok, understood.  Please bear in mind that it's not a manifesto post.  It's the first draft of a political statement, written by one person.  It's not that it contains contradictions, but clearly it lacks clarification.  I'm not very good at plain speak but I'm going to have a stab at it. 

Once upon a time Labour was founded by the Unions to represent the working class.  They no longer do.  What we have is Joe Anderson - a man adept at waffle and hand wringing.

We want to be a voice to those organisations that currently lack one.  We want to represent them on a political level, and also by extension the people (with votes) who support them through their time and effort, paid or unpaid.  It's not a coalition of political parties, although people are always welcome to get involved.

There is no credible opposition to Labour in Liverpool.  The Lib Dems are fucked; the minority parties are just that.  Labour are a shoe in for the next decade.  What is needed is a new political force, made up of the people on the ground.  Labour must first realise they can no longer take their hard core support for granted.  Ultimately though, yes we want to replace Labour in local politics.

There are good people working in all local parties who may feel their voice is stifled by the overriding political agenda.  We could offer those people their voice back.  If they can see what we're doing is having a positive, pro-active effect then they may defect to us.

Yesterday, we had professional politicians squabbling in Parliament over an issue that is way outside the concerns of most ordinary voters - and more importantly local issues.  It wasn't even an argument of genuine substance - it was over a chunk of text.  I've just heard that the UK imports eight times as much from the EU as we export.  I don't know the accuracy of that figure but it suggests to my mind the hole where the UK manufacturing industry should be.  It also shows how hopeless out of touch central government is that they quibble over ideological semantics when people are breaking under the burdens government have placed upon them.

If we want to change that attitude we need a totally united city, with everybody pulling in the same direction and saying "no more".

This concept of Community Union is founded in the most basic element of being a scouser - if we can force action over Hillsborough and fuck up the actions of a pair of bogus cowboys then we can do THIS. 

The Greens wont deliver that - neither will the Socialist party.  They're part of the system with their own agendas.  One person trying to change them from the inside?  Fat chance.  That goes triple for Labour.  I'm trying to establish a fresh approach.

This is my personal vision, based on what I've seen good people accomplish and what I've seen good people suffer.  There are others who agree with me that this is possible.  I don't have all the answers and I don't pretend to, but by working together I'm sure we can find a way.

coct3au, I really appreciate you asking the hard questions but I have to ask you - what's driving you to ask? 
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2013, 02:57:42 pm »
I popped over to Liverpool Hope yesterday for an information day by VMM International, a charity that helps people in Africa.  I was very impressed,  not only by their dedication but also their ideas and approach.  I think I could take a lot of nouse from the way they do things and apply it to Community Union, especially the simplistic approach.

I think the political statement above could serve as an embryonic constitution for the party.  I believe the ethos should be Help First, Represent Second.  Even if it's something as simple as a group of us getting together to tidy an old lady's garden, or plant a flower bed, it's about instilling hope for positive change into people's lives and actions.  Generosity is the key - you will likely get out far more from this than you put in.
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Offline coct3au

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2013, 06:34:37 pm »
Once upon a time Labour was founded by the Unions to represent the working class.  They no longer do.  What we have is Joe Anderson - a man adept at waffle and hand wringing.

There is no credible opposition to Labour in Liverpool.  The Lib Dems are fucked; the minority parties are just that.  Labour are a shoe in for the next decade.  What is needed is a new political force, made up of the people on the ground.  Labour must first realise they can no longer take their hard core support for granted.  Ultimately though, yes we want to replace Labour in local politics.

If we want to change that attitude we need a totally united city, with everybody pulling in the same direction and saying "no more".

This concept of Community Union is founded in the most basic element of being a scouser - if we can force action over Hillsborough and fuck up the actions of a pair of bogus cowboys then we can do THIS. 

The Greens wont deliver that - neither will the Socialist party.  They're part of the system with their own agendas.  One person trying to change them from the inside?  Fat chance.  That goes triple for Labour.  I'm trying to establish a fresh approach.

This is my personal vision, based on what I've seen good people accomplish and what I've seen good people suffer.  There are others who agree with me that this is possible.  I don't have all the answers and I don't pretend to, but by working together I'm sure we can find a way.

coct3au, I really appreciate you asking the hard questions but I have to ask you - what's driving you to ask?

Maybe for similar reasons to yourself - ie that 'mainstream politics', 'democracy' or whatever, has arguably been captured/subverted by a self-perpetuating class/system that is quite far removed from the interests of the common person.

So I'm generally curious regarding how this situation can be rectified - both on an ideological level, and in practical, achievable terms.

I apologise if my comments thus far have come across as negative/cynical etc - it's more the case that I'm restating questions that I've asked myself, when pondering similar issues (and in most cases haven't been able to answer to my own satisfaction).

So, from a devil's advocate point of view, what would make your party so different from (eg) all the leftist parties listed at - in terms of ideology, aims, etc?

Or alternatively, if the difference is the 'local' thing and you're targetting local politics exclusively, how do you deal with the associated drawbacks? - ie, Liverpool has arguably suffered from having a 'non-aligned' local political structure for over 30 years (militant Labour enclave under Thatcherism; Lib Dem enclave under New Labour; Labour enclave under ConDem). In all cases, you could make a good case for saying we've been 'punished' by the incumbent national political machine, for not electing them locally. Sadly for us, due to the massively over-centralised UK structure, national govt has far more power than local govt. If our local politics is perpetually dominated by "The Liverpool Party", and no national party has a realistic chance of winning here, what is the incentive for them to ever pay us any attention, eg give us an HS2 line, a Commonwealth Games, a public sector organisation, or any other kind of significant investment?

Or to put it another way, as a potential recruit, how would you entice me to join the Community Union, when I could equally as well join the Green Party, which (I assume) has a similar philosophy, but also already has local/national/international networks and representation? You say that "The Greens wont deliver that - they're part of the system with their own agendas" - but you are also aspiring to become part of "the system", and you have YOUR own agenda - so from an outsider's point of view - why is your agenda better?

I think you are underestimating the difficulty of the task when you say "we need a totally united city, with everybody pulling in the same direction and saying 'no more' - if we can force action over Hillsborough and fuck up the actions of a pair of bogus cowboys then we can do THIS." Partly because people aren't going to agree on everything; partly because people *are* tribally attached to their political 'team', as you acknowledge; partly because Hillsborough demonstrated the difficulties in working against 'the system', even in what should have been a single issue open-and-shut-case sort of thing; partly because the current system makes it very difficult for a minority party to build up any sort of momentum/presence, in electoral terms; partly because it's hard to motivate people to get involved in this sort of thing (look at the lack of an effective response to the current situation, for example, even from already-organised groups such as the trade unions).

So basically, I imagine I'm probably in agreement with a lot of your aims, I'm just wondering if this is the most productive way to go about achieving them. And if you think it is, I'm interested in how you've come to those conclusions, because on the face of it, it looks very difficult to me.

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2013, 10:30:07 pm »
Just a quick response as I've not had time to properly review your post.  For now I will just say yes, on one level I expect it to be difficult - nothing worthwhile is ever easy.  But on another level I also expect it to be simple.  Because doing things to help people can be simple.  The longest journey begins with a single step etc etc.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2013, 02:00:07 pm »
I'm still digesting your post mate.  I will do my best to offer up a more substantial response but in the case of the questions you have asked yourself I doubt I can answer them any better than you have.

Fact is sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith.  We need to engage with the system, because it's there.  I don't want us to become part of it though.  Best I can do for now is simply extend my invitation to you.  Join us at our first meeting and see where it leads us.
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Online jackh

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #48 on: May 22, 2013, 12:08:59 am »
I popped over to Liverpool Hope yesterday for an information day by VMM International, a charity that helps people in Africa.  I was very impressed,  not only by their dedication but also their ideas and approach.  I think I could take a lot of nouse from the way they do things and apply it to Community Union, especially the simplistic approach.

I think the political statement above could serve as an embryonic constitution for the party.  I believe the ethos should be Help First, Represent Second.  Even if it's something as simple as a group of us getting together to tidy an old lady's garden, or plant a flower bed, it's about instilling hope for positive change into people's lives and actions.  Generosity is the key - you will likely get out far more from this than you put in.

This is exactly what I was getting at in my earlier posts - it's dfficult to demand support for a group that's simply been parachuted into a local political context.  Instead of telling people what you do and expecting them to join you, offer community projects/days that people can involve in and feel like they are both contributing to and benefitting from - sure, imply longer-term aims but, if you aim small and local and let it develop into itself organically, I think you'll find a lot more respect, support, and success.

You've obviously gone with the topic title, 'Community Union' - in that case, I think all that should be discussed until you've started achieving it is uniting 'the' community.  If your aim is to represent the community, you need to be patient and discover that community and its wants and needs.

Remember what they say about leading a horses to water :wave

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #49 on: May 22, 2013, 05:25:04 pm »
Absolutely jackh.  I mean this is where my over thinking and over writing tends to defeat me.  I thought I was being obvious in that I just wanted to get out there and help people, but clearly I could have phrased things better!

Obviously when I've set out the earlier posts and the statement I've been trying to connect to the overall frustration I and many others are feeling and that collective desire to make a difference.  I think that message has been lost beneath the necessity to outline some basic short and long term goals.  People have perhaps felt I was looking too far ahead when in reality all I was doing was trying to set up a framework to build upon.  And, as only a single person, this framework is subject to change, depending on the good ideas a group of us together may come up with!

Community Union remains the working title for the thread as it's just the easiest thing to go with for now.  The key is for people to not feel excluded - this is something everybody can make a contribution too. :)
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #50 on: May 22, 2013, 06:39:32 pm »
Absolutely jackh.  I mean this is where my over thinking and over writing tends to defeat me.  I thought I was being obvious in that I just wanted to get out there and help people, but clearly I could have phrased things better!

Obviously when I've set out the earlier posts and the statement I've been trying to connect to the overall frustration I and many others are feeling and that collective desire to make a difference.  I think that message has been lost beneath the necessity to outline some basic short and long term goals.  People have perhaps felt I was looking too far ahead when in reality all I was doing was trying to set up a framework to build upon.  And, as only a single person, this framework is subject to change, depending on the good ideas a group of us together may come up with!

Community Union remains the working title for the thread as it's just the easiest thing to go with for now.  The key is for people to not feel excluded - this is something everybody can make a contribution too. :)

I've already found your first community campaign in an alternative thread ;D

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2013, 05:48:35 pm »
Or alternatively, if the difference is the 'local' thing and you're targetting local politics exclusively, how do you deal with the associated drawbacks? - ie, Liverpool has arguably suffered from having a 'non-aligned' local political structure for over 30 years (militant Labour enclave under Thatcherism; Lib Dem enclave under New Labour; Labour enclave under ConDem). In all cases, you could make a good case for saying we've been 'punished' by the incumbent national political machine, for not electing them locally. Sadly for us, due to the massively over-centralised UK structure, national govt has far more power than local govt. If our local politics is perpetually dominated by "The Liverpool Party", and no national party has a realistic chance of winning here, what is the incentive for them to ever pay us any attention, eg give us an HS2 line, a Commonwealth Games, a public sector organisation, or any other kind of significant investment?

Or to put it another way, as a potential recruit, how would you entice me to join the Community Union, when I could equally as well join the Green Party, which (I assume) has a similar philosophy, but also already has local/national/international networks and representation? You say that "The Greens wont deliver that - they're part of the system with their own agendas" - but you are also aspiring to become part of "the system", and you have YOUR own agenda - so from an outsider's point of view - why is your agenda better?

I think you are underestimating the difficulty of the task when you say "we need a totally united city, with everybody pulling in the same direction and saying 'no more' - if we can force action over Hillsborough and fuck up the actions of a pair of bogus cowboys then we can do THIS." Partly because people aren't going to agree on everything; partly because people *are* tribally attached to their political 'team', as you acknowledge; partly because Hillsborough demonstrated the difficulties in working against 'the system', even in what should have been a single issue open-and-shut-case sort of thing; partly because the current system makes it very difficult for a minority party to build up any sort of momentum/presence, in electoral terms; partly because it's hard to motivate people to get involved in this sort of thing (look at the lack of an effective response to the current situation, for example, even from already-organised groups such as the trade unions).

Okay I've had time to consider your remarks mate.  I agree of course that it is far easier to unite around single issues that a broad range.  What has to be demonstrated to the people is that the vast majority of those currently elected at local level to represent them are largely failing in that duty.  The next step is to offer a credible alternative.

The bottom line with Community Union is to start out as volunteers who get out there and actively help people.  This can be in many forms, as I've said.  It could be as simple as planting a flower bed, or posting leaflets that advise people of their rights and the groups in the city that can effectively represent them, or even showing an auld biddy how to send a text.  It's about being there for people.

When you consider RAWK, we have not just a global fan base, but a global KNOWLEDGE base.  People who, even if not directly part of our own Liverpool community, are still part of a much wider global community and have repeatedly been happy to offer support and advice for those who need it.  That's not to say we constantly pester members on what is primarily a football forum, but there's a wealth of information already on here to use.

I guess what I'm trying to say is although I've posted up a political statement don't think I'm looking too far ahead.  Community Union IS about working outside the current system because first and foremost we are going to be there for people - actions first, THEN words.  One step at a time.

Indeed there are volunteer groups out there doing sterling work for the homeless, doing soup kitchens, providing clothing etc.  Where we differ is that we will ultimately look to politically represent the people we are helping; people who have homes, families, find life burdensome and are disillusioned that real change is possible.  Our task is to go out into the community and provide the work of our own two hands.  It's very basic, simple but we can build upon our experience and we can also contact other groups and learn the short cuts to getting established. 

There's a lot of long term thinking that will need to go into this, but in essence Community Union could start tomorrow.  You don't need a permit to go out and be nice and helpful to strangers - but it might make a person feel more comfortable if they are part of a group doing the same thing.

So I suppose the easiest question to put to you is: Do you feel you can make the smallest contribution, that will take up a bit of your time?  Do you think you could do something that would ultimately prove a rewarding experience to you?

On a side note, I'm thinking of setting up a Community Union Facebook page, to better co-ordinate meetings etc.  It's nearly June and I'd like to get the first meeting kicked off in the next fortnight or so.  Does anybody here think a FB could prove useful?
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2013, 05:57:30 pm »
Okay I've had time to consider your remarks mate.  I agree of course that it is far easier to unite around single issues that a broad range.  What has to be demonstrated to the people is that the vast majority of those currently elected at local level to represent them are largely failing in that duty.  The next step is to offer a credible alternative.

I'm not even sure this is true. Within the confines of the existing political structure, most elected councillors and MPs in the area actually work pretty hard to serve the community.

If you're really hell-bent on forming a political party aimed at getting elected officials into positions of power, then I think you need a much stronger platform than vague "let's help each other out a bit more" statements.

What, precisely, is it that you find fault with the current councillors and MPs for?
What, precisely, are your alternatives?

By keeping the focus on the council and parliamentary ambitions which you hold, you seem to be facing the wrong direction. If you want to help people, there's plenty of causes you can volunteer for. Why does that need to translate into party politics?

I do think your heart is in the right place here, but you have to realise the sheer scale of what you are taking on, and you need to have a really strong reason to do that, and a very good plan to get you there. If you want people to follow you, then you need to show leadership here. What is it you're offering, specifically?
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2013, 06:52:01 pm »
I'm not even sure this is true. Within the confines of the existing political structure, most elected councillors and MPs in the area actually work pretty hard to serve the community.

If you're really hell-bent on forming a political party aimed at getting elected officials into positions of power, then I think you need a much stronger platform than vague "let's help each other out a bit more" statements.

What, precisely, is it that you find fault with the current councillors and MPs for?
What, precisely, are your alternatives?

By keeping the focus on the council and parliamentary ambitions which you hold, you seem to be facing the wrong direction. If you want to help people, there's plenty of causes you can volunteer for. Why does that need to translate into party politics?

I do think your heart is in the right place here, but you have to realise the sheer scale of what you are taking on, and you need to have a really strong reason to do that, and a very good plan to get you there. If you want people to follow you, then you need to show leadership here. What is it you're offering, specifically?

I understand there are many who work hard under the constraints of party policy.  I'm hoping in the long run we can offer them more freedom to follow their conscience rather than party lines.

As for the rest, well I've done my best to explain my position, and I feel like the discussion is becoming a bit circular.   I'll address points as best I can.

I'm not a natural leader; I'm just the catalyst.  My goal is to get the ball rolling.  I strongly feel a need to take action.  I can't answer all your questions, although answers may present themselves in time.  I can only suggest re reading the political statement.  Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.   

I'm hearing a lot of people here saying "I think you're onto something, BUT..."

But what?

Wielding Occam's Razor, it seems people are looking for a complicated answer when a simpler approach will do.  Indeed sharing a bug bear I have with the current political situation, how many times have you heard politician waffle on about something?  How many times have you heard one reply: "It's not that simple..."

Part of the lethargy in politics in general is that we've been convinced it's an convuluted issue.  These are professional politicians.  Perhaps on a local level they may not have the education of the elite but certainly there's that growing sense of a 'ruling class' born to lead.

Too many cooks spoil the broth; how many comittees does it take to change a light bulb? 

To my mind, there's nothing vague in saying "Let's help each other out more".  That's what community is about.  Community Union is about restoring people's faith and spirit in the community - it's about giving them back HOPE that real change is possible and that they can elect people to represent them who are not disconnected and understand exactly the kinds of problems they face.

I can't deal in specifics at this point because I'm only one person.  Until we can actually hold a meeting and air views and get some ideas bouncing around there seems little point in discussing the views of just one guy.  I have a desire for change - I'm not exactly sure how to go about it, but I think helping people and being active in the community is the way to start.  I have no political experience; I'm not from a political background.  This is a learning curve for me as well and it's exciting for me.  I can only reiterate what I have said so far.

I do not believe I'm unduly focussed on the political side.  I've said several times that contesting elections is the long term goal, but we can get out there and start making a difference NOW.   Sure I want to get a group of people together to decide on specific projects - it's a good way to start - but if we start to feel daunted by the size of the task then we wont even begin.

There is nothing overly complicated about just getting out there and helping people.  As has rightly been pointed out, there are tons of activists and volunteers doing a sterling job already.  But Community Union could become a bridge linking the two.  Of course there is no guarantee for success but I'd rather say at least I tried.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2013, 11:55:06 pm »
I can see what you're saying here, but I don't see how or why starting a new political party answers any of your questions. Unless you've got a very, very solid idea of what it is your platform is going to be, then I can't see the sense in it, sorry.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2013, 11:03:02 am »
I completely understand.  I'm not always very good at communicating my points, despite being a good writer.  I'd go into more detail but right now I have a massive toothache and it's all I can think about.  ;D

Perhaps people could tell me what they would like to see?
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #56 on: June 4, 2013, 08:33:58 am »
See it's shit like this that made me want to set up Community Union:

Here's the situation now then - Luciana complained about me on Friday afternoon, as seen below. I today wrote to Ed Miliband MP with my complaint about the treatment from Luciana (see below in comments)______________________________________
From: BERGER, Luciana (
Sent: 31 May 2013 12:34:17
To: Morrison, Jake (Councillors) (
Cc: (; Dean, Alan (

Dear Jake

I understand from your tweets that you have been knocking on members' doors. As you will be aware from the many emails that Sheila has sent you, and which you have sadly ignored, we have had a training session with Arnie Graf from which the Wavertree CLP Members' ID scheme was launched, and we now have a very comprehensive agreed script and process. Indeed we went out on Tuesday with an Old Swan councillor to start the activity off, and which was very successful.

You have not replied to any of the emails confirming your availability for the summer campaign which includes member engagement. You have not visited the office to collect a copy of the script, which includes a list of all the forthcoming CLP events which we are inviting members to. You have not engaged with the constituency in some time and have chosen not to discuss your facebook/twitter resignation announcement with either the officers of the CLP, branch, your co councillor or indeed myself.

Of the 14 Labour councillors in the Wavertree Constituency you are the only one who chooses not to engage with my office, or get involved with our constituency activities. I have also had a number of complaints raised with me about your behaviour and action with regard to the Heygreen school going into special measures and the MANWEB field.

I am copying in Joe and Alan Dean by way of a formal complaint about your behaviour and your complete lack of team work and respect for other members.

I would appreciate a response

Luciana Berger
Labour and Co-operative MP for Liverpool Wavertree
Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change

Now there's scripts.  You have to follow the script.  Can't go knocking on doors without reading the script.  God forbid anybody showing a bit of initiative.

See, in my view politics should work from the ground up, NOT from top down.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #57 on: June 5, 2013, 12:11:45 am »
See it's shit like this that made me want to set up Community Union:

Now there's scripts.  You have to follow the script.  Can't go knocking on doors without reading the script.  God forbid anybody showing a bit of initiative.

See, in my view politics should work from the ground up, NOT from top down.

But once you work up, from the ground up, and agree to represent a party ... surely it's sort of reasonable to assume that there'd be a certain 'toeing of the line' involved?

Online Red Beret

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #58 on: June 5, 2013, 12:57:15 pm »
There is indeed, but as a councillor you should know the limits of your own power.  You can't promise all things to all people.  It's about being there and listening, and not just at election times.  It's about showing the people who put you in that you have not forgotten about them.

If he's gone there and said "yes we'll do this and that," then I'd agree he was out of order.  If it's more along the lines of "Hello, how's things?  Are there any issues you would like me to raise?" then personally I don't see what is wrong in that.

Reading back on this article posted earlier in the thread (which looks like it may have been deleted), I would say democracy should not only be participatory but also shared.  There definitely seems to be an attempt to draw a firm line been the voters and politicians.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #59 on: June 5, 2013, 03:04:41 pm »
There is indeed, but as a councillor you should know the limits of your own power.  You can't promise all things to all people.  It's about being there and listening, and not just at election times.  It's about showing the people who put you in that you have not forgotten about them.

If he's gone there and said "yes we'll do this and that," then I'd agree he was out of order.  If it's more along the lines of "Hello, how's things?  Are there any issues you would like me to raise?" then personally I don't see what is wrong in that.

Reading back on this article posted earlier in the thread (which looks like it may have been deleted), I would say democracy should not only be participatory but also shared.  There definitely seems to be an attempt to draw a firm line been the voters and politicians.

Reading that, it sounds like the guy has gone totally off on his own agenda without even reporting back to the party or discussing what he was up to. You just can't have that in a serious political party, it's ridiculous.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #60 on: June 6, 2013, 02:28:41 pm »
I would say that the lad is perhaps better suited to being an independent and his own master.  Or perhaps I could persuade him to join.  ;)
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #61 on: June 8, 2013, 01:07:58 pm »
Who can make a meeting on Friday 14th June?  I can set up an event page on Facebook if necessary?
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #62 on: June 12, 2013, 12:48:51 pm »
How is this coming on? I've not put anywhere near enough time into reading this thread as my head is generally full of fucking all kinds at the moment, from work, to finances, to general daily bollocks, but anyway. Enough of the excuses.

I envisage something like this, The Community Union, being less a political party and more of service. A place where people can share ideas and concerns, inform and be informed in a way that the media fails to. A place where people empower each other to demand more from their MP’s in order to get the kind of party we all want and need, working for the good of ordinary people. 

As a service it could provide anything from the organising and coordination of voluntary work to the holding of public meetings, demonstrations, fates and fairs. I see it as the opportunity to come together, sports clubs, social clubs, people’s homes (TCU nights anyone?) to become better informed about each other’s concerns. To allay certain misconceptions or fears and for everyone to become better informed on the issues that affect us all so that we can better hold to account the bunch of wasters and scroungers and liars and cheats and old boys and scaremongers and freeloaders and criminals that so painfully affect the majority us, the people, as they ultimately run this country as a means to maintain their selfish interests. They do this because they can and they get away with it because we, through our apathy and ignorance, allow it.

I’d love to see the TCU take off and go some way to achieve what I have mentioned here, I’d love to see it spread to other towns and cities because it could make all the difference.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2013, 12:25:16 pm »
I really really like what you've said there mate, and I really appreciate your input.  I think you and others are quite right - I'm focussing far too much on the political side of things.  That will happen naturally.  The desire to take action can sometimes subsume the practical nature of the action itself.

I've said myself I would like to see TCU (like how you defined it btw!) as some form of 'umbrella' group that seeks to offer political representation for volunteer groups and charities etc.  I've also said I would like it to become a sort of 'union' that represents the people and interests of all Merseyside, but you have definitely defined what I've been trying to get across.  Sometimes I am overly-flowery with my use of words!

Tis all about making people aware, being a form of outreach, and installing confidence and self empowerment.  All political buzzword bullshit of course, but with a grain of truth at their core.  We will also deffo need to organise fundraisers - fortunately I have a few contacts in that area, although more are always welcome. :)

On a side note, it heartens me to see people are still reading this and taking it onboard. 
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2013, 02:55:33 pm »
I really really like what you've said there mate, and I really appreciate your input.  I think you and others are quite right - I'm focussing far too much on the political side of things.  That will happen naturally.  The desire to take action can sometimes subsume the practical nature of the action itself.

I've said myself I would like to see TCU (like how you defined it btw!) as some form of 'umbrella' group that seeks to offer political representation for volunteer groups and charities etc.  I've also said I would like it to become a sort of 'union' that represents the people and interests of all Merseyside, but you have definitely defined what I've been trying to get across.  Sometimes I am overly-flowery with my use of words!

Tis all about making people aware, being a form of outreach, and installing confidence and self empowerment.  All political buzzword bullshit of course, but with a grain of truth at their core.  We will also deffo need to organise fundraisers - fortunately I have a few contacts in that area, although more are always welcome. :)

On a side note, it heartens me to see people are still reading this and taking it onboard. 

We need something like this mate, we really do. We need good folk like yourself prepared to to make it happen, also, so I take my hat off to you and applaud you.
The sky does not know of east or of west;
it is in the minds of men where such distinctions are made, and then they believe them to be true.

Online Red Beret

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #65 on: June 13, 2013, 03:34:08 pm »
Thanks mate.  It's all about making a difference, no matter how small.

I have now set up a group page on Facebook.  It is currently closed and I'm not exactly sure what that means lol, but if anybody here wants to join I'm sure I can figure it out. :)

PS: no meeting this friday - too many people can't make it  I'm now thinking about the end of the month.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 03:40:37 pm by Red Beret »
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #66 on: June 13, 2013, 11:50:41 pm »
How many have expressed an friends and acquaintances/other?  How many are you grappling with to try and tie down a date?  I'm pretty flexible really.

Online Red Beret

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #67 on: June 14, 2013, 12:36:42 am »
On Facebook I've invited about 30 people.  But that's not everybody I know who has expressed an interest.  Also, people on here know others who may be interested so the figure is open to going up an down.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #68 on: June 14, 2013, 01:21:50 am »
On Facebook I've invited about 30 people.  But that's not everybody I know who has expressed an interest.  Also, people on here know others who may be interested so the figure is open to going up an down.

Sound.  I've a mate who is also interested and will come along, depending on the date.

PM me a link to your Facebook/Community Union page if you will - wouldn't mind a look.  Perhaps something I could share with others in the City too?

Online Red Beret

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Re: Community Union
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2013, 01:33:30 pm »
The facebook link is above mate.  In the meantime I will share a few links I dug up after listening to some music based on a play about the Tolpuddle Martyrs - back when being part of a union could get you exiled to Australia.

And here's one relating to Captain Swing - the original, 19th Century "Anonymous"
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #70 on: July 5, 2013, 10:17:56 am »
Just to update: I'm trying to sort a meeting now for the end of July.  Time, date and venue to be confirmed.  Details on the Facebook page, link above.
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Re: Community Union
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2013, 11:02:20 am »

I've been offered the chance for an interview on Liverpool Community Radio regarding Community Union.  Would anybody like to join me?
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