Author Topic: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.  (Read 93759 times)

Offline rafathegaffa83

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #640 on: April 17, 2013, 12:11:28 am »
I came across an interesting speech from 1986 in Parliament by David Alton, a Liberal Democrat representing Mossley Hill, in Hansard from 1986 the other day and I think it speaks volumes of how much Thatcher was disliked within Liverpool.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #641 on: April 17, 2013, 12:20:29 am »
4,000 police it will be like the bad old days tomorrow with her own private police army.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #642 on: April 17, 2013, 12:23:36 am »
In all of the rewriting of history going on at the mo, some of the most incredulous, nauseating, shizer has been the wheeling out of De Klerk to tell us how Thatcher was, in fact, pro Mandela. I watched with jaw dropping incredulity on sky news (I know but helps reinforce my loathing for all things Murdoch) as he was led by the interviewer with a series of questions dismissing her calling the great man a terrorist as fiction. To paraphrase 'she never, to my knowledge, called Mandela a terrorist. She did call the ANC a terrorist organisation but only in retaliation to a statement from the ANC that they would be targeting British interests in South Africa at the time. She was a passionate advocate of democracy and guided me as I fought to deliver that to the South African people...'

No doubt he has been brought over to hoist this petard on a channel sympathetic to all things Thatcher. I despair that Leveson has had absolutely no impact on the fucking right wing press in this Country. When they want to tub thump, who the fuck can stop them? Now, or ever?
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #643 on: April 17, 2013, 12:23:38 am »
Apparently Dennis Skinner has made a great speech in the HoC opposing the PMQ's debate. 

Please post a link if you come across it. Ta.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #644 on: April 17, 2013, 12:40:00 am »
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:49:52 am by Trada »
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #645 on: April 17, 2013, 12:42:08 am »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>
My Twitter

Last time I went there I saw masturbating chimpanzees. Whether you think that's worthy of £22 is up to you. All I'll say is I now have an annual pass.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #646 on: April 17, 2013, 12:46:59 am »


Thats the very shortened version of the speech it just the last bit.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 12:49:08 am by Trada »
Don't blame me I voted for Jeremy Corbyn!!

Miss you Tracy more and more every day xxx

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #647 on: April 17, 2013, 12:47:31 am »


Thats the end to it that i seen. If only more of labour were like him.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #648 on: April 17, 2013, 12:50:09 am »
There's not enough left wing MP's.

Offline vivabobbygraham

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #649 on: April 17, 2013, 02:06:43 am »
Skinner was good but check out Galloway immediately beforehand. Also have to add that Bercow (Speaker) is a fucking star.

20:35:46 on the parliament channel link above. Cheers Trada  :thumbup
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 02:17:57 am by vivabobbygraham »
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #650 on: April 17, 2013, 06:59:29 am »

« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 07:01:13 am by Shauno »
Continually on 11,420.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #651 on: April 17, 2013, 07:14:37 am »
what is said in the article about how Thatchers death has been handled by Parliament and the media, makes you wonder if anything in the British history books is true.

Surely how I feel is not nothing?

by Morrissey, 15 april 2013

I have listened and I have seen a lack of truth that we had dared not believe existed in modern Britain. Margaret Thatcher has left the order of the world, and she is not to blame for the reports of her own death - reports so dangerously biased and full of intolerant menace that we now wonder how we can possibly believe anything that has ever been recorded in British history books. The coverage by the British media of Thatcher's death has been exclusively absorbed in Thatcher's canonization to such a censorial degree that we suddenly see the modern British establishment as an uncivilized entity of delusion, giving the cold shoulder to truth, and offering indescribable disgust to anyone unimpressed by Thatcher. Even to contest Thatcher's worth is termed "anarchist", and this source of insanity - intolerant of debate, is spearheaded by the BBC reporting not on how things actually are on British streets, but on how they would prefer things to be. For those of us who survived despite Thatcherism, and who recall Thatcher as a living hell, The Daily Mail and The Guardian have a steadfast message for us: You are nothing. Our thoughts are further burdened by the taunting extravagance of Thatcher's funeral; the ceremonial lavish, the military salute, stripping Thatcher's victims of everything, and rubbing salt in wounds with teasing relish. It is all happening against us. In thought, we have killed Thatcher off a million times, but now that we have the reality of her death, the Metropolitan Police have set up new laws against us, and within paragraphs of law, we are not allowed to register our feelings so that anyone might overhear them. Echoes of Libya? Echoes of any Middle Eastern patch whose troubles are thought too uncivilized for a democratic England where chivalrous respect is afforded to "freedom", and where we are all servile to "democracy." It is, of course, The Big Lie. The fact that there will be such an enormous police presence at Thatcher's funeral is evidence that her name is synonymous with trouble - a trouble she brought on herself. No one wished for it, or brought it to her, yet she created her subtle form of anarchy nonetheless. BBC News will scantily report on anti-Thatcher demonstrations as if those taking part aren't real people. Lordly scorn is shown towards North Korea and Syria, and any distant country ruled by tyrannical means, yet the British government employs similar dictatorship tactics in order to protect their own arrogant interests. There will be no search for true wisdom this week, as the BBC gleefully report how Ding Dong the witch is dead "failed to reach number 1", and they repeat the word "failed" four times within the brief report, and a shivering sovereign darkness clouds England - such identifications known only in China. There will be no report as to how "the British people have succeeded in downloading Ding dong the witch is dead to number 2", and we are engulfed in Third Reich maneuvers as BBC Radio assume the role of sensible adult, finger-wagging at that naughty public who must not be allowed to hear the song that they have elected to number 2. By banning Ding dong the witch is dead (and only allowing four seconds of a song is, in fact, a ban) the BBC are effectively admitting that the witch in question can only possibly be Margaret Thatcher (and not Margaret Hamilton), even though Thatcher isn't mentioned in the song, which is in fact a harmless, children's song written over 70 years ago. Whilst the BBC tut-tut-tutted a polite disapproval at the Russian government for sending a "feminist punk" band to prison for recording an anti-government song, they engage in identical intolerance against Ding dong the witch is dead without a second's hesitation. Thatcher's funeral will be paid for by the public - who have not been asked if they object to paying, yet the public will be barred from attending. In their place, the cast are symbols of withering - as old as their prejudices, adroit at hiding Thatcher's disasters. Ancestry and posterity, trimmed with pageantry, will block out anyone with a gripe. David Cameron will cling to Thatcher as she clung to the Malvinas, each in their last-ditch efforts to survive obscurity. Cameron achieves his own conclusions without any regard for the appalling social record of The Thatcher Destroyer - the protestors outside are simply not being British, or, even worse, are probably from Liverpool. When Cameron talks he is simply speaking his part, but he is adamant that the scorn Thatcher poured onto others should not be returned to her. Her mourning family must have considerations that were never shown to the families of the Hillsborough victims, and although Thatcher willingly played her part in the Hillsborough cover-up, let's not go into all that now. Instead we're asked to show respect for a Prime Minister whose own Cabinet were her rivals. Thatcher's death gives added height to David Cameron (a Prime Minister who wasn't actually voted in by the British people, yet there he is – reminding us all of our manners), and he does not understand how the best reason for doing something is because there's nothing in it for you. The words of Cameron are assumed to have weight, yet his personal gain is the only reason why he speaks those words. Cameron tells us that the British people loved Thatcher, but we are all aware that Sunningdale and Chelsea are his Britain; he does not mean the people of Salford or Stockton-on-Tees, who are, in any case, somewhere north of Lord's Cricket Ground. Can the BBC possibly interview someone with no careerist gain attached to their dribble? No. On the day that nine British citizens are arrested in Trafalgar Square for voicing their objections to the Baroness, the BBC News instead offer their opening platform to Carol Thatcher, a dumped non-star of I'm a celebrity get me out of here, and to Sir Mark Thatcher (Sir!), unseen since the disgrace of his involvement in selling arms to countries at odds with Britain (magically, he avoided a 15-year prison term and was financially bailed out by his mother - her moral conscience nowhere in sight as Sir Mark patriotically took his 64 million and fled to Gibraltar having been refused entry to Switzerland and Monaco. What kind of mother raised such a son?) Both Mark and Carol get the BBC spotlight because they mourn their mother's death, whilst those honest civilians who mourn Thatcher's life are shunted out of view. This is how we see Syrian TV operate, and this is most certainly NOT a week when David Cameron will advise: "hug a hoodie." Whilst the quite astonishing social phenomenon of Ding Dong the witch is dead is ignored by the television news, instead we are shown an eight-minute clip of Psy, a funny little South Korean singer who is making all British newsreaders laugh with his funny little new video. Today, news items from South Korea, Belgium and China get precedence over homeland news of anti-Thatcher protests in Trafalgar Square, and the meaningless banality of Modern Media Britain casts a shameful shadow. Repeated and repeated, words strengthen. The truth sleeps as the heartlessness of Thatcher is re-written as a strength, for it was not exclusively because Thatcher destroyed the miners or murdered the boys of The Belgrano that we feel rage, but it was the lip-smacking relish with which she did both, and with which she sent armies of police to batter anyone who opposed her view. Gaddafi did the same thing in the same way. Thatcher could never show sympathy, or empathy, or understanding to those from whom David Cameron is now demanding a show of civil respect for a woman who, like Myra Hindley, proved to all of us that the female could be just as cruel as the male. By 1990 Thatcher was the gift that not even her own Cabinet wanted, and she was tufted out of office. How could such a catastrophic end warrant a statue in Trafalgar Square? Revenge was the vital juice of every move made by Thatcher, and her results produced the most dis-United Kingdom ever seen in history. Although Thatcher was never flesh, her demeanor took on an incurably demented sadness, and her broadcasting tones registered madness … as Britain burned. From all of this we see, in this April week of 2013, that modern media reporting in Britain is a disturbing fog of taboos and prejudices, reviving the divisions that Thatcher hatched, whilst hiding her horrors. Even in death, Thatcher remains 'the enemy within.'
And the truth sleeps.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 07:38:18 am by Fanxxxxtastic »

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #652 on: April 17, 2013, 07:24:07 am »
Firstly, I must say congratulations to Morrissey on the piece above. It's the absolute truth!

I think George is a decent orator - he has a smart mind and is NEVER "backward at coming forward" (as my Granny used to say about those she perceived to be limelight seekers) when he feels it's the right time to exercise it. But his main problem in my opinion is that he really does love George more than anything or anyone else.

Dennis, on the other hand, does not quite have the guile of a Galloway. But for me he has more than Gorgeous George will ever have.
Dennis loves the very bones of his people, doesn't give a shit about his persona, or the Tories, or the ToryDems, or the Labour leadership, or the press, or the media etc et ferking cetera.

Those good solid folk who sent him down there all the way from Bolsover in turn love Dennis for staying 100% true to his roots and to his responsibilities to them.

They didn't send him to that place in order for him to speak for himself - as does George most of the time.

They sent him there to speak for THEM - which he always does with passion, with appetite and with honest working class straight-forwardness.

As a result no-one can come close to breaking that trust in this very real political connection between the electors of Bolsover and their elected member. 43 years of continually returning him to that place confirms that tale of trust.

3 cheers for Dennis Skinner - a man FROM the real people - and a real man FOR the people!
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 09:58:40 am by Johnnowhite »
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #653 on: April 17, 2013, 07:59:27 am »
Thank fuck im off to work in a minute after the sickening sycophancy apparent on the BBC this morning. Eugh.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 08:37:28 am by Enders »
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #654 on: April 17, 2013, 08:49:06 am »
Fed up of the news already today on the BBC, Sky and ITV so prefer to watch Al Jazeerra, France 24 etc for some balanced news. Its going to be a long day.....

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #655 on: April 17, 2013, 09:09:34 am »
I'm turning my back on the media for the day, I'm already nauseous after 20 minutes of the radio hagiography at breakfast time.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #656 on: April 17, 2013, 09:10:25 am »
BBC toadying, all at the license payers expense

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #657 on: April 17, 2013, 09:22:32 am »
anyone think their will be trouble? BBC seem on top of it all with their extended coverage.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #658 on: April 17, 2013, 09:32:47 am »
anyone think their will be trouble? BBC seem on top of it all with their extended coverage.
Fucking hope so. Listened to 10secs of it on the radio and switched back to Talkshite where even there they were talknig about it. Dickheads.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #659 on: April 17, 2013, 09:33:43 am »
what is said in the article about how Thatchers death has been handled by Parliament and the media, makes you wonder if anything in the British history books is true.

Surely how I feel is not nothing?

by Morrissey, 15 april 2013

. Even in death, Thatcher remains 'the enemy within.'
And the truth sleeps.

Say what you like about Morrissey, but take the time to read that piece, it's worth it.
It's true to say that if Shankly had told us to invade Poland we'd be queuing up 10 deep all the way from Anfield to the Pier Head.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #660 on: April 17, 2013, 09:42:41 am »
That Morrissey piece is excellent.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #661 on: April 17, 2013, 09:47:03 am »
Moz is excellent there, not even as scathing as he could have been, very considered tone.

I've just complained to the Beeb about their lack of impartiality when it comes to Thatcher coverage. It irks me to support the licence fee wholeheartedly and get this shite in return.
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #662 on: April 17, 2013, 09:47:23 am »
Plenty well, no pray; big bellyache, heap God

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #663 on: April 17, 2013, 09:49:57 am »
There are nobheads lining the funeral route with torn-up bits of cardboard with "Thank you Maggie" scrawled on them

Reminds me of the Chelsea fans with their home-made Rafa Out banners.
Thank you Jurgen

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #664 on: April 17, 2013, 09:50:56 am »

Reminds me of the Chelsea fans with their home-made Rafa Out banners.

That's probably on the reverse. Waste not want not.


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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #665 on: April 17, 2013, 09:52:35 am »
Haha, like a badge of honour

Peter Mandelson said today that the only thing Margaret Thatcher ever told him was that the Irish were “all liars” and not to be trusted.

The Labour former cabinet minister revealed the 1999 exchange as he explained why he did not want to attend the former premier’s funeral service.

“I didn’t feel I knew her well enough” to apply for the tickets offered to peers, he told BBC Radio 4’s Today.

“Although I helped to organise the Labour Party’s opposition to her policies throughout the 1980s, I only ever met her once.

“It was the day I was appointed Northern Ireland secretary and our paths crossed.

“She came up to me and she said, ’I’ve got one thing to say to you, my boy … you can’t trust the Irish, they are all liars’, she said, ’liars, and that’s what you have to remember, so just don’t forget it’.

“With that she waltzed off and that was my only personal exposure to her.”

Lord Mandelson, one of the central architects of New Labour, has criticised the scale of the funeral but accepted the Iron Lady “reframed British politics”.

“I think what she was right to do was to bring home to us the reality that Britain could not afford rampant inflation, that state monopolies needed commercialising, that personal tax rates were too high and that enterprise was too unrewarding,” he said.

“She was also right to argue that deregulation can be a valuable spur to innovation and efficiency and of course she tackled what was then a very disruptive and irresponsible trade union culture.

“But the truth is also that in cutting back the state necessarily, she overlooked what the state can also do successfully.”

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #666 on: April 17, 2013, 09:54:04 am »

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #667 on: April 17, 2013, 09:55:09 am »
I have to endure a political lecture crammed with Thatcher loving twats, most who were never born or alive during thatchers period. Anyone who dislikes her is hounded as a traitor and they argue 'Oh its disrespectful and most weren't even alive'. 'She gave you the economic freedom you have today and you spit it back in her face..'

Fuck off. You immoral narrow-minded ignorant twats.

It's disrespectful? Disrespectful is covering up the murders of 96 people who went to watch a football game. Disrespectful is supporting the claim that the 96 liverpool fans were drunk and disorderly. Disrespectful is having the nerve never to say sorry for the distress,agony and suffering you caused by doing the aforementioned things.

And what fucking economic freedom? We have thousands of people dependent on benefits because of her. Never been able to get a job since their industry closed because which small firm want's to employ a working class 55 year old when they can employ a fresh-degree laden 21 year old. What economic freedom is there when the banks are running rife with our money and breaking rules and regulations while openly not giving the slightest fuck about being reprimanded because hey, if they go elsewhere we will collapse into a third world country right?

I've never been so angry today then I have been in a little while. Maybe the final fight scene in 300 or Joffrey in General gets me worked up but never as much as the fury Ignited in me by ignorant 21st century youth.

I heard a fucked up statement yesterday aswell. 'We probably would of run out of coal by now anyway' cue snobby laughters. I wanted to stick my foot through his head the tarty little twat. Maybe if you worked one manual day in your life you'd know how hard it is.

I'll show respect Maggie when you show respect for the 96. Which you never did so therefore I never will.

Off to my lecture I go...god forbid.
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #668 on: April 17, 2013, 09:55:59 am »
Haha, like a badge of honour

She's met Anywhichwayucan then.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #669 on: April 17, 2013, 09:56:42 am »
Must be the party faithful outside St Pauls going by the cheers Tebbit got.

"A big heart has space for everyone" - Rafa Benitez

Smash the cull!  Smash the BNP!

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #670 on: April 17, 2013, 10:02:42 am »
Wonder if the public were searched prior to going to the front so this public spectacle looks as if she was truly liked.

They keep out the trouble makers from the front with banners etc...?


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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #671 on: April 17, 2013, 10:03:12 am »

Offline JohnnoWhite

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #672 on: April 17, 2013, 10:05:51 am »
Turn it off and lower the soon-to-be-broadcast boasts of how many millions tuned in. Turn your back on the arl bitch - just as she turned her back on the steel and coal mining communities she destroyed - and oh how she relished their destruction didn't she?!

Fuck her and all the Tory twats and their apologists.

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« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 11:06:10 am by Johnnowhite »
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

Offline meady1981

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #673 on: April 17, 2013, 10:09:46 am »
Sent my regards

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #674 on: April 17, 2013, 10:14:54 am »
Sky bigging her up over here(naturally).
"She was against giving welfare to people and asking them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, as governments around the world are moving towards today".
Not a word of the millions thrown on the dole by the Wall St financial scam and the trillions handed over to the banks. A few parasites knocking around at the funeral as well - Lord Heseltine and the
like - who has funded their lives for them?

Offline rob1408

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #675 on: April 17, 2013, 10:25:46 am »
Its all pretty sickening to be honest.  I hope there's no trouble at all, as I want this charade to disappear from our screens as soon as possible.

Im off today and Ive dug a bunch of movies out, fuck watching that shite all day, why anyone would want to subject themselves to it is beyond me.

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #676 on: April 17, 2013, 10:40:39 am »
I'm sick of hearing numbskull's on national media telling me the unions where getting out of had and needed to be put in their place, there was a reason for every dispute and without the unions working men where exploited to the point of death in the mines and factory's of Britain's industries. Wages before trade unions where pathetically low while the profits went to finance the up stairs life style of the bosses with servants who where nothing more than slaves. (and to think that a family would pay for their daughters to be taken into service in these houses) The working classes where put down by the gentry and told to mind their place. Trade unions changed that practice and gave the working man and woman a voice and a choice after a life time of exploitation. The Tories hated them and eventually through their allies in the press brainwashed enough of the country to believe the unions where the demons of industry, so when Thatcher, and her cronies came along she took a leaf out of J Edgar Hoovers book by giving her army of police a huge pay rise and set the dogs free on the miners. She hated the miners the dockers and everything socialist with a vengeance after they defeated the previous Tory PM Ted Heath. To bring the unions down Thatcher set about killing their life line the membership to do that she shut down the mines the docks the factory's reducing membership but also putting whole communities on the dole then Tebbit telling them to get on their bikes and look for work that wasn't there (cheek of the horrible bastard). So don't let anyone tell you its wrong to celebrate the death of an old woman she herself showed no interest in the shattered lives of the people she unemployed and only had the time for greed and self interest. Thatcher will be remembered in the north of this country as a witch who hated socialism, trade unions, and a managed decline of a great city that stood firm and kept the UK fed during WW2, a woman who's government turned a blind eye to lies over the deaths of 96 innocent football fans, and defended the police who orchestrated those lies, giving out honors of knighthoods and huge pensions, while in the south east, south of the country she'll be good ole maggie, and we'll never convince them they're a different breed so I'll leave it on that note because there always will be a north / south divide. Freedom of speech is another thing though, but the BBC preach one thing then practice another re Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, that's for another thread though.
I might not be able to make St Georges Hall to the party today but I hope everyone going has a ball.   
If my assistant had not signalled a goal, I would have given a penalty and sent off goalkeeper Patr Cheh. he beeped me to signal the foul. The noise from the crowd  stopped me hearing it, I have been involved at places like Barcelona, Ibrox, Old Trafford, Arsenal, but I've never in my life been involved in such an atmosphere. IT WAS INCREDIBLE


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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #677 on: April 17, 2013, 10:42:43 am »
BBC News yesterday saying that Margaret Thatchers ashes are to be kept in turd.

Fantastic news.
@ Veinticinco de Mayo The way you talk to other users on this forum is something you should be ashamed of as someone who is suppose to be representing the site.
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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #678 on: April 17, 2013, 10:49:36 am »
Respectful and very apt it seems to me ::)

Just the one turd then is it? Yes ?

Oh shit, hardly enough that!
There is nothing wrong with striving to win, so long as you don't set the prize above the game. There can be no dishonour in defeat nor any conceit in victory. What matters above all is that the team plays in the right spirit, with skill, courage, fair play,no favour and the result accepted without bitterness. Sir Matt Busby CBE KCSG 1909-1994

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Re: The wicked witch is dead. Margaret Thatcher is dead.
« Reply #679 on: April 17, 2013, 10:51:16 am »
I like that they have that sword in case she reanimates and they have to put her down again.