Author Topic: What has happened to gaming?  (Read 7732 times)

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What has happened to gaming?
« on: October 11, 2012, 12:11:32 pm »
As I do every 6 or so months, I've just spent the best part of an hour searching for some games to get my teeth into, and it was an hour wasted.

Other than repetitive franchise games such as Pro Evo, FIFA, NBA 2K, Madden, etc there's nothing.

Have they run out of ideas?

Are they too happy to serve up any ole nonsense, knowing that the name alone will sell?

Has this generation of console taken us as far as we can go?

I surely can't be the only one, fed up.

Offline Walshy nMe®

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2012, 12:18:02 pm »
Dishonored which comes out tomorrow, Watch Dogs which is next year are top top brand new IPs.

There are plenty of fantastic games on the horizon, but it depends on what you like.

You have tons of indie games coming out too, on PSN, XBLA and PC.  Something like the Unfinished Swan looks fantastic and so does PID (
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 12:22:53 pm by Walshy® »

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2012, 12:43:26 pm »
I think gaming is as good as its ever been. Tons of games I want to play at the moment (be it new or from the last year)

Offline Malaysian Kopite

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2012, 12:48:46 pm »
You've got to be joking. Plenty of bad changes have come to video games recently, but to say that you can't find a single good video game out there?

Walshy's mentioned two new great looking IP's and thry are plenty of other fantastic games out there that will occupy hours of your time (Mass Effect, Fallout 3,Skyrim,etc)
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Offline Upinsmoke

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2012, 12:57:08 pm »
Still good games are being brought out but your yearly game franchises are bringing very little to the table, same year in year out.

Also i have a problem with bugs this generation, so many things wrong with games, games being released that are actually broken, that require numerous fixes, completely out of order.

I'm not enjoying gaming as much as i used to, even though console wise the graphics are good, online systems are robust, just lacking a bit of imgaination for me.

Not played a good online shooter on a console since cod4, resistance fom before that. Sure battlefield and killzone entertained me for a short while but neither had the legs to keep me satisfied.

Offline Mirra

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2012, 12:57:30 pm »
Ive got sort of the same problem, I just cant find anything I like. I recently rented Sleeping Dogs and despite thinking it was shite for the first few times I played it, I got used to it and actually ended up really enjoying it. Im not into things like Mass Effect, Skyrim etc, I like games like Metal Gear Solid, GTA, Red Dead, Splinter Cell, Hitman. I just find it hard finding a game I like these days, dont know if its because im getting older, or because there isnt many of these types around anymore!

Cant wait for the new Hitman though!
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Offline J-Mc-

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 01:01:35 pm »
Poblem with games now is there is to much focus n the graphics and the storyline.

Look at some of the classic games, the original super mario, future cop, resident evil, crash bandicoot ect, all focused on the gameplay because the graphics were limited.

The focus has shifted due to the power of consoles now, it needs a shift back IMO.

Offline Upinsmoke

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 01:07:59 pm »
You can still have great graphics, story AND gameplay though. Albeit not too much these days, i know what your getting at. You can run through the games and i don't know how many games (console wise) have those 3 ingredients. Probably uncharted 2. Metal gear 4 maybe? Although it wasn't as good as those that came before it.

Look at a game like Twisted Metal, its all about the gameplay, fuck the story and the graphics but not many people have played that, why?

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2012, 01:09:43 pm »
You can still have great graphics, story AND gameplay though. Albeit not too much these days, i know what your getting at. You can run through the games and i don't know how many games (console wise) have those 3 ingredients. Probably uncharted 2. Metal gear 4 maybe? Although it wasn't as good as those that came before it.

Look at a game like Twisted Metal, its all about the gameplay, fuck the story and the graphics but not many people have played that, why?

You're right, I can probably name the franchise of games that have all 3 on one hand.

Mass effect,
Dead space,
Saints row,
The darkness,
Gears of war.

It was a steuggle just thinking of 6.

Twisted metal was fucking fantastic!

Even the new tomb raider looks like it's trying to copy some of the other franchise' that are out there.

Offline Upinsmoke

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 01:15:53 pm »
Maybe the internet has ruined games? So much scrutiny, so many wars and arguments, comparisons over which platform has the best looking game, we here about bugs that we might never of heard about, then go looking for them.

I used to like buying magazines, like once a month, PSM or something, just flicking through. Now you have hundreds of sites all with an opinion, all there scores aggregated on metacritic and the like. Every video captured and uploaded to youtube. Maybe its just taken a bit of that spark away, i remember going into a shop with just a few quid, i might have a ps1 game to trade in, something caught my eye, might of never heard of it but the back of the case looked good so i bought it. Just that kinda thing...

Offline RideTheWalrus

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2012, 01:38:32 pm »
There's plenty of good ones out there, just don't necessarily look for the main, big ones.

007 Legends looks boss. Comes out next week.

Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw, Rayman Origins, Binary Domain.
Pretty happy with Arse taking it.


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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2012, 01:41:59 pm »
Also i have a problem with bugs this generation, so many things wrong with games, games being released that are actually broken, that require numerous fixes, completely out of order.

To be fair, I don't think this is a new problem. There have always been a lot of games that were released and still buggy as hell. I don't think that this has increased in recent years. A thing that has helped in that respect is that you have easy access to patches through the internet and services like steam. No looking for hours to find the download-page or waiting for the download to finish, because too many people are actually downloading at the same time.

I kind of understand what the OP is saying, because I am sick of those franchises like CoD or Battlefield where there has to be a new release every year (or some big DLC). I'd love it, if the big publishers would let their teams be creative and do something new every once in a while. Then again, gaming has become a huge business with loads of money involved. So, for many companies there is also a lot at stake. You cannot risk trying to do something "new", invest shitloads of money and then go bust, because nobody will buy the game. That's probably why huge blockbuster-series like CoD are kept alive with yet another release. And those game are being bought, so you cannot put all the blame on the "boring" industry. They're basically giving the people what they want.

I also don't get the point about Fifa 13 or Madden 2K, because that's how it's always been. Every year you get a new up-to-date installment. Sometimes with big changes, sometimes with very few.

HOWEVER, there are games out there that are worth playing or waiting for depending on what you want. This week you have Dishonored and the XCom-Remake. I also think that the internet has given the whole industry a boost. There are tons of indy-games out there that are easily accessible through Steam. There is room for creative people to try something new and still make some money. And they're making use of that possibility. Games like DayZ (which was massively hyped) or The Walking Dead (which is getting good reviews and people seem to like it) are out there and they are not the fourth or fifth installment of some huge franchise...

Offline Marty 85

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2012, 02:09:43 pm »
As I do every 6 or so months, I've just spent the best part of an hour searching for some games to get my teeth into, and it was an hour wasted.

Other than repetitive franchise games such as Pro Evo, FIFA, NBA 2K, Madden, etc there's nothing.

Have they run out of ideas?

Are they too happy to serve up any ole nonsense, knowing that the name alone will sell?

Has this generation of console taken us as far as we can go?

I surely can't be the only one, fed up.


EA and Activision have a lot to answer for. They annually repackage the same game, add some gimmicks before hamming it all up with some shiny PR before release. The result is an underwhelming slightly updated version of the game, rather than a sequel. But, people eat it up so I doubt anything will change.

In terms of titles being released we're much more spoiled than ever. What pisses me off is how game devlopers are targeting weekend or casual gamers. So many titles have been dumbed down and targeted towards this market that they're removing the elements that made the games good. Square-Enix and Capcom have messed around so much with FF and Resident Evil I wouldn't even bother playing them now. Although for every one of me, there's probably 3 other casuals who will now pick it up. But that's just good marketing on their part, isn't it?

There are still great games out there like Fallout and Skyrim, but how long before the suits start getting together and discussing how they can increase sales on their next release and we see them follow a similar route? Not long I expect.

I'm not saying anything bad about weekend gamers. Most people work, have kids or commitments that mean they can't sit down for a few hours and get stuck into a proper rpg. Especially the generation that were already playing the Atari, Spectrum and Commodore when they were in their 20's. This isn't a slight on them, just don't attempt to change a whole game to suit one demographic and alienate the original audience in the process. 

Offline kopitecrash

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2012, 02:11:38 pm »
Games I've been playing recently that are good: Deus Ex: Human Revolutions, League of Legends (Free), Slender (Free), The Walking Dead.

Gaming is better then ever. Seriously. I'd love if CoD multiplayer was actually good, but it sounds like Zombies in the next one is going to be class. Look for the obscure (Okami HD for example, out on the PS Store) and you will find some great stuff. In fact, look up 'WTF is' on youtube - that is a series of first impression reviews a guy does of obscure games and occasional mainstream. There is absolutely loads and plenty of quality free games as well. I will never have time to play all of the stuff I want to - and to be honest that's a great thing.
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Offline Not Bob

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2012, 03:05:02 pm »
Maybe we're just getting old? I haven't truly enjoyed a game in ages; all I do is moan about how the controls are stupid (hi, Uncharted) or the AI is stupid (hi, FIFA) or the menu's look daft (hi, NBA2K13) or something else.

It's what we do, us old folks. We moan about the good old days.

Mmmmm Fallout 2 and Uncharted Waters 2. Best games ever.

Offline rowan_d

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2012, 03:24:24 pm »
Dishonored and XCOM both come out tomorrow. Both look amazing

Offline Not Bob

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2012, 03:26:36 pm »
Dishonored and XCOM both come out tomorrow. Both look amazing

Rubbish. Old XCOMs were ten times the games this will be, you kids with your rock and roll music, get off my stoop!

Offline Paris Saint-Germain

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2012, 03:27:26 pm »
Couldn't disagree more with the original post.

Too many great games, not enough time...

League of legends, Dishonored, Civilization V (with gods and kings add on!), Sleeping dogs, Skyrim, Fallout 3, XCOM, Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, meh...

Offline LanceLink!!!!!

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2012, 03:51:03 pm »
Agree with the OP, I don't know about everyone else but for me it's because I'm getting old.

I'd hate to think how many hours of my youth I spent (not going to say wasted, because it was great fun) on the original NES, then the SNES, then the PS1. Mario Kart, Striker, Worms, Streetfighter, PES, Gradius, Mario, Doom and some Ice Hockey and Baseball Games I can't remember the names of, all great games that the mates and I would play until the early hours.

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2012, 03:58:17 pm »
Maybe we're just getting old? I haven't truly enjoyed a game in ages; all I do is moan about how the controls are stupid (hi, Uncharted) or the AI is stupid (hi, FIFA) or the menu's look daft (hi, NBA2K13) or something else.

It's what we do, us old folks. We moan about the good old days.

Mmmmm Fallout 2 and Uncharted Waters 2. Best games ever.

more like the original goldeneye for the n64 or football manager for the speccy.
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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2012, 04:02:09 pm »
more like the original goldeneye for the n64 or football manager for the speccy.

You mean Championship Manager, of course.

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2012, 04:07:16 pm »
I think with the huge success of COD that some games have become very similar (in the shooting genre at least) but theres such a good variety of good games that have come out between 2008 to now that I dont see the problem. As someone else said, there are some New IPs that are on their way (Watchdogs, Last of Us, Dishonoured) while existing ones still shine (Uncharted 3, MGS etc). Dont see too much of a problem to be honest.

The problem with gaming isnt the games themselves, but the DLC that developers intentionally leave out of the game so they can make more profit by buying it later on.
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Offline Mirra

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2012, 04:20:42 pm »

The problem with gaming isnt the games themselves, but the DLC that developers intentionally leave out of the game so they can make more profit by buying it later on.

Very good point. I sometimes feel like im having the piss took out of me. Theres too much focus on online gaming as well, I do it now and then but hardly ever.
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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2012, 04:21:38 pm »
i think a lot of the problem stems from the online multiplayer world becoming bigger and bigger. Games these days are created for that stage where as before it was just all about the game.

Twisted metal and Vigalante 8 were fucking riotous games. Such good crack playing that with my mates and a few cans! One of the best original and ultimate multiplayer games :)

I think people have kind of just given up playing aginst a predetermined scenario, theyd rather take it online and go against other real players.

Remember playing resident evil when it first came out, room in total darkness and then the dogs come whoring through the windows....pants shat there and then!!

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2012, 04:47:37 pm »
Ignore the trash (Most FPS games) and there's plenty of quality out there. Paradox for starters make excellent strategy games which I'd recommend instead of Total War if you want grand strategy (I wouldn't even call the TW series to be grand strategy though).

Although I feel that a lot of current series aren't as good as they used to be. Civ 5 was fucking dog bollocks. Skyrim pales in comparison to Morrowind (though I would say it's better than Oblivion so it's not too bad). Bioware the once proclaimed masters of RPG's have been making shit "RPG's" for a long time now. The last good Final Fantasy game was 10 (Fucking Square-Enix ruined it). I still believe Fallout1&2 are better than 3.

There still isn't even an RPG in recent times which exceeds 1999 Planescape: Torment.

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2012, 05:14:37 pm »
This is what's happened...

<a href=";feature=g-all-u" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">;feature=g-all-u</a>
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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2012, 05:22:25 pm »
There still isn't even an RPG in recent times which exceeds 1999 Planescape: Torment.

Not even close.

RPG genre so stale and mostly predictable?
Why aren't they creating new, interesting, exciting worlds?

Offline Mirra

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2012, 06:33:52 pm »
Farming Simulator, fuck me. Im shocked.
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Re: Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2012, 06:57:06 pm »
Maybe we're just getting old? I haven't truly enjoyed a game in ages; all I do is moan about how the controls are stupid (hi, Uncharted) or the AI is stupid (hi, FIFA) or the menu's look daft (hi, NBA2K13) or something else.

It's what we do, us old folks. We moan about the good old days.

been thinking that I might be going off playing games due to my age so maybe your right , hope not but as far as my Xbox goes I haven't been into a game for a while ,you know the type where you go straight to it when you get home and have to be threatened with divorce to get off it
Got a COD game and mass effect 2 game unfinished that I bought over a year ago ,I play it now and then but just can't be arsed really , the one I've played most in last couple of year's is battlefield 2 and gears of war 2 I suppose .
Used to love games like resident evil ,COD , metal gear, splinter cell ,there are good games out there but I can't be arsed looking for them anymore ,as for FIFA fuck you need a degree to workout all the moves these days, tried fallout too ,took it back next day cos I thought it was shit
So not sure if its a age thing or just haven't found a good game to get my teeth into ?

Offline Rusty Oysterburger

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What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2012, 07:24:47 pm »
My only major problem is the online thing that has been mentioned above. There is a fine line to be tread between cool little add on DLC's and DLC that is an integral part of the experience that has been kept back from the full game and I think that will become more and more of an issue for me.

I also hate playing online games for the most part, which makes me feel like a grumpy old man these days.

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Offline Not Bob

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2012, 07:27:24 pm »
I don't understand games like Uncharted and their likes. It's basically companies showing off their technological advancements but there's basically fuck all in the gameplay department.

Brilliant, I say, I just bought a poorly written film with wooden acting, and it's only set me back $60.

Offline Bob Loblaw

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2012, 07:34:50 pm »
Same boat as the OP. There's clearly still good games being made, but they nearly all look like a game I've already played through a few times already. Was tempted to play Borderlands 2, just to have something to play but when it came down to it, just couldn't be arsed. What's it going to be other than running round killing things ad infinitum. Couldn't even finish Batman Arkham City, even though i loved the first one, but it was just more of the same, except now you spent most of your time gliding back and forth between the same fucking places.

Plenty of games being released, more than over, but it's clearly a case of quantity over quality in most cases. Even the big AAA titles tend to be lazy rehashes. Suppose with games being so make means developers taking fewer risks too.

I don't understand games like Uncharted and their likes. It's basically companies showing off their technological advancements but there's basically fuck all in the gameplay department.

Brilliant, I say, I just bought a poorly written film with wooden acting, and it's only set me back $60.

Yep, they're all trying to make movies these days rather than videogames. It's what people seem to want though, watch the reactions to games from E3 for instance, that Watch Dogs game got everyone all excited when all it is is a tech demo that by the end devolved into your bog standard third person shooter.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 07:39:08 pm by Bob Loblaw »

Offline Marty 85

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #32 on: October 11, 2012, 07:39:19 pm »
I don't understand games like Uncharted and their likes. It's basically companies showing off their technological advancements but there's basically fuck all in the gameplay department.

Brilliant, I say, I just bought a poorly written film with wooden acting, and it's only set me back $60.

I never got into Unchartered for this exact reason. Although, I really enjoyed Heavy Rain. I thought the storyline was alot more gripping and made me want to continue playing just to see how it would progress. So I think there is room for these types of games and they can be enjoyable if done right but alot of it comes down to personal preference and what you yourself find interesting.

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #33 on: October 11, 2012, 08:02:49 pm »
My only major problem is the online thing that has been mentioned above. There is a fine line to be tread between cool little add on DLC's and DLC that is an integral part of the experience that has been kept back from the full game and I think that will become more and more of an issue for me.

I also hate playing online games for the most part, which makes me feel like a grumpy old man these days.

I still remember Fable 2 and how it held back the extra dye's from the main release. Fucking dye's! What a joke.

But another thing I hate is how shit most online communities are. Kids who think they are "le epic trolls" and other crap. It's only fun to play with people you know.

Offline StokieSteve

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2012, 08:03:30 pm »
I don't play too many games on console these days, I play driving games mostly on PS3, enjoy the Batman games too, but for the most part I game on the PC, and I love World of Tanks, been playing for over 2 years from closed beta days, free to play, great graphics and loads of fun, albeit I'm on the US server.

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2012, 08:04:43 pm »
I still remember Fable 2 and how it held back the extra dye's from the main release. What a joke.

But another thing I hate is how shit most online communities are. Kids who think they are "le epic trolls" and other crap. It's only fun to play with people you know.
That is a problem mate to be fair, just have to ignore the turds.

Offline Rusty Oysterburger

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What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2012, 08:06:20 pm »
I think this wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't three brown and grey FPS's released every week. CoD is one of the worst things to happen to the industry in years.

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Offline Upinsmoke

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What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2012, 08:12:26 pm »
Hope your joking about uncharted, especially 2. One of the best things to happen this generation. 

Offline Not Bob

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2012, 08:17:46 pm »
Hope your joking about uncharted, especially 2. One of the best things to happen this generation.

Aha. A movie with shit controls. Brilliant.

Far better than, say, Uncharted Waters, where you got to explore the world, learn some geography, interact with kings, queens and pirates, learn about trade, naval signals and you know, actually play the game instead of watching cutscenes. Far better.

Offline Red James

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Re: What has happened to gaming?
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2012, 08:20:52 pm »
I never got into Unchartered for this exact reason. Although, I really enjoyed Heavy Rain. I thought the storyline was alot more gripping and made me want to continue playing just to see how it would progress. So I think there is room for these types of games and they can be enjoyable if done right but alot of it comes down to personal preference and what you yourself find interesting.

I do enjoy stuff like Heavy Rain and it's predecessor Fahrenheit . Can they be classified as games though? It is basically just an interactive movie at it's core but that doesn't bother me as they are excellent and I had more fun "playing" them than I have had with some other games.