
Obama or Romney: Who Will Win? NOW RESET: VOTE AGAIN!

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Author Topic: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Liars Paradise: Obama Wins!  (Read 353004 times)

Offline LiverBirdKop

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4480 on: October 31, 2012, 02:39:58 am »
In the you couldn't make this shit up category, did any of you read about "heckuva job Brownie" criticizing Obama for reacting to Sandy too quickly?


« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 02:41:34 am by LiverBirdKop »

Offline jerseyhoya

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4481 on: October 31, 2012, 03:10:52 am »
Hopefully some time before this some economist will finally realise the insanity of demanding unending economic growth every year in a finite world and we won't have the sort of exploitation that follows such absurd practices.
Not a believer in innovation or productivity increases or technological advance?

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4482 on: October 31, 2012, 03:22:03 am »
Man, you're something else. You probably own a T-shirt with the phrase don't you?

"Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind. If you think they're out to get you, it means you think you matter"

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4483 on: October 31, 2012, 03:25:55 am »
Not a believer in innovation or productivity increases or technological advance?

Innovation doesn't create something out of nothing. There is a finite amount of resources and real wealth in the world, innovation is just a way of chopping them into different quantities. It is a matter of fact that for one country to have real economic growth (above and beyond inflation), some other place in the world must have a depletion of resources or wealth.
Perhaps I am wrong however. Do you see a way for all countries in the world to enjoy a positive growth in GDP forever?
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because of a church that stands somewhere in the East.

Offline Mouth

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4484 on: October 31, 2012, 03:35:12 am »
Innovation doesn't create something out of nothing. There is a finite amount of resources and real wealth in the world, innovation is just a way of chopping them into different quantities. It is a matter of fact that for one country to have real economic growth (above and beyond inflation), some other place in the world must have a depletion of resources or wealth.
Perhaps I am wrong however. Do you see a way for all countries in the world to enjoy a positive growth in GDP forever?
Republicans dont care about the world, they care about Americuh.
"Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind. If you think they're out to get you, it means you think you matter"

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4485 on: October 31, 2012, 03:40:52 am »
Innovation doesn't create something out of nothing. There is a finite amount of resources and real wealth in the world, innovation is just a way of chopping them into different quantities. It is a matter of fact that for one country to have real economic growth (above and beyond inflation), some other place in the world must have a depletion of resources or wealth.
Perhaps I am wrong however. Do you see a way for all countries in the world to enjoy a positive growth in GDP forever?
Don't want to spin this thread way off track, but I disagree with that statement strongly.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4486 on: October 31, 2012, 03:45:48 am »
Don't want to spin this thread way off track, but I disagree with that statement strongly.

That's unfortunate, I would like to hear how you get around the principles of arithmetic. :P
In all seriousness, perhaps I'll start a different thread so that this one doesn't get off track.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4487 on: October 31, 2012, 05:00:28 am »
Would certainly be ironic if climate change finally became an issue on the back of a once in a lifetime 'perfect storm' whose extent almost certainly has very little to do with climate change!

These things are not once in a lifetime. All the climactic evidence points towards increasingly unstable and more extreme weather events. 'Perfect storms', like this, may be our new normal.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4488 on: October 31, 2012, 05:12:03 am »
Now, if you think Romney's ideas will compound the issue, fair enough. But, what makes you believe that the present administration is not leading America down the same path? What policies do you believe they will create to avoid such catastrophe?

Simply put, the fact that Obama will get little of his policies passed through the house means that things won't deteriorate as quickly. His policies are kind of irrelevant because so few of them will see the light of day.

Romney would 'get things done' - this should scare the shit out of anyone with a brain. His reforms would push the USA into freefall, while repealing civil liberties and fucking the shit out of the environment as a added bonus.

I think keeping Obama in power is necessary to put the brakes on the downward slide. Lame duck Obama, is still better than Romney.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4489 on: October 31, 2012, 07:45:18 am »
Republicans dont care about the world, they care about Americuh.
And even then only the rich Americans.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4490 on: October 31, 2012, 10:57:39 am »
Highly conservative North Carolina newspaper endorses Obama.



Americans have a clear choice between two presidential candidates with starkly different ideas for spurring the economy, providing for the health of our people, defending our interests abroad, educating our children and protecting our environment. We believe that President Barack Obama’s progress on these issues merits him a second term in the White House.

Four years ago on this page, we endorsed Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona over Obama. We wrote that we were impressed with Obama, but McCain would “bring the Iraq war to a successful conclusion, work to end American dependence on foreign oil, reduce America's output of climate-changing gases and begin the rebuilding of our economy.”

The Democratic president has done all those things and more. He is calm under pressure and courageous in standing up for the rights of all Americans, including the poor, veterans, the elderly, women, gays and immigrants. In contrast, we’ve sometimes found it hard in the last few weeks to tell just what Obama’s challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, really stands for.

Obama is not always as gregarious as many Americans might like him to be, but he is committed to his country and candid with it — to the point of releasing far more of his tax returns than Romney. While Obama commits the occasional gaffe, we can’t imagine him ever dismissing 47 percent of his fellow Americans — as Romney did, and later apologized for doing.

After weeks of challenges, Romney’s campaign was on an upswing last week after a decisive victory in the first debate. But Obama has had a generally strong four years. He and Vice President Joe Biden form a seasoned, consistent ticket, one much more promising and reliable than that of Romney and his running mate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Under Obama’s policies, including the successful bailout of General Motors, the country averted what could have been a far worse economic disaster, maybe even a depression. The economy is slowly recovering — the national unemployment rate has finally fallen below 8 percent — and the president’s policies of continued government investment in infrastructure and education offer the best hope that the recovery will accelerate. Obama promises to cut spending and raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but keep taxes where they are for the vast majority.

Romney’s policies — warmed-over trickle-down economics — will make matters worse. We say that with a caveat, however, because Romney’s plans are ever-changing and it is hard to know just where his policies would end and those of the much more conservative Ryan would begin.

On national security, Obama has gotten American combat troops out of Iraq while winding down the American presence in Afghanistan. He has used American military might to fight international terrorism to a degree that no one anticipated in 2008. He showed strong leadership in ordering the successful raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The Obama foreign policy — as seen in Libya — requires our allies to handle a great share of our common defense burden, especially when the interests at stake are dearer to those allies.

We like the president’s stand on Iran, slowly but steadily undermining the Iranian economy rather than launching a premature military strike and setting off another Middle East war.

In contrast, Romney and his supporters have rattled the saber at Iran. Despite Romney’s efforts in the last few days to tone it down as he tacks to the middle, his foreign policy seems to come straight from George W. Bush. Some of Romney’s foreign-policy advisers are the former Bush neo-conservatives who got us into the unnecessary Iraq war.

We like Obama’s health-care plan, finding it far better than that offered by Romney, even if it is largely based on Romney’s own Massachusetts program. We see no sign that Romney, should he succeed in repealing “Obamacare,” would succeed in balancing the many competing health-care interests that Obama worked into a compromise.

We fear that Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program that would not match the full cost of private insurance for the seniors. His hybrid plan would drive the sickest Americans into a government plan and let the insurance companies cherry-pick the healthiest clients.

On education, Romney, just as Republican leaders here, seems to believe that if we continue to cut public education, we will somehow educate our young well enough.

And on the environment, we’re concerned that Romney would gut protections Obama has restored.

Obama has a keen vision that he has worked hard to achieve, against considerable obstacles and often courageously. But the goal is in sight: An America respected worldwide as much for its prosperity as its defense of liberty and justice.

The Journal editorial board endorses Barack Obama for president.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4491 on: October 31, 2012, 11:11:02 am »
If you've never seen the actual show, go do so immediately. Without question (well, within my personal opinion) one of the top five comedies ever produced anywhere.

I actually think it's better than that.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4492 on: October 31, 2012, 01:08:32 pm »
Good to see that more and more (conservative) papers are endorsing Obama, and highlighting Romney's failings so clearly.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4493 on: October 31, 2012, 01:28:36 pm »
It is a matter of fact that for one country to have real economic growth (above and beyond inflation), some other place in the world must have a depletion of resources or wealth.
Perhaps I am wrong however.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4494 on: October 31, 2012, 01:32:33 pm »
Highly conservative North Carolina newspaper endorses Obama.

Thats fantastic. HOYA!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can you really say against this type of endorsement?
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4495 on: October 31, 2012, 01:56:53 pm »
There's still newspapers in North Carolina? Who'da thunk it.

IMHO the endorsements of newspapers will make zero difference. Newspaper readership is declining rapidly, and the kind of people who are still undecided are generally not the sort of people who read Op-Ed pieces in newspapers.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4496 on: October 31, 2012, 01:57:52 pm »

I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be that way, but you can't exactly argue with him that it has been for pretty much the entire history of macroeconomics. We wouldn't be here talking, after all, if Europe and its offshoots hadn't spent centuries wringing resources and, erm, cheap labor out of South America and Africa. And in more recent years, our (the US) remaining rich and hyper-consumptive has been largely reliant on China remaining poor enough that their factory workers can be paid a few dollars a day (per capita income over there is still less than $6k/year). And now, as that begins to change, China itself is turning to Africa.

On Hoya's side, one might hope, though, that the aforementioned innovation potentially decreasing our need for natural resources, coupled with the modern potential for instant global media exposure, will make it much more difficult for anybody to engage in the traditional human-rights-trampling exploitation of poor countries. China, for example, seems to be doing a fair bit of genuinely positive work alongside their increasing exploitation of Africa - mostly in infrastructure, which Africa has needed desperately for decades. So I guess we'll see.

(And yes, I do have only a slightly higher grasp of global economics than "liberal guy who talks out of his ass at parties in vaguely 60s-radical terms." Leave me alone.)

Offline JohnHobbes

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4497 on: October 31, 2012, 02:10:13 pm »
There's still newspapers in North Carolina? Who'da thunk it.

IMHO the endorsements of newspapers will make zero difference. Newspaper readership is declining rapidly, and the kind of people who are still undecided are generally not the sort of people who read Op-Ed pieces in newspapers.

Readership might be on the decline and yes the readers of said op-eds are even smaller but this endorsement can be used politically with simple "Even these hard core conservative papers think Obama is better" messages. As well as cherry picking any select sentences/paragraphs that really slam Mittens.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4498 on: October 31, 2012, 02:22:13 pm »
Thats fantastic. HOYA!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can you really say against this type of endorsement?

I'd probably point out that the paper is owned by Warren Buffett.

...not that I care, since I'm not a fan of either party (or either candidate), but it does seem relevant.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4499 on: October 31, 2012, 03:11:04 pm »
There's still newspapers in North Carolina? Who'da thunk it.

IMHO the endorsements of newspapers will make zero difference. Newspaper readership is declining rapidly, and the kind of people who are still undecided are generally not the sort of people who read Op-Ed pieces in newspapers.

Loada shite, imo.

These stereotypes are really childish.

Those of us that read newspapers every day haven't stopped.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4500 on: October 31, 2012, 03:12:30 pm »
Loada shite, imo.

These stereotypes are really childish.

Those of us that read newspapers every day haven't stopped.

Shut it, gramps!

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4501 on: October 31, 2012, 03:18:49 pm »
Shut it, gramps!


I am a little more modern, I get my PA to read them to me.  Ohhhh, maybe I should be a Republican.
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4502 on: October 31, 2012, 03:23:14 pm »
So the polling folks have finally cottoned onto what we at Rawk clicked a long time ago. Do a poll of who people think will win, rather than who they are voting for....

Poll: Voters say President Obama will win


A group of people who have accurately predicted the winner of the popular vote in the past four presidential elections thinks President Barack Obama is headed for a second term: the American people.

Fifty-four percent of Americans think Obama will win the election, compared with 32 percent who predict a Romney victory, according to Gallup polling released Wednesday but conducted before Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast. Eleven percent have no opinion.

Back in May, 56 percent believed an Obama win was likely in November, 36 percent thought Romney was likely to win, and 8 percent had no opinion, according to Gallup.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll released Tuesday found a similar result: 53 percent of registered voters believed Obama would win, compared with 29 percent for Romney.

In the 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008 elections, Americans accurately predicted the popular vote winner. The gap between Obama and Romney is similar to the gap between Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000. Fifty-two percent of registered voters thought then-Vice President Gore would defeat the Texas governor, while 35 percent thought Bush would win.

The poll of 1,063 adults was conducted on Saturday and Sunday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.


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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4503 on: October 31, 2012, 03:30:07 pm »
Thats fantastic. HOYA!!!!!!!!!!!!! What can you really say against this type of endorsement?

That if the editorial board is really very conservative, they forgot that they were very conservative when they wrote that

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4504 on: October 31, 2012, 03:32:44 pm »
That if the editorial board is really very conservative, they forgot that they were very conservative when they wrote that

It's possible to be conservative and still recognise that Romney and Ryan are lying c*nts.

It's called being a "rational" conservative.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4505 on: October 31, 2012, 03:37:22 pm »
It's called being a "rational" conservative.

They call those "liberals" these days, or "RINO."

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4506 on: October 31, 2012, 03:41:18 pm »
It's possible to be conservative and still recognise that Romney and Ryan are lying c*nts.

It's called being a "rational" conservative.

While true, I don't see even a "'rational' conservative" endorsing Obama.  It is more likely, were your assertion correct, that the board would abstain from endorsing a candidate.

It is much more likely, given high turnover and the recent (May 2012) change in ownership of the paper, that both the paper and the editorial board are much less conservative (read: not conservative at all) than in the past..

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4507 on: October 31, 2012, 03:45:10 pm »
While true, I don't see even a "'rational' conservative" endorsing Obama.  It is more likely, were your assertion correct, that the board would abstain from endorsing a candidate.

Alternatively, they may have realised that in conservative terms, Obama isn't that far left of Dubya, while Ryan is way right and Romney is just lies piled on top of lies. Lots of people who see themselves as conservative voted for Obama last time out.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4508 on: October 31, 2012, 03:50:41 pm »
Alternatively, they may have realised that in conservative terms, Obama isn't that far left of Dubya, while Ryan is way right and Romney is just lies piled on top of lies. Lots of people who see themselves as conservative voted for Obama last time out.

Not in my experience, but my experience could be atypical.

My read on the conservatives to whom you're referring is that they're actually moderates, rather than conservatives.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4509 on: October 31, 2012, 03:52:44 pm »
It's possible to be conservative and still recognise that Romney and Ryan are lying c*nts.

It's called being a "rational" conservative.

It reads like a DNC press release.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4510 on: October 31, 2012, 03:55:02 pm »
It reads like a DNC press release.

Go find me a DNC press release with the words "lying" and "c*nts" in it.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4511 on: October 31, 2012, 03:55:11 pm »
Not in my experience, but my experience could be atypical.

My read on the conservatives to whom you're referring is that they're actually moderates, rather than conservatives.

Perhaps they could be described as pre-tea party madness conservatives. Before the far right successfully shifted the entire party rightwards. Look at Romney even, he's had to abandon any moderate views he may have held to appease these idiots.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4512 on: October 31, 2012, 03:58:17 pm »
Go find me a DNC press release with the words "lying" and "c*nts" in it.

The editorial. They're worrying about trickle down economics and the voucherization of Medicare and rolling back environmental regulations and other Dem talking points. It is, um, not the work of a very conservative person.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4513 on: October 31, 2012, 03:59:49 pm »
The editorial. They're worrying about trickle down economics and the voucherization of Medicare and rolling back environmental regulations and other Dem talking points. It is, um, not the work of a very conservative person.

How about a sane one?
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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4514 on: October 31, 2012, 04:02:43 pm »
Two takes on the national/state poll divergence from Nate Silver and Sean Trende.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4515 on: October 31, 2012, 04:08:08 pm »

(why not to vote for RomneyRyan if you are female. or male, for that matter. They are maniacs)

part of longer piece..

Most important to Ryan and to the rest of the Republican party, Ryan needed to extricate himself from the dreaded Todd Akin, the Missouri congressman and pro-life pontificator whose flatulence on abortion — specifically, about “forcible” and therefore “legitimate” rape (woman held at knifepoint) versus the non-forcible, illegitimate variety where abortion should not be available (a thirteen year old girl “consensually” impregnated by a twenty-five year old man; a college woman pregnant from a drunken date rape, etc.) was affecting the Republican party very badly.

On the eve of the Republican Convention, Ryan, Romney and the entire GOP national political apparatus “launched a swift and ruthless crusade against Akin,” as the Washington Post put it, pulling funds from Akin’s campaign for the senate seat in Missouri and urging him to step down. Akin, probably not appreciating the knife in his back, especially from Ryan, his ant-abortion, zygote-as-legal-person bill co-sponsor, refused.

Ryan and Akin co-sponsored 16 anti-abortion bills together, including the Sanctity of Human Life Bill, in which the term “forcible rape” originated; this federal “personhood” bill also included language that endowed a fertilized egg the same legal rights as a human being. But, with Akin going public about the controversial belief, shared, in fact, by other fringe extremists in the movement like Ryan, that women’s bodies actually shut down to stop pregnancies in cases of rape (the trauma setting in motion biological blocks so a woman cannot conceive), Ryan was quick to throw him under the bus. Romney was trailing Obama by 10-22 points among women and Akin’s comments looked sure to steer the Republican Convention narrative away from the economy — a topic that was meant to unify the party and attract swing female votes. Republican strategists, publicly and privately, knew that Akin’s theory of a biological shut down was bogus and knew that any suggestion that forcing a woman to bear a child resulting from a rape was just too appalling for the majority of Americans. Akin was noticeably absent from the Convention.

By the time Ryan was debating Joe Biden with Raddatz on October 11, the Republicans had successfully kept abortion (Akin’s comments about rape and all) off the table for much of September, attention focused instead on Romney dissing 47 percent of the country. Without any mention of abortion in the first presidential debate, all Ryan needed was one more deflection. So, after his pregnant pause, he said:

    We don't think that unelected judges should make this decision; that people through their elected representatives in reaching a consensus in society through the democratic process should make this determination.

The lack of any affirmative declaration to overturn Roe v. Wade might’ve lulled viewers, eager to hear about taxes and gas prices, into thinking that all Ryan wanted was the abortion issue to be decided democratically. But, what Ryan was revealing was his deep-seated belief that any involvement of the courts at all has always been illegitimate and always will be. This is the very far fringe of the anti-choice movement, the same fringe that supports the pseudo-science of female biological blocks and has been working around Roe v. Wade on the state level by passing legislation that has effectively shut down abortion clinics in states like Mississippi. From Ryan’s perspective, because the Constitution doesn’t explicitly mention any right to privacy, the Constitution has no place protecting pregnant women. The Constitution doesn’t define a “person” either, and it was noted by the Court in Roe that there is no real indication that the concept has any pre-natal application: another reason Ryan and other extremists would rather the pesky Constitution be set aside.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4516 on: October 31, 2012, 04:11:44 pm »
Perhaps they could be described as pre-tea party madness conservatives. Before the far right successfully shifted the entire party rightwards. Look at Romney even, he's had to abandon any moderate views he may have held to appease these idiots.

No; can't see it.  They're at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4517 on: October 31, 2012, 04:37:12 pm »
From another (admittedly unenthusiastic) Obama endorsement...

"We always will have two major political parties. One of them is inexcusably timid and tied in inexcusably tight with the big corporate money. The other one is demented.

This is not "fear" talking. I watched the Republican primaries. I went to the debates. I saw long-settled assumptions about the nature of representative democracy thrown down and danced upon. I heard long-established axioms of the nature of a political commonwealth torn to shreds and thrown into the perfumed air. I saw people seriously arguing for an end to the social safety net, to any and all federal environmental regulations, to the concept of the progressive income tax, and to American participation in the United Nations, the latter on the grounds that a one-world government threatens our "liberty" with its insurance-friendly national health-care reform bill. I saw Rick Santorum base his entire foreign policy on the legend of the 12th Imam, and I saw Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann actually be front-runners for a while. I saw all of this and I knew that each one of them had a substantial constituency behind them within the party for everything they said, no matter how loopy. When you see a lunatic wandering down the sidewalk, howling at the moon and waving a machete, it is not fear that makes you step inside your house and lock the door. It is the simple logic of survival. Fear is what keeps you from trying to tackle the guy and wrestle the machete away from him. And, as much as it may pain some people to admit it, the president is the only one stepping up to do that at the moment.

It is vitally important that the Republican party be kept away from as much power as possible until the party regains its senses again. It is not just important to the advance of progressive goals, thought it is. It is not just important to maintain the modicum of social justice that it has taken eighty years to build into the institutions of our government, though it is. It is important, too, that that you vote for one of these men based on whom else, exactly, he owes. Who is it that's going to come with the fiddler to collect when you get what you've bargained for?

Barack Obama owes more than I'd like him to owe to the Wall Street crowd. He probably at this point owes a little more than I'd like him to owe to the military. The rest he owes to the millions of people who elected him in 2008 — especially to those people whose enthusiasm I neither shared nor really understood — and he will owe them even more if they come out and pull his chestnuts out of the fire for him this time around. He may sell them out — and, yes, I understand if you wanted to add "again" to that statement — but they are not likely to revenge themselves against the country if he does and, even if they decided to, they don't have the power to do much but yell at the right buildings.

On the other hand, Willard Romney owes even more to the Wall Street crowd, and he owes even more to the military, but he also owes everything he is politically to the snake-handlers and the Bible-bangers, to the Creationist morons and to the people who stalk doctors and glue their heads to the clinic doors, to the reckless plutocrats and to the vote-suppressors, to the Randian fantasts and libertarian fakers, to the closeted and not-so-closeted racists who have been so empowered by the party that has given them a home, to the enemies of science and to the enemies of reason, to the devil's bargain of obvious tactical deceit and to the devil's honoraria of dark, anonymous money, and, ultimately, to those shadowy places in himself wherein Romney sold out who he might actually be to his overweening ambition. It is a fearsome bill to come due for any man, let alone one as mendaciously malleable as the Republican nominee. Obama owes the disgruntled. Romney owes the crazy. And that makes all the difference.


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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4518 on: October 31, 2012, 04:39:53 pm »
That final paragraph is hilarious.

Offline Corkboy

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Re: US Presidential Election 2012: Obama V Romney
« Reply #4519 on: October 31, 2012, 04:47:19 pm »
And I see Mittens released yet another ad yesterday complaining about how Obama gutted the welfare work requirements. Hasn't that been debunked, oh, I don't know, a hundred fucking times already?

"We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers".