Author Topic: New signings and progress  (Read 46430 times)

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #400 on: November 15, 2011, 04:23:33 pm »
However, in a internet forum, this is the place to speak frankly. If we cannot talk about these things that trouble us here, there is no place where we can talk about these things, is there? What is the use of a place like this if we cannot talk about such things without some other fan blasting you for being disloyal?
Its disappointing that I need to repeat this - I haven’t said don’t talk about them I thought I’d said the opposite – write , talk shout by all means but do it in a supportive way – don’t assume playing new signings all at once is inherently bad when you don’t know all the facts – try and see the good, try and give those making the decisions the benefit of any doubt rather than jump to conclusions.

I’ve already given examples – Carroll looks to be struggling with his deeper role, I’d never have even attempted to play him that way – but that doesn’t mean it wont work, doesn’t mean he isn’t showing in training, doesn’t mean it may not click and if those assessing him on a daily basis are happy with him then lets just see how it goes rather than pre-judging the result – he’s improved game on game as far as I can see who knows where that improvement ends and as I’ve mentioned before we should be 2nd, it can’t have been that bad.

Your suggestion will mean that the manager's decisions are essentially unquestionable by anyone who does not know everything that he does. That is very convenient for the manager, but that is not the way it works in a ersult-oriented organisation. With respect, I reckon that things only work that way in religious cults. I do not have to know what secret ingredient the chef put into the cake to know that it tastes good or bad, as the case may be. The results are seen in the way the players play with each other. Furthermore, your own suggestion assumes that Dalglish has not only chosen to play all his newbies en masse, but he has asked some of them to play roles that they have never played before. Do you need to have a postgraduate degree from some footballing university or to be a former manager of a top club or to shadow Dalglish thriugh every training session and managerial meeting to be able to figure whether such a decision is actually a prudent idea or not?

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #401 on: November 15, 2011, 04:32:46 pm »
[The idea that no view should be ‘suppressed’ is to my mind nonsense – do we allow racism and sexism to go unchallenged too? Do you allow religious intolerance to be broadcast?

Racism and sexism are two areas where political correctness (PC) has turned into a slogan and marketing war. But racism and sexism go on even while PC seems to rule. People use all the right terminology but continue to discriminate against a person of another colour or gender. Note the proportion of black or female CEOs in corporate America, where PC is king. Instead it becomes a way to posture politically and to claim the moral high ground while continuing to practice the same wickedness.  See how some Israelis use the phrase "anti-semiticism" while they do what they do in respect of the Palestinians. See how some Arabs complain about racism against them while they express the most shocking opinions about Jews and the Western world.

The only way to truly destroy racism and sexism is by exposing it and talking calmly and rationally about it, and then behaving accordingly. Not in emotive name-calling or ostracisation. Suppressing something only makes igt go underground where it festers and grows. 

« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 04:47:08 pm by subroc »

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #402 on: November 15, 2011, 04:38:31 pm »
Your suggestion will mean that the manager's decisions are essentially unquestionable by anyone who does not know everything that he does. That is very convenient for the manager, but that is not the way it works in a ersult-oriented organisation. With respect, I reckon that things only work that way in religious cults. I do not have to know what secret ingredient the chef put into the cake to know that it tastes good or bad, as the case may be. The results are seen in the way the players play with each other. Furthermore, your own suggestion assumes that Dalglish has not only chosen to play all his newbies en masse, but he has asked some of them to play roles that they have never played before. Do you need to have a postgraduate degree from some footballing university or to be a former manager of a top club or to shadow Dalglish thriugh every training session and managerial meeting to be able to figure whether such a decision is actually a prudent idea or not?

Ironically, football has often been compared to religion, and let's face it, the characteristics and actions of of a football fan are not far off those of a religious zealot.
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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #403 on: November 15, 2011, 04:40:44 pm »
So no view should be suppressed - even the views of knee jerk fans who call up radio talk shows and demand for the removal of the manager after a poor result. The atmophere will benefit from the free airing of all views and from the equally free discussion and refutation in a courteous and gracious manner of thsoe views.In the world of Buddha and Gandhi maybe when all things are equal – in the land of Sky where there is an agenda and bias with no right to reply I think you need to re-think your approach. Repeat things enough times and people will believe it – see Rafa for details.

So who gets to decide whose views should be suppressed? You? Or the mods? Or me? This is where the true evil lies - in the desire to do good, one does the greatest evil. 

Should those knee jerk fans be banned? Or perhaps taken out and blindfolded and shot? Not much of a leap from one to another, as the Argentinians know very well from their history.

Behind this seemingly correct view, lies the self deception that one's own view is the only correct one and that seeks to monopolie the discussion and exclude all dissenting views. Buit one forgets, that in the collective mind of global Liverpool fandom, one's own view is like one single axion in a a complex brain.

Even those irritating fans deserve to have their say. They also deserve to have other fans point out courteously to them why their view is mistaken and to have the latter reason with the former. And the latter group of fans are not strident nor prideful nor angry because they know that they themselves have had the same kind of discussions with wiser fans earlier in their development,

Offline subroc

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #404 on: November 15, 2011, 04:44:14 pm »
Ironically, football has often been compared to religion, and let's face it, the characteristics and actions of of a football fan are not far off those of a religious zealot.

I actually believe that the Bible is the truth, but I also know that there are also those who use religious truths as a platform to advance their own self-serving agenda or to prop up their uncertainty. Logic and rational thought are compatible with faith - faith is not the absence of reason, it is a sustainable extrapolation from an existing store of fact.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #405 on: November 15, 2011, 04:50:22 pm »
Another two loses will bring us into Xmas in and around the same position as we were under Rafa in his last season. As it stands we are on target for 6th. Looking at how often Kenny is using the same players we are going to have some very tired players after Xmas. Maybe that's when Maxi (if he is still here) Spearing and Bellamy will get more game time. Certainly we need more players in the transfer window.

well at least we won't have champions league games midweek to tie us up and given the scheduling of our league cup game with chelsea that looks like being off the menu as well at least in light of kenny's comments.

i think we will be buying in january all the same.  i'd suggest a central defender will be top of the list but that's probably best saved for the commoli thread.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #406 on: November 15, 2011, 09:16:03 pm »
So who gets to decide whose views should be suppressed? You? 


to quote the wee man - 'be the change you want to see in the world'

This is where the true evil lies - in the desire to do good, one does the greatest evil. 

I never said I desired to do good, I'm one of the bad guys, my desire is to get my own way, as often as possible and with minimal effort - this thread hasn't been a winner so far.

your arguments remind me of those against torture - all fine and dandy until the lad with the answers is sat in front of you and you've got 5 minutes to save the world - a kind word and a courteous manner is not going to win the day.

if you think the minority of fans won the day with Lucas then you are barking - the faith of successive managers who saw him in training and his own incredible mental strength won the day - for every Lucas there are  10 Babels - if you believe the Lucas scenario proves your point about the wisdom of crowds then there is no hope for you I'm afriad because the neutrality you try to hide behind is seriously compromised - not so much Switzerland, more like Italy.

Your suggestion will mean that the manager's decisions are essentially unquestionable by anyone who does not know everything that he does. That is very convenient for the manager, but that is not the way it works in a ersult-oriented organisation. With respect, I reckon that things only work that way in religious cults. I do not have to know what secret ingredient the chef put into the cake to know that it tastes good or bad, as the case may be. The results are seen in the way the players play with each other. Furthermore, your own suggestion assumes that Dalglish has not only chosen to play all his newbies en masse, but he has asked some of them to play roles that they have never played before. Do you need to have a postgraduate degree from some footballing university or to be a former manager of a top club or to shadow Dalglish thriugh every training session and managerial meeting to be able to figure whether such a decision is actually a prudent idea or not?

Apparently I'm writing in a different language to the one you are reading.

Question Dalglish as much as you like - my desire is that you do it in a constructive and supportive way - one that does not challenge from ignorance but asks for enlightenment - you clearly believe he's making a mistake playing all the lads at once - I disagree - not whether he's making a mistake or not but that you have the body of evidence to actually make the decision you have - I think the conclusions you've drawn from the limited evidence are weak and unprovable - and that given the lack of evidence you should be in a position of supporting whats happpening until its proven that its wrong - not assuming its wrong based on you own prejudices and lack of understanding - allow him to make his own mistakes - try to understand why he is making them  - it does not need to be all about now - 3 bounces of a ball and we'd be 2nd and your labelling what has been done as a mistake.......

we'll have to disagree on the racism and sexism stuff there is  a difference between education and indoctrination - just as there is a difference between challenging prejudice and ignorance and encouraging it.

you can get futher with  a kind word and a gun , than you can with just a kind word.............
The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest — but the myth — persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

John F. Kennedy/Shanklyboy.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #407 on: November 15, 2011, 10:54:09 pm »
I actually believe that the Bible is the truth, but I also know that there are also those who use religious truths as a platform to advance their own self-serving agenda or to prop up their uncertainty. Logic and rational thought are compatible with faith - faith is not the absence of reason, it is a sustainable extrapolation from an existing store of fact.

Whatever truth or religion or faith it is it is your own to be practised by you personally and not imposed upon others for therein lies the zealot.

I have read all your ripostes to Vulmea. Academically you write with clarity but it has no soul, no rhythm, it is more akin to a thesis or a dissertation and belongs in a University. Very quickly it reads as tedious and banal and has little weight. I liken it to strictly come dancing. You know all the moves but when it comes to performance it is wooden and regimented a la poor auld Audley. You got to loosen up my friend.

You have taken umbrage for no reason other than you have a patent dislike for those who preach passion and patience. In religious terms you would be the Catholic who still prefers mass held in Latin. A football forum is obviously the best place for you as if you were in conversation in an alehouse with this style you would clear it quicker than Bruce could say, nice to see you to see you nice.

For what it's worth, it's seems you are advocating another change of manager making it 4 in just over 18 months. Your mind is made up, you don't like his choices either tactically or in recruitment and we are on the road to perdition. When shall we get another one in then? Now? Xmas? End of the season? Any idea of who it might be? Or are you just pointing out his deficiencies in order for Kenny act upon them?

Will continue this tomorrow zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 11:04:03 pm by vivabobbygraham »
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Offline subroc

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #408 on: November 16, 2011, 04:43:39 am »

to quote the wee man - 'be the change you want to see in the world'

I never said I desired to do good, I'm one of the bad guys, my desire is to get my own way, as often as possible and with minimal effort - this thread hasn't been a winner so far.

The point is not whether we get our own way or not. We should put our ego aside and talk about what is best for the interests of the club. Will you be happy if you get your way but you are wrong and the club suffers? I am sure that you will not be happy because you are a fan of LFC as I am.

I have practised as far as I can what I am suggesting. My post history will show that where I have realised that I was wrong, I have put up my hands and admitted it, conceded the point, apologised where necessary, and moved on to adopt the better position.

That I think is where a forum like this can do a lot of good - to host considered, courteous and careful discussions made for the interests of the club because we as fans support its success. As opposed to innumerable blowhards making and insults digs at each other, venting empty sophistry or just trying to win arguments for the sake of it.

Offline subroc

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #409 on: November 16, 2011, 04:53:59 am »

your arguments remind me of those against torture - all fine and dandy until the lad with the answers is sat in front of you and you've got 5 minutes to save the world - a kind word and a courteous manner is not going to win the day. can get futher with  a kind word and a gun , than you can with just a kind word.............

The Jack Bauer situation is very different from ours - the former is much more clear where lives are at stake and ther eis a bomb ticking somewhere. Our situation is more opaque and the stakes are far lower. Shankly's quote about football and life cannot be taken literally.
Also, we are not dealing with enemy combatants but with fellow fans of the same club who love the club like you. We are all on the same side.

Even in that 24 Hours type of situation, does saving lives permit torture and waterboarding and pistol whipping? It is a slippery slope. Since the excesses of Abu Ghraib, this issue has caused much soul searching. It is OTT, but suffice to say, IMHO if the terrorist who is saying that your system and civilisatn is corrupt, debased and hypocritical, and he succeeds in making you violate the fundamental tenets of justice that your civilisatn believes in, then regardless of whether the bomb goes off, he has succeeded already. He has turned you into a monster just like him.  The weapons we use to achieve our aims are not only double edged, but the sharp end extends both ways as well, and the killer is killed at the same time.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #410 on: November 16, 2011, 04:59:21 am »

if you think the minority of fans won the day with Lucas then you are barking - the faith of successive managers who saw him in training and his own incredible mental strength won the day - for every Lucas there are  10 Babels - if you believe the Lucas scenario proves your point about the wisdom of crowds then there is no hope for you I'm afriad because the neutrality you try to hide behind is seriously compromised - not so much Switzerland, more like Italy.

IMHO you are making the logical fallacies of overemphasising two factors to become the only factors.

I was pointing out that while the majority opinion about Lucas was misguided and wrong, it corrected itself about him and the vocal minority succeeded in showing the truth of their arguments to the majority. Of course the player himself deserves the plaudits for his perseverance, and of course the managers deserve credit for seeing his worth. But that does not negate the part played by the dynamics of discussion on the forum where in the end, a minority position which was doubted and denigrated by the majority, was adopted by the majority in the end. That miniority did not stop trying to explain in cogent and clear logical and rational fashion to the majority, and that was pivotal in th end to providing the rational basis for accepting that Lucas was indeed a good player.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #411 on: November 16, 2011, 05:02:06 am »

I guess I'm just too thick to see how it would work any other way  - to quote the great man "The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards. That's how I see football, that's how I see life"

Kenny has basically said the same thing.
I am sure Kenny didnt say 'basically the same thing.'

And in case you hadnt noticed - Shankly got it wrong. Football clubs, footballers and football has in fact turned into the ultimate 'consumer accessory' for your crony Russian billionaire mafia or your average Arab despot. As for your socialist fantasy I fail to see how footballers on 100k+ a week arent simply greedy capitalist pigs rather than part of 'everybody sharing in the rewards'.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #412 on: November 16, 2011, 05:04:31 am »

Apparently I'm writing in a different language to the one you are reading.

Is there any need to denigrate my linguistic faculties? I am sure that it is clear that my command of the English language is more than sufficient to discourse with posters on this forum.

If I have misunderstood you, then please point that out and if it is so, then I will gladly apologise and will seek to read your post more carefully.

I have previously in other threads argued for there to be less bombast and insults and digs, and a lot more logical analysis and comment and discussion done in a spirit of courtesy and grace. After all, whenever somebody resorts to attacking or making a dig at the other poster, it is frequently a sure sign that he has a weak argument...

Offline subroc

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #413 on: November 16, 2011, 05:10:45 am »
yesQuestion Dalglish as much as you like - my desire is that you do it in a constructive and supportive way - one that does not challenge from ignorance but asks for enlightenment - you clearly believe he's making a mistake playing all the lads at once - I disagree - not whether he's making a mistake or not but that you have the body of evidence to actually make the decision you have - I think the conclusions you've drawn from the limited evidence are weak and unprovable - and that given the lack of evidence you should be in a position of supporting whats happpening until its proven that its wrong - not assuming its wrong based on you own prejudices and lack of understanding - allow him to make his own mistakes - try to understand why he is making them  - it does not need to be all about now - 3 bounces of a ball and we'd be 2nd and your labelling what has been done as a mistake.......

I do not see where and how you have shown that I have not been constructive, apart from using pejorative terms such as "negative' which seems to mean to disagree in any way with what Dalglish is saying.

I have also pointed out and explained how your argument that we need to have all the evidence before we can assess Dalglish's decisions, is unsupportable because nobody has all the evidence except him and Clarke perhaps. To follow your argument to its logical conclusion would make him "uncriticisable" (my invented word!). I have been transparent with my reasons as to why I think certain decisions made by him are mistaken and how there is a better way. By all maens, if you disagree, please posit reason why that is so. I acknowledge that I may be wrong. However, "not having all the data" is not going to cut it as an argument.
It is not about the need for immediate results, but it is rather the quality of the decision making itself which is what I am more concerned with.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #414 on: November 16, 2011, 05:14:17 am »
Whatever truth or religion or faith it is it is your own to be practised by you personally and not imposed upon others for therein lies the zealot.

I agree fully. As I hope is clear from my posts so far, I believe in liberty of opinion and expression and in the discussion of the marketplace of ideas as the best and most efficient way of arriving at the true and best solution. I do not seek to impose any of my beliefs on others, but I seek to explain and pesuade them with rational arguments. Then I leave it to them to make up their own minds. If they respond with their arguments, I will listen and I will evaluate them and I will respond. If their arguments are adjudged as being more optimal in result or closer to the truth, then I will adopt their position.

Which is why I oppose all suggestions to silence this poster and that poster for going against the majority view. Who is to know if that minority view may turn out to be the right position after all later...

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #415 on: November 16, 2011, 05:27:30 am »
I have read all your ripostes to Vulmea. Academically you write with clarity but it has no soul, no rhythm, it is more akin to a thesis or a dissertation and belongs in a University. Very quickly it reads as tedious and banal and has little weight. I liken it to strictly come dancing. You know all the moves but when it comes to performance it is wooden and regimented a la poor auld Audley. You got to loosen up my friend.

You have taken umbrage for no reason other than you have a patent dislike for those who preach passion and patience. In religious terms you would be the Catholic who still prefers mass held in Latin. A football forum is obviously the best place for you as if you were in conversation in an alehouse with this style you would clear it quicker than Bruce could say, nice to see you to see you nice.

Do you think that I talk like this in my normal speech? :) Of course not, I have a small store of witty humour of my own that I crack on the unfortunate now and then too...

Do not make the mistake of thinking that I am some sort of Spock-like Vulcan. I have a lot of passion for Liverpool FC and I have supported it for well on 30 years now. I exult in its success and am despondent at its lows like any other fan.

Rather I have adopted this method of discourse consciously for the same reason as this method is used in science, in philosophy and in the courtroom. Whenever we want to arrive at the truth, at the objective truth, when we want results - Society uses what I will call the Scientific Method. People are convicted or acquitted based on this process. Theorems and the laws of physics are derived using this process.

This method involves trying to divorce your prejudices and biases and approaching the issue dispassionately and logically. Of aoviding logical and rhetorical fallacies so that we do not come to a conclusin based on erroneous thinking. Of not atacking the messenger ina  vain attempt to silence the truth of what he is saying. Of having the humility to listen to the other person with respect and ocnsider honestly his ideas.

It may sound cold and "tedious" but it is infinitely more successful at arriving at clarity of thought and a better position to evaluate the evidence than a mind that inveterately seeks to insult what it sees as its "opponents", that uses wit and humour as a replacement for logical thinking, that seeks to score rhetorical points instead of seeking the truth. That would rather win the argument than to come to the most beneficiial outcome for Liverpool FC.

So o course this argument will not work in a pub, because a pub is not a place that is conducive to clear thinking, what with the beer and the women and the boozy friend who is alternately singing and shouting swear words at the top of his voice...but we are not in a pub, are we? And this is the virtual world where we can have time to sit and reflect and think about what is best for Liverpool FC. if we were in a pub, I will talk differently...

So if you re-read my posts, they are not ripostes - I do not see Vulmea nor you for that matter as an opponent, but as a collaborator to seek the truth together.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #416 on: November 16, 2011, 05:33:30 am »
For what it's worth, it's seems you are advocating another change of manager making it 4 in just over 18 months. Your mind is made up, you don't like his choices either tactically or in recruitment and we are on the road to perdition. When shall we get another one in then? Now? Xmas? End of the season? Any idea of who it might be? Or are you just pointing out his deficiencies in order for Kenny act upon them?

Will continue this tomorrow zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I have not called for his replacement at all. I would have thought that it were obvious that I am pointing out the mistakes Dalglish has made and suggesting a better course of action because I hope that in some way, he would change them. Now, before you mention it, I am not thinking that he will read this post and decide to amend his ways, of course. I am not that deluded.

However, in the spirit of a butterfly that caused a hurricane a thousand miles away, who knows what good can come out of it to discuss these things? Perhaps the currency for these ideas can gain greater favour among the fanbase and perhaps it will get back to him in some indirect way. There are of course other posters who are already saying the same thing anyway. At the very least, talking about it gives us a handle on how to deal witht he stress that it is causing us.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #417 on: November 16, 2011, 05:42:55 am »
Rather I have adopted this method of discourse consciously for the same reason as this method is used in science, in philosophy and in the courtroom. Whenever we want to arrive at the truth, at the objective truth, when we want results - Society uses what I will call the Scientific Method. People are convicted or acquitted based on this process. Theorems and the laws of physics are derived using this process.
Oh boy... and a few posts ago you were a 'relativist' and now we are searching for 'objective truth'.

Could be a long hot day down pits.....

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #418 on: November 16, 2011, 07:29:17 am »
Not wishing to stir the fuckin pot here [just as fuckin if  8)] - and I know myself well enough to assure Vulmea and VBobbyG that I'm honestly not just saying it because his take on what's taken place this past 9 months [great, good and not so good] aligns pretty much with my own - but, come on everyone [whether you agree with what he says or not], credit it where it's fuckin due. What a succession of amazing posts from Subroc. Every last one of them logical, rational, beautifully argued, never hmmph ad hominem and most impressively of all saving little old me all the time effort and  bother of saying anything else to boot.

That said, hats off also to Vulmea and and VBobbyG for even attempting to stay with the finest poster I've ever seen on any forum. Bar fuckin none. They've certainly tried their best but, admirable as it is, from the sidelines it really has been like watching dear old Jan Molby with puffed out cheeks trying to keep pace with Michael Laudrup. Hmm, Danish bacon.   ;D

Again, that said, for all Subroc's impressive performances in standing his ground, the post that remains for me the key to coming to terms with this entire issue and for which I am most grateful is the one by Red4Life which introduced the simple concept of the application of our own personal expectation parameters and the degree to which they've either been met or fallen short. It is that simple exercise which has enabled me to understand - and more importantly come to terms with - my own dismay as to what's been going on as well as, equally crucially, understanding why terrific posters such as Vulmea and VBobbyG have reacted so vehemently in their more purist outrage to such outpourings of genuine discontent.

Ultimately, I think I'll leave the last word in my own little piece of drivel to the man of the hour [Subroc in case you've missed the gist  :)], who stressed that we're all on the same side. Which we are, of course.

PS Question to Subroc - where do you find the fuckin time man!!!????

Or is it the case you really are Mister Spock?

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 07:50:07 am by Timbo's Goals »

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #419 on: November 16, 2011, 07:48:36 am »
Oh boy... and a few posts ago you were a 'relativist' and now we are searching for 'objective truth'.

Could be a long hot day down pits.....

Ha ha. You do realise you'll now get a reply to this. I'm going to term it a SUBROC   :). And I'm guessing by this time Friday when you're sick to fuckin death of trying to keep pace responding to him you'll be wishing you hadn't fuckin bothered.


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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #420 on: November 16, 2011, 10:05:21 am »
Ha ha. You do realise you'll now get a reply to this. I'm going to term it a SUBROC   :). And I'm guessing by this time Friday when you're sick to fuckin death of trying to keep pace responding to him you'll be wishing you hadn't fuckin bothered.

Well if Subroc wishes to 'debate' that 'everything is a matter of debate' is NOT actually 'a matter of debate' because it is an 'objective truth' he will do his own head in.

Personally, I blame the international break....

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #421 on: November 16, 2011, 10:09:43 am »
Oh boy... and a few posts ago you were a 'relativist' and now we are searching for 'objective truth'.

Could be a long hot day down pits.....

When did I give you the impression that I was a relativist?

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #422 on: November 16, 2011, 10:12:56 am »

But sometimes one line of observation says far more than twenty pages of mock intellectualism. Quality over quantity ;)

Agreed - elegance of expression is only possible with profundity of understanding. I wish I could have stated what I did in shorter compass, but then again, I am certainly no intellectual - just a guy trying to get at the true picture and trying to rise above taking potshots at other fans. 

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #423 on: November 16, 2011, 10:14:25 am »

Or is it the case you really are Mister Spock?


Nah, I can't be Spock since I  can't do the Vulcan salute... :)

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #424 on: November 16, 2011, 10:16:57 am »
Well if Subroc wishes to 'debate' that 'everything is a matter of debate' is NOT actually 'a matter of debate' because it is an 'objective truth' he will do his own head in.

Personally, I blame the international break....


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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #425 on: November 16, 2011, 10:43:47 am »
I have not called for his replacement at all. I would have thought that it were obvious that I am pointing out the mistakes Dalglish has made and suggesting a better course of action because I hope that in some way, he would change them. Now, before you mention it, I am not thinking that he will read this post and decide to amend his ways, of course. I am not that deluded.

However, in the spirit of a butterfly that caused a hurricane a thousand miles away, who knows what good can come out of it to discuss these things? Perhaps the currency for these ideas can gain greater favour among the fanbase and perhaps it will get back to him in some indirect way. There are of course other posters who are already saying the same thing anyway. At the very least, talking about it gives us a handle on how to deal witht he stress that it is causing us.

I appreciate all you say sub but, you know, conversing with you takes on the feel of being audited mate, and we know that all Accountants know the cost of everything and the value of fuck all. you know what I mean? Every word forensically dissected and commented upon using your 'objectivity' test but which gets lost in translation. You may well be saying things that are relevant, it's just that I don't understand them, call me thick or whatever. It's not football speak, certainly not what I am used to...maybe I need to read more.
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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #426 on: November 16, 2011, 10:48:39 am »
Agreed - elegance of expression is only possible with profundity of understanding. I wish I could have stated what I did in shorter compass, but then again, I am certainly no intellectual - just a guy trying to get at the true picture and trying to rise above taking potshots at other fans.

Pascal wrote to his mate; "...sorry for such a long, rambling letter, I did not have time to write a short one."
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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #427 on: November 16, 2011, 11:26:10 am »
I am certainly no intellectual 

Fuck me Subby lad - if you're not an intellectual it doesn't say much for the rest of us.


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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #428 on: November 16, 2011, 11:31:05 am »
faith is not the absence of reason, it is a sustainable extrapolation from an existing store of fact.
Now I am basically on Subroc's side in this debate but he has gone off on a tangent in his search for the 'truth'.

You see Subroc has 'faith' in God and believes 'it is a sustainable extrapolation from an existing store of fact.'

This is 100% totally wrong. Faith is and I quote from a dictionary(!) 'Strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence'. In other words it is quite the opposite of what he states it is. It is a 'belief' without recourse to 'logic, evidence, proof' or the 'Scientific Method'. Faith, is by its very definition, 'a belief in the absence of reason.'

The heart of this matter in my opinion is that there is no such thing as 'truth' in football. Messi is the best player in the world? Carroll is shit? Hodgson is an idiot? (ok maybe) And Vulmea's 'faith' in Dalglish - he knows best, he can do know wrong - and dont question him is like questioning anyones faith. Stupid. It is all a matter of opinion, however stupid those opinions maybe.

Actually we debate these things because.... well they are debatable. Debating them is 'no big deal'. Questioning whether a player is good enough, overpaid whether an alternative player will be better in the role isnt going to cause the collapse in morale or change Kenny's mind for that matter. It doesnt mean you love this club any less. It is what we do. And Kenny 'knows best' and we 'trust him to do the best job' but that doesnt mean that he speaks the 'truth' because noone does and it doesnt mean he doesnt make mistakes because 'everyone does'.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 11:35:45 am by Abrak »

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #429 on: November 16, 2011, 11:32:17 am »

But sometimes one line of observation says far more than twenty pages of mock intellectualism. Quality over quantity ;)

Agreed. Then again just reading your one liner I'm not so sure any more  ;)

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 11:33:53 am by Timbo's Goals »

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #430 on: November 16, 2011, 11:35:47 am »
Well if Subroc wishes to 'debate' that 'everything is a matter of debate' is NOT actually 'a matter of debate' because it is an 'objective truth' he will do his own head in.

Personally, I blame the international break....


I blame Clive Thomas... ooh er  :o

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #431 on: November 16, 2011, 11:58:10 am »
Saw Kevin Keen at Lime street this morning, coming back from the Ingurland game.

He sounded very pleased with Andy Carroll but said Liverpool would be in the market for a strike partner for Luis in the next window.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #432 on: November 16, 2011, 12:12:51 pm »
Saw Kevin Keen at Lime street this morning, coming back from the Ingurland game.

He sounded very pleased with Andy Carroll but said Liverpool would be in the market for a strike partner for Luis in the next window.
Was that his opinion, or did he mean he'd heard we're in the market for a striker?

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #433 on: November 16, 2011, 12:18:26 pm »
Was that his opinion, or did he mean he'd heard we're in the market for a striker?

Being first team coach under Kenny, I'm sure he'd be a bit more clued up than just hearing about what we might be doing in the market.

Interesting if true.
Most people in this world are tits. The fact they have an allegiance with Liverpool Football Club doesn't change that.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #434 on: November 16, 2011, 12:19:07 pm »
Was that his opinion, or did he mean he'd heard we're in the market for a striker?

It was a brief chat as he had work to do, but said they would like to bring in another striker.

Didnt hassle him much more, maybe goes in hand with Guillem Balague saying David Villa is a target of ours and isn't happy at Barca.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #435 on: November 16, 2011, 12:19:46 pm »
It was a brief chat as he had work to do, but said they would like to bring in another striker.

Didnt hassle him much more, maybe goes in hand with Guillem Balague saying David Villa is a target of ours and isn't happy at Barca.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh. Leave the bellows alone.
Most people in this world are tits. The fact they have an allegiance with Liverpool Football Club doesn't change that.

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #436 on: November 16, 2011, 12:26:19 pm »
Being first team coach under Kenny, I'm sure he'd be a bit more clued up than just hearing about what we might be doing in the market.

Interesting if true.
Haha read it as Kevin Keegan for some reason, what a dumb question!

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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #437 on: November 16, 2011, 03:24:19 pm »
omg.... the Sky is green - green I tell ye..........

@Subroc you are a persistent little.......fella

The point is not whether we get our own way or not. We should put our ego aside and talk about what is best for the interests of the club. Will you be happy if you get your way but you are wrong and the club suffers? I am sure that you will not be happy because you are a fan of LFC as I am.

I have practised as far as I can what I am suggesting. My post history will show that where I have realised that I was wrong, I have put up my hands and admitted it, conceded the point, apologised where necessary, and moved on to adopt the better position.

That I think is where a forum like this can do a lot of good - to host considered, courteous and careful discussions made for the interests of the club because we as fans support its success. As opposed to innumerable blowhards making and insults digs at each other, venting empty sophistry or just trying to win arguments for the sake of it

“I never said I desired to do good, I'm one of the bad guys, my desire is to get my own way, as often as possible and with minimal effort - this thread hasn't been a winner so far”.

If I’d have put a smilie after this would you have still taken it literally? As VGB says relax.

Jack Bauer situation is very different from ours - the former is much more clear where lives are at stake and ther eis a bomb ticking somewhere. Our situation is more opaque and the stakes are far lower. Shankly's quote about football and life cannot be taken literally.
Also, we are not dealing with enemy combatants but with fellow fans of the same club who love the club like you. We are all on the same side.

Even in that 24 Hours type of situation, does saving lives permit torture and waterboarding and pistol whipping? It is a slippery slope. Since the excesses of Abu Ghraib, this issue has caused much soul searching. It is OTT, but suffice to say, IMHO if the terrorist who is saying that your system and civilisatn is corrupt, debased and hypocritical, and he succeeds in making you violate the fundamental tenets of justice that your civilisatn believes in, then regardless of whether the bomb goes off, he has succeeded already. He has turned you into a monster just like him.  The weapons we use to achieve our aims are not only double edged, but the sharp end extends both ways as well, and the killer is killed at the same time

I don’t watch 24 to be honest but surprisingly I’m aware that the two situations are not on a par. The context is, that almost inevitably in discussing a matter of principle it evolves/devolves into discussing extremes in order to test the boundaries.

Your example,  if this then eventually that, for an individual and for a point in time things are not general the resolution is therefore simpler – there isn’t necessarily a path to travel down – even where there is a path you don’t have to follow it and there will be branches and places where you can turn around.

Also the idea that this is going to hurt me more than you only applies if you believe in Karma or some form of related spiritualism without those it really is going to hurt you more and me not much at all. Conscience is a luxury of intellect and advantage.

IMHO you are making the logical fallacies of overemphasising two factors to become the only factors.

I was pointing out that while the majority opinion about Lucas was misguided and wrong, it corrected itself about him and the vocal minority succeeded in showing the truth of their arguments to the majority. Of course the player himself deserves the plaudits for his perseverance, and of course the managers deserve credit for seeing his worth. But that does not negate the part played by the dynamics of discussion on the forum where in the end, a minority position which was doubted and denigrated by the majority, was adopted by the majority in the end. That miniority did not stop trying to explain in cogent and clear logical and rational fashion to the majority, and that was pivotal in th end to providing the rational basis for accepting that Lucas was indeed a good player.

Now that’s just odd – you said it was one thing, I say it was two different things but I’m wrong for only using two things………how did the minority view get on with Babel, Voronin etc – the position on Lucas was not adopted and would never have been adopted if the manager and player had not believed in what they were doing (with their advantages over the rest of us which you so easily and mistakenly discount later). Lucas simply wouldn’t have played and the minority would never have had a platform to argue from. Even those fans that supported Lucas were doing so on faith and guess work, others like me  remained neutral only because of the belief in Lucas from the manager and his fellow players. If Lucas had allowed the majority to influence him, then the majority view would have become self fulfilling. So you risk losing players of less mental strength, or maybe exactly the same strength but different individual circumstances by allowing the disrespect and ‘free speech’ of the unwashed.

We have not bottomed out when challenging becomes indoctrination or when the right to pedal ideas becomes harmful. Both no doubt addressed by a kind word and civil debate whilst all hell breaks loose in the worthy cause of future enlightenment.

Moving on to politics – the best (not perfect) form of government is a benevolent dictatorship – discuss……

Is there any need to denigrate my linguistic faculties? I am sure that it is clear that my command of the English language is more than sufficient to discourse with posters on this forum.
Woah there sparky, read it again, - perhaps I was denigrating my own ability with the written word -

After all, whenever somebody resorts to attacking or making a dig at the other poster, it is frequently a sure sign that he has a weak argument...

Now that is a fallacy – firstly the tortuous english you prize – ‘frequently a sure sign’ – does that work? Also you are discounting the fact some people like to insult other, in large swathes of northern England it’s a natural consequence of any discussion and the more you like somebody the more you insult them – of course when you really don’t like somebody you either say nothing or just actually mean it. Besides the cultural rift – there is also the case that insults can follow from frustration and misunderstanding not out of any weakness of argument but out of a weakness in understanding or simple lack of patience– then again there may just be a weakness in vocabulary.

I do not see where and how you have shown that I have not been constructive, apart from using pejorative terms such as "negative' which seems to mean to disagree in any way with what Dalglish is saying.

I have also pointed out and explained how your argument that we need to have all the evidence before we can assess Dalglish's decisions, is unsupportable because nobody has all the evidence except him and Clarke perhaps. To follow your argument to its logical conclusion would make him "uncriticisable" (my invented word!). I have been transparent with my reasons as to why I think certain decisions made by him are mistaken and how there is a better way. By all maens, if you disagree, please posit reason why that is so. I acknowledge that I may be wrong. However, "not having all the data" is not going to cut it as an argument.

It is not about the need for immediate results, but it is rather the quality of the decision making itself which is what I am more concerned with

There you go down that winding path again ………you don’t have all the information and not having all the information isn’t an argument against having an opinion – absolutely spot on but it devalues your opinion – more information greater chance of making correct decision – less information more chance of an incorrect opinion - is this even worth discussing?

At no point, for the gazillionth time, have I said don’t have an opinion – what I have asked for is some acknowledgement that actually your opinion ain’t worth much  - that you are observing fraction of what you need to observe in order to make a reasonable case either way – that Dalglish himself who has more information than most is not in a position to say whether it’ll work or not – ask the question but dont presume that you have the answer – you have an answer – you think playing them all is risky – check – you think he’s making  a mistake – check  - but we should be 2nd in the table, we’ve played as much good football this season as last, - the players have actually put some excellent spells pf football together –- its entirely possible that if we’d used one player at a time we’d be worse off – we lost our last two games of the season don’t forget – there is doubt – why not reserve your opinion until you have more information, why not accept the possibility that Kenny may be right and you wrong and suck it up – why not say he’s my manager I’m going to support him in trying to turn this club around, allow him to make mistakes if that’s what they are, to spot those mistakes and fix them without judging them and build a spirit of positivity.

I have not called for his replacement at all. I would have thought that it were obvious that I am pointing out the mistakes Dalglish has made and suggesting a better course of action because I hope that in some way, he would change them. Now, before you mention it, I am not thinking that he will read this post and decide to amend his ways, of course. I am not that deluded.
And herein lies the issue – you are not pointing out mistakes he’s made – you are pointing out mistakes you think he may have made – there is no ‘truth’ here – its opinion and its subjective and its unknowable - but you are treating your own opinion as fact. In a position where you cannot actually know the answer you have a choice of giving the benefit of the doubt to Kenny or to your self – my moneys not on you.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 04:29:08 pm by Vulmea »
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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #438 on: November 16, 2011, 03:31:47 pm »

I haven't come across a call for blind faith, in the last few contributions. I haven't heard anyone saying that Dalglish is infallible and has a monopoly on truth, there is room for debate but what is being challenged is the way that sections of our support take such a short term knee-jerk view of everything. We have a few setbacks and it's all doom and gloom, this players shit, we should have bought xy or z. Now in the abstract, I suppose there is nothing wrong with this, most clubs supporter's are defined by there short term view, always thinking the grass in greener over the fence, but Liverpool fans have historically been different. This has always been a 'managers' club where a manager has been given time if he demonstrates that he has a vision for the future.
Why does it matter? Because unless you have the money to buy 'Galacticos' like Man City; building a football team, takes time and getting the blend right crucially means that it is done in an atmosphere, where Managers are allowed to make mistakes and rectify them, without the supporters jumping on their backs demanding instant success. We know this through years of experience of watching the game, short term outlooks lead nowhere, teams waste money swapping and changing managers who all spend until there's nothing left, rarely getting anything but fleeting success at the most.
That is what made us different, some of the best atmosphere's at Anfield used to be when we were losing, we'd encourage a player going through a bad patch, not groan at his every touch of the ball, that doesn't help him improve. For some of us it's not just an abstract debate we're having on a forum but a battle to improve the atmosphere at Anfield, to emphasise some of the attributes that we used to have at the ground,  that made us different and allowed mangers the time and patience to build teams that were more than the sum of their parts and could compete with teams that were financially better placed for success. There is a certain amount of faith that you show a manager because no one has a linear path to the top, there are setbacks, no one gets everything right, this is not blind faith but essential for long-term success. As a fan base we learnt that we shouldn't panic at the first glimpse of setbacks on the field and you were far more likely to succeed with a long-term view of building a team rather than react to every setback like your world has fallen in. This is my last post in this thread agree or disagree to your hearts content ;D
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 03:36:09 pm by The 92A »
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Re: New signings and progress
« Reply #439 on: November 16, 2011, 05:01:11 pm »
Even those fans that supported Lucas were doing so on faith and guess work, others like me  remained neutral only because of the belief in Lucas from the manager and his fellow players. If Lucas had allowed the majority to influence him, then the majority view would have become self fulfilling. So you risk losing players of less mental strength, or maybe exactly the same strength but different individual circumstances by allowing the disrespect and ‘free speech’ of the unwashed.

Woah hold on there Sparky.  :)

This Lucas shite bemuses the life out of me. Alan Green has an awful lot to answer for.

I had watched Lucas from his initial reserve games and it was clear from those initial games he was pretty much first team material even back then. And for me - and many others - he certainly began to prove it from the off once he started being selected first for odd games and then regularly once Xabi had gone.

The myth that has built up about the enormity of his improvement these past few seasons is just that - a myth - to those of us who have always rated him pretty highly. Sure he has matured in his all round play. No question of that.  But for many of us the lad was doing it right from the start. I certainly didn't require any faith to see what a decent player he was. He has always had reasonable pace and a decent 'engine' as they say, he has always got his foot in and competed perhaps not at Javier's level but in his own understated way not that far off, he has always been comfortably our best header of the ball in the middle of the park, he has always had decent control and he has always been able to deliver a reasonable if hardly ever spectacular pass.

Sure he can't shoot to save his life and especially in his early days he did make the odd gaffe and did give away several needless free kicks in dangerous areas and perhaps the odd pen. But show me one tackler who's never done that.

So where was the "belief" needed? Why did anyone need faith?

He was a decent player full stop.

For me the nasties in the crowd got on his back because although a different style of player he in effect became the first choice replacement for Xabi and there's not a midfielder on god's earth who could have done that gig.  So the lad was on a hiding to nothing [the expectation thing again?   8). Also he was a definitive Rafa buy plucked from relative obscurity so the rafa haters had an ideal target to crucify the manager for a "lousy" buy and foreigner to boot.

Personally, I can only think the "vast improvement" myth is simply the justification some fans have needed for now almost being compelled by his consistent form to like him after at first dissing him something wicked [the fella in the seat next to us being a prime example - Lucas couldn't do anything right for him - and boy did we have some right ding dongs over it]. 

And as for the fact that you yourself needed the faith aspect to get you through the pre-acceptance spell? Well, on the one hand it is highly admirable but on the other it shows you haven't got a fuckin clue what it is you're watching.

Joke. Honest ter god. Believe.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 05:38:38 pm by Timbo's Goals »