Author Topic: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)  (Read 9494 times)


  • The Garston Gasworks XI.....aka "Beryl".....
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My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« on: April 2, 2004, 12:11:07 pm »
Recently, we’ve all been suffering from doom and gloom, and I think it’s long overdue, that I write something that will cheer some of us old fogeys up. Hopefully some of you younger readers will understand that although past teams were entertaining, we were not always successful as the early 70’s proved. If nothing else, it will inform you of the music a lot of your fathers and I were listening to, way back when.

Funny thing memory. I’ve always been asked how I remember so many events so far back. I guess I’m no different to any other 40 odd year old music lover. Certain records in the charts always bring back memories of where we were, what and who we were up/to at the time.

When originally asked to write about the 70’s my head began to spin. So many matches to recall. So I started with listing the Number One’s of the era. Here are some of my memories of those times that went flashing by. I sincerely hope that these recollections will help you do the same.

In 1970 I became a teenager, a landmark even bigger than reaching “double figures”. These were the years when hairs began to sprout in places we least expected. These were the years when your “balls dropped” and your voice took on the rasping tones of adulthood. These were the years when your bed sheets resembled “cardboard” if your Mam was not up to scratch. These were the years when you decided the sexiest thing in the world, was to try and choke the current girlfriend with your tongue. Something we adopted from the French, I’m led to believe.

You were either a Skin wearing “Flemmings” or a Trog wearing “Lunes”. Every area had it’s very own brand of “Boot Boys” who worshipped such groups as Slade. Scooter Boys were making a comeback with the help of every car wing mirror they could get their hands on. State 5 in Speke were the local crew - anyone remember them or the Outcrowd from Dingle ?

And then came the Trogs, hippies to you and I. Dressed in Lunes, cheese cloth shirts and Afghan coats (no matter what the weather). This proportion of the youth preferred the likes of T Rex, unless you were a "wild child" where The Doors, Hendrix and Cream was more the order of the day.

My poor devoted parents never did get the hang of Jimi, playing his guitar at level 8 in my bedroom. They were devoted Beatles lovers. How many of us have heard our parents say “you can't understand a word they’re singing”. (Finally, and sadly in some ways, I must agree, neither can I.)

I must admit to being very confused in these days. No way was I going to the match dressed like a fairy, but I wasn’t going to shave my head and start singing “Cum on feel me Nuts” for anyone. So the hair was long, Flemmings and Ben Sherman on match days with ox-blood Air Ware. Whereas on Sundays in Calderstones Park, the 28 inch flared jeans were adopted with a Che Guvera “T” shirt. 

The 1969/70 season was well under way when my story begins, we had been knocked out of the Fairs Cup by Vitoria Setubal on away goals. We also made an early exit in the League Cup beaten at home 3-2 by them up the East Lancs. So the first home game of 1970 was the third round replay against Coventry, where we were treated to the first hearing of Edison Lighthouse,  Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes). Ross, Thompson and Graham scored our goals in a very impressive 3-0 victory.

Our current team was a mix of experience and youth. St John, Hunt, Cally, Lawler, Lawrence, Smith Yeats and Strong from the old school, mixed well with the newies Hughes, Evans, Graham, Lindsay and Ross.

The Edison Lighthouse song was still number one when we drew a league game at home with West Brom and hammered Wrexham in the fourth round of the FA Cup. By the time of the fifth round, we were all praying Edison had hung on to pole position, but it was not to be. 

What replaced the catchy tune in the game against Leicester, was best described as “One for the Dads”. Lee Marvin was grinding out I Was Born Under A Wand'rin' Star, words cannot describe how ill this made all the fans, trogs or skins, but Alun Evans seemed to like it, he scored a brace to put us through to the next round.

Now Paul and Art were never favourites of mine, but anything was better than listening to a pissed up cowboy, singing in a gravelly voice by the campfire. So throughout the month of February we listened contently to Simon & Garfunkel’s,  Bridge Over Troubled Water. It might have gone down as one of the best ever selling albums, but the single did us no favours.

Two league games brought one draw with Newcastle and a defeat by Derby. But the thing this record reminds me of is the FA Cup exit to Watford. Just think, every time you’ve sung that record in the past, what you’re remembering or should be is one of our worst Cup Defeats. Bet you don’t join in next time! It also made Shanks have a serious rethink about massive changes that would be required for the future. Fans today often complain about fixture jams, well let me tell you, you wouldn’t know one if it bit you on the arse by the time Norman Greenbaum was giving his version of Spirit In The Sky. In March Liverpool were playing NINE league games.

3-Mar Coventry, we won 3-2 with goals from Hughes and a brace from Evans.
7-Mar Leeds ended in a 0-0 draw
11-Mar Southampton 1-0, Evans getting the only goal of the game.
14-Mar Arsenal beat us 2-1, Yeats scoring from a corner.
16-Mar 3-0 trouncing of Sheff Wed, Lawler, Graham and Yeats getting another.
21-Mar a game at Anfield against the woodentops, best forgotten.
24-Mar 2-0 home win against Ipswich which included a Tommy Smith penalty that nearly burst the net.
28-Mar a 1-0 defeat at the Hammers.
30-Mar a 1-0 win at Molyneaux.

Now Mr Houllier, do you want to explain your theory on tiredness from midweek games? No, best not mate, honest keep it shtum, some of us have long memories.

Dana singing All Kinds Of Everything in April was bringing the season to a close. We were not going to win anything this season, never mind, all kinds of bloody everything. But we did have the World Cup to look forward to. Alf Ramsey had picked his squad and so had I - Brazil. And so once again we were treated to footballers plying their second trade. Anyone remember, the England World Cup Squad singing Back Home in April 1970?

While Bobby Moore was accused of pilfering from Colombian shops, we were treated to such greats as Christie,  Yellow River in May 1970. Being the last game of the season, this record will always remind me of the end of Tommy Lawrence’s career. Affectionately known as the “Flying Pig” Tommy should always be remembered as one of the bravest keepers ever to play at Anfield. Diving at forwards feet in dangerous situations was Tommy’s trademark.

Mungo Jerry, In The Summertime which hit the charts in June 1970 will always reminds me of the family holiday in Newquay, where I met Julie from Bristol. No wonder they call them Bristols, she looked like she was smuggling cabbages. A ballroom dancer at 14, we didn’t do much ballroom dancing and there wasn’t much ball-room in my kecks either. Funny how we always promise to keep in touch but never do. Us lads are always making promises “Of course I wont” was a popular one. The holiday ended with Elvis Presley belting out The Wonder Of You in July 1970.

The 1970/71 season started with two wins and three draws. The highlight, was the 4-0 victory over newly promoted Huddersfield Town, Shanks' old team; McLaughlin and Alun Evans both getting a brace. McLaughlin was to go on and play 33 games this year, but never scored again. At this time Smokey Robinson & The Miracles   were treating us all to The Tears Of A Clown. No Brucie jokes please. My Father was treating me to my first ever match day pint, fond memories, but it was still only a shandy.

10 games without a defeat and “Old Smokey” had done his job. Remember that, when you next hear the record, we were unbeaten until Freda Payne sung  Band Of Gold and became number 1 in Sept 1970. The defeat at the Dell was the first of three 1-0 defeats away from home. The Freda Payne record always reminds me of young Cheryl who lived across the road from us. I had earned a few bob for the first time, doing a spot of gardening for a snob on Woolton Hill. I had been dying to ask her out for a while, but never had the courage.

Fully armed with my first THREE QUID, I marched across the road and asked her to come the pictures. To my astonishment, she said yes straight away. Perhaps she was drawn to a lad with a few quid burning a hole in his pocket. I really enjoyed my night in the pictures, although I haven’t a clue what we watched. The only sad thing was I never took her out again. I never asked, all my future earnings were going to be spent watching Liverpool.

I suppose Cheryl became my first football widow. I never had the heart to tell her Liverpool were more important than girls, but as a thirteen year old, I knew no better.

Matthews Southern Comfort’s Woodstock entertained us for three consecutive home wins, although to be frank, I cannot remember any of the games or the song. Perhaps it’s one of your favourites. Do you remember your current girlfriend of that time? Where were you hangin' around? Successful games against Ferencvaros and Dinamo Bucharest in the Fairs Cup, may help jog your memory.

By the time Jimi Hendrix was bending my ears with the great Voodoo Chile in November 1970,  Liverpool were stumbling to two 0-0 draws.  It was not the type of record played at Anfield. “Sack the DJ”  I hear you scream, but it would be to no avail. Jimi’s popularity would only ever reach its peak after his tragic end. And so the month of November came to a close with Dave Edmunds, I Hear You Knocking blasting from the Kop annoys. At least we had the solace of watching Liverpool drum the Woodentops from Woodison, 3-2, with goals from Heighway, Toshack and Lawler, while Dave was doing his best. We preferred to sing to the blue noses, “We hear you singing, but you just can't win”.

Now December might well have been a successful period on the park, seeing off Hibernian 1-0 away and 2-0 at home in the Fairs. Three draws and a win in the league may also have its benefits. But what we were treated to “down the lug hole” was tragic. Clive Dunne was giving Grandad the bells of Shannon. Now I defy any man to tell me they have fond memories of that abomination. Ex-Beatle George Harrison did us all a favour by ousting the old fart, but his record My Sweet Lord in January was accompanied by a league cup exit to Swindon. Remember that when you next hear it and it may not be so popular.

But if you do like Harrison, as I do, you may prefer to remember FA Cup victories against Aldershot and Swansea. T Rex’s Hot Love in February saw us despatch Southampton in the fifth round.

March 1971 is a month most oldies will remember with pleasure. While Dave & Ansil Collins grunted and groaned throughout their hit Double Barrel there was great happiness amongst the fan base. Alun Evans totally ripped Bayern Munich apart at Anfield with a hat-trick never to be forgotten. The Kaiser was made to look very ordinary. Grd Muller fired blanks all night. And Liverpool beat an unofficial German national team.

We had beaten the “Drury Lane Fan Dancers” in the sixth round of the FA Cup and followed that with a superb victory over the Woodentops from Woodsion 2-1 in the semi at Old Trafford. And for those old enough to remember it, their equaliser was OBVIOUSLY a hand ball, no way could he of controlled the ball without using his hand. Well at least the referee agreed with me. (Insert Mutley laugh hehehe). Being undefeated in the league at Anfield also makes this one of our best ever months.

Perhaps now Cheryl from across the road might understand where all my money was going. And for anyone else who lost a love of their life at this moment in time, just refer them to the following April fixture “pile up”. While Dawn was Knocking Three types of shite out of the Ceiling, Liverpool had the following fixtures:

2-4 WBA 1-1 home draw, League.
6-4 Newcastle 1-1 home draw, League.
10-4 Stoke 1-0 away win, League.
12-4 Chelsea 1-0 away defeat, League.
14-4 Leeds Fairs Semi 1-0 home defeat.
17-4 Spurs (DLFD) 0-0 home draw, League.
19-4 Man U 2-0 away win, League.
24-4 Notts Forest 1-0 away win, League.
26-4 Man City 2-2 away draw, League.
28-4 Leeds Fairs semi 0-0 away draw and exit on away goal.

Now is there anyone reading this who wants to talk pile ups, tiredness or being broke? If any girl got a night out in this period, she was married to a blue! The same Knock Three Times was still at number 1 when Charlie George lay on his back at Wembley after scoring the winning goal for Arsenal in the Cup Final. Now there was a man who we could all KNOCK at least THREE times.

Yet another season had passed without a trophy, but even worse, Dawn was still “Knocking three times” until the middle of summer. Middle Of The Road soon started singing about our latest signing Chirpy Chirpy, Cheep Cheep. It must have been written about the amount of money we splashed out on Kevin Keegan. This was quickly followed by T Rex and me, on the family holiday again, still trying to Get It On in July. Alas I came home a virgin yet again.

Then like most years, party season began. The end of the summer passed with the melodic tunes of Hey Girl Don't Bother Me by The Tams and Diana Ross’s I'm Still Waiting.  I remember both tunes very well, long sunny evenings drinking cider at various venues in and around Charterhouse Road. I was introduced to a “slowy” for the first time by a girl who didn’t live a million miles away. Heaven is the only way to describe your first ever slowy.

Frotting could well take over my life, if this was anything to go by. This was a summer I will remember for a long time - all them games at the end of the season had tired us all out, fans and players alike. We all needed a long summer and that’s what we got. Surely next year would be our year?

1971/72 season started like none before it. I actually had a steady girlfriend. Would this mean the end of Midnight Wigwams ? Nah, she was ok like, but yer can’t beat Sooty in the nude. Talk about starting with a bang (No, not me yer fools Liverpool). Three home games in August saw us score three goals in each. Keegan, Smith and Hughes against Forest; Toshack, Heighway and Smith against Wolves; Heighway Keegan and Toshack against Leicester.

This new lad Keegan was creating problems in the crowd hough. He’s just a blur, we’re all knackered just watching him. Where the hell did we find this fellah? He’s like Billy Whizz on speed. If Diana Ross could only hold out for a few more weeks, we could be crowned champions by Christmas, were my thoughts at the time. But in all honestly she was boring me now and it’s no wonder she’s still waiting ... and I’m still waiting ... so are bloody we love, do one, will yer.

Rod Stewart’s Maggie May was a great song of it’s era, but yet again it was one that did nothing for Liverpool's results. Only 1 league victory, a League Cup win against Hull and a Cup Winners' Cup win against Servette from Geneva.

How typical we should be unbeaten in the league with such crap tunes as Slade’s Coz I Luv You topping the charts. That “Noddy Holder” (no, not a glass for Durex or another name for Big Ears that’s his actual name) must be the worst singer I’ve ever heard. Some might find this hard to believe, but at about this time, Roxy Music was the supporting act to Slade on Tour. I was a big fan of Roxy and went to a concert just to watch Eno, Thompson and Baron Ferrari belt out their stuff. They were actually booed off the stage by the moronic Slade yobs who preferred such classics as “Coz I Luv Yer”. Thank God history tells a different tale. Anyway, I will always choose to remember this Slade classic with the sad exits from the League Cup and CWC. West Ham and Bayern getting their revenge done the dastardly deed.

Now the name of Jack Whitham, may not ring bells with many, but he scored two goals against Coventry in a 2-0 win and three against Derby in a 3-2 win during the reign of Benny Hill’s Ernie (The Fastest Milkman In The West). Do with that information what you will. While the charts had such classics as Ernie, I was giving Iron Butterfly an airing. They, in my opinion, were slightly better than the Perv's croonings.

What I will always remember about this era is, as the music in the charts went from piss poor to even worse our football got better and better (the top of the charts were dominated by the likes ofNew Seekers, I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing, Chicory Tip, Son Of My Father (oooooh Sami Sami, Sami Sami Sami Sami Hyypia) and T Rex, Telegram Sam. The football:

Crystal Palace 4-1 win
Huddersfield Town 1-0 win
Sheffield Utd 2-0 win

Nilsson’s Without You, probably the most dire record of all time, actually reigned supreme over the following matches; a 3-0 win over Manchester City and a 4-0 win over Everton (this was the game of the two own goals by Wright and  McClaughlin, why they helped us God only knows, we were scoring enough without their help). This result should have been another 5-0 as The Mighty Emlyn cracked one against the bar. The Newcastle 5-0 win was a case of everyone nearly getting on the score sheet. Goals from Lawler, Keegan, Toshack, Hughes and Heighway, could well have been added to by Lindsay, Smith and Cally who all went close. This was followed by:

Southampton 1-0 win
Stoke 2-1 win
WBA 2-0 win
Man Utd 3-0 win.

Winning at Old Trafford is always nice, this was no exception. Goals from The Ghost Lawler, Big John and The Mighty Emlyn, put away fans into ecstasy. Coventry 3-1 win, West Ham 2-0 win, Ipswich 2-1 win followed.  And all this time Nilsson was top. He nearly won us the League. Imagine having to have fond memories of such a dour record as that.

The record that finished that season off, will have a special place in every Kopite's memory. Pipes & Drums & Military Band Of The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards with Amazing Grace gave us a tune that we could finally honour our Messiah with, forever more.

Shank-ly Shank-ly Shank-ly Shank-ly

T Rex’s Metal Guru only lasted a week and that accompanied the away trip to Derby, which we lost 1-0.
Don McLean took us into the summer break with his immortal hit Vincent in May 1972. The run that finished this season gave everybody heart that we were on the brink of greatness - surely we wouldn’t have to wait much longer? Happy times, but we were still not winning things.

This summer will be remember by all forever for the classic hit School’s Out by Alice Cooper. Now Alice was not liked by many parents, but his stage garb and antics will live with kids a long time. Can anyone remember the name of that Snake?

1972/73 Season
Rod Stewart started the season off with You Wear It Well. Although Rod had a voice that sounded like an overheating tractor it seemed to go down well with the Kop. Whatever the fascination was, the tannoy’s boomed out the hit, when we beat both Manchester sides at home 2-0, played in front of an aggregate gate of 110,000 within 3 days of the start of the season.

Sadly the English teachers nightmare, Slade hit the top again with Mama Weer All Crazee Now which ended our unbeaten start. Two consecutive losses at Leicester and Derby was our penance for worshipping Noddy. David Cassidy (him of Partridge Family fame) sung How Can I Be Sure for the visit to Carlisle, but thank heavens, the chart topper had not sold any copies to our League Cup opponents. They were obviously big Slade fans up there as Noddy still insisted, he’s a bloody nutter.

Lieutenant Pigeon painfully growled out Mouldy Old Dough in September and surprisingly it stayed at the top for a while. The record will always remind me of Tommy Smith, his face was beginning to look a bit like a stale loaf.  All them years of growling had began to take its toll. Do you remember yer Mam telling yer that “if yer pull faces like that, one day yer face will stick“, well Tommy’s Mam was obviously right!

Mouldy old Dough accompanied some great wins. Wolves in the League 4-2, Frankfurt in the Uefa 2-0; 5-1 and 5-0 against Carlisle and Sheff Utd. Crap song but we scored 16 goals in 4 games, perhaps we should have promoted him to Major General.

Now, Gilbert O' ‘Bloody’ Sullivan I have a personal axe to grind with. While he was entertaining our Mams with his hit Clair all our Mams must have entered a time warp. Do yer remember the pillock dressing up in 1930’s gear? Well my mam lost the plot.

My Dad was away on business at the time and I needed new football boots. I was leading goalscorer for both School (Hillfoot Hey) and Woolton Boys Club the previous season,  but in the final game my boots split (probably through the ferocity with which I used to kick the ball).

Enter “Puma Pele”.

These were the latest fashion, spawned from Brazil’s famous World Cup superstar. If I was leading goal scorer with “Gola” what on earth would I do with the magic pair of slippers on me feet?

Wooly: Mam, has my Dad left any money for my new boots?

No Love.

Wooly: What? We have our first school game this weekend and my last boots are in the bin.

Don’t worry, I have enough money until he gets home, I’ll go looking when I finish work.

Wooly: Mam, what do you know anything about boots?
I work for Dunlop love, we sell all the best boots.

Wooly: Mam, yer getting me very nervous here, I don’t think they sell Puma.

They sell everything love in our staff shop.

Wooly: Mam, please make sure they’re Puma Pele - I know they’re expensive but I really need them. My Dad would buy me them if he was here.

Stop worrying Son, leave it with yer Mam.

When I got home from school my worst nightmare was confirmed. Not even, screw in studs. Rubber soled, what can only be described as boots worn by Elisha Scott. In fact they could well have been his with a fresh coat of dubbin. They looked like Rugby boots! My heart sank ...

Whatever is the matter love?

Wooly: Mam, what have you done? They are NOT Puma Pele ...

To say I was gutted must be the biggest understatement ever made. I remember going to sleep that night with tears in my eyes. When I got up the next morning the nightmare of them bloody boots was still with me. 

I looked at my Mam, she was smiling, was it another of my Mam’s jokes? Were the real boots hidden under the stairs? As my heart lifted to my Mum’s ruse, she produced from behind her back ... the same bloody boots! But, horror of horrors, overnight she had sat up late and with some of my airfix silver paint she had painted in ¾ inch letters PUMA PELE along the sides, inside and outside.

Right now I can cry laughing, but believe me at the time the tears were real. Now I love my Mam very much and have long since forgiven her, after all who could hold a grudge for 32 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. Mam, yer priceless girl.  No wonder my lad always whispers to his Granddad in the kitchen when new boots are needed.

Remember you asking “what are you two up to, whispering in the kitchen”? Well it was PUMA PELE, Mam.

Anyway back to Gilbert O'Bloody Sullivan.  He did help us keep our 100% home record that season. Victories over Everton and West Brom followed. Chuck Berry’s My Ding-A-Ling also maintained the 100% home record, with good wins over Stoke, AEK Athens, Chelsea and Newcastle - only a draw in the League Cup against Leeds blighted the copybook. Even,  Little Jimmy Osmond’s Long Haired Lover From Liverpool brought us luck this year, his screeching lasting from November to mid January.

Birmingham were beaten in one of the best games of the season, 4-3, a fantastic end to end game where Alec Lindsay scored two crackers. Alec was hardly the image of Little Jimmy’s hit, but he had the sweetest left foot I’ve ever seen, even to date. The lad was capable of peeling an orange with that left foot. Dynamo Berlin also succumbed at Anfield in a memorable 3-1 win, Phil Boersma opening the scoring, Heighway and Big John finishing them off.

Coventry and Crystal Palace both failed to stop our 100% home League record. Jimmy also sang us through the third round of the FA Cup against Burnley. Was Little Jimmy going to be our lucky mascot singing about the Long Haired Scouse Amore? We were still in two cups and at the top of the league. Only time would tell.

Derby County were the first team to take a point off us at home that season while Sweet were entertaining us with Blockbuster, before it was a video shop. And sadly during the same record we exited the FA Cup to Man City after two games. It also accompanied our first home league defeat to Arsenal, who were becoming a bit of a bogey team to us. From memory Radford and a useful looking Ray Kennedy done the deed. Anyone for Boycotting Blockbuster?

The English language was about to take another battering from Slade. Cum On Feel The Noize entertained the ex-skins who were now manifesting into Suede heads. That’s skins with hair for the younger readers. Some had even swapped their air ware for Suede Boots, whatever next? At least we can remember Noddy with the 2-0 victory at Goodison where The Might Emlyn tore them apart with a fine solo display and two great goals.

Little Jimmy’s big brother Donny Osmond saw us beat both Southampton and Norwich with his hit The Twelfth Of Never in mid March. Rumours are that he was singing about the date of Everton's next trophy. But it was Dawn featuring Tony Orlando and Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree that saw us progress even further in the Uefa Cup against Dynamo Dresden, Keegan settling the tie in the second leg in Germany.

Funny thing about Germany, The Beatles were still the most popular English band, long after most of us had found new heroes. Gilbert O' “Puma Pele” Sullivan was at it again with Get Down for the home game against The Drury Lane Fan Dancers, and Spurs held on for a draw, which confirmed that GOS was a pillock in my eyes. But at least it gave us another song to sing to the blues.

Finally this year, we got a record that most seemed to like, both young and old. Roy Wood released the Wizzard hit See My Baby Jive. This record ended a 7 year wait for a title and will go down in the history books as being the song of our 8th title. Although most of us were too young to know what a Jive was, we managed to Shake our Ass in Twist fashion while lifting the trophy.

Suzi Quatro’s, Can the Can was the unfortunate record to hit the top in the gap when Liverpool didn’t have a game. Thank heavens for small mercies. 10cc’s Rubber Bullets accompanied both first legs of the Uefa Cup and even though the first attempt was called off due to a downpour, not many will forget only having to pay 10 pence to watch a 3-0 victory over Borussia Moenchengladbach in the re-scheduled game.  If for no other reason, we should always remember 10cc fondly.

Whatever Keegan liked musically, his performance on the night was inspired. Perhaps he was a big 10cc fan, who knows. I know I was at the time, were you? Ok the second leg was a bit of a nightmare, but we did hold on. The 2-0 defeat on the night was more than most nerves could bear, but we came through it as 10cc finally lost its top spot.

The record that hit the top when Liverpool paraded both trophies in front of their adoring supporters was the record “WELCOME HOME” by Peters & Lee.

My memories of my early teens are scattered with fond memories, from frotting sessions with Sue Foster right up to meeting my Nemesis. I hope yours are too. Fans who were born just after me must have had even greater times while watching the Reds. We were now entering a phase of INVINCIBILITY. Conquering English opponents became common place, conquering the best in Europe would be even sweeter.

My favourite record from all the above years was Edison Lighthouse’s Love Grows. Who knows what will be the favourite if one day I finish off my teen years and tell you what we were listening to, and what we were up to, in those heady days of the late 70‘s. A special message to all the girls I’ve loved and lost over my teen years. Sorry Girls, you just could not compete with the main love of My Life, LFC. Now perhaps if you had supported Liverpool like my current love of 25 years, things could have been different.

A message to my long suffering parents. Ok, I was a head banging, pain in the arse who never did as he was told, never came home on time and begged borrowed and even stole to get money to go to games. But one day, when you finally strip the wall paper from my old bedroom walls, you will know how much you both meant and mean to me. Get well soon you two.

I think I’m entering a second childhood. Are you up for another phase of adolescence ?

© Wooltonian 2004
Son of the Original Toxteth Terror
« Last Edit: April 2, 2004, 06:24:47 pm by Rushian »
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #1 on: April 3, 2004, 12:16:34 am »
An absolutely fantastic post.

Loved reading about all those great songs of my youth.  The footie part isn't bad either  ;D


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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #2 on: April 3, 2004, 05:07:29 am »
Cheers Cyn
your loyalty at times is astounding.
Hope you get to see Sunday on E Season, as promised by .tv
Speak to you soon
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century

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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #3 on: April 3, 2004, 11:47:04 am »
The Blackburn match will be shown "live" on  cable TV here, Wooly. However, ESPN doesn't normally show the half time entertainment.

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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #4 on: April 4, 2004, 02:17:24 am »
Thoroughly enjoyed the read. Thank you.

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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2004, 03:42:56 pm »
I reckon that has got to be one of thje best posts I've ever read

puma pele

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Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2004, 03:13:35 am »
top stuff wooly i love hearing stories of the 70's and this 1 is a classic saved it in a word doc for a read over the summer to keep my mind ready for hopfully a re-bound season


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  • Brodrick ; Vice Admiral of the Reds
Re: My Early Teens with LFC (1970-73)
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2004, 09:15:09 am »
Second part is proving harder to write, as this was the period I met my NEMESIS !
Living descendant of Sir Thomas Brodrick, Vice Admiral of the Red in the 18th Century