Bar a few shows, like Slow Horses et al, the quality of shows is dropping. They seem to be following an algorithm for content. For example, is it repeatable (thus sellable to other networks globally), therefore exclude, e.g., anything topical that would look weird in ten years; OR is it convoluted adequately for most viewers to want to avoid looking stupid by admitting they don't know what the fuck is going on (or that it is tedious); OR does it contain a serial killer AND it is "nuanced" to elicit sympathy from the average viewer towards the killer, e.g. use a beautiful actor to play an ordinary looking meff; OR does it have a twist every fucking 5 minutes.
Anything with a heist is automatically accepted. (UK) Regional accents are allowed if they are drug dealers, gangsters, or as long as there is enough poverty porn and some privileged, posh, actor to bring it out of the gutter. All upper class characters must be sexual deviants or geniuses.
To be original, you have to go completely weird now. Severance managed it to great effect. A lot of these new shows are just TV by numbers.